July 31st, 2023

July 31st, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 04: (L-R) President Joe Biden, first lady Jill Biden and Hunter Biden watch fireworks on the South Lawn of the White House on July 04, 2023 in Washington, DC. The Bidens hosted a Fourth of July BBQ and concert with military families and other guests on the South Lawn of the White House. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, what is the likely crime Joe Biden committed? He’s a co-conspirator in Hunter Biden’s FARA violation. Any other situation would have triggered a Joe Biden investigation and an impeachment inquiry. What will it take for Republicans to call for both? There’s enough of a developed case. There won’t be a criminal investigation unless there’s a special counsel. The basics won’t even be done for Biden, but when it comes to Donald Trump – they throw everything at him. We now have a good idea why Trump was impeached the first time over Ukraine. There was no quid pro quo, he wad getting too close to the truth. Llittle did Trump know how close he was getting to revealing the Biden crime family. Also, special counsel Jack Smith built his own mini Justice Department and brought in the most aggressive prosecutors he could to go against Trump. An Attorney General is supposed to pick a special counsel outside of the system, not re-create the Eric Holder DOJ. Afterward, Miranda Devine calls in to discuss Hunter Biden’s international influence peddling scheme. Hunter calls Joe to demonstrate to his business associates that he can get him on the phone quickly. That’s what Hunter was selling – Joe. Later, Biden and Kamala Harris are in charge of the National Park Service and this is what they have on their government website. “Students analyze objects to determine what skills a house slave needed to complete assigned tasks. Students explore the potential marketability of these skills.” Does this mean Harris is a racist? Will she apologize to Gov Ron DeSantis?

“From Slavery to Freedom: Different Journeys to Liberty”

Dem Rep’s Attempted Spin on Former Hunter Biden Associate’s Testimony Just Makes Things Worse

NY Post
Devon Archer reveals exactly what Hunter was selling — Joe Biden

Fulton County DA says work is done in Trump probe and ‘we’re ready to go’

Daily Mail
Former AG Bill Barr says he’ll jump off a BRIDGE if his old boss Trump wins GOP’s 2024 nomination – as 45th president continues to hammer DeSantis in polls

Photo by Tasos Katopodis

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-381.  877-381-3811. You know, the Republicans on Capitol Hill in the House have been handed a gold mine. They’ve been handed a gold mine. Now, don’t get me wrong. They’ve worked for it. These committee hearings have been fabulous. But they’re waiting for pictures of like a murder scene. And even worse, the Democrats are saying if you don’t have pictures of a murder scene, you know, you have no evidence that anything’s going on here, folks. There’s a reason why you don’t hear from Merrick Garland. There’s a reason why you don’t hear from the Department of Justice at all. All this is swirling around the press in the United States. All this is swirling around the Department of Justice. The outrage cover up deal that they cut. With Hunter Biden’s lawyers in order to quiet them. To get this off the table. So there’s not going to be a criminal investigation of Joe Biden. Meantime, we have Nancy Mace and others coming forward saying basically we can’t do an impeachment inquiry or it’s too soon to do an impeachment inquiry. What do you need? The murder scene. You’re not going to get the murder scene. You’ve got tons of information here. Then in any other situation would trigger a criminal investigation. And in any other president would trigger an impeachment inquiry. So what exactly is the standard here? What’s it going to take? You’ve got Republicans. We’re saying, well, this will cost us the House if we go down this path. What? You know what? Sometimes you do the right thing and you hope for the best in politics, but you do the right thing when you have the most corrupt president in American history sitting in the Oval Office. On top of being the most demented. They’re not even calling for a special counsel on Capitol Hill. They’re not even calling for a special counsel. Well. Let me tell you something. There’s not going to be a criminal investigation unless there is a special counsel. And they don’t want a special counsel. Why? Because Joe Biden’s corruption will be pointed out, be demonstrated even more. Joe Biden will have to give testimony under oath to a federal grand jury. Remember how they forced Donald Trump to answer questions under oath? At the direction of the grand jury. Joe Biden doesn’t have to answer to anybody. He’ll just keep lying to you. We, the people. The Democrats don’t care. They got more grand juries going on Trump or anybody else who gets in the way. Then you can possibly imagine. Then you can possibly imagine. And I think in in the next election, they’re thinking of destroying the people who are in their way. When it comes to impeachment. They couldn’t impeach fast enough or often enough based on nothing. Nothing. But the Republicans are there, you know, wringing their hands. It’s unbelievable to me. Why aren’t they calling for a special counsel? Because we’re afraid of two things. One, the wrong guy will be appointed. And number two. It’ll be harder for Congress to get to the bottom of it, to get to the bottom of what they’re at the bottom of it. There should be an impeachment inquiry right now. No, no, no. You don’t understand. You’re a step ahead. You’re alioski’s, whatever the stupid phraseology is. And they play right into the hands of the Democrats who keep saying what? There’s no evidence tying Joe Biden. There’s no evidence. There’s no evidence. There could be DNA. There could be fingerprints. There could be everything. It wouldn’t matter to them. It wouldn’t matter. But when you hear Republicans say it. We’re dealing in large part with quislings, as I said the other day. Now there should be a special counsel appointed. There must be a special counsel appointed or Joe Biden will never have to answer any questions that have any legal consequence whatsoever. Period. And I would say to the Democrats, you have a problem with the special counsel. If Joe Biden hasn’t done anything wrong, what’s the problem? Puts the problems, only Trump heads into an election. Handicapped. With a day in Manhattan, an attorney general in New York, a D.A. and. Atlanta. A grand jury in Washington. A grand jury in Florida at trial. Now in Florida. Only he. Has to deal with that. Pretty amazing, don’t you think? No, it’s pathetic. Now I want to repeat this. What is the likely crime that Joe Biden committed? I said this last week. What is the likely crime that Joe Biden committed? Please. Republicans on Capitol Hill, pay attention. I’m educating you. He’s a co-conspirator. In Hunter Biden’s firearm violations. All you have to do is show that Hunter Biden one count of violating the FARA. This is what Robert Mueller did. This is what they did to Manford. That’s it. One count. Joe Biden even before today. As I explained last week, the speaker fell 20 of those. Joe Biden would have to prove his innocence. Joe Biden would have to prove that he had no knowledge who was on the other end of the phone and so forth and so on. Yet the Department of Justice just said in court that fire was an area they were going to continue to investigate. But they’re not going to investigate Joe Biden as a co-conspirator, are they? So he has to testify. Under oath, as I said last week. About his son. What his son told him, what his son didn’t tell him. About the names of the people he spoke to those 20 times over the speaker. And by the way, that’s 20 times over the speaker. How many other times did he speak to people not in front of Devin Archer. Heads of state and so forth and so on. Nobody’s bringing that up. So I will. So Joe Biden needs to answer these questions under oath, under penalty. A potential imprisonment. Now, of course, you can’t indict a sitting president. But so what? You still need the information. We voters, don’t we? Where is the evidence the Democrats wanted? Because they know that Garland’s in the back pocket. And so the rational follow up from any reporter who’s with his or her sort and most of them aren’t, is okay, you want evidence? How come you’re not asking for special counsel? You’ve got all this information out there. All this information out there. What’s the problem? Now. What is Fara? We talk about Fara. It requires certain agents of foreign principals who are engaged in political activities or other activities specified under the statute and reading from the DOJ to make periodic public disclosure of the relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities. Boy, they got hired to right. That the rights and daddy who participate in at least 20 and we know there are more 20 in front of Devin Archer, 20 in front of Devin Archer they get a 500 for all we know, 20 in front of Devin Archer. On the speaker. Daddy, come here. Daddy. Would you tell them who you are? I’m Joe Robinette Biden Jr. I’m the vice president of the united states. Hey, lunch bucket, Joe. They often call me. Quid pro quo, Joe. Another name they use. But, Mark, you can’t prove the Democrat. You can’t prove anything. Okay. Let’s get a special counsel. No. Well, on what basis? To appoint a special counsel. Okay. Let’s look at the that the requirements at the Department of Justice, Section 600.1 28 CFR, the attorney general in cases in which the attorney general is recused. The acting attorney general will appoint a special counsel when he or she determines will appoint a special counsel when he or she determines a criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted. They said, I want it here. I mean, I think we need to answer for the Democrats, don’t we, Mr. Producer? They want to know what’s the evidence. All right, let’s get it for them. A that investigation or prosecution of the person or matter by a U.S. attorney’s office or litigating division of the Department of Justice would present a conflict of interest for the department or other extraordinary circumstances, and B, that under the circumstances it would be in the public interest to appoint an outside special counsel to assume responsibility for the matter. Now, notice they talk about an outside special counsel. So Merrick Garland even violated. The appointment. Would Jack Smith. Because Jack Smith is not outside the Department of Justice. Oh, he’s at The Hague. Like I said, he’s not outside the Department of Justice. And I spent a lot of time last night on Life, Liberty and Laverne going through that. We charted it. We did all of it. They simply set up another Department of Justice and they put the worst of the worst people in there, particularly Democrat hacks. But all that said, the conditions for appointing a special counsel. Have been met well beyond the standard that’s required, well beyond this. And yet they use this to appoint a special counsel to go after Trump. That’s not even the purpose. That’s not even how you do this. Nobody’s ever appointed a special counsel to go after the other party or the other candidate. It’s an internal mechanism to make sure the attorney general doesn’t appear to be in a conflict with the man who appointed him. That’s the real reason this exists. But we’re not hearing with the collective voice, including from the Republican leadership, that there needs to be a special counsel now. Now. So Joe Biden is put under oath. And then you’ll get an impeachment. Because then you’ll determine that, in fact, he was a co-conspirator to violate the Foreign Registration Act. Then you have it. But they don’t want to go there. So what’s the point, America? They. Don’t want to go the legislative constitutional route and they don’t want to go the executive criminal route, the special counsel. So what route are they going to go on? And what are they waiting for? We need to develop the case. You have enough of a developed case to have an impeachment inquiry, and you certainly have enough of a developed case to have a special counsel appointed. You’ve got enough for both or either. Or we can keep just. Can you believe a Band-Aid? Can you believe what Archer said? Can you believe? Then what? I mean, it makes for great ratings. I’m sure it makes for a great conversation. On radio and TV makes for great columns and columnists, but it doesn’t help save that damn country. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Now while the basics weren’t even done on in be done as they are in any typical investigation when it comes to the Department of Justice and potential violations of law involving Joe Biden. The basics winning bidder when it comes to Donald Trump. It’s not a matter of basics. It’s a matter of throwing everything conceivable at the man, the kitchen sink, every curve ball and knuckleball, and aiming for his head with every pitch. The complete opposite. I think there are several ways for him to fight back. I’ve mentioned it on air, I’ve mentioned on Fox, I’ve mentioned on live TV, certainly here. To fire real torpedoes. Into the side of that pirate ship. I want to hit them very quickly. Not all of them. Some of them. And I want to go through some of the reaction today, some of the audio and other things to the testimony that Devon Archer gave. Our second hour, we’re going to have Miranda Devine on the program as well. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Most of what you’re hearing you will never hear on NBC or ABC or CBS or PBS or NPR, MSNBC, CNN and you only started hearing it on the mothership at Fox because I started talking about it. And that’s okay. The others, as opposed to Fox, are never going to voice any of it. They don’t even have people on there who are able to because they’re so one sided. I’ll give you a perfect example. Why did. The U.S. Attorney’s office in Washington, D.C., and then picked up by the so-called special counsel, Jack Smith, have a grand jury investigating the documents case. Why was that handled in Washington, D.C.? Because these are where all the favorable Obama judges are. And Biden judges and the very, very weak Trump judges. This is part of the United States Department of Justice swamp, as I pointed out here, and I pointed out on Fox and elsewhere. Ten out of the 12. Active judges. In D.C.. Either came out of the U.S. Attorney’s office, the public defender’s office, or main Justice. Or both. Or two of them. So they’re close. They socialize. They have lunch together at the courthouse. I know this is a fact. I used to work there. Plus, as I pointed out in the chart, Smith built his own mini Justice Department and brought in the most aggressive and irresponsible prosecutors he could. Many of whom worked for him when he ran the Public Integrity section, targeted the Tea Party and others. And Bob McDonnell was great last night on Fox. Very courageous man. When you pick a special council, you’re supposed to pick somebody outside of the system. That’s what they what the rule says. Outside of. Not recreate. The Eric Holder Department of Justice, which is what they’ve done. Now, here’s what I’m talking about. You still haven’t heard this from legal analysts. The Department of Justice guidelines for Prosecutors. Nine Dash 11. Point. One, two, one. These are suggestions. These are guidelines for prosecutors who work for the Department of Justice. Quote on venue limitations. A case should not be presented to a grand jury in a district unless venue for the offense lies in that district. What took place in Mar a Lago did not lie in Washington, D.C.. Now Jack the Ripper Smith in is up to 60. Prosecutors and FBI agents all know this room. They’ve been around a long time. Several decades. So they violated it. Purposely because they wanted the judges in the District of Columbia, particularly the one judge who’s now gone Barrel House, who worked for Patrick Leahy for ten years and has ruled against Donald Trump in every single motion. And ruled for the government in every single motion. She’s a hack, she’s a leftist. She’s now retired. But the damage is done. And of course, the grand jurors are chosen from the population in that district, which is Washington, D.C., one of the greatest haven for Trump haters on the face of the earth. 5% of the population that voted in Washington, D.C. in the last election voted for Trump, over 93% for Joe Biden. You know, G Ping looks for numbers like that. So they purposely pick this district. Because they want to bring these charges and this indictment against Trump, not in Florida here. And then near the end, he moves it all down to Florida. People are saying, what was he thinking? Did he not realize, blah, blah, blah, blah. I’m telling you what he was doing. He’s a sleazeball. And then because yours truly has been on TV and radio talking about this, whether it’s Fox, whether it’s behind this microphone and 14 and a half million people, some of the scum in his office here, what I’m saying are they’re monitoring Fox. They said, oh, he’s on to us. So they move it down to Florida and then they they claim all they have to do is read the charges to a new grand jury in Florida. And that’s good enough. No, it’s not good enough. The grand jury in Washington, D.C. did all the investigative work at the direction of the prosecutor’s office, not the grand jury in Florida. It’s not good enough just to read them and have them rubber stamp them. Otherwise, every damn prosecutor in the country would do that. They would go venue shopping. The rule doesn’t say all you have to do is in good faith, fix it, or even in bad faith fix it. It says, this is what you shall not do. And they did it. And so this certainly should be emotion and I hope at some point is by the Trump lawyers that this entire thing should be thrown out. Now. In addition, I’ve brought up the attorney client privilege issue that was decided on the last day of Judge House judgeship. Still in secret. We don’t know why she ruled, how she did. We don’t know what her order says. It’s still a secret. And virtually every charge brought against President Trump comes from that decision against him having due process rights and taking attorney client privilege away from the. So I brought that up and I brought up much more. The search warrant. Two general warned. Limitless rummaging around the docket. You can’t say that the government can seize similarly packaged materials, quote, in the vicinity, unquote, of the boxes containing documents. Mark. That’s a general warrant yet to be very specific. Is any criminal out there or any criminal defense lawyer can have limitless rummaging through stuff. And not only that, there is an affidavit that is attached to the warrant, that is a swearing as to what we know is there, what we’re looking for and that sort of stuff. Or was there anything in there that was exculpatory? They need to know. They need to know. So what you have is what’s called a Franks hearing. A Franks hearing a hearing in front of the judge. Sort of a mini not so much trial but exposé when it comes to this process. So the judge in Florida should do that. Because that’s where the motion would be filed, presumably. So this is why the additional charges were filed the other day by the special prosecutor. Because he’s thinking if they knock out. These other indictments based on what Levin is saying and being honest. That the exception crime fraud exception to attorney client privilege actually did not meet the bar. And there’s venue issue on top of that just shows utter bad faith. But more than that. Again attack on due process. It’s a directive by the Department of Justice, not a suggestion. And of course, there’s more. I’m not going to repeat myself. Not yet, anyway. So they throw on these these ridiculous charges and they indict. They had a maintenance. Because they want him or somebody else to flip on Trump and say, yes, he directed us to to erase certain video. By the way, no video was erased. It’s just the act of directing somebody to do it. Now, let me ask you something. Is that really serious when you’re going after a former president and a candidate for president? Mr. Abbott is here. What are you looking for here? Other than. Other than do whatever you have to do to get a victory, to get a win. But that’s why he did it, because that’s separate and apart from everything else. But even there, it’s, hey, he he Trump says, no, I never directed him to do anything. Okay, so now what do you do? But more than all of this. Listen to me. Carefully. More than all of this. What does this demonstrate that this case would be brought? Would the grand jury. In D.C. and then move to Florida. It demonstrates the motives. The number one motive, which is to interfere in the election, because Smith knows and he had to get the approval of Garrett. GARRETT Just keep in mind Merrick Garland, rather, but Merrick Garland is involved. And I is the final say in all this that they wanted Trump indicted. They knew they’d get him indicted in Washington, D.C.. Yeah, they’ll move the damn thing to Florida, but get him indicted. Interfere with the election. Create as many problems as he can. They’re not expecting his support to go up, of course. As much as she can. That’s what it’s about. And all the media do is say, in our three murder indictments against Trump, scheming, scheming to erase video. So you hear all you hear is the prosecution side from the media. That’s it. And yet, when it comes to Joe Biden, all you here’s the Joe Biden side and the Hunter Biden side and their lawyer side. So you hear try and ignore them. We’ll be right back.

Segment 4
And when all the news people out there to listen, even the frauds. And when all the news people do listen it only in a Newsmax. And when all the news people do listen at Fox. Everybody. All the news people and media eyed and mediocre, right? Yeah. You know what I do for fun? I do research. So I went to the National Park Service site. Now, who’s in charge of the National Park Service? Mr. Producer? Joe Biden. Right. Department of Interior reports to Joe Biden. The National Park Service, who’s in charge of a Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Who funds it? Congress. So the federal government controls the National Park Service. The federal government determines what the National Park Service puts out in terms of information. Museum Management Program. National Park Service. U.S. Department of Interior. Biden Administration. Teaching with museum collections, lesson plans for children from slavery to freedom, different journeys to liberty. So this should be interesting. So I scroll down to listen to. Lesson two is called Ready for This. A house slave acquiring skills. Now I quote, Students analyze objects to determine what skills hey how slave needed to complete assigned tasks. Students explore the potential marketability of these skills. This lesson also introduced students into 19th century foodways. Say what? Say what? Students analyze objects to determine what skills a house slave needed to complete assigned tasks. Students explore the potential marketability of these skills. This lesson also introduces students to the 19th century foodways the potential marketability of skills. Mr. Producer. We not only have the College Board’s. We have the official United States government National Park Service under Joe Biden. Now I am waiting. For congressional Democrats and some Republicans. To insist that this language be addressed. Kamala Harris, vice president of the United States. The Interior Department’s points to her and her boss. Is Kamala Harris a racist? Now, slavery had no redeeming value. There’s no question about that. But the war on Governor DeSantis is rather peculiar. Shall we now have a war on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? Let me repeat for the slow to listen. The low IQ prepubescent Neanderthals at mediocre in media matters. And CNN and MSNBC and all the rest of that crap alphabet out there. Students analyzed objects National Park Service, to determine what skills a house slave needed to complete assigned tasks. Students explore the potential marketability of these skills. That’s all the DeSantis material says. It’s not even his. It’s all the scholars who put it together. Said, That’s it. Now I would say this. Well, Kamala Harris marched to the doors of the Interior Department, which is right there in Washington, D.C., right near the Federal Reserve building. But the reserving, I don’t know. But go right there to the Interior Department. You’re going to bang on the doors, come out. You’re going to have a press conference in front of the Interior Department. You’re going to tell them this is outrageous. Are you going to say, Joe Biden and I are racists, make government’s racist? We Democrats are racist. Well, you, Carmela. And all the rest out there. We’ve taken umbrage at this. This is not my issue. I wouldn’t die on this hill. I’m just saying, by the way, I misquoted Byron Donalds the other night. It’s good, man. I just wanted to make that clear. When I make a mistake, I just want to make it clear that I made a mistake. But I’m talking about others now. What do you think of this, Mr. Producer? Quite a little find all those massive corporate media outlets. They don’t even look me sitting at the dining room table. But all my books and I look and there it is. I didn’t know the Park Service was filled with racists, as is the Biden administration that oversees the Park Service. Pretty damn outrageous. I’ll be right back.