July 3rd, 2023

July 3rd, 2023

Smithtown, N.Y.: A first grade classroom at the Branch Brook Elementary School in Smithtown New York is shown at the end of the school day on Tuesday, January 4, 2011. (Photo by John Paraskevas/Newsday RM via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the more Democrats have control over classrooms, the more our children’s test scores keep falling. So much of what goes on in the classroom is Democrat party propaganda.  The government has obliterated the education system and destroyed an entire generation of children. President Biden sent his kids to private schools, but he opposes school choice. The Democrat party today is the greatest enemy we face in America.  Biden and the Democrats speak more fondly of illegal immigrants than they do of American citizens. Biden and the Democrats are more in love with the Paris climate accords than our Constitution. The Democrat party is massively expanding government and spending money they don’t have. Capitalism is being devoured by economic socialism and free speech and academic freedom is shrinking in America.  Also, this latest prosecutorial leak of an audio clip to CNN is further intended to poison a Donald Trump jury pool and deny the former president due process. The corrupt Biden DOJ, Jack Smith’s office, and the usual corrupt media lapdogs have publicly identified, characterized, and even released whatever classified information is known to the public. In this, they’ve committed scores of felonies, interfered in a presidential election, and have pushed the nation to the brink of some kind of civil war, while smearing and denouncing Trump and his supporters. Trump hasn’t leaked anything to the public.  The whistleblowers have testified about obstruction, political interference, multiple underlying crimes, etc. They’ve been ignored by the corrupt media, personally attacked by the power-hungry Democrat Party, and punished by the Biden regime. Later, the left-wing media praise John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett for their completely illogical vote with the Supreme Court’s leftists in issuing a ruling, involving North Carolina and state legislatures, where the matter is moot and, even more, reads the plain language of the Constitution out of existence. The left knows this tactic works, and the weakest among the Court’s Republican members are susceptible to the praise.  Notice how the three leftist Democrats on the Court never break when it comes to major decisions important to the Democrats, regardless of the Constitution’s text and the framers’ intent.

Photo by John Paraskevas/Newsday RM