August 7th, 2023

August 7th, 2023

ATLANTA, GEORGIA - AUGUST 07: Storm clouds form over the Fulton County Courthouse on August 07, 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia. The courthouse has more security in place as Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is expected soon to announce a grand jury indictment in her investigation into former President Donald Trump and his Republican allies alleged attempt to overturn the 2020 election in the state. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Democrats want a secret trial for Donald Trump and control the narrative and what information is made available to the American public in the middle of a presidential election. Assistant U.S. Attorney Molly Gaston, an unelected bureaucrat, is telling Judge Tanya Chutkan, an unelected Obama judge, to hide everything they are doing from the public eye. Jack Smith tried pulling the same move in Florida but was rebuked by Judge Aileen Cannon for trying to pull a fast one. The judiciary should withdraw from interfering in this election and preserve the sanctity of the courtroom, but these federal judges and prosecutors are corrupt and are now part of the election. The system is utterly and completely corrupt, from the judiciary and unelected bureaucrats to the Democrat media covering for Biden and attacking anyone defending Trump. This is a Democrat Marxist revolution taking place right before our eyes, and there are no rules or ethics that won’t be sidestepped in order for Jack Smith to do what he’s doing. Also, Joe Biden is on the precipice of locking up land in the Colorado and prevent natural gas extraction with an executive order by calling it a memorial. Power companies are now begging Biden and the EPA to end his war on fossil fuels and fuel plants to avoid a significant energy shortage. The government is going to shut down coal-fire plants, and gas prices are surging again with an average price of almost $4; this is how the Biden Administration is destroying our economy and our way of life. Later, Mark speaks with journalist Julie Kelly about the Department of Justice’s abuse of Donald Trump and the banana republic trials he is facing in order to cripple his campaign for president in 2024.

The Mudslinging Begins in Jack Smith’s Jan 6 Case Against Trump

Washington Examiner
Justice Department prosecutor for Trump cases donated thousands to Biden, Democrats

Just The News
Judge overseeing Trump classified documents case deals blows to special counsel Jack Smith

Truth Social Post Prompts Jack Smith to Ask Judge to Prevent Trump from Releasing Discovery Evidence to Public

Biden DOJ Attempts to Muzzle Trump Over His ‘Threatening’ Social Media Posts

America’s white majority is aging out

Just The News
Power companies ask Biden to end war on fossil fuel plants as EPA comment deadline looms

Survey: Chris Christie Most Disliked GOP Candidate in Field

Photo by Joe Raedle

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America.  Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811. 877-381-3811. This is how it works, America. The prosecutor is now in control. Of the media agenda when it comes to the election. He files a four page piece of crap. Well, the most radical judge in America, in Washington, D.C.. He files on an a Friday night. She demands that the Trump lawyers respond by 5 p.m. on Monday. And we don’t know what she’ll rule. It is the most phony act one can imagine. They’re monitoring social media. Donald Trump puts out a social media post that has absolutely nothing to do with documents. Has absolutely nothing to do with the protection of documents that are disclosed to the defense. In it, they take that, they twist it. They file a four pager with a judge they have in their back pocket. And say this demonstrates that Donald Trump cannot be trusted with these kinds of documents, therefore, we don’t want to give them to him. And so the usual media hounds, that is the people who support this revolution that’s taking place in America regurgitate it. Because they are the state media. Which I say over and over and over again, because that’s what they are. Julie Kelly, who will be on the program next hour, is all over this. She says it didn’t take long for things to get nasty. And special counsel Jack Smith’s case against Donald Trump for allegedly attempting to overturn the 2020 election. Yeah. The former president already faces a nearly insurmountable challenge in receiving a fair process, let alone a fair trial in the nation’s capital. Following the announcement last week that a D.C. grand jury indicted Trump on four counts related to the events on January six. Trump’s luck went from bad to worse when the case landed on the docket of Tanya Chatwin, an Obama appointed judge with a record of imposing the toughest sentences against January six defendants. In fact. Trump would have been hard pressed to find a more biased, conflicted judge than Chunk. Who authored a landmark opinion denying Trump’s claim of executive privilege and ordering him to produce months of records to the House Democrats January six committee arguing Trump was not a king in. On January six, 2021, hundreds of rioters converged on the US Capitol Shankill Road in November 2021. They scaled walls, demolished, barricades smashed windows. The final attempt to gain control of the building and stop the certification of the 2020 presidential election results. This unprecedented attempt to predict, prevent the lawful transfer of power from one administration to the next cause property damage, injuries, death. For the first time since the election of 1860, the transfer of executive power was distinctly not peaceful. Chad can presume he missed the 2017 inaugural riots in Washington. And when the president who put her on the bench conspired with the federal government’s most powerful officials and agencies to concoct the Trump Russia election collusion hoax intended to derail Trump’s transition to president and ultimately oust him from office. Chongqing, however, has a keen eye when it. I think she wants to go on the DC circuit. So I think that much of this is about trunk and however, as a keen eye when it comes to keeping tabs on Smith’s fast moving case against Trump. Smith’s signature had barely dried on the 45 page indictment before his lawyers started to pick a fight over a proposed protective order guiding how Trump could access and share evidence. Jack Smith wanted Trump to agree that he would, quote, not disclose materials provided by the United States other than to persons employed to assist in the defense. Persons who are interviewed as potential witnesses. Counsel for potential witnesses and other persons to whom the Court may authorize disclosure. Let me just comment here. What that means is they want what is, in effect, a secret trial. They want the appearance of a Potemkin trial that is at it’s open and aboveboard, but it’s not. They want to control the narrative. They want to control what information could be made available to you and me, the public in the middle of a presidential election, in the middle of a Republican primary process. This unelected bureaucrat prosecutor is telling an unelected, radical left wing Obama Judge. Do not allow the American people to see what we’re doing. Trump’s counsel did not agree. But as both sides were haggling over the details, Assistant U.S. Attorney Molly Gaston filed a motion late Friday night. Asking Changqing to immediately prove the government’s protective order, quote, without awaiting a response. A brief quote from the defense. Now, nobody files something late at night unless it’s a serious, provable national security concern because the clerk has gone home. So just so you understand, this means that the government. The Department of Justice called the government the courthouse to alert them to an emergency filing, which the judge agreed to accept. That’s how that works. And notice what she says. That’s Assistant U.S. Attorney Molly Gaston. She should do with the judge without even waiting for the defense to give their opinion. It’s in reply. So Trump’s lawyer said, okay, give us till Thursday. And the judge said no. 5 p.m. Eastern time Monday. Gaston, the assistant U.S. attorney, claimed her ambush motion was in good faith. Smith did the same in the classified documents case and was scolded in Florida by Judge Aileen Cannon for failing to properly confer with defense before filing a proposed protective order. She denied Smith’s motion as a result. By the way, there is a war on her smearing her in the media. I want to get to that later. Judge Canada issuing the protective order in quick fashion, Gaston urged, would expedite the flow of discovery in this case and give the defendant prompt access to a large portion of discovery he ultimately will receive. But her filing was little more than a political stunt, as well as a low key attempt at imposing a gag order on Trump and preventing the American people from seeing Smith’s evidence against the former president. All right, let’s step back. Is this the most nightmarish scenario that the Democrats have created here? They’re putting Trump. On trial for his freedom in the middle of an election. These are unelected bureaucrats who work at the Department of Justice. An unelected judge has interposed herself into this process by not pushing it back to after the election. I’m going to get to this judge in a minute. And all that this involves. Unbelievable. And then they say such a restriction is particularly important in this case, because the defendant has previously issued public statements on social media regarding witnesses, judges, attorneys and others associated with the legal matters pending against him. Why not? So what? I’ll give you my footnote right now to Julie’s piece. If the judiciary wants to be part of the election process by allowing itself even wanting itself. To be part of the electoral process rather than putting these cases off till after the election or dismissing them altogether. To be refiled after the election. Then the judiciary is going to come under disrepute. And the judiciary is part of the campaign now. You can’t have prosecutors making statements, filing stops. You can’t have judges making rulings and saying stuff in the middle of an election and then expect, oh, don’t say anything, everybody. No, no, no, don’t say anything. When the greatest impact on the election is the judiciary. And their decisions. Which is exactly why I’ve been saying for two weeks now posting and saying here. Fox 11 TV. The judiciary should withdraw from participating in this election in order to protect the sanctity, the sanctity of the courtroom. It’s clear this judge isn’t going to do it. They need to get this matter to the Supreme Court, and there’s a couple of ways to do it. One of the ways I mentioned, they’re not slam dunks. In fact, I don’t even know that how the Supreme Court will rule. I’m not Nostradamus. But it’s the only way out. If judges are going to participate, if the judiciary is going to participate. On behalf of one party interfering in a presidential election because it controls the government. And the judiciary cannot expect to be treated with respect. The judiciary cannot cannot expect to avoid the that tussle and the back and forth of a presidential election. It’s part of it now that judges are part of it now. She’s no longer Your Honor to me and the American people. No way. No way. Julie Kelly. But Assistant U.S. Attorney Gaston’s filing was little more than a political stunt, as well as a low key attempt at imposing a gag order in Trump. Such a restriction is particularly important in this case because the defendant has previously issued public statements. On social media, she said. As I pointed out, Gaston then referenced a brief message Trump posted on True Social last Friday afternoon. Quote, In recent days regarding this case, the defendant has issued multiple posts. She said It is specifically or by implication, including the following which the defendant posted just hours ago. He go after me. I’m coming after you. As Julie Kelly points out, she’s 100% correct. That’s quite a stretch on Gaston’s part. And even if Trump was, in fact referring to those prosecuting him, he later insisted he was not. So what? He’s supposed to remain close lipped as a presidential candidate facing unprecedented prosecution at the hands of his successor and 2024 rival who made Jack Smith King. Neither the timing or the political nature of the government’s motion by the judge to Aitken The very next morning she ordered Team Trump to respond to the proposed protective order by 5 p.m. tonight, giving his overburdened lawyers one business day to prepare a response. Trump’s counsel immediately asked for a three day extension, explaining to Chacon that negotiations were underway when Gaston abruptly filed her proposed protective order and noting the court’s rules allowing opposing counsel 14 days to fire a response. An additional three days to brief this important issue is reasonable, consistent with the local rules, and serves the interest of justice. No party would be prejudiced by the request requested relief as this case is at its very early stages and no matters are currently pending that require the immediate resolution of the motion. John Lauro and Todd Blanch. Trump’s attorneys explain. Emails between the parties were attached to the defence motion confirming disagreement on the proposal, but underscoring at least some degree of cooperation. And that’s when the threats began. In a follow up motion, U.S. Attorney Gaston warned Smith’s office would not produce discovery. The government’s collection of evidence in a case. And so Trump’s team agreed to the protective order. Quote, The government stands ready to to to press send on discovery production. The defense is standing in the way. The court should deny the motion. What a bunch of friggin Stalinists. Judge Duncan, to the surprise of no one, obeyed. She obeyed what Smith wanted. She denied the request for a three day extension. And re-establish the deadline 5 p.m. this evening, which has since passed. During a Sunday interview, Trump lawyer Laura Bush told CNN’s Dana Bash why his client would not agree to the. Proposed protective order will not agree to keep information that’s not sensitive from the press. PRESS The American people in a campaign season have a right to know what the evidence is in this case provided that this evidence is not protected otherwise. But Bash, along with their media cohorts and the Democrat judge, are unconcerned with the high level of secrecy sought by Smith’s team in two unprecedented cases against a former president. Not only will Trump not get a fair shake in DC, his trial in the court of public opinion won’t feel any better at this rate. Now you know the whole story. Now, you know, and look at the media. The Praetorian Guard media. The private of America. CHEERING on. The Stalinists because they are Stalinists. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Gabe Kaminsky is an excellent reporter at the Washington Examiner. There’s a Justice Department prosecutor for Trump Case has donated thousands to Biden and Democrats. They’re in your face with this stuff now. They could care less. An ex-cop, New York City prosecutor working with the Justice Department’s special counsel, Jack Smith, on investigations related to former President Trump, has given large donations to campaigns for top Democrats, including President Joe Biden, records show. And by the way, the rest of the media know this. They certainly know now that Kaminski has written this. David Brody. Brody was one of several veteran attorneys hoping to advise Smith, who is overseeing two indictments against Trump related to the former president’s alleged efforts to challenge the 2020 election, whose involvement in the January six Capitol riot. There was no involvement. As well as his handling a classified information roadie who at 2022 left his role as a partner in a major law firm, Sidley Austin, then joined the DOJ as a senior counsel in the Criminal Division, gave 5600 to the Biden campaign in 2020. That’s the max and almost 7000 other Democrat causes from 2018 to 2022, according to campaign finance disclosures. How in the hell did they get away with this? Where is the. The rules of professional conduct? Why aren’t they being applied? Where is the D.C. bar? Are you as corrupt as the people you’re supposed to be overseeing?

Segment 3
Now there’s Judge Tanya in the most radical Alabama judges. She donated 40 $300 to Barack Obama’s presidential Campaign and Victory Fund combined between 2008 and 2012. How is it possible that this woman isn’t required to recuse herself? And I want to remind you, during that Masters hearing last week when Donald Trump came in in person. Three Obama judges sat in the back bench, three of them Moss, the chief judge and Jackson. So if you don’t think this is a spectacle and that this courthouse in Washington, D.C., isn’t participating in this spectacle more than participating in it. Then you’re not paying attention to what’s going on. And I know you are. This guy, Rody. He also gave money, 1000 bucks to the campaign for Dan Goldman. He gave money to the Kamala Harris campaign for president. He gave money to the Cory Booker campaign for the Senate and then for president. And he’s a prosecutor against Trump. How is that possible? The system is completely corrupt, utterly and completely. Shocking, is it not? I mean, if more so, I’d expect. No, I don’t. What do you expect? And now they’re trying to muzzle Trump. So only the prosecutor and the judge can speak. So we the people don’t even know what the hell is going on. Then you have Dana Bash at CNN encouraging it. The press will only get leaks, you see. Because that’s what Smith is known for. Leaks. Well. The judge overseeing the. Trump classified documents case in Florida as under attack. Under attack by Reuters, under attack by The New York Times, Under attack by Salon, Under attack by The Washington Post. Under attack by the Hill. Under attack by about. Two dozen typical corrupt, radical left wing media outlets. That she’s already made all these mistakes in the document case. They say already that she’s not up to the task. She doesn’t have the experience. And she’s a Trump appointee. So they’re trashing her. They’re trashing her. Originally, I was wondering, what are you setting that date for? Turns out this is a sharp lady. So Smith’s people and by the way, they tried this same trick with her when it came to access to classified documents. They cut off. That is the government. Smith’s people cut off negotiations with the defense and Florida. Run to the judge on a Friday evening. So we need this order right away. Right away. The following week she has a hearing on this and she says, Why in such a rush? Number one. Number two, you’ve given me no reason why the former president shouldn’t see the materials that you intend to use against him at trial. Number three, the Department of Justice rules compel. A period of time where prosecutors work with defense counsel to try and work out their differences. And. She stopped them and ruled against them. Ruled against them, unlike the the judge in D.C. who just takes it right up. I want to say this to the judge in DC. If you start ruling the right way, I will be the first one to give you credit. But you’re a mess. Everybody knows you’re a hack judge. So for this judge in Florida. Just the news says she dealt several blows today to special counsel Smith’s prosecution of President Trump, U.S. Judge Leon Cannon. A Trump appointee. You know, I don’t see this with this. But they say, Judge Trump, can a an Obama appointee. An Obama donor. Denied the Justice Department’s request. Listen to this. To keep filing sealed in the case. And she removed two of them from the record. Let me try this again. I’ve told you this before. When I worked at the Department of Justice under Reagan Meese. We had a lot of cases that involve secret information. Classified information usually were prosecuting spies. I don’t recall one of those top cases ever going to trial. Do you know why, Mr. Producer? Here’s you’re required to have a public trial. And the government did not want to go through document after document, sentence after sentence. To determine what could be used in open court and what could not be used in open court. And so the Department of Justice took the position, if we can get somebody to plead guilty to 30 years of life in prison as opposed to the death penalty. We’ll take it. Because otherwise, in order to prosecute our case, we have to turn this stuff over to the defense, because how else are you going to defend yourself? SPEIER No spy. If documents are being used that you don’t have access to. So the government has to make a decision. You sure you want a full blown trial or not? So what they’re trying to do to Trump is they’re treating him worse than a spy. They’re saying we want a trial. And we want these documents concealed. And she says, You do? They say, yes. She says, Not happening. The special counsel asked for some materials in the case to be sealed from the public. But Judge Cannon wrote in her brief that the agency’s arguments, quote, fail to satisfy the burden of establishing a sufficient legal or factual basis to warrant sealing them. Say, they’re used to walking into these D.C. courts and getting everything they want. Hunter Biden getting everything they want. They just figure all these judges are just going to cave because most of them do. Because most of them do. So she saw the withering attack. Now, the woman went to Michigan Law School. She went to Duke undergrad. She’s obviously quite brilliant, but she’s not part of the East Coast Ivy League. She’s not part of the Washington, D.C., New York City legal community. Just like the judge in Wilmington, Delaware, is not. So they’re not in these social circles. They’re not part of the. Of the social circle. That talks about this stuff among themselves. They’re just doing their damn jobs. So she comes under attack. But she did more. This is something I’ve been talking about here on Fox a lot in TV. She said to the prosecutors, Why did you bring these four additional charges? In front of a grand jury in Washington, D.C. when the case. Is here in Florida. Are you are you using I mean, are you prosecuting this case in two districts? She wants additional information about the continuing use of an outside state jury in the case. Now, to my chagrin, the Trump lawyer’s down there. He didn’t bring this up. They should have moved. They heard what I said. They should have filed a motion. Or even on their own. And I would have filed a motion to have all these charges dropped. If they want to bring him again, bring them in Florida. But I would go further. I would say that the damage has been done. Now, why does this matter, America? Two reasons. The Department of Justice rules are abundantly clear. You are not to have a grand jury investigation in a district like Washington, D.C. when the events you investigate occurred in another district like the Southern District of Florida. Otherwise prosecutors will venue shot. Why did he go to Washington, D.C.? Because now Washington, D.C. voted 94% for Joe Biden. That’s why. That’s why. And then they send it down to Florida and they say, okay. We we just do our rubber or read the indictments or explain the indictments in all that grand jury in Florida has to do is rubber stamp that. And then, you know, they come up with their fancy phrases. Ryan died or. Super indict or whatever it is. Here’s the problem. The second problem. That grand jury in Florida didn’t see the witnesses. They didn’t hear from the witnesses. They were not part of the investigative process. This is a truly sleazy, unethical, diabolical move by the prosecutor. So in Florida, the judge is saying, wait a minute. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why are you. Adding these additional four counts. Indictments that you bring in Washington, D.C. for a case that’s in Florida. An out of state grand jury. Do you see a sleazy this is. And these people are. It’s the worst. It’s the worst I’ve ever seen in my life. And I’ve seen a lot. It’s just incredible. And they’re doing this. Let’s step back a documents case. At cases as phony as a $3 bill. Presidential Records act as the controlling law. It’s not even mentioned. They want the court to look at the Espionage Act. Never been applied against a president’s, never supposed to be applied against a president. Shocking. Shocking. And now you’ll hear the legal analysts, even some of our friends say, now that’s the real case right there. No, it’s not. And by the way, it’s not one or the other. They all suck. And then the D.C. case, based on a Ku Klux Klan law, and now it’s so preposterous. That a real judge, a serious judge who takes his or her out seriously would call in the government and say, I want to go over these charges you brought here. I want to go over this. Because I’m not going to have you turn my courtroom into a clown show. But at a minimum, Trump’s lawyers should be filing that as well. They should find the quickest route. Even though it’s certainly not a slam dunk. But has the. The support of a rational argument to get to the U.S. Supreme Court. People say to me, Mark, John, look, I can’t predict outcomes. I’m telling you, it’s the only way out of this. This is intended to interfere with the election. Obviously, the Trump base hasn’t gone anywhere. The problem is the Trump base makes up one third of the general electorate. That’s it. 30%. They’re not aiming this at you. They’re aiming this at them. That’s what they’re doing. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
I cannot thank the loyal of knights out there, patriots who’ve taken the time to go to and order your pre-ordered copies of The Democrat Party Hates America because you see it unfolding in front of your eyes. The clock is ticking. We’re getting much, much closer now to the launch date in September. I’m hoping more and more of you will participate in this. It’s a book for the election and a book to outlive the election. Because we’re in deep trouble. And some of us recognize that we’re in the middle of a revolution. I saw there was a piece by my friend Victor Davis Hanson today pointing that out. Something we’ve been pointing out here for a very long time now. And this is every bit as grave as the Civil War. I mean, there’s obviously different issues involved, but the overarching issue, freedom, what kind of country you want to live in and so forth. There is overlaps. This is a revolution. It’s taking place. It’s in front of your eyes. Do not deny it because it will devour you and your family. It’s in our public schools. It’s in our colleges, in university. It’s in our media. It’s led by the Democrat Party, which is the umbrella group for all these forces. We even have elements of it in the Republican Party. There’s a big news report out today. The My generation will be the last generation mass produced excuse me, of a nation that is majority white. Now the media like to talk about. Replacement theory. Replacement theory. All they do is talk about how policies are changing the demographics in the country. And then when you notice that they look at you, you’re a white supremacist if you believe the country. Is evil from day one. Evil from day one and needs to be overthrown. Because of white supremacy, white privilege and white dominated society. In other words, if you embrace CRT and Marxism. Then you want to put an end to this white dominated society in every way possible. You want to destroy the Constitution and the legal system. You want to destroy the economic system. You want to destroy separation of powers which are so crucial. You want to destroy the nuclear family? And if you believe white domination is the reason for all bad that’s taking place, all evil, then you want to change the demographics in America, do you not? So they say it. And then when you pointed out, there’s something wrong with you. And I spent a lot of time on the book on this. I read that. Billionaires are leaving the DeSantis campaign because he’s spending too much time on culture wars. It’s the culture wars that are destroying us. Do you believe these billionaire bastards? It’s unbelievable. The Democrats get it. The Soros is all the rest of them. They spend billions on the culture wars and we have billionaires abandoning candidates because they’re confronting the culture war and trying to defeat it. He has spent more time on regulations and a lot less time on the culture wars. They’re prepared to surrender. So they’ll send their kids to some highfalutin schools or hire tutors or. Whatever the hell it is. But this is a revolution that’s taking place. And I want to talk about that more in a moment. I’ll be right back.