August 3rd, 2023

August 3rd, 2023

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA - AUGUST 03: Former U.S. President Donald Trump holds an umbrella as he arrives at Reagan National Airport following an arraignment in a Washington, D.C. court on August 3, 2023 in Arlington, Virginia. Former U.S. President Donald Trump pleaded not guilty to four felony criminal charges during his arraignment this afternoon after being indicted for his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration has created a legal morass never seen or experienced in American history, as applies to a presidential election.  AG Merrick Garland is authorizing indictment after indictment of Biden’s possible, if not likely political opponent, in the middle of a presidential election cycle, doing so through his appointment of a special counsel and whose charges must be approved by the attorney general. At the same time, Garland refuses to appoint a special counsel to investigate his client, Joe Biden, even though the DOJ regulation was originally instituted for these exact circumstances.  We have former Attorney General Bill Barr who will do anything to get back at Donald Trump, while at the same time, we have current Attorney General Merrick Garland who will do anything to protect his boss, Joe Biden. This kind of legal warfare is not only unprecedented in the history of our republic; it will destroy our electoral system for all time. This unprecedented legal warfare requires an unprecedented response by the only constitutional body left that can do something about it — the Supreme Court.  Also, what Biden has learned, what FDR knew, and what the Democrat party seeks is to monopolize power and control government. That is why Democrats want to abolish the Electoral College so giant Democrat cities can control the entire election and bypass the majority of the country. Even if Democrats lose elections, they have the permanent administrative state to do their bidding. This is a party that needs to be exposed and destroyed if we want to remain free people. Later, Joe Biden is and was a co-conspirator in Hunter Biden’s multiple violations of FARA. A letter has been released that shows that Joe knew of Hunter’s business associates, among others who have testified the same. There is no reason to wait for an impeachment inquiry, and Congress has more than enough evidence to start. Finally, Mark is joined by presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy to discuss his Conservative values and the 2024 election.


CBS calls out Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman’s lies on the Devon Archer testimony

Photo by Tasos Katopodis

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. I’m posting something now that I want to read to. I literally wrote it about 15 minutes ago, but I’ve been thinking about this. My public advice to President Trump’s legal team. Mr. Producer, it’s team time, not time. The Biden administration has created a legal morass never seen or experienced in American history as applies to a presidential election. The attorney general appointed by the Democrat president is authorizing indictment after indictment of his president’s possible, if not likely, political opponent in the middle of a presidential election cycle. He’s doing so through his appointment of a special counsel whose appointment was a misapplication of the special counsel regulation and whose charges must be approved by the attorney General himself. And parenthetically, by the way, as an important side issue, Jack Smith is not a presidential appointee. He never even stood for confirmation by the Senate to hold the position. Check for typos. Richard told the position he holds, the exercise, the authority he is exercising against a party opponent. It should be noted. At the same time, the attorney general refuses to appoint an outside special counsel to investigate his client, Joe Biden, despite the fact the Department of Justice regulation was originally instituted for these exact circumstances. Of course, this underscores the purpose and motive of what is taking place before us today. The attorney general is approving the timing of dozens of charges against the former Republican president who was actively seeking his party’s nominee nomination to challenge the Democrat president for whom he directly reports which are intended to cripple the ability of Donald Trump to effectively run for president regardless of what polls show today. Regardless of what the commentariat say and despite President Trump’s strength within the Republican Party, the outcome of the election is unknown. Therefore, the polls are irrelevant in this regard. Moreover, is further evidence that these indictments are being used as political weapons are the timing of the charges. Specifically all of these charges by the separate grand juries, all controlled by the special counsel, should have been filed after the election as there was no possibility the statute of limitations would run on any of them. Furthermore, the special counsel repeatedly insists that the charges must be quickly adjudicated, meaning before the people vote for the purpose of having maximum influence on the election. In addition, the charges have resulted in the significant depletion of Trump’s campaign funds to pay for millions of legal fees. Trump is to take significant time from campaigning to address the dozens of charges dropped on him by the Biden administration. That is, he has to expend an enormous amount of time working with his lawyers in order to defend himself from charges that collectively would result in his imprisonment until his death. The fact is that this kind of legal warfare against a President Trump, against a presidential impossible is not likely. Opponent to the present president is not only unprecedented in the history of our republic, it will destroy our electoral system for all time. It’s not something that should that should be left to various district courts or local courts to sort out in the course of regular judicial proceedings. In fact, that is part of the intended strategy by the prosecutors who are engaged in this assault on our electoral system. They must not be rewarded for their behavior. They must not be rewarded for their treachery and exploitation of the legal system and the courts to achieve their political ends. Even while getting to the merits of these multitude of charges, which are easily unraveled. From my perspective, the process is what is being used to interfere with the election and the near silence by those who are orchestrating this shocking legal warfare. When the American people are left in the dark is untenable. Therefore. I want to publicly encourage the Trump legal team to seek an emergency hearing before the United States Supreme Court not to resolve legal disputes. But to at least temporarily halt the abomination of this legal warfare that is unfolding in front of us, where Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans are unashamedly celebrating the use of the courts by the Biden administration and Democrat district attorneys to further their political wishes as the rest of the nation watches in shock. This unprecedented legal warfare requires an unprecedented response by the only constitutional body left that can do something about it. The United States Supreme Court. This is my view. Because what is taking place today in various courthouses and so forth and so on is part of the strategy. The legal system is slow. It is the process. It is the process that’s the killer here, and they know it. And they’re playing the process by unloading all these indictments. By taking Trump off the campaign field by depleting his resources. By influencing people who are not like you and me. People who still vote. Two thirds of the nation that are not part of the Republican base. That’s who this is aimed at. The polls don’t matter. The polls and the pollsters are fickle. We should know that by now. And it’s not about polls. And on top of all this, ladies and gentlemen, Joe Biden has been able to sit on a beach. And laugh. While his Department of Injustice does all the dirty work. While the Democrat days. Do all the dirty work and the media do all the dirty work. You see, folks, I look at this holistically. That’s what I do. And I get into the weeds, too, with the best of them. But you got to take a step back from time to time and say, What the hell’s going on here? None of this is by coincidence. All of it is purposeful. If you have any shot at stopping it. You have to get past the trial courts. Past the appellate courts. And within within the timeframe of this campaign. Hope that the U.S. Supreme Court sees at least four of them do in order to take up a cert petition. What the rest of us see. This would not be the Supreme Court interfering in a political process. This would be the Supreme Court. Defending the Constitution. Never before has a political party and opponents. Of a candidate. Never before have they sunk so low. Is to take the law. And twisted into a pretzel like this to use the law to use grand juries to use charging documents. You subpoenas, search warrants. And activist judges. Appointed by the same party. To undertake such treachery. And if upon an emergency request of the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court turns its back. Then there’s no stopping this today. Tomorrow. Next election. For the rest of this republic’s life, which is getting shorter by the day. I look at people like Bill Barr, Chris Christie. Larry Hogan and others. Trump brought this on himself, don’t you know? No, he didn’t. Now. He did it all. The people who are doing it brought it on. I want to remind you about who Joe Biden is and that he will speak to any level he must. When he thought it would help him back home to be a racist segregationist. He was a racist segregationist who literally opposed the integration of inner city public schools. He was the George Wallace, the Orval Faubus. Of Delaware. He’s a chameleon. He will do anything. He tried to destroy the reputation of one of the greatest legal minds this nation has ever seen. Bob Bork. What was Bob Bork’s crime? It was a true constitutionalist, was nominated to the United States Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan. So they destroyed him. Clarence Thomas, a black man. Would not go down on bended knee. And beg his white accusers on the Senate Judiciary Committee. For their votes. Defended himself. Against a typical stereotype used against black men by the Klansmen and others. Accusing him of. Sexual harassment, if you will. Certainly there are justices on the Supreme Court who understand what I’m talking about, including. The very disappointing Kavanaugh. Including John Roberts, if he would actually wake up to reality and see what is taking place in this country. There’s only one body left. That if asked. Can and should step in. And stop this abomination is destroying our country. We were reminded last night. By an Israeli, Carolyn Glick. Born in America. You said one of the great legal minds in Israel who she spoke to said, you know, in the United States. The Dred Scott decision, which was decided in 1857. The impact of that decision took a few years to really settle in, and it served as the foundation for the Civil War. Unfortunately, I believe we’ve reached this point. I don’t say it to be provocative. I say it out of the gravest of concerns. I say it in order that we might avoid. The potential of what could happen. A combustible situation. Because this can’t go on forever. And when I hear media types say, We’re kind of getting used to this, aren’t we, Martha? Getting used to this. It’s Thursday. Must be more indictments. Three times now and a fourth coming in Atlanta. This isn’t a joke. This isn’t a sporting event. This is serious to the survivability of this republic. I’m not getting used to any of it. I’m getting sick to my stomach every time it happens. You and I know in our heart of hearts. That this is utterly and completely unjust. Alan Bragg brought phoney charges. As against Donald Trump. The case. I was brought the other day, January six, utterly phony. A phony case. The documents case or even the best of these so-called legal analysts think it’s a much tougher case, in truth. If the judges. There’s really honest and has integrity. When, and I hope soon. The right motions are filed. She will throw that case out of her courtroom as fast as she possibly can. This is one political party trying to destroy another. This is one political party trying to monopolize elections, federal law enforcement and the entire justice system. And if they get away with it, it’s over. It’s over. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
I have about a minute or so left in this segment, and I want to expand on these points for you. After the bottom of the hour or so, I hope you’ll stick with me. I, I want to make abundantly clear that we’re not talking about immunization here as bogus as so many of these charge, all these charges, in my view, are. We’re not talking about that because I don’t think the Supreme Court would do that. We’re talking about here is the integrity of an electoral system and the violation of that integrity. And it affects the entire republic, regardless of the fools you see on TV, regardless of Bill Barr, who is a complete jackass, regardless of Mike Pence, who has finally found his voice in attacking Donald Trump. These people are pimples on the ass of an elephant. They’re irrelevant. Utterly irrelevant. I’m talking about what’s in the best interests of this nation. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Just a few more comments I suppose one way you could try to get the case quickly in front of the Supreme Court or one of them is to file a motion immediately. Among the type that we’ve talked about before is the lower court to make a expedited decision, take it to the appellate court, see if they can do an expedited decision, get it to the Supreme Court. I just think that’s all going to take too long. And I think that the Department of Justice has a brain trust of this thing and have decided to exploit the slowness of the legal process, even while claiming they want as quickly as possible a verdict to make it real, to really box in Donald Trump as much as possible. I want you to keep several things in mind here. The burdens imposed on a candidate for president. By the initially by the initiation of criminal proceedings. There’s enormous. It’s enormous. The severity of the burden posed on a presidential candidate who’s been charged. The stigma arising from the initiation of criminal prosecution, also from the need to respond to those charges through the judicial process seriously interferes with this election. And to do so over and over and over again just demonstrates to you what’s taking place here. And multiple courts. Scores and scores of charges. The constitutional provision, that is, the provisions in the Constitution governing criminal prosecutions. Make clear what. The framers believed that an individual’s mental and physical involvement and assistance in the preparation of his defense. Both before and during any criminal trial would be intense. No less so for a presidential candidate than for any other defendant. But that’s the point. He’s a presidential candidate. And this legal warfare that’s been unleashed against Donald Trump. Is intended to limit his ability to even focus on his re-election. To raise funds that will actually go toward his reelection rather than his legal defense. And to turn off all those non MAGA non base supporters. Who say it’s I’m tired of this. I want to move on. That’s the strategy. That’s the plan. That’s how it’s playing out. Now they keep talking up this district judge in Washington, D.C. She’s a hack. Former defense counsel. But it’s funny how she acts, isn’t it? She acts like the most wild eyed prosecutor imaginable when anything related to Trump takes effect. And Trump happened to get her as the judge, if you can imagine. Gee, what a coincidence. What a coincidence. This is bigger than one district court judge. There’s about a thousand district court judges. This is much bigger than her. It’s bigger than all the other district court judges who only get a piece of the action. It’s bigger than an individual circuit court. The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. Was expanded for the purpose of putting more Obama appointees on there. That’s what they did. Obama and Harry Reid. It’s a very unfavorable appellate court to Trump as a result. That’s the plan not just for Trump, but for any conservative Republican. So as you plod through this process, the profile is. Problem is the trial courts at the federal level. They want to have a full trial. Then they want to have a sentencing. This guy, Smith says. Yeah, we want it all done before you, you even vote. So it’s quite obvious by the timing of these indictments, all of which can wait. There’s not a single statute of limitations here that is in danger, not one. I’ve talked about this many times here behind this microphone. They want a fast decision and a fair sentencing. But they know the whole process to appeal to the circuit court and the U.S. Supreme Court can take years. They’ve got their indictments. Now they want their trials. Then they want their convictions and they want them as fast as possible. As for appeals to the circuit courts and the US Supreme Court, they don’t care if that takes forever. The damage is done. The election is over. Look what they did to Bob McDonnell. This is what Jack Smith does. Guilty at the trial level. The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals upholds the guilt. And it finally gets to the Supreme Court three and a half years later. And luckily, they took up the case and they said no, 8 to 0 one recused. No, that’s not what the bribery statute says. That’s not correct. 8 to 0. And included Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. 820. But it was too late. His marriage was ruined. He went broke. His reputation was tarnished. It was too late. We can’t have that. The same individual involved in that involved in this. And the attorney general of the United States chose Jack Smith exactly for this reason. They want a Bob McDonnell, Donald Trump. They’re going to get away with it. If the Supreme Court doesn’t step in. I know I’m calling for the Trump lawyers to do something that is unique, but given the circumstances, that’s okay. Worst thing the court can say is no. But they need to help save the republic in our electoral system. That’s what we’re talking about now. The idea that a president can’t challenge an election, whether he calls a. Person in a state. Secretary of state or governor, can you find votes? I heard a a liberal on Fox say that’s that’s kind of over the top. That’s never over the top unless you say something that’s illegal or criminal. Everybody says, can you find votes? Doesn’t mean they mean can you concoct votes or illegally create votes? Can you find votes? As for second set of electors, a couple of my friends on Fox are very good listeners to this program, Mr. Produce, as are others. It happened in 1960 and it also happened. So you’ll start to hear this now. In 1876, several states set two sets of electors. That’s for Congress to sort out. She’s not a criminal issue. There’s not a criminal statute. There’s not criminal intent. It’s a vibrant, brutally fought election campaign. And did Donald Trump lie over and over again when he said the election was stolen? Because, you know, we have some people who say that he knew that it wasn’t stolen. It doesn’t matter. I know for a fact he believed it. He still says it to me today. But let’s say he doesn’t doesn’t believe it. Just for argument purposes. It’s no crime in that. Also, it’s very interesting. CNN, I forget her name. She had Bill Barr on her program. You know, Bill Barr is making the rounds, as many grifters do. And his personal animus towards Trump knows no bounds. It even interferes with any rational analysis of the Constitution and the law. He made one of the stupidest comments, perhaps the second stupidity after Mike Pence. Well, you know, even a conspiracy involves, you know, speech. And you thought he was really onto something. I could see the LED light bulb in his brain pop up 15 watts, probably. No, that’s right, Mr. Attorney General. But there is no conspiracy. You understand what I’m trying to say. And I’ve explained to people in the media and elsewhere that the four charges against the president involve statutes that have nothing to do with January 6th, One was passed, so Grant could prosecute. The Klan, too, were passed post-Enron because the Enron executives had lied to Congress and were obstructing Congress from getting documents. So there’s your obstruction. And then the first of the charges is, is a statute that has traditionally been used on financial crimes against the government. To some extent, it’s been used about tainting the government, but not through elections. Now, these Enron statutes have been used to imprison a number of people from January six, the protesters. And that will be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The court hasn’t heard it yet. But even at the circuit level. At least one judge said this is not correct. This doesn’t apply to these circumstances. So we’ll do it anyway. We’ll do it with a former president and we’ll do it to the presidential potential presidential candidate of the other party. So how do you stop this? There’s only one body that has the power to stop what’s happening in our courts. It’s the most powerful court in the country, the only one that’s mentioned in the Supreme Court. In the Constitution. That is the Supreme Court. You have to hope there’s enough of a majority there to cobble together a majority. All politics aside, put their social relationships. And Washington, D.C. aside, I’m talking to you, John Roberts. You’ve been very, very poor on these cases, very bad. And hope that finally, Judge Barrett. Will meet the expectations that so many people had for her and so far been enormously disappointed. Or Kavanaugh will stop twisting words and twisting the law to accommodate some weird, moderate position that he seeks to take. Just uphold the Constitution, for God’s sakes. That’s all we ask. That’s all we ask. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary efforts. They get this in front of the Supreme Court of the United States. It’s the only chance. And I do think a majority of that court, particularly when it comes to January six, are going to look at this and say, what are you doing? Now, Jack Smith’s brief does prove one thing. Ladies and gentlemen. The brief as is. Who knows what he adds to it later. That Donald Trump did not. Further acts of suppression. Or any type of. Overthrow the government and so forth and so forth. Because he’s not charged with that. But what I was saying was there was an interview Barr did. Well, the host on CNN, Caitlin, what’s your name? Collins. And she asked him a question that despite all his interviews on cable TV, she’s the first one to ask the question. And it went something like this. Were you questioned by the special counsel’s office? And you know what his answer was? America, I’m not comfortable getting into that. Cut 5 minutes to produce a go. You spoke to the January six Congressional committee. Have you talked to Jack Smith’s investigators? I’m not going to get into that. I think I’m okay. Wow, I’m not going to get into that. So he did. And he clearly went after Trump. Based on what he’s saying publicly. You have former attorney general of the United States who so hates his former boss. He’ll say and do anything. If a current attorney general of the United States who so loves his current boss, he’ll do anything in his defense. I have no doubt the Bill Barr told Jack Smith what he wanted to hear. There are other people whose voices, surprisingly, we don’t hear. I’m not accusing them of anything. I don’t know anything. Zero. But it’s a very strange that the president’s former chief of staff appears nowhere. Isn’t that weird, Mr.. Had to be in on almost every meeting. This isn’t personal with me. I’m just sitting here talking it through with the American people. Happy to be a big fan of Mark Meadows. At least now I don’t know what else has taken place. Time will tell. I make Mike Pence too, as a curve ball. But we don’t hear anything from him. He’s been in the witness protection program for six months. Nothing positive, nothing negative, nothing in any filings. Took nothing in any newspaper article. Zero. I just find it weird. Don’t apply anything, period. And I don’t want to hear any calls from anybody. It’s just strange. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Again, I’m not saying the candidate for president should be immune. I’m saying a candidate for president should not be subjected to an obvious strategy by the opposition party that happens to control all the instrumentalities of the federal government, including the most powerful and dangerous to efforts that are intended to kill his candidacy in the crib or, as some would say, in the womb. That’s the problem. And it’s obvious that’s what’s going on here. And no, I do not believe, like some on Fox, that the Republicans, when they get in power, will do the same to the Democrats. No, they won’t. They’re screwing around on an impeachment hearing. They’re screwing around on promoting a special counsel. They’d rather just keep wringing their hands. I want to strongly encourage you to check this out. Hear what they have to say. Because if you’re you’re getting smothered, you’re drowning under debt, there could be a perfect way out for you. An American financing will talk to you. There’s no risk. There’s no pressure. Maybe you have poor credit. They’ve dealt with a lot of people with great credit. Poor credit. Doesn’t matter. Check him out. 88 918 28. I’ve got a lot more to say. Ladies and gentlemen, now during the break. If you want to read all about it, this and much more. Go to Amazon and get the Democrat Party hates America. It’s 20% off. Excuse me. It’s 40% off 40. I’ll be right back.