June 29th, 2023

June 29th, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 29: The U.S. Supreme Court Building is seen on June 29, 2023 in Washington, DC. In a 6-3 vote, Supreme Court Justices ruled that race-conscious admissions programs at Harvard and the University of North Carolina are unconstitutional, setting precedent for affirmative action in other universities and colleges. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Supreme Court ruled that affirmative action is out in colleges and universities around the country. Justice Roberts wrote the decision on the High Court’s ruling, which strikes down affirmative action practices in college admissions. President Biden giving his two cents today in the White House press briefing – sharing his displeasure of the High Court’s ruling. The Democrat party is the segregationist party. They seek to punish people based on their race and skin color. The Democratic party is destroying America, because they hate America. The Democrat Party today claims that colorblindness is racist. How anyone could be a part of such a party, is a question for the ages. The decision today was a very important one. Later, our friend Whoopi on The View, said “I want to also sort of read something that Clarence Thomas apparently said. He doesn’t know what diversity is. That’s what he said. And so he doesn’t get it.” The Democrats hate him because he’s Black. He grew up poor. He grew up a Marxist… until he began to think for himself! She went on later on in the show to say “You know, is this leading to no women in colleges soon? Who knows?” Who wrote and passed the 14th Amendment? Equal protection. Republicans.

Supreme Court rejects affirmative action at colleges, says schools can’t consider race in admission

Fox News
Supreme Court rejects affirmative action in ruling on universities using race in admissions decisions

The Supreme Court gave universities a narrow opening, and Harvard just announced it’s going to drive an affirmative action truck right through it.

Jerusalem Report
Netanyahu trial: Court tells Israeli prosecution to drop bribery charge

Photo by Anna Moneymaker

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. You’re in the right place certainly today. Every day, 3 hours a day. Now, you’ve heard the Supreme Court has ruled that affirmative action is out when it comes to colleges and universities and admissions. Justice Roberts wrote the decision. He did say, look, there’s no problem with individuals telling their life story. Typically, you write these essays to get into college and university. It’s not just part of an S.A.T. or so forth, but you have to do that as an individual. You can’t speak for an entire race and you can’t be treated as an entire race. One applicant. That’s stereotypical. Ladies and gentlemen, there were a number of Asian-American students who brought this lawsuit against Harvard. Harvard created a racist, bigoted admissions policy against Asians. It even stereotyped Asians saying that they don’t really have the kind of personalities that would lend themselves to the diverse student population that we seek here at Harvard College. This is flat out racism. The Congressional Black Caucus. Is appalled at what the Supreme Court did. The three radical left us on the court. Obviously, they endorsed racism. Joe Biden, who I’ll get to in a minute. The last remaining of the old white supremacists. He says he’s severely disappointed there’s something wrong with the court. So it’s okay if you treat Asian Americans differently than everybody else. According to Joe Biden. Everybody else. Now let’s get something straight. These Democrats are resegregating our society. You have dorms for blacks and whites. You have. Commencement. For blacks and whites. Critical race theory separates the nation into blacks and whites. They are resegregating our society. They’re resegregating our country. No longer. E pluribus unum. No longer diversity. Yes, but one culture. No, no, no. Never. These same Democrats, and I will call them George Wallace Democrats. They Congressional Black Caucus, George Wallace, Democrats, Joe Biden, George Wallace, Democrat. The three dummies on the court. George Wallace Democrats. That’s what they are. George Wallace would be thrilled with the conclusions that they’ve reached, thrilled Asian-Americans today, African-Americans tomorrow after that, Hispanic Americans. What’s the stop? A college or university or anything else. 50 years ago, it was Jews. 70 years ago, I was black. Today, it’s Asians. Same dam Democrat Party. The George Wallace party. The remnants certainly intellectually are still all around us. Just look. Yes, they say. State institutions and private institutions of higher learning should be able to discriminate against people based on their heritage. Wow. George Wallace would be proud. Not so much Abraham Lincoln. The same George Wallace. Democrats oppose school choice. They pretend that they want. Minorities, although the nations, of course, and Jews, of course. But they want minorities. Had equity. But they do not want minorities to have an opportunity when it comes to crossing the lines at the government. Democrat Party, teacher unions. Isn’t that amazing? Where is the Congressional Black Caucus on there? Nowhere, because their coffers are lined. With teachers union money and their army of teachers on Election Day. First things first here, folks. Where are the white intellectuals about school choice for little black kids? They oppose it. They want government schools. Nothing more, nothing less. Doesn’t matter. If test scores are gone down a toilet. Does it matter if little kids are going to school, are facing criminalization and and other horrific things when they get there? Does it matter? No school choice, but yes. Racial discrimination in resegregating America that they’re for. The George Wallace party is still with us. And it is amazing to see how many minority black so-called leaders, activists. Sound like George Wallace. It doesn’t amaze me that Biden sounds like George Wallace. They used to be one of his heroes. Sotomayor is an ignoramus. Writing for the minority. Talks about superficial neutrality. Superficial neutrality. Really? Can I read you something, folks? There’s so much to cover here. Stick with me. I have already broken this down in a way that nobody else can. No brag, just fact. Race. Racial quotas in medical school admissions. This is what we had until today. Discrimination against Asian Americans seeking entry into Harvard. Segregating college dorm rooms and graduation ceremonies, dumbing down school curricula, sabotaging merit scholarship programs, issuing presidential executive orders that, for instance, exclude white farmers and other privileged racial groups. Yes, this is from the Democrat Party. Hates America, isn’t it? Isn’t amazing. Because of the emphasis on race as the basis for all behaviors and outcomes and allegations of irreversible white racism based on skin color at birth, critical race theory and what I call an I’ve invented this phrase now civil rights Marxism. Civil rights Marxism. That’s what this is. Dehumanize the individual and groups of individuals. Ironically, the scholars and activists promoting this point of view use dehumanizing stereotypes not only to label white people, but to describe black individuals in the black community. After all, in the end, Marxism of any kind is built on the false foundation of oppressor and oppressed class identifications. Abraham X Kendi, director of the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University, is one of the leading bigots in America, in my view, an early advocate of CRT. Has written to say, Ready? To say that there is widespread racial inequity caused by widespread racism. And by the way, this sounds like Sotomayor’s opinion. She’s all in baby. To say that there’s widespread racial inequity. Caused by widespread racism which makes the US racist. Isn’t an opinion. It isn’t a partisan position. It’s a doctrine. It isn’t a left wing construct. anti-White is an anti-American. It’s fact. In fact, CRT scholars and activists dismiss all social efforts, economic programs, laws, court rulings, even the Civil War and the presidency of Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S Grant, as well as Martin Luther King’s courageous activism and speeches as little more than transparent and self-serving attempts by the white dominated society. Those who go along. And help perpetuate white privilege, knowingly or otherwise. To paste over the captured me the incurably flawed American founding. Yes, civil rights Marxists, again, as I call them, also reject both the idea and pursuit of a colorblind society. This gets to the nub of the matter. They’re the modern day segregationists. They are the modern day racists. Lest we forget. Peters Myers. Visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation reminds us. And for Frederick Douglass. And these phony civil rights leaders today hold a candle to Frederick Douglass Douglass, the 19th century’s greatest abolitionist and civil rights advocate. He said. An abiding faith in reason and truth and justice sustained an expectation that the color line will cease to have any civil, political and moral significance in America. The most famous dissenting opinion in U.S. Supreme Court history. By the way, this is Douglas. Justice John Marshall Harlan provided a more focused expression of that sentiment. Explaining his vote on Plessy versus Ferguson to invalidate a law mandating racial segregation on train cars. He said Our Constitution’s colorblind. Excuse me. Law regards man as man takes no account of his color when his civil rights is guaranteed by the supreme law of the land are involved. In his brief for the plaintiffs in landmark Brown versus Board of Education, Thurgood Marshall argued distinctions based upon race or color alone are the epitome of the arbitrariness and capriciousness. Constitutionally impermissible under our system of government. He said. Three score in seven years after Plessey came to the most resounding statement of all. When the reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Stood under the shadow of Abraham Lincoln and immortalized the moral vision of the civil rights movement by declaring I have a dream that my four little children one day live in a nation where they will be judged by the color of their not be judged excuse me, where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. The Democrat Party believes in none of this. Today, civil rights Marxism, again, as I call it, preaches and demands the opposite. For example, Kendi has declared the only remedy to racist discrimination is anti-racist discrimination. They’re going after Asians. Did Asians own slaves in America in the 1840s and fifties? I don’t believe so. How ridiculous. The only remedy to present discrimination, he says, is future discrimination. These are the Marxists. That’s the demand for equity. The movement has come up with a new term for condemning colorblindness. You want to hear this one? Colorblind racism. Did you know? That’s a new phrase. Now, when you get the Democrat Party hates America, you can learn a lot of things. In fact, a column by Danny Bostick, an educator, contributor to the Huffington Post, further illustrates the point, she asserts. Colorblindness foist whiteness on everyone. It is another way of saying I view everyone as if they were white. Your default color for sameness is white. She says colorblindness strips nonwhite people of the uniqueness. Your default culture for sameness as white culture. When you encourage your child to be colorblind, do you? Everyone is the same. You’re projecting white on people who aren’t white, negating their experiences, traditions and uniqueness. Again, this could sound like Sotomayor’s outrageously pathetic opinion. Color blindness suppresses critically important narratives of oppression, she says. Once you view everyone through a colorblind white lens, you deny the reality that nonwhite people face. She says in the great Huffington Post. Dana Bash. Stick Colorblindness assumes everyone has the same experience here in America. When you fail to see color, you fail to recognize injustice and oppression. She said. Colorblindness promotes the idea that non-white races are inferior. When you teach your child to be colorblind. You’re essentially telling them if someone is in white, pretend they look like you so you can be friends. Stripping people of a fundamental aspect of their identity by claiming not to see color is dehumanizing. Get it? We’ve gone from. Don’t. Make decisions. Don’t embrace stereotypes based on the color of somebody’s skin. Treat them like an individual human being to do. I’ve got more. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
So this writer at the Huffington Post gets to the nub of the matter. Just like the George Party of the George Wallace Democrats you hear are speaking, Meyers says If racism is conceived in practical terms, ready as maldistribution of socioeconomic goods and ills, then its remedy must be conceived in terms of redistribution, not only of opportunities, but also of outcomes. So that’s why I call this civil rights Marxism. The proper function of preferential race classifications would then be to effect the desired redistributions. The minimum condition of a just society in this view is that no historically disfavored racial group would suffer any aggregate disadvantage in the incidences of the main goods and ills whereby we measure socio economic well-being. The ultimate expectation is that those goods and ills would be distributed among racial groups in rough proportion to their percentages of societal population. Thus, I write racism, equity, Marxism, civil rights, Marxism. That’s Sotomayor’s opinion today. That’s the Congressional Black Caucus. That’s Joe Biden. That’s all the other morons. More when I return.

Segment 3
Clarence Thomas raises some good points that actually in the Democrat Party hates America as well and that is. I’ll put it my way differently. The Democrat Party only succeeds when we focus on the racial aspects of these things. So everything becomes racist. The racist economic system, the racist civil rights, and on and on and on. What they don’t discuss and won’t discuss. And I do discuss. And the Democrat Party hates America is the socio economic problems. The breakup of the family. The three to get good jobs that three to get a decent education. And so you have the breakdown of the family, which is exactly what Marx preached in one of his ten covenants. And what they push every day. That’s why they don’t want parents to know what they’re doing to their little kids in public schools. I mean, it gets mad as sick as it can be. So there’s a lot of rebar. Some people do succeed and don’t succeed. That have absolutely nothing to do with race zero. But for many people, this gives them an excuse. And that’s what critical race theory is all about. The excuse is America. Period. The founding of America. The white people in America. The minorities in America who support the white people in America. You know, that kind of crap. It just goes on and on and on. Now, I will say this. Joe Biden has been a law student. He never gave up his seat for a black person. He’s been a senator. He never gave up his seat, period. But he never stepped aside and said, you know, we have a significant number of blacks in the Delaware, so I’m going to give up. I never did that. Then give anyone a chance. Became vice president. I didn’t say to Obama, you know, really be historic with the first black president, maybe the first black mayor. He didn’t do that. And it cost the course he fought. Like how Kamala Harris and others. To prevent bacon so were from getting on the court. So Joe Biden has lifted a finger personally, personally, for black people. Matter of fact, when he was a senator, as you know from this program, he lifted more than one finger against black people. Much like FDR. Oh, what did he say? That’s right. You’ll learn that, too. Now. The Democrat Party wants everything to be about race because they are trying to fire up. Their base just as they try to fire up their white base 150 years ago. It’s an evil party. Here’s Biden at the White House today. Cut one, Mr. Producer. Go to the sound stage. And today’s decision, quote, wrong. He didn’t read it. He didn’t read it. You read any of it? Start at the top. Ms.. Reduce to cut one. Go to dissent states. And today’s decision, quote, rolls back decades of precedent and momentous progress, end of quote. Unless you’re Asian. Unless you’re Asian, you’re treated by the Democrat Party and they’re sent offense as blacks, where 120 years ago as Jews were 50, 70 years ago. So. Which is the party, which is the ideology that seeks to discriminate. Every single time. They just pick different groups they discriminate for and against. Over the course of its history, the Democrat Party. Go ahead with that statement from the defense. From from the dissent. The court has effectively ended affirmative action in college admissions. And that’s good, isn’t it? When was it going to end? Ever. Was it ever going down? In fact, I would even go further. I told you before and again in the book, Woodrow Wilson. When they decided to and they expanded the federal bureaucracy. He put in a new requirement. Photographs. Because he wanted to know if there were black applicants and to prevent them. From serving the federal bureaucracy. He did. Woodrow Wilson, when he was president of Princeton, was very proud of himself. He said. Not one black got accepted into Princeton when I was the president of Princeton University. Not one that’s in the book. That’s the Democrat Party. Today it’s Asians. Agent. That’s your qualified. I’m sorry. Eurasian. And they go through all these jokes about how they make distinctions and so forth and so on. We need more diversity. So does the virtually lily white educational bureaucrats from elementary schools all the way up to Harvard. Go ahead. We will, of course, decision because affirmative action is so misunderstood. I want to be clear and make sure everybody is clear about what the law has been and what it has not been until today. Many people wrongly believe that affirmative action allows unqualified students, unqualified students to be admitted ahead of qualified students. This is not this is not how college admissions work. You are a liar. There’d be no issue if that wasn’t an issue. We’re not talking about taking two candidates who are 100% similar in terms of their academics, and they’re looking at their race. No, that would be bad enough. That would be bad enough. That’s Woodrow Wilson, right? That’s Woodrow Wilson. We don’t want pictures for hiring purposes. We don’t want to know about race for hiring purposes. We don’t know what you do with your genitalia. If you keep it, lose it, use it. We don’t want to know. That should have nothing to do with admissions. Nothing. So if you now support a totally colorblind process. Promoted by Abraham Lincoln. Frederick Douglass. Martin Luther King, then you’re a white supremacist. We talked a little bit about language and brainwashing last night. Again, there’s an entire chapter on this. That’s what this is. So the people on TV, the phony civil rights leaders, the Congressional Black Caucus, all the lily white morons on MSNBC and CNN and elsewhere who are all pushing the same agenda. They represent the George Wallace wing of the Democrat Party. You see, there’s not a lot of difference between the Marxist. And the racist. There’s just not. That’s why in Marxist societies, they they round up wiggers. Christians. Try Marxist societies. They round up minorities. People of faith. Professionals. That’s why they do it in Marxist societies. So the Democrat Party, this is what they think. This is who they are. That’s what they believe. Let’s go to cut to Mr. Producer. Go. We cannot let his decision be the last word on it for them. We cannot let this decision be the last word. While the court can render a decision, it cannot change what America stands for. America is an idea, an idea unique in the world, an idea of hope, an opportunity of possibilities, of giving everyone a fair shot, of leaving no one behind. We’ve never fully lived. This is typical propaganda of an autocrat. They take their own racism and bigotry. Their own tyranny and totalitarianism. And they wrap it in words of freedom. And we the people, the inequality. And Biden’s been doing this a very, very long time. And then if you raise objections to it or if you were one of the six justices who wrote what you wrote or supported what the others wrote. There’s something wrong with you. But the Democrat Party tonight is arguing what Biden is saying. But the media outlets are arguing for. Is that the Supreme Court rule that, yes, Harvard, you are free. To apply racist stereotypes to Asian Americans and exclude them from your school. Almost sounds like FDR with the Japanese-Americans. Woodrow Wilson were black. That’s what the three justices in effect. Who opposed the majority decision said. It’s even worse already as a matter of constitutional law under the 14th Amendment, the Equal Protection Clause. Harvard College. Is free. To prevent Asian-American kids from being accepted into their school based on their race. Three justices effectively said that, oh, I don’t care what they wrote, it’s what they said. It’s what they voted for. And Biden’s always been a bigot and a racist. He’s always been an anti-Semite. Always. He just told colleges and everybody else ignore the Supreme Court decision. This is how lawless this guy, this this putz, this cretin really is. Ignore the Supreme Court as they continue to destroy one institution after another. That by the Department of Justice, the Supreme Court doesn’t matter. Why were the insurrectionists? Trump is the danger to democracy. DeSantis is running a full throated fascist campaign. This is what they say about us and the people that we endorse. But not Joe. Go ahead. We’ve never walked away from it either. We will not walk away from it now. What are you talking about, you idiot? First of all, you don’t walk, you shuffle. But a walk away from what? All right. All right. Time to take to the streets and support. Racial discrimination against Asian Americans. America. Let’s take up the side of Harvard. And at university in North Carolina. Let’s take the side of the pick in Senate races. Let’s join the George Wallace Democrat Party. Let’s resegregate our society. Let’s use discrimination against groups that we don’t like or that don’t look like us. That’s progress. That’s equity. That’s bull crap. And that’s your Democrat Party. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
Do not. Do not allow this evil Democrat Party, their corrupt media and these civil rights Marxists to take control of the language, to take control of the issue. They are the racists. They are the biggest bigots. They are the haters. We stand here in defense. Of Asian Americans and all Americans. Against the Democrat Party system that they’ve put in place. To punish people based on their race and skin color. They’ve been doing it too damn long. They caused a damn civil war in this country. An entire civil rights movement had to rise up against the Democrat Party. And now they pretend. That they’re protecting minorities and they appointed a marxist law professors as guests all over to me telling you the same thing. All that majority on the court, you know. I know what? And they all fall in line, don’t they? Here’s Biden, MSNBC today. Oh, hold on. He goes to MSNBC today. One of his safe places go. Senate colleagues on the Judiciary Committee would go as far as to say that it’s antidemocratic. Do you agree with that? Why would you ask such a stupid ass question, Nicolle Wallace? Because you are one. Such a lightweight. You are so divisive for this country. You are the worst of the worst, in my view. Talk about chameleons. You’re just like Biden. Go from John McCain to this. Go ahead. You know, if I say Senate Democratic strategist all out of trouble know, but it is is its value system is different then and it’s respect for institutions is different. And in that sense, it is It is not I. That’s enough, ladies and gentlemen. I don’t need this guy’s head five level dimension. And I say that not as a he joke. I also put this in the book. Look it up, he said. Five level dementia. Dementia. And that’s what all this is about is affectations are not affectations. There are consequences. But he says the value system. I don’t need lectures from Joe Biden on values. He’d need lectures from us. We don’t need lectures from the Democrat Party on values. Or race. We don’t need lectures from the Democrat Party on equality. Because they oppose it all, and they always have. This is the party that’s destroying America. Because they hate America. America that allows Asian kids based on merit. To go to Harvard College. That’s America. Not what the Democrat Party is peddling. Not what their propaganda said demagogues in the media are peddling. That’s not what they’re. Now what their president is pedaling. And then to trash the Supreme Court. I’ve had my differences with this court and these justices, and I’ve made it abundantly clear. But I attack the entire institution. I made some reform ideas. But listen away talks. They have a different value system on the court. How come nobody talks about that inciting violence? How come nobody says that is attacking the independence of the court? How come nobody says that? That’s not the quiet launch of an insurrection or a dog whistle? The violent people. None of it. So if you support race neutral, colorblind society. You don’t share their damn values. You’re right. I don’t. Not for a second. How anyone can even be a part of such a disgusting party. I don’t know. Look, I’ve told you plenty of times you can go to Amazon.com or these other places and order your pre-order, your copy. The Democrat Party hates America. It’s the finest book I’ve ever written. I think it’s the most important book I’ve ever written because we’re up against it. I’ll be right back.