August 1st, 2023

August 1st, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 01: Special Counsel Jack Smith delivers remarks on a recently unsealed indictment including four felony counts against former U.S. President Donald Trump at the Justice Department on August 1, 2023 in Washington, DC. Trump was indicted on four felony counts for his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Jack Smith has destroyed our electoral system by bringing more phony indictments, and now anyone who dares to challenge or question the outcome of an election can be indicted.  Donald Trump has been indicted again this time with 4 charges related to January 6th from special counsel Jack Smith, and there is not a syllable of criminality that can be explained in this indictment. This is an attack on free speech, the electoral system, and on anyone who dares to question the legitimacy of an election. There are no charges of treason or insurrection in this indictment because it didn’t happen no matter how badly Democrats want to believe it. Dropping meaningless bombshells like this ahead of a presidential election is the definition of election fraud, but Jack Smith and Merrick Garland will stop at nothing to take down Trump and dictate the 2024 election.  Also, the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, NY Times, and USA Today did not have a single word on their front page about the Devon Archer testimony. The Democrat media is covering up for the Biden’s and leaking everything from Smith in order to hurt Trump. Republicans today will not support in a unanimous way an impeachment inquiry of President Biden, but Democrats will do anything and everything to destroy America and give them complete control. The whole system is corrupt, and the Democrat party has dragged us here, helped along by weak Republicans like Chris Christie and Mitch McConnell. Later, Mark is joined by Congresswoman Elise Stefanik to discuss the sham indictment of Trump one day after another Hunter Biden bombshell and the outrageous attack on our electoral system.

Fox News
Trump indicted on charges out of Special Counsel probe into Jan. 6

Trump Indictment

Jack Smith Has Recruited an Incestuous Group of Lawyers to Go After Trump

Real Clear Investigations
Conservatives Fight Secretive Biden Voting Order as ‘Bidenbucks’ — Federal ‘Zuckbucks’ on Steroids

Jack Smith’s Charges Against Trump Include Potential Death Penalty

Photo by Alex Wong

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
I don’t need to introduce myself. I’ve never been so pissed off in my life. First, the other phony charges against Donald Trump on the documents. And as I said Sunday on Fox, and as I’ve told you folks over and over and again, this prosecutor is. He is Stalin’s best friend posthumously. I just read these 45 pages, this so-called indictment. This reads like nothing more than a white paper from the DNC. Our endless editorials from The New York Times. There is not a syllable of criminality. Not a syllable of criminality that can be explained in these 45 pages. It’s an attack on free speech. It’s an attack on the political system. It’s an attack on the right of a president to challenge an election. Whether he asked his vice president to change a position which is perfectly constitutional. Whether he’s asking state officials to see what they can do. Perfectly, perfectly legitimate. And you’ll notice what’s missing. There’s no charges of treason or insurrection or anything of that kind. They didn’t have it. It never happened. How could it? What? He’s one to offer 10,000 National Guardsmen. So what did. What did this guy Schmidt do? Exactly what I said on Sunday would do. He takes these statutes and he rewrites them, and I’m glad to see the other legal analysts have finally figured that out. I’ll get into it. We’re going to get into it. But it’s really quite. Incredible cow. One conspiracy to defraud the United States. How so? How so? Count two, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. How so? By having opinions. By fighting the election process, by fighting within the election process, by challenging the results of the election. My God, can you imagine how big the prison would have to be if count two applied to everybody, including Hillary Clinton? Count three. Obstruction of an attempt to obstruct an official proceeding. Wow. Then we ought to be rounding up Jamie Raskin and all the rest of them. That’s a completely bogus charge. Counterpart, conspiracy against rights. That is the rights of every voter in America. It was a conspiracy against all of you. This is crap. This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen. And Jack Smith’s going to get up there. He’s going to read a statement and then he’ll leave. We’ll cover it because I’m dealing with it. I’ve asked Mr. Producer, unfortunately at the 11th hour, because here we are to pull my monologue from Sunday. On Fox because I want to play it for you. The judge chosen in this case. You’re ready for this. Is one of the radical left wing judges appointed by Obama. Trump always gets an Obama judge. How’s that? How does that work? He always gets a radical left wing Obama judge. The first minute I would have as a judge. I would demand that Jack Smith present himself in my courtroom. And I would say, What the hell are you trying to do? We have a presidential election. You drop these bombshells like this, like they have some meaning. They have no meaning? None. A president is free to tell the vice president of the United States. You should not accept those electors. My lawyers told me X. And yet that’s crime now. That’s a crime now calling officials in a state. That’s now a crime. It’s a crime. Yes. There is nothing new in this indictment. Zero. There’s nothing here. Lawyers are allowed to have their opinions. I suspect some of them have been indicted, but their names have not been revealed through six of them. Presidents are allowed to have an opinion, he says from honor about November 14, 2020 through January 20, 2021, in the District of Columbia, the defendant did knowingly combine conspire Confederate and agree with co-conspirators known and unknown to the grand jury to defraud the United States by using dishonesty, fraud, deceit to impair, obstruct and defeat the lawful federal government function by which the results of presidential elections are collected, counted, and certified by the federal government. Who wrote this? Joe Scarborough. The purpose of the conspiracy was to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 presidential election. Can you imagine if this holds up? Can you imagine? By using knowingly false claims of election fraud. To obstruct the federal government function by which those results are collected, count and certified. First of all, he believed them. That’s number one. Number two, they’re not all false. But number three, let’s pretend they’re are false. So what? Now. If you don’t believe that we have an unelected, rogue federal prosecutor. With a team of rogue federal prosecutors said he chose as his. From his former positions at the Department of Justice if you don’t believe. That Merrick Garland behind Merrick Garland has to approve every one of these charges. If you don’t believe that they’re trying to usurp our election. I will take a break, but not for long. Here comes the hit man himself. Go ahead. When you’re ready, Mr. Bennett. Today, an indictment was unsealed charging Donald J. Trump with conspiring to defraud the United States, conspiring to disenfranchise voters and conspiring and attempting to obstruct an official proceeding. The indictment was issued by a grand jury of citizens here in the District of Columbia, and it sets forth the crimes charged in detail. I encourage everyone to read it in full. The attack on our nation’s capitol on January 6th, 2021, was an unprecedented assault on the seat of American democracy. He didn’t charge him with that described in the indictment. It was fueled by lies, lies by the defendant targeted at obstructing a bedrock function of the U.S. government, the nation’s process of collecting, counting and certifying the results of the presidential election. The men and women of law enforcement who defended the U.S. Capitol on January 6th are heroes. What does this have to do with the Patriots? And they are the very best of us. Nothing. They did not just defend a building or the people sheltering in it. They put their lives on the line to defend who we are as a country and as a people. They defended the very institutions and principles that defined the United States since the attack on our capital. The Department of Justice has remained committed to ensuring accountability for those criminally responsible for what happened that day. This case is brought consistent with that commitment. No, it’s not. And our investigation of other individuals continues in this case. My office will seek a speedy trial so that our evidence can be tested in court and judged by a jury of citizens. In the meantime, I must emphasize that the indictment is only an allegation and the defendant must be presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. Clarence Darrow, Everybody. I would like to thank the members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who are working on this investigation with my office, as well as the many career prosecutors and law enforcement agents from around the country who have worked on previous January 6th investigations. These women and men are public servants of the very highest order, and it is a privilege to work alongside them. Thank you. Why didn’t you charge them with the other co-conspirators? And you worried that the election rigging at it was very difficult for individuals? That’s it, America. The man in charge of America’s next presidential election, who is clearly rooting for Joe Biden, as is his boss, Merrick Garland. He’s spoken. That’s it. Well, the secret grand jury with a secret personnel, with a secret decision making all the power that a rogue Stalinist prosecutor needs. He will have more say in this election than anybody has ever had in any election. That was a speech given by Anna Hall to the media and to the Democrats. He doesn’t care what you think. He obstructed. The government did. Trump had a funny way of showing it. He left the office when he was supposed to. He offered 10,000 guardsman, which is why they couldn’t bring those other charges speculated by former federal prosecutors on CNN and MSNBC. So he he dusts off these ridiculous statutes and applies them. I’ve got a lot more to say. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
If this doesn’t demonstrate to all of you, that the Democrat Party will do anything for power. We saw a few days ago. It’ll do anything to protect its president, its candidate. And you see again today in really the worst we have ever seen, that it doesn’t care what you think when it goes after the opposing party, the opposing potential nominee. Then nothing I say can persuade you. The Democrat Party knows it has the media and its back pocket. The Democrat Party knows it has the Department of Justice in its back pocket. The Democrat Party knows it has the grand jury in Washington, in Manhattan, in Albany, in Alabama, excuse me, and in Atlanta in its back pocket. It knows all these things. You know, it’s interesting, America, as I pulled out of them, I did something I almost never do. I bought The Washington Post. On the front page is not a mention of the Devin Archer testimony and the consequences for that. Not one word. Not one word. So it’s censorship and it’s not just The Washington Post. Then I bought the new. York Times. Not one word on the front page about the devastating testimony of Devin Archer and what took place. Not a word. The same newspaper that covered up for the Holocaust in the Third Reich and the Nazis. And Stalin is covering up now. Not a word. Then I bought the Wall Street Journal. Not part of it, apart from, of course, the editorial page on the front page. Not one word. Nothing that I bought USA Today. Not one word on a Devin Archer manner. In fact, the front page on the left side, the Trump Inquiry special counsel cards are How close? Jack Smith’s Pattern Go Dark and Stay There by Josh Meyer. Of course. Josh Myers, a liar. Because Smith and his people have a horrendous history of leaking. So The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the. Not a word. Nothing about the Devon Archer testimony. Not a word. This indictment against Donald Trump. You know, the legal analysts are out there saying, you know, the first of all was more. But no, it isn’t. No, it isn’t. This guy, Jack Smith, should be in prison for what he’s done to people, what he’s done to this country. You should be in prison, and so should all of his comrades. When you talk about interfering with an election or denying people the right to vote, he’s the perfect example. He is the example. Conspiracy to defraud the United States doesn’t make any sense. Conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding. The candidates part of the official proceeding, he’s allowed to vigorously. Aggressively challenged the results of an election. It’s done all the time. He can do it in the States. He can do it in Congress. He can do it with free speech. That’s part of the system now it’s criminalized. So where is the line drawn here? Where? Obstruction and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding. That’s what we call piling on that count for conspiracy against rights. Nobody uses conspiracy against rights. That means conspiracy, I assume, as I read it. Conspiracy against the American people in their right to vote. Wow. The problem is this. You see how the Republicans today will not support in a unanimous way the appointment of a special counsel to go after Joe Biden. You see, the Republicans today will not support in a unanimous way even an impeachment inquiry to go after Joe Biden. But the Democrats will do anything and everything to destroy this country. Because they hate us. And they hate the country and they want one party rule. That’s what they want because that’s what fascistic and Marxist regimes do. They want one party monopoly. Raul, And they’re close to having him. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Well, let’s see how many of the members of the Republican leadership in the Senate speak at. That Marc Short is Mike Pence’s top assistant. I don’t know what he’s saying on Fox, but he ought to rub that stupid look off his face. What are the rules now for running, challenging and disputing elections? What are they? What are they? What can I. Kennedy When can a candidate rely on legal advice and one can’t a candidate rely on legal advice? There’s a president not free to discuss decisions about electors with his vice president now. Is the president free to publicly dispute election results? No, but don’t you understand, Mike Judge has already ruled. Oh, I see. So when the Democrats attack the U.S. Supreme Court after that, they should keep their mouths shut after the court rules. Is that about right? The electoral process is now not purely political, but subject to subsequent review by prosecutors, subsequent review after the fact. They can look at it and say, you know what, You shouldn’t have followed that legal advice. You know what? You shouldn’t have called that secretary of state. Why not? Why not? He calls secretaries of state till he’s blue in the face. He can challenge election results till he’s blue in the face. And I told you even before the legal analysts that what Jack Smith had absolutely nothing to do with the charges here talks about the riot. There’s nothing in these 45 pages accusing Trump of causing a riot. Their entire house of cards has fallen. So they come up with this cockamamie crap. Now people say now the Republicans can do it, but they don’t. We’ve got the Chris Christie’s of the world. The Mitch McConnell’s in the boys. They don’t do the same thing. You’ve got enough information not just to have an impeachment hearing, but to have a vote tonight on Joe Biden. No, no, no. We’ve got to build a case, don’t you? What do you want to build, for God’s sakes? And the crap Senators Mitch McConnell says, I would have had a majority. But you know what? You’re the leader of the Republicans and you suck. I don’t see why we should give you a majority minority. Your suck. Whether you’re in the majority, your suck, whether you’re in the minority, you’re sucked for 15 damn years. If good men and women aren’t going to speak out now, it’s over. It’s over. The media are corrupt. The whole system is corrupt. The fact is the Democrat Party has dragged us to this point. The Democrat Party is behind this. They were behind Russia Collusion two impeachments. Mueller investigation. They challenged not just Trump’s election. Now, Moron in Waco sits there with that stupid look on his face. Says nothing about what’s going on. That’s right. I said it. It’s unbelievable. I guess this means Chris Christie’s going to get more face time. On cable and Meet the Press and ABC. Yeah, We need to hear from Chris, don’t we? So relevant. But that’s the problem. I can tell you right now, the Democrat Party wouldn’t tolerate this for 2 seconds. They’re already out there defending Joe Biden. Leave poor Hunter alone. He’s just Joe loving his son. Don’t interfere with the family. All this bullcrap. But look at this. They drop indictments like it’s no big deal. The interfere with a presidential election. They want to decide who the Republican nominee is going to be. And if I hear one more time every time he’s indicted, his polls go up with Republicans. But he still has to run in a general election. And trust me when I tell you, look around you, there’s a lot of stupid people who vote in the general election. Look around you. There’s a lot of stupid out there. This is a war against the country. That’s exactly what it is. Jack Smith has destroyed our electoral system. That’s what he’s accomplished. I’ll say it. Nobody else will. Jack Smith has destroyed our electoral system, and now he’s in front of an Obama judge. Oh, let’s see how she got nobody else say, well, she’s partisan, she’s leftwing, she’s this or that. Nobody. As far as I’m concerned. Pretty amazing. Every day gets worse around here. Then the idiot in L.A. will be next. The next Democrat. Prosecutor will step up. The whole legal system is corrupt. Anyway, think know I’m a member of the bar. I was going to resign. My wife said, Now you never know. I can’t stand it. I can’t stand it anymore. I spent 40 actually longer. I graduated law school. I was 23. So what does that mean? I have spent 42 and a half years as a lawyer. As a lawyer. It’s unbelievable what I see here. It’s just appalling. So now a prosecutor. Can look at a federal election. You can listen to what a presidential candidate or a senatorial candidate, Right. Congressional candidate has said. Why the judges have final say. All these judges aren’t even supposed to be involved in this process. What they have said. And I could decide if that was. An effort to obstruct the legitimate outcome of an election. They talking about? Why our point? You would think even the worst Never Trumpers would come forward and condemn this. You would think. But they won’t. This is why I will never stop defending this man. All the rest of it. The name means nothing to me. Nothing to me. But I will defend him to my last breath because I know, as a matter of fact, that what’s corrupt here is the people who are trying to put him in prison the rest of his life, put him in prison for speaking. I will say it now. Hopefully the backbenchers will regurgitated tonight or tomorrow. Jack Smith has just destroyed the American electoral system. He’s destroyed it just by bringing these charges. Whether the thrown out conviction, it only will get worse from here. He has destroyed the American electoral system, destroyed it. Now any U.S. attorney in the United States of America. Well, I have an open door. To call witnesses to put them in front of grand juries, to subpoena information, to question election results, to question somebody, questioning election results. President of the United States, it won’t matter if it’s in the middle of an election after an election before an election. None of it, no matter. This is why this has never been done before in American history. Never. There have been many challenges to elections. There was a challenge in 2000. Makes me wonder if Jack sticks were in charge and Merrick Garland were in charge. Well, people will be indicted because they dared to challenge the legitimacy. Of chads of the Supreme Court of Florida. They spoke you know, they spoke. You can’t challenge them. Well, the Supreme Court of the United States did. I warned you about this man before anybody else. I dug into his background. I know what we were dealing with. Same with the court system in Washington, D.C.. I warned you. I told you not that there’s anything you can do. That there’s anything I can do. I brought. Governor McDonnell on the program Sunday. So you can hear for yourselves what that man went through. And that’s his wife, for God’s sakes. But don’t worry. Don’t worry. I’ve. If you testify against your husband. We will not. We will not imprison you. This guy is dirty. This guy has been roaming this country looking for people to. To hunt. To punish. I want to remind you, it was he who went after the Tea Party. He went after the Tea Party. The government wound up paying three and a half million dollars to various groups. Unbelievable. William Heard. Well, Heard says Trump is running for president to stay out of prison. Scam his supporters into footing his legal bills. And this latest indictment demonstrates he’s unfit for office. Asa Hutchinson said another sad day for America with a former president being charged criminally. These are the loathsome bottom feeders of the Republican Party swamp. They can’t wait to put out statements. These are hyenas. And I could only wish. That 10% of what’s been done to Trump, what happened to them? They are opportunists. They seek to draw attention to themselves, their self-righteous, pathetic buffoons. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
You know, it’s perplexing listening to these calls on TV and radio. He keeps getting indicted, but his popularity keeps going up and the base and the Republican Party, Mr. Producer. Because what is he being indicted for? Everybody agrees the Manhattan D.A. is Soros hack. Brought a bogus case. So we’re supposed to have a lesser opinion of Trump? I’ve gone through the documents. Case two on blue in the face. We all know about Hillary and her destruction of information. We all know about the Presidential Records Act that has been bypassed by this prosecutor. We also know of all the abuses, if you listen to this program. So why? Well, that’s you know what? We don’t like him anymore. And now this. Hakeem Jeffries. Whose family has a long history of anti-Semitism and racism. The Democrat Party leader. He gets up and he says talks about January 6th and the riots. Trump’s not charged with insurrection or riots or anything of the kind. So what does that hair brain talking about? And most of what, as I told you, even before he finished during the course of his comment and his statement. That Jack Smith, what he was talking about, had nothing to do with his indictments. The attacks on the police. The riot that day. What is that? That was a speech to Democrats under the media that had nothing to do with what he did. The charges had is. And I’ll tell you this briefly. I was looking somebody actually brought it to my attention and there’s a couple of books coming out, one by Rachel MADDOW in October. And she’s talking about how after the war, the Nazis and some conservative groups in America were working together to try not to fire America in so many words. The book’s not out yet. I haven’t read it. Then there’s some other woman who apparently is big on Facebook talking about how it is that the radical left are the true small D Democrats. The principles of the founding and. Are what they actually support. I thought to myself, these books get the number one and number two on Amazon. Because the other side is fired up. They never get dispirited. They want all this to go to prison or to shut up and or turn our children over to the teachers unions or whatever it is. And they’re succeeding. And they’re succeeding. This is Merrick Garland speaking, and most of it is here. Yes, I want it now. Here we go. He says that the democracy problem, the career men and women of the Justice Department engaged in what has become the largest investigation in our history. In November last year, I appointed Locksmith a special counsel, to take on the ongoing investigation. In order to underline the department’s. Accountability and independence. Mr. Smith. Experience principled career agents. Prosecutors are following the facts and the law as abuse. We. That’s why I need to do a podcast. Shut up, you creep. You jerk. Make me sick. As they do injustice, they pretend righteously that they’re doing justice. Isn’t that just like the Marxists and the fascists? Self-aggrandizing buffoons. Trump made all these false statements about the election. Oh, I see. How about Biden? But all his faults, false folks, politicians say what they say. The point is, we now have prosecutors. We’re going to make a determination of statements are true or false. This is how this stuff gets into the into the ether. This is how they have censorship boards at one department or another. This is how they have attacks on what they call mal information, misinformation, disinformation and censorship. This is their boy, this Jack Smith. But let me just say this. I was pointing out that these leftist write these books and they’re gobbled up. Because they know ideas have consequences. And they push out their lies, their spin, their distortion of history and facts. To millions of millions of their followers. The whole point of my book, The Democrat Party Hates America is to challenge that is to take them on. I had no idea these other two books were coming out. But how propitious? That’s good. That mine is coming out when it’s coming out. Folks, you’ve got to be prepared. People are being brainwashed. They’re being indoctrinated. We now have the effort to monopolize and have one party rule in this country, the Democrat Party. That’s what’s going on here. They’re going to decide if Republicans can challenge elections or not. And if they do, they want to threaten them, intimidate them and imprison them. Republicans don’t do this. They don’t even speak out tonight as I speak to you. Not even tonight. Will they speak out? Donald Trump committed no crimes. On or around January 6th. He committed no crimes in Georgia. He didn’t commit any crime. He was challenging an election in 100 different ways. And you’re allowed to do it. I’ll be right back.