June 27th, 2023

June 27th, 2023

CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE - JUNE 27: Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during the New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women's Lilac Luncheon on June 27, 2023 in Concord, New Hampshire. Republican presidential candidate, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is also holding a campaign event in New Hampshire today. (Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, this latest prosecutorial leak of an audio clip to CNN is further intended to poison a Donald Trump jury pool and deny the former president due process. The corrupt Biden DOJ, Jack Smith’s office, and the usual corrupt media lapdogs have publicly identified, characterized, and even released whatever classified information is known to the public. In this, they’ve committed scores of felonies, interfered in a presidential election, and have pushed the nation to the brink of some kind of civil war, while smearing and denouncing Trump and his supporters. Trump hasn’t leaked anything to the public.  The whistleblowers have testified about obstruction, political interference, multiple underlying crimes, etc. They’ve been ignored by the corrupt media, personally attacked by the power-hungry Democrat Party, and punished by the Biden regime. Also, the left-wing media praise John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett for their completely illogical vote with the Supreme Court’s leftists in issuing a ruling, involving North Carolina and state legislatures, where the matter is moot and, even more, reads the plain language of the Constitution out of existence. The left knows this tactic works, and the weakest among the Court’s Republican members are susceptible to the praise.  Notice how the three leftist Democrats on the Court never break when it comes to major decisions important to the Democrats, regardless of the Constitution’s text and the framers’ intent. Afterward, what do Obama, Bush, Clinton, Carter, and Biden have in common? They are all descendants of a slave owner.  Donald Trump is the only living U.S. president whose ancestors didn’t own slaves. Later in the show we were joined by Trent Staggs, who is challenging Senator Mitt Romney in Utah for his seat.

Right Scoop
Mark Levin takes on Biden’s corrupt DOJ

Jewish News Syndicate
The scorched earth prosecutors

Supreme Court 
Moore V Harper

NBC News
Supreme Court rules against giving state legislatures unchecked control over federal elections

Washington Examiner
Group targeting conservative Supreme Court justices propped up by left-wing megadonors

Business Insider
Donald Trump is the only living US president whose ancestors didn’t own slaves, report says

Photo by Scott Eisen

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1
Hello, America. Mark Levin. Here are our number 87738138118773813811. Did you listen? To the 2 minutes of the audiotape that was leaked by the Biden regime to CNN America. Did you listen to it? Oh, yeah, It’s all over the media, you know. Trial over the media. In the legal analysts and the hosts and the rest. They want to know how does Trump get out of this? How does Trump get out of this? Where are the 17 audiotapes involving the Bidens in the bribery for $10 million from the communist Chinese whose president the day Joe Biden? He’s the one that has power today. He’s the one destroying the country. Does anybody care about those two? Where are they? How come CNN never gets a copy of that stuff? But notice the media could give a damn about civil liberties due process. Poisoned juries. Misconduct by the Department of Justice, by the rogue federal prosecutor. Notice they don’t give a damn. About individual rights in the Bill of Rights. Civil liberties apply to everybody. And so this morning I got up early and I posted the following, which has made the rounds. While beating their chests about the horrors of Trump holding classified information. The fact is that the corrupt Biden, DOJ sleazy Jack Smith’s office, the usual corrupt media lapdogs have publicly identified, characterized and even released whatever classified information is known to the public. Everything we’ve learned about this is from the leaks America, not from Trump. From the leaks by the government, from the filings by the government. So here we have another leak. In this. They’ve committed scores of felonies. Interfered in a presidential election. And it pushed the nation to the brink of some kind of civil war while smearing and denouncing Trump and his supporters. Trump hasn’t leaked anything to the public. They have. After 50 years in Washington, Biden owns the federal bureaucracy. The thoroughly corrupt Biden family and Biden regime used the power of federal law enforcement against their political opponents, the so-called MAGA extremists, pro-lifers, parents, all white supremacist China, whatever that means. While the same investigators and prosecutors pull all punches, lie, censor, cover up, dismiss, play down all the publicly known evidence. Thank you and RS Whistleblowers, Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan and James Comey. Of millions and millions of dollars in foreign payoffs, bribes, influence peddling, money laundering and other sleazy Biden financial schemes, especially involving selling out to our biggest threat Communist China with a manchurian President. The whistle blowers have testified about obstruction, political interference, multiple underlying crimes. They’ve been ignored by the corrupt media, personally attacked by the power hungry Democrat Party and punished. By the Biden regime. Attorney General Garland corrupt to the core, like most mob lawyers, has been caught perjuring himself before Congress and obstructing justice by claiming to not have interfered in the Hunter Biden investigation. When IRS whistleblowers say the prosecutor told them that’s David Weiss, that he did. Even though why says trying to reverse course. The problem is they have numerous witnesses and contemporaneous notes to back them up. Garland has approved every sleazy investigative and prosecutorial tactic against Trump and MAGA Republicans while trying to create a public image of the earnest judge. He’s a dangerous man with Stalinist characteristics. Garland has stonewalled, appointing a special counsel to investigate his boss, Joe Biden, because he wants to smother with a political pillow. Biden’s multiple criminal activities that even involve our national security. He’s the man in charge of the Biden cover up and the Trump imprisonment effort. Garland appointed, it unleashed the disgraced Jack Smith, known for Gestapo like tactics to pursue Biden’s political targets, especially so-called MAGA Republicans and his biggest threat in nemesis Donald Trump. Smith was publicly admonished in an eight zero Supreme Court decision 8 to 0 for his abuse of power in a phony public corruption case brought against a former Republican governor. Garland saw that as a compelling credential, and of all the lawyers he could have chosen, he picked this one. Because he knew. He will do the work of the mob. Garland, BYLINE Biden His operatives, the hopelessly corrupt media, the Democrat Party, are destroying our country right before our eyes. This latest prosecutorial leak of an audio clip to CNN is further intended to poison a jury pool and deny the former president due process as he was denied attorney client privilege and the usual administrative processes afforded former presidents when leaving office. To be clear. We know nothing about the context of the audio. Nothing. We are fed exactly 2 minutes via CNN, a favorite state run media outlet. We know no more or no less than they tell us to know. And the multiple felonies committed by this regime in leaking the tape will be completely ignored. Felonies committed in pursuit of Trump are no longer felonies. The justice system is dead. Democrat Party owns the federal government. That’s what I posted. Have you heard a single broadcast network any. Raise these concerns. Not one, a single host, not one a single legal analyst, not one. The government commits felony after felony after felony leak after leak after leak after leak about classified material. They violate the Espionage Act when it doesn’t matter. To no consequence. And see this piece. About Netanyahu. It’s funny. In a sick way. Now the Marxist left is the same, whether it’s in America, Israel, or anywhere else. By the great Caroline Glick. On jeans. Excuse me? Jeans. On Thursday night with sunken faces. Channel 13 legal correspondents delivered the news that judges presiding over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trial for bribery and breach of trust and told the prosecutors and defense attorney last week that the prosecutors have not proven their charge of bribery and are unlikely to succeed in doing so, since all their major witnesses have already testified. The implications are earth shattering for the past seven years to forces the state prosecution in the media. Get my drift? The state prosecution in the media and pushed Israel to the brink of civil war in their effort to criminalize Netanyahu and demonize his supporters. It’s the same Marxist tactic. Their goal was never hidden. They seek to oust Netanyahu from public life and disenfranchises voters by disqualifying and demonizing their elected leader. When I read this later today, I said, Is this not as close to what I posted as possible? I’m not making out. I’m saying here, look at the overlap here. Beginning in 2016, cause she’s right on through criminal leaks to reporters from every major newspaper, radio station and television channel. State prosecutors, police investigators, journalists and editors invented and shaped a narrative criminality surrounding Netanyahu and sold it to the public on a daily basis. Netanyahu, they said, undermined Israel’s economy, national security, moral fiber to satisfy his decadent tastes, enriched his cronies, and further his obsessive compulsive quest for positive media coverage from the same media that ate them. Let’s unqualified commitment to Netanyahu’s downfall. The media justified every means the prosecution employed against him. Shame on America’s media. Again participating. In these diabolical storm like practices where you are fed audio fed information by the damn government. They’re trying to take out Trump. Same damn thing in Israel. The reporters and editors who proudly proclaim themselves champions of civil rights and the rule of law look the other way. Are justified, repeated crimes committed by prosecutors and police investigators in order to get Netanyahu. And she goes on in a fantastic piece. In fact, I can’t cut it there. It’s too important. Consider just a few of those crimes which, while exposed and full on the witness stand, were widely known in real time. Rather than report them critically or even dispassionately, the media justified or ignored them and attacked as unprofessional, corrupt the few writers and reporters willing to expose them. To compel Netanyahu’s closest associates to incriminate him. The prosecution and police extorted, tortured and humiliated two of Netanyahu’s chiefs of staff, David Sharon and Ari Harow. Former director general of the Ministry of Communication, Shlomo Silber, and Netanyahu’s former spokesman. Near events were subjected to physical and psychological torture and extortion at the hands of police investigators, closely guarded by prosecutors. They were locked up and denied food and medical treatment. The police ruined his ex and Harrow’s marriages. Police carted Sharon’s elderly mother into an investigation cell in front of him to try and break him. These men who committed no crimes were subjected to prolonged incarceration and denied sleep events, was jailed and a flea ridden cell and denied minimal medical care. All the witnesses were subjected to prolong public humiliation. The police opened a scurrilous criminal probe against Harow and staged a dramatic arrest, taking him into custody as he landed at the airport as if he were a drug kingpin. Married Peter Navarro, Mr. and Mrs. America. Remember that? When they arrested the man in an airport. He opened up another open ended scurrilous investigation against FELBER son heroin. Sharon’s bank accounts were frozen. Their wives found themselves unable to even buy food at the supermarket. All to take down Netanyahu. Just like in America, whatever they can do to take down Trump. And the media are in on all of it. Multiple other prosecution witnesses were subjected to similar treatment in the state prosecutions campaign. They use the criminal probe to intimidate and terrorize Netanyahu and coerce him into stepping down. Sound familiar, America? The demonizing, criminalize the sitting prime minister and his associates. Prosecutors and police investigators engaged in widespread criminal use of cyber warfare tools developed to fight Israel’s enemies. Netanyahu’s closest aides and apparently his children and wife were subjected to. Illegal monitoring of their electronic communications. Wow. Least we can do a legal search warrant, right? And send a SWAT team to the former president’s home. One of the breach of trust charges against Netanyahu allegedly originated in the police’s illegal use of such spyware tool against Ari Harow. Again, most of the details of this prosecutorial misconduct and apparent outright criminality on the part of investigators and prosecutors was known sometimes as it was happening. The vast majority of reporters, senators in every medium supported these actions, just like they support the leak of that audio yesterday that they’re slobbering all over fools at Mediaite, who’s all over Our Web page is everywhere. They don’t look as if this is totalitarian activity. It’s perfectly fine by them. Well, one day that pendulum will swing. You mark my words. And I will continue when I return.

Segment 2
Stick with me, folks. It’s another important show where I try and pull all these things together. The Constitution of the United States. The Marxist left. They would be the Democrats and their media. They love to wave it around when they can use it to help them to go after their enemies. On the other hand, they condemned the Constitution in every other way as being a document of white slave owners and so forth. So those are their pathologies and those are their mental issues. The problem is common sense logic don’t matter. There was a ruling today or an opinion issued today and Moore versus Harper. That’s one of the most disgusting opinions I’ve read yet. A 6 to 3 majority. That means three of the Republicans, one with the three radical Democrats. It’s an opinion written by John Roberts, the chief justice, who has made it abundantly clear now that he is a worthless fraud and phony. He has surrendered all his principles. Kavanaugh, who I warned you, was no conservative, is proving it every day. And Barrett, obviously is under the spell of Roberts, and she’s become a complete disaster. More when I return.

Segment 3
Little tidbits here and there from my new book. The Democrat Party hates the Constitution because it’s irrelevant through and through. So before we get into this specific. Truly imbecilic decision involving North Carolina. I want to lay the foundation. Those three justices. Roberts, Kavanagh and Barnett are being praised on MSNBC, slobbering praise and so forth. And this is what the radical left media know to do. John Roberts covets. Positive. Slobbering. Media attention. I believe Barrett has been taken under his wing. And he’s mentoring her. And she desperately seeks they kind of attention, too, as does Kevin after what they did to him. The three stalwarts are Alito, Thomas and Gorsuch. That’s it. There are no others. Now, as you know, the Democrat Party hates the Constitution as they hate America. As they hate you. They hate the founding. They hate the framers. An entire chapter on the Constitution called War on the Constitution. It’s chapter seven. I looked with notes and all this book is actually over 350 pages. But don’t let that scare you. It’s. I’m very excited about this book. I have to tell you, pre-orders on Amazon are significantly behind the pre-orders for American Marxism, which does concern me. I’m wondering why. But this is a crucially important message for you. This book is written for you. And I start this chapter. The U.S. Constitution is the most remarkable governing document ever written. It creates a functioning federal government, but protects both state and individual liberties at the same time, uniquely divides the federal government into three co-equal branches with their own responsibilities and whose members are chosen in fundamentally different ways. It’s further designed to protect the people from at least two forms of tyranny mob ocracy and dictatorship. The Constitution is a document that takes into consideration and takes into consideration the extraordinarily diverse nature of America from its more densely populated areas to its rural communities, permits more commercial centres to farming areas from its fisheries to its mining towns, from people of deep faith to people of no faith from the highly educated that are barely literate, from the rich to the poor and yes, from white, the black people and every other skin color. But is it self-correcting document allowing for amendments to address imperfections and unforeseen events? Should a significant portion of the body politic and the public demand them? The Constitution is a truly incredible manifestation of thousands of years of human experience and progress, yet drafting in a period of less than five months. But if your purpose is to fundamentally transform America, then your purpose must also be to destroy constitutional Republicanism. That’s the Constitution must go either all at once or by parts. And that is exactly what the Democrat Party and its masterminds have in mind. And Biden and his party are endlessly, relentlessly looking for ways to bypass the Constitution’s obstacles to centralize power. And in the past, the Democrat Party and its academicians insisted that the Constitution actually embodied their ideological agenda and compel the outcomes they demanded. They celebrated the judiciary’s abuse of judicial review and promotion of activism. Today, they make open their disdain for the Constitution and no longer seek to disguise their true intentions. For example, radical leftist Ruth Coker Coker, professor at Moritz College of Law. The Ohio State University is illustrative of this modern assault on the Constitution itself. Key to this attack is to try to link the Constitution to slavery, she writes in the opening salvo of her essay titled The White Supremacist Constitution. Quote, The United States Constitution is a document that during every era has helped further white supremacy. White supremacy constitutes a political, economic, cultural system, which whites overwhelmingly control power and material resources. Conscious and unconscious ideas of white superiority and entitlement are widespread in relations of white dominance and non-white subordination are daily re-enacted across a broad array of institutions and social setting. And by the way, this is going on in law schools across America. This lady’s and lily white as they come. Rather than understand the Constitution as a force for progressive structural change, we should understand it as a barrier to change. From its inception, the Constitution enshrines slavery and the degradation of black people by considering them to be property rather than equal members of the community. The Civil War amendments did not truly abolish slavery and only prohibited a limited band of state action. Radical reconstruction was short lived as white supremacy quickly eviscerated any political gains that black voters had achieved. The Supreme Court, as interpreted the Civil War amendments consistently with their white supremacist roots, rather than serve as an effective instrument to help eradicate the badges, incidents and vestiges of slavery. Constitution has become a tool to both ban voluntary race, affirmative measures, the federal, state and local governmental levels, and also to preclude Congress from enacting strong abolitionist measures. The court has enshrined the views of Andrew Johnson, a fierce proponent of white supremacy, into which struck. Now there’s a guy by the name of Eli Mystal or Elie Mystal, I should say, who is a contributor to MSNBC, is on there all the time. In my view, is an absolute bigot. And you wrote a book. I had to buy it and I read it. Allow me to retort. A black guy’s Guide to the Constitution. Again. In my opinion, this is who he is. Like Corker, he declares that the United States is and always has been a corrupt society. The Constitution is the last thing, but the demands of immoral white people enshrined in a document and imposed on the nation. During his media tour promoting the book, he declared on ABC’s The View television show, quote, The Constitution is kind of trash. Let’s just talk as adults for a second. He went on. It was written by slavers and colonists and white people who were willing to make deals with slavers and colonists, colonialists, I should say. They didn’t ask anybody who looked like me what they thought about the Constitution. Moreover, this document was written without the consent of black and brown people in this country and without the consent of women in this country. And I say if that is the starting point, the very least we can do is ignore what those slavers and colonists and misogynists thought and interpret the Constitution in a way that makes sense for our modern world. Now, of course, among the improvements to the Constitution, he says, were no states rights when it comes to health care, elections, policing and guns. That’s just better, he says. For Mesto, therefore, interpreting so-called the Constitution is simply a practical and cynical way to destroy it. For he and his fellow ideologues to impose their will. Now, how do we respond to this? That’s why I write books like this. That’s why this book is particularly crucial. Now you’re going to learn a little bit of information you’ve never learned before, certainly not in classrooms or other books. Former law professor Robert Neilsen, who I’ve met and known in the past, is great guy. Now the Independence Institute explains to begin with, the dominant view among the founders was that slavery was absolutely not fine. The prevailing view was that slavery violated natural law and was doomed to extinction. In fact, by 1787, several states had begun the journey toward abolition. Nor did the Constitution create or mandate slavery or racial discrimination. These were creations of state law, and they varied from state to state. The founders were forced to accept that situation to prevent America from fracturing into a multitude of nations constantly at war with each other, as in Europe. Also false is the common claim that slaveholders adopted the constitution of the public that ratified it. Only a small percentage owned slaves, perhaps as many slaveholders opposed the Constitution as favored in any rights in at least five states, the ratifying electorate included free African-Americans. Did you know that? Apparently missile didn’t know it. Now, you know, interesting how many of those who insist that quote in Mrs. May all our history must be taught when promoting the non historical CRT refused to do just that as they relentlessly smear our country. The previously named American Constitution Society, whose president is former Wisconsin Democrat Senator Russ Feingold, who held a conference. Titled Founding Failures Reckoning with our Constitution’s Generational Impacts on Health and Well-Being. You’ll notice this endless attack on the Constitution because Marxism, that’s what they embrace. And I’ve said a thousand times they cannot coexist. Our Constitution’s establishment of a racial caste system, they say. Left a legacy that can be seen generations later and its impact on the health and well-being of communities of color. Exploitative scientific studies and fear, medical care and discriminatory designed infrastructure and environmental policy have wreaked havoc on the bodies of black, indigenous and Latino Americans. And it goes on. As I point out, of course, the party most directly responsible for slavery, segregation and racism and their perpetuation is the Democrat Party, which the American Marxists are deeply sympathetic to and aligned with as members and advocates. Now even more. I am scrolling down. They want to make a point. Let’s see here, folks. Stick with me. As reported by Alex Taub, The New York Times. They relied heavily the modern Marxists on the old time Marxists. Frances Fox parents, among other. But the book gets deeply into the history of the country. And for instance, like Natal, said Professor Nelson. Assistant professor at Hillsdale College. Dr. David as Herod. Makes a good and succinct defense of the framers in the Constitution. Listen to this. He says the argument that the Constitution is racist suffers from one fatal flaw The concept of race does not exist in the Constitution. Nowhere in the Constitution or in the Declaration of Independence, for that matter, are human beings classified according to race, skin color, ethnicity. Nor one should ad sex, religion or any other of the less favored groupings. Our founding principles are colorblind, although our history we’re glad of regrettably has not been. But the Constitution speaks of people, citizens, persons, other persons, a euphemism for slaves and Indians not taxed, in which case it is their tax exempt status, not their skin color that matters. The first references to race and color occur in the 15th Amendment’s guarantee of the right to vote ratified in 1870. He points out further the infamous 3/5 clause, as I’ve pointed out here, which more nonsense has been written than any other clause, does not declare that a black person is worth 60% of a white person. It says that for purposes of determining the number of representatives for each state in the House and direct taxes, the government would count only 3/5 of the slaves and not all of them. As the Southern states wanted to gain more seats. They insisted on it, but it was rejected. The 60,000 or so free blacks in the North and the South were counted on par with whites. The free will. Blacks. The Constitution defers to the states to determine who shall be eligible to vote under Article one, Section two, clause one. And it’s a little known fact of American history that black citizens for voting as perhaps as many as ten states, at least five that we know of. But as many as ten at the time of the founding. The precise number is unclear, but only Georgia, South Carolina and Virginia explicitly restricted suffrage to whites. He says, because the Constitution does not explicitly recognize slavery and does not therefore admit that slaves were property, all the protections it affords to persons could be applied to slaves. Any one of these provisions in the hands of an abolitionist statesman. Any one of them. Would make a difference. And you know who underscored that point, Mr. Producer? In a speech in July 5th, 1852. Frederick Douglass. You’ve been a slave. To escape slavery was really a genius. And he said the most fantastic things about the Constitution that if men would only follow it. That’s in the book, too. But I’m not going to read any more right now. Those of you have pre-ordered. Thank you. Those of you who are thinking about it now, I ask that you go ahead and jump in. The book isn’t going to change between now and when it is released, but I want you to get into the queue to be the first among to receive it. I feel when I write these books that they’re very important for helping to coalesce a movement to save the country. But you’re going to learn information in these books to counter the Marxist left, the counter, the Democrat Party that you never heard before. And let’s do this together. Amazon.com, Books-a-million, Barnes and Noble, they all have sites. See if we can push this book finally to number one on Amazon. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4
I can guarantee you. I guarantee you that if any information was leaked, there was actually fingering Joe Biden or his family. The issue wouldn’t be the information that was leaked, the information. The issue would be who leaked it? What are their motives? Are they going to be tracked down? I’m quite serious about this. You have none of that today except from me and maybe a few others I haven’t heard. No concern about the constitutional violations, whether it’s attorney client privilege, whether it’s endless leaking. Tribe. So much respect for Dershowitz. Yes, he’s a Democrat, but he’s not a Marxist. He’s under terrible assault from his own party and his former friends. But he calls them as he sees them. I call him as I see him, too. And I’m not going to stop. That what was done last evening was deplorable. Absolutely outrageous. Otherwise you cannot have due process in this country when you’re trying to poison a jury pool like this and every media participate in it and every media I’ve watched and heard. Stick with us, America. I’ll be right back.