July 24th, 2023

July 24th, 2023

SARASOTA, FL - MAY 15: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaks after signing three education bills on the campus of New College of Florida in Sarasota, Fla. on Monday, May 15, 2023. (Photo by Thomas Simonetti for The Washington Post via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat Party is creating another phony issue to upset Black Americans to try and create a permanent smear of Ron DeSantis. A committee of scholars in Florida put together a thorough course on slavery – and the left is trying to say DeSantis wants the school children to learn that slavery was a good thing. Does that make any sense? Democrats can never run against their opponent – they have to lie and try to destroy them. The Democrat party can’t survive without racism – anti-Black racism before, anti-White racism today. It was the Republican Party that led the Civil War to free slaves. It was the Democrat Paty that supported lynching and included it in their platforms.  Also, we have a bureaucracy that tells us how to cook our food, what kinds of homes we can have, and what kind of car we can drive. This comes from bureaucrats who we didn’t vote for. We’re going down a slippery slope at a high speed. One day it will be too late because the Democrat Party will control all the instrumentals of government, culture, and social media.  Later, killing our fossil fuel industry helps China. Underfunding our military benefits China. China treats Biden with disrespect because they own him. Finally, Robert Malley is the man Biden chose to negotiate with Iran. Under President Obama and VP Biden, Malley completely changed how we approached Iran. Before Malley, the position was to prevent Iran from getting nukes. After Malley, it was about how can we manage Iran and its nukes.

CNN’s Jennings SLAMS Kamala Harris for Lying About Florida’s Education Reforms

Judge Sets Trump’s Classified Docs Trial Date–Now What?

NY Times
As Inquiries Compound, Justice System Pours Resources Into Scrutinizing Trump

PJ Media
Biden Overrules Pentagon and Names a Female Admiral to Head the Navy

EMET Online
Robert Malley and the Call from the Third World

Business Insider
Hunter Biden’s gallery sold his art to a Democratic donor ‘friend’ who Joe Biden named to a prestigious commission

NY Post
Hunter Biden put then-VP dad Joe on the phone with business associates at least 2 dozen times, ex-partner Devon Archer to testify

Photo by Thomas Simonetti for The Washington Post

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Did you know that Ron DeSantis supports slavery? Oh, yeah. In fact, Ron DeSantis once. The schoolchildren in Florida to learn that slavery was a good thing and learned all kinds of cool skills from slavery. Now. Let’s stop right there a minute. For all of you who are rational. Does that make any sense to you? Does that sound like Ron DeSantis to you? See, Democrats can never actually run against their opponents. They have to lie about them and try and destroy them. Right. The scientist doesn’t believe slavery was a good thing. They had a committee of scholars who put together a very thorough course on slavery, among other things. And led by African-Americans, including two African-Americans in particular. They didn’t say that slavery was a good thing. What they said was an essentially as horrific as it was and as horrific as it is. People learn some skills that they were able to use later in life. That is what they’re saying now is a pro-slavery statement by DeSantis and his government. Those over 190 bullets in this. Curriculum. I went through a number of them. It is the most thorough discussion of slavery I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t make the United States look good. It’s not pro-slavery. It doesn’t. It doesn’t play down slavery. Quite the contrary. It’s in your face. It’s very blunt. Here is Scott Jennings, CNN’s senior political commentator on CNN yesterday. Cut 15 go. Well, it’s amazing to me that how little Kamala Harris apparently has to do that. She can read something on Twitter one day and be on an airplane the next to make something literally out of nothing. This is a completely made up deal. I looked at the standards. I even looked at an analysis of the standards in every instance where the word slavery or slave was used. I even read the statement of the African-American scholars that wrote the standards, not Ron DeSantis, but the scholars. Everybody involved in this says this is completely a fabricated issue. And yet look how quickly Kamala Harris jumped on it. So the fact that this is her best moment, a fabricated matter, is pretty ridiculous. Because the Democrat Party cannot survive without racism, anti-black racism through most of its history, airtight racism today. And then they project to Republicans what they and their party did to the country. And I write about this extensively in my new book. So Eugene Robinson, who did not look at the standards. He’s talking about normalizing unique horror of slavery in Florida’s curriculum and in Navarro, who is. A psychopath in two languages. She’s on The View. She clearly didn’t look at all the stanzas. She didn’t look at anything. And she’s trashing, screaming at the Centers for Whitewashing slavery. He did no such thing. And there are others, of course, Kamala Harris trying to exploit it. Because Kamala Harris doesn’t have anything. Certainly nothing substantive. And they turn to Kamala Harris. Or maybe she turned to herself to try and exploit this. Which is outrageous. So Florida has not done what they say Florida did. Ron DeSantis didn’t write the standards. He appointed the people. There’s nothing wrong with the standards. If you go through and look at all of them, including this one, one of 192. And so this is a completely phony issue that they’re trying to use to upset. Black Americans in this country. To create a permanent smear on the center. So this is what everybody thinks about when they hear his name, and this is what the Democrat Party does. Every fascistic and Marxist regime to ever exist on the face of the earth. Did what the Democrat Party has done, and so they’ve learned from them. Controlling the language, controlling the thought process. That’s what this is about. Here she is as an example. Cut 14. Go Extremists pass book bands to prevent them from learning our true history book fans in this year of our Lord 2023. And while they do this, check it out. They push forward revisionist history. Just yesterday in the state of Florida, they decided middle school students will be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery. They insult us in an attempt to gaslight us, and we will not stand for it. She’s a nut. She’s a race baiter. And I think enough of this country now has embraced race baiting that it’s a problem. Everything she said is a lie. Was she fact checked? By The New York Times the Washington Post that they fact checker. Then they go in and look at all the standards. Including this one. And so. They insult us in an attempt to gaslight us, and we will not stand for it. This is how she hopes to get votes. First of all. Harris, your party that enslaved black people. It’s my party that led a civil war. To free them. And it’s my Republican Presidents Lincoln Grant, among others, who did exactly that. And it’s your party for 100 years after the end of the Civil War, whether it’s Plessy versus Ferguson. Segregation, separate but equal is equal. It’s your party. That prevented black people from voting in the South with a variety of. Of obstacles created. Your party did that? My party opposed it. 1957, it was our president, Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican who passed the 1957 Civil Rights Act. And it was your guy, Lyndon Johnson, who ordered it down. In 1960, another Civil Rights Act passed, pushed by Eisenhower as well. Your guys watered down that one, too. Lyndon Johnson. Lyndon Johnson wanted to take credit for being a civil rights leader while he was leading the Southerners in the Senate to water down these bills. 1964, the Civil Rights Act. Over 80% of the Republicans in the House and the Senate voted for it. 69% of the Democrats in the Senate voted for it. And it’s percentage smaller than the Republicans voted for it in the House. Same with the 1965 Civil Rights Act. It’s your party. That took the Grant Cagle, a West Virginia barber, to made him the leader of your party in the Senate. Minority leader and majority leader. Your president, Joe Biden, a man under whom you serve. The man to whom you are vice president of the United States. Who opposed integrating our public school system when blacks and whites. Calling it a jungle for his children. I don’t even have to go back a hundred years. Your man did that, and you told us that so eloquently during the debates. But you’re such a hack. You’re such a power hungry. Nothing. And when they offered you vice president, you could barely control yourself. That’s the truth. They don’t teach that in school. And. NAVARRO You moron. They don’t teach that in school, do they? Gene Robinson, you clown. They don’t teach any of that in our schools, do they? A Democrat who was president of the Confederacy. Surrounded by Democrat generals. Was a Democrat general during the Confederacy who after the Civil War. For the Ku Klux Klan. My Republican president, Ulysses S Grant, sent the United States Army into the South to destroy the Klan. And almost dead. Your party, the Democrats in the midterm elections, took the House and cut off funding for the Army to go down south and finish the job. Anybody know that? Now you know it. How do you like me? Teaching history. And I. And Kamala. I’m not done. I’m not done. It’s the Democrat Party that supported lynchings, including. Including. And their platforms. It’s Franklin Roosevelt. What a bill put on his desk. A bipartisan bill, a federal law to outlaw lynching. He refused to sign it. That’s your party. How about that history? And it was Joe Louis. Go back. Wendell Willkie for president, a Republican. Against Franklin Roosevelt. When he was asked why, he said because Roosevelt won’t stop lynching in this country. He refused to sign that bill. It was your party in 1936 that invited all the white members of the Olympic class to the White House except one. A black man you may have heard of on Jesse Owens. I once was asked about this in his biography and he said Hitler didn’t snub me. I needed to see Hitler. Roosevelt snubbed me. He never talked to me and he invited everyone to the White House, but he didn’t invite me. This is the Democrat Party. That and a hundred more facts that you’ll find. And the Democrat Party hates America. Want to go further, Mr. Producer, is it’s helping. Eugenics. Was something the so-called progressives were pushing and pushing hard. Why? Because these Marxists believe in the perfection of society through experts. But society could never be as perfect as the progressives wanted, as long as there were people they believed who were inferior. In positions that they didn’t think they should be in. You want a more perfect society. You got to clean up the population. Woodrow Wilson was not alone in this regard, but he was the president. And he and his fellow Democrats. Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood. Supported eugenics. He is against, quote, idiots. Other people. And blacks. When. Hear more. When he was president of Princeton University, bragged that not a single black. Was admitted to Princeton. When he was president of Princeton. You want to hear more? The Republicans before. Woodrow Wilson. Theodore Roosevelt. Howard Taft. Desegregated the federal government. Desegregated the military. You know, resegregated them. At Democrat Woodrow Wilson. Anybody been taught this? Woodrow Wilson blocked blacks from getting senior positions in the federal government. In fact, he forced most of them out. And any black person who wanted a position in the civil service for the first time ever, photographs were required to be presented along with resumes. Gee, I wonder why. Oh, I got a million of them. But now. Right now. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
I guess the only way to get into this debate on August 23rd, Mr. Issue, is to have run for president. But boy, would I have loved to be on that stage and I wouldn’t focus my gun at most with fellow Republicans. I’d focus in on Biden and Harris. There’s a long litany of things I could have added, but they’re in the book. It’s a tiny section, but this book is unbelievable. I’m telling you, you’ll see. But the Democrat Party has blocked Asians. From attending Harvard College. In the most recent act of racism. And after the court ruled. That we live in a colorblind society or we’re supposed to. The Democrat Party, their surrogates in the media, their surrogates run these universities and colleges were very upset. Why? Because they’re racist. That’s why if I’m to scientists, I’m on that stage and this thing comes up because of a torpedo fired by the by the bloated one. Christine, what I say I don’t need lectures from Biden and Harris about race. Considering what he said about junkets.

Segment 3
All I can do is this enormous amount of research and try and lay it out in a compelling and interesting way and put it between two covers and give it a name and offer it to you. It’s called a book. I can’t do anything more than that. And I’m just concerned. I’m just concerned that people don’t really know what we’re dealing with. The Democrat Party people think we know, but we don’t. But you will. Those of you who pre-ordered, I want to thank you. Because obviously. You’re still engaged, even though it’s summertime, even though there’s a thousand other things going on. But when you look at what’s going on in this country. Losing it is an understatement. Losing it is an understatement. We’re more than losing it many ways. We’ve lost it. We now have a bureaucracy that tells us how to cook our food. We now have a bureaucracy that tells us. Where we’re going to live, what kind of homes we’re going to have. Single family homes are going to be banned. The combustion engine is going to be banned. When I have a bureaucracy telling us. What kind of automobile we can have. One day they’re going to tell us we can’t have an automobile. You see the slippery slope that we are going down that slope at hypersonic speed. And one day it will be too shooting. One day it’ll be just too late. It’ll be too late because the Democrats are going to control all the instrumentalities of government, all the instrumentalities of the culture, which they do now. They’re going to control social media, they’re going to control speech, which they’re working on diligently right now. There won’t be a court in the land that will be independent anymore. So you can see all you want. It won’t matter. And in the first chapter of this book, I compare the United States. But what takes place in communist China and fascistic Russia. This book isn’t written for the left. And you are going to see some similarities indeed scare the hell out of. They’re going to scare the hell out of you. You know, they have elections, too, over there. But they know who’s going to win in advance. So they pretend. They pretend they’re having elections, but they don’t have elections. We’re about an eyelash away from that. With what’s taking place, what took place in the last election. This is why you’re not allowed to talk about it. This is why they’re trying to destroy the careers of lawyers who litigated against it. Every allegation was an accurate. Some of them were quite cockamamie, but. Some of them were significant, particularly on the law and the Constitution. So the electoral process is a mess. It’s going to get worse. And really, for the Democrats, this is just the icing on the cake. Why all these changes that are being imposed on you right now? All these costs now all of a sudden, your washing machines not good enough, your dishwasher is not good enough. Your conditioning unit, your your water heater is not good enough. The combustion engine is like, where are these coming from? Bureaucrats. You didn’t vote for this. Your representatives didn’t do this. But they’ve changed our constitutional system to an unconstitutional system. With the help of the courts. But it all started pretty much under FDR. But it’s really hit hyperspeed right now. When you read this book, you’re going to find out who exactly Biden met with. Who’s advising him on a regular basis. You’ll be shocked. What’s motivating this guy? But I turn to my wife, who’s standing here, and I say to her, I don’t think. That even my audience is going to. Is going to jump into this. Summertime. Many people are dispirited. They see what’s being done to Donald Trump. They see what happened to people on January 6th. I’m talking about. Peaceful protesters. Many of you were frightened. So this whole project might be for naught. Maybe I’ll get out of the writing business. He will get out of the whole damn business. Unfortunately, I am soaked in this stuff every day and all night. Every day and all night. Maybe I’ll start writing novels. I don’t think I can, but give it a shot. Maybe I’ll just get lost in things like everybody else. But I don’t think I can. I don’t think I can. I fought hard. You get enough copies of this book so each and every one of you can get one. Okay. I fought hard to make sure retailers would carry would carry it to make it convenient for you. I promoted it early because I know how the Amazon algorithm works. The more pre-orders you get, the better the discount. So that’s going on. I’ve decided to do three book signings, and I should tell you, I don’t. I love doing the book signings, but it can be a dangerous situation if you understand what I mean. It’s not. It’s not as easy as it used to be. Let me put it that way. I’m going to do some TV interviews. I’m not going to do as many as I normally do. I’m just not. You think? My wife is standing and then the cynical people out there. Well, that’s your wife. She’s very tough on me. My books. The only one who’s tougher is me. So when I’m done, I ask her. Every time I ask her about American Marxism, I said, I don’t know. This might be too complicated. She said, No, this is important. And on this one. I get advice from her and so forth. She insists it’s the best book I’ve ever written. Every. But I don’t think the early sales are indicating that much excitement over. Look, I tell you folks, everything on the nonfiction side, our early sales are beating everybody else, blowing them away. But they’re not at a standard. That I think is necessary. To engage this enemy, the Democrat Party. I’ve talked about this before, and I’m not the first to say it. Philosophers have been saying it for 5000 years. Ideas have consequences. So-called climate change is a degrowth movement. It’s a communist movement. It’s an idea at first. Half a century ago. And here it is. Ruling and ruining our lives. Marxism was an idea. An idea. 100 million people lost their lives. With billions enslaved starts out as an idea. The American experiment is an idea. The constitutional system checks and balances. Separation of powers to ensure what’s happening to our country today wouldn’t happen to our country today. Starts out as an idea. I said to a friend of mine today. Zenobia Driver, but is a friend. And I said to him. What does the Democrat Party built? I don’t mean redistributing wealth. Infrastructure. So what does it build that’s lasting, that’s humane? That promotes unalienable rights. What is it built? Building. Nothing. What would this country be like today if there was never a Democrat Party? We wouldn’t have had a civil war. We wouldn’t have segregation for 100 years. We wouldn’t have had eugenics. And I can go down the list. A much different country, much better country. So shouldn’t they be held accountable? Should they be responsible for it? And listen to this. Kamala Harris, not only is she lying about the Sanders. But how dare her get up there? And not at least say my party. Was responsible for slavery in the United States of America for at least this persistence. Why doesn’t she at least admit that? Or so many of the other horrors that have taken place in this country as a result of the Democrat Party. We cannot allow this to continue anymore. And anti-black racism now and anti-white racism, anti-Semitism in the thirties and forties. anti-Semitism today. Now a pushes a economic Marxist movement. It’s behind it. Not us. Not The average citizen goes to work every day and breaks their ass. Ideas have consequences. Their ideas are impoverishing us. In the past. They’ve killed us. They’re destroying our society. Their ideas have created more murder in the streets. More drug cartel activity, more sex trafficking on the border. That’s their ideas. Those aren’t ideas. Where are they? Rule. It’s worse. Nobody wants to be in the big cities anymore, lest they have to be. Unless they take chances, nobody’s going to walk down. A main street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In Detroit, Michigan. And Los Angeles, California. In Chicago, Illinois. At midnight or one in the morning, unless they’re out of their minds. Whether you’re black, white or image less, you’re out of your mind. You’re not even going to drive a car down these streets because you don’t want to be hijacked. What’s that all about? The Democrat Party puts power. Above people. Puts power above country, puts their party above everything else. That’s what communist slash Marxist parties do. They are the country. It’s their way or the highway. And so you have a couple knucklehead professors here, which I’ll get to who say that Biden should ignore the court when you don’t agree with it. That is tyranny. They’re preaching it. Their tenure should be yanked stead. They’re celebrated as deep thinkers. There’s nothing deep about them. In my view, they’re evil, but they believe that. Look at these hearings FBI whistleblowers, IRS whistleblowers, material witnesses, facts. Texts, emails, laptops. Democrat Party doesn’t want to hear a thing about it because it will take their man down and their man was the IQ of a kumquat. Is surrounded by Marxists, Obama types who believe in, quote unquote, fundamentally transforming America. And Biden does, too, because he’s figured out that’s how he became president. Throw in with this crowd when he became a senator throwing with the southern segregationist. Today, it’s throw throwing with the Northeastern Marxists. If that means we go without. The combustion engine and your car were no longer energy independent and you’re paying a hell of a lot for energy or food. That means your communities are going to be destroyed by HUD if that means you’re inconvenienced too damn bad. To Dan bed. Anyway. It’s a long way of saying, I hope you’ll take a look at this book. I hope you get your pre-orders and it’s 40% off. I can only be here 3 hours a day, five days a week. But you can get lost in this book and keep it on your shelf and pass it to every family member you have. Ideas have consequences. We don’t get our ideas out there. It’s over, said Simple. If it’s somebody else writing books like this, then tell me who they are. If somebody else has a book like this out there, let me know who it is. I’ll promote the hell out of that. But they don’t. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
May I ask a question? Killing America’s fossil fuel industry doesn’t help. Communist Chinese. They’re not killing their fossil fuel industry. They’re expanding it. But killing our own fossil fuel industry. Which is the the fuel that makes the engine where economy goes. We don’t have any replacement. The grid isn’t capable of doing all the things that they’re going to put on it. We’re going to get brownouts and blackouts and everyone’s going to wonder what happened and then they’ll blame the private sector. Solar panels. Who does that benefit? Who makes those communist Chinese electric cars? Who controls all the relevant essential materials for an electric car battery? The Communist Chinese. Who benefits from that? The Communist Chinese. Underfunding our military, underfunding our military while communist China is on the move. How does that benefit the communist Chinese? Do you know why she treats Biden and his Cabinet with such disrespect? Because he owns Biden. He knows there’s not a damn thing Biden can do. The Republicans are peeling the onion piece by piece during the very best they can. And I give them enormous amount of credit under the circumstances. They really are. Doing the job. But the Chinese treat Biden with disrespect because they own the best. That’s why. We have asked Vivek Ramaswamy if he’d like to come on. They seem to share an initial interest. We will leave that invitation out there. I’d like to learn more about him, and I think you should too. I have some real questions. I want to get past the. The fortune cookie statements about, you know, I’m the only one leading us into the future, so I want to know more because I don’t know a lot. I’ll be right back.