July 6th, 2023

July 6th, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 05: U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks during an event on the South Lawn of the White House August 5, 2021 in Washington, DC. Biden delivered remarks on the administration’s efforts to strengthen American leadership on clean cars and trucks. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, cocaine found inside the White House is a massive security breach. Now it’s said that the cocaine was found in a secure area of the White House, which means it was from someone on the inside. Does the Biden administration tell the truth about anything? There’s nobody better at lying than President Biden, he is a born pathological liar. The Democrat Party uses language to lie, deceive and discredit and Biden is lying again, today in South Carolina. He said he cut the deficit by $1.7 trillion – even CNN has said this is a lie. The reason the deficit went way down is because the COVID-19 funding ended.  In fact, but for this, Biden’s deficit spending would have gone up, and by a ton! Also, Target reversed its decision not to carry The Democrat Party Hates America in its stores – that’s thanks to you! We’re sick of this censorship with conservatives, enough is enough! Later, the EPA has been in existence for 53 years and have spent trillions on regulations, and has become a massive burden on the economy, farmers, and ranchers. Nearly half of U.S. tap water is contaminated with ‘forever chemicals,’ a new government study finds. What will be the Democrat’s and the EPA’s answer? More regulation? More government? More spending?  Afterward, Steve Moore, Distinguished Fellow in Economics at the Heritage Foundation, calls in to talk about the Biden economy and the President taking ‘credit’ for successes in red states – where people are fleeing to, from blue states. Finally, Former Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake dropped in to talk to Mark about her new book “Unafraid: Just Getting Started.”

Fox News
Target backtracks, will sell Mark Levin’s forthcoming book in its stores after opposing title

Washington Examiner
Harmful chemicals found in nearly half of US tap water: Study

A $100 Billion Wealth Migration Tilts US Economy’s Center of Gravity South

Washington Post
Opinion: Biden blocked the first Black woman from the Supreme Court (February 1, 2022)

Ben & Jerry’s Bashes U.S. ‘Stolen Land;’ Ignores Parent Co.’s Nazi History

NY Post
IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s lawyers fire back at Hunter Biden team

Photo by Win McNamee

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. By the way, Biden and his people really tell the truth about anything. Now they find the cocaine wasn’t. This highly trafficked. There are it’s the West Wing entrance between the old Executive Office Building and the West Wing. You’re not only need security clearance to get through there, you need. Somebody to walk you through there who has a badge. A permanent employee. So if you want to see the president of the United States, you don’t go through the east entrance, which is where they bring the public towards. You go through that entrance. So somebody on the inside had this coke and they had it over the weekend. And they are looking for fingerprints and DNA, they say. There are a lot of concern they may not find any, by the way, that Hunter Biden’s great at cover up citizen, Mr. Producer. Now, of course, I’m not saying it’s him just because I used his name in the same sentence. Fact, I doubt it. Hunter Biden Why would it be Hunter Biden? But seriously, it’s a huge breach. Massive security breach in a period of short period of time. You have this pride event. They’re LGBTQ. I’m sorry. I live in my own culture, not their culture. There they are. They’re showing off fake breasts. You got that? You’ve got you got Hunter Biden, who has never met his daughter in Arkansas. Joe Biden and Joe Biden insisting to the staff that they only have six grandchildren when they have seven. Then they’re telling us about how you need a village to raise children, which is your typical Marxist claptrap. And parents who really want to be involved in raising their children. The government tries to step in and block them, particularly when it comes to their schooling. But here, Joe Biden. Grandaddy and Hunter. Daddy. They want nothing to do with the child. So they figure that it’s not like everybody else. Man. There’s a lot to get into. And we’ve a couple of great guests who I want to jump into this. Number one. You people are unbelievable. There has been some spin. So I want to get this as clear as I possibly can with Target. Folks, I’m not looking to turn this into some controversy. I don’t need to do those sorts of things. I came to you and behind this microphone. I just learned from my publisher that Target said it will be banning my book in its stores. In its stores. But of course, I have it on Target.com where everybody goes to buy books. Don’t you go to target.com to buy books, Mr. Produce? They’re not an online store when it comes to books. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s you walk to this store, you go through there one aisle of books, and you make a decision. They know that. Plus, they said that they were concerned that the title. Would, in my words, turn off some of their customers. And so they decided, no, it would not be in the store, but it would be on. Target.com. So they told us why it wasn’t because they didn’t have room, was it? No, because they didn’t they didn’t like the title of the book. They don’t even know what’s in the book. And they hate the book, but they didn’t like the title of the book. The Democrat Party hates America. And by the way, is the same time this is going on Barnes Noble, Wal Mart, Books-a-million. They’re ordering an inventory for book sales. So target in specific. Has become this woke Democrat Party corporation. And they’re out there. There’s a lot of them out there. And so I talk to you about it. It was a leading any boycott, of course. But I do believe in the market system and free speech. I’m not even talking about the first term or just free speech. And so I’m pointing out to you, by the way, as a footnote, the president of Belarus, who is a puppet to Putin, says that the head of the. Mass murder group. It’s not. It’s not in his country. Must be in Russia. Russia says we’re not going to keep track of the sky. You know what that tells me, Mr. Producer? They may have knocked this guy off or. He might be imprisoned. I don’t know. Just surmise on Mark’s part. So in any event, we you and I, we had this discussion last night. They picked up on these various sites. Our buddy Paul Bedard. It was picked up at so many beautiful, say Breitbart and so forth. And MRC Fox was picking up on a number and was starting to spread like wildfire. And my view was good. That’s the market system. Target has its market system. We have our market system. I don’t need to run a boycott. Do I personally boycott Target? Yes. We’re not going to do a target. I don’t go there anymore. It’s a free speech issue as well. Not a constitutionally protected free speech issue, but a free speech issue. And it’s, as I’ve said, the fusion of free speech and market capitalism. It’s at the heart of freedom. See them nimrods and morons on the left going out and. Yeah, but. You don’t think banning books in schools? Yeah, I. I don’t. Pornography for little kids is a bad thing. Particularly when the government’s pushing it. You know, when parents are pushing that kind of thing, they lose their children. Remember that? The good old days. You can’t do that to your children. But the government schools, they can do it in government facilities and government libraries. Oh, yeah, they encourage it. So for the left, the Democrats, the situation with Target was identical to this situation involving immorality. The abuse of children perversion as opposed to. Free speech and a book. That they might disagree with politically. That’s how sick they are. If Target were to ban. The kinds of books that we have in so many of our libraries. I wouldn’t have a problem with that. I don’t care who writes them or draws the pictures or takes the pictures or whatever. If you do it online, the cops might arrest you. But if you do it in our public school libraries, Hey, Joe Biden says that’s taking books of our shelves. That’s book banning. He’s such a fool. And I’m going to get into that. So what happened today was in less than 24 hours, Target contacted. My publisher, Simon and Schuster. And they basically said sorry for all the back and forth. We have decided to make a substantial order and they had Mr. Levine’s book in our stores. It’s a retail operation. It started an online book operation. So that’s thanks to you. It’s not that we all organized or did their side or the other. You decided what you wanted to do. And the book is now number two on Amazon. And Wal-Mart jumped in and Barnes Noble was in and Books-a-million were larger and the biggest. Conservative author in America in the last ten years. That’s because of you, not because of me. That’s because of you with a massive audience and enormously loyal audience. And by the way, most programmers. Most owners of affiliates, they get this. They understand this. They understand your loyalty in a very difficult hour or 3 hours during the course of the broadcast day. 3 hours that have never worked for anyone else anywhere else. I understand who you are. Your power. So I want to thank you folks. I want to thank some of our friends on Capitol Hill who jumped in, not at my request. I want to thank our friends in the media who jumped in again, not at my request. I just posted what I posted and said what I said. And you people are so patriotic. And so loyal. But it’s even more than that, isn’t it? Enough is enough. We’re sick and tired of this whole thing. Turned out to be me and my book. Maybe be some other conservative author. Could be somebody going to a college campus to speak as a conservative. Could be somebody who is being prosecuted by the federal government who’s a good sir. We’ve had enough of this. ESG for corporations. D-I throughout the private sector colleges and university targeting of people by the federal. We’ve had enough. We’ve had enough. And this demonstrates the strength that you have. The strength that you have in numbers, in resources. It also demonstrates the strength of this platform that I’m on. With our massive audience TV, radio, digital TV. Millions and millions and millions of patriots. On one platform or another. Who? Come here. This book. I cannot wait. I really believe you’re going to love it. I love it. I don’t know how else to explain it. I’ve never told you. I’ve loved the book before. I love this book. I want to get it into your hands as fast as possible to fast, fast as we can get it out. What’s on September 19th? That said. With the pre-orders significantly increasing. We will have to increase. The number of books that we print for inventory to send out to the retail stores and especially Amazon. Especially Amazon. Because the number of pre-orders now are moving significantly. Some people said, Well, you ought to thank Target. I’m not thinking Target and thanking my audience. To spark? Yes. To spark. But in the end, this book is going to have to carry itself. Like a movie in the end has to carry itself. Like a TV show, and the end has to carry itself like a host on Fox or CNN or MSNBC. And then they have to carry that themselves. All that pre-positioning and talk and all the rest can only go so far. And I am convinced I know you. I know who you are. You know me. We’ve been together a long time. But this being my 10th book. But this is the one. But this is the one. Now I want to jump into some of these issues today. Most of it has to do with Joe Biden. Unfortunately, Joe Biden is on a victory tour. Biden OMICS. Now there’s a chapter in this book I told you that talks about language and words. And how totalitarians. And that would include Democrats use them. To deceive, to lie. To discredit. And nobody’s better at this than Joe Biden. He is a born serial pathological liar. He’s never gotten anywhere based on merit. Never. He’s always the other guy. We better take him or. Let’s not take him as a moron. Nobody. Is a bigger demagogue and propagandist than Joe Biden, and I’m going to prove it to you. I can’t do it. I got to take a break right after the break. I want to jump into this. I’m going to prove it to. You beyond what you hear typically. We’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Anyway, 2 minutes. Here, Let me hit this. I will. Take care. Bye. And trust me on this. So we have this story. Harmful chemicals found in nearly half of U.S. tap water. Shocking, isn’t it? Frightening. I think to myself, Wait a minute. The Environmental Protection Agency has been in existence now for 53 years. Over half a century. It has spent trillions along with other agencies. And taxpayer dollars. Subsidies for its bureaucracies. And regulations. Trillions and trillions. Massive burden on the economy. Farmers. Ranchers? You. The ostensible reason is clean air and clean water. Right, Mr. Minister? Clean air and clean water. After trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars interfering in our lives, involved in every damn aspect. Of our homes, of our workplace, of our business. Everything. Automobiles. Their main job to determine if our water is clean and okay to drink. They have failed. According to their own report in the CDC. Permanent chemicals that cause certain kinds of cancers. And half the tap water in the nation. And you know what? The answer is going to be More government, more spending, more bureaucrats. This is how it always turns out. How the hell is this possible? The answer should be. It’s always possible when you turn your lives over to these bastards. Environmental Protection Agency. Oh, okay. Except when it comes to water. Well, then, what the hell is the purpose? I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
All right let the prosecution on radio begin Joe Biden. Got to be patient with me here, folks. We’re going to lay it out. Let us begin with our famous montage of many, many years ago that other hosts have since been using Mister Produce on radio and TV alike. This goes to the issue of Joe Biden’s credibility. This is a man who tells the truth. Is he a man of character? Or. Is he a demagogue, propagandist, serial liar? Got one go. I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community at home. I would assume the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping traveling with him. I’ve written extensively as a when I was a law professor. I went to law school on a full academic scholarship. The only one in my in my class to have a full academic scholarship. I was appointed to the academy in 1965. I didn’t come to the academy because I wanted to be a football star. And you had a guy named Staubach and Bellino here. So I went to Delaware. I got started out of an HBCU Delaware State. I don’t want to hear anything about Delaware State here. Okay. My folks went back to law school and in fact, ended up in the top half of my class. I won the international court competition. I was the outstanding student in the political science department. At the end of my year, I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school, 165 credits, only 123 credits. And I’d be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours if you’d like. I am a hard coal miner. Anthracite Coal. Scranton, Pennsylvania. My dad was not a was he was a salesperson. He wasn’t a coal miner. My great grandpop was my first job offer where I want my wife to see my wife. And I wanted to move to Idaho because we think it’s not a joke. It’s such a beautiful, beautiful state. And I interviewed for a job with Boise Cascade. I got a commercial license because my dad used to run an automobile agency. I used to drive a tractor trailer. Oh, awesome. And so I know a little bit about driving big trucks. It means that I’ve worked in the East Side. I deliberately went and worked for three years to make sure I was the only guy, only white guy to work the East side because, you know, I wanted to understand I was involved in the civil rights movement, but I wanted What did you want to understand? What I want to understand, I didn’t realize, for example, I was the only lifeguard in the projects. Four and five was a bad dude, and he ran a bunch of Mad Boys. And so up on the board one list said, Hey, Esther, you off the board? I’ll come up and drag you off. He said, I’ll be waiting for you. He was raped by three guys and straight razors. Not a joke. I used to be a lifeguard for years, and when I ran for the United States Senate, they said, Well, why do you want a 29 year old guy? He’s only been a lifeguard. Well, the truth was I was a practicing lawyer. I’ve been a public defender. And I had my own small law firm, the first frost, you know, what was happening? It had a put on their windshield wipers to get literally the oil slick off the window. That’s why I and so damn many other people I grew up have cancer. You know how much it costs to make that insulin drug for diabetes. Cost was invented by a man who did not patent it because he wanted it available for everyone. I spoke to him. Okay, you better have helicopters ready to take those 3000 civilians inside the Green Zone where I’ve been seven times and shot at, I think, in Iraq, because that’s when my son, that Uncle Frank, fought in the Battle of the Bulge and he won the Purple Heart and he never received it. So he got to the Purple Heart. He had won it in the Battle of the Bulge. And I remember he came over to the house and I came out and he said, present it to him. Okay. With the family there. I watch what happened when the kids from Parkland marched up to and I. I met with them and then they went off to up on the Hill. And I as vice president, they went off the hill to go into those neighborhoods. All those congressmen were like, No, I’m not here. I’m not here. I don’t know. Don’t tell them I’m around. God’s truth, I travel over a million, 250,000 miles on Amtrak. And one of the conductors, you know, for years walked up and graduated. Joey, baby, grab my cheek and not a joke. This day, 30 years ago, Nelson Mandela walked out of prison and into discussions about apartheid. I had the great honor of meeting him. I have a great honor of being arrested with our U.N. ambassador on the streets of Soweto, trying to get to see him on Robben Island. I swear to God. True story. I swear to God. True story. True story. I’m kidding, man. Hmm. No, we think you’re nuts, actually. Let us turn to Mr. Producer. He’s running for president. He’s asked about 1987 report. Let’s play on Biden’s plagiarism in law school. Please go ahead. All right. Syracuse Law School, Biden was involved in a plagiarism incident. He quoted five pages of someone else’s work without proper citation. He was given an F but appealed to the faculty and allowed to repeat the course. He got to be. This comes in the middle of another controversy about plagiarism in Biden’s campaign speeches. Today, he dismissed charges that he routinely adopts phrases from other politicians speeches. Called it much ado about nothing. Essentially, Biden said everyone deserves the notion that every thought or notion or idea you have to go back and find and attribute to someone I think is, quite frankly, ludicrous. But to the political community in Washington, it all seems of a piece. Plagiarism at law school, plagiarism on the stump, for example. But this standard is not a measure of how we can evaluate the condition of our society. It cannot measure the health of our children, the quality of our education, the joy of their play. This is how it sounded when Robert Kennedy said those words in 1968, that the gross national product does not allow the health of our children the quality of their education or the joy of their play. Biden gave Kennedy no credit. And of course he did the same with Neil Kinnock, the Labour Party leader. One time in Britain, and he’s done it over and over and over again. And he’s lying again today. I want to go to cut number two, Mr. Producer. There’s Biden in South Carolina. West Columbia, South Carolina. Can’t go to California. Can’t go to Illinois. Can’t go to Michigan. Can’t go to New York. Can’t go to New Jersey. Can’t go to the most populous. Blue states in the nation to talk about the economy has to go to the red states. When he goes in, he takes credit. For what’s being done in the red states. They’re following Reagan. All right, cut to go. Earlier, we heard the leadership of and phase say that $60 million they’re investing here. Well, that’s 1800 jobs across the country and up 600 permanent jobs right here in South Carolina. All a direct result of the so-called Inflation Reduction Act. I wrote we wrote, passed a lot less, let’s say, the past, where so much money is coming in to make all this happen. By the way, parenthetically, I want you to you’re going to hear about the deficit. I cut the deficit $1.7 trillion in two years. Nobody’s ever done that. But you get 1.7. Even the hapless low rated. In the back pocket of the Democrat Party. Constipated news network. CNN has said this is a lie. Oh, they say it’s not true. Not true is a lie. He didn’t cut 1.7 trillion. First at a one seventh month, he talks about all the new spending, the other how he cut. Now, for most of us, that doesn’t add up. But Joe Biden’s a liar and it’s worked with his base. Lying has been very effective. So he doesn’t. It’s not second nature to him. It’s first nature to him. The deficit was cut, quote unquote, by $1.7 trillion because the COVID funds that were spent in the prior years. We’re not past again. They’re gone. Act, 200 billion of which they don’t even know where they went. So that funding for the pandemic is not new funding. And he’s claiming that Sally cut $1.7 trillion, he says, through his gene. Nobody’s ever done this before. When he gets down like an old man on a corner wearing a raincoat. Hey, little girl. Then you know, he’s. He’s lost. In fact, the analyses tell us. That. But for that fact, Joe Biden’s. Deficit would be far greater. Then the deficits and the overall debt that he’s creating. She hasn’t cut one penny in the deficit. Not one damn penny. And there he’s out there claiming that they cut $1.7 trillion. He can’t help it. When he calls himself corncob or something. Corncob can’t help it. But corn pop, That was a corn pop cereal, right? Corn pops. But you understand. Esther. Esther, get off that platform. I’m calling Joe. Esther. He’s a tough guy. You know, you got to get on how to talk tough guys. But I want you to listen to this one in particular. This is a real doozy. Cut for go, folks. On a very serious note, when I read when I got elected. When I proposed this piece of legislation, I made a commitment. And I’d be president for all Americans, whether their election officials voted for their events or not. All right. Wherever you vote for me or not, I kept my promise. In fact, some analysis has said that the laws I’ve signed here do more to help red America and blue America. Well, that’s okay with me, because they’re all Americans. Because my view is wherever the need is most. That’s the place we should be helping. And that’s what we’re doing. Because the way I look at the progress we’re making is good for all Americans. All Americans. Let me close as is. I’m not here to declare victory on the economy. I’m here to say we have a plan. It’s turning things around quickly. We have a lot more work to do. He really is a punk. People are flocking. To the south, in the southeast. Here. Bloomberg reports 2.2 million people moved to the southeast. And just over the last two years, roughly the population of Houston, Texas. Just in the last two years. The South is growing. The Southeast is growing. Six fastest growing states, all Republicans. Florida, Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and even North Carolina are now contributing more to the national gross domestic product than the Northeast. Whether it’s Washington, New York. Boston, Carter. According to government figures. The switch happened during the pandemic and shows no signs of reverting. A flood of transparency helped steer about $100 billion in new income to the Southeast in 2020 2021 alone, while the Northeast bled out 60 billion based on IRS analysis. That’s why the red states are growing. In spite of despite this clown. In the Oval Office. Then I heard our dear friend Jessica TARLOV. I never met her, but she’s quite intelligent. She’s a tolerable liberal, you know. Does it get under your skin like some liberals. But nonetheless, I. She made a point that’s been made over and over and over again in the years since I’ve been behind this microphone. And it’s been a point that doesn’t get answered. That’s what I’m here for. Rather than the five. We’ll call this the six today. She said the blue states are subsidizing the red states and federal taxes. New York is subsidizing Alabama. The federal government gets more tax revenue from New York than it gets from Alabama. Alabama gets more federal money. I assume she meant per capita or however, than New York. And our dear friend Greg GUTFELD said, I don’t know how to answer that. Okay. That’s what I’m for. I’m number six. The five. I’m the sixth. Nobody subsidizing anybody. As I just posted on social media. The federal government runs massive yearly deficits. Massive. We have nearly a $32 trillion debt. It’s actually over 300 trillion when you include entitlements. All that means is the money the federal government raises from taxpayers doesn’t even come close to the amount of borrowing and spending that’s taking place, to the amount of printing that’s taking place. It doesn’t even come close. To the amount of taxes that every person in every state is paying cumulatively to the federal government. New York’s not subsidizing anybody. California is not subsidizing anybody. Blue states aren’t subsidizing red states. The federal government subsidizing everything and anything and everyone. Which is why Reagan broke. But you see. When things don’t make sense and you know in your gut. But it’s not true. You know, when you cut that, it doesn’t add up that a guy saying he’s spending like a drunken Marxist. But on the other hand, he’s cutting the debt. You know, that can’t be true. Or that blue states that are going to hell are subsidizing red states that are that are growing. They’re not subsidizing red states. The economic action that’s going on in this country, the growth, the prosperity. It’s happening in red states, not exclusively, but mostly because the productive elements more and more in these blue states are leaving the states and they’re going to red states. Which is exactly why Joe Biden was in South Carolina taking credit for what’s going on in a red state and red states when he should be in a blue state taking credit for the depressions that he has created there. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
The power you have when you’re united. The power you have, we’ve barely touched it. Whether it’s target, whether it’s the Democrat Party, whether it’s Biden. We haven’t even touched it. This is what typical people, quite frankly, in broadcasting and owners even don’t comprehend. This is a moment. I’ll be right back.