July 12th, 2023

July 12th, 2023

FBI Director Christopher Wray arrives to testify before the House Judiciary Committee during a hearing on "Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation," on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on July 12, 2023. (Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, FBI Director Christopher Wray testified today and he made it seem like everything is going great at the FBI. It’s amazing how Democrats defend what’s going on at the FBI. They defend it because they have succeeded in devouring the FBI and DOJ – they own it now.  The FBI needs to be dismantled and put back together. Wray’s biggest defender is Chris Christie; he will defend Wray at all costs and trash Donald Trump.  It is clear the media seek to take out Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, and some conservatives are falling for it. Chris Christie isn’t in this race to become president – he’s in it to get a RINO nominated or support Biden. Also, a new Twitter files dropped and it explains why a federal judge blocked the Biden administration from colluding with Big Tech. All of this collusion that took place at Twitter and Facebook was all on Wray’s watch from 2017 and on. Afterward, Gov Ron DeSantis calls in and explains that there needs to be a major overhaul at the FBI, starting with Director Wray! Also, DeSantis says the attacks on him and his family by the media are a badge of honor. Later, the Biden administration has a plan to get around the Supreme Court decision and force you to subsidize these massive student loan payments. They are stealing your tax money to buy votes.  Finally, New York Times Israel-hater, Thomas Friedman, is the go-to hack columnist for the Biden regime when they attack Israel and Netanyahu, just as he was the sleazy attack dog for the Obama regime when they attacked Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu. 

Right Scoop
TWITTER FILES: Here’s exactly WHY a federal judge blocked Biden admin from colluding with Big Tech

Biden plan cuts student loan payments for millions to $0. Will it be the next court fight?

NY Times
The U.S. Reassessment of Netanyahu’s Government Has Begun

From Brandeis to Jerusalem


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Well, as you know, Christopher Wray testified today and we learned nothing from him. But he has his defenders out there like Hindenburg. Chris Christie. And the Democrats. And if you listen to Christopher Wray, everything is hunky dory over there at the FBI. He’s put in all these call reforms. His front man. Chris Christie, among others, say. He’s changed what took place at the FBI. Chris Christie is a liar. Christopher Wray is a liar. I do not understand how a man with less than 1% of support among Republicans. Is on all these cable programs. I don’t get it. Why? He isn’t spending time in Iowa and New Hampshire. Well, the reason is actually he’s had Torpedo. In order to take out Trump and or DeSantis. And I want to make a point before I go further. Some people are falling into this trap. The Democrats, the establishment Republicans want to take out two men, Trump and DeSantis. I’ve noticed lately, some of the Trump supporters on TV want to take out the senators, too. That’s understandable. But some others are trying to take out the senator’s. Now these people are thinking Trump can’t get past his indictments. They hope for convictions and all the rest. That would leave DeSantis as the 2025 presenter right now. And of course, we don’t run primaries nationwide. They’re run in individual states. Like the Electoral College. It’s that individual state, but nonetheless. So they want to take out number one and number two, who represent over 70% of the Republican Party. And. Peggy Noonan gave it away when she backed Chris Christie. I mean, there’s other great candidates in this race, Vivek, whose last name I can never pronounce. Among others. Pence will be on the program tomorrow. He’s asked to come on. I said Sure. And there are more. But Chris Christie isn’t in this race to become president of the United States. He’s in this race to either get a rhino nominated or, frankly, to support Joe Biden. It’s what he’s doing. So he’ll defend Christopher Wray. He’ll defend what’s taking place at Mar a Lago. He’ll trash Trump, and he spends 90% of his time doing that. 5% trashing the scientists, the other 5% eating doughnuts. Now that aside. We have this event on Capitol Hill and Christopher Wray and those reporting on it. Many of them want you to believe that the FBI is doing just fine. Now, the FBI has been monitoring many of you and you don’t even know it. The FBI was involved in the raid on President Trump’s home. The raid on Mr. Hawk’s home. Remember him? The pro-lifer had seven little kids. The EPA has been involved in monitoring parents who are at school board meetings. And we can go on and on and on. Everything is not hunky dory over there. And the over 300 page dorm report is so. Incredible in its details. Of what the FBI has been up to now to say, well, Christopher Wray has put in all these reforms means nothing. They haven’t gone away. Maybe some of the names have changed, some of the faces have changed, but the mentality has not changed, which is why the mad dog, Jack the Ripper Smith, has gotten away. But what he’s gotten away with. Now Christopher Wray has defended much of the past. But they don’t collude. With social media. Sure they do. One of the questions that may have been asked, but I didn’t hear it is, Mr. Ray, are you going to enforce the attorney general’s memo on. On parents at school board meetings. But there’s a piece here, right, Scoop? Twitter files. Here’s exactly why a federal judge blocked Biden administration from colluding with big tech. But Christopher Wray just told us they don’t know. We know they do. Matt Taibbi is back. He just posted today a new Twitter files exposing exactly why Judge Dowdy in Louisiana. My hero, judge. Issued his injunction. In short, the FBI moved to get three accounts banned by Twitter on a whim. And Twitter quickly acquiesced. Now, who was the FBI director during the pandemic? Christopher Wray. Not Comey. Christopher Wray. He was. And so. What do we have here in terms of what Taibbi is saying? Let me pull it up here. Here’s the e-mail. Elvis Chan is in San Francisco. AP. Hi. Elvis, writes Monte, who’s Counterintelligence Division, Foreign Influence Task Force Global Unit. The following Three counts are not only believed to be associated with foreign influence actors, but also potentially being used to display information that violates Twitter’s terms of service. He mentions them when available. Can you provide these accounts to Twitter for further review? Final disposition in addition. If Twitter can notify us of any actions taken as a result of this referral, that would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you have any questions. Now, Stacey. Hi, Stacey. Our Fight two global unit saw these accounts and wanted to bring them to your attention. Please take whatever actions, if any, you deem appropriate. Thanks, Elvis. It’s not Elvis Presley, by the way. Hi, Elvis. I hope all is well. As of June 23, 2020, the content associated with the Twitter account they mentioned appeared to still be accessible since the account was originally referred to Twitter on June 11th for possible terms of service violations. I wanted to follow up to see if this account was truly suspended. In addition, I also wanted to reach out to see if Twitter’s investigation into the three accounts. One of them is the postbox. Allowed them to identify any other linked accounts that were ultimately suspended due to their similar terms of service violations. From your wrath over Twitter. Thanks, Stacey. Hey, Elvis and team wanted to briefly follow up on this one following our review. First, I want to apologize for any confusion here. A tooling bug on our end resulted in one of the accounts not being correctly enrolled and our authenticity checks, which is why you saw it stay online even after the others came down. We fixed the issue. Well, what do we know about this? Then neither the FBI nor Twitter. Do have these accounts were actually malign. As Toby puts. One of the three was from Canada. The FBI had no idea either the Twitter, but they suspended in any way. And says is this sequence showing a censorship demand from a de facto superior or just to play Das from a POW? You can judge for yourself. No, it’s a demand by the FBI. Three accounts an hour. They have no idea. None. If those accounts were problematic or not. We know the one was not was out of Canada. It was not fronting for any hostile regime. And then Christopher Wray says, No, we don’t do that. That’s June 11, 2020. Christopher Wray was director of the FBI, wasn’t he? You would check that, Mr. Producer? I’m pretty sure he was. June 11, 2020. But don’t worry, there’s no problems anymore. The FBI doesn’t do that. And don’t worry, Chris. Chris Christie says all is well. How would Chris Christie know anything? He wouldn’t. But all is not well. You saw, your eyes were wide open. What the FBI and the Department of Justice did. With Trump. Yes. Christopher Wray was the FBI director. Yeah, He came in in 2017. Thank you, Rich. 2017. All this collusion that took place with Twitter and Facebook. For mostly 2017, mid 2017 on it was all on Christopher Ray’s watch. Now, don’t worry. Now we’ve got it fully taken care. 2020. All the collusion, all the attacks. That took place. The FBI and so forth. Christopher Wray was director. I’m going to play some of this for you so you can hear some of this, among other things, because it’s really quite remarkable. But here’s Chris Christie in responding to John Roberts on FOX. Cut one, go. What do you think of his tenure there? Has the FBI lost credibility? And do you believe that the reforms that Ray insists that he has implemented will fix the problems at the FBI’s head in the last few years? I think they are starting to fix those problems. Really? And what are those reforms? Big boy. What are they? Can you name ten of them? Go ahead. Talk about today. Look, I know, Chris, for a long time we worked together in the Bush Justice Department. That’s all that matters. He worked with Ray in the Bush Justice Department. So Ray’s cooked. That’s all. Go ahead. LEVIN Period. And he did an extraordinary job. And yeah, I did recommend him to President Trump. And I’m proud that I did those things that they were talking about saying a slob. Go ahead. Thor made this point over and over again are all things from when Jim Comey, Eric Holder, Hello, dummy. That’s why I just went back. He was there in 2017. These things are not all Comey. They’re not all Loretta Lynch. They’re not all holder. These are. These are Christopher Wray. Christopher Wray was FBI director for three years when all these reforms went in place. And all this conspiring in collusion. Took place with his agents. Counterintelligence, among others. And Twitter. And no doubt the other platforms. Now, what do you say there? Big boy. Go ahead. We’re in charge of the Justice Department. Before he got put in charge, he fired. He’s not. He’s a propagandist, ladies. You know, that’s what he is. So he could he’s he’s regurgitating what Christopher Wray’s opening statement said. And there he is on Fox. As the special pleader for Christopher Wray, as he’s the special pleader against Trump. It he’s not just on Fox is on CNN. He’s on ABC’s. He’s all over the place. Guy supposed to be running for president. Christopher Wray is not a bad apple in the sense that Comey is. Christopher Wray is a willing stooge. He’s a willing stooge. He’s happy to work with a corrupt attorney general, a corrupt special counsel, a corrupt administration. He’s not there to expose any of it. None of his. So. Called refined reforms and fixed any of it. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Ron DeSantis will be on the program next hour. I hear the criticism of this hearing today, which I thought was actually pretty good from a Republican perspective. The Republicans. Well, we didn’t learn a whole lot. They didn’t get very far. And I think to myself, well, whose fault is that? Christopher Wray is under oath, under penalty of perjury. He’s the director of the FBI. He’s supposed to set his ass on that chair and answer questions forthrightly. But he didn’t. And he won’t. He won’t even ask to answer questions about past events and investigations. Including January six, whether there were any FBI moles. I can’t get into that. Why can’t you get into that? In fact, why can’t every defendant or now individual who’s been convicted, why can’t they know? What’s the big secret? We know so little about this government. Almost nothing about how it functions. 2020 Election Behind the scenes. Zuckerberg $417 million. Nobody said a word. Why? Because they helped the Democrats. Democrat lawyers seizing themselves all over one state to the next, changing election laws. Why wasn’t there any comprehensive reporting on that other than me behind this microphone? I don’t have a investigative team. Why is that? Tell me how many harvested ballots were counted as opposed to regular ballots, but not the foggiest idea. And nobody wants to look. Don’t look under the sheets. You’ll all like what you see. Says Mrs. Christie to Mr.. Anyway, that’s just me. She’s not a Karen, is she, Mr. Producer? Maybe you never know. All right. When we come back, we’ve got some really good back and forth. It’s not the Republicans fault that the witness won’t testify when he’s called to testify. And you know that he’s been prepped to play rope a dope. That’s all they do. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Today’s hearing House Judiciary Committee. FBI Director Wray. Here’s Jim Jordan. Cut five. Go. What’s the difference between a traditional Catholic and a radical? Traditional Catholic? I’m not an expert on the Catholic or, you know what that sounds like to me, that answer. Mr. Producer, can you define a woman? Anyway. Go ahead. I got a memo talking about radical, traditional Catholics. I’m just wondering if you can define it for us. Well, what I can tell you is you’re referring to the Richmond product, which was a single product by a single field office, which as soon as I found out about it, I was aghast and ordered it withdrawn and removed from FBI systems. You were aghast. Then why won’t you let us talk to the people who put it together? We are working on finishing an internal review into what have we have to wait to? We, the Congress and the American people have to wait until you do an internal review. It’s not a criminal investigation going on, an internal review before we can talk to the people who wrote this. We when we finish our internal review, which will be very soon, we will come come back to Captain America and provide a briefing on what we found While we are present and we thing, we want to talk to the people who wrote it. How many Catholics are in America? Director No, sir. There’s a lot over 60 million. What percentage of those are radical, traditional Catholics, according to the Richmond Field Office of the FBI. Again, that product is not something that I will defend or excuse. It’s something that I thought was a solution, but it happened and a lot of crap is happening in the API. Despite all your reforms, that doesn’t mean you’re going to have a perfect record. But this is crazy stuff. This is a mentality that exists in your API. Mr. Director and Jim Jordan ask you a perfectly legitimate question. You’re doing an administrative review. Congress has a constitutional oversight, legislative responsibility. You’re not even in the Constitution, let alone the API, let alone the Department of Justice. This is their obligation. And then you’re going to give them a report they don’t want to report. They want direct testimony under oath, under penalty of perjury. And you’re obstructing it. You’re not allowing it. Go ahead. That product page for of that product, by the way, the copy you gave us, when can we get a copy that didn’t have all these redactions on it so we can actually see what the American taxpayers were paying for to see their rights, their First Amendment, religious liberty rights attacked. Let me just read from page four. Provide new opportunity. Why are you redacting it? If you have to redact certain names of third parties who are innocent actors or not actors at all, that’s fine. But what are you redacting it for? Saving Classified. In fact, it’s not even part of an official investigation. It’s a document that was created a product. Don’t you like the way they chose a product? They came out of the Richmond office. Can we see the product? Sure. And there’s black line after black line after black line. What’s that all about? Can we talk to these individuals directly? I mean, we are in Congress now. We’re doing an internal review, and after which we’ll give you a report that you can look at. So who reports to whom around here? Who has oversight of what? Go ahead. Extremist threat through outreach to traditional Catholic parishes and the development of sources with the placement and access to report on places of worship. You know where they got some of this from? The Southern Poverty Law Center, which is a rat nest. A rat nest, in my view, of hate America types. A rat’s nest of frauds, phonies and fools. Go ahead. In which four they’re trying to put informants in the parish, in the church. That’s what this memorandum said. Director from one of your field offices. Thank you. Christie said there’s reform. Mark. But you know what? What? He killed it as soon as he found out. Oh, okay. Good. Good. That fixes it. How many agents are there? 30,000. Something like that. 20,000. There’s a lot. How much of this has gone on? You know the foggiest idea. None. But they know they want more agents. They want a building the size of the Pentagon. They want it in North Virginia. Oh, yeah. Go ahead, Derek. In response to that. I didn’t know I was waiting for the question. Priest. Do you think priest priests should be informants inside the church? Director. We do not recruit, open or operate confidential human sources to infiltrate target report. But that’s how religious always said it sounds like you were trying to do it in Richmond, Virginia. No, sir. No, you. I just didn’t happen. You can assure us that this didn’t happen. That product. I did not, to its best, as we can tell, result in any investigative action as a result of it. None. Now, as an aside, ladies and gentlemen, I know for a fact that undercover FBI agents in the past had been placed. In radical mosques. So what is he talking about? And by the way. If you are preaching the overthrow of the United States or terrorism, whatever your faith, I don’t have a problem with that. But that’s not what this product said. It’s a stereotype. Traditional Catholic site is where you have part of the mass in Latin. Wow. That’s a threat. That’s a grave threat. I wonder what Adam Schiff thinks about that one, huh? Our Hank Johnson, the utterly illiterate buffoon. I wonder what he thinks. Yeah. We know Chris Christie that he doesn’t care. Chris Christie. It’s all great. I’m not done with this clown. Chris Christie. I’m not done with it. He he represents to me the worst of the Republican, the absolute worst. He’s a throwback not to the good old days, to the loser days. He’s a throwback. Chip Roy. He steps up to Chris Wray, cuts six. Go. Yeah. You approve of the raid now? In retrospect, do you think it was appropriate talking about the raid on Mark Hawke’s house that we broke here with the help of a Christian publication, a pro-life, you might recall how his house was. Invaded by a SWAT team sent there by the Department of Justice. The man was completely innocent. He’s found innocent. He was charged with violating the FACE Act, which is intended to protect abortion clinics. I mean, the jury took, what, 13 seconds? It’s what I mean by overcharging. But okay, Chris, Chris Christie has no problem with this. Christopher Wray had to know this was gone down. No big deal or what is it? Everybody’s dumb. They have all these big positions. They don’t know what the hell is going on. Go ahead. Yeah. You approve of the raid Now? In retrospect, do you think it was appropriate? It. Do you think it was appropriate for a father to have armed FBI agents, along with local agents, go to his home, arrest him at gunpoint for alleged violation of the FACE Act a year after the alleged incident, after the father had said through his lawyer that he would appear voluntarily. Do you believe that FBI agents should go to the home of a father in Philadelphia suburbs? I’m not going to second guess the judgment of the career agents on the ground. He made that determination. Now everything’s reform. Now it’s all cool. He’s not going to second guess. You know what that means. He didn’t even look into. He could care less what took place to Mr. Houk. He didn’t even look in this guy. His complete Teflon. Like all the rest. I’m in the department of just complete Teflon. Now almost like the Teflon Don. Go ahead. Job is to second guess and look at what they are doing. Your job is to review what they do. Your job is to protect the American people from a tyrannical FBI storming the home of an American family. I could not disagree more with your description of the FBI as tyrannical, and I don’t believe this is me. Excuse me, Mr. Director. Oh, they’re angels. Then what they did. First of all, he didn’t say the whole FBI was tyrannical. He’s talking about this. He didn’t look into it. But, hey, don’t worry. Everything’s going great. Go ahead. And FBI agents were a part of storming a father’s home of the gentleman in suburban Philadelphia. I mean, just the chairman of the gentlemen’s expired witness may respond, and then we’ll move to our next witness. Sir. Respectful, Amber. They did not storm his house. They came to his door. They knocked on his door and identified themself. They asked him to exit. He did without incident. That’s not what happened. It was without incident. But they entered his house and those kids were screaming at the top of their lungs. They didn’t understand what the hell was taking place. And even people who watch TV, drama cops and so forth, they don’t just. Hello, are you there? Is Mr. have that, please. Yes, we’d like to speak to and please can you step out? That’s not how it works when you have a SWAT team. They scream at the top of their lungs. And I’m not opposed to it in most cases here. Absolutely. Guns are drawn. They yell that they have. A warrant for his arrest. It’s not. They knocked on his door, knocking on his door. And can you imagine what that family went through? For what? For nothing. Because of the politicized Department of Justice. We still have never gotten to the bottom of this. Who ordered this? They get this meritless garland up there and they say, you got all these people you’re prosecuting for protesting at abortion clinics. You have one case against the destruction of a church, a Catholic church, or so forth. Because it’s nighttime, you know. When when the pro-lifers out, it’s it’s in day to day time, you know. And they don’t include pro-lifers. You know, when the white supremacists are out, it’s it’s you know, it’s daytime. It’s much harder at night. What are we spending hundreds of millions of dollars on night vision stuff at night, helicopters at night. There’s a night that they all they need a bigger department. They need more, more agents. That’s the answer. That’s the answer. Now, Hank Johnson, he set the oversight hearing. Amazing how the Democrats defend what’s going on here, Because why? Why are they defending? Because they’ve defeated. They’ve succeeded in devouring the beauty. And the U.S. attorney’s offices and the Department of Justice generally, they own it. Now it’s theirs. They succeeded, took decades, but they got it. And so they’re now going to defend it no matter what it does or how it does it. Same with their mouthpieces in the media. Look at all the Democrats in the media like Jen Psaki among so many others. They know the program. They know what’s going on. Cat seven Go. Can you briefly describe for us what the effect would be on our national security and on our domestic tranquility? If the FBI were to be defunded or dismantled? I don’t know. Can you tell us what would happen with local police departments if that happened? Does he sound like a robot or is it me? Can you tell us what would happen? If you defunded, dismantle the local police force, says. The FBI needs to be dismantled and put back together again. Humpty Dumpty has fallen off the wall. We cannot have a Stassi in this country. I don’t care if Chris Christie defends it or not. He means nothing to me. He’s a bloated buffoon. We cannot have a Stasi in this country. And the FBI has demonstrated. All right, it’s enough. You look at the dorm report, it’s over 300 pages. You get it on Amazon. I have it. And you look at the politicization. And in that report, example after example, name after name, detail after detail that the FBI has been used against Trump, the FBI has been used against Republicans, the FBI has been used to protect Hillary. The FBI has been used to protect Democrats. And that’s the same damn thing going on right now as I speak. So, yes, you don’t retain something like that. That’s a danger to your nation. You break it into a thousand pieces and you start over again. It’s okay. Sometimes you have to do that. Now, don’t you agree? I think I do agree. You know, ladies and gentlemen, Washington, D.C. some of it is built on a swamp. Did you know that, Mr. Pitt? So I was waiting for Hank Johnson to say, how many FBI agents would it take for part of Washington, D.C. to sink into the swamp? But he didn’t say that. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Matt Gaetz. At the confess. I’m like in this guy. More and more I am this. And I tell you when I have a view and when it when it might change or might not based on circumstances or substance or events and so forth. But here he is with Chris Wray at the House Oversight hearing today. Cut nine, go. I’m sitting here with my father. I will make certain between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father. Sounds like a shakedown, doesn’t it, Director? I’m not going to get into commenting on that. You seem deeply curious about it, don’t you? Almost suspiciously. I’m curious. Are you protecting the Bidens? Absolutely not. The FBI. Well, you want to know. You want to answer the question about whether or not that’s a shakedown and everybody knows why you won’t answer it. Because to to the millions of people who will see this, they know it is. And your inability to acknowledge that is deeply revealing about you. It really is. The idea that this guy worked with Chris Christie, the Department of Justice, that needs to be looked into. Have a working theory on this. I wonder if they were in charge of the. The Pornography Commission, Mr. Richard. But seriously. Can’t answer that question. Does that look like a shakedown to you? He’s not going to. FBI director is. I’m curious. She went in curious as far as I can tell. Now we have Chris Ferrara with respect to a congressperson. Tiffany, go. Eight. So as a result of the actions of James Comey, the disgrace James Comey and the FBI, they’ve met Tom Tiffany. Good guy. Start over. Sorry. So as a result of the actions of James Comey, the disgrace James Comey and the FBI, they’ve interfered with the elections in both 2016 and 2020. Will that interference happen again in 2024 by the FBI? The FBI is not going to be interfering in elections they did in 2016. Well, I don’t know that that’s what Mr. Durham found. What I would tell you again is that there was conduct that I consider unacceptable and unrepresentative. You can be in denial if you want to. I’m not in denial. You can be in denial. Yes, you are. That’s exactly what happened. And they’re interfering right now. Hey, we just got it started here. We’re hot to trot. I’ll be right back.