July 5th, 2023

July 5th, 2023

SPRINGFIELD, VA - AUGUST 14: Customers leave Target August 14, 2003 in Springfield, Virgina. Target Corp. reported a four percent increase in second-quarter profits. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin show, Mark announced the news that box store Target has decided to boycott his new book due out this September. Why? They’re scared of offending Democrats. If Target can silence consumers’ right to consume – what is next? Later, more shootings took place over the holiday weekend in many metropolitan areas. It happens somewhere in America every single weekend, kids get murdered. The Democrat’s answer? Ban assault weapons and universal background checks. The usual Democrat talking points. In this case, talking points not just of any incredibly stupid human, but a devious diabolical human being. The plan – sue gun companies to force them to go out of business.  Meanwhile, Senator Tom Cotton pressed hard questions to the Secret Service regarding cocaine that mysteriously was discovered at the White House. Does a slip like this mean that the White House complex is not secure? Why does this happen in the Biden White House and not during any other administration? Afterward, a Federal Judge named Terry Doughty from Louisiana, issued a sweeping preliminary injunction barring a myriad of federal agencies including the DOJ and the FBI, among others in the Biden administration, must be kept from having any contact with social media firms for the purpose of discouraging or removing First Amendment protected speech. Judge Doughty inferred that the government has overstretched its control over social media in recent years. The U.S. no longer has media, we have state media. Finally, Joey Jones calls in to discuss, Unbroken Bonds of Battle: A Modern Warriors Book of Heroism, Patriotism, and Friendship.

Fox Business      
US seeing an ‘across-the-board human capital crisis’ not seen in decades, budget watchdog says

National Review
Federal Judge Blocks Biden Officials from Coordinating Censorship with Social-Media Companies

Photo by Alex Wong

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Be it a wonderful Independence Day. Independence Day weekend, the nation’s birthday. Those who you hate America. I hope you didn’t have any time off. And remember that you’re always free to leave. We try to secure our border one way, not the other way. If you want to leave, Leave. But they don’t want to leave. They want to destroy. I want to talk about this issue of free speech, not necessarily the First Amendment per se, but free speech. There are limits to free speech like our children shouldn’t be shown pornography when they’re in school or in school libraries. They shouldn’t be taught about sexuality when they’re five and six years old. They shouldn’t be asked behind the backs of their parents whether they actually believe they are the right sex and if they want something done about it, if they want to change their names. And yet I’m finding I’m finding that on the radical left and the corporatists, they actually view that as a free speech issue. It’s nothing to do with free speech. It’s perversion. It’s a violation of parental rights. Now, there’s a lot to talk about today, and I’m going to get to all of it. But I am now in the middle of a controversy. Why? Because I wrote a book. Are there dirty pictures in the book? No. Are there sexual graphics in the book? No. Do I go behind anybody’s back? When this book is eventually released? No. So what’s the controversy? The title of the book. The Democrat Party hates America. I just found this out about 2 hours before I came on the air tonight. Now Target has told Simon and Schuster, my publisher, Threshold Books, that when the book comes out in September, it will not carry the book. It told them, quote, The title is polarizing. And Target wants to be sensitive to all their guests, but they will make it available at Target.com. The title is polarizing. Now, as I seem to recall, Takata has a lot of polarizing stuff with clothing. With hiring with customers. Bright colors with flags. They’re all into this ESG movement. But because I take on the opposite party, that’s polarizing to the point. Or Target does not want its customers to have an option to purchase the book. Now, there are leftists going online saying, See this? You don’t believe in in capitalism? Well, Target can do what it wants. What are you talking about? What are you fools talking about? I’m not demanding the target carry the book. I’m informing 14 and a half million listeners that this company is 100% woke. 100% in the tank for the left and the Democrat Party. Marciano was going to carry the book. Books-a-million is going to carry the book. Wal-Mart’s going to carry the book. And a lot of them. And we’ll see what happens down the road if they’re boycotted or whatever. But Amazon didn’t blink for all the criticism they take. Didn’t blink, not once. And so my view is that now that target has thrown down the gauntlet fairly publicly, that I feel we need to throw down the gauntlet with them. This book is, for me, the greatest book I’ve ever written. And I’ll just say that those of you who get it and read it, you’ll see what I mean. It’s the greatest book I’ve ever written. My editors think so. My family think, Oh, Mark. That’s why my family tells me the truth. The greatest book I’ve ever written. And I also think it’s the most important under these circumstances. It’s not written for Democrats unless they want to wake up. It’s not written for the Democrat Party media. It’s not written for a Democrat Party professors and Democrat Party teachers, unions and all the rest. It’s written for you. And if you decide to give it the Democrats, that’s a great thing. Maybe it’ll get past the first 50, 60 pages. A couple of light bulbs will go off. You’ve heard people call here and say that. You’ve heard them say that. But one of the thing the Democrat Party is very high on these days is censorship. Whether it’s corporate censorship, having nothing to do with the First Amendment or censorship that violates the First Amendment. We’re going to get to that in a minute with this fabulous ruling by this federal judge. But this book, in my view, needs to get into the hands of as many people as possible, which is why I think. The ideologues, the radical left ideologues are going to try and prevent that as much as they possibly can. I believe that they will do everything they can. And so what I, I do believe in capitalism. I do believe in the market system. And that’s why I’m going to encourage those of you who haven’t already not to shop at Target. Hello. I’m not trying to compel Target to carry my book, but they’re offending my audience and they offending me. And if that’s the basis for corporate censorship. Okay, fine. We can play that game too. I am not going to roll over and play dead. That’s not going to happen. Republicans and conservatives do that too damn often. In fact, Target’s proving the point of the book. The Marxists want monopoly control. The politics of voting of the culture. Of the government of the country. That’s what they want. And a book like this. Is dangerous to them. It’s dangerous to them. They know it and I know it. And the Democrat Party. Has its finger in all of this. It is the organization through which these movements are organized. Like in any. Autocratic, repressive regime. They need an organization. They need a body through which they act politically, culturally, win elections in order to destroy elections. And if that’s how this book is viewed by them, then I think by you it should be viewed as their kryptonite. So I’m hoping as many of you as possible who can afford it. If you’re thinking about getting it, you’re going to get it now at Amazon.com. Now, some people have said while the discounts been changed, discounts are going to change right up to the point it’s released. But if they release it on a 30 40% discount, only on the data release, you will get that discount. That’s my understanding. You have nothing to fear from that. Thank God there are many platforms now for publishing. And for making books available to you. It’s strange. You know, it really is strange. It’s so weird. I’m going back the time of the King of England and the. And the colonists. Who can publish what? Sheesh, don’t read that book like Rush used to say about liberty and tyranny. Make sure you read it, but put it in a paper bag. And I’m sure he’d say the same about this one. You know what else he would say? Don’t take their crack. Don’t take their crap. Go out there and kick butt and join in and he’d help. I want nothing more than for you people to get this book and read it. If you’re just going to get it together, don’t get it. Get it and read it and then pass it along to somebody else. I’m telling you only about. Let me count. For people. Have read this book, Beginning End. For. For. The vice president, Simon Schuster. My editor and assistant editor and my wife. That’s it. And for all of them, their chinstrap. Oh, Mark, you know that. No, no, I’m telling you. And I feel it in my own. Look, nobody’s a harder marker on me than me, whether it’s radio or TV or Blaze TV or writing. But nobody is a harder marker than I am. Nobody on me. And the truth will be, as they say in the pudding, once you get it, once you read it, you’ll know. Was Mark telling the truth or not? But I know who doesn’t want you to read it. And I know who will do everything they can to prevent it from being made publicly available. They will fail. But I do think we need to take names. Not to compel people to do things they don’t want to do. I don’t care. Target doesn’t have to take the book. Who cares? But what I care about is the motive behind it. It’s bigger than Target. It’s to keep information. Historical facts. Critical philosophical points. Present day information. Connecting the dots and all the rest of it out of your hands. Because what the Democrat Party and their Marxist friends want more than anything else is conformity. Conformity. They don’t want you to think for yourself. They want you to be embarrassed to carry a book that says the Democrat Party hates America out of a bookstore. They want you to be embarrassed to have it delivered to your home from Amazon. They want you to be embarrassed to read it on a plane and carry it under your arm. Are they embarrassed about anything? Anything. They’re in your face. Then the face of your children. They don’t care. Well, we need to get stronger. We need to get stronger. I already said, I know what kind of grief I’m. Excuse me take from this book. I don’t care. When you read it, you’ll see why. This isn’t a polemical book. This is a shoot from the hip book. Those of you who’ve read my other books like American Marxism and Liberty and Tyranny. You know how I write. This book flows like a novel. But it is brutal. Like the title. There’s no reason to hide. And we need to make sure we never get to the day five, ten, 20 years from now when we have to hide. And our children have to hide. So if you can go over to Amazon.com or we can drive this thing up the list to number one, I would really think they would send a message to everybody and they need to have a message. If he can’t, I completely understand. Target is not required to carry this book. Did I say call Target and tell them to carry this book? No. It’s what they’re doing, what others are doing. And not just to me. All right, I’ll move on. There’s a lot to cover. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Welcome back, folks. Want to get to this a little bit. There have been mass shootings all over the major metropolitan areas over the holiday. The responses are typical. The places are the same. The part of the controls, the cities, same party. The propaganda from the White House is the same. And I want to confront this head on. This is not about too many guns. It’s not about number of bullets and magazines. It’s a no, not about background checks. It’s not about any of this. Because none of that would have stopped that damn thing. And people should be sick and tired of how the Democrat Party exploits this every single time it’s their cities, they undermine the cops. They turn the public on the cops. They reduce the number of foot traffic cops in neighborhoods that need them. People are not serving the kind of prison time that they should. So the Democrat Party blames it on white dominant culture. The Second Amendment. Gun manufacturers, but never themselves have had damn enough of this. So I’m going to dig into this. So there’s a hell of a lot to get to this evening. Stick with us. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Sorry folks, I’m just thinking about this. Then I want to get into this topic that we know that all these murders, Karl Marx is responsible philosophically at least. For a hundred million human beings being dead. And over a billion. Slaves to the state. You can find his books anywhere. Anywhere. I. Books aren’t responsible for anybody’s death. Karl Marx Communist Manifesto. Really? A fairly small book. Getting anywhere. Any store. It’s everywhere. It’s amazing to me the effort at thought control brainwashing. Even as I step back and think about it, it’s really quite remarkable what’s going on in this country and sickening. Sickening. What this will also demonstrate for you, I think, and I know is the fusion between the these Marxist movements and the Democrat Party that I keep talking about. They’re one and the same. The same thing. Oh, no, no. You don’t understand the progressive. No, they’re not. And as I also explain in the book, the Democrat Party is not purely a political party. It’s not even purely a cultural party. The Republican Party is not a cultural party, the Republican Party. So out of it. The Democrat Party is the state party. It’s the government party. That’s why you’ll see it. Surrogates on TV defending censorship by the Biden administration by blaming Trump somehow. Try. You’ll see them defending all that these Marxist movements stand for. Pretty close or enough of it. And you’re going to learn a lot about In the shadows, despite what you know about Joe Biden. Who’s advising me? Who is it? Well, you can learn a lot. And they don’t want you to learn this. They don’t want you to point the finger. At the Democrat Party. They want you to talk about vague, ambiguous targets. No, no, no, no, no. Democrat Party hates America and is destroying American. And I have 100,000 words to prove it. Probably would take ten, but you may need to make an overwhelming case on every front, whether you go back 150 years or whether you go back one week or ten weeks. I’m very excited about this. And it’s amazing to me, frankly, that two months before its release. The corporatists have already declared war. I say, bring it on. Bring it on now. Biden urges Stricter Gun Control after spate of holiday weekend shootings. This is CNBC. Spade or spat pens where you come from, I guess it’s not a spate or spat of a holiday weekend shooting. There’s mass murder going on across this country in our metropolitan areas. And it’s happening every damn weekend. We see these horrific events that go on in. You know, where kids are murdered and so forth and so on. And it is it’s disgusting. It’s. Horrendous. But it’s actually going on every weekend. And so the Democrats have an answer. I’m going to give it to you right now. Joe Biden’s answer. He says, it’s within our power to once again ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines to require safe storage of guns. To end gun manufacturers immunity from liability. And to enact universal background checks. Now these are talking points. Not just of an incredibly stupid human being, but a devious. Diabolical human being. Ban assault weapons. What is an assault weapon? High capacity magazines. One of these mass shootings was a pistol. So you bring more than one pistol, You bring more than one rifle. Excuse me, to require safe storage of guns. That’s the issue. To end gun manufacturers immunity for liability. What he means says he wants to let loose the Democrat Party slip and fall trial lawyers who will completely destroy the gun manufacturing business. But he thinks you’re too stupid to know that just because he’s stupid doesn’t mean you are. And universal background checks whenever you purchase a gun legally have a universal background check, as Hunter Biden should know and as Joe Biden should know. And Hunter Biden lied on his he lied for which he’s not going to do one minute of time in prison. And we don’t need lectures from Joe Biden because he’s an idiot and he’s an ideologue. But I want to know, Mr. Producer, I want one line open, Mr. Call screener for a leftist. Exactly what law. What? Prevent this? What law? I want to know. What are. He says, be able to sue manufacturers out of business. So what will happen? People will buy guns that are manufactured overseas. What will make it illegal then? There’ll be a black market. We can’t stop people from coming across. Can’t stop them from coming across. Can’t stop a damn thing from coming across. That somehow we’re going to stop illegal weapons manufactured overseas. This is the kind of crap we’re being fed by Biden and his party. What else? Background checks. Oh, that’ll fix it. Like I said, check out Hunter Biden’s background. But that said, I don’t go into stores or go to gun shows and start filling out three pages of documents that are going to go to the Treasury Department to determine whether they can buy a gun. Your aim is to kill somebody if you’re a gang banger. The last thing you want to do is fill out one of those forms. Oh, what else do we have on the list here? Safe storage of guns. First of all, how about how are you going to enforce that? You’re going to everybody’s house. What does that mean? We’re going to require safe storage of guns. Does it mean anything? High capacity magazines. So I telling people you can’t buy 64 ounce bottles of soda anymore or even 32 ounces, only 16 ounce. What are they going to do? Mr. Producer. Don’t buy twice as much. I’ll take two of those, please. So I have more pistols. Couple of extra rifles. Kind of stupidity is this. If crooks are anything, they’re cunning. They’re cunning. None of this is going to stop anything. Where are these mass murders every single weekend occurring from time to time in rural areas, from time to time in suburbs. Don’t get me wrong, it happens. But every weekend it’s occurring in our inner cities. Why is that? Biden does want to talk about. Stephen Smith wants to talk about. I’ve been talking about it. Tom Blue in the face. Why is that? Who the hell are the victims? The Democrat Party and Biden, they claim to be very concerned about these victims. How shall. How so? When it comes to schools. We can rustle up schools, there will be muscle up the White House. There will be mass up Capitol building the way we muscle up federal facilities. But for some reason, all government buildings are protected. But schools schools are government buildings. It’s okay to see armed cops. Where our elected officials are, particularly to keep those MAGA extremists away. It’s okay to have one level of security after another at the White House, except, of course, when they’re snorting coke. But that’s a separate issue I’ll get to later. But at our schools, it’s about optics. Excuse me, talking life and death here. I don’t know the optics, but you know what the optics are when they’re bad, when little kids are slaughtered. That. It’s a bad optic when none of the things that Biden is proposing can stop it. Not one. So what’s the answer? What kind of law can Congress ban? And so what happened today? They attacked the Republicans. Not the Democrat mayors, not the Democrat base, not the Democrat judges. Who coddle criminals. These are recidivists for the most part. For the most part, recidivist. The cops who know they know who they are. There have been 346 mass shootings so far this year, says CNBC. Which is, of course, ridiculous. A mass shooting is when two or more people are killed. It’s not a mass shooting. A mass shooting is what took place in Baltimore this weekend. A mass shooting is what took place in Philadelphia this weekend. That’s a mass shooting. Mass shootings. What takes place in Chicago almost every weekend. Ten people were killed in Baltimore. Philadelphia, Fort Worth, Texas. Scores were injured. Wichita, Kansas. Lansing, Michigan. Dozens and dozens injured. String of shootings in Chicago killed, 530 wounded. Yeah. We need to have that gun safe. Safety. That’ll do it. I says, it’s within our power to once again ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines. They tried that in 1994. He points to it all the time. This will be in the book, too. The Rand Corporation is a very highly regarded. Think tank and research organization. They say that the. The band didn’t do a whole lot. Our friend John Lott, who is a brilliant, brilliant man. They’ve tried to destroy his character, says it didn’t do anything. There was another study done. That’s it almost had no impact and Biden keeps repeating it. Why? Same reason he keeps lying about his civil rights record. He has none. He has an airtight civil rights record. Go after gun manufacturers. That’ll fix it. So the rest of us won’t be able to defend ourselves. They’ll defund the cops or slash their budgets. We won’t have a weapon. And of course, it’s all in violation of the Second Amendment. So they’re not serious about solutions. The problem in the inner cities is in part, family problems, family issues. A lack of opportunity to go to a really good school, which, of course, Biden and the Democrats block. There is a problem in these communities in particular, not because they’re black. But because the way they’re run. Under the iron fist of the Democrat Party. Biden doesn’t say what the hell’s wrong with these mayors and city councils in these cities. Why are they throwing more of these bastards in prison? As a prophylactic. They know who so many of them are. Why aren’t they sending more cops into these communities? Why are they sending more cops into these communities to go after these gangs? Those words will never cross his lips, ever. And yet it’s the most rational thing you can think of. Because he doesn’t give a crap. He said it like he doesn’t give a crap about those migrants on the border who are sold in the sex slavery. And the 85,000 children they can account for. Were involved in various forms of manual slavery and labor throughout our economy. He doesn’t give a crap. Why? As I’ve said here and I say in the book Power, some of us believe liberty is important. Biden’s about power. Like Marxists and other autocrats, always are the people. It’s all a joke. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Well, I just came across this beauty from my daughter. The IRS has quietly changed the rules around taxes on inheritances, putting Americans in danger of being caught out. They try to transfer assets to their children. They’re not going to let go of your money. The agency has curbed the tax break on particular kinds of trusts, often used to minimize estate taxes. Last decade, more families have begun utilizing irrevocable trusts that allow Americans to protect their assets and avoid a lengthy probate process when a relative dies. You don’t even need a lot of money to have one of those trusts. I’ve had a trust like that when I wasn’t even that. Rich, I guess he could say prior to the new instruction, it was unclear what the tax policies were around assets passing to beneficiaries through an irrevocable trust. It’s all right. The government wants more money. Don’t worry, they’ll tell you they’re taxing the rich. And then your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather passed away. What the hell is this? I just lost the farm. I just lost a small business. I have to sell their house in order to pay my taxes. That is, that the government is so out of control and they just lie and lie and lie because I think they know that the people would rise up if the people really knew what the hell was going on. They will not leave us alone. They will not leave us alone even when we die. They will not leave us alone. Hunter Biden doesn’t even pay his damn passion. Gets the money from the Communist Chinese. You break your back every damn day, whether you’re a painter, a plumber. All right. Whether you’re driving trucks, whatever you do. And they won’t leave you alone. They won’t leave your family alone. No, I’m not going to keep quiet and I don’t give a crap what Target does. No one and nothing is going to silence me, period. Except God himself when he strikes me down. That’s it. I’ll be right back.