July 21st, 2023

July 21st, 2023

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - JULY 08: Former U.S. President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump prepares to deliver remarks at a Nevada Republican volunteer recruiting event at Fervent: A Calvary Chapel on July 8, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Trump is the current frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination amid a growing field of candidates. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon blew it by setting the Trump documents trial months before the 2024 election. If Trump is convicted, Democrats will use every effort to prevent him from running, and the entire goal of this is to interfere in the election and re-elect President Biden. This is going to tear the country apart like nothing before except the Civil War because nothing like this has ever been done before. There is no reason to hold this trial during the course of the election, and the Department of Justice under Merrick Garland is clearing the way for Biden. Every decision Judge Cannon makes from this point will interfere with the election now that the case has been delayed until May, after the Republican primaries. There are 37 charges against Trump in the first case, and we have no idea how many additional charges will be added in other cases being brought by Democrats, and all they need is a guilty verdict on one charge. The Democrat Party is dragging this country to hell, whether they target Trump or Robert Kennedy Jr. or a minimum wage factory worker because they are the state party and want total control. Later, Mark is joined by former Congressman Rick Renzi to discuss how he was attacked and wiretapped by Jack Smith while he was a Congressman, the abuses of the judicial system Smith has committed, and his connections to James Comey.

Judge Sets Trump Classified Documents Trial for May 2024, Months Ahead of Election

Washington Examiner
Judge Cannon sets May 20 trial date for documents case

The Guardian
Fulton county prosecutors prepare racketeering charges in Trump inquiry

NBC News
JFK’s grandson RFK Jr.’s presidential candidacy an ’embarrassment’ and ‘vanity project’

Guess Where Biden’s Former WH Comms Chief Just Got Hired

PJ Media
It’s Increasingly Clear the Feds Were Protecting Joe Biden, Not Hunter

Photo by Mario Tama

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here.  Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. The third hour of the program. Former Congressman Rick Renzi will be on the program. He’s asked to come on and we’re more than happy to have him. He was one of the people targeted. By Jack Smith when he headed the Public Integrity Section. The criminal division of the Department of Justice. And this congressman, former congressman, has a lot to say about this. And you’ve not heard him speak about it before. So it’s very important in our three. Welcome to the program, Judge Cannon and Florida. Judge Cannon in Florida made a terrible mistake. She doesn’t view it as a mistake, but her decision will have a domino effect in many respects. In helping to unravel this nation. I said before, she needs to control her courtroom. The fact that the Biden administration through Jack Smith and Merrick Garland. Indict a President Trump when they did, triggering a number of events, including trying to have a full scale trial during the Republican primaries and before the general election. Doesn’t mean the judge should have gone along with this. And she did. Smith wanted the trial to start in December. She moved it to May. May is our friend friends at Breitbart points up. That date falls May 20th. After most of the Republican presidential primaries. Which will largely wrap up on March 12 and before the Republican National Committee Convention is scheduled to take place in July. So it effectively disenfranchises Republican voters because they can’t choose, if they wish, a different candidate in the event Trump is convicted. Now, nobody defends Donald Trump more than I. And I think what’s been done to him and is being done to him is absolutely horrendous. The problem is, if he’s convicted, that they will use every effort they can under the 14th Amendment to stop him. But even beyond that. It’s going to be hard to get enough independents and some moderate Democrats over to win the general election. That’s the whole goal here. To interfere with this election to re-elect Joe Biden. That’s what’s going on. And the judge blew it. The judge blew it. AP reports the trial date is seen as a compromise between a request from prosecutors to set the trial for this December and a request from defense lawyers to schedule it after the election. No, it’s not a compromise. It’s still going to occur during the election. This is going to tear this country apart like nothing, nothing before in American history except the Civil War. The United States. Nothing like this has ever been done. And of course, the Democrats don’t care. They’re all for the country collapsing. Trump, an aide who ought not to have pleaded not guilty to numerous charges of illegally keeping national defense records after leaving office and conspiring to hide them, as Breitbart News has reported. Trump, of course, has pled not guilty to 37 counts. There was absolutely no reason to hold this trial during the course of an election. None. This judge has allowed the Department of Justice under Merrick Garland. In support of Joe Biden’s re-election effort. To take charge of a courtroom. Now let’s play this out. You and I. Let’s play this out. 37 charges. It only takes one. To convict the former president. The candidate for president should he become the Republican nominee, only takes one out of 37. That’s why he piled on. The number of charges. So you’ll have potentially a trial jury sit there. And Sarah, let’s compromise. Let’s get them on this count. This count on this count, but not these these other 30 counts. The problem is one count is enough. Then he can appeal that process, obviously. Well, take a long time. Even at an emergency level, you would if he goes to the U.S. Supreme Court. So you’ll have the Republican potential nominee for the presidency fighting for his freedom during the course. Of the presidential election. This will be the whole story. So he cannot effectively run for president of the United States. And not only he, but the Senate Republicans in the House Republicans will all suffer losses. Because regardless of how we feel. That this empowers us further to do something about. Look at your neighbors. Look at people who you meet. It’s hard to persuade them to come over and vote. When the entire focus is on this. And that’s exactly why this timing is what it is and it’s exactly why the January six charges. They’re going to drop quite quickly, too, so they can try that case in Washington, D.C.. During the course of the election. Judge Cannon made a horrendous error. She’s now dragged the federal judiciary into the election process. Now she, with every decision she makes, will be interfering in the election. Every decision she makes. And I would just. WARNER It’s not going to get easier. It’s going to get harder. Because every motion that is filed by the Trump people. The media will be sitting there poised to attack her if it’s not for the government. And in addition to this disastrous ruling on this reasoning. I would say to the judge, Heather, how could you do this? Well, there’s an investigation pending in secret by the chief judge in Washington, D.C.. On a complaint filed by the lawyer who represents President Trump’s co-defendant. That he was extorted. Extorted by the head of the Counter Intelligence litigation section, a man named Brett Brodie. Because. If there’s a finding that the attorney was extorted, the entire case collapses. Why wouldn’t this judge in Florida? Judge Cannon has said. Even if she didn’t want to put it off to the after the election, which she should have. I cannot go forward with the case in front of me until that is resolved. But she didn’t. Do you know where Mr. Bratt was this week? He was in her courtroom in Florida. Unsuccessfully arguing about classified documents and how they should be treated. He was in her courtroom. While he’s under investigation for extorting the lawyer who represents the co-defendant. The Trump. And the extortion that’s that’s claimed here. The accuser. Is that he. Told the co-defendants lawyer that basically, if your client will testify on behalf of the state against Trump. Probably a better shot at getting that judgeship, that you want something to that effect. And so Judge Cannon is fine with that man being in a courtroom. And she’s fine with making the decision she made without that issue being resolved. She doesn’t need emotion from the defense. She sees. She knows who he is. It’s her courtroom. She has to protect the integrity of her own courtroom. And she’s done a hell of a bad job of it. We’ll see how it goes. But I’m very, very concerned, folks. That this judge is susceptible to pressure. By the media, which is why the media keeps ramping it up. This decision is going to have an impact. On the election. What she should have done, like the brilliant judge in Louisiana, Downey. It’s written 150 200 page decision explaining. That she cannot allow the government. Under the tutelage of the candidate who is running against the defendant. To determine. The date of the trial and the course of the trial. Because of their filing. Of their charges. During the course of the election that she cannot allow the mere filing of the charges. To determine that she must hold a trial during the course of the election. And that would drag the judiciary into the process. That’s all she had to say. And she could have written it up beautifully, but she would have come under withering attack. And so she cuts the baby in half. And when you cut the baby in half, the baby dies. Solomon knew that. Judge Canon does not. That was a critically important decision that she made the other day. People aren’t commenting on it enough. And it was a disaster. An absolute disaster. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
All right. We’ll be back. There’s a lot more here. Let me let me muscle through it, because there’s a few other issues I’d like to talk about. So we’re sitting here waiting for the January six indictments. And then we have the Fulton County, Georgia, prosecutor preparing to charge Trump with racketeering charges based on influencing witnesses and computer trespass. So she’s leaking to the media now. Smith and the other thugs there in the so-called special counsel’s office, they leaked to Rolling Stone the other day information that was in the letter. This is all damnable, unethical conduct, but nobody cares. It’s like this guy, Joe Scarborough. I can only wish that he is subjected to a criminal IRS investigation. I can only wish that he is subjected to a. Criminal investigation from a U.S. attorney who hates his guts. I can only wish that he is nowhere to turn for any relief whatsoever. And he and his wife face multiple felony charges, even though they may well be completely innocent. And then then maybe, maybe the S.O.B. will understand what’s going on here. But I doubt it. I doubt it. Maybe in his life. And he’s just an example. He’s the latest foil was scrutinized as closely. As Trump’s. We learn all kinds of stuff about him, about his finances. That is lifestyle. I don’t know. I don’t have any idea whatsoever. Everybody has, quote unquote, secrets. Summer. Minor embarrassing summer Major. Life threatening. Freedom threatening. This is what the hitman knows. He’s not a prosecutor. This guy, Jack Smith, in the truest sense of the term, is a hitman. I want to encourage you to watch what I consider to be the best life, liberty and live in ever. How do you like that, Mr. Bridges? Ever. My executive producer there said the same thing, and he’s been with me from the start. At Blaze and with the Fox show, The best life, liberty and Livin ever. I absolutely want your opinion once you watch it obviously. Same time, Sunday, 8 p.m. Eastern, 5 p.m. Pacific. And set your DVR. You can set your DVR, can’t you, Mr. Producer, as I understand it. So to record it every Sunday, right? Yeah. Just do it once. Neither. Watch it or don’t. But I encourage you. We have Byron Donaldson is the first guest. Peter Schweitzer is the second guest. My opening statements are a little longer than normal. I do a complete run through. Explain exactly what’s taking place. And people always say, we love your opening statement or what we call monologue. And so I got up very early this morning, 5:00. And I started working on. And I’ll have people write for me. I don’t have writers. I don’t have. What do you call those things that people read from Mr. Produce? I can’t remember teleprompters. I don’t mean No, I don’t have teleprompters. I don’t have writers. I me. Try to do the research. When I decide to really dig in, I have to work harder. It’s going to be very, very, very, very important because of where this country is being dragged. We’re being dragged. Into this hell by the Democrat Party. And still Mitch McConnell is silent, starting to think I know why because of Mitch becomes a vocal critic of what’s taking place. Maybe they’ll start taking a look. And he admits in his family and their relationships with the communist Chinese government. You never know. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
By the way, everything the government touches turns to crap. Now there’s a 13 week delay to get a new passport, missed produce or renewal. 13 weeks. That’s more than four months. Why? Have enough money. Get all the money in the world. Everything they touch. Air traffic control, that is. Airlines taking off and landing on time. Disaster. Disaster. The border where they’re supposed to secure disaster. Supposed to ensure sound money with the Federal Reserve disaster. Everything. The government touches a disaster and they want to touch more and more and more. Wait until the brownouts and blackouts start. They’re going to blame all the private sector businesses and try and take them over. That’s what they’re going to do anyway. Here’s Joe Scarborough on the Morning Joe show. Cut! Go. Then you’ve got these other people who are supposedly these IRS informants who basically get up there. Hey, hold up now. What do you mean, supposedly? First of all, they’re not informants. They’re whistleblowers. Such a jackass. You don’t even know the difference. You dismiss these people, put their careers on the line. See how it works, folks. This is how Joe Scarborough gets a job. Go ahead. Donald Trump When I was complaining, it was Donald Trump who was president then, and it was Trump’s IRS and Trump’s Justice Department in 2010. I hear this. I hear this from our friend Jessica TARLOV. I hear this is the Democrat talking point. Now that this all started when Donald Trump was president, the United States in 2018. 2018, Donald Trump was in charge. Now, ladies and gentlemen. These people came forward because they were blocked. Not by Donald Trump at the Department of Justice, not by Donald Trump at the Internal Revenue Service. They were blocked. By Garland appointees and Garland, that is Biden appointees at the IRS. That’s what they’ve said. Political appointees and Biden appointees at the Department of Justice. Not Trump appointees. So when these investigations start, it has nothing to do with anything. What does that have to do with anything? And you better damn well remember that if anything happened to the beautiful, wonderful Biden family while Donald Trump was president, they’d impeach him a third time over. But this is the propaganda we’re hearing. Wait a minute. It started under Trump. You know, censorship started under Trump. Yes. Donald Trump did not order censorship. At all. Read the judges 155 page document. Oh, yeah. Maybe here in there is somebody was dropped, but under the direction of Donald Trump. There is chapter and verse of what the Democrats did, what Biden did, and they want to talk about Donald Trump. These IRS agents come forward not because of Donald Trump, but because of what Biden’s doing. Yeah, but you know what? These supposed informants, it all started in 2018 under Donald Trump. So they have their talking point. They don’t want to know anything else. Nothing. And it was a Donald Trump U.S. attorney. I don’t get it. That’s good or bad, according to these people. But he reports to a Biden appointee. Go ahead. And here we have the document. Again, this is complete nonsense. And you have Chuck Grassley going, I don’t care whether he’s guilty or not. We’re just we’re just trying to create chaos. That’s Chuck Grassley. That’s how he operates. That’s what he said. What a liar. In that document. He’s talking about that form 1023. Chuck Grassley didn’t create that form. That form was created when. Garland was the attorney general. Biden was the president. And it was created by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. And you and I are supposed to ignore it. Ignore it. Not pay any attention to nothing. Which is exactly why the FBI director was trying to cover it up all these these months. Right. Which is why he. He only released it when it was heavily redacted. Right. And now today, finally, we get to hear the whole thing. Because it’s meaningless, don’t you know? According to the reprobate. Joe Scarborough. Best you can do, Joe, because you come off like a real jackass as best he can do. I think it is the best she can do. Eugene Robinson from The Washington Post. Trump’s a fascist and all the rest of it. I’m sure he was persuaded. Persuaded by these two IRS agents. Remember, he said Trump was a fascist because he wanted to clear out the bureaucracy. Mr. Producer. Now listen to him. Cut five. Go. The aim of all this is not to connect the dots. It’s just to throw out a whole bunch of dots that don’t connect. Just to throw. We just don’t connect to what genius be talking about. They all connect Biden. Our restaurant already knocked out there and they don’t connect to anything. It’s amazing. These men said they were obstructed, that they were slow walked. They couldn’t get certain search warrants approved, even though federal prosecutors supported them. But in Washington, they blocked them. U.S. Attorney’s office in Washington blocked. The U.S. Attorney’s office in L.A. blocked. Treasury Department won’t give the SaaS reports that’s go to the banks. The whole purpose of their testimony. The senior IRS criminal investigator. The criminal investigator at the IRS who is point on all of this. They came forward because they couldn’t conduct their investigations. They couldn’t connect the dots. That was the whole goal. But there’s a lot of dots and a lot of smart Americans that aren’t buying your crap. Eugene. Go ahead. Atmosphere around this is full is not going to address a single one. Of the bombshells drop. By these IRS agents. He’s not going to address a single one. You know, this guy used to maybe sold us soon on the Pulitzer Prize Committee. Mr.. Oh, yeah. Oh, he is a genius. Then we have Ellie Hoenig, the CNN senior legal analyst. I wonder what Ellie has to say. Cut sex, girl. This question over was what was the scope of David Weiss, the US Attorney’s Authority. Both David Weiss and Merrick Garland have said he was given a complete blank check. He could have. That’s not that. Excuse me. How do you an idiot. Is it that the issue. Weiss was in a meeting with six people. Contemporaneous notes taken by Mr. Shapely. Well, he didn’t say that. He said he had the final say. And I have a question for you, counselor. Why do we get into all this? Why not just appoint a special counsel oversight authority, period. Why, Mr. Hoenig? Why won’t the attorney general United States, appoint a special counsel? Why, Mr. Hoenig Any appoint a special counsel months ago. The standards are pretty low, you know, pal. Conflict or an appearance of a conflict. What do you think? I think there’s an appearance of a conflict. Go ahead. And to me, those are two very credible people. David Weiss was a Trump appointee here, Democrat. He’s credible because he’s a Trump appointee. Who the hell are you fooling, moron? How many more times are we going to hear the citizen report to David? Who does he report to? Carlin. And Donald Trump. Yeah. Yeah. He Hey, I know David Weiss out of Philadelphia. This guy’s a genius. That’s David Weiss. I’ve known him for the longest time. Oh, yes, Highly qualified. He’s on my political side of the spectrum. This is what they want you to believe. So I nominated him to be U.S. attorney. That’s not what happened. You go in there, you’re green as green can be. Or the president of United States, you got a thousand decisions to make. Deciding who the U.S. attorney for Wilmington, Delaware, is going to be is not on the top of the list. People make recommendations to you. This guy seems good. This guy seems good. So he appoints them. That’s how it works. A Trump appointee. And so they want you to believe if he’s a Trump appointee, that’s who worked in his campaign, he must. I agree with Trump. He must be ideologically equal with Trump. None of that’s true. So Ellie Hoenig lies to the audience at CNN. Lies. Go ahead. The criticisms I’ve lodged against him has been an absolute truth teller, an absolute straight shooter. How the hell do you know that? Sitting on your fat ass at CNN. How the hell do you know that? He’s been challenged under oath, under penalty of perjury. By a civil servant, a senior Irish criminal investigator. That is challenging what Garland has said. And you sit there and his mouth off. That’s all. Unbelievable. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
If you are running, a sort of military operation. But on the political side, there is a political side fancied after a military operation. You take out the general, you would take out Rudy Giuliani, one of his. One of his colonels. You go around and take out all his lawyers, which is exactly what they’re trying to do now. These dark money billionaires. They sit in a room. This is no joke. Who they’re going to give money to? They’re not exposed for it. And so they set up all these groups, the 65 Project Media Matters, all these other groups to do their bidding. The 14th Amendment group, the impeachment group. And they put in. Okay, here’s $5 million for you. $10 million for you. Go get them. This, this, this. It’s the greatest untold story in America. That nobody’s put this all together. That we have these Democrat radical left billionaires. Using what they call dark money because they don’t have to reveal themselves or the money they’re giving. We’re destroying this country. And they bought and paid for the Democrat Party. I want to play something for you, John. Jack Schlossberg is the grandson of President John Kennedy. He’s Caroline Kennedy’s son. I want you to listen to why he is now attacking his uncle. Robert F Kennedy Jr and why the media like NBC are thrilled with this. They love it when family members fight with each other. Except, of course, if it’s a Scarborough or something like that, then they pretend it never happened. Listen to this. Cuddle up and go. Joe Biden shares my grandfather’s vision for America that we do things not because they are easy, but because they are hard. I don’t think you even understand who your grandfather was. Great grandfather would be disgusted with what’s going on at the Democrat Party was a moderate. He was a moderate. And he’d be disgusted that his grandson is attacking. His nephew. He’d be disgusted. Jack Kennedy tax cuts. Jack Kennedy built up the military. Jack Kennedy confront the Russians. And on and on and on. Jack Kennedy was no radical leftist. Look, I don’t happen to be a big fan. It doesn’t matter. He was no Bernie Sanders. In fact, he defeated the Bernie Sanders type. I’m ready to get the nomination. But let’s hear it. Go ahead. Becoming the greatest progressive president we’ve ever had under Biden. You did hear that. So the grandson of John Kennedy is thrilled with Biden because he’s going to become the greatest progressive president we’ve ever had. Go ahead. 18 million jobs. Unemployment is at its lowest in 60 years. Biden passed the largest investment in infrastructure since the new. So there is like a like a parrot. Tweeting out the Biden propaganda. But we have to get through this in order to get to the end of it. Go ahead. And the largest investment in green energy. All right, stop there. Let’s go to cut 12, same Jack Schlossberg. No. Instead, he’s trading in on Camelot, celebrity conspiracy theories and conflict for personal gain and fame. This is his uncle. I’ve listened to him. I know him. I have no idea why anyone thinks he should be president. What I do know is his candidacy is an embarrassment. Let’s not be distracted again by somebody’s vanity project. I am excited to vote for Joe Biden in my state’s primary and again in the general election. And I hope you will, too. Joe Biden can barely walk, can barely speak, can barely think. He’s excited to vote for him. What have I told you? This man has the IQ of an orange juice can, but it doesn’t matter. The people around him. The Obama Marxist all throughout the government, the Democrat Party in support of this revolution. What matters is these things are being done. And with Joe Biden, they’re they’re getting done. This is why they hate Robert Kennedy. This is why Robert Kennedy is under the attack and so forth. Legal woes for President Trump. Did you know that, Mr. BLITZER? How many legal analysts at CNN and MSNBC or anywhere. In the opposition media, the Democrat media. Actually go through the abuses of power here. The leaking that’s taking place. The corners being cut. The interference in the election. None of them. Because they are the state media. They love it. They’re ideologically. Well, look at this. Another Biden top person, a communications director, is now working. Mr. Producer, where at CNN, the spokes idiot provide is not working at MSNBC. You see how it works. I’ll be right back.