June 28th, 2023

June 28th, 2023

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, there needs to be a special counsel to investigate President Biden, insist that AG Merrick Garland recuse himself, and also appoint a special counsel to investigate Garland. This is a criminal conspiracy at the highest levels of our government, and it must be rooted out, exposed, and the perps punished. Biden is destroying the American energy infrastructure. The left says they want electric vehicles, but most material for the EVs comes from China. Solar panels and EV batteries are mostly made in China as well. Biden is doing a lot of things that benefit China. Why? Later, Hunter Biden is a fraudster and a tax cheat – you couldn’t get away with anything that he did. IRS whistleblowers allegedly confirm that constraints were placed on the federal investigation into Hunter Biden. Also, have you noticed the change in language by the left? Language control is thought control. It’s used by totalitarian regimes all the time and it’s being successfully used by Democrats and the media. The Democrat party represents these movements like climate change or transgenderism and seizes on them to destroy existing society with the language.

Whistleblower No. 2: Hunter Biden Willfully Evaded Millions in Taxes Through Elaborate Scheme

Washington Examiner
The stuff Hunter Biden didn’t get indicted for

Daily Wire
New York Times ‘Buries’ The Lede, Confirms Hunter Biden Probe Whistleblower Claims

PJ Media
McCarthy Sets Date for Possible Impeachment Hearings Against Merrick Garland

Fox News
Hunter demanded $10M from Chinese energy firm because ‘Bidens are the best,’ have ‘connections’

The Great Grift: More than $200 billion in COVID-19 aid may have been stolen, federal watchdog says

Biden Had One Heckuva Exchange With Reporters on the WH Lawn Wednesday

Photo by Chip Somodevilla

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811.  877-381-3811. Holy mackerel. I think they have Merrick Garland. If they get going with this impeachment inquiry. Now, don’t get me wrong, the press will throw everything they can in front of it. All kinds of flak. As well as the other Democrats. But I think we have some courageous individuals and Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan, Jim Comer and others. And I want you to understand, if we did not have the Republican majority in the House, even a small majority, none of this would be happening. And I want to get into that. I want to get into all of it. And we are going to. But I also want to talk to you about something else. And I will continue to keep coming back to this. Excuse me. We’ve talked about all kinds of things this week and last week related to the Democrat Party. But you’ve also noticed we’ve discussed in the past. The change in language. Language. How can you change language? And who’s changing the language. Language control is thought control. Language controllers, thought controllers used by totalitarian regimes all the time. It is used by autocratic parties all the time. It’s being used widely and successfully by the Democrat Party, the media, academia. The teachers unions, in other words, the Democrat Party and all of its appendages. It is a trait. It is a characteristic. Of communism. Of Marxism. Of totalitarianism. We have men and women who have lived through regimes like this, whether it’s Castro. And Cuba. Whether it’s Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez. The old Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Iran, you name it. In several through the Third Reich. Associate Professor Magda Stransky. At McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. You’re a scholar. Give everybody credit. I don’t steal their ideas. This, of course, is from the Democrat Party. Hates America. Entire chapter on language and thought control, she explains in her essay language in totalitarian regimes that totalitarianism promoted. Persuasion by means of altering perceptions of reality. Totalitarianism, promoted persuasion by means of altering people’s perception of reality. She also explains that communist regimes use the means of propaganda and mass deception based on a fiction. In other words, language is weaponized to serve the purposes of a political party, a movement, an ideology, and a regime. And this the Communists are not alone. Strikes connotes that in practice, only a few people can be persuaded that black is white. But many learn to say that they do see things and prescribe colors and to call them by prescribed names, for example. Not long ago, Senator Marco Rubio introduced an amendment to a bill and I quote that would have clarified for the purposes of maternal and infant related program resources that only women can be pregnant. That’s the bill he introduced. Not only women can be pregnant. It was defeated by the Senate Democrats. Or take the word socialist. Stransky explains that while the word socialist became suspect, social from socialist lingers on became a fixed prefix to words such as social justice, social institutions, social policy, social democracy, or solidarity. And as there were any instances of justice or democracy that were happening in a vacuum, while that word social would be plopped right in front of it. Now, obviously, this authoritarian practice now widely exists in the United States as the English language science. Knowledge, experience and specific words are being redefined, banned, replaced and so forth to impose on we the people. The beliefs, values and thought processes of the American Marxists and the Democrat Party. For example, academic freedom debate in the competition of ideas on college campuses, free speech and exchange of information on Internet platforms. Entertainment from comedy and place to television and movies. Biological and scientific knowledge about men. Women. Gender and sex. Public school teachers. Seminars and training. Classroom texts and learning. Bureaucratic edicts and regulations. Corporate environmental. Social and governance. ESG Workplace diversity, Equity and inclusion. DTI, Wokeness generally and more are all used to serve the ideological, political and economic purposes of the Democrat Party and its extremist Marxist base. Philosopher and professor Friedrich Hayek. You may have heard of him, of course. Put it this way. He wrote The most effective way of making everybody serve the single system of ends towards the social plan. Is directed. Is to make everybody believe in those ends. Although the beliefs must be chosen for the people and imposed upon them, they must become their beliefs. A generally accepted creed which makes the individuals as far as possible, acts spontaneously in the way the planner wanted. Richard, you being professor of ethics and free enterprise leadership, the Citadel explained said. It is through our language that we think about ourselves, our relationships to others, and the social order surrounding us. Words do not merely delineate objects. Individuals events are actions. Words also create mental images, emotions, attitudes and beliefs that color how people see themselves and the world around them. And he writes about the totalitarian position of words and ideas that can be seen at work in the language of the progressive and radical left, as he puts it, in America today. This is somewhat interesting to you, Mr. Producer. I’m trying to explain, America, what’s going on around you and why these things are happening. All of a sudden, men aren’t men. Women aren’t men. We can’t define women. You’ve got like 1/10 of 1% or less of the United States that is transgender. But you wouldn’t believe it. With the executive orders, with the lawsuits, with the edicts, school board, educational training and seminars, libraries. The Democrat Party, the Marxists they seek. Out these these extremist views and they seize on them for the purpose of destroying the existing society. If we in America cannot even accept the fact that a man is a man and a woman is a man, if we can’t even accept the fact that parents have a right. A final right, a God given right to determine how their flesh and blood is to be raised. All of which is in challenge now. If we’re going to destroy our economic system and capitalism for so-called climate change, that can’t even be defined. Then we cease to exist. And they do this through thought, control and language. Your kids are receiving it now. And government schools, colleges and universities, you’re receiving it through television. Mikhail Heller, an author and scholar who was raised in the Soviet Union, explains Language is the most important and the most powerful weapon in the hands of a state that has decided to transform human beings. The creation of a new language serves to aims to obtain, as George Orwell put it, an instrument with which to express the philosophy and thoughts that are permitted, and secondly, to make all other sorts of thinking in possible. A new language is consequently at once a means of communication and an instrument of oppression. The word conceals reality, creates an illusion, a surrealist impression, but at the same time it preserves a link with reality and puts it into code. The Soviet Union. Heller recounts. The Soviet language became the most important means of preventing people from acquiring more knowledge than the Communist Party and the state wished. Soviet speech lost its freedom. And I might add, the official dictionaries were changed to reflect the Communist Party and the state meaning of words. We’re doing that in our country right now. This same indoctrination tool is occurring in the United States today, and the Democrat Party is at the foreground of this movement. NPR recently reported. Dictionary.com has updated thousands of entries and added hundreds of words and its largest released a day, a reflection of the ways in which society and language have evolved even in just the past few months. The digital dictionary announced that it updated more than 15,000 entries and added 650 brand new terms. Many of the revisions deal with language related to identity in topics like race and ethnicity, gender and sexuality, health and wellness. The work of a dictionary, they said, is more than just adding new words. It’s an ongoing effort to ensure that how we define words reflects changes in language and life, said John Kelly, senior editor at Dictionary.com. Our review, Our revisions are putting people in all their rich humanity first, and we are extremely proud of that. I’m not going to read the whole book. I’m giving you a taste, a little flavor. One chapter to the next. Each chapter basically could be a book unto itself. There are very long chapters. But these are very, very critical subjects. If this is something that intrigues you or draws your attention. That you think is important to explore further. Hello again. I want to encourage you to order your copy of the Democrat Party Hates America. On Amazon.com or you can get it at Books-a-million or Barnes and Noble sites as well. But I think this is a crucially important book. And I told my. My live in TV producers today. I said, You know what? I think this is the most important book I’ve ever written. Given that the day is today and it’s late. That the clock keeps ticking. And that the Democrat Party hides behind these movements. But it is the Democrat Party. That together. Represents these movements. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2
Here’s one of the points I want to make, and we’re going to move on to Hunter Biden. There’s a lot to cover there. This crooked Biden family, as I point out. And the Democrat Party hates America. Marxists, fascists, autocrats generally explain away the horrendous. And I would ask the Democrat Party explain away the horrendous and even barbaric conditions they create. It’s still appeal or attempt to appeal to the masses, quote unquote, by focusing on the paradise they promised in the future. If only every individual surrenders their free will and part or whole to a small cabal of activists, revolutionaries and ultimately autocratic masterminds. There’s no better subject to emigrate such a ruse in today’s world as climate change, which is central to the Democrat Party’s growing authoritarianism over all aspects of American life. Every weather event or other natural event that causes damage or death is attributed to climate change, which in turn is said to require major changes in the quality of your life. The capitalist system, a reduction in economic growth and prosperity, increased taxation, a reduction in American sovereignty, and a significant expansion of governmental power. Indeed, every household product from gas stoves, light bulbs, dishwashers to air conditioners, washing machines and anything else that uses energy is now subject to government control. And since the time is urgent, requiring an instant and colossal federally directed change to save the future of humanity, there’s virtually no time for reflection, circumspection, or scientific and factual evaluation of past predictions, and their accuracy actually inaccuracy. The reason is that climate change is a politically and economically driven movement within the American Marxist framework that empowers the Democrat Party’s ability to control the behavior of the people. To reach into your home. To reach into your garage. To make decisions about the quality of your life. What you can and cannot have. What you can and cannot develop. What you can and cannot manufacture. It is the greatest ruse. In American history. Because there’s no definition. The ambiguity means there’s no boundaries. And in the name of saving society. From a quote unquote, existential threat. Anything and everything goes. The Democrat Party finally stumbled on an ideology, a nomenclature, a way to expand its power without limitation. And so it is. The Democrat Party hates America. Grab your copy. When we come back, Biden, Biden, ink the Biden crime family, the Biden mob family. There’s a lot more to talk about. We’ll be right back.

Segment 3
Gary SHAPLEY is the IRS whistleblower who you’ve seen all over TV lately, and he was on CBS Evening News yesterday. He was interviewed by a reporter by the name of Jim Axelrod. I don’t know this man. I’ve only seen him once. And that was. When he did this interview and he did a very good job. I gave him a 90% A-minus. But for CBS News, that’s a smiley face with two pluses. But he did do a very good job. And I want you to listen to this just a couple of minutes so you can understand. You know what’s amazing to me? You’ll have more reporting on Donald Trump. I have to spend a lot of time defending it, unraveling what’s taking place, but more reporting and attacking on Donald Trump, who’s not president than Joe Biden, who is president and is crooked as hell. It’s just like when they impeach Trump. The first time they were looking Russia, Russia, Russia, and they concluded, All right, let’s use Ukraine. Get his tax returns? Nothing. Now they link them on documents. Oh, I got the documents. Oh, you should hear the audio and the documents. All of the documents. But here we have a Biden family that has been corrupt for 15 years. That has played fast and loose with the law. Trump is not. These. These allegations are more than allegations. There are real people behind them. Nobody’s concocting. You know, process crimes or anything like that. These are men who are coming forward, putting their necks on the line, some of them using their names, who’ve been in the bureaucracy forever, saying, Holy crap, do you know what they did? Gary SHAPLEY is one of them. He’s a patriot and a brave man. I know nothing of him. But it doesn’t matter. Cut one. Go. If this was any other person, they likely would have already served their sentence. Gary SHAPLEY was a lead IRS supervisory agent in Operation Sportsman. The investigation into Hunter Biden. SHAPLEY said he uncovered conduct that warranted more serious charges. There were personal expenses that were taken as business expenses pressed to right there for a moment, there’s a man serving five months in prison. It was in his upper seventies. Was the chief operating officer for Trump’s companies. He’s doing time in prison for this. And Hunter Biden isn’t even charged. Go ahead. Sex club memberships. Hotel rooms for purported drug dealers. How much Hunter Biden know and taxes. So from 2014 to 2019, it’s $2.2 million. The back taxes were paid off. And last week, the Trump appointed U.S. attorney in Delaware, David Weiss, reached an agreement with Hunter Biden, who paid off the back taxes. We still don’t know that. It’s that important enough. You’re a ton of money on 2.2 million, that you haven’t paid taxes in four or five years. Can you imagine on 2.2 million for doing literally nothing but shaking down foreign governments and foreign corporations, running money through shell corporations, that is shell accounts in order to hide it from we the people. And you don’t even pay your taxes on it. All this talk about from the Democrats and Biden. About the rich not paying tax. This guy is a tax evader. He’s a fraudster. And they don’t even slap them on the hands. You could not possibly get away with that. And when it came to Donald Trump’s staff, whether it was manifest or stone and these other issues, they threw the book at these people. Medford served time in prison in solitary confinement and had a gag rule imposed on him by an Obama corrupt, phony fraud. Low IQ judge. That’s right. I said it. Go ahead. Ban would admit to a firearm charge and plead guilty for his failure to pay taxes. If a judge signs off, the deal means no jail time. Testimony we have just released details. A lack of U.S. attorney independence and sharply told lawmakers that U.S. Attorney Weiss was blocked from bringing stronger charges. But U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said last week that Weiss was not. I’m saying he was given complete authority to make all decisions on his own. I documented exactly what happened. And it doesn’t seem to match what the attorney general or the U.S. attorney are saying today. SHAPLEY provided lawmakers this contemporaneous email he wrote after an October meeting last year. SHAPLEY says Weiss told him the opposite, that Weiss is not the deciding person on whether charges are filed. And by the way, the other problem, there were six witnesses in that meeting. So you have contemporary notes and six witnesses. Go ahead, me. SHAPLEY, who is still working for the IRS, told us that even before President Biden took office, he was directed to avoid leads involving countries farther. There were certain investigative steps that we weren’t allowed to take that could have led us to President Biden. And you wanted to take them? We needed to take them. And you weren’t allowed to take. That’s correct. It is important to point out that at that point in Chapin’s investigation, Donald Trump was still president, and his attorney general, William Barr, had rules in place that may have limited what SHAPLEY could perceive as a bizarre statement from the sky. This is why I said it was 90%. What is he to what rules were they in place by Donald Trump to prevent pursuing somebody for tax evasion? What rules? He doesn’t say because it’s preposterous. And this IRS whistleblower, a supervisory agent, he knows it’s preposterous. They were blocked from taking other steps, including getting a search warrant into apparently a cottage house on Joe Biden’s very modest lunch bucket Joe estate in Wilmington, Delaware. They were blocked. By the assistant United States attorney. They were blocked by the U.S. attorney in Washington, D.C.. Matthew Graves from pursuing other leads. Period. Now, these are the same people, Matthew Graves, his U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, D.C., that are throwing the book at trespassers and parades from January 6th. That started at two grand juries against Donald Trump. So what I’m telling you and what I think the House Republicans have figured out is this is all coming from Merrick Garland. This is all being organized by Merrick Garland and his deputy. Lisa Morano. And I’m sure in coordination with the White House. Now. Well, you will learn again when you read The Democrat Party Hates America is that FDR coordinated with his attorney general, his Treasury secretary, and the IRS to go after his political opponents. At the time it wasn’t known, but it became known long after his death. John Kennedy used the Irish and the FBI to leak information against his political opponents to, among others, Newsweek and The Washington Post at the time was owned by the same corporation. Leaking to, among others, Ben Bradlee, who, of course, will be behind the downfall of Richard Nixon. Lyndon Johnson used the FBI, the IRS and the CIA not only to go after his Republican opponents, but his Democrat opponents and civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King. As the John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. I don’t want to hear this crap that Joe Biden has hands off and he doesn’t know what the hell is going on with Donald Trump, who has the biggest interest in seeing Donald Trump fold. Mr. Producer. Joe Biden. He’s got more invested in this than anybody else. He benefits from this more than anybody else. And. Merrick Garland knows. This is a thoroughly corrupt. Regime. And it is a regime. It is backed by the Pravda media in Washington, D.C.. Which is another disgrace. The same media that backed every Democrat president I just mentioned to you, FDR. Kennedy. Johnson. And, of course, one after Nixon. That’s the same media we’re dealing with today. They didn’t care when Democrats use the instruments of government. Against their opponents. But boy, you would have thought Nixon was the first. Nixon was a lightweight. He was a minor league player. Compared to Roosevelt, Kennedy and Johnson. The minor leaguer. The farm team. Didn’t matter. They talk about Trump not following the Constitution. Trump not abiding by the rule of law. What rule of law did Trump violate or the documents? It’s a very complex area that’s never been used against an ex-president and certainly not a candidate for president. Oh, it’s black and white. No, it’s not. I’m gathering information now. A lot of it that I’m going to use. Next week, not this Sunday, next Sundays. Life, liberty and livin. It just takes time to pull it together. I’m not going to tip you off any further because of the backbenchers who are listening, but it’s going to astound you, absolutely astound you and I think move the ball further in our favour. Go ahead, Mr. Peters. The US Attorney’s office in Delaware had no comment. As for Hunter Biden, his attorneys did not respond to us. But he said before in a statement that he is taking responsibility for mistakes he made during a period of turmoil in his life. For this period of turmoil lasted a long time. His father’s a wrecking ball and he’s a wrecking ball. But that’s no excuse. No excuse whatsoever. Breitbart Whistleblower Number two Hunter Biden willfully evaded millions in taxes through elaborate scheme. Now, what’s this? Christina Wong writes Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty last week to two misdemeanor counts of going to pay taxes on time. But according to the second whistleblower. The second one, whose testimony was also released last week by the House Ways and Means Committee. He also willfully evaded paying millions in taxes in elaborate tax. According corner to the second whistleblower, the lead IRS case agent for the Hunter Biden investigation whose name is redacted. Hunter Biden set up a scheme involving a Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma. He sat on the board of any Chinese business associate to willfully evade paying taxes. Now, what did he do? The whistleblower said Hunter Biden had already owed hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes long before his father became vice president in 2014, when the job when Joe Biden was in his second term as vice president in charge of Ukraine policy. And when Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma put Hunter on its board of directors, Burisma paid him $666,000 to do little or no work. Kerner, the whistleblower Hunter Biden received the money from Burisma, and instead of reporting it as income ready and paying taxes on it, he put that money into a Chinese firm run by one of Hunter Biden’s associates, who then loaned the money to Hunter Biden. So Hunter Biden, the whistleblower testified, sets this out in this email. And what ends up happening is if you are an owner of a company and your friend tells you that I want to pay my wages to your company and you’re going to loan the money back to me, that’s essentially what happened here. He took loans from the corporation, which were distributions, and he didn’t pay taxes on those loans. So he took loans from himself. But laundered it through a phony company so he wouldn’t have to pay income taxes. So essentially for 2014, we had found that Hunter Biden didn’t report any of the money earned from Burisma. So the reason why this is important is because Hunter set it up this way to essentially earn the money through his friends corporation and then have his friend pay him back half of the money as loans, quote unquote, loans. Whistleblower said none of it was taxed. So none of this had been paid or prosecuted. And I would also like to note that the statute has run out on these tax years on the 2014 tax year. So, in other words, this prosecutor is sitting on his fat ass. And now we have a statute of limitations that ran on this particular for a choose me colera on this particular fraudulent activity. What do you think, folks? No big deal. He says you can’t loan yourself your own money. Just doesn’t make any sense. When asked if the transaction seemed to be a sham, whistle blower answered. So yes, I would agree. Transactions. Would you want to. You would want to sham the transactions? Yes. And of course, the hypocrisy is unbelievable. The Democrat Party circle around not a single left wing Democrat on any news show. Has condemned this? None. Not one. Where’s Schumer? Where is he? Where is Adam Schiff? Where any of them. They are nowhere. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
There’s a piece now here in The Washington Examiner by Byron York, chief political correspondent. I remember when Byron York. When I was director of the civil rights part of Landmark Legal Foundation, working out of Washington, D.C. many years ago. Long time ago. I would come to my office from time to time. He was an NBC News producer, but he was also a conservative. I don’t hear from Byron anymore. He’s. It’s a good guy, but he’s with the beautiful people. And, you know, he used to come to my office. Paul GIGOT, the editorial leader over there at the Wall Street Journal. He used to come to my office often. Never hear from him again. He’s definitely with the beautiful people. Oh, my goodness. You know who else used to come to my office? Man who used to be a conservative and supported Clarence Thomas. Then he started Media Matters and these other organizations, and he flipped. He flipped out. So a lot of activity coming and going from my office. Just little old me in a little old office. Washington, DC part of a little old law firm called the Landmark Legal Foundation. But they came in many more. I’ll be right back.