May 8th, 2023

May 8th, 2023

CIUDAD JUAREZ , MEXICO - MAY 08: An aerial view of migrants wait to cross the Rio Bravo into the United States before the Title 42 policy, which allows for the immediate expulsion of irregular migrants entering the country, comes to an end, in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico on May 08, 2023. (Photo by Christian Torres Chavez/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden wants to know what the Republican border plan is, it’s simple – put all of President Trump’s border policies back in place. With Title 42 ending at the end of the week, the border crisis will only get worse. About 10,000 a day, 70,000 a week, and over a quarter of a million a month are going to come into the United States. The impact on society will be enormous. Also, jury selection begins Tuesday in a lawsuit brought against President Donald Trump by E. Jean Carroll, who says Trump raped her sometime in the mid ’90s. Carroll was never interested in suing Trump until she spoke with George Conway at a Never Trumper event, who convinced her. Later, reparations are a scam, a massive redistribution of wealth. This, in part, is a Democrat party play with their base – another piece of the puzzle of American Marxism. If reparations are to be paid, they are to be paid from the Democrat party. Afterward, the President doesn’t have power under the 14th Amendment to rewrite the Constitution and eliminate the House of Representative’s core function, to borrow, spend, and tax. Rep Jamie Raskin voted, and the Democrats have supported all this spending and borrowing – it is they who created this debt ceiling situation. Finally, Peter Flaherty, Chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center calls in to discuss his arrest during a Berkshire shareholder proposal presentation. Peter had his microphone cut, was arrested, and forcibly removed from the arena.

Washington Examiner
Carroll v. Trump: The rape case that started at a Resistance party

NY Post
White House bans The Post from Biden event as Hunter indictment looms

Denver City Council member Candi CdeBaca, who is running for re-election, says white owned businesses should be taxed extra and redistributed to black owned businesses.

CNN Points Out Biden Has Lowest Approval Rating of Any President At This Point in Presidency Since Polling Began

National Legal and Policy Center
NLPC Chairman Peter Flaherty is Arrested During Berkshire Shareholder Proposal Presentation

Photo by Christian Torres Chavez/Anadolu Agency

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 87738138118773813811. Joe Biden wants to know what the Republican border plain as it is. I’ve got it. All the policies. Trump had put them back in place and finished the wall. There’s my plan. I think it’s two sentences long. What a disaster. And, you know, as bad as it is and it’s horrific, it’s the worst it’s ever been, ever. It’s going to get worse. Come the end of the week. With this Title 42 ending. Even there under Title 42, 99% of the people who came through were cleared through because they didn’t have time really to do the tests for COVID. But now that the foreigners know that they can come into the country regardless. They are lining up by the thousands. Over. What should think about this? About 10,000 a day. 70,000 a week. Over a quarter of a million. A month. Are going to come into the United States. I want you to think about that. Where the hell are they going to go? And of course. The impact. On suicide is just going to be enormous. There is a civil lawsuit in New York City. I’ve been meaning to get to this, and I want to get to it. There’s a lot of talk about this so-called rape case in which Donald Trump has sued. Many, many years ago. The allegation is and I want to go through this with you, and then we have a lot of other things I want to discuss with you as well. But Byron York of The Washington Examiner is a very careful reporter. Very careful. And he writes. A lawsuit brought against former president. Donald Trump by the humor and advice columnists E Jean Carroll. Says Trump raped her sometime in 1995 or 96. Carole, now 79, cannot remember what year it was, but at a minimum, the alleged attack took place, she says, about 27 years ago. Though she says she told two friends about it at the time, The writer Lisa Bernbach and New York television newswoman Carol Martin Carroll did not report the alleged crime to authorities. She did not tell anyone else. Years past, the statute of limitations for rape came and went, even when 20 years later, Trump ran for president and other women accused him of misconduct. Carroll remained silent. Carroll says she did not speak up because her elderly mother, a longtime Republican, was ill. And Carroll did not want to set off a distracting controversy. She also worried that accusing Trump might actually help his campaign in some key states in the 2016 election. And she most certainly did not want to help him to win. So for personal political reasons, she remained silent. She said Carroll has said her mind changed in late 2017 when the powerful Hollywood producer, Harvey Weinstein, was accused of sexual assault. The MeToo movement began to gather steam and take Carroll. It, quote, suddenly seemed possible that even Trump could be held to account, said her lawsuit. It even then, Carroll did not speak out. It was not until 2019 that Carroll publicly accused Trump, who by that time was president of the United States. Why in 2019? Because she had a product to sell in the spring of 2019, writes York. Carroll began a promotional tour for a book in which she described what she says Trump did to her as part of the promotion in the run up to the book’s publication. Carroll appeared on the cover of the New York Magazine, wearing the same dress she says she wore when Trump allegedly attacked her in a dressing room at the New York Department store. Bergdorf Goodman, top top store more than two decades earlier. Carrillo said she broke the news in a book because she didn’t want to tell the police or an elected office official or a journalist what had happened. Perhaps that’s the case. It’s also true they’re writing a book. Unlike going to the police, was a way to make money while making news. And in this case it was a book with a spectacular allegation. In any event, the rape that allegedly happened in 95 or 96 did not become public until 2019, when New York ran an excerpt of Carroll’s new book. The excerpt was titled Hideous Men, and the book was What Do We Need Men for? A cover blurb called it the most bitterly funny, fantastically furious book to explode out of the MeToo movement. As part of her promotional efforts preceding publication, Carole used Trump’s fame and notoriety to start a new career in what might be called the Hideous Man business. For a fee. Carol conducted what she called the most hideous man in New York City walking tour, which she led a tour group on a 90 minute walk around some of the city’s meta landmarks. And the tour began at Bergdorf Goodman, 58 Streets Entrance, precisely the place where Carol said she first encountered Trump on the awful day he attacked her. But Carol conducted the tours in the weeks and months before she revealed a rape accusation against Trump, which made the Bergdorf stop a little odd. Why start at the place where Carol said Trump raped her when the alleged rape was still a closely held secret? In addition, Carol’s friend Bernard Bernbach, who confirms that Carol confided to her about the alleged rape in 95 or 96, wrote a puff piece about Carol’s toys in the New Yorker burn box account described Carol leading the tour group to Trump Tower, where Carol said 23 women have come forward to say President Trump tried to ogle, touch, grind, grind, grabby, grab and worse with them. It is 24 women if we include ivana, the mother of don jr. Eric and ivanka. Of course it would have been 25. Carol revealed that Trump had raped her, but neither Carol nor Bernbach said a word. Everybody saved the secret for the book. When Carroll unveiled the rape accusation, New York posted notice of the excerpt on Twitter on June 21, 2019. Ahead of the book’s July 2nd publication date, Trump reacted in a classically Trumpian fashion. He denied at all. He said he had never met Carol in my life. He said she was trying to sell a book that should indicator motivation. Later, he said of Carol, Number one, she’s not my type. Number two, it never happened. It never happened. Carroll later produced a photo of herself and a group with Trump at a party sometime in the 1980s. That was proof he had, in fact, met her before. How ridiculous. I’m in photos all the time with people I don’t even know who they are. He dismissed. That is no big deal because it was a brief moment in time and he attended thousands of parties in the eighties. He stood by and repeated the rest of his reaction to her allegation. That is where things stood when Carol, by then a darling of the anti-Trump resistance, attended a party at the Manhattan home of another resistance figure, the writer Molly Jong-fast. The party was in honor of yet another resistance figure that comedian Kathy Griffin. Among those in attendance was still another resistance figure, the lawyer, George Conway. You remember Fat George, don’t you, folks? Kellyanne Conway is a guest past husband. The gathering was, in the words of a New York Times account Resistance Twitter come to life. Conway were someone important for Carroll to meet a high powered lawyer back in the nineties. He’d been part of the so-called elves, a group of lawyers who secretly helped Paula Jones sue President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment. By 2019, Conway was in a far different position. His wife, Kellyanne Conway, ran Trump’s campaign and went to the White House as a top adviser. For his part, George Conway was originally interested in a big job and the Trump Justice Department. Later, when he didn’t get it, he became very anti-Trump, so much so that he would be invited to a party for Griffin, a Jong-fast apartment. At that party, Conway became an elf all over again. As the guests enjoyed themselves. The catering was by Marco Fuoco and was said to be excellent. Excuse me. Conway persuaded Carol that she should sue Trump for defamation. The idea was that when Trump denied having met her and then said she was making up the rape accusation, sell a book and then said she, Carol, was not on tape. That was all defamation. Carol could sue Trump for that. And then, of course, the case would focus on whether the alleged rape actually occurred. So be like having a rape trial for Trump, even though the statute of limitations was long past. These are the sleazy lawyers. Carol said she had never been interested in sewing Trump, but the talk with Conway convinced her. Conway even suggested a lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, who had co-founded a MeToo legal defense nonprofit group called Time’s Up. Kaplan was apparently deeply committed to helping victims of sexual abuse, but deeply committed to politics, too. In August 2021, she resigned from Time’s Up over sexual misconduct allegations against New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo. Problem was Kaplan was not standing up for victims, but was, quote, involved in an effort to discredit one of Mr. Cuomo’s alleged victims, according to a New York Times report. Remember that? The Gene Carroll case would be a mix of sex and politics. But whether Republican villain Carroll sat for a deposition last October when asked how the lawsuit came about, this is what she said, quote, At what point did you decide to file a lawsuit against the defendant? Well, wherever I went after the story, people said, Are you going to sue him or are you going to sue him? And I would say, no, no, no, not going to do it. I’m just not. And then I had a conversation with someone who knew the ins and outs, an actual lawyer, and he said, you should really seriously think about it. Who is the lawyer without getting into the conversation? George Conway. How did you meet George Conway? Met him at a party at Molly Jong-fast house. Was he your lawyer at the time? No, no, no, no. So after you spoke to George, did you retain counsel? Yes. How soon after? The day. After the day? Two days later. Did George recommend, Ms.. Kaplan? Yes, he did. So the lawsuit was born in November 2019. Carole sued Trump for defamation. Trump, who had the protect the protections of office as president of the United States, tried to get the suit thrown out, Legal wrangling and sued led to things happened to change the case. First, Trump left office Second, in 2022, the New York legislature passed. Well, this called the Adult Survivors Act, which allowed people who said they were victims of sexual assault to sue their alleged assailants regardless of when the alleged attack occurred, even if the statute of limitations is long overdue. But the new law gave victims just one year to do it. That was called a one year lookback. The Adult Survivors Act went into effect November 24, 2022. Within hours, Carol filed another suit against Trump. This time she repeated the defamation charge and then added an allegation of battery under the Adult Survivors Act. So the trial beginning now will be about more than just defamation. It will also cover the facts of whether Trump committed battery against Carol on that day in 95 or 96, 27 years ago. It will not be a criminal trial even if found responsible. Trump would not go to jail, but Carol will seek significant financial damages. Now, we’ll take a break and I will continue. Because I know you didn’t know all of this, these facts as I didn’t. But I want you to know how this case came to be. This case came to be. And he never Trumper event. And they had been pretty much all silence until that point. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

Let’s continue this. And you should know that there is, again, a Democrat judge in New York who’s been ruling repeatedly against Trump. It’s just terrible what’s happened to our justice system. It’s not a justice system at all. Anyway, let’s continue. So, Carol, who brought this suit at the urging of Never Trumpers, is also receiving financial support in the case. So no one should be surprised to learn it’s coming from the resistance anti-Trump world. As part of the pretrial depositions, the news emerged that tech billionaire Reid Hoffman is bankrolling Carroll’s case. Like so many others involved in Carroll’s side, Hoffman is profoundly anti-Trump. He’s also not afraid to push the envelope of anti-Trump ism. In 2018, he apologized for funding a group that secretly imitated Russian disinformation tactics in an attempt to benefit the Democrat in Alabama’s special election for the U.S. Senate. Hoffman’s money has made some waves in the Carroll case because in an October 2022 deposition, she denied that anyone was paying her legal fees. Here is what Carol said. Question Are you presently paying your council’s fees? This is a contingency case, she said. So you’re not paying expenses or anything out of pocket to date, is that correct? I’m not sure about expenses. I have to look that up. Is anyone else paying your legal fees, Miss Carol? No. As the trial approached, Kaplan, Carole’s lawyer, wrote to the Trump legal team to admit that CARROLL What Carroll said was not true. Quote During the course of preparing for testimony at trial, Mascaro has recollected additional information, Kaplan wrote. While most Carroll stands by the testimony about the case being a contingency case, she now recalls that at some point her counsel secured additional funding from nonprofit organization to offset certain expenses and legal fees. Oops. The nonprofit group was a Hoffman group called American Future Republic. All right. I’ve got to take a break and I’ll finish it up. But I do want you to understand how they’re trying to set up Donald Trump on this one. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3

Reparations. It’s such a scam. Such a horrendous scheme. Massive redistribution of wealth. Massive attack on the taxpayers. I think here as I went with family to one battlefield after another. All the lives that were lost who get no respect whatsoever. Hundreds of thousands. Hundreds of thousands of men who lost their lives. The vast majority of whom. Were white Christian men. Who were under brutal attack today. It just makes me sick to my stomach. That they get no respect whatsoever. Look, I say this as a Jew, and my family wasn’t even here until the early 1900s. It’s just unbelievable to me. People getting up in front of microphones and screaming at the top of their lungs that they deserve reparations. And even more. That even if they’re paid under the proposals that are afoot, they’re not enough. I wondered to myself, how does the Democrat Party get away with this? They pretend they’re righteous. And yet they’re Democrats. And how do people who demand reparations register at Democrats? How is it that we pulled down monuments? Of the past. From the Confederacy. Not even from the Confederacy. Even people who fought on the union side. But the Democrat Party name. Unlike the name of Confederate generals and others removed from schools and elsewhere. Unlike the Confederate flag, how is it that the Democrat Party name doesn’t suffer the same result? No demands that the Democrat Party change its name. No attacks on labels of Democrat Party, on buildings and cars and all the rest. What a scam. What a complete fraud. And now reparations. I’ve said it a thousand times and I’ll say it again. If reparations are to be paid to be paid by the Democrat Party. The Republican Party was born in 1854 as an abolitionist party. Maybe there were some Republicans slave holders, but. Very few. And so why don’t we be discerning? If we’re going to do reparations about who’s responsible for what. About who should pay what. About who was here at the time. Why don’t we? Because this is in part a Democrat Party play. With their base. And this is just another piece of the puzzle of American Marxism. That’s why. People who are alive today don’t deserve one penny in reparations. Not a cent. It’s a free country. You want something, go out and earning. And this isn’t a systemically racist. Orange Country. I know that. Because migration only goes one way in this country, into the country, not out of the country. If you want to leave America. There really are no obstacles to leaving the country. The obstacles are supposed to be coming to the country. And yet people violate our laws and in some cases risk their lives. Shark infested waters, drug cartels and the rest to come to this country. People who were born in this country. Who are the loudest in this country. They don’t leave it. And they’re not going to leave it. And by the way, I’m not just talking about black people. It’s white people, too. Then I’ll leave it. Greatest country on the face of the earth. This is why I had on Life, Liberty and Livin on Sunday. Ms.. Park. Jomana Pak, who escaped North Korea. The A china where she was sold into sex slavery at 13. Then escape thanks to a Christian preacher in South Korea. Then came to the United States, then went to Columbia University. And from the first day forward, said, Wait a minute. This is even worse than North Korea, what they’re teaching here. In your career. They don’t teach you to hate your own country. In America. They do. And she said there was absolute censorship, absolute shaming. Absolute segregation. That you were not free to speak. That’s what goes on on our college campuses, Stalinist college campuses. This whole idea of reparations. Is another Democrat Party play. After all. It’s not the Democrat Party’s money. It’s your money. If you’re a distant relative of Abraham Lincoln. Or Ulysses S Grant. Or one of those poor men who fought on a battlefield. Wearing a union uniform. And died. Whose name is not remembered. Whose purpose is not remembered. Whose battle is not remembered. You get nothing. Absolutely nothing. You don’t even get respect. You don’t even get acknowledgement. Kennedy critical race theory or part of the white dominated society. And yet if you even speak the words I’m speaking. You come under attack. You must be a neo-Nazi or part of the Klan. Part of the Klan. The Klan was another Democrat Party invention. Another Democrat Party convention. Yeah. I’m Jewish. Threatened by neo-Nazis. I must be part of the Klan. Yeah, right. So. This is completely bogus. Completely bogus. And people ought to object to it. They ought to challenge it. Legal groups in California had a fight it. Because this country’s going to hell. It’s unraveling. It’s unraveling fast. At the hands of the Democrat Party. Reparations up to $1.2 million. And people are testifying. It’s not enough. It’ll never be enough. And the people who are demanding it deserve nothing from the public. Zero. You’re in a free country. You’re in a capitalist economy, at least partially right now. Property rights are protected except by Democrats. You want to go out and make money? Make money? You want to invent something? Invent something. You want a great job. Go out and get it. You want an education. Go get it. People in this country are free. I said, People in this country are free. They’re even free to hate it. They’re even free to make. These are millions of dollars of books attacking it. As racist. You’re even afraid to get tenure in our universities and colleges. They’re even free to get elected as Democrats. They’re free to do anything they want. Unlike any other country in the face of the earth. So don’t tell me what you deserve or what you should get. You deserve and should get nothing. Zero. Many people have ancestors who went through hell. Three or four or five generations ago. But that’s the point. It’s three or four or five generations ago. People have suffered through the Holocaust. People have suffered in Ukraine in 1932. Slaughtered by the millions. Enslaved. Enslaved. They should. Well, we should go back. No. If you’re in the United States. You should thank the good Lord that you’re here. There’s also an argument that’s made that but for this hideous. Really grotesque. Practice of slavery, which sadly and unfortunately. Is a poison that’s played out in so much of the world. But obviously here in the United States, it is definitely. A very bad mark on our history, no question about it. But no cultures are perfect. None. And let’s not pretend that they are. No cultures are perfect. No European culture is perfect. No African culture is perfect. No Central or South American culture is perfect. Where they all practice slavery. And torture. In misogyny every corner of the planet. It’s not an excuse. There are no excuses. It’s a fact. It’s a fact. A sad fact, and it’s still going on today. It’s going on in China. What’s going on in North Korea. It’s going on on the continent of Africa. It’s going on in the Middle East. It’s going on on our southern border. Thanks to Joe Biden’s policies. And I hear nothing about that that’s going on today, not 150 years ago. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4

Stories are breaking as I sit here. So. But really, that’s the end of the story with respect to the civil case in New York. There have been closing arguments, so you’ll get an opinion. Another Democrat, Jerry, I’m sure, with a Democrat elected judge. That never goes well. But I will say that the defense counsel exposed the fact that the story that. Carol came up with her or her story, per se. She was very similar to a Law and Order episode. And that Law and Order episode. Was something that he brought up in court. President Trump’s lawyer. And she said, yes, you know, that’s just a coincidence. Well, we’ll see what happens. But to me it stinks to high heaven. George Conway sleaze in around in the background as he’s eating seven hotdogs at a time. Really a disgrace. And embarrassed his wife. Another disgrace. That guy’s a real pig in more ways than one. I will be on HANNITY, I guess, around 9:30 p.m. Eastern Time. If your post said, Mr. Producer, I wasn’t here Friday for three and a half years, I’ve gotten a needle in my left eye. And without these fantastic doctors say without this medicine, this cutting edge medicine that wasn’t available ten years ago. I’d be blind in my left eye. I don’t know what happened three and a half years ago had a hemorrhage behind their retina. But in any event, it still leaks. And this needle is necessary to keep my eyesight. And sometimes the needle. Plays tricks, and I was extremely painful. My eye was sealed shut. I couldn’t read, so I couldn’t do the program. Who sat in? Larry O’Connor? Mr. Producer? Larry’s a good man. Known him a long time. I know his wife. My wife knows his wife. I want to thank Larry for filling in on very short notice. I very much wanted to do the show. Unfortunately, we had to cancel an important guest, Governor DeSantis. But we will have him back. I promise all of that. And also, let’s see if I missed anything else. No, I don’t think so. I think we’re set. Now, The New York Post. Uh, is one of the biggest newspapers in the country. It’s the oldest still printing newspaper in the country. It is a good newspaper. It breaks a lot of stories like the Hunter Biden story. While the White House press office barred the New York Post from attending President Biden’s only daytime public event today. As federal prosecutors near a decision in criminally charging Hunter Biden for tax fraud and other crimes. Which the Post has covered. And as they write, Biden, who falsely characterized the Post’s reporting as Russian disinformation, appeared with Transportation Secretary Budda Jazz to talk about airline policies at the White House adjacent. Eisenhower Executive Office Building. But The New York Post was prevented from joining the event. Has anybody heard anything from the rest of the corrupt media about this? This guy, as I said, on life, liberty and live in, is the closest thing we’ve ever had to a fascist. I’m talking about Biden.