August 17th, 2023

August 17th, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 20: Former U.S. Attorney General William Barr speaks at a meeting of the Federalist Society on September 20, 2022 in Washington, DC. Barr spoke as The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies held its Education Law and Policy Conference. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the greatest threat to America is the Democrat Marxist movement and the Biden Administration. Americans are struggling under the Biden economy with out-of-control inflation and mortgage rates at a 20-year high, crime running rampant in major Democrat cities across America, and schools turned into indoctrination mills. The worst censorship in American history happened under Joe Biden when the U.S. Government and various departments pressured Twitter to interfere in our elections, censor scientific information, and punish political opponents. Biden has defied every immigration law on the books and our borders are wide open, and every major city in America has cartel operations smuggling in drugs and trafficking humans. Despite all of this, Bill Barr still does not know who he would vote for between Donald Trump or Joe Biden. Barr will be a footnote in history as a Benedict Arnold saboteur while we fight to save this country, which is dying and being destroyed from within by the Democrat party. Also, Biden used pseudonyms like Robert Peters and Robin Ware in letters while Vice President because he was trying to cover up something. Rep James Comer is investigating Biden’s use of aliases and their ties to Hunter Biden’s business activity. Access to Joe Biden was wide open for his crime family to profit from, and Biden tried to conceal it by using aliases. Later, Mark is joined by Senator Ted Cruz to discuss the Democrat plot led by Chuck Schumer to unseat Cruz from the Senate.

Wall St Journal
Hawaiian Electric Knew of Wildfire Threat, but Waited Years to Act

Yahoo Finance
Mortgage rates top 7%, hitting 21-year high

Washington Examiner
DeSantis targeted by more negative expenditures than Biden and Trump combined

Obama-Backed Hawaii Official Refused To Release Maui Water To Help Fight Wildfire Because Of His Environmental Views

James Comer Demands NARA Provide All Documents for VP Biden’s Secret Pseudonym ‘Robert L. Peters’

Photo by Win McNamee

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here, our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Ted Cruz is scheduled to be with us in our three that I want to get to with you this evening. There could be over. A thousand over 1500 people dead from this fire in Hawaii. That in the first instance was caused by an electrical power line. Yet. Electric is supposed to be our future. Not part of it. All of it. How many fires are caused by or deaths caused by. Drilling for oil, gasoline and transmitting that through pipelines. Mr. Producer, I can’t think of many have any. Because natural gas. And oil. Are not only plentiful or the safest sources of energy that we have. And so I’m just telling you now there’s going to be all this finger pointing while the utility didn’t do what it was supposed to to with the utilities said it was focused on green energy. It’s moving in that direction. And so that’s where it was putting its resources. Look, I don’t know who is telling the truth that much matter. People are dead. And I want to circle back to this later. But you look at what’s happening off the shore of Lenox City, the Jersey coast, with these massive. Windmills. The death the. Degradation of the environment. The whales. God knows. God knows what else. You know, we have. Sure. Cheap, plentiful, safe and yes, environmental, environmentally friendly, natural gas and oil. We’re putting those companies out of business. We are reducing the amount of supply. We’re eliminating future. Efforts to discover more supply. We are ceding the entire industry to our enemies the Communist Chinese. And in order to camouflage all of this wrong headedness. We just used the phrase climate change. Climate change. That said climate change. Which takes me to the bigger issue. I watched Bill Barr. For about 30 minutes being interviewed by Neil CAVUTO this afternoon, 4 p.m. Eastern and thereafter. And actually, I thought Neil did a pretty good job questioning him. Yeah, a lot of time. That’s where I disagree with Neil and others. Why? Why? Bill Barr’s invited on programs and on networks. They used to hate his guts. No, they can’t. They can’t schedule him enough. Same with Chris Christie. Chris Christie. Spends an enormous amount of time on ABC, NBC. CBS. CNN. But because he goes where he’s hated, that’s not why at all. He’s not hated there anymore. They love him. What’s the greatest threat to America? I’m asking you folks this. What’s the greatest threat to American? Joe Biden, the American Marxist movements, the Democrat Party, and what they’ve done to our country are Donald Trump. The bar says he can’t tell. He doesn’t know. He’ll jump off that bridge when he gets to it. He’s also a plagiarist in that respect, but we’ll move on from that. So for Bill Barr, the call is too close to make. Chris Christie, the calls to close to make. Mitch McConnell. He prefers Biden over Trump. Peggy Noonan. She prefers Biden over Trump. This is why Republicans. Always lose to Democrats. And I don’t mean politically. I mean, the culture. I mean, the rule of law. I mean our society. Because if it wasn’t Trump, it would be DeSantis. And it wasn’t one of them would be one of the others. They’re very comfortable, they say, with Chris Christie. Chris Christie is. Is a rhino. Both physically and otherwise. He’s a rhino. People are leaving New Jersey not because of the Democrat governor, because of Republican and Democrat governors. He didn’t do anything effective there financially, culturally, in any way. He’s a safe Republican. And the Democrat TV networks love the guy. It didn’t used to, but he dances and sings for their support. Bill Barr. They were going to impeach him. They can’t get enough of them. Even my brothers and sisters of my favorite cable network, certainly in the news department. They can’t get enough of. And by the way, they can’t get enough of Vivek Ramaswamy either. And on a footnote there. Why is that? Why is he being pushed so hard? More on that later. Mortgage rates at a 21 year high and they’re going higher. Interest rates are going higher. The cost of food. Nine out of ten Americans are saying is prohibitive. The cost of gasoline. Nine out of ten Americans are saying it’s prohibitive. Utility bills. Over eight out of ten Americans say it’s prohibitive. In other words, Americans are struggling. Nobody walks through a. A city street in the sun has gone down. Regardless of your race in any major city in America anymore. Nobody. Because you put your life on the line. You may not make it. People are afraid of taking public transportation and every major city in America. The cops have been undermined. The schools are indoctrination mills. For the most perverse and grotesque ideology. Ever embraced, even by a fraction of a percentage of the American people. Our economic system is under assault. We have the worst debt in American history. We have a deficit each year, which is unbelievable, unimaginable. We’re destroying our economy from within. We’re not building up the military to confront what is clearly communist China and their move to dominate the world economically and militarily. They just stole an island that’s disputed from Vietnam and Taiwan. They’re building an air base on it right now as I speak. As they’ve built a. A spy facility. In Cuba. What are we doing about it? Absolutely nothing. This administration. The Democrats just gave $6 billion to the Iranian regime. Which is a genocidal regime. That slaughters young people who protest against it, rape them in the Stalinists like prisons. Are giving thousands and thousands of drones to the Russians, too, to murder Ukrainian citizens. And are building nuclear warheads to put on their ICBMs. And Biden just gave them $6 billion. The worst censorship in American history didn’t happen under Woodrow Wilson. It’s happened under Joe Biden. Federal judge said so and spelled it out. Chapter and verse, a circuit court panel said the same thing. They’ve spelled it out chapter and verse. A clear violation of the First Amendment. When the United States government, the Biden administration. And its various departments. Are pressuring Twitter before Elon Musk came to the rescue. To interfere in our elections. To censor scientific information. To punish their political opponents and all the rest. We have the FBI and the Department of Justice that have gone after parents. We have the FBI and the Department of Justice that have gone after peaceful pro-life protesters. We have the FBI and the Department of Justice that we’re going after the Catholic Church. They’re starting to go after Orthodox Jews. We have a president of the United States who defies every immigration law on the books. In the worst mayhem we’ve ever seen with illegal immigration or even Democrat mayors and their phony sanctuary cities are overwhelmed. Overwhelmed. Begging their president to do something about it, and he won’t do a damn thing because this is part of the process. This is what he wants to do. We have women being raped and sold into sex trafficking as well as children on the southern border. We have the drug cartels pulling a pouring over the border, every major city in America in all 50 states. Now has drug cartel operations taking place. Ms. 13 coming across the border. Fentanyl coming across the border. Illegal weapons coming across the border. We don’t have that time to really figure out exactly the consequences of all this. But it’s immense. From today on in this country. It’s immense. And Bill Barr can’t decide. Who he would vote for. With the nominee is Trump. Or Biden. Chris Christie can’t decide who he’d vote for. If the nominee. Is Trump or Biden? Mitch McConnell has already decided he’s going to support Biden, no question about it, over Trump. Usual operatives of the Rhino state. The Karl Rove’s, the Bush sycophants. All the knives are out. All the saboteurs are doing everything they can. Everything they can. And they’re going to succeed if they keep it up. They will persuade ten, 15, 20, 30% of the Republican Party to vote. Perhaps for a third party or even Biden. When you look at the real conservatives, Bill Barr is no conservative. He doesn’t have any conservative credentials. He shows up at Federalist Society meetings mostly to eat the Danish. When you listen to Newt Gingrich. When you listen to Victor Davis Hanson. When you listen to former U.S. attorneys. Brent Tolman. So many others. Former special counsel. Saul Weissman. Deputy special counsel. When you listen beyond. Certain of the legal analysts. But the losers go to left and right because they seem to be so impartial. Now was not a time for impartiality. We’re in the middle of a revolution. I laid out the bare facts just now. The country is being destroyed. We live in a post constitutional period. Where people have to fear for their for their liberty when they speak out, when they organize. When they purchase weapons and they’re law abiding citizens. They have to fear for their liberty. They have the fear. From a growing centralized police state under the command of the Democrat Party. And Bill Barr can’t decide who he’d vote for. More when I return.

Segment 2
For Bill Barr, this is personal, and that’s too bad. For Chris Christie. It’s personal, and that’s too bad. But for America. It’s life and death. It’s life and death. Bill Barr says by mid-December, he decided to leave for a variety of reasons. Well, why would you have waited until mid-December if Donald Trump is as bad as you’re on the air saying he is? Why would you have to wait, as he says, for January six and thereafter? Why would you have to wait at all? You were there long enough. If you thought all these things about Trump and you experienced all these things about Trump, why didn’t she leave earlier? Chris Christie says he knows Trump better than anybody else. Well, why does he wait till now and a few years ago to voice his views on Trump? Why didn’t he warn everybody in 2016? Why? They’re both frauds and they don’t give a damn about the country because of the enemy wins this election. It could be over.

Segment 3
Bill Barr completely mishandled the Hunter Biden investigation. It was he who was the US attorney in Wilmington, Delaware. To investigate. Hunter Biden says he was under investigation any way. He appointed the U.S. attorney for Wyoming, Wilmington, Delaware. Why would you choose the U.S. attorney for Wilmington, Delaware? When the Biden family owns that state and certainly owns that city. Why would you do that? And even though the U.S. attorneys appointed by Trump originally, as everybody tells us, Bill Barr’s been around a long time and he knows. But most U.S. attorneys aren’t appointed because the president has some level of familiarity with the candidates. Typically they’re opposed to him or it’s part of a deal. Bill Barr says, Why would I appoint a special counsel? I had no conflict of interest. Parent. Now you’re dead. Excuse me. You didn’t appoint a special counsel because you’re gutless. That’s why he didn’t do it. And. The man you picked has been a cover up artist. For the Biden family. So good at it. The Merrick Garland has taken him under his wing. You take no responsibility for what this guy Weiss has done and hasn’t done. The whistleblowers from the IRS detest him. He’s let now two statutes. Run. One involving the biggest aspect of the tax. Fraud activity of Hunter Biden and the other. The biggest bribery issue. They’re now off the table because Hunter Biden was not indicted. And in fact. To the best of my knowledge, there isn’t even a grand jury. Imagine that. That’s the guy who Bill Barr chose. As for election irregularities. The bar has one sanctimonious man. Says he told his U.S. attorneys to look for any election irregularities. The former U.S. attorney from Philadelphia said he tried to present some to Bill Barr and he rejected them. In fact, some of the lawyers in Philadelphia tried to get some of the information. To Bill Barn. It was blocked by his communications director. Now were these allegations about machines? No. There were literally constitutional challenges to what the Democrat Party and their lawyers like Mark Elias had done in certain states. Like in Pennsylvania, where the election law was changed. Not by the state legislature, mind you. As the Constitution compels, regardless of what any Supreme Court says. It was a very important case. It went up to the Supreme Court. It was obvious that they had at least three justices that wanted to take up the case. But you need four. That was a legitimate constitutional challenge. Where was Bill Barr? Nowhere. Why? Why did Bill Barr allow Margolyes in the Democrats? Why did he allow them to change the voting system? When there was a a serious constitutional issue and challenge. Why didn’t he take that up? He never even talks about it. Because he was a coward. That’s why. There’s nothing there about. You know, phony charges or phony depositions or fake électeurs or voting machines or any of that. Now, straight up. Federal constitutional challenge. And he was nowhere. You don’t do a thing. That’s a perfect example. And so I guess he’s called on these things. You’re not you’re not doing the things you should do as attorney general. You’re not making sure it is a fair election. Forget about 99% of the allegations. Forget about. But what about those who were perfectly legitimate? He wanted nothing to do with them. You think that’s how Merrick Garland rolls? I think that’s how he rolls. Since the most important cases of the federal cases. He outlines in his interview with Neil CAVUTO, one of the most convoluted. Idiotic. Conspiracy. Crimes. As does our friend Andrew McCarthy. Then I never heard. If this happened and if this happened and if this happened and if this happened now, it won’t be easy to prove. Then they’ve got him. What statute do they have in mind? The 1871 Clan Act, the 2000 to Enron law, which won. Many of these same people were talking about, Oh, wow, they have him trapped on this. What is it? When his activity. That day on January 6th. To try and prevent an election. Then of course, they talk about the documents case. Oh, my goodness. But whatever you do, says bar, the Hillary Clinton thing doesn’t matter. It’s not that she got away with everything, so therefore, everybody else gets away with everything. Listen to how moronic that is. Any first year law student who serious. It’s not that Hillary Clinton got away with it. It’s that. Why is the Department of Justice abandoning its prior position when it came to documents and classified information abandoning it? Which saved Hillary Clinton’s big ass. She had a server at her home. It turns out there were 671 classified pages of information, some of which had been classified, some of which hadn’t been. But it doesn’t matter. Under the Espionage Act, she clearly met the gross negligence standard. She clearly obstructed. Those emails were subpoenaed by Congress. Her lawyers destroyed them based on what the header was, not even what on the email said. Her staff destroyed their cell phones. She lied about classified information, obstruction, false statements, perjury. And in fact, the FBI said it’s possible that. Foreign enemies intercepted information on that server, but they have no way to know. And she didn’t have the Presidential Records Act to protect her. That applies to what we call president. She was laying naked in front of that Espionage Act and they didn’t pull the trigger. How about obstruction? Nothing. Nothing, Bill Barr says. Move along. Don’t worry about it. Mark Levin says, What do you tell Are you talking about? It’s the same damn Justice Department. What the hell are you talking about? You take your little personal. Problems and obsessions with Trump and stick them. Because we’re trying to save a republic here. Not your damn reputation. It’s too late for that. But the documents case, they tell us the documents case. Would that be the case where one of the lead prosecutors is accused of extorting? One of the defendants, which is now under a secret review by an Obama judge in Washington, D.C.. Would it be that case? Would it be the case where they had a general warrant which is blown off by Barr and the others? Well, why would you blow it off? General warrants are unconstitutional. That goes to the heart of the Bill of Rights. Well read. The warrant wasn’t just about specific documents or a specific room. That’s what a warrant supposed to be. It basically said there anything else in the area in Iraq? That’s a general warrant. You don’t get to do that. No big deal, they say. What about the change in venue which your department. Bill bar in the. Manual for U.S. attorneys dealing with grand jury says you’re not to use a grand jury in a district. Where the events did not occur, or at least the major events did not occur. But that’s exactly what this prosecutor did to get his indictments. An open and shut case. Mark, don’t you know? Then, of course, stripping him of attorney client privilege. Why is it that Bill Barr and the others believe that was legitimate? They don’t have access to the judge’s order. I don’t. They don’t have access to anything that was discussed between the prosecutor and the judge. And yet he was stripped of attorney client privilege and due process. And we, the American people, a former president, a presidential election. Oh, well. Actually a really good case. That’s the really strong case. Really? That would be the same judge, how it worked for Patrick Leahy for ten years. She’s the Obama appointee, the chief judge since retired. When January issued a secret search warrant of Donald Trump’s Twitter account. Why was it secret? Why so much secrecy? These trousers supposed to be public? Why the secrecy on attorney client privilege? Why the secrecy on that search warrant? What’s with all the secrecy? Well. Because Donald Trump is a flight risk. You see, if he’s notified there’s going to be a search of his Twitter account. He’s going to leave the country and not return. He’s going to leave his family behind. He’s going to leave his billions behind. He’s going to leave Mar-A-Lago in his home in New Jersey behind because he’s afraid and he wants to get out of town because they might search his Twitter account. Hmm. But Bill Barr and McCarthy and the others think this is the strongest case here. And we have an Obama judge who ruled. A decade ago. A decade ago that. Judicial Watch could not have the information from the National Archives. Relating to Bill Clinton. Keeping classified videos in his sock drawer. Wow. That’s not secure there, is it? How many pictures of the sock drawer did we get? None. Do we get any of those, Mr. Minister? How about any search warrants? Were there any search warrants where they went through the Clinton house and maybe went through Hillary Clinton’s underwear drawer? No, that never happened either. Wow. Any video? No, we don’t ask for video. Mark, why are you talking about this? You know, that’s that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do justice today. We’re not doing justice today. The point there is that judge set under the Presidential Records Act. She has no authority. None. To order the National Archives to provide Judicial Watch for anybody else with anything. Because the president of the United States, under that statute, has all the control and power over what he keeps and doesn’t keep. Wow. No wonder they didn’t mention that in their indictments or the document case. Now, isn’t it interesting Bill Barr never discusses any of this stuff. Ever. However, none of it. He never brings it up. But that’s their strongest case. He’s not sure if he’ll vote for Biden. And this regime that’s doing all these things. Two Catholics, two parents. To you. Censorship. All the rest. He’s not sure. It’s a close call. He’ll jump off that bridge when he gets to it. Big boy will jump off the bridge when he gets. The country is dying. It’s being destroyed from within by the Democrat Party. By the district attorney’s by their the hit man, this prosecutor, who he never criticizes. He never criticizes Jack Smith, ever. He never relates to the audience. It’s watching him what he did to Governor McDonnell. Senator Edwards, Senator Menendez. To the Tea Party. Never mentions any of that. Never mentions all the leaks to Maggie Haberman at The New York Times and to The Washington Post and to CNN. My count is over 40 in the last six months. Self-serving prosecutorial and governmental leaks. He never mentions any of these things. Because Bill has turned into a fraud. As have others. You mimic what he says. I’m using him as a foil. But now you know why he’s invited by these news operations. I including news operations. I’d hate it. His guts guts and wanted his impeachment bill is now back in the favor. Of the Washington ruling class, which is where he’s most comfortable. He will be a footnote to a footnote in history. But in that footnote to a footnote in history. It will be viewed as a Benedict Arnold saboteur. While you and I are trying to figure out how to save the country. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
So there will be. To fall guys, for what’s going on in Hawaii, which is horrendous, horrific, the public utility and climate change. And of course, the public utility deserves some of it, doesn’t it? After all, was there electrical wiring? But they’ve been pressured by the Democrats in Hawaii, pressured by the Democrats in Washington to push the new climate change agenda. They say that’s been their focus, that’s been their investment. And you see, ladies and gentlemen, Marxism has consequences. I’ll be right back.