May 4th, 2023

May 4th, 2023

US President Joe Biden listens as South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol speaks during a news conference in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, DC, on April 26, 2023. (Photo by Brendan SMIALOWSKI / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the pressure is building from the Democrat media and the radical left to destroy the Constitution and force Republicans to capitulate to President Biden’s budget. Now the push is for Biden to fund the debt on his own and he will force this upon the court to decide while getting away with it in the meantime. Another bank is going under after losing 50% of its stock, and another has lost 1/3 of its value. This bank crisis is happening now and expanding because spending is completely out of control, the Federal Reserve is raising interest rates, many of these smaller regional banks cannot handle it. They are destroying our country by printing so much money and have us with one foot into stagflation, and these radical Democrats are going to push us into a Depression. Also, unlike Clarence Thomas or Neil Gorsuch, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor actually has a case of corruption that can be made against her now thanks to new revelations of her receiving $3.6 million from a book publisher while not recusing herself from a case involving them. This is another example of Democrats accusing Republicans of doing exactly what they are so they can get away with it. Later, Mark speaks with journalist Julie Kelly of American Greatness about the Proud Boys guilty verdict of seditious conspiracy.

The Telegraph
Half of America’s banks are potentially insolvent – this is how a credit crunch begins

Red State
Liberal SCOTUS Justice Caught in Scandal That Blows up Recent Left-Wing Attacks

NBC News
Sen. Sherrod Brown received an extra property tax credit and racked up penalties for late payments

Market Watch
Fed hikes interest rates for 10th time in a row and signals potential pause

Epoch Times
IN-DEPTH: J6 Attorneys Sound Alarm on Federal Government’s Treatment of American Citizens

American Greatness
Proud Boys Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy, Other January 6-Related Offenses


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

Hello, America. Mark Levin here from the Mark Levin Show, World headquarters. Yes, the world headquarters. That’s where we are. As you know, I’m the senior judicial analyst, as well as director of DCI on the Mark Levin Show. And chairman of RFU fatties, you know, did wear many hats here just the way it is. I take these responsibilities seriously even though they weigh heavily on my shoulders. Nonetheless, here I am. And there’s a lot to talk about. Pressure is building and building and building in the media. And among the Democrats to violate the Constitution. In fact, to destroy it. And what they’re trying to do. The White House. The Democrats in Congress and the Democrats in the media. Is force the Republicans to capitulate to fund every penny. Biden’s budget. Now that would, of course, destroy Republican hopes. In the presidential elections potentially. And. Got the ability to hold on to the house and maybe take the Senate by nose as Biden is a street thug politician. The media know this. They are street thug media types. So that’s what’s going on here. And so the push is for Biden. To go ahead and fund the debt on his own. And to say he had no choice, that the 14th Amendment allows it. And then catch me if you can, all the way up to the Supreme Court. And then the pressure will be on the court. And they’ve tried to soften up the court. They’ve tried to threaten justices of the court to capitulate to their agenda, whether it’s race, whether it’s abortion, whether it’s spending, whether it’s elections, whether it’s anything else. In the meantime. And I want to expand on that in a moment. Pacific Western, a huge bank is going belly up, apparently. Apparently. They’ve lost 50% of the value of their stock. Then we have first horizon cooperation another. It’s lost about one third. The value of its stock. TD Bank was going to buy First Horizon. Now they’ve put it off. This is something to be very, very worried about. And this wasn’t happening under Trump. It’s happening now. Because, again, the spending is completely out of control. The Fed is trying to counteract the spending. So the fiscal spending is out of control. The Fed is raising interest rates to try and control the consequences of the fiscal spending. And I’ll be perfectly honest with you, many of these smaller banks can’t handle this. When you took out mortgages at two, three, three and a half, 4%. The people holding that bag are these banks. And when inflation’s going through the roof and the Fed’s raising interest rates to try and control inflation and the Democrats want to spend even more and are threatening the Republicans for violating the Constitution. These smaller banks, these so-called regional banks, they can’t handle this. Because now they’re caught, they’re subsidizing the lower interest rates on the mortgages. Which everybody wisely took advantage of, I hope. Now the interest rates are going up. So what they pay for the money that is these regional banks. Is higher than the interest rate on mortgages. And there’s no relief in sight. Given what Biden and the Democrats are doing with spending. That, in a nutshell, is exactly what’s taking place here. By the way, we’re going to get to the Proud Boys trial. We’re going to have Julie Kelly on in our three. There’s a lot here that you don’t know and you don’t have to. Big, big fans of the Proud Boys to believe in civil liberties and due process. And this is really a very, very shabby period in our history. The way these judges and I don’t care who appointed them. They’re obviously of one mind set in Washington, D.C., are conducting themselves. So I will circle back to that regardless of the headlines that will be applied to me that I support the Proud Boys. Why would I support the Proud Boys? Not only do I know very little about them. I’m nothing to do with them. Last time I checked, they’re not exactly constitutionalists, but that’s beside the point. So here is Karine Jean Jean-Pierre at the White House briefing. She’s been told what to say. And the problem is the Republicans in the House, that’s the problem. So here they are. They just come in the office. They’re sworn in in January. They’re sworn in in January and it’s all their fault. It’s all their fault. Why? They didn’t pass the budget. They didn’t impose this debt. No, no, no. It’s all their fault. Not Pelosi’s fault. Not Schumer’s fault. Now. McConnell standing back. Not his fault. Even though they all contributed to it. White House is saying not our fault. All we’re asking them to do is raise the debt ceiling. And if they don’t pay for everything we demand. Then we’re going to default. And what a bunch of deadbeats these Republicans are. That’s exactly what’s going on. And we have liars on CNN and MSNBC, liars in the print media, liars on the networks. It’s that simple. Here is Karine Jean-Pierre Kawan go Director Young said a moment ago about the debt ceiling issue. Does that apply to vote count as well? Because neither the House or the Senate have the requisite votes to pass a clean debt limit increase. So the solution that the President is proposing is at odds with the reality on the Hill. Does he need to adjust in order to get it right with reality? Well, Congress needs to act, really. And when she says this, I mean, we all like it when you say, well, we shouldn’t. She said the math is the math. This is going to be catastrophic for American people. There’s a reason why we call the bill that House Republicans put together the Default in America act, because it is if they move forward because it’s all politics with these people, if the economy collapses all for the two, the better for them politically. And that’s the way they view it. They’re going to have the media behind them. They lie through their teeth without without pause. And they think this will be a knockout punch. And I already told you the speech they’re going to give. I told you yesterday the Republicans are endangering Social Security recipients, Medicare users. They’re endangering hospitals, police, firefighters. Working people, blue collar people, same thing. But nonetheless, this is what they’re going to do. While they’re the ones who are destroying our economy. Printing so much money. That we now have banks failing. We’re going to have businesses shuttering. We are one foot in those stagflation. And they’re damn, they’re going to push us into a depression of what happened last time we had a depression, America, We went from a very bad recession to a depression. What happened last time when we had a depression. The Democrats took the Congress for a generation. They had one who the Democrats believe is their most popular president ever. We have a destruction in many respects of our constitutional and economic order. A massive increase in the power of the central government. Fundamental changes without amendments to the Constitution or anything of the kind. They saw what happened. Listen. They saw what happened in the COVID 19 virus pandemic. But blue state Democratic governors were able to achieve in terms of violating civil liberties. Shuttering businesses. Compelling people on how to behave. Removing people from public places. Shutting down churches and synagogues. You saw what they did. And if you have economic excuse me if of an economic catastrophe. You can imagine the kind of power they will exercise. The Republicans want nothing to do with this. The Democrats want it. They want it. Go ahead. We know all of House Republicans, America, Republicans voted on this bill. It is going to hurt American families. Here we go with the MAGA Republicans. The MAGA Republicans. Listen to how she lies. It’s every Republican who voted on this bill, a Trump supporter. No, they’re not all. It doesn’t matter. There are MAGA Republicans because MAGA, they’re trying to turn it into a curse word. And they have learned. They have learned from the most vile dictators in the last century. How about the big lie? And how the big lie takes hold when you just keep repeating it. Over and over and over and over again. MAGA Republicans. MAGA Republicans. Extremist MAGA Republicans. We support freedom and democracy. MAGA Republican. These people have a totalitarian mindset. They do not care about their country. It is party first. Why? You say they have children and grandchild Y because. They’re the leaders of the Democrat Party. They’re the surrogates of the Democrat Party. And so the party comes before the country. I’ve said it a thousand times. The Communist Party in China comes before that. The country of China. The Communist Party and Cuba comes before the country of Cuba. The Communist Party in Venezuela comes before the country of Venezuela. The people can go to hell. And the ruling class wants to hold on to their power at all costs. To you, not to them. To you. There’s nothing complicated about what’s going on here. Biden refuses in any respect. To cut spending. And so all these phony moderate Democrats. The northern New Jersey. In the exurbs of Virginia. Other areas in this country. All of these phony moderate Democrats have helped put us in this position. Go ahead. I have to also be very clear with Congress, Republicans in Congress, you got to do your job. It is simple. You take an publicans. Your job in Congress is to do what Joe Biden tells you to do. Is the spend every penny. Joe Biden insists that you spend. We’ve got 200 million for a park in San Francisco under Pelosi pork barrel. I guess that’s for more homeless people and drug addicts. You’ve got $2 million. That Schumer put aside for a hip hop museum in New York City. You got to vote for that. You got to do the whole thing. Whatever they demand. And one of the reasons McConnell is not hot to trot, you won’t get involved as he supported all this crap. He’s got tons of pork barrel spending in here. But they don’t care about you. What Biden is saying. Here’s your choice. Either. We shut more banks. By driving inflation even higher. Either we destroy more American lives by driving inflation even higher. Make economic activity utterly unpredictable. Bypassing my spending requirements or. I’ll kill the economy. One shot right to the temple. That’s why it is problematic. To have a thug street politicians like Biden. There was no marbles left. There’s all about himself and his party in the Oval Office. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

Shalanda Young is a leftist who worked on Capitol Hill a long time, and you may remember her famous testimony, infamous where she refused to define a woman as well. She’s the OMB director. And at the White House, she said this cut to go public. You heard Kathryn talk about our economists report. Clearly, any of those things should concern any American They’re going be paying more for for loans in this country, is going to take their cost of living any higher. Of course, we’re concerned. We’re calling on the reasonable people in this town to do the right thing. Look, a bill tomorrow. This is what we don’t talk about. Congress could put a bill on the floor tomorrow. Avoid default. No, they can’t, actually, because all the Democrats are doing is taking their orders from Biden. So Congress can’t put a bill on the floor tomorrow. What you’re saying is that the Republicans have to go along with your spending. And I want to make this clear so you can repeat this, folks, so we don’t lose this battle. I don’t know of any time, even in recent history, even Obama buckled at some point and said, okay, you’re going to have to make some cuts. I got it. Biden won’t do it. He will not do it because he’s a sick bastard. That’s why and I hope I’m quoted on that Certainly is. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3

By the way, as a side note, we posted that our Sunday show is going to be a big show. We’re going to focus on civil liberties and civil liberties lost in this country. With Alan Dershowitz in a long form. Interview. In ways he’s never really been interviewed before, as well as the young lady who left North Korea as a refugee and went to Colombia. And what’s going on there? Now I will only do these shows as long as you want them. And I don’t normally read comments. But we put that up on my own social site. And some of you have said you’re boycotting the whole network so you won’t be watching the show. I will tell you this. I will be monitoring pretty much how many of you are watching this show. And if you’re going to boycott my show, too, I won’t do it. I don’t have to do it. I do it because I think you’ll like it. Right, Mr. Producer? So if that’s the attitude and I don’t think it is, I think it’s a few morons who get on line and just do what they do. It’s no skin off my nose. You know, my my goal in doing this program and the TV. In the Fox show. Is for us to be able to come together on certain issues, but to expose certain things so we can help save the country for our next generation. I don’t think it’s any secret that I have enough money. I don’t have to do any of these things anymore. I’m not patting myself on the head. Quite the contrary. I’m just saying, if. If people aren’t interested and they want to boycott, fine. My wife might be thrilled, she says. We never take a vacation. We never have time. I got it. I understand. I understand. I’m only talking to those who. We’re trying to stir the pot out there. If that’s your attitude and I don’t mean you, most of you, I’m talking to them, then you’re not. You’re not hurting me. I don’t live for it. You’re not hurting me. I just try to do the best I can at everything I do. I think I’m now one of the oldest. Constitutional conservatives in terms of. Longevity in this business. And when I took up the battle. Against the establishment, against rhinos, against Democrats and so forth. It was extremely lonely. I remember a column at National Review saying, well, who exactly is the establishment? And I remember a couple of my friends, I’ve only mentioned who they are in this business saying, I don’t know about this. And they were friends with you. I’m not and I never have been. And I can’t stand them. Try back Reagan in 76 when I was 19 years old in the Republican primaries in Pennsylvania. I just point this out. But clearly you’ll do what you want. Now, I do say if he can’t watch a live, you can always DVR the program. But some people. This is what they live for. Some hosts, this is it. They have nothing else. And this is what they live for. I live for finding every platform I can to advance our cause, and they help save our country. I worry about my kids. I worry about my grandkids. You worry about your kids and grandkids. I worry about this country. I’m in love with this country since I was a teenager. That’s what I did. This is what I do. So I just I just want people to make sure that they’re thinking these things through properly. Now. We’ve had extremely strong ratings in the last two weeks. We’ve interviewed Donald Trump both weeks. And we will continue to do these what I consider great shows, not because of me, but because of the format and the guests. As long as you want to watch them. And if you decide you don’t want to watch them, I’ll stop doing them. That’s simple. But I want to go on here a little bit further. There’s a lot more to cover. Jon Tester. Is this this clown out of Montana? He’s a Democrat. He’s hanging on by. His fingernails, but he’s up for re-election. He votes hard left, hard left, hard left. But he has this. Quasi crew cut any pretense that he’s a tough guy. He’s a rancher, weighs about £714. And of course, he’s on the Scarborough show. He’s on MSNBC. Cut three. Go! The 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States says you can’t do this. Right. Why are we normalizing or accepting negotiations over something which shouldn’t and can’t be negotiated? It is all the time, though, isn’t it? Well, I mean, this is not the first time this has happened in Washington, D.C.. No, but we often go to the brink over the budget, not over the full faith and credit of the United States government. So they have this guy, David Rothkopf. I don’t know who he is. Saying that the Constitution prevents. The Republicans doing from what they’re doing. And I’m telling you now in much of the media that you don’t watch MSNBC and CNN are you don’t read USA Today in The New York Times and The Washington Post. And they are pushing hard. Hard by cherry picking phonies, frauds and reprobates to say this kind of stuff. To try and give cover to Joe Biden should he decide to do it. I’m not saying he will. Should he decide to violate Article one of the Constitution and destroy separation of powers and the core function of the House of Representatives. And Mitch McConnell sitting on the sidelines because he participated in this dirty work in ads for 20 years. The Democrats did this in the House before the Republicans were sworn in. Go ahead. Alan Shearer And that is we all watched the the show to elect the speaker in the House three months ago. Yeah. What did McCarthy promise? Exactly. I think that as another you know year Fox. A couple of things. We’re going to run out of money and we’re not going to run out of money. What did they tell you the other day? 352 to $400 billion comes into the government every month. That’s your money every month. So they have that money. It’s just not enough to cover the Biden spending plan. And so the Republicans are saying we will raise the debt ceiling so we can borrow more money, but we have got to start to slow the trajectory so we will create more debt, but not as much as Biden wants. And that’s where the rubber hits the road. The Democrats are saying, no, you do not hear this explained on Scarborough’s show because he’s an ass. And he’s a fraud. That’s why you do not hear this explained anywhere except here. Anywhere. Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, and he was at a hearing today, Cut for growth, by my calculation, the next day, the day in which the Treasury will run out of cash to pay all the government’s bills on time. Now, isn’t that interesting to hear what he said? Mr. Producer. They run out of cash to pay all the government’s bills at one time. They don’t run out of cash for Social Security. Medicare. Veterans benefits. But they don’t have enough cash. Premature. The other stuff. If they want to prioritize the military, they will have enough money for the military. Which is about 65 to $70 billion a month. But what they’re saying again is we’ll run out of money. We will default. We won’t have this. We won’t have that. And they’re the ones doing this. So as I said early in the program. Joe Biden. Is giving America a choice. Either these Republicans vote to further swell the debt, massively increase inflation. More bank failures. More mortgage failures, an utter disaster. Or he’s going to put one shot in the temple of the economy and drive us over the edge immediately. And you’re not going to hear that on MSNBC. And that won’t come out of a single Democrat’s mouth. This is why they will never come on this program ever, or any of my programs. This is why. Now this bank crisis is expanding. These regional banks. And we don’t even have a debt crisis yet. It hasn’t even come to a head yet. And is expanding. Because of what Biden and the Democrats did to the economy. And it’s going to keep expanding. It’s the same thing they’ve done on the border. They’ve destroyed the border. Millions of people are coming into this country. We don’t know who they are. They’re coming here legally. Let me prove it to you. Jay Johnson on MSNBC today. Obama’s guy could go as sex make that sex go. But watching those people just scrambling for whatever supplies, scarce supplies they could get is heartbreaking. And it shouldn’t happen in the wealthiest country in the world. Should be able to feed, clothe, house and process and, you know, migrants to this country. This is. Let’s let let’s stop there. First of all, that’s not a question. That’s an opinion. She should have gotten a hook a long time ago. The wealthiest country in the world cannot feed, clothe and house every human being to pour into this country. It’s an impossibility. Whether we’re the wealthiest or not, It’s not possible. How would you do that? Where would this take place? This is the problem. When people live and sleep and socialize and get drunk or whatever they do. In Washington, D.C., which is the capital of bullcrap, which produces nothing. Literally no industries. This is the problem when you’re in this kind of an a cultural bubble. Andrea Mitchell We should be able to take care. It’s heartbreaking. Nobody’s told those people to come to the border. Nobody’s told those people to do anything that they’re doing. Except Biden. Go ahead. There are 2 million cases backlog. Yes. And why? Why can’t we? I can say it’s because I’ll tell you why we can’t. Everybody doesn’t have papers. Everybody doesn’t have identification. Everybody’s not in a database. We don’t know who the criminals are. We don’t know who the terrorists are. We don’t know who the real parents are. We don’t know who’s being sent here as a coyote for the drug cartels. We don’t know any of these things about people who show up and clothes on their back. That’s all they do. So when you say there’s a backlog of 2 million, what are you talking about? Andrea Mitchell What would you have us do? Now what Biden is doing is processing them into the country as fast as he possibly can without going through all the protocols. And still there’s too many. That’s why you have to have a system in place that’s manageable, that’s lawful, that secures the border. Because what’s happening here is inhumane. But Andrea mitchell’s too damn stupid. To understand. Go ahead. Money in the budget, available discretionary money that could be thrown out this hire people process. And when you have people coming across our southern border in these numbers, even with the additional resources we have now, it’s simply not feasible to keep track of them all. Do you understand that? Andrea Mitchell Do you understand? Have you ever managed anything? You could throw $1,000,000,000,000, you’re not going to be able to do it because the information doesn’t make itself available and sometimes it never makes itself available. I’m sick of her. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4

Joe Biden is a human wrecking ball. That’s why he blows things up. He blew up the border, which was more secure than ever before under the President Trump. He blew up the economy. He blew up the currency. This is what he does. He blew up our. Leaving of Afghanistan into a surrender. And so he’s going to blow up. What now? Our financial system. Look what he’s done on the border. Can I pretend to secure? So this is the man who’s dealing with the economy. This is the problem. This is the problem. I know you’re all worried about what’s happening, and you should be. You should be because. Here’s a title from a serious report. Half of America’s banks are potentially insolvent. This is how a credit crunch begins. This is how you drive an economy into the ground and damage our finances. It’s spooky. Thousands of banks are underwater, said Professor Ahmed Suru, a banking expert at Stanford. Let’s not pretend that this is just about Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic. A lot of the US banking system is potentially insolvent. How did it happen? How did it happen? Biden did it. The Democrats did it. Inflation and less spending. That’s who did it. That’s who responsible, and they’re not done. What they’re doing now. Now, I know you’re worried about this Federal Reserve staff. They’re worried about it. We’re headed for a recession. There’s no question. I feel like we’re in it. I feel like we’re heading towards stagflation. And depending on how this turns out, a depression. But what do I know? Now. All right. I’ve got more to get into here tonight. I want to tell you about Sotomayor. Justice Sotomayor. But there’s a big ethical issue that has not been reported on the news today. I’ve been watching. And certainly won’t be raised by the Democrats as they try to destroy the big constitutionalist Supreme Court. I’ll be right back.