May 2nd, 2023

May 2nd, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 19: The sun rises behind the U.S. Supreme Court Building on April 19, 2023 in Washington, DC. Today the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to decide whether to maintain the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of abortion drug mifepristone after an appeals court in Texas said it would place limitations on the medication. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Supreme Court is now under assault by Democrats and the media, who are trying to destroy the court because they disagree with it. The Supreme Court is created by the Constitution itself, and Democrats in Congress are destroying separation of powers and demanding that certain justices like Clarence Thomas testify about ethics. In the past both parties understood to leave the court alone, but not anymore because the Democrat party burns down anything that gets in their way. The same people who want to pack and destroy the court should not give lectures on ethics, especially Democrats who refuse to investigate President Biden while spending years trying to destroy Donald Trump with a phony dossier. Also, Democrats are taking more control over our lives through federal agencies like the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency in the name of climate change. They use regulations, not even laws passed by Congress, to outlaw things like affordable air conditioning units. Later, Mark speaks with Kayleigh McEnany about her new book, Serenity in the Storm: Living Through Chaos by Leaning on Christ.

‘Thuggish Takedown’: Senate Republicans Accuse Democrats, Media Allies of Smear Campaign against Conservative Justices

FDR’s War Against the Press (2017)

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Photo by Anna Moneymaker

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

The workhorse of conservative talk radio is here. The brains, too. But who would brag? I don’t brag. Just kidding. Hang in there. Another institution is coming under brutal, vicious, vile assault by the Democrats and their media. And that, of course, is the Supreme Court. You know, it’s one thing, ladies and gentlemen, do have disagreements with the court’s decision. It’s one thing to support convention of states, that sort of thing, but it’s quite another to try and destroy. The Supreme Court. Article three. Creates the Supreme Court. Congress does not create the Supreme Court. The Constitution does. The framers did every bit as much as they created Congress. And in violation of separation of powers, the Democrats continue to insist. They continue to insist that Republican members of the excuse me, that constitutionalists on the Supreme Court come and testify from the chief justice to Justice Thomas, to Justice Gorsuch. They don’t have any power to enforce it. What are they going to do it Go to the courts. But they’re supposed to try and avoid these kinds of confrontations if they can. But not the Democrats. This should be a lesson, I think, to at least some judges and justices that when you allowed. The rogue unleashing the rogue unleashing of Congress and these federal law enforcement entities against Donald Trump. It’s come back to haunt you because now the same crowd thinks they can take a whack a you. This is an attempt at intimidation. It’s attempt at threatening. This has been going on now for a long time. It went on when. Schumer was in front of the. Supreme Court steps, pointing to the Supreme Court screaming at the top of his lungs. That they were coming after. A couple of the Supreme Court justices, you might recall. Pretty lousy stuff. And yet he did. It’s very important. It’s very important to keep in mind. That the Supreme Court, unlike the lower branches of the WHO the judiciary again, is created by. The Constitution itself. Now, what’s going on here? They say they want to look into the unethical behavior. Of Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas, who they continue to try and go after. ProPublica or ProPublica out there on the West Coast radical left wing operation obviously spent months digging into Clarence Thomas background. Another media outlet spent months digging into Gorsuch’s background. Nobody ever nobody ever dug into Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s background or any of the rest of them. It’s amazing. So that’s what this is. And what’s interesting is. In the past, the just the the members of Congress from both parties. Understood. Understood. Leave the court alone. But not anymore. The Democrat excuse me, the Democrat Party believes in burning down things. If they can’t get their way. So they want to burn down the Electoral College. They want to burn down the filibuster rule. They wanted to burn down the. Supreme Court because they wanted to pack the court more than one occasion. They want to burn down the voting system. They want to burn down the border. They want to burn down the currency. They want to burn down capitalism. They want to burn down energy independence. Now they circle back to the courts, working hand in glove with the radical leftists. In the media. I remember a time when we were told, don’t attack the court, don’t attack the independence, sanctity of the court, on and on and on. Now it’s attacked on a regular basis by the same media goons. Democrat hacks. Really? As before. As before. They don’t really care about Clarence Thomas finances. You know how I know? Because they don’t care about Joe Biden’s finances. As they don’t care about the Biden crime family at all. They never ask a single question about it. Yet he’s president of the United States. They worried about foreign intervention when it came to Trump. Now they expect that when it comes to Biden and they don’t care. In the least. Well, what’s that all about? I want you to hear the kind of vile, poisonous attack on the court and these originalist justices that took place today. And I want you folks who are black or brown or yellow or however you categorize yourselves, I want you to keep something in mind. These white liberals, these white leftist Democrats, these black and brown leftist Democrats. They don’t really care about you. And if you step outside the radical left agenda, they will destroy you. They’ll certainly try to. They will destroy you in the media. They will destroy you in Congress. You won’t find a single black host on MSNBC. Come to Clarence Thomas’s defense. Not one. You won’t find a single black host on CNN. Come to Clarence Thomas’s defense. Not one. Not one. Now, this is interesting because they talk about the ethics rules as applied to the Supreme Court. This would be the same Congress, mind you, that just snuck in a vote to give themselves $34,000 in a salary increase, which they call reimbursements. And you were unaware of This would be the same Congress. There was cutting deals on sexual harassment and using your tax dollars to pay off the accusers, and they were signing non-disclosure agreements. And then we found out about it. But they did it behind your backs. The same Congress that uses your tax dollars for junkets. The same Congress that refuses to be on Social Security. They have their own special pension plan. The same Congress that refuses to be on our health care systems. They have their own health care plan, the same Congress that exempted itself from the Freedom of Information Act. Because they don’t want you to know what they’re doing. They don’t want you to know what they’re doing. So first, I want you to hear Chris Murphy of Connecticut. Chris Murphy is a reprobate. He’s a real sleazeball. He’s had a Connecticut. He wasn’t even at the hearing today, but he gave a speech press conference. I want you to listen to how he speaks about the justices in the court. I wrote an entire book criticizing the court on no occasion that I accused justices of what this slimeball accuses them of. Cuddle up and go right. Supreme Court justices and their families essentially on the payroll of interests, interest groups and individuals who have cases before the court. Right. That’s the most obvious, stunning, brazen conflict of interest you can imagine. All right, let’s stop. There’s not probably a judge in America at any level. At any level. Who doesn’t have some at least indirect connection of somebody as some matter before the court, particularly the Supreme Court, since the matters are so big and cover such broad areas. You know, like members of Congress. Like members of Congress. How many times do they trade stock red before they have a vote? Do you remember Chris Murphy going to the microphone whining and complaining about Nancy Pelosi and her big dumb husband? No. Of course, that. And, of course, Joe Biden. Who’s bought and paid for by the Communist Chinese. He’s the Manchurian President. Nothing. Go ahead. Individuals and companies that appear before the court sending money quietly and privately into the pockets of Supreme are not sending money into the pockets of Supreme Court justices. First of all, we’re talking about individuals who purchase land, who have long time relationship in the case of Clarence Thomas. I’m putting money in his pocket. Was it a quid pro quo? They have no causal connection to anything. There’s no causal connection to any ruling. None. As a matter of fact, I think we talked about this last week. They looked at 20 cases that might have had some connection to one of these individuals or their business. And they found in the case of Clarence Thomas. 12 to 8. 12 times he he voted or ruled in a way that would be positive and eight times he voted against. Wow. He’s really on the payroll, huh, Mr. Producer? Meanwhile. These bastards in Congress. They’ve legalized graft. They’ve legalized graft for themselves. There’s more pork in the last spending bill. Than any time in modern history. Vote for me. I’ll get you a park. Give me a donation. I’ll change the tax laws. These are the sleaze balls. The Chris Murphy tapes. Go ahead, justices. What is so stunning to me is that we can’t all agree easily that this is. I love when the Democrats. Can’t you agree with us to destroy Donald Trump? Can’t you agree with us to destroy Clarence Thomas and Gorsuch? Can’t you agree with us on abortion? Can’t you agree with us on open borders? Come on now, can we all get together and explode the budget even further? I mean, it’s just common sense. Can’t we meet and talk about this? Go ahead. Right. Not everything in Washington, D.C., has to be left versus right. Oh, okay. Yeah, right, Right. Well, for me, it’s not left versus right. It’s U radical Marxist bastards versus constitutionalists. It’s not a left versus right. It’s good versus evil. You’re evil and we’re good. Go ahead. Here has to be a controversy. There are some things that public officials do that I thank you. And. With their prepubescent voice as he screeches his way through it. I’ve got more. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

All right. We’re going to get into this. I’ve asked the Mr. Producer to gather a number of these clips at this hearing today on the Supreme Court, because I think this matters. And we want enough time because there’s only a minute or so left here. But you are going to hear from Mike Lee and Ted Cruz and John Kennedy and Lindsey Graham. But you’re also going to hear from little Dick Durbin, another Dick on the community, Dick Blumenthal, a third. I mean, Chris Murphy. You already heard. But we can only take so much of these frauds, phonies and fools. And the fact of the matter is, they’re really just doing this as an opportunity to try and destroy the Supreme Court, as you will hear. They have all kinds of motives now, and the Democrat Party has nothing but contempt for our system, contempt for the country, contempt for capitalism, and contempt for you. And this is a a party. It’s amazing to me the media will say the Democrats in the media will say, the people want you to focus on what matters. How many times have you heard that the people want you to focus on what matters? Gasoline. Now, of course, they’ve blown up. They’re the wrecking balls of our society, every economic aspect and national security aspect of this country. And then they say that people want us to focus on that. Right. And yet here, apparently the people want us to focus on Supreme Court justices. Oh, no, we can’t impeach my caucus, that people don’t want us to focus on that morons like Nancy Mace have to say, No, no, no. They don’t want us to focus. And now they’re going after Supreme Court justices. So they disagree with. That’s perfectly fine. Let’s focus on that and play defense all the time. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3

Let’s start with Ted Cruz at the judiciary hearing today. Six go. Senate Democrats and their lapdogs in the media are engaged in a two fold political campaign. Number one, to delegitimize the Supreme Court of the United States, because they are angry that there are a majority of constitutionalists on the court. But number two, very directly, this is a political campaign designed to smear Justice Clarence Thomas. And the reason is simple The left despises Clarence Thomas, and they do not despise him because he’s a conservative. The left despises Clarence Thomas because he is a conservative African-American. Here’s what Clarence Thomas said at that confirmation hearing. He said, If you are a free thinking African-American, quote, you will be lynched, destroyed and caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate. Well, in three decades, that hasn’t changed. It’s gotten worse. And to be clear, here’s the left’s view. I point to one article just three weeks ago. The Democrats need to destroy Clarence Thomas’s reputation. They’ll never successfully impeach him. But so what? Make him a metaphor for every insidious thing the far right has done to this country. Isn’t that sick. The Stalinist tactics that these bastards use, I’ve told you before. They use it on Trump. They used it on Bork. They used it on Clarence Thomas. And it’s gotten worse and worse and worse, more ubiquitous. Now they have their Stalinist prosecutors all over the country, whether it’s Manhattan or Atlanta or Washington, D.C., hunting down Trump, hunting down his staff, hunting down his lawyers, going after Clarence Thomas, going after Gorsuch. Look what they did to Brett Kavanaugh. Look what they’re trying to do to other justice. It’s just it’s just incredible. If you don’t play their game, if you don’t buckle to these people, they will ruin you. That’s the plan. Mike Lee at the hearing today. Cut five. Go. Today’s hearing and the radical left continued attacks on Justice Thomas and his wife, Jenny. Over the last 31 and a half years are part of a sustained, hateful attempt to discredit an honest man and a principled jurist. The left, you see, can’t tolerate it, cannot accept the fact that one of our greatest American success stories, that of a humble citizen who rose from poverty in the segregated South to become not only one of the Supreme Court Supreme Court’s longest serving justices, but also one of the most influential jurists our country has ever known, is the story of a black man who happens to be conservative. Now, those leading the charge against Justice Thomas would have us believe that he simply couldn’t think for himself, that he can’t think for himself. And so his wife and his wife, his white friends must tell him what to think. And the truth is, the left simply disagrees with his decisions and with the decisions of our current Supreme Court. And they obviously can’t persuade the American people to adopt their radical policies through legislation. So they’re attempting to destroy the court’s credibility and intimidate the Republican appointed justices and their families. Starting with Justice Thomas, you’re making clear that justices who disagree with them will pay a price. And it’s a price that the radical left is determined to ensure is very high. This is all just a thuggish shakedown. Nice Supreme Court you’ve got there. America sure would be a shame if something happened to it. I mean, you are watching Stalinism before your eyes. You’re watching a Pravda Media that helps promote it. And, of course, defense Senator John Kerry at the hearing today, cut seven go. Not only is this Democratic proposal unconstitutional, it is unnecessary. The attacks on conservative justices aren’t targeted. They’re exaggerated. The alarmism is affected. The danger isn’t that rogue justices are operating without ethics. If the Democrats aren’t winning every fight and they find that reality intolerable. I’ve been disappointed by Supreme Court opinions to. But my Democratic colleagues should feel out of hurt feelings. Report and move on. For the sake of the Constitution. Promise, Senator. They don’t like the Constitution. They don’t believe in it. Lindsey Graham. Cut eight. Go. This is an unseemly effort by the Democratic left to destroy the legitimacy of the Roberts court. It’s put people at risk. It’s put their personal safety at risk. And if you want to talk about making the court a better institution, I’ll be glad to work with in that regard. If you want to talk about destroying the court, count me out and about conflicts of interest. Justice Kagan, who’s a fine person, was the dean of Harvard Law School. She’s raised a half a billion dollars for the law school when she was dean. That’s sort of her job. After she left, she’s been trying to raise money for Harvard Law School. There’s a case involving Harvard before the court. She’s not now recused herself. I’m not saying she should. I’m just saying there’s a very selective outrage here. And from our point of view on this side of the aisle, we’re going to push back as hard as we can and tell the American people the truth about what’s going on here. This is not about making the court better. This is about destroying a conservative court. It will not work. Exactly right. Little Dick Durbin, the chairman of this committee, because the real chairman has dementia and she’s incapable of showing up for the meeting, just to be honest with you. Dianne Frank and Feinstein. Although Dick Durbin’s not much better. He’s a real sleazeball. Here’s what he said. Cut now and go to most objective people. This is not the ordinary course of business, nor should it be a standard for those of us in public service. We wouldn’t tolerate this from a city council member or an owner. No, no, no. But you tolerate it from your own president, you jackass. You had the Judiciary Committee. Why don’t you call hearings? About the massive amounts of money that flowed into the Biden family. Why don’t you call hearings into the. Activities of the then vice president and his son. And now he sold his office for a profit. Why don’t you demand that the attorney general testify and explain why he has not appointed a special counsel to investigate Biden’s connections with the Communist Chinese and his sale of his office when he was vice president. Why don’t you do that? Durbin You wouldn’t take it from a council member. Then this jerk come out of Chicago or thereabouts. I think he’s taken a lot. I don’t mean graft. What I’m saying here, ladies and gentlemen, is they sit there and they pound their chests whenever there’s a Republican president. They sit there and they pound their chests of a Republican attorney, a Supreme Court justices. They want us to believe that they’re really just looking into these matters because they stand on the side of ethics, but they’re lying thugs who hate the Constitution. Go ahead. It falls short of the ethical standards we expect of any public servant in America. And yet the Supreme Court won’t even acknowledge it’s a problem. The chief justice exactly is the problem. I’m just curious. They can’t even state that there’s some causal connection with a decision. And a relationship. They can’t demonstrate it, let alone prove it. They can’t even explain it. What exactly is the issue? Well, he he took it. They say he sold some property to this billionaire who had matters before the court and they act like the billionaire had personally had matters before the court. You know, he’s a billionaire, so he’s got a lot of money. Now, Bernie Sanders had his way, you wouldn’t have a penny, in fact, where you’re hanging from a telephone pole by his feet because Marxists like to do that sort of thing. So what exactly is the violation here? There isn’t any. There aren’t any. And so they try and create this idea. It’s something unethical. Not. These people who are involved in legislation and budget matters and spending endlessly with all kinds of connections. And lobbyists and special interests and donors. Oh. They’re very, very concerned. ProPublica out there. I believe they’re in San Francisco. They’ll never do an anal exam of little Dick Durbin. Maybe I strung too many things together there, Mr. Producer. But you get my point. Go. Ed mentioned it. Meanwhile, the rest of the federal judiciary and the executive and legislative branches have codes of conduct designed to prevent even the appearance of a code of conduct. Moran. The executive branch has. Code of conduct for members of the executive branch, except the president of the United States. Now at the drop of a hat there were conducting criminal and congressional excuse me, congressional investigations of Donald Trump. And it with Joe Biden with a full laptop full of evidence. Evidence everywhere and nothing. The Democrats in the Senate won’t even take a little peek. Go ahead, Mr. Corruption. As this chart tells us, the Supreme Court. Don’t you get tired of being a mouthpiece for your staff? You little runt. Don’t you get tired of that? What a jerk this guy is. I’m done with him. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4

Connecticut should be proud with Chris Murphy and and Dick Blumenthal. Another another Dick in the Senate, Dick Blumenthal. Now, you remember, this is the guy that pretended he saw combat in Vietnam, which caused Donald Trump the column, which is hilarious, denying, denying Dick, really what you expect. Anyway. He’s very concerned about all this. They all feign their concern. They’re all such disgusting reprobates. Here he is. Cut ten. Go. The fact of the matter is, the American public want action. The American public is disgusted. You don’t even know what the hell you’re talking about. The American people. If acted, the matter is. Like he’s forget the guy’s name or the fact of the matter is the American people are disgusted. Yes, we want action. ACTU we want action. We’re disgusted with you, you schmuck. Go ahead. What they see. In public life. It’s what they not day what they see in public life. Get the lectures from the Democrats. It’s hilarious. Go ahead. Rating of standards. And conduct that would never be tolerated in their own workplaces. What are you talking about? What conduct? I just want to remind you what they did to Brent Kavanaugh. I just want you to remind you what they did to Clarence Thomas during his hearing. I just want to remind you what they did to Robert Bork. These are the disgusting. And then they sit there with Ted Kennedy on the on the committee, Chappaquiddick, Ted. And they sit there with hands. With hands. Biden on the committee. This the Democrat Party. Go ahead. And in their own private lives. And they want us to provide that action. What are you talking about? You do you have to be mentally deranged to be on this committee as a Democrat engaging in with that action. What action, You jerk. You don’t even know what you’re talking about. Go ahead. Public confidence in the United States Supreme Court has plummeted. We can go. No, no, no, no. You’ve destroyed it because you didn’t get your way. You. You want to abort with abandon? We want to abort. We hate babies. We want to abort. Yes. Woman’s choice. Abort. Abort. Here. Abort. They’re born everywhere, but abort. And they say that’s up to the states, those bastards. It’s up to the States. We want to abort in the last second a pregnancy. Well, that’s not what, Sandra. We don’t care, says Lynne Cheney. Go ahead. As to what the cause is. But a lot of the American public are increasingly. Why do you think you speak for the American public? You of all people. Why do you think you speak for the American public? You don’t speak for the American public. Right. I Seriously. What’s he talking about? Go ahead. As politicians in robes. And now after the politicians in robes. Wow. So you believe in strict compliance with the culture? No, they don’t. Folks, the same people who want to pack the court. These are them who want to destroy the court. These are those people. And we don’t need lectures about ethics. From Democrats in Congress. That’s for sure. We don’t need lectures about ethics from Democrats who want to investigate their own party, the Bidens. We don’t need lectures from Democrats who spent several years trying to destroy Donald Trump. With a phony dossier. We don’t need lectures from these bombs. These rat thinks it was sneaked stuff in the legislation to make your life miserable. All right, we’ll move on. But it had to be said. I’ll be right back.