August 18th, 2023

August 18th, 2023

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, if Democrat groups like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, or Weather Underground try to overthrow the government, even violently, they are called peaceful protesters and the DOJ comes to their defense. If you’re part of the Proud Boys or any pro-Trump group, you get the book thrown at you by Democrat prosecutors and face decades in prison. It is amazing how violent Marxists are treated by the media and federal prosecutors, especially when they attack Federal buildings with Molotov cocktails and attack the White House. Democrat Marxists are ruining the country with their ideology, turning beautiful cities into third world disasters and destroying our culture. Also, Vivek Ramaswamy is probably the best public speaker running for President in 2024, but with the thinnest credentials. Israel does stand on its own two feet, and not surviving on American aid which he claims. Israel is a very important ally in a very dangerous part of the world, and a counterweight to dangerous nations like Iran. We cannot embrace a Bernie Sanders-type foreign policy and expect to survive, because our enemies will choke us economically and force us into more wars.

Justice Department asks for 30-year sentences for Proud Boys leaders convicted of sedition

The Poll Results Are In: Everyone Hates Chris Christie

Donald Trump Seeks April 2026 Trial Date in January 6 Case

The Daily Fetched
Biden Megadonor Gives Massive Contribution to Trump GOP Rival as Worrying Trend Begins

NY Post
Former NY Senator and ‘conservative beacon’ James L. Buckley dies at 100

Biden Oversees Record Border Crossers in U.S. with Unresolved Asylum Claims, Outpacing Populations of 11 States

Photo by Pedro Portal/Miami Herald/Tribune News Service

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Ladies and gentlemen, there’s some deep concern out there about a hurricane that looks like it’s pouring off the Pacific. Did you see this, Mr. Producer? It’s Hurricane Hillary. Hurricane Hillary and their concern that Hurricane Hillary will be dumping. All kinds of liquids and fluids, all kinds of water, just horrendous on California. You know that the state can’t handle a lot of water. And you see a lot of homes built on the various hills and hilltops and what kinds of things don’t happen. So we hope our friends will be okay. But now they’re going to know what it’s like. We have Hurricane Hillary here on the East Coast. It’s very ugly. Very ugly. And the impact on the climate. They should call a climate change killer is just unbelievable. Hurricane Hillary. Just thought you’d want to know this guy we told you about before, actually, yesterday. Who’s an Obama ite and who decided to hold water back. And he’s accused now of preventing access to more water by the fire departments on Maui. Because he’s a climate change fanatic. Already. I would love to know how many lives have been lost or how many people were harmed or injured as a result of climate change fanatics. Now we know the reliance on electricity and electricity alone and the growing reliance on electricity is not. So we have a complete. So to fusion electricity. Setting the island on fire and a. An individual, apparently. Apparently, reportedly, excuse me, reportedly involved in withholding water from the fire department. Not directly, but he wouldn’t give them the more water they asked for. So that’s direct enough, as far as I’m concerned. Climate change the future. It’s just going to be fantastic. It really is starvation, inconvenience at a minimum. All these great things are going to take place. Anyway, I want to move on here. The United States Department of Justice. Is asking for a 30 year sentence. For the leader of the Proud Boys who was convicted of sedition. This is how CNN reports it. The Justice Department is seeking three decade prison sentences for the leaders, plural, of the proud boys convicted of seditious conspiracy for plotting and leading the crowd at the January six, 2021 Capitol riot. Positioning the men as failed, thuggish political revolution. It is weird. I thought Donald Trump was responsible for this mess to produce. In a new court filing. Prosecutors say an alligator eel eaten Nordin Joseph Big Zachary Rio and Dominican sailor Hatzalah quote intentionally positioned themselves at the vanguard of political violence in this country for years. On January six, sought to change the course of American history. Don’t you think this is a little dramatic? Seriously, folks. These guys, whether they’re armed or unarmed, they didn’t show any weapons when they went into the building. They didn’t fire any weapons in the building. They didn’t use any knives or swords or hammers or anything when they were in the building. They didn’t use pepper spray, bear spray. Smoke bombs, stink bombs, Nothing. And according to the Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Prosecutors. They were leading a revolution to overthrow the country. The jury found Hasel not guilty of seditious conspiracy. And he’s not alleged to have leadership positions in the organization. Are they guilty of having leadership positions in this crazy organization or are they guilty of having done something? The defendants understood the stakes. The prosecution, they embraced their role in bringing about a revolution. There was no revolution. The revolution is taking place right now. They unleashed a force on the capital that was calculated to exert their political will on elected officials by force and to undo the results of a democratic election. This is an essay. This is an essay. Nothing more, nothing less. The foot soldiers to the right arm, to the arm to keep their leader in power. That would be Trump. They fail. They are not heroes. They are criminals, prosecutors wrote in the news filing. Court filing in many ways is the summation of the Yearslong effort by U.S. Attorney’s Office in D.C. to prosecute hundreds of rioters. Excuse me. They’ve prosecuted 1100. Who inflicted violence at the US Capitol on January six. I thought they were accused of leading a revolution. Were they found guilty? That is sedition. Were they found guilty of violence specifically hurting somebody? I don’t know. I would be more responsible for the attack than the leadership of another militia group, the Oath Keepers, who stashed weapons just outside Washington as backup and suited up in military gear to march into the riot. They stashed weapons as backup. Did they use them? No. I’m sorry. I’m just being honest. I know I’m not allowed to be. All of a sudden I’m going to be a white supremacist. Me, the Jew. Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the Oath Keepers, received this sense of 18 years in prison for his role on January six following his conviction of seditious conspiracy. The longest sentence so far among any defendant from that day. They asked that he get 25 years. The conduct of these defendants is more egregious than that of the Oath Keepers. Defendants warrant greater sentences, the prosecutors wrote. It’s critical that this court impose significant sentences of incarceration on all the defendants in this case to convey those who would mobilize such political violence in the future that their actions have consequences are really. Is there one Black Lives Matter individual involved in violence who has served 25 or 30 years? Remember those two people? Both lawyers. Ivy League lawyers in New York. The two, a molotov cocktail and a police cruiser. Remember that, Mr. Peters? Remember that America. A molotov cocktail and a police cruiser. Thank God the police weren’t in their cruiser. The Department of Justice took a different position. The Department of Justice said, look, these are first offenders. They meant well. They were really trying to hurt anybody. You remember this, America? And they got off. They spent a minimal amount of time in minimal, minuscule. And they got out. At the request of the United States Department of Justice. So you’re going to have some people do 30 years. This other guy doing 18 years. I don’t know them. I don’t know they’re groups. 30 years. They’re asking the other guy, 18 years and the people who threw Molotov cocktails. In an NYPD cruiser, obviously trying to kill one or two police officers. The same Department of Justice. Argues that. They’ve had enough time. And, you know, I think it was like six, eight, ten, 12 months max. And they let them out. This is why I read these stories to you. I can blow them off like everybody else or say I don’t need the grief that comes along with talking about these things, but I’m talking about these things. It makes no sense, does it? Unless you understand what’s going on. It’s funny to hear these prosecutors talk about revolutionary activity. Black Lives Matter. Talk specifically about overthrowing the country. That it pushes the Marxist doctrine. He’s very specific about it. They don’t talk about them that way, that the revolutionaries, even though they claim to be revolutionaries, trying to overthrow the government, even though they claim that they’re trying to overthrow the government. Same with Antifa. So you see, if certain people want to overthrow the government even violently, they’re peacefully protesting. In at least two cases, the Department of Justice will come to their defense. But if you’re part of the Proud Boys. Well, you ought to get 30 years. Each of them 30 years. Yeah, I watched these shows on television in addition to doing a ton of reading that. Okay. You need to watch the first 48. Shows like that. And sometimes they’ll circle back to show. You know what the kind of sentence these people get. Murderers get 30 years, sometimes with a chance for parole, sometimes not. Murderers get 30 years. Murders. The fact is, these people in come close to overthrowing the United States government. They didn’t come even close. It was ugly. It was violent. But you want to talk about ugly and violent. Remember when the Puerto Rican. Freedom. Terrorists, a.k.a. freedom fighters. We’re sitting in the gallery, the House of Representatives. They unloaded their pistols. They actually almost killed one congressman. And hit others. And trying to overthrow our country. Bill Clinton let most of them out. Barack Obama, let the last one out. Or the explosions in New York that killed cops. Remember them. Or Barack Obama, whose buddy. Was a domestic terrorist. Students for Democratic Action. Remember them. People were injured. In the end, people actually got killed. Remember the effort to blow up? The Capitol Building and the Pentagon. Remember that Daniel Ellsberg in the crowd. Remember that? You know Ellsberg one died recently as. Some kind of hero. Remember all of that? Now, these are people who used real weapons. Bombs. Guns. Murder, mayhem. Shot people blow up people. And. They were never talked about like this. They all got lenient sentences, but they all got Earl out early. Case of Obama’s buddy, there was some kind of technical issue on his trial. So he never served a day that I understand. It’s not a lecture us about this, please. And while we’re here. And while we’re here. There can be violent efforts to overthrow the government and there can be nonviolent efforts to overthrow the government and every communist philosopher for the last hundred and 50 years. He’s talked about the West and you need non-violent revolutions. They call a passive. Revolutions. As Thomas Jefferson said, you can have the tyranny of the elected, the tyranny of the legislature. It’s just as bad in the end as the rest. Because what you wind up with in modern times now is a police state. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Since the Department of Justice raised it. Let’s get into this. Let’s get into. Barack Obama and his relationship. With violent terrorists. This is even Wikipedia I’ll use just for the fun of it. Bill Ayers is an American retired professor and activist from the 1960s. Ayres rose to prominence as a leader of the far left Weather Underground militant group that’s a marxist group described by the FBI as a terrorist group. 19 6869, Ayers co-founded the Weather Underground, a revolutionary group modeled on the Red Guards in Germany. For the Red Guards in China as well, active at the same time that sought to overthrow what they viewed as American imperialism. Floyd’s Overthrow Our Government, the Weather Underground, conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings, including police stations, the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon during the sixties and seventies in response to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. The bombings rates Wikipedia, which caused no fatalities except for three members killed when one of the group’s own devices accidentally exploded. Well, that’s three fatalities, you idiots resulted in Ayers being hunted as a fugitive for several years until charges were dropped due to illegal actions by the FBI agents. Pursuing him doesn’t mean he was innocent. He’s a retired professor now. University of her College of Education, a University of Illinois in Chicago, formerly holding the titles of distinguished professor during a 20 U.S. presidential campaign, a controversy Rove rose over his contacts with then candidate Barack Obama. And they kind of drop it. If that isn’t it. Isn’t that amazing? Well, I’m not dropping it at all. I want you to know about Bill Ayers and more. I also want you to know about the Muslim Brotherhood and their association with Obama and their visits to the White House during the course of his presidency. I want you to know how militant violent militia groups are treated depending on who they are. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
One of the things you’re going to learn, folks, when you read the Democrat Party Hates America is how the Democrat Party is constantly flipping scripts. It is an evil party that has done evil and unconscionable things. And then it tries to rewrite history through repetition, through propaganda. Through its use of its media cohorts. And people come to believe these things. Because unlike you, people are not. Likely to really look into history. And by the way, you can get a copy. The Democrat Party hates America right now. 40% off. Secure your first edition. Copy. It’s a big deal. First edition copy. Just go to, get a first edition copy of 40% off as soon as it comes out. Honestly, don’t get better than that. Actually, what gets better than that is actually reading the book. But you’ll see how they flip the switch at the script all the time. Now, the Denver Post in November 2008 wrote Bill Ayers, the Vietnam War era radical who was a campaign headache for Barack Obama, says in a new afterword to his memoir that the two were neighbors and family friends. Here’s Reflections appear in a new paperback release. It was 2001 memoir, Fugitive Days. The AP obtained a copy of the new afterword Thursday, and then he was an education professor at the University of Illinois, Chicago. This is where all these Stalinist go. They go to college campuses. Here’s how I found the Vietnam era radical group. The weather under the weather, the Weathermen, I should say, which carried out bombings at the Pentagon and the Capitol and. And elsewhere. During his years this year’s presidential campaign, John McCain accused Obama of palling around with terrorists because his past connections to Ayers, in addition to a Meet the Candidate event, airs hosted more than a dozen years when Obama was starting his political career. Here’s an Obama served on a Chicago school reform group and on a foundation board. Obama has denounced Ayers violent past and said Ayres was never involved in his White House campaign. But in the afterword of his book, Ayers notes, they does not elaborate on the description of family friends at 28. He says there was a lot of chatter on the blogosphere about my relationship with Barack Obama. We had served together on the board of a foundation, knew one another as neighbors and family friends had an initial fundraiser at my house where I made a small donation to his earliest political campaign, Ayers writes. But Obama tried to distance himself, and later Ayres tried to distance himself. They were good friends. There are ideological overlaps, if you will. That’s the truth. And the media did everything they could to cover it up with a pillow. They tried to smother it. I remember all this, and you had to have some guts to come out and talk about it. And to tell you the truth, the one guy that kept hammering on this and hammering on this and hammering on this over and over and over again was HANNITY. On radio and on his TV show. I mentioned it as well. But he he hit it over and over and over again. And he was right. Now The Weathermen. The Weather Underground. They attacked our institutions with bombs. They shot people. They tried to burn things down. Honestly, I don’t know anything about the Proud Boys. I don’t know if they’ve ever done anything like that. But I would assume if we knew, then we’d hear about it. But this is worse. Because they charge the Capitol building. This is Judge Jackson. Excuse me. This is Judge Chacon, the one overseeing the the Trump case on January six. She said, No, no, no. In response to a defendant at sentencing. No, no, no. This is worse than 2020. She said what happened in 2006 because it was an assault on the Capitol building. Oh, I see. Because they were saying, why are we getting more time than all these other people that had riots? Killed people, destroyed billions of dollars in property we’re trying to overthrow. This is worse. That’s the judge Trump has now. She won’t even recuse herself. And by the way, very, very importantly. The Department of Justice and Smith have asked this judge to set the trial. In the so-called January six case. It’s not even the right way to put it, but just for short shortcut. In January. In January. What is that for or five months from now? Can you imagine? And Trump’s lawyers smartly said, no, it ought to be April 20, 25, after the election and after the inauguration. Now we’ll see what this judge Chuck does. We’ll see what she does. I think I know already. And when you have people like Bill Barr cheerleading for her to have an early trial and so forth and so on, you know, they find cover up in their unconscionable acts. All of these cases should be after the election, if not dismissed on substantive grounds for many, many reasons. I just want you to know this because people aren’t going to remember what I’m reminding you of. They’re not going to remember even on our favorite cable network unless they’re listening to this program and certainly CNN and MSNBC will smother. And so will The New York Times as they smothered the Holocaust. And so will The Washington Post as it smothered the Hunter Biden laptop. I’m just telling you. But it seems to me the the Weathermen, the Weather Underground were did a hell of a lot more damage to this country. I don’t know many people who served 30 years either. Now, what’s the Muslim Brotherhood? What’s the Muslim Brotherhood? Is that sort of a civic organization, you know? Like the like the Lions Club. So it is sort of the civic organization. Let’s go back to Wikipedia. Who’s no friend of ours? The Society of Muslim Brothers, known as the Muslim Brotherhood, is a transnational Sunni Islamist organization founded in Egypt. In 1928. Initially as pan-Islamic religious and social movement. It preached Islam and Egypt taught the illiterate. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The group spread to other Muslim countries, but still as one of its largest organizations in Egypt. But what about it? Boy, I really have to scroll down as this just tells you a lot about Wikipedia, doesn’t it? I’m getting there. Well, ladies and gentlemen, let me see if I can help. Here we go. 2011 Revolution and after. Well, they were involved in a number of things, including the murder of. Let me pull up a different side. These guys are so pathetic. The Muslim Brotherhood is understood as an international terrorist organization. Let me cut to the chase. Let me cut to the chase. That’s essentially what it is. That’s essentially what it’s been. And even according to the Council on Foreign Relations. Let’s see here. Of course, it started in Egypt. The group came to national power winning the presidency. Arab Spring, you may recall, in the early 2000s, and then there was a an uprising to overthrow it. Barack Obama was very sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Cut off funding for them when they were through and they were overthrown. They ousted Hosni Mubarak in 2011, The group’s political arm won a plurality of seats in Egypt’s lower house of the parliament, its candidate. You may remember Mohammed Morsi was elected president, but he was ousted in a military coup. And I might say thank God. Founded in 1928, has a history of violence. It earned legitimacy among its core constituency by pretending to, you know, feed the poor and so forth. But it’s been a radical organization. It helped found these terrorist groups. These these shut offs. Uh, in the Middle East. And here the Muslim Brotherhood in our own country. Say radical organization. And they visited the White House repeatedly during the Obama administration. So did this group care? There was founded in a meeting. In Philadelphia. In order to promote the interest of Hamas, among others in this country and those involved in farming and including the Muslim Brotherhood in care, of course, is effectively an appendage of the Democrat Party. And they went to the Obama White House over. Over and over and over and over again. So keep that in mind. And not only that, during the Obama administration, care was paid. To provide anti-discrimination advice that is anti Muslim discrimination advice to the FBI. In other parts of the Department of Justice. She can see Black Lives Matter. Antifa. The Weathermen and the Weather Underground. The Puerto Rican independence movement. Care. The Muslim Brotherhood. Prosecutors don’t talk about them the way they talk about the proud Boys. The Oath Keepers. Or even the vast majority of people in this country as white supremacists. Now. I’m not defending the Proud Boys. I don’t know anything about the Proud Boys. I haven’t even looked into it. I don’t know anything about the Oath Keepers. I haven’t even looked into them either. But it is amazing to me how violent Marxists, even from the 2020 riots. Are treated by the media and federal prosecutors. They didn’t round up 1100 people and prosecute them. Black Lives Matter Antifa. They weren’t proudly reporting to Congress, the FBI and the attorney general that they were doing. So the biggest investigation in our history. Now. Well, why not? Wasn’t that an insurrection? They said they wanted to overthrow the country. There’s an insurrection only happen when people are. Protesting or breaking into the Capitol building. It’s not pretty. But what about those people who are trying to breach the the fence outside the White House? How many of them were rounded up? Remember the media? Remember Nancy Pelosi? Attacking. The Department of Justice attacking. The park Police are attacking people who are trying to protect the White House. Over 50 Secret Service personnel were injured. Trump and his family were taken to the nuclear bunker under the White House. How come nobody ever talks about that as an effort at insurrection to decapitate the executive branch, trying to break into the White House and the White House grounds? What about it? Oh, you know, what about it? You know what the hell is going on? We’ll be right back.

Segment 4
You know, I predict that people are going to like Vivek Ramaswamy after this debate because he’s smooth. He’s very smooth. But here’s my problem. And I don’t personally dislike him. I don’t personally know him. He’ll say things that are kind of flip. And they’re quick. And then we move on. They’re not very substantive. Now, what am I talking about? I guarantee he’s going to say during this debate, I am not part of the swamp. I’ve never been in politics. It’s one thing to be an outsider. It’s another thing. They have no record whatsoever. Of supporting conservatives, of being conservative or writing conservative things are saying conservative things, supporting groups like the Tea Party. I mean, he’s an adult. He’s a man. He’s almost 38 years old. There’s nothing past two years or so. And beyond. Nothing. Now that gives you an opportunity to say whatever you want. He was an opportunity to say, I’m going to do this. I’m going to do this. I’m not part of the swamp. But that doesn’t mean if you’re not part of the swamp that you’re conservative, there’s vast majority of you in that part of the swamp. I can find nothing. Absolutely nothing. He was on the show. I asked him, I put it to him. He came up with nothing. So for me, I need some fingerprints. Somewhere people are finding them with George Soros, his older brother. In any says some truly outrageous things about Taiwan. We’re going to have Taiwan help us build up our chip industry, hopefully by 2035 or 2038. And then we’re going to then they’re on their own. What? So why would Taiwan help us build up our chip industry? If a president of the United States says, Help us and then you’re on your own. Does anybody know why we have an alliance with Taiwan? Anybody? Get to that in a minute. But that that position. Rejects every position of every conservative candidate. And president since Barry Goldwater. And Ronald Reagan. And Donald Trump. Well, it’s not a forever war, so that can’t be the issue. So you’re going to hand Taiwan to the communist Chinese. Now, what are the implications for that, America? What are the implications? Oh, good. Maybe the Philippines are next. Because what you saw the Philippines to you and me, they don’t even have a chip industry. That’s the problem. But yesterday he said something to me that was equally, if not crazier. And I want to get to that in the next hour. I got to deal with business here. All right, Let me start this. Maybe I can end it too. Vivek Ramaswamy. Effectively says, Look, I want to help the core, my policy in the Middle East to get more Abraham Accords between Israel and Arab countries. And then leave. Get out of there. And we shouldn’t give aid to Israel unless we give aid everybody about the same amounts. Really? Does that appeal to you? I want to talk about this when we return. This isn’t. This isn’t even. We don’t want any more forever wars. We don’t want to call World War Three. This is as extreme as Bernie Sanders foreign policy. I’ll be right back.