May 1st, 2023

May 1st, 2023

A summer sunset brings pink and purple skies to the Capitol, while the dome of the Capitol is reflected in the skylight of the Capitol Visitor Center after a recent rainstorm.

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, a political party is an organized attempt to gain control of the government, and the Democrat party seeks to gain control and keep it through a one-party state. That is when you know you are dealing with a totalitarian party. The Democrat socialists like AOC and Bernie Sanders have fundamentally taken over the base of the Democrat party, who Nancy Pelosi and President Biden had to bow to and are now doing their bidding.  The administrative state exists for the Democrat party and has since FDR, and it leaks and undermines Republican administrations so even if they win elections they still lose. Also, Kevin McCarthy gave a speech in Israel while Biden still has not invited Benjamin Netanyahu to the United States, and secularist Democrats just do not care. McCarthy is speaking out about the Iran regime’s aggression and its threat to Israel, and at the same time the Biden administration is ignoring Israel while helping Iran.

Exclusive: Mexican Migrant Wanted for Murder of Five Hondurans Deported 3 Times, Says Texas Sheriff

Bernie Sanders: Confiscate Wealth Above $1 Billion — ‘I Think People Can Make It on $999 Million’

More people are getting away with murder. Unsolved killings reach a record high

Americans fault news media for dividing nation: AP-NORC poll

NY Post
Congress’ unconstitutional pay scam gets members $34K raises

CNN Panelist Drops the Hard Truth About Biden’s Speech at the White House Correspondents Dinner.

Summers: We Have ‘a Stagflationary Problem Developing’

Daily Mail
Kevin McCarthy tells Netanyahu he will invite him to Washington if Biden doesn’t on trip to Israel

NY Times
Prosecutors in Jan. 6 Case Step up Inquiry Into Trump Fund-Raising

Photo by John Baggaley

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

As I continue my own journey through various philosophers and political scientists and so forth and so on, and do my own thinking and reasoning. I want to bring these different thoughts to you where we together can try and make sense of some things that are taking place in this society. Let me read a quote to you and we will jump into the other stuff. Soon enough, a political party is an organized attempt to get control of the government. A political party isn’t or organized attempt. To get control of the government. Let me do it without causing a political party is an organized attempt to get control of the government. E Shatz Schneider, who was a political scientist fairly well known in the middle of the last century. It’s interesting, isn’t it? And in many ways, it’s correct. A political party is an organized attempt to get control of the government. But things are a little different today. In several respects, but let me speak to the main ones. For the Democrat Party. A political party is an organized attempt to get control of the government and keep it. For the Democrat Party. It’s an attempt to get control of the government and keep it and have a one party state. That’s why they tried to change the voting system. That’s why they try to pack the Supreme Court. That’s why they do what they do in the States. And that’s when you know, you’re dealing with a party that is totalitarian in nature. As the Democrat Party is. You’ll also notice the AOC types, the Bernie Sanders type. These are Democratic socialists. That’s what they call themselves the Democrat Socialists of America. That was the organization that propelled them. Into office and scores of them, as a matter of fact, in the House. They’re not really Democrat Party. Apparatchiks. So what are they doing? They’re trying to take over fundamentally the base of the Democrat Party because they have figured out they’re running in the Green Party, the Reform Party, whatever party doesn’t work, not in the United States for a variety of reasons I don’t need to get into. And so the real battle is within the parties. And so the Marxists have battled within the Democrat Party. And they are the base of the Democrat Party. That Pelosi had to bow to. And Biden has to bow to. And now they are actual participants in that’s the Democrat Party base. So they have succeeded. The American Marxists. And becoming the base of the Democrat Party. Even if they’re not the majority. And they have succeeded in. Securing the support of the ruling class of the Democrat Party. Makes sense, Mr. Producers. I think this through. Let me add this. A political party is an organized attempt to get control. The government and I added and keep it. If you’re a Democrat for one party rule, permanent one party government, and they’ve been working on this. Since Woodrow Wilson in the early 1900s, but most especially since Franklin Roosevelt. Franklin Roosevelt wrote long ago, and it’s in one of my books that he wanted to create permanent change because it’s not enough to win an election. And then the other party comes in and the things are you devout, they’re no longer relevant or no longer in place. And so they came up with this idea of a massive, powerful, entrenched bureaucracy. That’s the permanent government. Scholars call it the administrative state. Politicians call it the swamp. Call it whatever you want. And that administrative state or swap exists for the Democrat Party. When Republicans are in office. They either lay low or more particularly, what they do is they sabotage. They leak. They undermine. That’s what they do. That bureaucracy is built. Not exclusively, but mostly by the Democrat Party. So even if Republicans win elections. They don’t win the day. Now there are Republicans like Chris Sununu, like Karl Rove. Like Larry Hogan, like Asa Hutchinson, like Chris Christie, who are perfectly happy with that. They like the trappings of power as long as they can have some changes on the on the edges where they can point to themselves as really. Important figures when in fact they’re not even hiccups in history. Then there are those who take it on. Like a Reagan and a Trump and so forth who pay the price? And a DeSantis in Florida. Who is now being stalked by Nancy Mace. And just let me say as a footnote, Nancy Mace, Chris Sununu, Asa Hutchinson. Truth is, they and their ilk would not be getting time on Sunday shows on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC or CBS unless they’re trashing their own party and members in their own party. Otherwise they wouldn’t get any attention because they are irrelevant. If I were to state today. Some provocative statement about a conservative principle or about a conservative governor or a conservative senator or Donald Trump or what, what have you. I would be invited on Meet the Press. Face the Nation. And every other show they could think of. When I criticized the establishment 15, 20 years ago, remember Mr. Redos? And they were begging me to come on their shows. I said no, because your intentions are not pure, your intentions are political. But that’s not the case. Nancy Maes, Chris Sununu said their intentions are self-aggrandizement. All right. That’s that footnote. Let’s get back to the bigger point. So we’re facing today a Democrat Party that has a base, if not more, that hates America, rejects the Constitution, rejects the rule of law, is Marxist. In many aspects of its ideology. That has. Essentially conquered the ruling class within their party. And that is the battle that has been lost in the Democrat Party, within the Democrat Party. But now that’s the battle we face. Many of us anyway, as non Democrats. Now, having said all this, I talked about the permanent bureaucracy. They’ve also stacked the courts. With 80 allies. We stacked the courts with people who say they won’t be realize we stacked the courts with people say, I’ll take each case as it comes and apply the law. They stacked the courts with people who say, I’ll take each case as it comes and I’ll advance the radical left activists agenda. Which makes it, of course, very difficult to overcome. Makes it daunting. It’s matter of fact. But as such, this entire system is now stacked against us. The permanent bureaucracy. The judicial activists. It’s stacked against us, those of us who are constitutional conservatives. It’s stacked against us. This is what I’ve been thinking about over the course of the weekend. I think that’s what’s happened. And so they continue to empower themselves and trying their agenda through their bureaucracy with regulations. Bureaucratic dictates and fiats and rules and penalties and punishments. Executive orders. Live an entire massive gathering. Apparatus that has no constitutional basis and completely blows out the idea of a representative government. And exists to not only empower itself, but to continue to grow and grow and grow. And the Democrat Party and this permanent government. Are one in the same. Which is why Biden and previous Democrats have proposed massive spending, massive debt, more programs, more agencies, more bureaucracy. Because that empowers the Democrat Party and empowers the permanent bureaucracy and they can advance their agenda whether they’re in office or out of office. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

I want you to show you how Bernie Sanders works being a marxist. And as he is any attempt to cut government spending, he’ll be throwing people out on the streets, working people to be throwing them out on the streets. Cut to go. Donald, what needs to happen are two things. First of all, everybody in Congress has got to understand the United States of America cannot. Default on its debt. And by the way, a lot of that debt was accumulated under the Trump administration. Okay, let’s stop. We’re not talking about defaulting on the debt per se. We’re talking about defaulting on the spending that took place in the prior Congress that they voted on, including McConnell, but every Democrat. It was a setup against the Republicans. And I. Biden has thrown $7 trillion budget on top of that. And the Republicans are saying we can’t pay for all that and we’re not going to pay for that. We will destroy the future of our children and our grandchildren. And so being the Marxist that he is and believing in modern monetary policy, which is the federal government can spend and borrow as much as it wants, who cares? That’s his agenda. Now, if he believes the government shouldn’t default on its debt, then maybe he shouldn’t help create so much of it. I do agree that the Republicans contribute to this, but let’s be honest, when it comes to a bidding war on the debt, the Democrats win hands down every single time. Go ahead, bills or else there will be cataclysmic economic problems in the United States and around the world. Massive unemployment and a major recession. Number two. So why did you vote for that? Why are you supporting that budget then? Why don’t you guys negotiate and cut some of the spending so we can get the debt down? Anyway. Go ahead. Is right. What we need is a clean debt ceiling bill. Now, you don’t get a clean debt ceiling bill because that means every single thing that Joe Biden is demanding is going to be approved by Congress. Approved by the Republicans. Is that why you sent the Republicans here to approve every single spending, whether it’s redistribution to the teachers unions, redistributions to the Marxists on the left, the destruction of the combustion engine, the destruction of energy independence, open borders and all the rest, That’s what’s being funded or not funded. So we should fund a 19% increase for the Environmental Protection Agency, a 13% increase for the Department of Education, and a 3% increase on the on the military in the face of what China is doing. And the Republicans must comply or else we will default on the debt. That’s what he said. Need a clean bill. Do Republicans get clean debt increases when it comes to the Democrats? Of course not. So this guy’s a liar. Go ahead and then you can sit down and negotiate what a sensible budget is. What the Republicans are saying, they want to skip two cycles. Now we can negotiate what a sensible budget is. The Republicans were waiting to get sworn in. When Pelosi, a lame duck in the House, the Democrats and the Democrats in the Senate, with the help of McConnell, passed a budget. That’s never happened in modern American history. Normally, you wait for the new Congress to be sworn in because you have some respect for the voters who just told you they wanted a different party in charge of the House, but they didn’t do it. Now he says, Well, then we can negotiate on a budget. You rammed a budget through 92 on the Republicans. They must, in fact, pay for it, even though they didn’t vote for it, even though that it has so much waste and fraud and abuse, even though we have massive inflation. And your budget will include will increase inflation even more. That’s what he’s demanding. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3

An illegal alien literally slaughtered five people yesterday, including a mother and her daughter and others in a house next door because the illegal alien from Mexico, he and his friends were firing a gun on off their porch and they were dared to ask that police stop because it was too loud. It’s keeping the baby awake. So he got mad. There’s ten people in the house and he starts slaughtering them. Then I have to hear it. Liberals say, Well, why do you have to mention that the person’s an illegal alien? You know what? Let me tell you two reasons why. Number one, those five people will be alive if this illegal alien was not in America. He’d been deported four times before. Four times. Number two, the people who say this really don’t care about the migrant community. They really don’t care. They do not care about the migrant community. They pretend they care about it, but they don’t because the migrant community pays the price. For these murders. Not these leftists who run these organizations out of skyscrapers. Or these leftists on television. Or as white as. Pisarski. Who have no idea what they’re talking about. The communities that suffer as a result of an open border. In addition to our own border communities. Are the very people they claim to care about, who are raped, who are maimed. Who are enslaved. Were tortured who were murdered. These are the policies that the left have unleashed in America. You know, it’s an amazing thing to be a leftist. Think about how your mind functions. Actually, it’s quite dysfunctional. Quite dysfunctional. You hear day in and day out what’s going on on that border. You’re told what’s going on on that border and you don’t care. And yet you claim to be a humanitarian. With your self-righteous propaganda. Even though people are suffering horribly on both sides of the border as a result of the policies that you endorse. All right already. I don’t care who the King of England is. Especially this one. I’m sorry. This guy’s a huge. Live with the climate and all the rest of it. Otherwise, I’m very interested in British history, including the crown that this jack me. All right. Already sick of it. All right. Back to where I was. The American left. The American left. Does the American Left embrace life? I’m just curious. They’re the ones who promote. Abortion on demand right up to the last second. That’s not promoting life. Last time I checked. Now I will have a caveat here. They do. They do oppose the death penalty when it comes to mass murders. So in a perverse and bizarre way, they will defend those individuals. But when it comes to innocent life, not so much. They hate the cops. Who are they to prevent to protect innocent victims? They hate the unborn. They won’t even call them babies. They say it’s a right to kill them. It’s perverse. We have an open border that’s resulted in numerous deaths, uh, illnesses. Sexual crimes, enslavement. Children being forced into servitude. New York Times did a big piece on that. Now, Maggie Haberman, she’s busy chasing Trump. But you understand what I mean? Do they like life? What is it with that party? What is it with these people? I’m serious about it. And what what is their deal? How do they think? Really weird. You learn the truth. Especially their leaders. They’re crazy. All right, let’s keep moving here. Bernie Sanders is open to cutting some spending, ladies and gentlemen. Cut one. Go. Are you open to any spending cuts as part of the ultimate budget deal? Yeah. I mean, I think we can move toward cutting military spending when our spending ten times more than the people than any other country. Now, we’re not, you idiot. No, we’re not, you idiot. We’re not spending ten times more than the Communist Chinese. And I’ve explained this before, and you know, you’re a liar. That their numbers are fake and that they. They don’t break out the civilian side of the military. Their leads the. A spending priorities for the for that country. And they don’t include the amount of fusion with the civilian side. And he knows this. Israel is really contemptible as best it. Go ahead. Massive cost overruns in the Pentagon. Cost overruns in the Pentagon. Excuse me. There’s massive cost overruns and everything the government says. That’s funny. Then this massive cost overruns would would be an argument against big centralized government. Right. Big centralized government. I guess you could say we ought to eliminate Social Security based on that theory and Medicare based on that theory and every and every other entitlement based on that theory. And what about all the covert money that was spent? I guess we should have done that based on that theory. And you can go on and on and on. The government blows over $200 billion a year in waste, fraud and abuse. It’s not all the military. It’s not all contractors. Since the vast majority of the spending has nothing to do with the military. You’ve got a budget proposal of $7 trillion. The military is about 800 billion, give or take, of the 7 trillion. And I’m not even counting Social Security and Medicare. Not even counting. Go ahead. Open to demanding that the largest corporations in this country and the wealthiest people start paying their fair share of how they do pay their fair share, which is why we’re less and less competitive with the rest of the world when it comes to building things and services and so forth to the even the communist Chinese don’t think this way. They say, let everybody else raise taxes. Labor barriers lay off their people. We want a competitive edge. We want to succeed. We want to be the number one. The number one country economic nation on the face of the earth. And the rich should pay their fair share, he says. And corporations should pay their fair share, he says. What does that mean? And who’s going to go to America? The government. And what are they going to do with that? America? What are the bureaucrats and politicians going to do with the money that they have not earned? In fact, it’s been earned in spite of the politicians and the bureaucrats. What are they going to do with the money? Look at how big the government is. It’s the biggest employer. It’s the biggest pensioner. It’s the biggest landlord. It’s the biggest tenant. It’s the biggest consumer of energy. It’s the biggest consumer of natural resources. It owns more land than any collection of human beings on the face of the earth. And he wants more. More. Bernie Sanders had his way 150 years ago. We wouldn’t have automobiles today. We wouldn’t have electricity today. We wouldn’t have light bulbs today. The Industrial Revolution never would have happened because it takes capital to make stuff, to invest in things. But here’s what Bernie knows. What Marx now. There’s a lot more people who earn less than $1,000,000,000. And people who earn $1,000,000,000. A lot more people. And so it always flies when you make the point to hang him. CROWD Hang him! But let’s talk about these these billionaires. That’s going to cut for Mr. Producer. Go. In your book, you ask the question, how much is enough? So let me get an answer. By the way, that voice should be familiar. It’s the chin list. Chris Wallace. Go ahead. I think we should go back to the tax policies, the radical tax policies that existed under that communist president, Dwight Eisenhower. What do you think about that? But if you make a whole lot of money, you’re going to pay a whole lot of taxes. I do. I look, I think I may be wrong, but I think back in the Eisenhower days, the top marginal tax rate was around 90%. That’s right. So basically that’s saying let’s stop because poor Chris doesn’t know all the facts. Neither does Sanders. And he’s a liar. That 90% rate applied to virtually nobody. Because people in the category of 90%. Almost none of them existed. It’s also a temporary tax to try and pay for the New Deal in World War Two, which should completely zap the federal government’s ability to raise funds. So nobody talked about a 90% tax. Under circumstances that exist today other than a marxist. A Democrat, actually. Bernie Sanders. But let’s play this out for a moment. Let’s say there’s a 90% tax on the biggest corporations. What are they going to do? They’re going to go out of business. They’re going to go out of business. You can’t run assembly lines. Purchase material. Pay labor contracts. And pay shareholders. Including pensioners. And you’re paying 90%. To the federal government. And that doesn’t even include state taxes, state income taxes. So you’re really talking about a corporation paying. Over 100% in income taxes, he says, pay 90%. He didn’t say adjusted gross. He said 90%. That’s the net. 90%. So if you’re in California at the high rate, let’s say the corporate rate, just for the fun of it, is 13%. You’re paying 90% of the federal government jets just in federal state income taxes alone, you’re paying 103%. And that doesn’t include all the other taxes that they throw at you, property taxes and so forth and so on. So you either leave the country, the United States, or you go broke fast. And everybody who works for that cooperation is out of business. This is what happens when you get a mental midget Marxist ideologue out of a tiny state in New England trying to set national policy. He doesn’t know anything about economics. He knows everything about ideology. 90%. And it’s too bad Chris Wallace isn’t smart enough on the spot to confront this in a really significant way. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4

Listen to this. Cut five. Go. Sir, you’re saying that billionaire should not exist. Are you basically saying that once you get to $999 million, that the government should confiscate all the rest? I’m saying that we should go back to a very progressive tax policy like what we had on the Dwight B ice, which would mean that Apple over $1,000,000,000. Basically, it all goes to the government. I mean, you may disagree with me, but I’m just fine. Yeah, I think people can make it on 900. You know, it’s not a matter of people making it on 999 million. They don’t have it in their mattress. They’re not it’s not in their savings account. Their money’s either invested and much of it is counted as their wealth. Even though it’s not liquid, it’s in businesses and it’s employing people or it’s in capital investments, trying to develop new technologies for health. Or whatever. So you can imagine. What a disaster this would be. I hope he got to watch Life, Liberty and Levin on Sunday. We did. I pencil. First time ever. I think of any show we did I Pennsyl Bernie Sanders doesn’t know how to make a pencil and yet look at Lee would disrupt the economy and he doesn’t care the way they disrupt our energy system and they don’t care the way they disrupt our border. And they do not care. They want power, they promote their ideology. They don’t care about your lifestyle in the least. They want you jealous as hell. It’s not about some guy next door having $20 billion. Even today, Elon Musk doesn’t have an account with $50 billion in it. It’s invested in businesses which you would have to shut down and give the money to the government. Why? So people can get more bloated so they can hire more people, more IRS agents to harass you, empower the police state. We’ve seen this all over the world. So he says he would confiscate, confiscate. Later in the clip, he would confiscate anything. Over 999 million. Where the hell does he get the authority to do that? Under the Constitution. To confiscate anything. And now Biden is pushing a wealth tax. But don’t worry, it’s only for people who are much richer than you. It’s only a matter of time. Once they set the principle. Then you’re the target. You are the target. They want your money because, believe it or not, there aren’t enough billionaires to pay for what Bernie Sanders wants. It’s not until the people are enslaved to the government. That’s what they want. Then they have their control. I’ll be right back.