July 27th, 2023

July 27th, 2023

Wilmington, DE - July 26 : President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden departs a court appearance at the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, in Wilmington, DE. (Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the entire purpose of the Hunter Biden plea deal was to cover up and protect the Biden Crime Family, and now it is collapsing to the point of labeling Hunter Biden as a foreign agent. Federal judges outside of Washington D.C. are far more skeptical about the DOJ, FBI, and the special counsel going after Donald Trump, and won’t act as a rubber stamp for Merrick Garland or any of the corrupt officials in the Biden Administration. Joe Biden is a co-conspirator of the violation of FARA by his son Hunter on multiple occasions and helped to facilitate Hunter’s activities. Congress already has all this information because these committees have done the investigation, and we know that Hunter has received millions through the aid of Joe Biden while he was Vice President. The case against Joe Biden as a co-conspirator is overwhelming but he will not be charged by the DOJ, but it should be the first in a list of articles of impeachment against Biden. Also, Democrats are still using climate change as a way to control what cars we drive and what appliances we have. There is nothing we can do to control the sun or the weather, but the liberal Marxists don’t want to hear from any scientists that disagree with their climate religion. Later, Mark speaks with Tim Ballard about the movie Sound of Freedom and his work to rescue children from global sex traffickers.

Real Clear Politics
Turley: Hunter Biden’s Judge Raised The Question The White House Most Fears, Was He A Foreign Agent And For What Purpose?

Right Scoop
Kamala Harris is going to be REALLY upset when she finds out about this…

Daily Mail
Trump accused of trying to delete the Mar-a-Lago server and wipe surveillance footage in bombshell new indictment: Ex-President hit with MORE charges and head of club’s maintenance is also implicated in classified documents case

Claire McCaskill: GOP Wants To Impeach Joe Because He Loves Hunter

‘Climate Science’ debunked in 90 seconds.

Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811. Hello, 877-381-3811. Well, as you know by now, of course, you listen to this program, the federal district judge in Wilmington, Delaware. Among other things, specifically asked the government. What ongoing investigation. You’re giving him immunity. Hunter Biden from everything for everything. Despite the fact that he’s only pleading to a tax case and a gun case. Then of course, all hell broke loose on that let loose on that and other matters. And then we’ve had legal analysts out there who’ve all hopped on this and they’ve all said, I told you this would be the big issue. Actually, they didn’t. This is one of the issues of many issues that we discussed here that he might be liable for. Big issue, small issue or no issue. But I want to take it a step further. Here’s Jonathan Turley, very smart guy. Real Clear Politics scribing what he he said to Julian Turner on FOX. During the course of this, she said. I think the crucial question, at least in a lot of people’s minds, is whether what these unusual proceedings corroborate or at least substantiate the claims from critics over the last few weeks that this plea deal was a sweetheart deal, excuse me, to begin with. Now God knows we’ve talked about it here. We’ve talked about it on TV. We’ve talked about it everywhere. Jonathan Turley I think it does support that view. The problem with a plea agreement is you can actually type in wink and nod, right? I mean, the problem with this agreement is that the judge read it and said, what is this? And part of the obligation of the court is to make sure that the defendant and the government are very clear on what the agreement means. And they weren’t. And it broke down with the most basic questions. That was what was so surprising here, is that these are the types of questions as a defense counsel, you work out with prosecutors in advance. Let me stop here. These judges are not monks. They’re watching the news. They’re listening to radio. They know that there’s a lot of questions about this deal. That simply don’t add up. You knew there were a lot of questions about this deal that don’t add up. He says she basically asked one question and the whole darn thing fell apart. And so the question now is, where do you go from here? It’s like a wedding where both the bride and the groom objected and everyone else was sitting there saying, wait, how did we get here and where do we go from here? Turner I know, you know you don’t know, right? Why? Just reading what it says. But why did they end up here? Why did they get to this point in this courtroom today? Where they didn’t agree on what they actually agreed on. Charlie I think part of the problem is they really did want to cap out the cases. Now, let me tell you why. And then I’ll continue. I said it last night. Because the government is getting everything it wants. From the district courts in Washington, D.C.. Because almost every one of those judges come out of main justice. They know each other. They know the prosecutors. They know the assistant attorneys general. They know all these people. Plus, many of the cases are going to be for these radical Democrats appointed by Obama and Clinton to the court. And so my point to you the last night, and I’ll repeat it today is the federal judges that are not in Washington. Who are not from Main Justice. They’re far more skeptical about the Department of Justice, Maine Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the special counsel in the case of the Trump attacks. That’s why. This judge never worked at Main Justice, and she’s a judge in Wilmington, Delaware. Kelly I think part of the problem is they really did want to cap out the case, which is true. The Department of Justice wanted to cap this investigation, but they didn’t want to say that it was now over From the beginning, the Hunter Biden team said this is a close, our plea agreement, there would be nothing left to investigate. But the department is telling Congress, we’re not going to give you there these witnesses or these documents because there is an ongoing investigation. We talked about that. That didn’t make any sense. He gets immunity from everything else. But at the same time, they’re saying that the case is over. You can’t do both things when a judge is asking you to specifically address whether this is a close out or a continuing investigation. That’s the truth. But I think in the Washington, D.C. courtrooms, they expected a rubber stamp and they expected one from this judge. Because that’s what they’ve been getting in all the Trump cases. That’s what they’ve been getting in all the on the challenges. But it’s not the D.C. courthouse. It’s the Wilmington, Delaware Courthouse or it’s the Fort Pierce, Florida, courthouse. Curley says this is a big problem. This, we’re all supposed was all supposed to be scripted. True. It’s all supposed to be easy. That’s why they have it. Excuse me. Cholera. A judge with integrity. Who’s really going to look at the law, really going to try and look at what’s taking place, makes all the difference in the world. All the difference in the world. That’s the lesson from this. That we count on. A judiciary. That is truly filled with people of virtue. That’s what we count on to be a check on the prosecutors and a check on the Department of Justice. We haven’t had that up till now. Turley goes on. And if he. Here we go. Because the judge has raised the one charge that the White House most fears, which is the chance that Hunter Biden was a foreign agent. If he was a foreign agent, the question is, foreign agent for who and for what purpose? The president was that purpose for influence peddling, peddling its influence over the president. So if you go for FARA, it’s going to bring all this stuff in, including some of these tax accounts for 2014 and 2015 that the Department of Justice allowed to run, allowed the statute of limitations to expire. All of that can get bootstrapped into a FARA issue. The whole purpose of this deal is collapsing as we’re watching it, and it’s taken Washington by utter surprise. I was on the Hill talking with the members and everyone was floored. Okay. Which is why the Department of Justice, when it goes back to this court, I think it’s 30 days or 60 days. It’s going to do everything it can to work out another deal. With Hunter Biden. That may well include FARA. Okay, You violated fire. Maybe you’ll do a few months. Or maybe you’ll do a fine. Or maybe we’ll do something. But what’s the real exposure here? The Department of Justice is not going to indict Joe Biden. Because it’s long standing department policy under Republican and Democrat attorneys general that you cannot indict a sitting president. You can even force a sitting president to testify in a criminal trial. You can force a sitting president to testify in a civil trial if he’s the subject of a civil lawsuit. The Supreme Court has settled on that. But you cannot force the president to testify in a criminal trial. Unless, of course, he’s killed somebody on the street, in which case it raises even more complex issues. But we need to go there because that’s not what happened. Let me tell you what the big issue is here, because this Department of Justice, under no circumstances is going to be able to, even if it could, drag the president of the United States into a courtroom. Does it sound like Attorney General Garland’s willing to do that? Have you seen any evidence of that whatsoever? He won’t appoint a special counsel in this case in order to prevent the door from being thrown wide open. Joe Biden. Is a co-conspirator. In the violation. A fire by his son. On multiple occasions. His son flew on a jet Air Force Two with him. And that was done to help facilitate his business transactions with foreign governments and front corporations the multiple times that are said. That Joe Biden was sitting with his son when he was making threats to officials and others in foreign lands for shakedowns. Joe Biden was helping to facilitate. To facilitate Hunter Biden’s activities. Congress already has all this information. That is, these committees have done a hell of a job. They’ve already pulled the teeth. So they don’t have to show. That Joe Biden received a nickel as a producer, not a nickel. We know. That Hunter Biden received millions of nickels, tens of millions of dollars. They also have information from witnesses. They Bobulinski, among others. We’re going to hear from Devin Archer on Monday. They also have schedule information on how often Joe Biden met with Hunter Biden’s business partners and others. The case against Joe Biden. As a co-conspirator. Assisting his son to violate the FARA. Is overwhelming. But Mark, you just said they’re not going to charge him. That’s correct. It should be the absolute first article. And they list of articles of impeachment against Joe Biden because it is compelling. It is bulletproof. There is no speculation. You don’t need evidence that Joe Biden took a nickel. He’s a co-conspirator for his son who took tens of millions. And by the way, if they investigate and find more. That’s perfectly fine by me. Don’t get me wrong. Don’t get me wrong. But they have Joe Biden dead to rights for impeachment. Right now as I speak. Dead to rights. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Going to have Netanyahu on Sunday so he can actually have a truly fair and balanced interview behind me. He’s always under attack by the Israeli media because the Israeli media is heavily Marxist and leftist. But same with the American media, The New York Times, Washington Post, and even some in that, a little circle of quasi conservative hosts and so forth. And so I will give him that opportunity. The charges against him in Israel are all bogus. Even a judge there suggests that the prosecution dropped them. But so powerful are these prosecutors and so forth in Israel that they said they’re not. Isn’t it interesting that the effort here by the Democrat Party is to put Trump in prison, in the effort in Israel by the leftist party coalitions over there is to put Netanyahu in prison. And this coup effort was hatched three years ago by Ehud Barak. The the little midget. Who was once prime minister and a complete failure. That’s right. Anyway, so, ladies and gentlemen, what I’m saying is some great legal experts are focused on what the Department of Justice will do now. I’m saying as of right now, this minute as I’m speaking to you, Joe Biden is a co-conspirator. In the Hunter Biden’s violations of the FARA. The judge was wise. She said, What about FARA, which has led all this commentary and legal analysis? I am telling you, the Department of Justice, the position is you can not indict a sitting president. And I happen to think that’s one of the reasons Biden is running, because he doesn’t want to be indicted by a Republican Department of Justice, and they’re not going to pursue Joe Biden, period. They pursued him yet they want to appoint a special counsel. That’s why they’re also going after Trump. They’re not going to do it. Don’t do something with Hunter. They have to. They have no choice. The judges put a gun to their head. Could be some other deal. That’s a that’s what I suspect. But look, I’m not Nostradamus. What I am saying is the evidence. Evidence? Evidence that Joe Biden greased the skids for his son. The flights on Air Force Two. What were they? Just tourist visits? We know that business deals came out of those flights, the phone calls, the witness testimony. When you’re doing an impeachment inquiry, you’re not doing a criminal inquiry. You don’t have the tools to do a criminal inquiry and that it would be a separation of powers issue anyway. So when you hear the left saying, where’s the evidence, you ignore them. They’re a bunch of stupid bastards and they mean to be. But tonight. Joe Biden is guilty for impeachment purposes of being a co-conspirator to fire violations by his son. Tonight. Tonight, as I speak to you, I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
By the way, we may have time for this later. We’ll see. But notice all the focus of the media is on the Florida curriculum, Mr. Producer. Because Ron DeSantis is standing up to all the perverts and the kooks. Night after night, day after day is the Florida curriculum. What about the New York curriculum or the California curriculum or the Illinois curriculum with a Massachusetts curriculum? All of which is sick. Remember this issue about slavery? You had this scholar at the center as the scholar who talked about the slaves, how horrific it all was, but some of them. As individual human beings were able to learn skills while they were under the most horrendous conditions. So when they were freed. They could subsist to some extent. Nobody’s excusing slavery. I don’t believe anybody’s even saying slavery is a good thing. Wouldn’t that be weird? These are two black scholars. They could speak for themselves. William Allen is one of them from Michigan State University. He’s an elderly black man, but a very well-known scholar. And I guess he’s a pro-slavery racist. I don’t know. But here, I want you to hear this from right Scoop. This is where I saw it. Kamala Harris is going to be really upset when she finds out about this. Finds out about what? She made an emergency trip to Florida just to bash the state’s curriculum that teaches children that slaves acquired skills despite their slavery that benefited them once they were free. And while she’s going to be really angry when she finds out that the Associated Press Africa excuse me, not the Associated Press, the advanced program African-American studies course that they all wanted Florida to adopt has the same teaching in it. What? Oh, yeah. Has the same teaching in it. Here’s what it says in part. In addition to agricultural work, enslaved people learned specialized trades and worked as painters, carpenters, tailors, musicians and healers in the north and south. Once free American, free American Americans use these skills to provide for themselves and others. This is the AP College Board. Recommended. Coursework that every state has been adopting, that the NAACP, Al Sharpton, Kamala Harris and the others got behind and insisted and insisted. That Florida adopt. And that to Santa sat up and he said no as to other aspects of it. So let me read from it again. Thanks to Matt walking. In addition to agricultural work. This is the EPA, African-American studies, not Florida. Enslaved people learned specialized trades and worked as painters, carpenters, tailors, musicians and healers in the north and south. Once free, that is free Americans. They use these skills to provide for themselves and others. Now, what are we to make of this, Mr. Produce? What are we to make of this America? Hmm. Very strange. Now we’ll see if the same people who are attacking DeSantis will now apologize. Well, they won’t, though, attack. The AP College Board recommended studies and the AP College Board is a radical left operation these days. And they said almost exactly the same thing. What do you make of that, Mr. Producer? And they’re still talking about all of the Florida curriculum. The Florida curriculum. Because it’s a head on the dissected. Anything. I mean, I remember a few years ago. When DeSantis was. Going so counter. Basically, really both administrations when it came to the vaccine, when it came to the science. So my own scientists and my own brain, I look at this stuff and he opened his economy. He kept the schools open. He took the masks off the kids. He said the vaccines for the most vulnerable, the elderly and so forth. The beaches were open. Remember all the attacks he took? Now people act like it never happened. We get people running. I want to talk about the future, not the past, because they don’t have a pet. We’ve tried to get vac on now and they they keep sending us new days and times. Finally I said, Forget it. You’re all over the place, Mr. Producer. You’re everywhere. But for some reason, you’re having a tough time figuring out when to talk to me. And I’m not against the guy. Not hostile at all. Weird, isn’t it, Mr. Producer? He’s been here once before, I believe. They asked to Come on. We said yes. We gave a day. They wanted another day. We gave another day. Fine. They gave us times. We took the times. Then they said, Oh, we’re not. We need another times came another time. Then today they say, Well, can we make a work? I said, That’s enough. That’s enough. You don’t have to. Come on. It’s okay. Okay. Okay. Don’t worry about it. You don’t want to talk to 14 and a half million conservatives, You know that. It’s okay. All right, back to this. So although the special counsel in Washington with his favorite judges has not pulled the trigger on January six today. The reporting is that Carlos de Oliveira, Mara Largo’s, head of maintenance. Is awaiting indictment on three or four counts in Florida. That they’re adding a few more counts in the indictments on the document case against Trump in Florida. And maybe with his co-defendant, too. The other guy. His confidant. And of course, we don’t have the details, but they talks about fiddling around with the videotape there, the security tape. Isn’t it funny? This is the way these guys work. So it’s no longer really about national security. There is no allegation that Trump gave national security to anybody or it was exposed to anybody. None. They have none of that. So now we’re talking about video cameras. Video cameras. So all three guys apparently are going to be one guy newly indicted. A maintenance guy. Maintenance guy. What do you think about this, America? You think this is fair? I think this is right. While Joe Biden, the most crooked man ever be in the Oval Office, sits there and by the way, this guy, Ken Buck from from Colorado. We endorsed him and part of the Tea Party movement. I did for the Senate. Remember that, Mr. Madusa? He almost won that seat. I think it was 2010, give or take. Endorsed him for the House. He’s been on the program in the distant past. He praised Christopher Wray after Christopher Wray’s cover up testimony and was a disgrace. And in the last 24 hours, he said that Kevin McCarthy is distracting us with this stuff because really. You know, people are paying attention to the budget and spending. It is one of the do the other. They both threaten the survival this republic. So there’s talk about impeachment, you see, as a distraction. That sounds like a liberal, a left. So I have to wash my hands of this guy. I don’t know what the hell happened to him, and I don’t much care. This is where you separate the men from the boys and the women from the girls. When your back is up against it. Well, we’re taking on the most corrupt regime in American history when they’re abusing their powers at the Department of Justice. And yes, Ken Buck, that includes especially the FBI and under Christopher Wray. Then then you don’t get it. You don’t get that these battles are on multiple fronts, including the budget front. But there are multiple fronts. And to say we’re going to give up on the Constitution. We’re going to give up on addressing the corruption. We’re going to give up on the Democrat Party taking over federal law enforcement. We’re going to give up on all that because it’s a distraction that is just reprehensible to me. Reprehensible. Just the way it is. So we’ve done more in 40 minutes and anybody does in 3 hours on a show. How many more? How many more stories are there going to be on DeSantis in Florida and the African-American studies course when now we know that provision that they took out of context, that they spun and twisted just like they did that bill where they they wanted to decentralize elementary schools. Oh, it’s anti-gay now than do it gay or anything else that matter. Or they’re trying to ban books. Yeah, taking pornography at an elementary school library. Oh, they’re banning books. America, while they’re conducting the biggest censorship scheme in the history of the United States. We’re the ones banning books. Well, some books need to be banned. We don’t want pornography. We don’t want. Pornography and perversion and all kinds of sick crap exposed are our children when they’re seven years old. They don’t care. Maybe that’s why not a single Democrat congressman appeared at the Sound of Freedom movie that I saw the other night. They don’t care. I don’t care if the borders open with 85,000 missing children. Oh, but Trump kept them in cages. 85,000 missing children. They don’t care. They don’t care. Oh, and I love today when they say the American people are not interested in Hunter Biden, they’re not interested in these narratives about Joe, where’s the evidence? Where’s the evidence? You impeach Donald Trump on nothing. No, no. Where’s the evidence? I don’t know if the evidence smacked in your face, you wouldn’t even feel it. You are, after all, a Marxist, so you don’t care. But now we’re diverting the attention of the American people. They spent four years smearing Trump for years with lies about Russia collusion. Two and a half of those four years with the Mueller investigation, two phony impeachments day in and day out, night after night, a phony whistle blower. On and on and on. Leaks and leaks from the FBI and the Department of Justice. Ken Buck’s buddies. Oh, yeah. And now all of a sudden, the American people don’t want to hear all this, Mr. Producer. What are we going to do? And then one idiots. They care about abortion, gun control. Oh, you Republicans, you need to run on abortion and gun control. That’s all. That’s. That’s it. That’ll fix it all. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
You know, in 250 or so years, no former president has ever been indicted, not even on one count. Not even on one count now. Democrats and their hacked prosecutors have thrown open the door. They thrown open the door. Every imaginable. So-called crime. I’m typing as I as I say, that can be thought of is being used to to bring charges. It’s really you know, this is the stuff that really pushed me over the edge that caused me to write the book. I’m just being honest with you that the Democrat Party hates America. This is what did it. There are lawlessness. They’re undermining of separation of powers. The Supreme Court of the Electoral College. Of the filibuster rule in the Senate. The effort to bring in four more Democratic senators. Going after state legislatures the way they conducted the last election. I said that’s enough. Somebody has to pull all this stuff together. Going from their history to mid history. To present day to future. I’ll do it. It’s an enormous undertaking. It is an enormous undertaking. But I pulled it off. No brag. Just fact in spectacular fashion. And I wish this book could come out today that can come out to September 19th, because the printing just takes time. But I really wish it would. And you’d see exactly what I’m talking about. So I hope your jumped Amazon. Priority copies. You’ll see what I mean when it comes out. We will use this as our guide post. And we will go through it together. You don’t like reading books? There’s an audio I’m going to be. Recording some of it. It’s just too long for me. You can tell from my breathing, coughing to do the whole book. But I will do the first chapter, and that’s the first chapter. This book is very long. It’s an extremely intriguing and compelling. So when I write a book, I’m not. How many chapters are there going to be people? How do I know I’ve written it yet? How long will the chapters be? Which I’ve always thought is a dumb question. It’ll be as long as it needs to be. That’s how long it’s going to be. And so this book has hundreds of notes for you to check out. It’s got an enormous amount of important history and philosophy, ideology. It’s got a tremendous amount of. Connecting events. I mean, how did the Democrat Party go from an anti-black party? Exclusively anti-Black. And now the Republican Party is said to be the anti black party. It’s now the simple answer. It’s not a matter of guessing and just throwing out a thought. It’s a matter of figuring it out. And I figured it out. And that’s why it takes me a while to write these things. And I explain it, the Democrat Party and which I also explain and have here and you not hear it anywhere else, has really moved as being a party supposedly of civil rights when really it’s a party of civil wrongs. But I guess what I’m saying, how did the civil rights movement move from a party of equality and justice? To a party of Marxism. And I explain in the book that’s exactly what’s happened in the so-called civil rights movement. It’s come from a party that demands properly so the equal treatment of human beings, regardless of their color, to a party that insists on resegregation. Marxism, centralized power. That’s now the civil rights movement of today. Explain all that. That’s more. It’s never boring here. I’ll be right back.