June 7th, 2023

June 7th, 2023

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - JUNE 7: The tramway to Roosevelt Island crosses the East River as smoke from Canadian wildfires casts a haze over the area on June 7, 2023 in New York City. Air pollution alerts were issued across the United States due to smoke from wildfires that have been burning in Canada for weeks. (Photo by Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Canadian wildfire smoke is spreading across America and the left and the media are blaming climate change. It’s not climate change, it’s the incompetent ruling-class ideologues who don’t know how to manage forests. Also, more leaks are coming out of the DOJ. The story that Mark Meadows was trying to make a deal against Trump is a lie. More leaks say that federal prosecutors informed Donald Trump that he is likely to be indicted in the documents case. This is all being done to re-elect Biden! We’re dealing w a corrupt, politically driven DOJ – how much more evidence do we need? Later, FBI documents allege that a ‘businessperson from Ukraine’ sent a substantial bribe to Vice President Biden. All of this news is stunning and it’s shocking how quiet the media are.  There’s a full-fledged cover-up taking place being led by AG Garland. They are going after Trump, not for some documents case – but because they work in service for the Biden crime family. Finally, Chris Licht is out as CNN CEO. There’s no reason for CNN to exist. Once it gave up on straight news – they went hard left under Jeff Zucker and destroyed the brand.

Canadian Wildfire Smoke Spreads ‘Hazardous’ Air Over U.S. Cities

Just The News
Feds inform Trump he is target likely to be indicted as DOJ rebuffs prosecutorial misconduct claim

The Federalist
Jim Jordan Demands Merrick Garland Forfeit Records Over The FBI’s Mar-A-Lago Raid

The Federalist
Bill Barr Confirms Rep. Jamie Raskin Lied About Biden Family Corruption Investigation

James Comer: FBI Doc Alleges ‘Business Person from Ukraine’ Sent ‘Substantial Bribe’ to VP Biden

Chris Licht Out as CNN CEO as Staffers Rebel against Efforts to Revamp Network’s Image

Daily Wire
Megyn Kelly: How Could Anyone Vote For A ‘Party That’s In Favor Of Letting Minors Chop Off Their’ Body Parts?

Washington Free Beacon
Biden’s Ambassador to Israel Approved Grant Aimed at Delegitimizing Israel, Emails Show

Photo by Eduardo Munoz Alvarez

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

Hello America. Mark Levin here. Our number 877-381-3811. 877-381-3811. Lots going on. Smoke from Canadian wildfires have poured into the US is bright by reports from the East Coast and the Midwest covering the capitals of both nations and an unhealthy haze sending school recess indoors, prompting people to fish out pandemic era face masks. While Canadian officials expanded evacuation orders and asked other countries for help fighting more than 420 fires nationwide. Air quality with what the U.S. rates as hazardous levels of pollution extended into central New York with massive tongues of unhealthy air extending as far as Virginia and Indiana. In Baltimore, where officials warned residents to stay indoors when possible and limit outdoor exertion. Debbie Funk sported a blue surgical mask while there’s Debbie with her mask. And it as wildfire season started early this year accelerated very early, exhausting firefighting resources across the country. Smoke from the blazes in various parts of the country has been lapping into the U.S. since last month, but intensified with a recent spate of fires in Quebec, where more than 100 fires were burning and considered out of control. And it goes on. And the morons are talking about climate change. The fires which started in one case by campers, and most of them by lightning. And the morons are going on about climate change. Always an opportunity. Always an opportunity. No, it’s not climate change. It’s the incompetent ruling class ideologues who don’t know how to manage our forests. They’ve been saying for decades. Nature will take care of nature. Let nature deal with the old growth and the and the dead fallen trees and limbs. Let nature deal with it while nature is dealing with it. What’s the problem? And we have the Interior Department, the EPA, the AG Department, all blocking the clearing of dead trees and. An old growth blocking logging. Which is the smartest way to take care of this sort of thing. When you have dialogues in charge of life and death situations, this is what you get. And you also get brownouts and blackouts. You also get shortages of water. And shortages of electricity. This is what they do. Why? Because they’re idiots. And I notice nobody’s talking about the lack of. Competent forest management or wildlife management. When you go in and you clear this stuff out as best you can. Canada’s a big damn country. Doesn’t have a lot of people either. Doesn’t have a lot of people either. Now we have clocks. On monitors on TV’s screens showing us where they smoke is worse. Earth cams, drones. Climate change. Nothing to do with climate change. It’s called lightning. It’s called idiots. Who throws cigarette butts down, who don’t know how to put out campfires. Idiots. And so we have these disasters. We have these disasters. If you go look at liberty and tyranny over and I’ve read it to you, page after page after page of how the media in America. And the Democrat Party won in the same. Site. Everything in anything is evidence of climate change. Must be. Must be nice. We don’t really need science. You just make accusations and allegation. You just. You just say stuff. People. You must surrender your way of life. We must destroy capitalism. Oh, yes. We must do all these things to prevent climate change. You must give up your cars, your gas stoves, your gas lawnmowers, your washing machines, your dryers, your HVAC system, your window. Air conditioning systems must give up your toasters. Give it all up. Give it up. And give it up fast. Look what’s happening. Look, we’re save no time to think about what they’re saying. No time to think about what they’re saying. Preposterous. And so you have these horrific events, they get worse. Worse. Because the idiot who leads Canada. Is an idiot. The idiot who leads the United States is an idiot. That’s the problem. The most incompetent, idiot, ideologically driven ruling caste class in our history. I mean, we’ve had fires before. Well, we didn’t have technologies that were even capable of coming close. To slowing them or cutting them off or what have you. Just a whole lot of human resources and a lot of buckets. And a lot of buckets. And this happened before. But there are ways to limit the damage. There are ways to limit what takes place, but instead the idiots at the Interior Department, the idiots at the Agriculture Department, the idiots at the EPA, the idiots at the the equivalent agencies and departments in Canada. Let nature do it. Okay. Mother Nature can be a You know what? And she’s doing it. So it’s burn, baby, burn. And the smoke, the pollution. The fog is enormous. As the various airstreams. Bring it towards the East Coast and the Midwest of the United States. The air streams coming out of Canada. No, no, you don’t understand. It’s the automobile. No, it’s not. You understand? It’s it’s American smokestack industries. No, it’s not. It’s none of these things. So there you have it. Climate change. They throw this phrase out and that phrase means everything and anything because it’s been used by the Marxist left to destroy our economic system and to continue to attack prosperity and your way of life, the things that make your life easier in many ways, make it freer, make it tolerable. Cool during the summer, warm during the winter. Mobile so you can get from point A to point B without a whole lot of hassle. They’re all under attack. So you can live in a nice home. Under attack. All of it. Climate change. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

I want to get into what’s happening to Donald Trump here, folks. I also want to make something clear that the that the story on Mark Meadows trying to cut a deal is a flat out lie. It is a flat out lie. So you’re getting a lot of these leaks. Now people are forced to testify under penalty of. Imprisonment and things of that sort. But in terms of him and his lawyers trying to cut a deal with the special counsel, that’s a lie. And that’s been reported. And so the reporting is a lie. And I imagine that came out of the prosecutor’s office and they’re leaking like a sieve. And I think a lot of these leaks are coming right out of the Department of Justice, site of the deputy attorney general’s office. Now we’re going to get into some of this. I mean, after all, been leading the battle against this have been leading the battle against Bill Barr and the. Legal analysts who’ve been encouraging an indictment of Donald Trump over the documents case. It’s a disgusting disgrace. So let’s start our friends at Just the news. Feds informed Trump is a Target likely to be indicted as DOJ Rebuffs prosecutorial misconduct claim. Trump defense has submitted secret evidence alleging a prosecutor tried to sway witness testimony by discussing federal judgeship. Federal prosecutors have notified this had John Solomon himself writing Donald Trump that he is a criminal target and likely to be indicted imminently in a probe into alleged classified documents, even as the Justice Department declined to delay charges to give time to investigate allegations of witness tampering submitted by the former president’s legal team, according to multiple people today who are familiar with the case. Now one of the president’s lawyers. Is it Jim Giusti? Right, Mr. Producer? Jim Trusty Pardon? Jim Trusty I know Jim’s a good guy. He will be on my Sunday show on life, liberty and live in. And I think you’ll want to catch him. The sources directly with the case told just the news that DOJ declined to delay the plane indictment of Trump to investigate allegations that a senior prosecutor working on the case tried to influence a key witness by discussing a federal judgeship with the witnesses lawyer. That allegation is still pending in a secret case before Chief U.S. District Judge James Boasberg, the jurist who oversees the federal court in Washington, and the grand juries that convened in that courthouse, the sources said. Here’s what you also need to know. James Boasberg was appointed by Obama. He’s a radical leftist partisan. You need to know that. And the prior judge. Who was also appointed by Obama, was another radical leftist partisan who didn’t rule once in favor of any of Donald Trump’s lawyers motions. Not one. And on the day she left the court, she retired as the chief judge to be replaced by this guy, Boasberg. She ruled. That attorney client privilege did not apply with respect to one of Donald Trump’s lead counsels in the document case. Based on the so-called crime fraud exception. It was a very controversial ruling. Not to the media, of course. And that lawyer was ordered to testify in front of the grand jury and bring his notes. Beyond that, we don’t know because the order was secret. Think about that. An historic federal indictment crafted by special counsel Jack Smith could be handed up by a federal grand jury against the 45th president as early as this week or perhaps next week. Trump argued. Smith is a partisan. He is, and the federal case against him is being treated differently than one against Joe Biden, who also has found classified documents in his possession from his time as vice president. Of course, federal prosecutors deny politics have been involved in their pursuit of Trump. Now on the delay of the indictment. As I write in another story, Trump’s team said like, DeLay this. You need to look into this. You need to look into this effectively a bribe by a federal prosecutor to a witness. The deputy attorney general of the United States said within a 24 hour decision, No. We’re moving forward. She is a radical hack Democrat who served in the Obama campaign and as a lawyer for the Obama team. So you can see what’s going on here. Obama is everywhere. Smith’s prosecutorial team informed Trump’s legal team in recent days that the charges against the former president could include a violation of U.S. Code. Chapter 37, Section 793 that outlaws the, quote, gathering, transmitting or losing, unquote, of national defense information. Other charges being considered involve alleged false statements and obstruction of justice. These are these process crimes. All claims the president and his team have robustly contested in public and in private. But Bill Barr has given them a lot of cover. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I think this is an easy one. You know. No prior sitting American president has ever been indicted in federal court. And if the grand jury accepts the prosecutor’s case, touched off an unprecedented legal battle certain to work its way to the Supreme Court while lingering over the 2024 election in which Trump handily leads the GOP field by as many as 50 points in some polls. That’s the goal. This is being done to elect Biden. It’s being done to elect Biden. And I don’t care what all the other legal analysts have to say. It is preposterous that this has become the case of the century, an unprecedented case where a former president is going to be likely indicted over documents. And Bill Barr’s defenses while he take them off. You know, you’re screwing around for three months. Oh, that’s a great argument. That’s a great argument for interfering in a presidential election. That’s a great argument for an unprecedented charging of a former president. And what’s the precedent now? What’s the precedent? The precedent is a disaster. Coronado, multiple sources familiar with the ongoing probe, all of whom talked to just the news on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media. Trump’s lawyers have prepared a robust defense based on months of legal research. I’ll continue this when I return. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3

So as I go on in this article, which is important, just the news does a very good job. John Solomon used to be one of the senior reporters at the Associated Press when I first knew him 25, 30 years ago. He’s a real deal journalist and he writes, Trump’s lawyers have prepared a robust defense based on months of legal research. Anticipating Smith may pursue charges, Trump’s lawyers are prepared to argue that a president had broad powers under the Constitution to keep documents or declassify without any fanfare documents from his presidency and take them with him upon leaving office. That’s the thing this prosecutor is really. Are trying to create sort of new law. This is unprecedented. And so when something’s unprecedented, you really shouldn’t unleash it against a former president of the United States. This is what this guy does. This is what he did to the former governor of Virginia. This is what he did to John Edwards in North Carolina. This is what he plans to do to Trump. He’s going to bring untested arguments. Against a former president of the United States, not a former secretary of state or vice president of the United States. As I explained before, a president’s different. He is the executive branch, not the vice president, not the secretary of state. He’s different. And that’s the way it’s intended. He and he alone has the power to declassify if that’s what he wishes to do. So why get into all this if you’re a prosecutor? This is what the legal analysts should be asking and talking about and the former attorney general. Why open this Pandora’s box? Y y create or try to create new law on the back of a former president who’s now the number one candidate. On the Republican side. And done by. The current president and his party. Goes on, they will rely heavily on a U.S. district court case in Washington more than a decade ago involving former President Bill Clinton. That concluded a president had broad and mostly unchallengeable power to determine which documents from his presidency can be kept personally, and that any documents moved to Trump’s home in Mar a Lago, Florida, and Bedminster, New Jersey, fall under that category. And that is a very logical and strong argument. So why bring this case? An American Bar Association report in 2022 seemed to agree with Trump’s assertion that, quote, guidelines support his contention that presidents have broad authority to formally dis classify most documents that are not statutorily protected while they are in office. Prosecutors plan to counter that authority does not extend to documents containing national defense information whose retention and release could jeopardize national security. But that’s not what happened. If. If. They purportedly introduced two grand jury witnesses, a recording Trump’s office made in 2021 during an interview with former chief of Staff Mark Meadows. Biographers in which the former president allegedly talked about a document he described as classified and in his possession, allegedly written by former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley, that outlined a war plan against Iran. While prosecutors have not located an exact document matching Trump’s description. They found one with classified markings written by others laying out an Iranian battle plan that Trump returned to the National Archives more than a year ago. So he returns it to the National Archives more than a year ago. Trump lawyers have developed evidence showing the information from the plan was leaked to a major magazine by a senior military officer and planned to use that as evidence that it no longer could be considered national defense information, according to people familiar with both sides of the case. Now, one of the first disputes likely to be addressed is evidence that Trump defense team submitted to Boasberg. That’s the judge in a secret court proceeding recently and a deputy attorney general. Lisa monaco. This Lisa monaco is the is the main problem. She’s the puppeteer. And Garland is the puppet. She runs the Department of Injustice. She’s a bomb thrower. She’s a radical crackpot. She is an Obama stooge. And they love this stuff. They love it. Burn it down, baby. Burn it down. They don’t have no problem with it. Deputy Attorney General Lisa monaco is office Monday. Alleging a senior federal prosecutor working on the case discussed a federal judgeship with a defense lawyer for a key witness. Monaco’s office informed the Trump team in the last 24 hours it was rejecting a request to delay the indictment so the allegation could be investigated. Why? What’s the hurry? Why? Valera was already in line for consideration by the Biden White House for a judgeship when the prosecutor allegedly raised the nomination while trying to get additional testimony from the lawyer’s client, according to sources familiar with the allegation. In other words, they were saying, you’re in line to be a judge. You know, that can be pulled. That’s the implication. Like the map. And the deputy attorney general representing Biden, of course, says, no, I don’t see any reason to look into that or delay this. No, that’s okay. Discussion raised concerns among defense lawyers that it was an effort to influence the witness. Was declined to change his testimony because he claims to have no other information about the movement of boxes and artifacts in Mar a Lago since he left the White House, the sources said. Got it. See what’s going on? See how corrupt these bastards are. Well, somebody please tell me why Chris Christie is running for president. Notice I keep calling him the kamikaze candidate. Apparently MSNBC or CNN mentioned that today, Mr. Producer. Rush is right about echo chambers, that’s for sure. Tolley is. He’s the Hindenburg in the form of a kamikaze. The New Jersey Hindenburg. And a kamikaze candidate. And by the way, he’s not going to just aim for Trump. He’s going to aim for DeSantis to. He doesn’t care if Joe Biden wins. Doesn’t bother him in the least. He’ll go around saying he, you know, Trump can’t win this. I love it when these guys with 1% keep telling the American people, particularly Republicans and conservatives who can and cannot win. Maybe they’re right or maybe they’re wrong, but who cares? Yes. One idiot’s opinion. Just one idiot’s opinion. As far as I’m concerned. So that’s what’s going on here, folks. Now we have our friend Jim Jordan, who was on the program last night over at The Federalist. Shawn Fleetwood. Jim Jordan demands that Merrick Garland forfeit records over the FBI, his Mar a Lago read. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jordan sent a letter to Attorney General Garland yesterday demanding documentation related to the FBI’s raid of President Trump’s Mar a Lago home. The raid, which took place on August eight, 2022, Unprecedented. Again, get a warrant. An armed FBI SWAT team on the former president’s home. Think about this. Hillary Clinton gets away with it. Bill Clinton. Look at this. The raid took place on August eight, 2022, was reportedly aimed at retrieving, quote, any document Trump oversaw, read or created for the entirety of his four years as commander in chief, unquote. Not too broad. Due to the unprecedented nature of the Biden DOJ conducting a raid on a former president and a potential 2024 rival, House Judiciary Committee, Republicans sent letters to Garland, FBI Director Wray and then White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain, demanding records pertaining to, quote, the execution of a search warrant and the decision to seek a search warrant for Trump’s estate. The affidavit released by the FBI later that month justifying the agency’s warrant application to raid Trump’s Florida residence was nearly all redacted. So here we have once again, the FBI, the Department of Justice, and some hacked judge. Interfering in the way we govern ourselves. Interfering in an election. And they won’t reveal the information to either people, to the electorate, to the citizenry. It’s an inside job. November, the DOJ appointed U.S. Attorney Jack Smith, actually. Garland did as a special counsel to investigate whether Trump violated federal laws related to the handling of presidential records. Unbelievable. And no special counsel. No special counsel investigating Biden. The shell corporations, millions of dollars coming in to the Biden family from communist. I mean, compare the two. Are they even close to being equivalent? The Judiciary Committee previously requested information and documents related to the FBI’s raid on President Trump’s residence and its subsequent investigation. Jordan’s letter to garden reads, Because you have not provided the information. And in light of your appointment of Jack Smith, a special counsel. We write to request an unredacted copy of the memorandum outlining the scope of Mr. Smith’s probes regarding President Trump and any supporting documentation related to his appointment as special counsel. Now, there’s no reason to conceal this information. We want to know. What authority you gave to this guy. In addition to the unredacted memo outlining the scope of Special counsel, Smith’s Investigations Journal is seeking any other document describing, listing or delineating the authority and jurisdiction of the special counsel. Garland’s deadline for forfeiting such records to the committee is June 20, according to the letter. They want to know the scope of this investigation. They shouldn’t have to fight for this information. It should be made public. It should be made available to the committee. It should be made available to the American people. This guy is going to be issuing a report one day. Indictments or no indictments? Should we know up front the scope of his investigation? Why are they hiding that? Jordan’s Tuesday letter that you letter yesterday to DOJ is his second within the past week requesting additional information related to the EPA’s Mar a Lago rate. Look how they’re thumbing their nose at these guys. On Thursday. Last week, Jordan sent a separate member to Garland, expressing concerns about the FBI track record of bias and reckless disregard for the truth. And of course, he laid out what the dorm reported indicated released last month. A bombshell report from the FBI possess no real evidence that then candidate Trump colluded with Russian government officials when it launched its investigation. It’s the same FBI, the same Department of Justice that lied about Russia collusion. They tried to set up Trump before. They’re at it again. They’re at it again. Meanwhile, Republicans recently announced plans to hold contempt hearings for Wray. And in fact, if you go to Mark Levin, social sites, whether it’s Twitter, true social or any of the others. I have a link there, a copy of the draft that Chairman Colmer, the House Oversight Committee has put together, and that will be used and be voted on by the House of Representatives. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4

I wish some of these people who are joining the Republican battle for president would get the hell out and put their egos aside including. Chris Christie, but he’s not alone. There’s other people who who, you know, have no chance in hell. I mean, the problem is the serious candidates. I’m not saying all of them should get out. I’m saying the serious candidates are not going to be heard during the debates. And the guys at the fifth tier are going to become incredibly outrageous and provocative. And personally attack for the purpose of drawing attention. This is exactly what Christie did in New Hampshire last time, where he spent all his money all this time, came in sixth but tried to destroy Marco Rubio so he could step up to tier number two. He never stepped up to tier number two, but he did grave damage to Rubio. Do you even remember what he said to Rubio? I don’t. He has no lane, Christie. And there are others who are some of whom are my friends. They sound great. They’re great people. But nobody’s going to vote for them. I hate to be the messenger, but, you know, every now and then to be slapped into reality. Slapped in the rear. And Chris Christie is he’s a chameleon. He had his head so far up President Trump’s butt, and now he’s an enemy. Now he wants to straighten things up. Really? Quite. Quite stupid. Lots more. I’ll be right back.