July 26th, 2023

July 26th, 2023

WILMINGTON, DELAWARE - JULY 26: Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, departs the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building and United States Courthouse on July 26, 2023 in Wilmington, Delaware. Biden pleaded not guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges in a deal with prosecutors to avoid prosecution on an additional gun charge. However, the federal judge overseeing the case unexpectedly delayed Biden's plea deal and deferred her decision until more information is put forth by both the prosecution and the defense. (Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the judge in the Hunter Biden federal court case put her foot down and refused to sign off on the corrupt plea deal, forcing Hunter to plead not guilty instead. The Hunter Biden deal was a way to cover up, censor, and kill any attempt to investigate Joe Biden, and Merrick Garland and the DOJ were all in on it. The deal would have excused Hunter from tax evasion and immune to any future crimes, which is what led to IRS whistleblowers sounding the alarm. Garland and the other Obama Marxists in the DOJ need to be uncovered and exposed for the mob boss lawyers they are. The level of corruption at the DOJ is beyond anything we’ve ever seen, and there is no doubt the Biden White House is involved. We are up against a Democrat party that wants to destroy the country and have a media that continues to trash Donald Trump and not Joe Biden. Also, Jack Smith violated DOJ regulations when he had a grand jury in the wrong venue in Washington D.C. when all of Donald Trump’s activity occurred in Florida at Mar-A-Lago. There should be a jury in Florida and not Washington D.C., but Smith will fight to get a Democrat jury in D.C. and get an easy conviction. You cannot pick grand juries in one city and then a trial jury in another city, and this demonstrates how this case has been politicized in the worst way. The web of radical Democrats and DOJ officials involved in the taking down of Trump and interfering in the 2024 election is horrendous, and giving Jack Smith unlimited resources as special counsel only makes it worse. Later, Mark speaks with Fox News host and author Greg Gutfeld about his new book, The King of Late Night.

CNN Shellshocked As Hunter’s Plea Deal Disintegrates Before Their Eyes

ABC News
As special counsel nears decision in Trump cases, who are the lawyers working with him

Photo by Mark Makela

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here.  Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Obviously, it wasn’t here in the program last evening. I want to thank my buddy, Brian Mudd. And I will explain exactly why in the next hour. Oh, good. I hear people say very complicated. What happened in federal court today in Wilmington, Delaware, with the federal judge there. Very complicated. Everything everything blew up the sweetheart deal and so forth. But the judge’s name is Mary Ellen Noriega. And as we’re reminded over and over again, she was appointed by President Trump. And as I remind you over and over again at the district court level, that’s the federal trial court, lower level. A president makes these appointments but has to make the appointment with the support of the senators in their state, or they can withhold their support and block a nomination forever. So it is a Trump appointee in Joe Biden’s state. And so Biden or his people, the two fake senators from Delaware, had to go along with it. But so that’s neither here nor there. So what happened today, this judge, whomever she is, whatever her background, put her foot down. She did something that not a single federal judge in Washington, D.C. has done. Not one. And more on that later, too, because those judges are in the tank for the Department of Justice. They’re in the tank for the government. They’re in the tank for the Bidens. Effectively, some of them are Republicans, but they come out of the Department of Justice and these are their buddies. And they’re very upset with Trump. And so they are constantly ruling against Trump and ruling against his people. But most of these cases wind up in front of but not exclusively, Obama appointed judges. There’s there’s a Trump appointed judge there in D.C. who’s a complete Department of Justice hack. Complete hack. Again. More later. We have discussed this phony deal. At length on this show, too. I take the time. Sometimes an hour, sometimes two or three shows to go over these things. That’s what I do, because I want to be educating people about what’s taking place and what’s going to take place. The Hunter Biden deal was an effort to cover up then-Senator. Then kill any investigation into Joe Biden. The question is, when will Merrick Garland and the other Obama-Biden Marxists who run the DOJ be directly exposed and held to account? There’s been no talk today. Lots of talk, lots of it. Good. But no talk today about senior officials at the Department of Justice. And that has to be Merrick Garland. Lisa monaco, the deputy attorney general, the head of the criminal division as well, the director of the FBI, Christopher Wray. More on him later. They all had to be in on it. They all had to be in it because David Weiss, this guy they keep talking about. He reports to Merrick Garland. He doesn’t have an independent power. Garland says, Oh, yes, he does. I gave it to him. But you didn’t appoint him as a special counsel, so you didn’t give him independent power. There’s nothing in writing. So the question is, when will Merrick Garland and the other Obama Biden marks who run the Department of Justice, be directly exposed and held to account? These mob lawyers are destroying our country. Now, this deal never made sense to anyone. You don’t have to be a lawyer. It was a brazen mob deal and our noses were rubbed in it. Despite the best efforts of the corrupt Democrat Party and the corrupt Democrat Party media to run interference. Yet again. Now the deal called for no jail time for tax evasion. No. Jail time for tax evasion or perjury on a gun application. He committed perjury when he signed that gun application and he committed tax fraud. Now, over at CNN, the legal analysts, Marcella de the legal analysts, New York Times, Washington card, we’ve never seen anything like this. I mean, even pled to a misdemeanor. You never do that in a tax case. These people are liars. They are the worst. The worst. Merrick Garland also let the statute of limitations run on tax fraud committed by Hunter Biden, covering $1.5 million in income for a tax year 2014 and 2015. He paid no federal income taxes. The statute of limitations ran it ran while they know they knew the time was ticking. And so he didn’t pay. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in income taxes. He got away scot free and he’s never going to pay. Any explanation for that? Only one. The mob lawyers. Meanwhile, the Department of Justice said that the investigation was ongoing. Thereby attempting to prevent any effort by Congress. We talked about this to look into any aspect of the investigation and the deal. The judge asked then what’s still being investigated? This. This proposed plea. Immunizes him from everything and anything. And by the way, why does it do that? To cover up for Joe Biden? The prosecutors reluctantly admitted that Fara. You know you’re supposed to. Registers of foreign agent. They use this against Republicans like Manafort. Well, why didn’t they use it against Hunter? Well, we might. The judge said you might. He just said this is an immunity deal. Effectively, this is the end of it. So one side of your mouth, you’re telling me. The Court. That the case is over, that there’s nothing else to investigate. It’s all done. It’s kaput. And the other side of your mouth, You’re telling me you’re still conducting an investigation? For what? And to what end? She’s the one who brought up Fara, by the way. The answer is the deal would immunize Hunter from any further investigations, thereby in, you know, immunizing Joe Biden because there is no separate investigation of Joe Biden. It’s number one. There will be no fire charges brought against Hunter Biden under the deal. That’s number two. Number three, Merrick Garland was going to hold firm and not appoint a special counsel to investigate Joe Biden. So everything’s done. It’s all over. Doesn’t matter. Your IRS whistleblowers. Subsequent to this deal, the Department of Justice didn’t say, wait a minute, we got more information now. Remember, it was DOJ that shut those whistleblowers down. That’s why they became whistleblowers. They interfered in the IRS investigation. That makes sense, because that’s what happened. The individuals at DOJ responsible for this. Garland and the others must be held to account. Because I have to tell you, the level of corruption here is beyond anything we’ve ever seen. And I don’t doubt for a second that the White House is involved. Why wouldn’t they be? They have a Pravda media that will support them. They will defend them no matter what. They maga Republicans, you know. They have a Democrat Party that will back them no matter what. And of course, they run the Department of Justice Souter, mob lawyers, they can say and do whatever they want. So why wouldn’t Joe Biden behind the scenes? Give his opinion on Merrick Garland or more. This is what we’re up against. So when you’re the brave judge doesn’t mean all agree with everything she does. But certainly here I do. We have a brave judge who puts your foot down. This is not and I’m not signing my name to this because she smells Iraq. She knows this is absolute corruption. Right to the court. Washington goes, Oh my God, we’ve never seen anything like this. We don’t know anything about this. I want to remind you on this gun charge where Biden says he’s for gun control. Hunter was charged with possession of a firearm by a person who is a known drug user. That’s a felony. He had a Colt Cobra 38 special for 11 days in October 2018. But he did more than that. He waved it around in public. He threw it in a trash can not far from a school. He had it retrieved later. No big deal, right? Yeah, there’s a big deal. It’s a very big deal. They’re hiring 87,000 new IRS agents. To do what? Harass you and me. Hunter Biden didn’t pay taxes for several years and he got away with it because the DOJ. That’s not a big deal either, right? So is it tax fraud? He are Antiguan illegally. Two things. The Democrats are always been in their chests about, and yet their president’s son has done both and more. And more. So the deal is dead. The judge ordered the two parties to get back together and get back to her in 60 days. And my theory is that tomorrow or very soon. It’s been expected. But sooner than later. The next shoe will drop. With a mob lawyers at the Department of Justice. We’ll drop the charges on January six against Trump. And the DEA in L.A. is watching all this to. She’s a political hack. And she will act soon to. To divert the public’s attention, certainly the media’s attention. And I know for sure that the phony special counsel’s office monitors all this because they live and die by the press. They leak incessantly. And even more than that, remember, they sent a letter, a notice letter. Target letter to Donald Trump’s lawyers to Sunday nights ago about January 6th, you know, to send those letters on Sunday night. So they’re looking at the calendar, they’re watching the media, they’re giggling among themselves when their stories are regurgitated by the media, by the Maggie Haberman of the world. As they were before. During the phony Russia collusion. Phony investigations. So the judge in Wilmington has done the opposite of what the judges in Washington, D.C. do. The judges in Wilmington. The judge in Wilmington stood up to the mob. The judges in D.C.. Our part of the mob. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Oh, yes. IRS whistleblowers. FBI whistleblowers form 1023 with the bribery account. Witnesses like Tony Bobulinski and there are others. And there will be more than 20 shell corporations. Sorry, suspicious actually reports that the Treasury Department covered up, but the committee went to the banks again. 200 occasions, Devon Archer apparently says, or dozens anyway. In which Hunter Biden put down his phone, put the speaker on, and Daddy Joe was at the table or in the room when he was shaking down. Client. Shall we call him? Occasion after occasion when Joe Biden is pictured with. Partners of Hunter Biden. The language changing now. Hunter Biden. And his businesses. The White House now very carefully. They’ve been lawyered. Saying that Joe Biden was never in business with his son. But Joe Biden said he didn’t know anything about his son’s business. That’s a lie, which he’s told over and over again. Joe Biden lied to become president. The media and the 51 phony national security experts lied to keep the laptop secret. The FBI had the laptop. The FBI told social media, including Facebook. That the laptop was legitimate, but they covered it up anyway, including The New York Times and the Post. Joe Biden has two mansions, one in Wilmington and one on the ocean in Rehoboth Beach on a senator’s salary with a brief, brief respite between being vice president and president. How does this happen? Joe Biden is a congenital liar. He’s been a congenital liar when he actually had an IQ of over 17 and he’s a liar now and so is his son. And so are the media and so is the Democrat Party. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
The Democrat Party hates America. Ladies, gentlemen, that’s 31 on the Amazon list. Preorders. There’s a lot of fiction in front of it. It’s still at 40% off, thanks to those of you who have, in fact, ordered your pre-ordered copies. It’s now at the printer, you know, and takes time for printed book. You have to get in line behind other books and other publishers and so forth. But the cover is being worked on as I speak. That takes longer to produce. The book is actually being printed. There will be hundreds of thousands of copies available. It will be nearly 400 pages long, which is longer than anything else I have written before. And it is going to be chock full of information and knowledge. Some of you are saying, Oh, what am I going to do that you’ll be able to do a lot with it. Liberty is based on ideas. Marxism is based on ideas. Fascism is based on ideas. Some ideas are. Righteous. Our ideas. Our righteous Sam ideas are diabolical, evil, inhumane and deadly. Some people wake up every day trying to figure out how to control you, how to destroy your children, how to brainwash you, what kind of appliances you can have, where you can live, what kind of home you can have, what kind of car you can have, what kind of transportation you can have. These are totalitarians. They’re in our midst and they are represented by and promoted by the Democrat Party. The Republican Party is unequal. Or let me put it this way, it is not up to the battle against the Democrat Party. So it takes strong leadership, statesmen, strong individuals who get nominated under the banner of the Republican Party to fight these forces, including. People who stabbed them in the back and try and. Try and make peace with these forces. Or at least. Not have trouble with these forces. And then you can see this in the Sununu’s and the Christie’s and the Hutchison’s and people like that. But what this book is intended to do is to persuade. Even Democrats. To abandon the tyranny of their party. Because this party is is a very evil party. Their media are evil. Their academia’s evil. Their movies are evil. Their teachers. Unions are evil. And on and on and on you go. So the Democrat Party hates America. Look, even if it sells two bucks. The fact is, I believe that book will be the most important book I’ve ever written. And it’ll become one day an iconic book even more than the others. So I say most people write books about themselves if they’re well known. I don’t do that. Most people will take a piece of an issue and write a whole book around that. I don’t take pieces of issues. I write comprehensive books. Because pieces of issues don’t inform us the way we need to be informed. And I’m not new to this. Something I’ve been pursuing, believe it or not, for over 52 years, since I was 13 years old. There’s a new book coming out by Tom Saul. I got an advance copy. I’m not free to discuss it. Absolute genius. Tremendous book. I can’t even tell you the title right now. Anyway, some of us are still kicking. Some of us are still pushing back. But we’re counting on armies of patriots like you to help. And while we still can read books that we want to read, you know, it’s funny, they talk about talk about book banning, right, Mr. Producer? My book is banned from every public school in America virtually. There’s no pictures in it. There’s no sex in it. No, Janet. Nothing. Just about ideas and thoughts that are consistent with our framers. And the founders of the country. Go ahead. Give it a shot. Go to a high school in this country and ask for one of my books. It’ll be the very rare high school that has it. Very rare and even a rare high school that will use them. As part of a lesson plan. Or a course in history or philosophy. And yet you’ll find. The 1619 project, you’ll find all the racists pushing their anti-white racism. Their books are everywhere. In fact, the required reading in a lot of colleges and universities and of course, the teachers unions compel their members to. To read them or at least understand them. In my case, it’s just up to you. We don’t have tax dollars buying tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of copies of my book, pushing them out to the teachers union, who are then, in turn using them on our students. It’s not the way we roll. It’s up to parents and grandparents. And I hope these books I’ve written over the years have. Have assisted you. But this one is different. I’ve never written a book like this before. This one takes aim at the Democrat Party and does honestly what only I can do. From a historic economic philosophical. Perspective and to use all those elements excuse me, all those elements in describing what the Democrat Party is. By the way, I see that many of my brothers and sisters on Fox and elsewhere are very upset that Governor DeSantis is shaking up his staff. Mr. Producer. Looks like they’re turning on to Santos. They keep promoting a Vivek Ramaswamy. Of course they trash Trump to. But not just them. I mean, you see it in other places to have a remind conservative excuse me, Colorado. I would remind conservatives on TV and radio and all conservatives. Ronald Reagan shook up his campaign staff in 76 and almost beat Gerald Ford. He shook it up again in 1980. He won the nomination and he won the presidency. It happens all the time. It just does. Donald Trump shook up his staff in 2016. Before he settled on a staff and also after two years or a first term for president wins a second term, they typically shake up their staff, too. So this is all superficial B.S., I’m just telling you. Superficial B.S.. And as for the donors, they pick one donor. Who’s decided he wants Youngkin, who’s not even running. I live in Virginia. I also live in Florida. Jonathan’s a good man. But if I had to pick between Governor DeSantis and Governor Youngkin, it’s not even a close call. And this isn’t a put down a youngkin. It’s just the way it is. I’m thankful. Governor Youngkin is the governor of Virginia. Can you imagine another four years of Terry McAuliffe? You know, he skipped four, but you get the point. Of course. But I bet most of you can’t tell me five things that have been done in Richmond, Virginia. But you can tell me a whole list of things that have been done in Florida. People are not flocking to Virginia for freedom. People are flocking to Virginia to escape Maryland and D.C., mostly Democrats where they can. Then vote Democrat. People are flocking to Florida because they want freedom. Same with Tennessee. Same with other states. Just the way it is. I need to put some perspective in these things. Do we get a. Do we? Did the VIVECA group get back to us, Mr. BLITZER? They still haven’t gotten back to. He’s everywhere. Vivek, you wanted to come on the show. I’m offering you to come on. He was supposed to come on the show tomorrow. First we offered H-1B, which is what we do with everybody. Now, what can we do in the 7:00? Yes. And then you don’t hear anything. Hopefully he’ll come on. I just have some basics. It’s not a big deal. I’m not out to hurt anybody. I’m not out to hurt anybody. But if I’m Mr. Conservative on radio, don’t you think you might want at least have a discussion with my audience? Again, I’m not out to hurt anybody. Well, that’s not true. I despise Chris Christie because he despises you. We’re going to take a break. I want to go through something with you that I think is really going to open your eyes as well. But before we do, we Valencia Johnson, former Biden senior adviser in the 2020 campaign. She’s among the first former Biden senior advisers in the 2020 campaign to comment on the Hunter Biden site. I always say that because, you know, she’s a first. She’s a woman who first did this and the first did that. But we can’t define woman, that sort of thing. Petula, listen to this. Cut three, go. Well, I think it speaks to the point of the fact that the Biden campaign and the Democrats are saying, look, let the investigation play out so that there isn’t this appearance of the investigation won’t play out. That’s the whole point. They want to shut it down, nor that they want to open one with a special counsel against Joe. So you’re an ignoramus, which is why I guess you’re on MSNBC, because it’s a it is a a collection of the stupidest people. And by the way, among the least attractive but the stupidest people in the nation. Go ahead. What the outcome will be. I also think the re election strategy here is to and Susan alluded to this, talk about what the Republicans are not focusing on. They are focusing on this so that they don’t win any lectures from Democrats who lie to the American people by Russia collusion who unleashed the Mueller investigation, who leaked relentlessly to the media. On a lie that was funded and started by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. Then two phony impeachments. No, no, no. You don’t understand. We want to focus on what do they want to focus on, Mr. Produce or go? Their record on abortion, access on climate, on gun control, all. You know, Republicans need to promote abortion, climate change and gun control. That’s the answer. The party of eugenics wants to focus on abortion. The party of Marxism and Socialism want you to focus on climate change. The party that is Anti Bill of Rights want you to focus on gun control. All these are the issues. You see that the Republicans don’t want to discuss? Excuse me. So you see, you can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. Let the Bidens go. Do they say that about Trump even now? Do they? No, of course not. No. Beat the Bidens every way. In any way. That needs to be done. It needs to be done based on their own conduct. They’re crooks. They need to be pursued as crooks. The Department of Justice is a mob operation, needs to be pursued as a mob operation. Many of the judges in Washington, DC are part of the mob operation. They need to get the same disrespect as other mob judges do as much, in my humble opinion. And the media are corrupt. How do we know? Because you, Alisha, Lancia Johnson, you’re there on MSNBC spewing your poison. Be right back.

Segment 4
Well, I’m going to have to get to what I wanted to get to next hour. You just have to trust me. It’s a big deal. I saw Karl Rove was on cable. Mr. Producer, did you see that promoting Young? I would say to Governor Youngkin, stay as far away as you can from Karl Rove. Karl Rove almost lost the 2000 election to Gore. Karl Rove lost the Congress. In 2006 lost the Senate. It’s not the architect. He’s the demolition man. Karl Rove was advising Jeb Bush. I didn’t go so well. Karl Rove is a RINO. So if you want to know a rhino, say you listen to him or you watch TV where they bring him on and Chris Christie on and Larry Hogan on and Chris Sununu on and quote Mitt Romney completely out of touch with not just the conservative movement but the Republican Party. People are going nowhere. And God knows. Who’s paying Rove these days in terms of the advice he gives and so forth and so on. But he was trashing the hell out of Trump. And I’ve told you all this before. We were up against a Democrat party. That is destroying the country. And I am sick and tired of politics as usual. And I’m sick and tired of these hangers on. Like bad. Inner thigh rashes. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of these consultants, these advisers who really have created nothing in their lives. They just hang on. And they’re not transparent about who’s paying them for what or who they back or who they’ve talked to. They’re not experts. They’re commentators, but they’re not experts. But trashing the hell out of Trump. Now that a Biden. But Trump. And this is what you get. From the pages of The Wall Street Journal. This is what you get from Peggy Noonan. This is what you get. The Northeastern liberal Republicans and others. The same people for different reasons who hated Ronald Reagan. Chris Christie never lifted a finger for Reagan. It’s a fraud. Karl Rove lies about what he did in 1984. I’ve exposed and before he never lifted a finger for Reagan. He tried it to defeat Reagan with the other members of the Bush clan. Mitch McConnell, who kind of fell ill today and I talked about him later, He never lifted a finger for Reagan. He was a Ford guy. I can go on and on and on about this. My dear radio friend Hugh Hewitt. He was a Ford guy in 76 when Reagan is much more conservative than the others. But it’s an honest point. He and I joke about it. Well, I joke about it. He has to deal with it. He’s a great guy. But I can go on down the list. The Sununu family were never Reaganites. Yet they talk about Reagan. Larry Hogan was never a Reaganite. Yet he points to Reagan. Reagan was hated within the Republican Party. It took his third time to be the nominee of the Republican Party. Third time they trashed him as a dunce. They trashed him as a warmonger. They trashed him for a thousand different things. I lived it. I know. They wanted Ford, they wanted Bush, they wanted anybody but Reagan. And I was told specifically by by the ward leader where I where I grew up, Reagan cannot win and he wins in two massive landslides. Ignore these people. Just do the right thing. I’ll be right back.