July 10th, 2023

July 10th, 2023

A picture taken on August 20, 2010 shows an Iranian flag fluttering at an undisclosed location in the Islamic republic next to a surface-to-surface Qiam-1 (Rising) missile which was test fired a day before Iran was due to launch its Russian-built first nuclear power plant. Iranian Defence Minister Ahmad Vahidi said the missile was entirely designed and built domestically and powered by liquid fuel. AFP PHOTO/VAHID REZA ALAEI (Photo credit should read VAHID REZA ALAEI/AFP via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the Biden administration is about to hand over nuclear weapons to Iran. President Trump had the Islamonazi regime hanging by a thread by enforcing sanctions and blocking them through NATO and EU countries and it was working. President Biden and his administration have shown nothing but weakness to Iran, and now they are pressing ahead with their nuclear agenda despite being on the run while Trump was president. Biden is publicly attacking Benjamin Netanyahu. We should be working closely with the one Democratic country that will do all the heavy lifting, that will have its men and women on the front lines in the fight against Iran. If Israel complies w Biden’s demands they will commit suicide. Also, Democrat media mouthpieces like David Jolly are attacking Casey DeSantis to smear Governor Ron DeSantis, calling her ‘America’s Karen’. There will not be a single women’s group who will defend Casey Desantis, because Politico and the New York Times have already attacked her too. This is why most governors do not step into these culture wars, because to do so subjects you to relentless character assassinations from the media. Later, a war with China is inevitable because they are a regime itching to go to war. They are an enormous threat to America and it is only a matter of time until Communist China makes a serious move, and in the meantime, they are building a massive Army and Navy. China is on the move geographically and in our hemisphere and we are not equipped to take on their threat.

Fox News
Iran moves toward possible atom bomb test in defiance of Western sanctions: intel report

Jewish Press
Menachem Begin To Joe Biden: I Am Not A Jew With Trembling Knees

‘America’s Karen’: MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart And Guests Gleefully Mock Casey DeSantis

A Jolly summer wedding (2015)


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Little note its story. But I’ll noted story. Was reported on Friday. And basically dropped. You folks, We all are worried about nuclear weapons. We talk about the possible use of nuclear weapons against us. And the Biden administration is about to hand nuclear weapons to the Islamo Nazi regime in Iran. And I’m not kidding. In fact, there was a superb report on Fox, as I said, on Friday. And you need to listen to this because this this issue other than me and our FOX, nobody nobody’s discussing this. And one day you’re going to wake up and say, How the hell did this happen? They’re too busy character assassinating Casey to sentence. And I’ll get back to that. I noticed most of the women who are attacking Casey to say it’s. Or as ugly as Bella Abzug ever was. Mr. Produced. They’re slobs. They’re pigs. Most of the men. They’re slobs and pigs, too. They’re jealous. They don’t say a word about Dr. Jill. They don’t talk about how Dr. Jill and Jill Biden hooked up, even though there’s a lot of controversy around that, isn’t there? Press. Not a word. Now they defend Hunter Biden. Just look at their priorities. And by the way, the only Karen out there is Whoopi Goldberg. Her real name is Karen. She’s the Karen. Catia. DeSantis is a professional woman. She’s a mother. She’s a cancer survivor. She’s a wife. Brilliant, beautiful, everything. Every, virtually every woman in the media is not. With a few exceptions here and there, of course. But not enough. You got MSNBC. It’s all ugly all the time. You go to CNN, its all uglier all the time. It’s the truth. I think that’s on the resume. Anyway, I want you to listen to this very important. About Iran. Go. Well, right now, we’re awaiting an update from the Pentagon as new evidence emerges out of Iran of the regime’s nuclear weapons development. These new satellite images you’re looking at appear to show what experts say is an underground nuclear facility that’s actually so deep beneath the earth’s surface underground, it may be totally impenetrable by US weapons systems. Chief national security correspondent Jennifer Griffin joins us from the Pentagon with new developments. Hi, Jennifer. Hi, Gillian. Well, new evidence shows worrisome progress at this nuclear facility. So deep in the earth that it’s likely beyond the range of conventional U.S. weapons. As you mentioned, the new site is in the Zagros Mountains in central Iran, not far from Iran’s current uranium enrichment facility at Natanz. These new satellite photos and videos from Planet Labs over central Iran show what experts say is new construction that started in late 2020, shortly after a fire blamed on sabotage destroyed part of the old Natanz facility. Four entrances have been dug into the mountainside to to the east and another two to the west. Each is 20 feet wide and 26 feet tall. Today, Israel’s defense force chief issued a veiled warning. And I mean, we are also closely examining the other ways to nuclear capability. Without going into details. There are possible negative developments on the horizon that could prompt action. We have abilities and others have abilities. Iran is believed to be as close as it has ever been to developing a nuclear weapon. Experts estimate that the new underground mountain facility is between 80 and 100 yards below ground, which is the maximum range of any current conventional weapons. Currently they’ve been constructing an underground facility over the past two years or so, two, maybe three years. And this facility is much deeper than other underground facilities that we know of, including Fordo and Parchin. For now, it’s unclear what’s in these tunnels at this mountain site. If Iran was to introduce uranium into the site, it would have to inform the IAEA. But the IAEA hasn’t responded to any questions about the site so far. Experts fear that the site is going to be big enough to allow Iran to potentially enrich uranium at it. And uranium is what fuels a nuclear weapon. Since President Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal five years ago, Iran has said it is enriching uranium up to six. Okay, let’s stop there. That’s the one shot. Kind of a cheap shot. That troubles me. Don’t leave her. Don’t leave the spot there, Mr. Producer. Donald Trump had that country. That is the Islamo Nazi regime hanging by a thread. By a thread. He put these bone crushing economic sanctions on Iran and he enforced them. They had nowhere to sell their oil. They couldn’t get basic materials and so forth into the country. We had blocked them. We blocked them through Nader countries, the European Union, that is other countries, even China and Russia dare not cross us. And it was working. And the people in Iran who want nothing to do. The vast majority of them with this throwback regime. They rose up. Thousands of them were murdered, raped, tortured. After a young teenage girl. Was murdered by security forces while she was in their clutches. And then comes in Biden. He turns his back on the violations of the sanctions. Then he lifts the sanctions for the vast majority of the sanctions. Then he sends in an America hating Obama moron. As the negotiator. This guy. Malley. Who’s trying to cut deals left and right shows every weakness imaginable to the Islamo Nazi regime. They even bring in Putin and the Russians to help negotiate for us. And while they’re playing rope a dope with Biden and his cronies, that moron Blinken over there at the State Department. Cat, is he awful? And that bizarre looking. National Security Council chief. Sherman. The Iranians are pressing ahead. So Trump had them on the run. He had them boxed in. Here’s the thing. Michael Duran is a brilliant, brilliant man who writes about these things. And he wrote a piece not too long ago and he pointed out the Obama deal did something no prior administration ever accepted. The Obama deal with Iran was premised on the basis. That Iran will get a nuclear weapon, that the Middle East would be nuclearized, that there wasn’t a damn thing we could do about it, that we should treat this as some kind of a regional issue, not an international problem, even though the Iranians don’t view themselves as purely regional. I mean, why build ICBMs, if that’s your attitude nonetheless? And by the way, why a bases in our hemisphere? Bases in our hemisphere? If that’s your view, that it’s regional? So essentially Obama surrendered. And then he had one propagandist after another around him lying to the American people through the media. I have this a number of my books because the evidence came out. One of them couldn’t keep his mouth shut. He started bragging to the Washington Post. It’s unbelievable. And he talks about how the media types were saps, lapdogs, how they would take whatever they put out and run with it just as they are today. Same dumb bastards. So Biden comes in he doubled down on the. On the Obama policies. And more than that, all his negotiations with the enemy, the Iranians are in secret. Congress has no idea what’s taking place. And he still wants to come up with a deal, a verbal deal, not even a written deal. And again violate the treaty clause of the Constitution, the United States. This is the problem. This is why I had huge problems with Bob Corker. Ben Sasse. All these Republicans who went along with Obama. To turn this into a statute. In violation of the treaty clause and even worse. Congress under this statute. We’d have to vote to stop Biden. In other words, the onus is put on Congress rather than the other way around. And of course, a simple filibuster would kill that in the Senate. I don’t mean to get into the weeds, but I’m showing you how this thing came to be. As I recall, the only Democrat seriously opposed to this in the Senate. Was Menendez. Schumer voted against it while he was organizing the Democrats for it. A pack. Which supposedly represents Jewish and Israeli interests in Washington, D.C.. SAT on the sidelines. And J Street filled with self-hating Jews. They supported it, of course, which Obama did. And no moron in the White House. No more running that right house, who now runs the ADL? Special assistant to the President. He supported it too, anyway. This is a grave threat to the United States. And I want to tell you something. When those sanctions were imposed on Iran. And then president of the United States withdrew from the agreement. I was at his home in New Jersey, Mr. Producer. Did I ever tell anybody this? And there were a group of people there and he was having a. A number of people. From his administration and elsewhere. And he summons me over. He says, Mark, come over here. I said, Okay, sir, come over. You sent me to do something I think you approve of? I said. What’s that? I’m signing the document to get out of this Iran deal. They said you are. And he was taping it for the media. Because he was putting it out. And after he signed it. He handed me the pen, Mr. Bridges. One of his famous sharpies. And I took that Sharpie. And I gave it to my stepson, David Milstein. Because nobody has worked harder. Nobody. To confront this Iranian deal and him, as far as I’m concerned, and the people you worked with, Ambassador Friedman and so forth. But I know he’s worked day and night to try and protect this country from that enemy. I didn’t deserve the pen. He did. Let’s continue. Go. Recently discovered the country has produced uranium at 83.7% pure. So 83.7%. In other words, 84%. You know, at the nuclear level, it is of the visual material. 90%. I’ve been warning about this now for weeks and months. Here we are on the precipice. Once they have it. They’ll never let it go. And we can’t get it. I’m building to a point. Stay with me. Go ahead. 90% threshold needed for weapons grade uranium. So what is the Biden administration doing? There’s only one country that has the will and the capacity to take this on. Because once they reach 90%. The Iranians will start arming not just themselves, but they’ll start arming our and other enemies. Just as they have with their drones. This is very relevant. Does is it not? But if they decide to put missiles in Venezuela, what are we going to do? You know, that’s so far away at 7000 Wanna get another forever war? What the hell are we going to do? Yeah. Oh, my God. I’m so sick of this. It’s a terrorist state. To killed and maimed thousands of Americans. It’s a terrorist state. It’s an Islamo Nazi state. What if they put missiles in Venezuela? Think we’re going to do anything about that? Just like the Chinese have a spy facility in Cuba. There are now in our backyards. Folks, what do we do about this? It is very, very important. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
So why am I bringing this up? Apart from the obvious, why am I bringing this up? Apart from the obvious? Do you know who Joe Biden’s been attacking publicly? Who he’s been sleazeing against privately. Who his hemorrhoid picks who surround him. Have been attacking. The Islamo Nazi regime in Iran? No. The regime in communist China? No. The regime in Cuba or Venezuela? No. The regime in Russia now. The democratically elected government of Benjamin Netanyahu. Would you want to work with the Israelis and Netanyahu, who is the Churchill of its time to deal with the threat from Iran.  More when I return.

Segment 3
By the way, Amazon has cut the pre-order price of the Democrat Party hates America by 38%. 40%. Now, those of you ordered and said, well, I didn’t get 40%. You will get whatever the highest discount is when your book is delivered. So I want to encourage you to jump in, folks, because sometimes the more pre-orders that are purchased at 40%, I’ve seen them move it to 55% on my books. So I want to thank those of you who have. We’re running considerably behind. I’m just very honored to be the American Marxism. And yet I think this book actually that’s a fantastic book. I don’t put down any of my books, but I just think this book is really I don’t even know how to put it. It’s in a league of its own. And I’m really hoping that you’ll jump in. And the day it’s released, it’ll show up at your at your door. And I think once you get into literally the first chapter. You’re going to be taken by this book. Don’t be, you know, don’t read the sour pussies on the comments. We have a fix. We’re not going to hear. We’re not going to roll over and play dead here. We’re not going to just get into a fetal position here. We’re not going to just be depressed and negative all. It’s not going to happen. I mean, if that’s your view, stay off my social statement and stop commenting. We have a country to say we have children and grandchildren to protect from the Democrat Party. We have a border to secure. If you don’t want to help, I don’t mean you. You know who I mean. Then get out of the way. But don’t. Don’t interfere. I mean, that’s worse than what Target was trying to pull. Quite frankly, to dispirit you. To despair you. I can understand why you’re dispirited, but we shouldn’t have campaigns to dispirit ourselves. The Democrat Party Hates America is the book the Democrats fear the most. The corporatists fear the most. The media will attack the most. And you’ll know why when you read in the coverage. Mild compared to what’s in it. Compared to what’s in it. Tremendous amount of time and effort has been put into this. This isn’t a, you know, cut and paste job. There’s no ghostwriters. None of that. Me, myself, and I. All three of me. So I want you to listen to this. So here. We’re facing. In Iran that’s going to have nuclear weapons. Let me let me just say this. I’ve touched on this before, North Korea. Deals were cut with Republican administrations, Democrat administrations. Tens of billions of dollars in aid, food aid to help prop up the Soviet inbred regime. We even we even convinced South Korea that we were going to take their nukes out. Did the same thing to Ukraine, by the way. Any country that has half a brain, it’s an ally, don’t give up your nukes. That’s what’s going to protect you, not the use of them, but the fact that you have them. Now South Korea’s naked. They don’t have any nukes. Just like Ukraine’s naked. They don’t have any nukes. If they had the nukes instead of having given them back to Russia. On our suggestion, among others, that Bill Clinton, another genius. There wouldn’t have been an invasion. But that’s not the point. We should be working closely with the one country, the one democratic country. That will do all the heavy lifting. All the heavy lifting. That will have all of its young men and women on the front lines that will have all of its pilots vulnerable. That will have all its towns and cities attacked. But instead, Joe Biden is attacking Netanyahu and his government duly elected. Duly elected. And, you know, we’re not for autocracy. We believe in democracy, says the moron. It says the moron. And I would say this to the state of Israel, If you comply with the demands of Joe Biden, you will destroy yourselves. You will commit. Harry Carey, you will commit suicide. And they know it. You remember before I get to this? Menachem Begin was a great prime minister in Israel. And there was this incredibly stupid senator by the name of Joe Biden, who was chairing the Foreign Policy Committee. He spots chairman of the Judiciary Committee and all these powerful posts. The man from Wilmington and Scranton. Because he was from Scranton. He was born there. They couldn’t get out of there fast enough to go to Wilmington. Which is sad because Scranton is a beautiful place. All right. Let me go. So he threatens the prime minister of Israel back then. And I am begging. On policy. Basically, Biden says black males. You know, you’re not going to continue to keep getting support if you don’t, you know, toe the line a little bit more and begin. Who fought the Nazis as a guerrilla fighter, who fought the Soviets as a guerrilla fighter, who had to fight the British, who were preventing the Jews who had escaped the Holocaust and so forth from going to their homelands. The indigenous peoples, you know. He says. And I paraphrased a Biden. My people have survived for over 3500 years. Where others have perished. And what he meant by that is the Romans are gone. The Persians are gone. All these ultra powerful. Military forces. They’re all gone. He said the Jews survived, survived them in the Nazis. And he says to Biden, You think your threats against me? In my country. Am I people? Again, I’m paraphrasing, but it’s pretty close that I’m going to get on my knees and beg you. With all due respect, that’s not going to happen. That’s never going to happen. And so there is another concerted effort by Biden. This time is going after Netanyahu. Now, they like the radical socialist parties in Israel because just like the radical socialists in America, a.k.a Marxist, they will sell out our country just as they will sellout Israel. You scratch your head, right? Well, we have them to. They’re nuts. In fact, it got so bad that the Obama administration interfered with the election involving Netanyahu some time past. He overcame them. But that’s what they did. Here’s Biden on CNN yesterday. Cut, forego. What will it take for Bibi Netanyahu to get an invitation to the White House? Well, first of all, the Israeli president is going to be coming. We have other eye contacts. I mean, I think it’s fair to say an unyielding support of Israel for over. Of course, he’s a liar. He hasn’t been an unyielding support of Israel. He hasn’t even invited Netanyahu to the White House. Invite everybody else. They’ll talk to the Iranians. They’ll talk. He’s got a endless conga line of cabinet members going over to the communist regime in China, and he’s threatening us with war. But there’s something about this. There’s something about this that Victor Davis Hanson has written about. Of all the countries in the world, especially allies. The Democrats don’t treat any other country like this. Biden doesn’t talk to any leader of another country like this. None. What is it about this one little country? This Jewish state. Well, these Democrats think they can conduct themselves this way. Trump never did this. Ever. He understood viscerally. What was going on. Does anybody believe that the state of Israel didn’t exist today, that the Iranians still wouldn’t try to build nukes and aim those missiles at Los Angeles and Chicago and New York and everything in between in Iran? Of course not. Of course not. Go ahead. Couple of years. But for as long as. I’ve been around. And B.B., I think, is trying to work through Menachem Begin couldn’t stand this guy. Netanyahu’s too much of a gentleman can’t stand him either, but he can’t say it. He’s worked well with the most radical elements. In Israel, as have the Democrats. He never condemned Talib. I heard outrageous and continually anti-Semitic comments he’s never told. Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something which you don’t learn. You genius people in my audience. Let me tell you what you’re going to hear in this book. The Democrat Party hates America. You’re going to see this strain. And most of you aren’t Jewish. But you understand what I’m saying? You’re going to see this strain of anti-Semitism running deeply. Throughout the modern history. The Democrat Party, I don’t care that they’re Jews in the Democrat Party. I don’t care that they get 70% of the Jewish right. That is stupidity. That is secularism for the most part, like secular Catholics, which is what Biden and Pelosi are two of the most radical people to ever promote abortion. Catholics. That’s not the view of the Catholic Church. So you get my point. I am. The Democrat Party when push comes to shove, despite the fact that they’ve gotten support from. Left wing organizations, left wing politicians, Jews and non-Jews. You ready? As demonstrated at Jews. Not everyone in the Democrat Party, obviously. But. Obama. You know, he’s hired by Jewish organizations and. Slobbered all over by George. I don’t care. The facts are the facts. John Kerry. Some of the things he’s said have been grotesquely outrageous. Biden appoints us Guy Malley, who’s now under investigation for issues related to classified information. Well, what about Trump? Hey, it’s called the Presidential Records Act. The president’s a little different then Robert Malley. And by the way. The administration won’t tell Congress or the people what this investigation’s all about. It’s amazing as I’m speaking of this. Mr.. But it’s on Fox. That’s a complete coincidence because I started it and they picked. But it’s true. The guy’s placed on leave. What’s the issue? I mean, he’s dealing with the Iranians. He’s dealing with the Russians. His security clearance is under review. And we don’t get any more information. That’s the nature of the Democrat Party and their government anyway. Want to read something to you. Actually, let me finish the clip, then I want to read something to you. Go ahead, Mr. Minister. Through his existing problems in terms of his coalition, he has. I am one of those who believes that Israel’s ultimate security rests on the two state solution. Okay. So stop right there. They’re facing down and a nuclear armed Iran. Syria is the enemy. Lebanon is loaded and controlled by Hezbollah. The Golan excuse me the Gaza Strip is fill with Hamas’s are all Iran related type groups. Saudi Arabia has now jumped the shark thanks to Biden. They’re all in with China and Russia. As an alliance was being built with Israel. But not lately. And he doesn’t like what the Israelis have done. He doesn’t like who they voted for. He doesn’t like what their parliament has done, the Knesset, in terms of building a coalition together. He doesn’t like the fact that you actually have haunted Jews who are represented in that coalition. You actually have people who live in these phony settlement areas. I call them phony because Judea and Samaria aren’t settlement areas. Any more than Texas is a settlement area. And so here he is passing judgment on what the people did democratically. He’s an election denier. Except in Israel. He’s an election denier. It’s an election denier. You don’t like the election. You don’t like Netanyahu. He doesn’t like the Orthodox Jews. He doesn’t like the people who live in the indigenous areas of Israel. He don’t like it. Two state solution is the final solution for this country. What two state solution? Anyway, you got to hear more of the stick with me. There’s a point here. We’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Here’s what transpired June 22nd, 1982. Joe Biden was a senator from Delaware. He confronted Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin during the Senate Foreign Relations Committee testimony, threatened to cut off aid to Israel. Here’s exactly what Bennett said in 1982. Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I’m not a Jew with trembling knees. I’m a proud Jew with 3700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers, in ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our own country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid. Unbelievable. Now, Netanyahu, you see, is too extreme, is too right wing, according to Biden and Obama. He said it again. Well, he also said in November 30, 2022, here’s the Guardian. Daniel Kershner, a former U.S. ambassador to Israel, honored George W Bush and Aaron David Miller, U.S. Middle East peace negotiator during several administrations, have called for what they described an unprecedented and controversial break from America’s largely unconditional military and diplomatic support for Israel. If, quote, the most extreme government in the history of the state, unquote, pursues state aims of some of its members. Then there was the Washington Institute, May 31, 2018. Since 2009, Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu has held on to power as the prime minister of Israel prior to this government. There were predominantly prime ministers from unity governments making Netanyahu the most right wing government formed so as the biggest right winger in 2022. He’s the biggest right winger in 2018. More New York Times. John Kerry, the Israeli prime minister, publicly supports a two state solution, but his current coalition is the most right wing in Israel history, with an agenda driven by its most extreme elements. And guess what? Shortly after he spoke. Uh, I think it was at the Aspen Institute, which doesn’t much matter. Shortly after he spoke, the Abraham Accords broke out. Another left wing publication. 2016. The most right wing government ever to exist in the state of Israel in its history. Netanyahu’s Government. May 23, 2016. Reuters. After weakening to digest developments which are expected to be finished in an agreement between Netanyahu and Lieberman, the most right wing government in Israel’s 68 year history. 2016. I’ve got a 2015. 2014, 2013.