May 10th, 2023

May 10th, 2023

UNITED STATES - MAY 10: Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, conducts a news conference on the investigation into the Biden family's "influence peddling to enrich themselves," in the Capitol Visitor Center on Wednesday, May 10, 2023. (Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the FBI, DOJ, and the Biden White House are in full cover-up mode. Congress has discovered a complex web to cover up the receipt of millions of dollars, especially from foreign countries like Communist China to Joe Biden and his family. The FBI has refused to give Congress an informant report connecting President Biden to crooked payment, because their loyalty is to Biden and his crime family. The media has barely reported this story because they are the true mouthpiece of the Democrat party and the American Pravda. There is more evidence of illegal payments to the Biden family than there is evidence of sexual battery against Donald Trump, and they have turned special counsels and prosecutors against Trump because they know Biden is in trouble. The New York Post has done more to dig into the corruption of the Biden crime family than the FBI and DOJ. Also, Democrats want the border open to replace American workers, and ultimately turn Texas into a blue state so Republicans have no path to the presidency. The point of immigration is to improve society for the citizenry, not the Democrats, and our representatives are supposed to support American citizens.

NY Post
FBI refuses to give Congress informant file alleging Biden took bribes as vice president

Dem Rep Hank Johnson: Who Will Clean Hospitals, Build Homes Without Illegals?

Fox News
The View’s Ana Navarro: Being Hispanic or Black ‘does not make you immune’ from being a White supremacist

Photo by Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

Hello, America. Mark Levin here. We have breaking news, real breaking news, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a.k.a. the American Stasi. The Department of Justice. The Biden White House. I ran for cover up mode, ladies and gentlemen. And here is the breaking news. New York Post. Pull it up here. The FBI has refused to give Congress an enforcement file alleging that President Biden took bribes while he was vice president. The Post has learned. Setting up a possible showdown over access to the information, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer issued a legally binding subpoena last week requiring the FBI to turn over the file by noon today. But the FBI instead replied with a six page letter raising various objections. Information from confidential human sources is unverified and by definition incomplete, wrote FBI acting Assistant Director Christopher Durham. Excuse me Christopher Dunham, who also argued that informant reports must also be kept private to protect sources. Well, I would say this to the FBI and to the frauds and the phonies that work there at the top levels. It’s more important to know if our president is a crook or at least expose him as the crook that he is. Then the worry about your damn sources and methods, because so far your sources and methods are to target President Trump and protect Joe Biden. We’re well familiar with your sources and your methods. Screw your sources and screw your methods. The fact is Joe Biden and his family are crooked. It is a crime family. They’ve been using his name to pour in millions and millions and millions of dollars. Not from allied countries, but from rogue genocidal nations. Communist China at the top of the list. The Bidens have access to millions and millions of dollars. And as the Republicans said this morning, what exact business? Do they run for all this money that they received? What is it exactly causing these governments to give them money? Well, we know what it is. Joe Biden has been in Washington, D.C. his entire life. And he’s a crook. He was in the Senate six terms. He was vice president, two terms. And he finagled his way into the Oval Office where he sits right now as putative president. The media have barely reported this story, America, because the media are in on it. They are the true American Pravda. The true arm mouthpiece. Other parts of the body of the Democrat Party. What we learned today was extraordinary. We’re learning that a. Complex web. To cover up the receipt of millions and millions of dollars, especially from the communist Chinese. We’re set up by the Biden family and I assume the lawyers for the Biden family. Multiple LLC. Now El-Al seats are perfectly legal. The point of an LLC. Is to protect somebodys confidentiality. But the point of an LLC is not to create shell corporations to receive foreign money. And I washed the money through the shell corporations to get into the hands of nine. Count them nine Biden family members. Including three grandchildren who no doubt had nothing to do with this, but they were used as pawns. Hunter. Biden. Jim Biden. Joe Biden’s wife. Hunter Biden’s wife. Hunter Biden’s ex-wife. And there are more. They can account for approximately $10 million. Peter Schweitzer says we’re looking at $31 million. And everybody is wondering what exactly. What exactly? Did the Joe Biden’s do for this money? Why exactly would they be given this money other than the fact that they were buying access? And so the White House says today you can’t demonstrate that Joe Biden did a single thing for the money. And I response to the White House says, well, then make your client available for a deposition and let’s dig in to what he did. And if he’s an innocent man, given your tepid defense, he shouldn’t have a problem with that Now should be, well, separation of powers. But Joe doesn’t care about separation of powers. Joe’s been busy writing legislation with executive orders throughout the two years of his presidency. There is more evidence. More evidence of corruption in the Biden family than there was ever evidence, ever evidence of sexual battery by President Trump. Because there’s no evidence whatsoever and none was presented at that trial. None. Zero. But back to the crime family. The FBI does not have a right to stand between us and our knowledge about the president of the United States. The FBI is not even in the Constitution. The FBI does not have constitutional powers. The FBI is corrupt. And it has no right to stand between Congress. And getting information. Getting information on Joe Biden. They say, well, the information is not reliable. No, the FBI is not reliable. We will leave it to Congress and the American people to determine what is or is not reliable. In the meantime, you use the FBI to get a warrant and conduct a SWAT team investigation of former President Trump’s. Mar a Lago years. The FBI. To seize the iPhones of attorneys for President Trump. You used the FBI to violate attorney client privilege. Use the FBI to shake down witnesses. You’ve used the FBI against Paul Manafort and Roger Stone. You you your crazy ass activist judges to do the same damn thing. And now you tell us sources and methods. They’re worried about sources and methods. I am not. Then after 20 excuse me. 1023 form. We want to see it. The American people demand to see it. And the FBI and the Department of Justice under the most corrupt attorney general in modern American history. All of American history. Do not have the right to prevent us from seeing it. The cover up must end. That cover up must. And bank records show the Biden family received $10 million in payments from China and foreign interests. The House Oversight Committee cut one go. We want to discuss information the committee has learned since our last press conference in November. New information investigators have uncovered regarding the transfer of money from foreign entities to the Biden family. Many of the wire payments occurred while Joe Biden was vice president and leading the United States efforts in these countries first instance. While Vice President Biden was lecturing Romania on corruption policies, in reality, he was a walking billboard for his son and family to collect money. Hunter Biden and his associates capitalized on a lucrative financial relationship with a Romanian national who was under investigation for and later convicted of corruption in Romania. The Bidens received over $1 million for the deal and 16 of the 17 payments to their associates account that funneled the Bidens money occurred while Joe Biden was vice president. In fact, the money stops flowing from the Romanian nationals soon after Joe Biden leaves the vice presidency. So the question is right here and now. Right here and now. To Joe Biden’s White House lawyers. Why did the Romanians give $1,000,000 to your family? Simple question. Where’s Maggie Haberman? Where’s Jeremy Peters? Where’s Philip and his bump? The great New York Times had covered up the Holocaust, The great New York Times. That was the mouthpiece for Stalin. The great New York Times said Prop pro promoted Castro. Where are you? Where are you? You’re nowhere. But you have frauds and phonies. Go ahead. Pattern of influence peddling. This appears separate from any payment Hunter received from his work connecting this individual to a US law firm. What explains it? Million dollars. For what? Wow. Wonder what George Conway thinks about this. What do you think about a George Moore cut to go. They also couldn’t explain why the Bidens received over $1 million in 16 different wire transfers over a period of three months to at least five different banks. Stop. $1 million in 16 different wire transfers over a period of three months to at least five different banks. Do you know why they did it that way? Mr. Producer. To try and conceal the size. Of the payoff. Otherwise, there’s no need to do this. 16 different wire transfers from millers. Millers. Over a three month period with five different banks. Why not just $1,000,000 in one wire transfer to one bank? Because the flags, the pots and pans, the alarms, they all would have been banging and going off. That’s why. Go. The president, when confronted with this information, said it wasn’t true. Instead of being honest with the American people, President, now we know it’s true. These are the actual records. So Biden says the actual records are false. But the actual records are true. Go ahead. It’s a 2020 election that his family has not received money from China. That was a lie in 2020. And he continues to lie to the American people now. The Bidens have received millions of dollars from China. It is inconceivable that the president did not know it. The White House refuses to correct the president’s statements showing the president is now using the federal government to run interference for his families and his own role in these schemes. Now you know why the Biden administration has unleashed. A special counsel against Donald Trump. Now you know why the Democrat Party has unleashed two district attorneys against Donald Trump. Because they know Joe Biden has a problem. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

First of all, I would say to Biden, this flunky lawyer. This committee doesn’t have to prove a damn thing. This is not a grand jury. It’s not a jury. This is not the Department of Justice. It’s not the Federal Bureau of the Stasi. It’s a committee of Congress. They have subpoena power, but they can only go so far. A January six committee was in business a long time. I don’t miss resources. They didn’t prove a damn thing. Fact of the matter is the information that came out today is. Incredibly. Critical. Very, very important. And obviously Biden cannot answer the questions and his lawyers kind of answer the questions why they set up. All these LLC is to conceal the receipt of money from the Communist Chinese, the Romanians and others. They cannot explain. The wire transfers, both the aggregate amount and why they were broken up into pieces and why they wound up in multiple bank accounts. They cannot explain why nine members of the Biden family, including three grandchildren who we know didn’t do actual work for the communist Chinese. Why they all received a piece. A piece of the action. This is a republic. Where the president of the United States has to explain his activities and his family’s activities. This isn’t some phony judge in a phony courtroom in Manhattan. Biden needs to explain what took place here. And all he says is it didn’t happen. Well, it did happen. And why did it happen, Joe? And get your lawyers out of the way and answer the American people. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3

Just repeat so the idiot leftists can understand this because they know they find these things very complicated. This committee doesn’t have to prove. Causation. The president has to explain himself. The president has to explain himself. We don’t need to hear from a White House lawyer. We don’t need to hear from a slip and fall. Ambulance chasing Democrat. Thug lawyer. He gets paid to lie through his teeth. All six of them. There’s been information laid on the table that is very troubling. Biden didn’t lay it on the table himself. It was laid on the table for him. Now what happened? All he has to do is explain it. Why did three your grandchildren? Why did three of your grandchildren receive payments from the Communist Chinese? Seems like a rational question. Why did your brother receive payments from the Communist Chinese? Why did your sister in law get payments from the Communist Chinese? Why did your. Your son, Bo’s wife. Received payments from the Communist Chinese. Why did Hunter, his ex-wife, get payments from the Communist Chinese? Why did Hunter’s current wife get payments from the Communist Chinese? Why did Hunter get payments from the Communist Chinese? Well, you can’t prove that Joe did anything. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That’s your answer. That’s your answer. We all know we’re not stupid. We’re Americans. We all know why. The Communist Chinese, the Romanian government, the crooked Ukrainian government before Zelensky, all these regimes. We know why they gave money to the Biden family. They were buying influence. There’s no other explanation. None. That’s why the lawyer today for Biden at the White House says they can’t prove Biden Kennedy link for the communist Chinese. Now in order to make a determination if Biden did anything for the communist Chinese, Biden needs to voluntarily submit himself. Per a sworn deposition. Now, if we had a serious, legitimate, law abiding Department of Justice, we’d have a special counsel. We’d have a special grand jury. And they would require Biden to answer at least written questions with the help of his lawyers. About these activities. So in the same laws that do not want a special counsel, then demand evidence of causation. That’s pretty sneaky. A pretty, pretty, pretty clever trick. Ain’t going to fly here. On the one hand, you’re abstract and then on the other hand you want evidence. One hand, they obstruct the other and they’re saying, prove it. And the Department of Justice is a thoroughly corrupt enterprise, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah. Works for the Democrat Party. It’s that simple. Defends the unions, goes after the parents. Goes after the pro-lifers. Goes after some protesters and then seeks leave. Here we have the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C.. You’ve got two lawyers in New York during the riots. Who throw Molotov cocktails in the way. A police vehicle. Luckily, the police weren’t in there. They seek light sentences for them. Light sentences. Actually no sentences. And then we have these middle class men, some women. Come out of Texas, out of California, out of West Virginia. Some are vets, some are whatever, and they throw the book at them. For January 6th. Even the ones that were not violent. By reading, reading their social media sites. By convincing Democrat juries. And lousy, rotten judges. That they’re involved in conspiracies. To overthrow the government of the United States. Unbelievable. While the Democrat Party is overthrowing it every damn day. So we now have a man in the Oval Office. He will not explain why all these LLC is all these LLC companies. Yes, understand, All that means is companies that do not have to reveal. Who owns them. All these secret companies. All these wire transfers. Of huge amounts of money, millions totalling millions from the communist Chinese and others going into these secret companies. In order to. Keep secret the identity of Biden family members. Nine family members. And Joe doesn’t know anything about it. Nobody ever told them. Now, Joe’s meetings with Hunter constantly. Some of them. Either right before, right after he has meetings with some of these. These are individuals who send the money. Those are important questions that any special counsel would want to ask Joe, Joe, about. Special counsel. Want to know why you’re setting up all these LLC? Why you? Why you? The people who sent you money broke these large sums into smaller sums. Why they paid it over a period of a few months rather than all at once. Why? They paid it into five banks rather than one bank. These are legitimate questions. And so Joe Biden’s lawyer says today, Prove it. Prove we did anything wrong. What? Well, if we had a special counsel, that would be his job. Now, we don’t want a special counsel. We don’t want a grand jury. Well, Congress does not have the capability. Of getting an answer to that question. Especially if you’re good at covering your tracks. So this is the game the lawyers play in the White House under Joe Biden. This is the game the media will play. Oh, it’s just the Republicans. If the Democrats came out with this on Donald Trump, it’d be game over. Game over. As it is, they got to search for this and look for that. And get people’s phones and. Shake down the lawyers and witnesses and this, that and the other. That case in New York the other day, there wasn’t a shred of evidence, not one. I was thinking about this the other night. There wasn’t a piece of evidence, not one presented in that trial. None whatsoever. And most of the information that was provided. Was outrageously prejudicial. And there’s Mika Brzezinski. She’s all upset. And that dumb slob husband of hers. Unbelievable. And that fat slob, the Hindenburg. Christie. We’re going to try and get him on the show again. He’s everywhere else goes on Hugh Hewitt Show. It goes on. Brian KILMEADE Come on a show where you’re going to be grilled. Where you’re going to be grilled. Come on, a show. Missed it. Tough guy. Well, you’re going to be grilled. You can come on this show and call me names. You can come on this show and say you don’t like me. You can come on the show and say you don’t like the way I talk about you. Do it. But I want to get into the issues with you, pal. Coward. Coward. Just a tough guy. Know that coward? And so the FBI announces today. To the Republican Committee and nine. You don’t get this form 1023. No, no, no. This whistleblower, yours may not be reliable. The information may not be. Excuse me. This FBI has had the Hunter laptop and has done nothing. They talked to Bob Wolinsky from four or 5 hours. Never followed up. Never. They have this form 1023 about Biden and his corruption might not be accurate. You trust this FBI folks, the FBI that had Comey at the top, that had McCabe. That had. What’s the guy’s name? Peter. What’s his name? Strode. Struck and his girlfriend. Had the lawyer who falsified a FOI application. You trust this API? And the phony dossier that they used to try and take Trump out. Is this a joke? Sorry. We need to protect our sources. It’s in our in our message screen. Your sources and methods are corrupt. We, the American people, have every damn right to know. About this this president. The cover up. And the cover up includes the very FBI that doesn’t want to release the information. And let me tell you something. You know who the Svengali at the Department of Justice is behind all of this? So the deputy attorney general. She’s an Obama hack. She’s a radical Marxist activist. They’re all over that damned department, by the way, especially at the highest levels. But she’s the one. Because it looks to me like meritless. Garland has a bit of Mueller going on there. Just one man’s opinion. Can you prove it, Mark? Yes, I can. I need a neurologist, and I’ll prove it. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4

America’s governor, Ron DeSantis, will be on the program Thursday. Supposed to be on last Friday, but I had a little reaction from an eye procedure so we couldn’t do it. But we will do it this week. James Comer on the FBI Cover up. Cut three. Go! The committee had reviewed thousands of bank records from individuals and companies affiliated with the Bidens and their associates. It has received these bank records pursuant to four subpoenas I’ve issued to different banks. These were targeted and specific subpoenas, and each was different based on the information we believed the banks possessed. Every one of those subpoenas returned valuable information that had been unreported and that contributed to this committee’s understanding of how the Bidens conducted their businesses. The committee is concerned by the complicated, suspicious network of over 20 companies We have identified the Bidens and their associates used to enrich themselves. Most of these companies were limited liability companies formed during Joe Biden’s vice presidency. The bank records show the Biden family. Why would you need 20 limited liability companies? Who the hell has 20? Limited liability companies. Raise your hand. I asked a question. FBI. Why do you need 20? Limited liability companies? Why do you need scores of banks? Wire wire payments of huge funds coming from the communist Chinese. Can people name Biden? What the hell? You need to open a special counsel investigation. Oh, I know. Well, call Joe Biden. Trump, then they’ll do it. Go. Companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals and their companies $10 million. $10 Million. Now, the Biden administration and the Democrats have set up a. A scheme that. They may catch all of you if over the course of a year you receive or send an accumulated total of $600. The A PayPal or Venmo or one of those operations. You’re going to get a tax form and you’re going to have to pay taxes. And they’re going to come down on your head like a ton of bricks if you don’t. But Joe Biden. $10 million into the Biden. Let me tell you something. You parents and grandparents out there, but particularly parents out there. Let’s say you have a son. You have three grandkids. You have a daughter in law. Next daughter in law. You’ve got the. The wife of your your deceased son. You’ve got your brother. And $10 million have come into them. And you’re president of the United States. Excuse me, Vice president of the United States. I don’t. I don’t know anything. What? No, I don’t know anything. I’m proud of my son. I’m proud of the hookers he hired. I’m proud of the drugs he took. I’m proud of the. The gun application he falsified. Oh, yes. You ought to see his paintings. Absolutely unbelievable. I’m proud of my son. He didn’t do anything wrong. He’s sending a message, you see, to meritless Garland. I want to ask my former friends at the Department of Justice. Notice I said former friends. I want to ask the prosecutors in the criminal division, specifically the public Integrity section. You happy with this? You happy with this? That you look like a bunch of clowns. Much as sycophants, a bunch of lapdogs for sitting on your asses while this is going on. I want to ask the people at the FBI, the senior people. Not Chris Rae. Chris Wray always looks like he’s constipated to me. Or the opposite that he has the runs. He always looks stupid. Stupid. He looks like Biden. So anyway, I want to ask the senior FBI folks. You proud of what’s going on here? Proud of it. Where are the SWAT teams to seize financial records from members of the Biden family? Huh? Any judge out there want to explain that to me? Well, what are they going to use? SWAT teams against the Democrats? The SWAT team. Someone comes to his documents. No SWAT teams when it comes to $10 million. No SWAT teams when it comes to bank records. Where’s our FBI SWAT teams? I mean, you got all the cool jackets and all the weapons. What’s that all about? All right. I’ll be right back.