June 5th, 2023

June 5th, 2023

ZHUHAI, CHINA - NOVEMBER 08: Four J-20 fighter jets perform during Airshow China 2022 at Zhuhai Air Show Center on November 8, 2022 in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province of China. The 14th Airshow China will be held from Nov. 8 to 13. (Photo by Chen Jimin/China News Service via Getty Images)

Daily Mail

Astonishing moment Chinese warship cuts off US destroyer and misses it by 150 YARDS in Taiwan Strait during US and Canadian drills… as Beijing accuses THEM of ‘deliberately provoking risk’

The Hill

New evidence in Trump case bolsters two sets of charges

Fox News

Tim Scott clashes with ‘The View’ hosts after calling out ‘disgusting message’ about race

Daily Mail

Children’s choir is stopped from singing the National Anthem INSIDE the Capitol after an officer deemed it a ‘demonstration’ – even though the Speaker’s office had approved it

Photo by Chen Jimin

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

Hello America, Mark Levin here. Our number 87738138118773813811. May I ask you a question, America? If prior to our entrance into World War Two. The German or the. Japanese fleet. Started cutting off our destroyers. Would that not be a major concern for the entire country? And if the week before they had sent a fighter jet up to come within, God knows how close to one of our spy planes in international airspace, would that be a concern? And if the. The head of the military in communist China refused to meet with our secretary of defense. Would that be a concern? And I could go on and on and on would be great concern. I don’t know how else to express this, but we have a huge problem in this country. And it’s not just among Democrats. We have some pseudo conservatives who’ve lost their damn minds. They claim to care about America first, but they blame America first. We have every right. Two trains that that area of the world. We’ve been doing it forever. It doesn’t belong to the Communist Chinese. The South China Sea. Almost $7 trillion of economic activity travels through that international waterway. This same communist China. There’s having battles, military skirmishes with India on its border. Threatening Japanese islands. Threatening Philippine islands. Claiming. Waters off of Vietnam. It’s got. Coney Island cited as built militarized throughout this area now. It has anti carrier missile systems built specifically to destroy our aircraft carriers. It is killer satellites way advanced beyond what we have. Since we don’t build those sorts of things. Its hypersonic technology far exceeds ours because we wouldn’t invest in it. It has a deepwater base in the Solomon Islands, which is in the middle of the Pacific, and there’s only one reason to have that to attack us. It has management control over both ends of the Panama Canal, which we built. It’s got up to 27, 27. Facilities, locations for their military in our hemisphere in violation of the Monroe Doctrine. It’s got a port on the western side of Africa which faces. The United States. It is almost 100% control over cobalt in the Congo. Lithium, 80% control. We’re surrendering. So, there are economic activity because our strength is in fossil fuels. They’re building two coal power plants every week. They’re receiving oil from the Iranians. Without stopping them in violation of these sanctions. And they’ve doubled their defense budget. It’s hard to know because they lie. And that’s the line between civilian and defense over there is really quite nebulous. So, I get an email from a friend of mine. Who says, I saw one of your tweets. Well, you said we need to spend more on defense. We could actually cut defense 20% and still be prepared if we prioritize the right things. If they hear from the America first crowd that they don’t believe in America first, they believe in America last. We’re the imperialists. We’re the Colonials. They sound like Marxists. They sound like Marxists. Communist China. Listen. Is preparing for war. As a matter of fact. They are prepared for war. They’re just muscling up further. No debates over there. Imperial colonialists. Let’s cut it 20%. Nothing. Not a word. They’re moving forward. Anyone gets in the way, they crush them. They’re strengthening their grip over there. Domestic society the way the Germans did, the way the Japanese did, the way the Italians did before World War Two. They violated their agreement with Britain. 50 years early. And they destroyed Hong Kong, which was really the freest place on the earth, even freer than the United States. They understand that we have an agreement with Taiwan. The Taiwan Act. When we don’t explicitly say we’ll come to their defense. But that’s the implication and they don’t care. They’ve already said among themselves. It’s been reported. Then America is in decline and they’re in the ascendancy. Whether you believe that or not, and unfortunately, I do. But whether you do or not, that’s their psychology. And when you have a psychology like that, you’re going to pounce. So concerned are they about the United States response that they send? A massive spy balloon over the continental United States. They don’t care what we think about it. Cutting off our destroyers. Threatening our spy plane. Building phony islands, the South China Sea, making demands on the East China Sea as well. They can knock out our electrical grid. It’s not prepared. It’s not defended. They are looking at all options. All up cyber warfare. Space warfare. Missile warfare, hypersonic missiles. They have more ships than we do now, more military ships than we do. A country of 1.4 billion people. We have 320 million. We’re rounding error. And at the same time, our military’s being hollowed out. We’re not meeting our enlistment numbers. Because young men and women. Who have the mindset to fight for this country. They do not want to deal with CRT. They don’t want to be treated. They don’t want to be treated that way. And so the numbers are way down. They saw what happened in Afghanistan when we surrendered. They see that Iran keeps punching us in the nose in the Middle East and they laugh. Biden now is begging the Iranians, begging the Iranians to accept the deal. That the Iranians have no intention of complying with Israel is going to be on its own. And we’re not paying attention to this. So, a story will come across, but it’s not a headliner. It’s not a headliner. That’s. Wow. Did you see what they did to us? Yes. Okay. Let’s go to Jamie Raskin about indicting Trump. We’re not prepared psychologically. Philosophically. Physically, that is, militarily. We are not prepared for this. I expect this from the Democrats, although it’s still sickening. But we have a weak underbelly within the conservative movement and in the Republican Party. Now, that doesn’t mean we support intervention, intervening everywhere. I don’t know how many more times have to say this. I’m talking about communist China now. We now have people saying friends of mine. Or associates, I should say. What does Taiwan have to do about it? All right. So, we don’t help Ukraine when they’re invaded. We don’t help Taiwan when we’re invaded. I tell you; this sounds like the 1930s and for. The hell with everybody. And then suddenly you look around, you go, Oh. Oh, geopolitically, they control this lane, this airspace, this waterway, this continent. They’re building forward bases. They’re putting missiles on those bases. They’re building phony islands. They’re putting missiles and ships on those islands. How is this in our national security interest? Don’t we learn anything? There’s always been this sort of look, forget about the left. We know how rotten and evil the left is. We know they’d sell us out in 2 minutes because they do, and they have. We know they hate America. That they’re destroying us from within. I’m not talking about them. Anybody can talk about them. And how many dare speak about what’s going on in our own community? Increasing our defense budget by 3%. Doesn’t even keep up with inflation. What do you think Reagan would say? Oh, forget about Reagan. Yeah, he only defeated the Soviet Union. What do you think Thatcher would say? Well, forget about Thatcher. Yeah. Okay. It’s incredible who we’re supposed to forget about. And the Democrats remember. Here’s the problem. If we’re attacked and we don’t have a sufficient standing army, there will be a draft. That’s the way it works. And they want to draft girls, too, not just boys. There will be a draft. And if we’re attacked once again, we’ll be on defense like we were in World War Two. Which means we’re going to lose a hell of a lot more people. They would otherwise lose if we were on our toes rather than on our heels. Can our industries. Come to our support the way they did. In a 1940s, he answers. No. The captains of industry aren’t captains of industry anymore. The pushing dye and ESG. Wokeism. They’re a disgusting disgrace. And most of them are unpatriotic. Anything for a buck. That’s the situation. Astonishing moment writes the Daily Mail. Chinese warship cuts off U.S. destroyer and misses it by 150 yards in Taiwan Strait during U.S. and Canadian drills, as Beijing accuses them of deliberately provoking risk in what Beijing said. In essence, what are you doing here? Why are you even coming through here? You’re provoking us. You have no reason to be here. In essence, we own this waterway. You do? Oh, yeah. What are you doing here? This Chinese warship made a course change specifically to cut across our destroyer and our destroyer slowed down. That’s the first battle in World War Three. They just won. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

Just amazes me. The doublespeak also that we get from Kirby at the White House and Austin and the rest. There’s a lot that needs to be done here. The Republicans take over. It just shows you that when we’re increasing 3%. The Pentagon budget 3%. And the EPA budget 19%. 19%. How screwed up our priorities are in this country. And if we conservatives aren’t going to speak out against this. And if we conservatives aren’t going to robustly and vigorously argue against this. Then who will? Taiwan is our business. Naito is our business. God knows how many men we lost in battle in Europe where so many of these wars start. His Give it up. Just give it up to the Chinese and the Russians. Turn our backs on our allies. How stupid, how ridiculous, how moronic.

Segment 3

The new American Revolution starts here. The Mark Levin Show. Call in at 8773813811. Look, here’s the deal. What do we learn with the Soviet Union? And they had satellite nations all over the third World, a very significant military and a much bigger presence in Europe than Russia does today. They had a massive nuclear arsenal. Reagan defeated the Soviet Union economically. How did he do it? Among other things, he built the United States military up. From what Jimmy Carter had left. There was no challenging the United States military. He put new midrange missiles in Europe even though there were protests against it. He shut down the government because the Democrats would not support. A new version of the Trident missiles. And then they had to fund it. He insisted on a 600 ship Navy. Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense. And that’s what they did. He insisted on the Strategic Defense Initiative. It was mocked, called Star Wars. The Israelis call it the Iron Dome. And he pushed ahead with it. It was not going to be deterred. Period. The Soviets couldn’t keep up with them. They couldn’t keep up with us. He also did a myriad of things to damage their economy. Reagan wasn’t interested in continuing the Cold War. Reagan was interested. In a defense posture, mutually assured destruction. Reagan wanted to defeat the Soviet Union. He rejected advice from Kissinger, who had an enormous impact on Republican presidents Nixon, Ford, later the Bushes, but he rejected it. And he poured an enormous amount of money into it. New technologies, cutting edge technologies. The basics. And that’s how we won the Cold War, among other ways. But that was the key way. If we don’t want a military confrontation with China, why aren’t we at least economically? Trying to defeat them. We’re defeating ourselves. We have a 90% increase in Environmental Protection Agency, which does what? It doesn’t protect the environment. It attacks the American. Economic system, capitalism attacked the industrial heartland of the country. That’s what it’s all about. It tries to choke off internally fossil fuels, energy independence. And it’s succeeding. They get effectively a 20% increase. And defense gets three. 3%. And defense disrespect disrespected from the secretary of defense, the Joint Chiefs. They are disrespecting their own men and women. If we’re not going to take on the communist Chinese economically. And we’re not going to prepare for them militarily. We can’t win. And when push comes to shove and decisions have to be made in the Oval Office. And at the Pentagon. And they’re sitting there, and they’re being given their strategic options. We’re not going to have many strategic options. That’s the problem. That’s the problem. If China feared us. If they feared the man in the Oval Office. They wouldn’t do what they’re doing. If they feared the West, they wouldn’t have defeated Hong Kong. They’re saying we’ll do whatever the hell we want to do and you’re not going to stop us. They believe we’re in decline. I believe we’re in decline. Not because of we the people. But we had the worst ruling class in modern American history and the Democrat Party. And their Marxist. Elements and the isolationists. Within the conservative movement. The pseudo conservatives. You dare to mention what’s obvious? All they do is label you stuff. I don’t care. We’re not the ones provoking China. We’re not provoking anybody or minding our own damn business. We have every right to help an ally. That’s the point of having allies. Petr. The Russians were stopped in Ukraine. Then we have a war with Naito. America. You ought to hear the excuses. I hear the idiocy. I hear why they’re not interested in. But he said they are interested in Poland two summers ago. Well, you know. Taiwan. What’s not any of our business. South Korea. That’s none of our business. Now we’re getting down to it. Australia. Japan. They’re all in the same neighborhood, you know. And that’s not our there’s a come on Mike that how wrong with you now nuclear weapons over there. You must be a neo con. How could I be a neocon? Does anybody know what a neocon is? A neocon? These are people who are Democrats. Many of them were scholars. And then they they left the Democrat Party when they saw they were appeasing the communist Soviet Union. And they became Republicans like Jeane Kirkpatrick, oh she’s so terrible. Horrible. No, I don’t think so. She was fantastic, as a matter of fact. Fantastic. It’s amazing how we take one of the most successful presidents in American history. The number three best president in American history. Reagan. We dismiss. That was then and this is now. Is that how you read your Bible? Well, that was then. And this is now. I don’t care what God said back then. I only care what he tells me today. I don’t care what any of the great philosophers said. I don’t care. Why they wrote the Declaration the way they did. I don’t care why they wrote the Constitution the way they did. I don’t care. We sound like the left. We sound like them. I’ve said my piece. It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last time. I want to mention a few other things here right off the bat. I see what’s happening with the so-called special counsel in Washington. I see what’s happening with the Department of Justice. I see what’s happening with the same media that has tried to destroy Donald Trump. Now we’ll try to destroy DeSantis or try and destroy the party. Anybody and everybody gets in the way of the Democrat Party. They gave Pence a clean bill of health. Okay. We’re not going to charge him with anything. Then they’re going to give Biden a clean bill of health. And of course, we already know you have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to hear it, see it and smell it, and that’s that. They’re coming after Trump. They’re being pushed by lousy publications like The Hill, which is a liberal publication on Capitol Hill. Who the hell owns that, anyway? Mr. Burgess? I don’t know either. It’s been bought and paid for and bought and sold. And I don’t know, it’s being pushed on every cable network, including my favorite one by the likes of Bill Barr, among others. I got him dead to rights here. I just felt, you know, he was our own worst enemy and I got him dead to rights. And then you here at CNN, MSNBC, all the former, this in the form of that. Yet this is not big. They’re lobbying. There are lobbying for the indictment of Donald Trump. Let me be a little. Clear is clear as I know how. Any act against Trump over documents. Is an attempt by the Biden administration. To interfere. In the next election. To take out an opponent. That’s what it is. All the leaks, all are looking at wire fraud because he raised money. They’re looking at the Espionage Act. They’re looking at obstruction and conspiracy to obstruct. They’re looking at they’re looking at the Presidential Records Act that doesn’t have a criminal enforcement mechanism. But what the hell? What gave it a shot? Oh, we’re looking at Rico. We’re looking at everything we can. We’re going to pile it on, baby. It’s going to be the ugliest set of charges you’ve ever seen. And that will be interference in an election like we’ve never seen in American history. The Democrat Party. Joe Biden’s administration, his attorney general. The phony special counsel. I can see Garlin up there saying. I. They came to me with this. I really couldn’t say no to a whole setup. He appointed somebody as special counsel who was one of the most reckless rogue. Ignoramuses to fill a slot like that. Nobody is above the law. That’s a lie. Pelosi’s are above the law. All the insider trading. I believe they did. The Bidens are above the law. No question about that. I’m me. This. Nobody’s above the law crap. Hillary Clinton is above the law. This is a frontal attack on our system. They can talk about insurrection all they want. This is an insurrection. And the use. The criminal system. By Democrats up and down the line, up and down the chain. Is what’s taking place. They have tried everything else. I don’t care what you think of Trump, whether you love him or hate him, it is not the point. The point is. This is what totalitarians do. With a war taking place within the country and a grave threat of war from outside the country. To unleash grand juries in Democrat cities, to unleash Democrat prosecutors and special counsel. Call them a kumquat. I don’t care what you call them. Against one man. And only one man. To try and yet again interfere in the fourth straight election. It’s appalling. You know, I’m. We go through the motions here. We go through the motions now with these elections. The media participate in interference. The FBI is involved in it. Department of Justice, our intelligence agencies, the Democrat Party, we go through the motions. Of having free and fair election. You know, I was brought up in 7000 legal cases. Not a single judge at the federal level. Would take up one case. And get into it in any significant way. And now we’re told the judiciary is looked at it all. No, they haven’t. They haven’t looked at anything. Well, I wasn’t enough there. Look. When you make fraud lawful. Whether it’s voter harvesting, whether it’s mailing out ballots. And then you tell me or you tell the whole like catch us if he can catch us, if he can claim any authority, they catch anybody. I have subpoena power. I can’t. What am I supposed to do? Why don’t you keep your mouth shut? That’s the deal. They cover. Why would you think these people comply with any kind of ethical standard? When you see what they did with Russia collusion. You have the. Dawn report. The lies to the FISA court. The lies about Russia collusion. The phony impeachments. The doctoring of evidence, the lies and leaking of information at the highest levels to the media, the media handing out Pulitzer Prizes to themselves. And then they took this the cleanest election in history, the least number. Of anti-fraud policies in place. And it’s the cleanest election ever. No, it’s not. I’ll be right back

Segment 4

Mondays in particular. I want to tell you what James Colmer has learned and what they’re going to do and how much time do I have, Rich? Yeah. Not enough time. So, we’re going to do this in the top in the next hour. Komori gives us some information about what was in that document, and he’s going to plow ahead with contempt. Because the way in which the FBI is still conducting itself, the FBI has exercised a lot of power over this country over the last ten years or so. It has tried to take out a presidential candidate, Trump It has tried to take out a President Trump. It interfered with the 2020 election. When it was working with Twitter, which was in the hands of a bunch of leftist Democrats. And it’s interfering with this election. This constant pursuit. Of Trump. And again, whether you like Trump or not, is really not the point, is it? This is power the FBI should not have. If any other country. We’re conducting itself this way. We’d be appalled. Would we? Russia. Communist China. The old Stasi in eastern East Germany. Same thing. Lots more when I return.