July 17th, 2023

July 17th, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 14: U.S. President Joe Biden gives a thumbs up as he walks with first lady Jill Biden to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House July 14, 2023 in Washington, DC. Biden is spending the weekend at Camp David in Maryland. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we do not want common group with a Democrat party that is trying to destroy the Supreme Court, Electoral College, and hates the Constitution. Groups like No Labels is what we get from weak republicans like Larry Hogan, Asa Hutchinson, Joe Manchin, and Chris Christie – people who do not want to engage in the culture war that we’re in now, even though our liberties and children are at stake. We need patriots and statesmen to fight for our country, not quislings who want to be called bipartisan even if it means the destruction of America. We stand for constitutional republicanism and they don’t, which is why talk of bipartisanship with a Marxist Democrat party is a ruse and we lose every time. We must obliterate the Democrat party, not appease it, because they the enemy and there is no common ground with anyone trying to destroy America and trash its history. Also, what the Democrat party has sought to do is not just codify Roe, but pass a bill with no restrictions or obstacles whatsoever for a woman to get an abortion, even though Roe gives the government a right to regulate in the third trimester. Kamala Harris was not picked to be vice president because she was the smartest or most capable for the job, but to be the first black female VP. Listening to Harris speak about Roe today only proves it more, as she is so clueless she can’t remember Thurgood Marshall’s last name. Finally, the Secret Service never interviewed Hunter Biden about the cocaine found in the White House, even though he was in the White House. The Secret Service has been poisoned just like how the FBI and DOJ have been, which are all now just tools of the Democrat party. 

NBC News
Rep. Pramila Jayapal walks back her comments calling Israel a ‘racist state’

New York Post
Charles Barkley defends Bud Light, slams Dylan Mulvaney critics as ‘rednecks, a–holes’

The Federalist
It’s Joe Biden, Not Tommy Tuberville, Who Brought The ‘Culture War’ To The Military

China: Joe Biden ‘Desperately Seeking’ Talks with Beijing to Shore Up 2024

Israeli Reservists Threaten Mass Resignations if Judicial Plan Proceeds

Just The News
Feds borrowing over $5 billion per day as programs face insolvency

Town Hall
Hiring of New Federal Election Official Raises Questions

Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s Anti-Israel Rant Earns Rebuke from Dem Leadership: ‘Israel Is Not a Racist State’

Photo by Drew Angerer

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. So we have a group called No Labels that says we don’t believe in labels. Is that their title, No Labels must produce? I think it is. Now, we have a lot to talk about, but I want to address this for a minute. I watched this. Larry Hogan and these others, this guy, Jon Huntsman mansion. And they’re being pushed by the media to. The media have been trashing Trump, they’ve been trashing DeSantis. My theory they’re frankly, is they want to cripple two senators and then take out Trump and open the field for more moderate Republican, whomever that may be. That’s my theory. And I believe it’s true in some sectors and in the various aspects of the party. Are falling all over it. They’re falling for. But this whole thing about No Labels. And they talk about we need to find common ground. We need to find common ground. America expects us to get things done. I take the completely opposite point of view. Common ground. With who? For what? I have nothing in common with Joe Biden’s agenda. Open borders. Undermining police, choking the military. I have nothing in common with this agenda destroying women’s sports. Their agenda is a radical Marxist agenda. Common ground. Bipartisanship. Republicans are always suckers for this kind of thing, aren’t they? Common ground on critical race theory. Democrat Party supports it. Common ground on sexualizing our children. Well, that’s the teachers unions, and they’re an appendage of the Democrat Party. The war on. Catholics. The war on pro-lifers. How many thing in common with that? The Democrat Party is trying to monopolise her entire political system. As Communist parties do, as fascistic parties do. Oh, they want you to believe there’s competition for elections. They don’t mind a completely impotent Republican Party out there. You see them in various states. But that’s not what we want. Common ground or their own destruction. Common ground with a party that’s trying to destroy the Supreme Court. Common ground with a party that’s trying to destroy the Electoral College so they never lose an election. Common ground with a party that trashes our founders with a party that hates the Constitution. Common ground. This is what you get from the Larry Hogan’s and the Acer Hutchison’s. But Chris Christie’s the Chris Sununu’s. You get a continuation of the same Schneiders in your face. It’s not as aggressive. But it’s the same. They don’t want to engage in the culture wars. Well, we’re in a culture war. We either fight back or we lose. We lose our classrooms, we lose our children, lose our language, lose our liberties. What do you mean you don’t want to engage in it? We have to engage in it. We have to win it. So if you’re dealing with a political party that hates America. That is hated in America almost since its inception. They hated America so much and led a civil war. Against the country to defend slavery. It’s been 100 years after the Civil War. Trying to block. The 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. Trying to block equality and due process. Have nothing in common with this. Wasn’t that long ago when the Democrat Party was pushing eugenics. Especially for black people. Margaret Sanger. Hillary Clinton got the Margaret Sanger, which is very proud of it. She was a racial eugenicist. And gave a speech to the Klan in the South. Well, why are we celebrating that? What’s the common ground? And what is the Democrat Party today promotes a marxist agenda. Wants to centralize all decision making in Washington. Let’s decide what kind of products you can own, what kind of services you can have, what kind of life you’re going to live, whether you’re going to be destitute or not inconvenienced. The quality of life. Declining common ground. You and I, we stand for liberty. That’s our common ground. For this record. Right wingers and extremists by those who don’t. We stand for little, ah, Republicanism, constitutional Republicanism. They don’t. They don’t. We stand for a man being a man and a woman being a woman. They don’t. We stand for a free press. They stand for a state run press. So this whole idea of common ground and bipartisanship, it sounds so swell, but it’s a ruse. It’s a ruse. And we lose every time. And we cannot let. The usual establishment Republicans, the rhinos, the frauds fakes and the phonies. We cannot allow them. They use this kind of. You know, propaganda about common ground, a bipartisan what? That’s what the voters want. The voters want if it’s presented to them properly, at least most of us, to be left alone. To buy whatever kind of car we want. To raise our children. Not with a village or a teacher union in the way. When people to be able to have free speech on the Internet. We want experts to be able to provide us with their best information. We don’t want equity. Equality is where we want. And we want liberty. Common ground. Let me be very clear about this. We must obliterate the Democrat Party, not appease it. It is the enemy. Like any other enemy. But it’s a more dangerous enemy. It’s a more complex and daunting situation. Because within the United States. They use his liberty to destroy liberty. It uses the Constitution to destroy the Constitution. He uses the wealth and prosperity created by capitalism to empower government and destroy capitalism. It’s the enemy. There is no common ground. Unless you’re prepared to surrender. And have some surface level. Accommodationist viewpoint of that enemy. I’m not trying to be provocative. I’m very realistic. I am very practical. But Mark, you’re a conservative activist. And what does that mean? Means I believe in our country, in our founding. In our founding document, the Declaration and her founding governing document, the Constitution. I believe in these things. I mean, what all Americans should believe in. So No Labels. They say no Labels. They want to take out two Santas, and they’re working very hard on this. In other words, they want to weaken him and cripple him. They want to take out Donald Trump and imprison him before we even get to vote. It’s essentially what the prosecutor said to the court last week. No, we don’t want to move the election until after excuse me, the prosecution or after the election. Will they seek to put Trump in prison So they want to put him in prison? While the elections going on. Can you make common ground with that? Of course not. So I have a completely different view of the situation and what must be done. Republican establishment. Wants to be called bipartisan, even if it means. Sitting back and watching the destruction of America. It’s appeasement. We’ve had enough of it. These are quislings. What does that Mark? Google it. We need patriots, we need statesmen, we need leaders. We need people are going to speak out. That’s what we need. So when you look at these Republicans running. Put aside all the propaganda. And by that I mean even from the other campaigns, the personal attacks. This is all done because each one of them wants to win. But you need to take a sober look at each one of these people. Not what they tell you to look at, but what you decide to look at. And you need to make a decision. Who’s capable of saving this country. And who will say one thing and then sell us out the next day. If we don’t win this election. And then immediately thereafter set our sights. On neutralising the Democrat Party. Are the futures dim? The Democrat Party, as I said to you, is more than a party. It’s more than a political party, is more than a cultural party. It is the government party. Or as I call it, the state party, backed by the state media, backed by the massive indestructible, it seems, administrative state. These are all the signs and characteristics. Of totalitarianism. So I thought I would lay that out, make it clear. That will all be. It is all in the book. The Democrat Party hates America. This isn’t about. Making some kind of superficial arrangement with them. They have no interest in that. They’re trying to destroy us. They call you names. They hate your faith. They’re destroying the nuclear family. I mean, how much more of this we’re going to take? No Labels. Now we need labels. Right from wrong. Good from evil. Liberty versus tyranny. No, we need labels. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
I want you to listen. To this Representative Pramila Jayapal. She runs the group the Caucus in the House, the so-called Progressive Caucus. In other words, the out of the closet Marxists. And this is what she said Saturday during one of these leftist organizations, Netroots Nation, Cut one go. Can I say something? As somebody that’s been in the streets and and has participated in a lot of demonstrations, I think I want you to know that we have been fighting to make it clear that Israel is a racist state, that the Palestinian people deserve self-determination and autonomy, that the dream that the dream of a two state solution is slipping away from us, that it is not that it does not even feel possible. It does not even feel possible. And I want you to know that while you may well, you may have arguments with with whether or not some of us on stage are fighting hard enough. I do want you to know that there is an organized opposition on the other side, and it isn’t the people that are on the stage. I’ll just. Maybe I should just walk the guys there and I say something and I say something as somebody that’s men in the street. We already heard this. I’m. We want to find common ground with her. They want to find bipartisanship with her. This constant attack on Jews by the Democrats. There’s really. A sign. Of how vile and totalitarian that party is. You do not see it in the Republican Party. You do not. She’s not the only one. Is Omar. There’s Talib. Here’s Omar. Cut to go. We definitely need people who know what it’s like to experience occupation, whether it is in the Ukraine or Palestinian people who have now experienced occupation and displacement for 75 years. So in other words, since the establishment of the state of Israel, the Palestinians, the Palestinians have found displacement. I want to get into this more when we return. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
I’m definitely a trendsetter which is shocking to me, especially when it comes to clothing. Definitely a trendsetter. More and more people on Fox are now wearing ties. My buddy HANNITY doesn’t wear a tie anymore. The guys don’t wear it. And by the way, I’m all for that. I hate ties. They hate him. They’re stupid. Particularly when it’s 100 degrees out. It makes no sense to me. So you see these old pictures, people going swimming. It looks like they’re wearing overalls. 110 years ago and so forth. I just want to reiterate something. You heard Jayapal. You heard Omar. You’ve heard Talib in the past. You hear Charles Barkley today with his racist comments, I guess it was yesterday, which disappoints me. I used to like the guy, but I don’t like him anymore. You’re going to be a thug then. Plenty of thugs out there. Things need to be labeled. They need to be labeled. There’s good. There’s bad. There’s liberty, There’s tyranny. There’s men. There’s women. There’s anti-Semites like Jayapal. There’s men. There’s men. Sports, women, sports. The claim that by these people that only they are listening to the public. Is typical of self-righteous movements and people. It is. We’ve been listening to the people. What do you think I do here all day where a lot of people listening to the people don’t have to do anything. But how do you reach common ground on CRT, sexualizing children and all the rest? So I had a completely different view of mine. Lines up with Scalia. We played that audio for you last week. The government is set up for gridlock per share, power for slow action, the entire constitution. That’s how it works or doesn’t. And there’s a lot more down the road I want to say about this. It’s just ridiculous. So this is the latest ruse. It’s the latest ruse. It’s what it is. And I wouldn’t get caught up in it too much. I don’t have a problem politically can run rhinos as whatever you wish. You know. Go for it. And typically these sorts of things. Well. I don’t know if that’s true. Actually, when we had a major third party candidate, Perot, he actually had George W Bush, George H.W. Bush and helped elect Bill Clinton. So I also think maybe some of that’s going on. I don’t trust the Democrat Party, their power at all costs. They’ve gone a long way in destroying our electoral system. I don’t trust them. So it’s quite conceivable. That this is something they want done. But given the extreme radicalism of the Democrat Party, it’s its overlay with American Marxism. Its use of the criminal system to go after people they disagree with. Citizens. As well as. Donald Trump. Their use of an app and their use of of espionage tactics and monitoring people and censoring people from public social platforms. Monitoring a million people accidentally, of course. 300% increase in the monitoring of American citizens by this administration. Federal judge lays it out. But this administration has been doing. To destroy free speech in the First Amendment. It’s also trying to destroy the Second Amendment. In other aspects of the Constitution. The Constitution means nothing if we don’t have virtuous people. Freedom, as John Adams said, means nothing. If we don’t have virtua. Freedom to do all kinds of things. Freedom in and of itself. It’s not great. Individual freedom. In a civil society is great. Freedom of of some in some countries to murder people, to rape people, to steal from people. That’s not great. It’s the civil society law and order. A justice system that is fair and equal. Not perfect. Fair and equal. That’s where liberty counts. So. None of these people will ever come on here. They’ll never come on my Fox show. They’ll never come on my show. They won’t come on my Westwood One radio show. They’re not going to. I wish they would because I want to have this discussion with them. What does it mean? No labels. What is the suggestion there? And what do you mean by extremism? You and I, we’re not extreme. We endorse our history, we endorse our founding, we endorse our independence, Declaration of Independence and Constitution. We endorse our economic system. We love the idea of a traditional family. We love all these things. Why are we extreme? It’s the other side that lights a match to all of it. They’re extreme. The Republican Party never supported eugenics. Horrendous Republican Party squeak as it is. Never supported abortion on demand. Which really is a form of eugenics, if you think about it. The Republican Party. Didn’t start a civil war to support slavery. Just to point this out again, and this is on the book. The great Franklin Roosevelt. We have these phony historians. They’re really politicians or political partisans. Who go on TV. They become part of these docu series type events. Doris Kearns Goodwin. You know, she’s all over the place. Oh, she’s so fantastic. Her husband was a big time Democrat who worked for Lyndon Johnson, as I recall. They put together the what I consider this phony. Documentary on Franklin Roosevelt, and they cover up all of his outrageous behaviors and conduct. You know what FDR did for black people? Our longest serving president. You know, he did for black people nothing. Virtually nothing. Nothing. Wouldn’t even sign a federal anti-lynching law in 1940. Nothing. That’s the truth. And yet. What do the typical historians tell us today? Is this great leader of whom exactly? Hee hee. He imposed on the nation a different kind of economic system. He empowered the central government like nobody before. That’s why they like Roosevelt. That’s why they like Lyndon Johnson. It was a horrendous human being, horrendous the way he treated women, the way he treated black. The way treated people generally. Sleazy man. But he’s one of their icons. Why massively grew the government? Lyndon Johnson didn’t have an epiphany and suddenly turned from a racist. Right into the night, early 1960s to a civil rights leader with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. That’s not what happened. Even his own biographers. Tell you that’s not what happened. And yet that’s the propaganda that’s out there. The New York Times. The most reliable state media imaginable. It is a mouthpiece. For the Democrat Party. Simply no question about it. And always has been. Always has been. We read things in The New York Times that regurgitated through other media outlets. This is what we’re fed. Is there another corporation on the face of the earth? Media or otherwise, that could survive the bloody history of the New York Times? No. But it has to be protected. Why? Because it’s a crucial. It’s an essential. Propaganda tool. The Democrat Party. The Democrat Party is the state. The New York Times is Pravda. It’s that simple. They play the game. They play the game. But that’s who they are. So to me, it’s not a question of no labels. To me it’s a question of more labels, accurate labels from us. They call us all kinds of stuff. When I sit here behind this microphone and I talk about Marxism, economic socialism. These are factual. Their definition of. It’s not spin. It’s not propaganda. It is what it is. In fact, I try to peel away this the propaganda, don’t I? Nobody was calling these people Marxists until you folks. Got American Marxism and we talked about it for about a year. Now senators and congressmen. Who afraid to use the word. Instead they would use progressives, radical progressives, radical liberals, whether socialists. Now they use it. And we have to become aware of the language. Why we and I use certain words, make certain arguments. And even put the title on a book. The Democrat Party hates America. This is something that needs to become part. Of our mindset. Of her explanation to other people of our understanding of what’s going on in the country. No Labels is just a place where the gutless. Mansion. HUNTSMAN Other frauds and phonies want to go. And they throw us in with the left. These are people who can’t get elected. Huntsman wanted to be president, president, and he failed. Then he became the ambassador. It was an act to China for a period of time under Obama. Just because that guy has no principles doesn’t mean you and I. Should join him or even agree with him. Language is crucial. So what’s happening here with the whole No Labels propaganda and campaign you’re seeing on TV, which is a very small percentage of the body politic, but it’s being pushed very hard by the media now. They are trying to control how you think. They’re trying to control what you say. There’s a lot of people out there who who are not listening to me, do not listen any radio, don’t watch any TV. They’re really not engaged. And when they hear people say people are sick of the two extremes, they’re looking for something better. They want to get things done. Common sense, this common sense that they’re drawn to it. Like flies are drawn to a Venus flytrap. They’re drawn to it. We have some serious work to do in this country. We need to elect people who have the guts. The gumption, the intelligence, the wherewithal, the fortitude, you name it. To engage. To beat this back, to push this back. That is. What’s happening to our country and who’s doing it. Now. We don’t need less labels. We need more labels. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Don’t forget, I will be on Hannity tonight. I don’t even know if I mentioned this. Around 9:30 p.m. Eastern. It is the first day of the rest of your life. Now it’s the first day of the new prime time lineup. Sean is. He’s shown as sort of the the steady eddy there. And so he’s on at nine to perfect time. And he asked me, I come on every week, twice a week. It’s not out. So I try and do it every two or three weeks. Now, on Life, Liberty and Livin on Sunday, you’ll note that I took aim at Chris Christie. Because Chris Christie defends Christopher Wray. They were friends when they both worked at the Department of Justice under George W Bush. Tells you a lot about Christie. And I went through chapter and verse of all the outrageous, outrageous behavior by the FBI. When Chris Ray as Chris Ray has been sitting there since 2017. It’s still going on. It’s going on in a horrific way. He had to agree to send those. SWAT team members. Tamara Lago. He hasn’t objected to the Merrick Garland, the infamous memo against parents in this country. You can go down the list. He’s done basically what Biden directs him to do, what Garland directs him to do, what Jack Smith directs him to do. And Christie says, that’s fine. Well, you know what? He should join the No Labels movement. Then, he says, based on a provocative question. He could beat Donald Trump’s ass. In a UFC cage. First of all, can you imagine this guy putting on shorts and going to their cage without a shirt? Mr. Producer? And by the way, he’d be winded in about 24 seconds. But what kind of a stupid comment is that? That just shows you the guy is a punk. And his entire candidacy is based on torpedoing one of two men, Trump or DeSantis. That’s it. It’s not a presidential candidate. That’s a political assassin. I’ll be right back.