July 13th, 2023

July 13th, 2023

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the U.S. Constitution is the most remarkable governing document and was designed to protect the people from two forms of tyranny, mobocracy, and monarchy. If your purpose is to fundamentally transform America, it must also be to destroy Constitutional Republicanism and the Constitution, which is exactly what the Democrat party and their masterminds have in mind. The Left wants to make the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution about slavery, with people like Elie Mystal lying about not allowing black people to vote on the ratification. The Constitution and Marxism are like oil and water and cannot work together, which is why Marxists try to go around the Constitution as much as possible and call it racist. Democrats are taking statutes and rewriting them in the executive branch and using them to legislate, claiming they are authorized by Congress, and are using them to fundamentally change our lives. This is the suicide of America, and the worst part is nobody voted for it because the system has been taken over slowly over time. Also, former Vice President Mike Pence speaks with Mark about what President Biden is doing to undermine Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu and empower Iran with nuclear weapons, and also discuss the 2024 presidential election.  Later, Nicolle Wallace is the worst of the worst, a former Republican that ran to the Democrat media to trash her old party and destroy it. The Democrat party is the party of big police state government and rejects the constitution because it is a totalitarian party and growing stronger.  Finally, Mark speaks with Congresswoman Claudia Tenney about the growing threat of Iran and giving tax dollars to China for climate deals.

Daily Caller
Dems Attempt To Ram Through New Constitutional Amendment With Creative Legal Maneuver

Jewish News Syndicate
US lawmakers: Iran disagreement at root of Biden snub of Netanyahu

Photo by Alexi Rosenfeld

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. There’s a ton to get into the night and we will unraveling. The cocaine scandal in the White House. They’re trying to quickly broom it to cover up a cover up. I’ll be getting into that. More on the legal front. You’ve got this this buffoon, this Jack Smith, so-called special counsel, grand jury, this one, that January six grand jury. Apparently Jared Kushner testified in front of that grand jury. There’s a leak about that. As for the documents case, apparently Smith’s. And his crew of cronies. Are opposing holding the trial after the election. They are demanding that the election be held in December right in the teeth of the presidential election. So that tells you what they’re all about. It exposes them. Life, liberty and love in this sun. I’m going to go through a host of motions that I believe President Trump’s lawyers should begin filing now. In order to send torpedoes one at a time into the side of the good Ship Lollipop, the Department of Justice. And this guy Smith. And I’m also going to. I think eviscerate Christopher Wray. Chris Christie who comes to his defense. But Christopher Wray is a good guy and he’s put all these reforms in place. Christopher Wray is a horrific public servant. He doesn’t answer any questions, including questions he can’t answer. He needs to go. We can’t have people like that. But more on that later. And of course, from time to time here, all the time we discuss the Constitution. But from time to time we take a deep dive. And I said, we’ll get into all these other issues. But before we do. Every now and then we have to plow our own course. Kids just follow the news. And I honestly don’t like to just follow the news. So. I thought, How about a little discussion on the Constitution? Our fantastic constitution. Call the family over. Call your kids over. Because you’re about to hear something you probably haven’t heard. As I dig into this. This is from chapter seven of the Democrat Party Hates America. The title of this chapter is War on the Constitution. The U.S. Constitution. Is the most remarkable governing document ever written. Creates a functioning federal government but protects both state and individual liberties at the same time. A uniquely divides the federal government into three co-equal branches with their own responsibilities and whose members are chosen in fundamentally different ways. It is further designed to protect the people from at least two forms of tyranny mob ocracy and monarchy that will be modern day dictatorship. The Constitution is a document that takes into consideration the extraordinarily diverse nature of America from its more densely populated areas to its rural communities, from its commercial centers to farming areas, from its fisheries to its mining towns, from people of deep faith to people of no faith. From the highly educated to the barely literate. From the rich to the poor and yes, from white to black people. And every other skin color is a self-correcting document allowing for amendments to address imperfections and unforeseen events. Should a significant portion of the body politic and the public demand them? The Constitution is a truly incredible manifestation of thousands of years of human experience and progress. He had drafted in a period of less than five months. But if your purpose is to fundamentally transform America, then your purpose must also be to destroy constitutional Republicanism. That’s the Constitution must go either all at once or by parts. And that is exactly what the Democrat Party and its masterminds have in mind. Indeed, Biden and his party are endlessly and relentlessly looking for ways to bypass the Constitution’s obstacles to centralize power. And I’m going to give you a big example later in the program today. Big example. It just happened. And their propaganda aimed at condemning Republican institutions has grown increasingly shrill, unhinged and desperate. In the past, the Democrat Party and its academicians insisted that the Constitution actually embody their ideological agenda and compelled the outcomes that they demanded. They celebrated judges and justices who abused judicial review and the promotion of activism. Today, they make open their disdain for the Constitution and no longer seek to disguise their true intentions. For example, radical leftists. Ruth culture professor at Moritz College of Law. The Ohio State University is a is illustrative of this modern assault on the Constitution itself. Key to this attack is to try and link the Constitution to slavery. She writes in the opening salvo of her essay titled The White Supremacist Constitution that the United States Constitution is a document that during every era has helped further white supremacy. White supremacy constitutes a political, economic and cultural system in which whites overwhelmingly control power and material resources. Conscious and unconscious ideas of white superiority and entitlement are widespread. By the way, she’s right, of course, and relations of white dominance and non-white subordination are daily re-enacted across a broad array of institutions and social settings. She says rather than understand the Constitution as a force for progressive structural change. We should understand it as a barrier to change. From its inception, the Constitution enshrines slavery. The degrading of black people. I considering them to be property rather than equal members of the community. The Civil War amendments did not only abolish slavery, only prohibited a limited ban on state action. Radical reconstruction was short lived as white supremacy quickly eviscerated any political gains that black voters had achieved. The Supreme Court has interpreted the Civil War amendments consistently, she says, with their white supremacist roots. Rather than serve as an effective instrument to help eradicate the the badges, incidents and vestiges of slavery, The Constitution has become a tool both to ban voluntary race affirmative measures. As the federal, state and local government level and also to preclude Congress. From enacting strong abolitionist measures. The court, she write, has enshrined the views of Andrew Jackson, a fierce proponent of white supremacy, into its structure. This is the kind of anti-American, racist claptrap, ladies and gentlemen, that passes for constitutional scholarship these days. Elie Mystal You know who that is, right? Mr.. He’s the guy endlessly on MSNBC. He’s a real vile. Well, vile person. Another extreme leftist correspondent for the radical magazine The Nation, is a frequent guest on MSNBC and author of the book Allow Me to Retort A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution. And like Corker, he declares that the United States is and always has been a corrupt society. And the Constitution is nothing but an accumulation of demands of immoral white people enshrined in a document and imposed on the nation. And during his media tour promoting the book, he declared on ABC’s roundly ridiculed view television show. The Constitution is kind of trash. Let’s just talk as adults for a second. And he went on. It was written by slavers and colonists and white people were willing to make deals with slavers and colonists. They didn’t ask anybody who looked like me what they thought about the Constitution. Moreover, this document was written without the consent of black and brown people in this country. Without the consent of women in this country. And I say he writes or said, if that is the starting point, the very least we can do is ignore what those slavers and colonists and misogynist thought. And interpret the Constitution in a way that makes sense for our modern world. Now, Mr. Myers, pretentious, unhinged rantings are typical again of the guests booked by the Democrat Party media, MSNBC and so forth. And he’s among own among the improvements that he pushes on the Constitution and all this left wing claptrap agenda. Then he pushes. Now, just to underscore this point that we talked about a week or two or three ago. Where in the constitution is slavery mentioned? Nowhere. Where the Declaration of Slavery mentioned. Well, I had originally been in a draft. But they had to remove it due to Georgia and South Carolina. But they wouldn’t have been able to have unity in their war against Britain. But it’s nowhere in the declaration. As a matter of fact, the declaration talks about. Unalienable rights and so forth for every human being. Every human being. And. And he says, Mr.. The blacks didn’t have any say. The scholarship that I research says that anywhere from 5 to 10 states. 5 to 10 states, black people voted. It voted to ratify the Constitution of the United States. As for blacks being viewed as property under the Constitution where. Another lie. The 3/5. Enumeration that I’ve talked about many, many, many times till I’m blue in the face. Had to do with representation. Representation. In other words, the South wanted to count slaves. As an individual citizen for purposes of gaining more seats in the House of Representatives. It was the North that said no. That said, no, you can’t treat these people at property and then treat them as people for purposes of empowering yourselves. And so the 3/5 compromise came to be. Wasn’t that they were 3/5 of a person. They knew there were people. Even among the slaveholders. It’s diabolical as they were. It was for. Addressing the number of seats it will be in the House of Representatives. What is in the Constitution, of course, is the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments all passed by the states. By three fourths of the state. Abolishing slavery. Conferring the right of voting on. Freed black slaves. And. Due process and equal protection. Now, it certainly wasn’t perfect the way this was implemented. But our governing document is not a document of slavery. This document of freedom. A document of freedom. There’s two individuals. Who did more for black people and more to end slavery than any other to human beings on the face of the earth. Certainly in the United States. There will be Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. Neither of them have a national holiday birthday, by the way. On July 5th. We have one minute. You said we won’t be able to finish. It’s all right. I want to continue a little bit more when we return. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Frederick Douglass had been a slave and he became one of the great civil rights leaders in human history. Extraordinarily intelligent, self-taught, incredibly literate, fantastic writer. And had enormous influence during that period, especially in the north. And he and Abraham Lincoln became. Very good friend. He’s very skeptical of Lincoln early on. But that said, he would become good friends. The Democrats want you to believe that the Declaration of Independence is racist, that the Constitution is racist. There’s nothing racist in either of those documents. Quite the contrary. There are fabulous documents of liberty, freedom. And the men at the time who were fighting slavery and racism, they invoked them constantly. It’s the modern day American Marxist who trashes those documents. Not because of slavery. 150 years ago. 60 years ago. They trash it because those documents stand in the way of their Marxist agenda. The Constitution and the Marxist ideology are like all in water. They can’t work. The Constitution and the the issues. The Democrat Party today advocates they can’t work, which is why they go around the Constitution. I want to encourage you to grab your copy of American Marxism. But even before you do that, how about this book? The Democrat Party Hates America. We’ll be right back.

Segment 3
As a side note, they talk about the Electoral College too, which has absolutely nothing to do with slavery of any kind. And in fact, but for the Electoral College, Abraham Lincoln wouldn’t have been president of the United States. The Electoral College has everything to do with. Trying to determine to have all aspects and parts of the country participate in the republic. If you had a straight line popular vote, which is what the Democrats won. If that’s what you have. Then ten states have the ability to win their popular vote given their population numbers. All the rest of the states would be cut out, meaning tens of millions of people would have no say in the government. They’d have no representation. But I don’t want to do a course on the Electoral College right now. That can be that can wait for another day. It’s amazing how we’re able to use this platform, isn’t it? Talk radio was fantastic. Others can just pick things off the news and run with it, and that’s fine. You fill their time with a gaggle of guests. We have guests from time to time. But it is a remarkable platform. Especially for somebody like me who wants to get into some of these issues fairly deeply. And I think that’s why we’ve been around for 21 years. You know, we’re up against all kinds of sports. Particularly on the East Coast and in the later hours of the program. The Mets and the Yankees. All kinds of teams, but all over the country. And we just power through. A no show is ever going to be able to compete with those sporting events other than this one. Just the nature of the beast. So why did I get into this to begin with? To talk about the Democrat Party hates America. My book in part. But what triggered it is what I was reading this piece from The Daily CALLER. Democrats attempt to ram through new constitutional amendment with creative legal maneuver. They are constantly looking for ways. To torpedo the Constitution. Laurel Dugan. Congressional Democrats are attempting to add the Equal Rights Amendment, the ERA to the Constitution. About half a century after states failed to ratify it by introducing legislation stating that it has in fact been ratified, according to the New York Times. I will just say it was ratified. Congress passed the era in 1972 with a seven year deadline for ratification. Congress proposed it to the states, but only 35 states ratified by 1982. Falling short of the required three fourths of the states, it would be 38. But this moron, Kirsten Gillibrand and Cori Bush, the Marxist Broom Hilda Democrat New York Senator Kristen Gillibrand and Democrat Missouri Representative Cori Bush will introduce a proposal which ignores the deadline states that the ERA has already been ratified as the 28th Amendment and urges the national archivist to certify and publish it immediately. According to The New York Times. The lawlessness is incredible. And it. For us. It’s already done. The era. The era is the 28th Amendment. We just need the archivist to publish it, Bush said, according to the New York Times. He sits a Republican, pushing a kind of amendment they’d have. A federal grand jury in Washington, D.C. they’d be charged with something. Now, the amendment’s plain text states that women have equal rights to men throughout the U.S. But legal experts view the measure as a way to push through pro-abortion measures, as well as policies erasing sexual distinctions in public restrooms and other traditionally sex segregated plays. Ask a question. It’s an honest question. Why are these Democrat Party officials elected and unelected at local and state levels buried in the educational bureaucracy? Are the media. Why are they such perverts? Why are they such child abusers? Why aren’t they celebrating men as men and women as. Women and men. I used to have a joke in Russia. The men are men and the women are men. You can’t even say that anymore because it could be anyone. What do you think about this? There’s a Democrat Party that is obsessed. With. Bisexual sex. With all forms of sex. Sex with God knows what. Body mutilation. Mutilating children. Aborting baby’s at the last minute. This is the party of eugenics. 100 years ago. But what is it about this party? It’s sick. The rest of it is, let us. Let’s take a swing at this. Kirsten Gillibrand. Let’s invite her on the program. What do you say? I mean, I mean, you know, I get it. But the point is, she needs to explain herself. She catches. Live in a bubble where she talks to her. We need to have an explanation. I would also like to discuss the contents of the URI. What exactly is meant by this, that men and women are equal for all purposes. We’re not equal for all purposes. In fact, we’re not equal for a lot of purposes, and that’s a good thing. You know. One day a book is going to be written about this country when it’s all over. Well, it’s finally collapsed. Destroyed from within. Made weak and then destroyed from without by our enemies. Just like Rome. And as I’ve told you before, Rome lasted a thousand years. We haven’t even got to 300 years. And we’re on shaky feet. Absolutely shaky. But that day will come. Which is why I. And you fight like hell because we have children and grandchildren and the future matters. With this generation. Is doing to this country where other generations. Fight to promote it. Defended. Is sickening beyond belief. It’s sickening beyond belief. They have this amendment they’re going to dusted off and they say all we have to do is tell the archivist to sign off on it. You know, they talk about fake electors. These sound like fake amendments, Mr. Producer. Not going to get away with that. Anyway, I point this out because. These people don’t believe in the Constitution. They believe in using it somehow. So that’s what drew my attention to this whole issue, is that they’re trying to circumvent the rules, as they always do, whether it’s the Electoral College or whether it’s the amendment process or whatever it is to impose on us. There will. All right. Joe Biden, he’s in Finland today. Is he the worst screw up of all time or what? Cut one. Go. My second question on that note to Mr. President. Minister, hearing this answer that no one can guarantee a future. Are you worried that the political instability in US will cause issues in the alliance in the future? Let me be clear. I didn’t say we didn’t guarantee we couldn’t guarantee the future. You can’t tell me whether you’re going to be able to go home tonight. No one can be sure what they’re going to do. I’m saying as sure as anything can possibly be said about American foreign policy, we will stay connected to NATO’s connected to NATO’s beginning, middle and end. We’re a transatlantic partnership. That’s what I’ve said. But obviously earlier he wasn’t clear on the question, wouldn’t have been raised at all. Cut to go. No one can join NAITO while the war a war is going on where a donation is being attacked because that guarantees that we’re in a war. Let me help you out here. I agree with really trying to say. If they’re not in Naito, they’re not in need Attention. Right, Mr. Producer? So Ukraine is not a native nation. But I made the point I think two days ago is somebody who. He supports Ukraine against Russia strongly. But a request to join Naito now is ridiculous. Because that triggers Article five. Which means NATO’s going to war, which means the United States is going to war. With troops. With our Air Force and all the rest of it. Now, why would we do that? We mustn’t do that, and we won’t do that. Now. The Chinese. Our hacking. Our computer systems. While we’re sending a conga line of Biden cabinet members over there, China trying to appease them. Do you realize as a people step back and see how little we know about what’s being done in our will for our lives, our country, our family, our future? We have no idea what’s being discussed behind closed doors. We have no idea what the Biden administration is trying to give to the communist Chinese. What kind of compromises they’re trying to make. We don’t have the foggiest idea. And by the way, neither does Congress. Now that is coming. This whole Iran thing. It’s all being done verbally. Congress has no idea what’s taking place, and the Democrats in Congress don’t give a damn. We’re being sold out. And Netanyahu is being told. That Iran is going to get nuclear weapons is not a damn thing you or we can do about it. So we have to try manage it and contain it. And I’ll let you agree with us. We are not going to have solid relations between each other. And you can’t join me for a dinner at the White House, baby. This reprobate phony president of our trade is a phony. Has everyone. He loves that guy who’s tortured people, killed, people in prison. People. That’s more his style, I guess. But there’s hate for Netanyahu and the conservatives in Israel is constant. And it’s relentless because they will not buckle to the appeasers in that country. They simply won’t. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Biden is with world leaders in Finland. We talk about this. Isn’t this the president? Maybe it’s me. I remember when Reagan was president for eight years. He was so proud of the country, so proud of the people he represented overseas. You so proud of law enforcement, the military, proud of the flag, proud of our history. Embraced market capitalism like nobody before. He spoke very negatively about the enemy, very positively about the American people. He didn’t divide us into groups. He didn’t divide us racially. None of this MAGA extremism stuff for the left. He was proud of his country. He was respectful of the people who put him in office. It was probably the greatest honor I’ve ever had, certainly professionally, to work in that administration for eight years. He embraced the private sector, didn’t try and tax it out of existence. He insisted on treating each person as an individual human being, not as a group of racists to be turned one against the other. He was a tremendous leader with a smile and a statesman. He set out to destroy the Soviet Union. That’s exactly what he did. Look at this for. Overseas and in our own country. Muddling through. Is a tremendous success. Thinks is a genius statesman. A genius economist. A genius economist. It’s absolutely disgusting. Some of you are too young to know what it was like. Obviously, to live through that administration. You’re living through this. We have a Democrat Party that. Is fanatical about abortion. Now, how sick is that? Even if you believe in it, you have to have it as a as a personal lust. We have an FBI and a Department of Justice utterly and completely out of control with respect to Trump, with respect to parents, with respect to pro-lifers, with respect to the Catholic Church and so forth. The Democrat Party is all good with that. None of this would be going on under Reagan. He would put a. You know, he’d put an end to it. I see the actors are on strike now. SAG. Hate that union. It’s my union. I can’t work behind this microphone unless I’m a member of this SAG union bunch. A sad sack. So they’re striking. The writers are striking. And I’m supposed to give a crap. It’s amazing. They’re boycotting themselves. I will not make a movie and I will not go to one of my movies. Fine by me. Strike for the rest of your lives. Ask if I give a damn. I’ll be right back.