August 14th, 2023

August 14th, 2023

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Facebook and Instagram blocked ‘The Democrat party hates America’ from being advertised on their sites because of the title. Just another example of their censorship. Why is this title so controversial? The Democrat party is an evil party that seeks to destroy this country. Also, it’s amazing how President Biden escapes all media scrutiny over his “response” to the horrible disaster in Hawaii. Trump would’ve been eviscerated by now.  Biden just took a 10-day vacation, he took a long weekend off this past weekend, and he’s going on another vacation, and he has no plans to visit the disaster in Hawaii. People need help, Biden won’t go, and the DC media and politicians talk about a climate emergency – which would do what? Later, MSNBC shows suggested that Judge Cannon’s ‘bizarre’ grand jury ruling was based on Mark Levin and Jim Trusty.  The manual for prosecutors specifically says, “A case should not be presented to a grand jury in a district unless venue for the offense lies in that district.” A U.S. attorney is expected to comply with this, and they didn’t in the Trump documents case. The media is so afraid of this issue that they are trashing the Judge who is asking rational questions.

Washington Examiner
Facebook and Instagram ban ads for new Mark Levin book

BLM riots = good; January 6th riot = bad

MSNBC Crew Rips Trump-Appointed Judge In Docs Case — Suggests Her ‘Bizarre’ Ruling Based On Fox News Interview

Trump judge in docs case makes misguided argument curiously similar to Fox News guest: Weissmann
“A case should not be presented to a grand jury in a district unless venue for the offense lies in that district.”

Georgia County Posts (Then Deletes) List of Charges Against Trump Before Calling It ‘Fictitious’

McConnell in Winter: Inside the GOP Leader’s Attempt to Thwart Trump

The Hill
Brazile says GOP may never be ‘mainstream’ again

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. I want to thank my buddy Larry O’Connor for coming in here at the last minute on Friday. We worked here from about 11 in the morning all the way up to the beginning of the show to try and get on the air. And we could not. A gentleman from Comcast who was working on a couple of houses down, but using the same cable apparently. Cable box. Anyway, I don’t understand that technology. Damaged our connection. The connection I need to broadcast. Some of you put out very good ideas for for other broadcasting possibilities. But they don’t work. You can watch TV, offer them and so forth and so on, but they don’t have enough power. To do what I do on the radio. Again, I’m no technological expert on this. I’m just telling you as it was explained to me. We were promised some it would come out between five and seven that night. They didn’t come out. They said they knocked on the door. I was here. There was no knock on the door. Saturday they sent a gentleman out who really did a good job to try and fix what? One of his his buddies. He didn’t know him, wouldn’t even give me his name had done. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. It was it was a cut and paste job because he didn’t have what he needed this morning. A couple of folks showed up and they replaced the entire cable. From the street into the facility through the garage, tested it. My guy came in. Randy, Terrific guy. He’s been working on this day and night for three days. Tested all the equipment in the studio and so forth. And then my man, Rich, my executive producer, we worked with our engineer in New York and we got it all up and running. And here we are. Just so you know. And I like missing days on radio. So that was our one case with Comcast. And I think the Comcast in the end came through. It was just very difficult, very difficult to try and find somebody and begged them to fix what they did. But in the end, it worked out. I think. Then we have another company by the name of Metta. Facebook. Instagram. And quietly, my publisher has attempted to do really something that’s awful. Take the cover of my book. And put it on Facebook and on Instagram, you know, pay for an ad. It was turned down. Then he said, All right, let’s try and do it through a video. The video you see on Twitter and through social. And the other non Facebook site. All over the place. Except without the music. They said no. And in fact, they did more than that, which I’m not at liberty to say because the publisher wants to get along with Facebook. I understand that. And I’m not interested in making a big issue out of this. But I’m not going to deny to you what I already know. I said to a buddy of mine, If I told you how it was, you would know. I said, you know, and I’m not even going to talk about it. He said, No, you have to. I said, Why? He said, Mark, you have a massive audience. They did this to you? And even though they appear to be backing off, they’re blaming some bureaucratic thing and blaming your publisher and whatever. They crush conservatives all the time. I said they do. I don’t know if they crush conservatives all the time of the crushed conservatives going forward, but I don’t know why it’s so controversial to put on a social site or on Instagram. The cover book, The Democrat Party Hates America. When you see the filth and the scum and the stuff that they put on Instagram and yes, on Facebook. If somebody had written a book, The Republican Party Hates America, I guarantee you there’d be no issues. And so just like with Target. Five, six, seven weeks ago, they came up with some bureaucratic answer and somehow we magically reversed course. Facebook’s doing the same thing. Somebody from their Washington office reached out. I don’t know all the details and I don’t really care. But at this point talking about. You know, take some time to get authorized to run any ads which are political in nature. I’m not running ads that are political in nature. This is a book. It’s the cover of a book. It’s on Amazon. It’s on Wal-Mart. It’s on Twitter. It’s on truth Social. It’s on my sites. Tom Barnes and Noble and Books-a-million and everybody else who sells books. How controversial. What? Because I have the Democrat Party hates America. And now a couple more things and I’m going to move on. There’s too much going on and I. For those who think that I need to create controversy to hawk a book. You’re out of your minds. I don’t need to create anything. Period. These books are serious. They’re substantive. They’re scholarly. Somebody. Lead battles with Target and Facebook probably don’t sell any many books through either. In order to promote my books, I stand here and I speak about it on radio, TV, whatever. You see them here in their. There are authors on radio, authors on TV that may do this sort of thing. I don’t do any of it. Have a weekly meeting with the publisher’s people. They are fantastic to see what’s going on. And this is what I was told. Now. As for capitalism. Facebook is free to do whatever it wants. They own Instagram. They are free to do whatever they want. They can ban all my ads. They can ban my name. It’s up to them. But I’m free to exercise my right to speak in this country, which is what I’ll do. I’m not against capitalism. Not against capitalism when people don’t want to. Run my ads or run my show. But I’m not going to ignore it. I’m going to fight back. That’s called speech. And there’s millions of you who ask me questions. Not millions of you, but of millions of you. Some ask questions. Why are we on Facebook? I get that. And I even follow Facebook. Mr. Martin, how long ago did I resigned from Facebook? 2001. And I’ve never come back because I don’t like this guy, Zuckerberg And I’m not coming back. These ads are paid for. By the publisher. I didn’t even know anything about it. I’m informed about it. Take Target. I don’t plan to target any more. I didn’t know anything about it. So I tweet and I tell people and everyone will look at you against capitalism. Usually it’s the left wing crackpots because they don’t understand what capitalism is, because they hate it. Most of them are on the dole in one form or another. I don’t have the power to tell a company what to do, and I’m not telling a company what to do tonight. I’m telling you what they did. It’s up to you to do whatever you want. I’m going to even leading a boycott of Facebook. What do I care? Does it help sales people? Now I’m going to go out and buy Mark’s book, The Democrat Party Hates America. That’s not how you think, how they diminish your intelligence. That’s not what we do here. And it’s not what I’m going to do here. Yes, it takes time to get authorized to run any ads which are quote unquote, political in nature. And the publisher didn’t have this authorization in place yet. Okay. And we do this for Democrats, too. And how? I’m just curious. I’d love this. Send us all the information, me on this. But the technical information. Just all the information. I’m sure when they wrote that horrific book against Rush Limbaugh, I’m sure they had to go through all the hope in order to get that thing published. Oh, you. I wasn’t born yesterday. Facebook is a left wing operation won by a left run by a left wing punk who spent over $400 million in the last election cycle to get Democrats elected. And he did it in a very, very sleazy undercover way. They have no safe quarter with me. None. None. I just want to inform the nation. I want to inform conservatives when informed people what they’re up against. They have no problem with these others. None. But now ads that are political in nature. Now, here’s a little secret you need to know. Then I really want to move on. Here’s a little secret you need to know. When I came up with the title of this book, The Democrat Party Hates America. I did it for a reason to reason. It’s mostly. One. Why pussyfoot around? I am positing the argument that this is an evil party that seeks to destroy this country, and now they seek to put Donald Trump in prison for the rest of his life. They seek to destroy our electoral system. They seek to destroy the nature of the citizenry with open borders, destroy our economic system, destroy the Supreme Court. That’s right. Destroy voting system. Blow out the pro-life movement. Crush parents who dare to speak up against their teachers unions and on and on and on, their fingerprints, their DNA, on everything that’s problematic with this country. You know that already. But you don’t know. They’ve always been this way. And you may know some history about this party, but there’s a lot more history about it you need to know. This is a totalitarian party and it’s pushing a generally Marxist ideology, an Americanized system. Language control. Mate, who the hell haven’t heard of? You can’t call a woman. A woman or a guy. Can can change in a woman’s gym by. By saying they’re transitioning. What kind of bull crap is this? This is what happens in totalitarian regimes. You’re living through one right now. It’s happening right now. The revolution is taking place. I’m right. Victor Davis Hanson is right. Newt Gingrich is right. And sorry. So many others. This is the way it works. And I’ll keep fighting it. And I’ll keep fighting it when they try to put going out of business. Because the CEO of Goya’s family started this magnificent company, Immigrants to the United States, I believe, from Mexico. Nicest guy in the world. I met him. We helped lead the effort to purchase as many of their products as possible because they got the you know, they got the luck. It was time to take them out. Mike Lindell. Whatever you think of his politics, I don’t it doesn’t matter. Trying to destroy him and destroy his business. He can’t even find sponsors to advertise as products. I said, Well, do it. Come here. We’ll do it. And we do. I look for opportunities to defend liberty. I look for opportunities to defend people who defend liberty. That’s what I do. They can all come after me. I won’t make a dime’s worth of difference, period. But I’m not going to roll over and play dead. They’re used to Republicans doing exactly that. They’re used to the Republicans in Washington, D.C. and New York. The. To the Mitch McConnell is in the rhinos. That’s not what my parents raised. No way. No way. I don’t need to hear the gobbledygook from Facebook. You want Facebook, have Facebook, You want Instagram, have Instagram have added. I want nothing to do with either. And I don’t need some phone call. They want to have with me a Mr. Producer to explain things to us. I know full well what the hell’s going on? It’s up to them. I don’t care. But this friend again, who you would know, said he got to say something. So I’ve said it. Now let’s move on to try and save the country. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
What’s going on in Hawaii is a just a human disaster. Terrific. And Joe Biden hasn’t even talked about it. Can you imagine if we’re Donald Trump, maybe George W Bush? You know, he was the John Tyler of our time. Mr.. But remember all he took for New Orleans and so forth. Joe Biden’s going on vacation again. He just took a ten day. He took a three day week in this past week and he’s gone on another vacation. Maui’s burning Maui is well, maybe not anymore. It was beautiful. And what does Joe Biden have to say about? Is he going to go there? Cut 16. Go. Is it possible for the president to visit without interfering with the rescue effort? The FEMA administrator on making sure that we are doing everything we can to account for everybody that has been unaccounted for. And the president has given me the space to make sure I’m bringing in all of the appropriate federal personnel and resources to do that. And so we will continue to do that. Right now, we want to make sure that they have all of the resources and the space that they need and not disrupt operations right now. So, no, no visit by the president is on schedule at this moment. I just want to make sure that we are working to help this community identify everybody that says this is such B.S. it’s hard to stomach. People are in need. They want to see the president and they’re not going to see the president because these people pretend to talk for the president. More on that when I return.

Segment 3
As I posted, either the presidency is the easiest job on the face of the earth, or Biden can take 40% of the time off. In the last several days, ten days off for vacation, a three day weekend immediately after that, and another vacation planned. Or this country’s being run by a cabal of radical Bernie Sanders. Barack Obama. Leftists. In the different agencies and departments and in the White House. And I think that’s what’s gone on. There is this kind of politburo. With these things are being done where they meet with the White House and they make decisions like like this. This Dean Criswell, the FEMA administrator, she’s been given the space. By the president. He’s he’s affirmatively giving her space to do her job. Now that line came from somebody. Giving her space. To do her job. What about Palestine, Ohio? Joe Biden. Despite the fact that that train wreck happened a bit ago, those people are still in need. He’s never gone there. The southern border, which is a human disaster, I mean, it’s horrific what’s going on there. Joe Biden went. I believe it was El Paso, but he went to a Potemkin city. It was all cleaned out and all the rest. And he didn’t he didn’t get to talk to the migrants. He didn’t get to talk to the people on the on the front lines. So that was his visit. Now we have this absolutely horrendous. Fire. On the island of Maui, which is so beautiful. Or at least was. And you had that you had a fire going. People are still wondering what it was. May have been a downed power line and these massive winds that come through the Hawaiian Islands and also other parts of the world, you know, the Caribbean and so forth from time to time, but certainly out in the Pacific. And the state is run completely by Democrats. Democrat majority supermajorities. Really? At the local level, Democrats control the legislature. Democratic Governor. Two Democrat senators. And there are questions being raised about how the state responded with the utility companies and on and on and on. So they have their answer, Mr. Producer. They have their answer. America. Here it is. Cut seven CNN yesterday, Jake TAPPER and Mazie Hirono. Go. Given what you’re seeing on the ground, do you want President Biden to actually declare a climate emergency? I think that we listen to that question. This is why America is filled with propagandists and not reporters. The people need help. Biden won’t go. In Washington, D.C. on CNN. They’re talking about a climate emergency, which would do what, exactly? A climate emergency. To do what? The insanity of this ideology can’t be overstated. Climate emergency. That means nothing will ever get done. That can be done. Now, what caused this? How can it be addressed? Is there any way to prevent it in the future? Sometimes there’s not. Like if you build a home near a volcano, Is that a climate emergency? Just saying. But you have these these deadly fires on Maui and it’s climate emergency. And this. This is the media. This. This are the press. And this is the propaganda. This is the ideology. So nobody is responsible except everybody. Everybody. Everybody’s responsible because of manmade climate change. So what does that mean? You need to be poor. You need to be less free. You need to be taxed more. You need to be regulated more. That’s all. Everything’s fine. Go ahead. To acknowledge that climate change is upon us. There are a host states, by the way, Jake, where you can’t even use the words climate change because they still have. So people are dying in Hawaii, and this is what one of their senators has to say. You know, in other states she’s attacking to say to Savage, in other states, she can’t even use the words climate change. Of course you can. Unless it’s Facebook, maybe you can’t. But of course, you can use the words climate change. That’s not the point. But this is the Washington centric monopoly state party ideology. It’s like when we have mass shootings, it’s the Republicans fault because, damn it, we propose gun control. And when you go through their proposals, they’re unenforceable, they’re unconstitutional, and they’re utterly meaningless. Just like this. So rather than have a rational, substantive discussion about what has taken place in Hawaii, what might be able to be done to to address it, and how do we help the people of Hawaii. This is what you get from CNN and Jake TAPPER, because they don’t care about the people in Hawaii. Even Hirono doesn’t care about the people in Hawaii. She’s now a creature of Washington, D.C. It’s Washington speak. And more than anything else, it’s the power the Democrat Party wants, the Democrat Party line. Whenever there’s a fire, whenever there’s an earthquake, a hurricane, there’s tornadoes. It’s climate change. Go ahead. Attitude. But for example, the Inflation Reduction Act provided some $300 billion a lot. Thanks a lot. I’m sure I’m there in Hawaii watching this. And don’t worry, I’ll vote Democrat no matter what. No matter what. It’s a religion. Go into the voting booth, said Democrat Dem, a Democrat. Republicans are white racists. They hate us. Now here’s the governor of Hawaii, Josh Green. He’s on MSNBC yesterday. First of all, what are these people doing on TV talking about climate change? Don’t they have their hands full? I mean, they made room for them. Biden didn’t show up. They got all the room they need at. Cut. 18. Go! What was happening was this. It was a fire hurricane. And I want to warn the entire planet about this. All of America and all of the world. We were experiencing very, very dry conditions, drought conditions because of global warming, which is obviously very real for us here and everywhere. Good God, it’s if it rains too much and there’s flooding, that’s climate change. Torrential downpour. It’s just these are politicians. This is what they do. They lie through their teeth. This governor wants no responsibility whatsoever. The senator will exploit her own people and her own state. To advance the power of their ideology and their party. They can’t come to grips with reality and they won’t come to grips with reality. I mean, that’s the fact. And Joe Biden turns his back and off he goes. And he does it in a self-righteous way. I don’t want to interfere. So I’m not going. I don’t want to interfere. Let me ask you something that would presidents in the past have said, I don’t want to interfere, so I’m not going. I can understand it. Maybe for 24, 48, even a 72 hour period. But then you get on that damn plane and you go, No, no, I don’t want to interfere. I’m going on another vacation. I need to give space to everybody so they can act. This is how they cover up for a stage five dementia patient. This is how they do it. And I guarantee you, Biden and Jill are getting doctors advice that Biden needs as much rest as possible. The more vacations, the better. But it’s even worse than that. What do you make of a Democrat party and a media? What do you make of a ruling class that knows what I know, that knows what you know, that sees what you see. That sees what I see? That here’s what you hear. And here’s what I hear. And still seeks to install this man into a second term. Where he’ll be on stage six and worse dementia. It’ll be humiliating the country even more. And. Provoking our enemies to attack in one form or another even more. What do you make of that? I know what I make of it. Let me read something to you. If you’re work for Facebook, you may want to cover your ears. Dr. Joost AM Marilu, This is chapter four Language Control and Flight control, probably unknown to most Americans, but well-known in psychiatric circles, was a practicing psychiatrist for over 40 years. And he did staff psychiatric work in the Holland. He worked as a general practitioner till 1942 under Nazi occupation. That’s when he changed his name to Joost to follow the occupying forces. He fled to England in 1942, barely eluding the Nazis. He was chief of the psychological department of the Dutch army. Next. On England and he specialised in the air of thought control techniques used by totalitarian regimes. And he wrote extensively in his book Delusion and Mass Delusion. He explains that totalitarian or dictatorial thinking is a remnant of archaic times. Objective verification of ideas has rejected since no reality beyond the dictatorial opinion exists. No reality beyond a dictatorial opinion exists. AK Climate change. The deviant point of view is considered dangerous for the weak. Free thought as experienced as a thwarting hostile force. The critical word, the deviating attitude. The non-conformist of one man threatens the clan. The individual is only permitted to think with the tribe. Archaic thinking follows what we might call an imperialistic strategy. It allows people to sleep, resist their consciousness and critical confrontation. It suppresses all individual creativity. Totalitarianism thinking is identifying. Thinking. It takes account only of totality and never of parts. Specific and particular forms have no value. Only the recurrent and expected as expect is accepted. Man remains one with his people, his land, his race. Human evolution, however, breaks the bond between man and his world and places him in opposition to it. And so I say if we’re to be honest with ourselves, this is where our culture is heading or is already part. For example, it’s difficult to forget the exchange between Republican Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn and Supreme Court nominee Kentucky Brown Jackson. Can you define the word woman? Can I provide a definition? No, I can’t. I’m not a biologist. So the first black woman ever nominated to serve on the Supreme Court and celebrated as such by Joe Biden, the Democrat Party and the media, who now serves on the court, refused to define the word woman, even though she obviously knew the answer. But what explains such nonsense? Jackson, Biden and the same Democrats who refuse to use the word woman in certain contexts have no problem using the word when it comes to celebrating International Women’s Day. Women’s History Month, the Violence Against Women Act and a Woman’s Right to Choose are, of course, the first black woman to serve on the Supreme Court. Moreover, not one Senate Democrat or prominent Democrat anywhere found Jackson’s testimony embarrassing, troubling or disqualifying. On the contrary, she was defended. Associate Professor Magnus Stretch Kostka and McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, explains in her essay language. In totalitarian regimes, she says totalitarianism promotes persuasion by means of altering people’s perceptions of reality. She also explains that communist regimes use the means of propaganda and mass deception based on a fiction. In other words, language is weaponized to serve the purposes of a political party movement, ideology and or regime. In this. The Marxists are not alone. Triscuits and notes that in practice only a few people can be persuaded that black is white. But many learn to say that they do see things in prescribed colors and to call them by prescribed names, for example. Not long ago, Republican Senator Marco Rubio introduced an amendment to a bill, quote, that would have clarified for the purposes of maternal and infant related program resources that only a woman can be pregnant, unquote. It was defeated by the Senate Democrats. All right, take the word socialist. She explains that while the word socialist became suspect, social lingers on, became a fixed prefix to words such as social justice, social institution, social policy, social democracy, so forth. And if there were any instances of justice or democracy that were happening in a vacuum. Obviously, the authoritarian practice now widely exists in the United States is the English language, science, knowledge, experience and specific words are being redefined, being replaced, etc. to impose on the citizenry the beliefs, values and thought processes of the Democrat Party and its American Marxists. For example, academic freedom debate and the competition of ideas on college campuses, free speech and the exchange of information on internet platforms, entertainment from comedy in plays to television and movies. Biological and scientific knowledge about men, women. Gender and sex. Public school teachers. Seminars and training. Classroom texts and learning. Bureaucratic edicts and regulations. Corporate environmental, Social and governance programs. Workplace diversity. Equity and inclusion programs. Wokeness generally and more are all used to control the public and serve the ideological, political and economic purposes of the Democrat Party. This is a very, very, very important chapter in this book. Chapter four Language Control Thought Control in the in the Democrat Party hates America. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Now, obviously, climate changes are responsible for what’s going on in Hawaii. It’s just it’s just so it’s so for the people of Hawaii, it’s so sad. It really is. This is the Democrat Party response. They spend money like drunken Marxists. And what good does it do? What good does it do? And by the way. Where is Hawaii’s favorite son? Barack Millhouse Bonito. Obama and his bride, Michelle Obama. Where are they? Have you heard anything about them, Mr. Producer? There’s nothing prominent out there, is there? What are they? You know, the whole world stops and listens and reads. What for? I don’t know. But isn’t this shocking to anybody? The response by Biden and the response by Obama. Obama’s response? Trust me that I’ve said that. Look, he put out a statement, Oh, my God. And he donated $12 to this and did that and did this. Where are they? There’s an Obamacare by the people of Hawaii. Biden obviously doesn’t know he gave a space. The only space he gave them was between his ears. I shall return.