July 18th, 2023

July 18th, 2023

Former US President and 2024 presidential hopeful Donald Trump arrives to speak at the Turning Point Action USA conference in West Palm Beach, Florida, on July 15, 2023. (Photo by GIORGIO VIERA / AFP) (Photo by GIORGIO VIERA/AFP via Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, we know what took place on January 6th, but Democrats have been trying to tie it to Donald Trump and take him down despite Trump being the only person in Washington D.C. to request more security. What Jack Smith and the Biden Administration are doing is unheard of and interfering with the 2024 election. What we are watching today is an insurrection, a war on the voting system, and on Trump, and if Democrats get away with it our elections will never be the same. Trump is allowed to challenge the election results and have Congress sort it out, but Democrats lie and claim he tried to obstruct the electors and the election. The Democrats have a plan to block Trump and try to disqualify him from the ballot in key states under the 14th Amendment. They are taking the civil rights portion of the 14th amendment to block Trump from running, and only need one guilty verdict from a Democrat court to convict him as an insurrectionist.  Also, Rep. Matt Gaetz joins Mark to discuss the flat-out tyranny of the Democrat party, the election interference of Joe Biden and Jack Smith, and what Congress can do to fight back. Later, Mark speaks with Rep. Wesley Hunt about the consequences of the 2024 election, the war on conservative voices by the media and Anti-Semitism in the Democrat party.

The Guardian
Trump indicates he expects to be arrested in federal January 6 investigation

The Hill
Activists want to disqualify Trump from ballot in key states under 14th Amendment

MSNBC’s Psaki: Trump Is ‘Running Because He Wants to Prevent Himself from Going to Jail’

Spotlight on judge in Trump documents case intensifies following controversial earlier ruling

Michigan attorney general charges fake Trump electors over alleged 2020 election crimes

Kevin McCarthy Challenges Hakeem Jeffries ‘to Prove’ Certain House Democrats Are ‘Not Antisemitic’

Barack Obama Defends Children’s LGBTQ Books as States Prohibit Them from Schools


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Welcome my fellow Americans. These are very, very dark days for those of us who care about liberty. Not even politics. Not even the parties. These are very, very dark days. You are staring. Tyranny in the EU. You, my listeners. This country is fundamentally transforming as the Democrats have wanted. Away from a constitutional republic. An understandable, equally applied rule of law. In which the Democrat Party seeks to monopolize politics. The government. And he used the iron fist of federal law enforcement against those who do not buckle. We’ve never been here before. We Americans. We’ve never done this to each other. Try when we hear this No Labels group or can we get along or bipartisanship or common sense and common ground? There can be no. None of that. When they’re trying to put people in prison. Let’s start from the beginning and then we will spend some time on this America. January 6th. We know it took place on January 6th. But the Democrats have been trying to tie this to Donald Trump. And they’ve tried to concoct laws or inferences from laws to apply against. He’s the only top level individual in Washington, D.C. on July excuse me, on January 4th. Who suggested. But the mayor of Washington. The speaker of the House. Might want him to send in the National Guard to protect the building on January 6th. That should have been the beginning and end of this thing. It was turned down. By the Democrats. We have no idea what Mitch McConnell did. And Mitch McConnell is not even talking today. Why? Because Mitch McConnell supports all of this. That’s why. And so what this prosecutor is doing is unheard of. What the Biden administration is doing is unheard of. Let me explain this in some detail. The Constitution sets forth a mechanism for choosing electors. For president. And vice president. Not the executive branch for sure. Not the sitting president for sure. There is no Department of Justice in the Constitution. There is no U.S. attorney in the country that none of that. They hadn’t even created them yet. But they did create this government and the election process as a purely political process. And so. If a political party. Is duking it out in a state. And that political party sees a close election. And after the votes are, quote unquote, counted, after weeks of delay and harvesting and all the rest. And the party that is behind by 10,000 votes. 12,000 votes, 5000 votes. Feels that in the end. They will succeed. They are free to send a slate of electors to the archivist, to the United States who holds them. Until under statute, January six. At which time they, along with the other party’s electors, perhaps certified by the state, perhaps certified by the secretary of state and the governor. Are sent to a joint meeting of Congress. And it’s up to Congress to sort this out. Congress can easily say, no, those old electors are out. No, we accept the results in this state or that state. Now that’s out. That’s gone. That’s been done in the past. It was done in 1960 in Hawaii. It’s been done in other states, almost done in Florida in 2000 as a result of what the Democrats the Democrats were doing. There’s nothing criminal about it. There’s nothing devious about it. There’s nothing illegal about it. You’re not obstructing an election. You’re not obstructing a result. You’re not obstructing Congress. Congress will make the determination on what to count, what not to count, which is exactly what Congress did. The process is not supposed to be criminalized where a single grand jury. In Washington, D.C., being said one sided arguments. By a special counsel appointed by the party in power. By a prosecutor who’s threatening lawyers and threatening witnesses with charges. Well, long term sentences, if they don’t if they don’t buckle under. As if that’s the pursuit of justice in punishing wrongdoing. What you are watching today is an insurrection. It’s a war on the voting system. It’s a war on the Constitution. It’s a war on the Republican Party and, of course, on Donald Trump. If they get away with this, the country will never be the same ever. The challenging of elections occurs all the time and not just in court all the time. And it’s up to Congress to sort it out. That’s what the Constitution says. Congress has the final say. Congress can throw out Electoral College votes willy nilly for once to. These battles have been fought especially early in our history. We also have Democrats. In 2004. And I wish the bushes and the rhinos and the Never Trumpers would comprehend this. Who sought to prevent. George Bush’s re-election. As they did in 2000 when the Supreme Court had to step in and stop the Florida Supreme Court from trying to steal the election from Bush. I give it to Gore. 2004. George Bush won Ohio by a fairly substantial amount. But the Democrats. They went to the floor of the House, which is where these meetings are held, given that that is a larger area than on the Senate. And perhaps up to three dozen of them challenged the election. Starting with Ohio, among them, Jamie Raskin. Among them Benny Johnson. January six Committee members. They wanted to reverse the election. They wanted the Ohio electors thrown out. They failed. Were they prosecuted? Were they investigated? Kushner. Mark. That’s the system that’s set up. Well, the system that is set up. Is the same system that these others. Legislators heard the Republican Party was using in these other states the same system. Just a different way of challenging it. Ultimately, Congress has the say. A grand jury does not have a say. A U.S. attorney does not have a say. The attorney general of the United States for the opposition party does not have a say. The executive branch has no say. None. For selectors, fake selectors. To give it the tinge of criminality. Congress is meeting. If they believe that these are false electors or fake electors. And they don’t count them. If there’s competing. Lists of electors from a state. Then they choose one over another. They choose neither. That’s how it works. So they try and model the water. That Donald Trump in a speech incited violence. Then why isn’t Schumer in prison? And he was inciting violence against the Supreme Court? In fact, why aren’t all the leftists in prison when they’re inciting violence against justice is against their own country? Why is there crime tape around the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s house and Bernie Sanders house? Nobody objected in 2000 to 2004. Was investigated and then they objected in 2016 to 2 Donald Trump. They tried to throw out legitimate electric. But that’s okay. They follow the law when they raise their objections and their fellow members of Congress turn them down. That’s exactly how it works under the Constitution without the statute. That is, Congress has the final say. The framers could not possibly have dreamt. That’s something called a federal prosecutor. And a grand jury. We’re witnesses and potential defendants aren’t even allowed to have lawyers present. We make determinations. In lieu of the full Congress meeting on January 6th. Be very interesting to see what this full prosecutor has pulled together. And I want you to understand something. He’s the ugly face of all this. It’s Mr. Magoo, the phony attorney general, and his. Comrades, his radical left wing Obama comrades, and the assistant attorney general, which the deputy attorney general, associate attorney general sluts who are sitting down. Like a shadow Politburo, secret Politburo making these decisions. And self-righteously saying to them says, we have to uphold the law. You know, we’ve got to do what’s right. We’ve got to do it. It doesn’t matter that he’s running for the presidency. We cannot be intimidated. We must go forward. The Marxist fascists in the Department of Justice. And the timing of the letter that was sent to President Trump’s lawyers Sunday night. Now Monday morning. Not Friday evening, Sunday night. Now, why would a prosecutor do that, Mr. Producer? They create as much havoc, personal discomfort and embarrassment for a former president as possible. The government doesn’t do anything on Sunday night. It doesn’t do anything most nights. But Sunday night in particular. Saturday night, too. Why would they do that? Because they’re nasty. They’re a disgrace. They’re in court arguing that they want to continue the documents case. They want that trial in December no matter what. I hope the judge is listening. It’s not about what the government and the prosecution wants. It’s what’s in the best interests of the country. A handful of these people are destroying the country and they are tearing it apart. Never before has a political party. Using the FBI and the Department of Justice in a phony special prosecutor. Gone so far. As to. As to indict. The opposition candidate and not just enditem, but overwhelmed with dozens of charges and done so. In the middle of a campaign. Now he wants to do it again on January six. January six. Oh, they’ll come up with obstruction of dust of some old Civil war statutes and so forth. But it doesn’t matter. You got almost 40 counts in the document case. God knows how many counts this will be. All I need is one count in any. In any of the cases. One count. They get him on one count. And then what happens? I explain When I return, I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
I want to cover this quite thoroughly, America. Here’s the other thing you need to think about when you are going after a former president is seeking election. Who is polling it over 50% in the Republican primaries? Who is possibly the Republican nominee? You’re doing it in the middle of an election year, dropping bombs left and right. You’re not supposed to come up with unique. Very clever interpretations of the law, which is what this guy did to Bob McDonald, what he did to John Kerry. It’s actually what he did to Robert Menendez in a case in New Jersey that he lost. You’re not supposed to experiment with your legal theories for the purpose of taking people down. He’s been told this by the U.S. Supreme Court. He’s been told it by a trial jury. He’s been told it by another trial jury. New Jersey in all, for all intents and purposes. And he’s still doing it. He’s still doing it. And by doing it this way, in the middle of an election, he is clearly interfering with this election. And he knows it. His bosses know it and they’re encouraging it.

Segment 3
By the way, Governor Ron DeSantis will be on the program tomorrow. Let me get back to President Trump. Oh, Thursday. Sorry. Thursday. False electors, fake electors. Fascinating. So let me get this straight, America. The electors, including two slate of electors, say, in a michigan or Georgia, a pandemic, wherever. They’re sent to Congress via the archivist office. And Congress sits there and they’re completely fooled. Mr. Produce. Wait a minute. What are we going to do? We have two sets of electors from Pennsylvania. We have two sets of electors from George Way to set some electors from Michigan. And the Democrats say, well, vote for the Republican electors. Right, Mr. Minister? They’re confounded. They don’t know what to do. They’re confused. What shall we do? Now, isn’t that stupid? Isn’t that ridiculous? Oh, yes. Those Republicans in the state were Trump and his lawyers were trying to overturn the election results. No, they were challenging the election results, but they knew they didn’t have the goods. They knew in advance and they still set them in. Okay. Ready? And they’re allowed to. Because Congress can sort it out. So here’s what the prosecutor’s going to do. He’s going to say Trump knew that he didn’t win. We have quotes. But it didn’t matter. Trump proceeded anyway, even though he was told he didn’t win. He wouldn’t accept the results. Why? Because he wanted to overturn the election. Therefore, he tried to obstruct. He tried to obstruct the electors. He tried to obstruct the election. He tried to pull the wool over the face of Jamie Raskin. Over the face of Nancy Pelosi. That would actually improve things, if you get my drift. But nonetheless. He knew what he was doing. He tried to obstruct. But it doesn’t work. Why? Because he left office. By noon in one second, on January 20th, he left. He didn’t call in the National Guard. He didn’t call in the military. He didn’t call on anybody. He left. I don’t know. But he tried to obstruct the results of the election. He couldn’t. Unless Congress was playing along. All this guts goes to Congress, including the Democrats. And the Democrats still controlled. Excuse me, after the. The members of Congress are sworn in. The Democrats still controlled the Senate. I’m going to go along with some scheme. Doesn’t make any sense. The whole argument doesn’t make any sense. It falls apart completely. No, but you don’t understand. No, I don’t understand. Challenges to the certification. There’s always challenges to the certification. And there’s a process. Even if Congress can’t agree among themselves, it keeps going and going and going until they do. The people who are obstructing and interfering with this process and creating a precedent that this country cannot survive. Is the Biden Justice Department. Let me ask you some questions, Mr. Producer, in America. What then, going forward, if this survives? Is an abstraction. So if a political party really believes that it should send another set of electors, it can’t. If a president wants to call a secretary of state and say, Kate, you find some votes, he can’t. So what can you do? What can’t you do? We need to rely on prosecutors in Washington, D.C.. To tell us what we can and can’t do. Now. It’s a political process. It’s a portal. There are no crimes. There’s no crimes. So they’re going to create them. You’re going to hear obstruction. You’re going to hear the word conspiracy. I haven’t seen anything. I’m just telling you that’s going to work. And you’re going to have these marquee headlines that Trump sought to prevent the outcome of the election. Yeah, that’s why he offered to send the National Guard. That’s why he left office when he was supposed to leave office. No, no, no, no. He inciting the riot. He created. So they’ll try and pull it all together, which the January six committee tried and they failed. What is the crime? Wire fraud. He was raising funds, don’t, you know, claiming that the election was a fraud, wire fraud. So they’ll come up with these. Cockamamie. Arguments and all they need to do is convince morons on a jury. Just one. We only need one. Another 20 charges, maybe 30, maybe 50, maybe 12. Just enough for a Washington DC Trump hating Democrat jury. Just one. We only need one. Why? Because the 14th Amendment, they’ll ask you what Senator to do with anything. This is another reason why this thug prosecutor wants all these cases handled during the course of the election. Let me ask you a question. What if we go all through this? And Trump wins the presidency. Do you know that the Department of Justice, this prosecutor and the Democrats have a plan for making sure he never serves one second in office? Mr.. Is. You know what it is? Section three of the 14th Amendment. That’s their plan. What is it? Well, they tell you on the Hill newspaper to civil rights organizations are launching a campaign to pressure state governments that state attorneys general to disqualify former President Trump from appearing on ballots in 2024. And they won’t succeed. But the group says secretaries of state are empowered by the 14th Amendment to bar Trump from running for office because of the January six Capitol insurrection. They’re raising enormous sums of dark money. These are the radical Marxist front groups. Mi Familia vota and free speech for the people are one of those. And they’re going to start with California, Oregon, Colorado, Georgia. They’re going to move into Nevada. Among other states. They’re going to try it the first point. They get the secretaries of state pick you off the ballot. I doubt that will succeed. But should he be elected, then they’re going to say he cannot be sworn in. Because he was convicted of one count of wire fraud or obstruction or something related to January six. He’s an insurrectionist. But they talk about Section three. Section three. He’s disqualified. Here’s what’s involved in an insurrection that clobbers from a serious public office of people who called, having previously taken an oath as member of Congress or an officer of the United States who is a member of the state legislature, or as an executive or judicial official of any state to support the Constitution, the United States shall have engaged in insurrection, rebellion against the same. So they’re taking the civil rights. Part of the 14th Amendment that was passed again to block officials in the Confederacy from running for office and undermining the federal government. And try to apply it to Trump. All they need is one conviction on one count. In Washington, D.C.. And the doors open. Yes, there can be appeals and all the rest. These people are throwing this country into anarchy. This prosecutor is throwing this country into anarchy. This Department of Justice has thrown this country into anarchy. The media are throwing this country into anarchy because it serves the purposes of the Democrat Party. And this revolution. Against a constitutional republic. Folks. I know what’s going on here. That’s exactly what’s going on. Now, Mark, the office of the presidency is not mentioned. You think it’s going to stop these people? Peterson say he’s an officer. This is why Jack Smith wants these cases moving fast and he wants them done. Not after the election, but. During the like. And by the way, I want to say to Janet Pisarski, who’s always been low queue and particularly obnoxious and nasty. You said on your TV show, Apparently some. Neither. Nobody watches. That Donald Trump’s running for president so he can pardon himself. She’s not the first. She doesn’t even have an independent idea, no matter how stupid it is. Oh, really? Well, maybe Joe Biden’s running for re-election to ensure that he doesn’t get indicted. Because right now he controls those forces. And should he leave office, he’d be subjected to a complete and full criminal investigation at the hands of a Republican president like Trump or dissenters or whomever. And he wouldn’t have any protection as president anymore. So I could say Pacifica, and so I will. Joe Biden is running for office because he doesn’t want to be investigated and charged with crimes. Which he would not be. The latter anyway, charged with crimes as president of the United States. And if he saw Joe Biden today meeting with Herzog, the president of Israel, who has no formal powers, mostly to look stupid and say stupid things. Joe Biden. His head dropped his chin hit his chest. He’s staring into his pants. Barely able to read the cue card. And I said, Oh my God, that guy’s having a stroke right in front of the No. You know, the whole world sees this. And the Democrat Party doesn’t care. And through all this America, the Democrat Party is defending it all. They are thrilled. They’re excited. They say no one’s above the law. You know, equal justice under the law. They’re not fooling anybody. They’re not fooling anybody. Here’s Kevin McCarthy. There’s a terrific leader. Cut one. Go. Well, I guess under a Biden administration by America, you’d expect this. If you noticed, recently President Trump went up in the polls and was actually surpassing President Biden for re-election. So what do they do now? Weaponize government to go after their number one opponent? It’s time and time again. I think the American public is tired of this. They want to have see equal justice. And the idea that they utilize this to go after those who politically disagree with them is wrong. Wow. And what did Mitch McConnell say today, Mr. Producer? Not a word. When it. THUNE Say it again today, America. Not a word. Cornyn Not a thing. There’s a Republican leadership. BARRASSO Nothing. Not a thing. More when I return.

Segment 4
Congressman Matt Gaetz will be on the program at 730 Eastern Time. You know, I’ve been highly critical of Matt. I met him for the how was it I remember at Mar a Lago somewhere some months ago. I think we buried a hatchet, not in each other’s backs. But he’s been pounding away on this issue with this prosecutor. And I want to hear from him. And Wesley Hunt. It’s a fantastic new congressman out of Texas. And a military background, a military education. Of course, the media ignore him because he’s African-American. Doesn’t fit the stereotype, you know. And he’ll be on an hour three. But I’ve got a lot more to say, so I would encourage you to stick with us. Um, people say to me all the time, very few, but some do. And they’re comment sections. Some are very vile. Why am I a voice that defends Israel? I mean, we have other radio hosts who kind of defenders and some of them are Jewish, some of their not. My buddy Ben Shapiro’s a strong advocate as well. Dennis Prager. Because, ladies and gentlemen. The people who hate Israel hate America. It’s the same Democrats. The same. Radical Arab and Muslim and Palestinian organizations are betting on it. It’s the same self-hating Jew groups like J Street and others. All of whom have a home in the Democrat Party. And these same groups and these same individuals hate you and me. They hate our country. They’re part of this Marxist revolution here. I’m not talking about. Most of these people I’m talking about, these organizations led by. These various organizers, these various individuals. But I am talking about the Democrat Party as an institution. What are they going to do about Jayapal? Nothing. Nothing. How about the media? They’re going to come down hard on these these anti-Semites in the Democrat Party. They’ll mention it, be hit and run and they’ll move on. But are they going to ban them as guests on their program on CNN and MSNBC? On The View. No, they can’t play semis. They get him. Ratings may even agree with them. They promote AOC. She’s an anti-Semite, they promote Taleb, she’s an anti-Semite, and they hate America to hate it. They’re part of this group called the Democrats Socialists. It’s a real group that goes around funding elections. But they’re not Democrats, socialists. They’re Marxists who hate the country. And says, Hey, Jews. Try as a Jew, as an American, I know I’m blessed to be in this country. Would you day or Christian values, at least throughout our founding document, throughout our Constitution, and used to be throughout our culture, but not so much anymore. I’ll be right back.