April 25th, 2023

April 25th, 2023

TOPSHOT - Former President Donald Trump attends the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) 287 mixed martial arts event at the Kaseya Center in Miami, Florida, on April 8, 2023. (Photo by CHANDAN KHANNA / AFP) (Photo by CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP via Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden, at age 80, announced his re-election while he’s destroying America. He talks about freedom but won’t let you buy a new gas stove or a combustion engine car. Nobody but the most unhinged Democrats talk about President Trump’s age. Trump doesn’t sound at all like he’s 78 but Biden looks and sounds like he’s 110. Also, the endless reporting and hateful attacks on Tucker Carlson are exactly what they think of us. The left-wing media want to squelch Fox News and conservative talk radio. Later, President Donald Trump calls in to discuss President Biden’s re-election announcement. Biden took the safest border in history, and he unraveled it. Trump talks about his new book, Letters to Trump and his relationships with JFK Jr, former PM of Japan Shinzo Abe, and Jack Nicklaus. Afterward, ex-NBA coach Phil Jackson speaks out against social justice warriors in sports. People need a break from politics, that’s why they watch sports. We can talk politics – off the field. Finally, retired FBI special agent Thomas Baker calls in to discuss his new book, The Fall of the FBI: How a Once Great Agency Became a Threat to Democracy

He explains the problem of today’s FBI is a problem of culture.

Yahoo Sports
Ex-NBA coach Phil Jackson says he stopped watching basketball when players wore slogans on jerseys during COVID-19 bubble

Washington Post
Switching to wind and solar energy will require a lot of land


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Our number 87738138118773813811. You’ve heard of this group called No Labels? Mr. Producer, There are a bunch of rhinos and Democrats, Hey, no Labels. So I thought I’d start yet another group. You know, I keep starting these groups and you’ll notice I’m chairman and CEO of all of them, as well as the director of DNI for each and every one of them, as well as the chief judicial analyst. So they have this group called No Labels. I’m going to start a group called No Pants, if you think of that. I’m not going to actually participate in the meanings because, you know, I like to wear my pants, but I will be the chairman and CEO of no Pants. And maybe we’ll fuse it with a few, you know, fatties united if you know pants. You never know. Preferably if you know labels. 6:30 p.m. tonight Eastern time, a.k.a.. In 22 minutes or so, President Trump will be on the program. Our Sunday show. Life, Liberty and Livin on Fox was number one for the entire weekend with our interview with President Trump. The media hated it. Oh, it’s so gushing. It’s so slobbering. And by the way. And by the way. You see this endless reporting on Tucker Carlson? Nasty, vicious, hateful attack. That’s what they think of all of us. You know, you don’t have to agree with Tucker on everything. Doesn’t matter. This is this is what they think of all of us. They hate us. And so they want to squelch Fox. They want to squelch conservative talk radio. They want to squelch individuals. If we don’t squelch ourselves and squelching, I think it’s illegal in 14 states, Mr. Producer. Nonetheless. I watched this media aide say people keep bringing it up to me. So they have like 12 articles, 11 of which are about Tucker Carlson. Then the view these loathsome low IQ left wing nutjobs. Obsessed with him. Over at Ms.. LSD. You have the bigot, Joy Reid. Al Sharpton over at Marcellus D. Nicolle Wallace, we swing back to the crackpot. Joe and Mika Scarborough are very ethical, moral people throughout their lives, by the way. Extremely all clapping like trained seals. Wishing. Wishing him. And then there’s AOC. Marxist America hating. Racist, in my view. AOC. She’s beside herself. She’s very excited. She she was so excited. She put out a clip of her making macaroni. Mr. Producer. AOC, who says Fox should be regulated because it promotes violence. Chuck Schumer Cornrow Forehead. Chuck Schumer Davening, hunched over saying the same thing. Another Democrat at a Virgin Islands saying that Matt Taibbi should be thrown in prison. Oh yeah, yeah. Democrat Party. They would embarrass Stalin. But there you have it. Now, Joe Biden has announced his reelection. This apparently was taped after they pumped him full of something. They were so his eyes would open. He would stand up and stop shuffling around under the walls. And the guy is a hater. He’s evil. Did I say evil? I’m sorry. He’s evil. I didn’t call him the devil yet. He’s destroying America. And he mentions the word freedom for the first time in his career and he tries to juxtapose you and me versus freedom, you see. And then he lies like a rug constantly. The ambassador lives like a rag. Can I tell the old joke? Somebody told me, Mr. Producer, I guess it’s sold a couple of months old about Dr. Jill and Jill Biden going to dinner. Did I tell you that joke? So, Dr. Jill, who really wears the pants in the house. And of course, that means Joe wears the dress. But nonetheless, they can do whatever they want. So they go to this steakhouse. And Jill Biden orders. She says, I have a stake in a medium rare. Sorry, I need it. Well done with ketchup, but that’s another story. Don’t hate me for it. So she says, medium rare. And the waiter says, What about the vegetable? She says he likes his well done. Did I never tell that joke? I never told that joke because it’s very disrespectful, you know? And I don’t like telling disrespectful jokes about Joe Biden. A man of unity, a man who puts his country before his party. A man who puts his country before his own political interests. The Abraham Lincoln of our day. The George Washington of our day. More like the professor Irwin Corey of our day. But here he is, ladies and gentlemen, announcing he’s running for president again. Cow on go freedom. Personal freedom is fundamental to who we are as Americans. There’s nothing more important, nothing more sacred. That’s from really leave our stoves alone to leave our cars alone. You moron. Go ahead and fight for our democracy. There shouldn’t be a red and blue issue when it shouldn’t be a blue issue. They’re going to fight for a democracy. And how does he fight for our democracy? By surrendering it to China and Russia and Iran and North Korea. Fight for our democracy by having open borders so foreigners can pour in here of all kinds, people with all kinds of backgrounds. They don’t have the foggiest idea who’s coming here. Or undermining law enforcement and the Bill of Rights. Well, it might fit the mark with the. Now, I had to make sure that everyone in this country is treated equally and that everybody in the country is treated equally. Unless you’re Asian. And a Harvard discriminate discriminates against her entrance doesn’t mean equitably. He is treated equally. Go ahead. Just let me make it. But you know, around the country, MAGA extremists are lining up to take on those bedrock freedoms, cut in some kind of Maga maga extremist lining up to take away those bedrock freedoms. Yeah. Yeah. The Maggie’s. Manga’s Meiji Manga’s. They’re lining up to take away all those freedoms, you know, that you have there. You know, like they did during the four years at Trump, they didn’t take any our freedoms. Hey, hey, hey. Be quiet there. Be quiet. I’ll stick the FBI on you. Yeah. I’ll stick to social sites. Yeah, that’s right. Well, we’ll shut you down. I’ll use my disinformation board, put the scarlet letter on your forehead, and prevent you from ever practicing again. That’s right. That’s right. But they want to take away your bedrock freedoms. I mean, not all the lunch bucket, Joe. I just want to take away your free speech and freedom of the press. I just want to take away a Second Amendment and due process and stuff like that. I just want to take it away from you. That’s all. That’s all. Go ahead. Did you paid for your entire life cutting taxes from a very wealthy dictator? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They want to take away Social Security. Well, you have to vote to do that. Yeah, Yeah, I know, but they want to take it away. I use that line in every campaign I’ve ever run. They want to take away your Social Security, but you’re caught on video on the floor of the House saying that you wanted to freeze these programs and slash these. Yeah, Yeah, well, whatever. And next you’re going to tell me that I was a racist and a segregationist. Well, you were. Yeah, right. But I’ve got The Washington Post and The New York Times, But nobody remembers. The wealthy need to pay their fair share. Well, you didn’t. You put millions into two s corporations, you and the doctor, so you wouldn’t have to pay Medicare and Obamacare. Hey, hush. Well, the FBI on a big way or the IRS maybe. Maybe the CIA. You never know. Go ahead. Two women can make. Banning books and telling. Banning books. You know, sexually explicit books with photographs and graphics, different sexual positions and and lists than and male genitalia and female genitalia. And in between genital, you know, bottom up and middle out genitalia. We got genitalia everywhere in the library. And and they want to ban them. They want to take these books out. They want to take these books out of the elementary schools. They want to ban books. By the way, how many public schools have my books, Mr. Produce? You want to talk about banning books? Let’s start talking about banning books. Anyway, for Joe Biden, the issue is, can he read a book? Go ahead. Who they can love. All I’m making is, yes, Republicans are very interested in who you can love. Oh, yes. Who can you love? What are you, a moron? Go ahead. Be able to vote. By the way, this from the hair smell. This is from the child teacher. Or can I give you a massage? Am I wrong? Masturbation. I’m right. He’s like the guy in the raincoat on the corner when it’s not raining. Hey. Hey. Yes. Can I smell your hair? No. Why do you pervert? And like eight women have come forward to, he inappropriately touched me. No problem. No problem at all. One woman comes forward and says he molested her when she was just. No problem. It’s lunch bucket Joe from Scranton, guys. Not the guy from Scranton. He spent about 13 seconds in Scranton. Lunch bucket. Joe from Scranton here? Yeah, that’s right. Go ahead. Well, I love the music. Oh. When I ran for president four years ago. Yeah, I said we’re in a battle for the soul of America. Yeah, we still are. No, no, we’re not. Actually, We’re not battling for the soul of America. No, no, not this. Man says he wants to send a rocket to Mars. Mr. Producer. So far, he succeeded in sending a rocket to Uranus, I think has an image producer who names a planet Uranus. But anyway, that’s Jo Jo. Jo says we’re battling for the soul of America. Go ahead. Weather. In the years ahead, we have more freedom or less freedom. Oh, really? More freedom. May I buy a gas stove now? May I buy a gas card Now? Now. Now. May I now? Oh, sorry. More freedom. What does that mean? In Biden’s America. What does it mean exactly? Go ahead Mr. Producer I know what I want the issue to be, and I think you do too. This is not a time to be complacent. It’s time to go to Wilmington, Delaware. And Rehoboth Beach for 40% your presidency. Don’t be complacent. Don’t just blow things off. Go ahead. That’s why I’m running for re-election. You’re not running for anything. You’re sitting on your ass in the basement. What you should be saying. That’s why I’m sitting on my ass in the basement. Because I want to be re-elected. Go ahead. Because I know America. I know America. Nobody’s traveled the. Countries as much as I. Except for Palestine. Oh, I don’t want to know about Palestinian, except for a Nashville, Tennessee manor. Don’t want to. Except for the border. No, no, I don’t want to go there. But. But, you know, I know America. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

President Trump will be on after the bottom of the hour break in a few minutes, continue Joe Biden’s announcement. Mr. Brady said go for good and decent people. I know, but we’re good and decent. Yes, except for the MAGA extremists. 80 million or more of them. They’re not good people. They hate America. They hate democracy. Every one of them. Every damn one insurrectionist. So let us talk about unity. But let us talk about. Disunity as well. Disunity. Disunity. This guy’s an idiot. Can we talk about that? I don’t think we should take him lightly, and I don’t think we should take lightly the Democrat Party and their lawyers in every state trying to ensure that they can’t lose. That’s a truth. When we come back, former president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. I’ll be right back.

Segment 3

Well it’s a great pleasure and honor to have President Trump with us. Well, that was some interview you did President Trump on Sunday. The lives went nuts, but it burned up the airwaves. Well, it did. If you’re talking about your show, which I assume you were, because that was on Sunday night, we had a great time and I just noticed something very special. Your show is number one. It was the number one show. And so we’re proud of you, Mark. You do a great job. Well, thank you. Thank you. The guest didn’t hurt. And we’re doing the the the second half this coming Sunday, which is as compelling as the first half as far as I’m. I love that. Well, I love being with you. And it was really a good interview. And congratulations on the ratings, because ultimately, if you don’t get the ratings, you’re gone. Great. If you don’t get the ratings. So you. You were the number one show. I just saw that. Fantastic. Well, no karma. But sometimes when you do, you’re gone, too, you know, Mr. President. But anyway, I didn’t want to say that your book is very compelling because it has it in the book is called Letters to Trump, and it has letters from all sorts of people. The American people would know of the left, the right, the center and so forth. You know, an awful lot of people, they’re almost all very kind love letters. And many of these people, since he decided to get into politics, turned on you and and attacked you. What do you make of that? Well, I think they probably voted for me because they like paying low taxes and they like having a secure border and they like having a good military and lots of other things. So I often say the people living in Beverly Hills and Palos Verdes in California are wealthy areas. Bel Air. I hear I did very well with the vote, even though when they walk out, they’ll say, no, I voted for Biden. Okay. Yeah, I don’t think so. So some turned and some actually became very strong. But I put a lot of attorneys on because in many cases, the turns you know, it’s more interesting when you see somebody turn from being totally in love and then all of a sudden you announce that you’re running for president and they don’t love you so much anymore. Now, Joe Biden announced and did a video. Yeah. And is a tango. Yeah. Gee, you’ve been doing videos now for months. Avenue. Yeah. Yes. But when you’re announcing for president, you don’t do it through a video. It’s crazy. You did. Somebody said seven takes. When you’re announcing for president, you don’t do a video, you do a statement. You go out and you just announce that you’re running and you say a few words and you you go back and you do what you’re doing, but you don’t do it through a video. No, that’s terrible. Now, a Chuck Grassley was not was not happy with the interview. He said, you know, Levin and these others, they need to ask Trump what he’s going to do. You put out statements, you put out video, you make statements constantly about what you’re going to do on every conceivable subject, do you not? I really do. And I talk about the future very much, but I also talk about the past. You have to learn from the past. I mean, you know, voting and all the things that took place, you have to learn so you can correct them for the next one. You can’t let that happen again. And so I would say that, you know, I’m really thinking about the future at this point more. But you have to learn from the past. That’s what history is all about. And you can’t let it happen again. And we’ll never let that happen again. That was a confluence of a lot of different things going on, including COVID. But you can never let that happen again. No, I think we’re in good shape. We have we’re very strong in the polls against both. And about and against the Republicans. All of the Republicans are way, way, way behind. Let me ask you this. In the book, you talk about two kennedys, ted and john Jr. Right. And they were both very friendly with you. Yeah. Ted was very friendly with you. You had a good relationship with John Junior and you said John Junior could have been president of the United States now. Right. I think that’s what he was aiming at. He was going to run for the Senate and he was going to get out. He had a magazine, George, And that was for a period of time and it was fine. He actually put me on the cover, but he was a great guy. He was a very handsome person, very handsome man. I think he would have been incredible, actually. I think he would have been I think he would have run for the Senate. He would have easily won and then probably he would have run for president at some point. And, you know, I knew him and I knew his wife. They used to fight like cats and dogs, but they loved each other, you know, So you never know. They used this. They had a little they had a very volatile relationship, let’s say. But they they ultimately, you know, it worked somehow. And I’d watch things. I’d say that’s an interesting relationship, but it seemed to work. And, you know, it was a horrible thing when they when they went in that plane and they went into that New England fog, smog, whatever you want to call it, it’s the thickest anywhere in the world. I don’t know if people know that, but it’s if you don’t know how to fly with instruments or if you’re just okay at it, you’re in big trouble when you get in that. And they got caught going up to Massachusetts and they didn’t take the route along the coast. You know, you take the route along the coast and then you make a small. Right as opposed to making a big right and in theory, saving time. And he was an expert at instruments. And the plane they got, they got lost and they they got lost in the fog. Very sad, actually. Very sad. He he really did have a tremendous future. You know, his mother wanted him very much to go into politics, which is amazing. And I think John really wanted to be an actor. And he had a look, I can tell you, but I think John would have preferred being an actor. But he was going to run, in my opinion. I mean, it’s what he said to me. He was going to run for office and he would have he would have been a senator and he would have been maybe maybe a president. One of your closest friends when you were president was the president of Japan, Abe. And you got very close to him and he was close to you and then he was assassinated. That must have been a shock. This is in the book as well, right? Oh, he was fantastic. He was a fantastic man who loved his country. I’d ask him all sorts of questions about that culture. It’s an amazing culture, the Japanese culture, as you know. And I’d ask him about the kamikaze pilots. His father was a certified kamikaze pilot, never got there, never got to fly. And he was always saddened by the fact it was sort of an incredible conversation. They said, let me because, you know, the kamikaze thing, it’s like, right, Yeah, a suicide. Somebody could do that. Yeah. Know, suicide, basically. And I said, were they drunk or in drugs? He said the only drug they had was love for their country. That was the only drug. I said, Well, that was his father was always very devastated by the fact he’d never got to fly. He never got he was two weeks. The war ended two weeks before he was going to go out. Can you believe that? That’s that’s really sad. But I’ll never forget his answer. No, it was love of his of their country. And you wonder how many Americans would be doing that. Right. It’s a very hard it’s very hard to understand. But, you know, the culture is an amazing culture. And he was an amazing man. He was a very loved guy. He actually left early because he wasn’t well, He had a problem. And I think he cleared up the problem and he would have he would have run again and he would have been prime minister. I think he would have won again. I think he would have very easily won. And he was very popular and he had a maniac. SS He was assassinated by a maniac, probably the only gun in Japan, you know, they don’t allow guns. It’s like it’s very tough. But this guy made a gun in his basement, a very crude gun, but unfortunately it worked and he’s gone. But he was a great man and a great leader. You know, on the show, by the way, the book is Letters to Trump. You can get it at 45 books dot com for, of course, Amazon.com where it’s number one. Mr. President, we talked about Arnold Palmer on the TV show, but you are also friends with a lot of other golfers like Jack Nicklaus. No. Right. And he wrote him a very, very nice letter as well. Jack Nicklaus, you’re Gary Player. These are great champions. Jack was extraordinary. He reacted well under pressure. He you know, some people do and some people don’t. The differences with golf and some other sports, most other sports, I guess under certain circumstances, you either react well under pressure or find a new way to make a living. Right. And Jack probably reacted better under pressure than anybody. He was an amazing champion and he would play better when there was great pressure. 99% of the players play much worse. And he did the great shots or the great putts when he was needing it to win. The Masters and other people would not be able to do that. And he was just a great champion. I think you’re probably born with it, perhaps. I don’t know if you develop it, really. It’s like that in life. You know, the only difference is sports is sort of a microcosm of life, and you see it more plainly, more, you know, it’s easier to putt goes in or the ball goes over the fence or whatever it might be. But Jack is a great champion with an unbelievable record and an unbelievable record when he had to play well. And most people can say that. You got along quite well with Barbara Walters. She considered you one of the most important public figures out there when she would do her shows and so forth. And she created the show The View. We have all these women on there who are constantly attacking you and so forth. Yes. But you got along with her quite well. No. I got along with all of them. You know, I got along with would be great. And she asked me if I’d do a movie she made a movie about I don’t know, I remember basketball. And she said, Would you do a cameo? I got along with joy, joy, love. Trump said, Please do the show every I mean, I get along with the ones that, you know, I knew I got along with them great. And now I don’t know if they hate me, but I guess they hate me. I guess I’m also good for their ratings, but the fact is that I got along with them. I mean, I literally did a cameo for Whoopi Goldberg in a movie that she made, and I got along with them. And then when I ran for office wasn’t even policy. It was just like when I ran for office, did a great job. Our country was fantastic. Just prior to COVID coming in, in the history of our country, we never had a country doing so well, and everybody was coming together. But we had the greatest economy in history. Everything was everybody was working, whether they had degrees or no good degrees. If you had if you just were in this country, Hispanic, Asian Americans, think of it, Asian Americans, it just everybody, African-Americans had the greatest period of time they’ve ever had economically. There’s never been a period of time like that for the African-Americans, for the Asian-Americans, for the Hispanics. It’s it was an amazing time. There’s never been a time in the history of our country that we got hit with this horrible gift from China. And then we we got our way out of it by the time I left. So we had two and a half unbelievable years by the time I left. The stock market was higher than it was before COVID came, and it was really amazing, actually. But that was a time, especially that time prior to COVID was a time the likes of which our country has never had. We were leapfrogging China. China was going to take always for many years, as you know, they said 2018, 2019, China would become the biggest economy. And they were so far behind us that it was incredible. Plus, I took in hundreds of billions of dollars from China in the form of tariffs and taxes. No other president took in $0.10 more, not even nothing. They ripped us off left and right, and I took in hundreds of billions of dollars. I made an incredible trade deal with China for our farmers and manufacturers. And then when COVID came in, I didn’t even talk about it, but I made the USMCA. That’s Mexico, Canada. We just you know, we did a great deal. We did a lot of great deals. We renegotiated the deal with South Korea, which was terrible. We renegotiated the deal with RB Great. RB He was you know, we made a deal where it was horrible. They didn’t have any of our cars, they didn’t have any of our product. They wouldn’t take anything. And yet we sold hundreds of billions of dollars worth of their cars. I said, It’s not fair. We can’t do it. And I’m renegotiated the whole deal. It was great. Great for us. Good for them, but great for us. It was not sustainable. How bad the deals were. Nobody did anything about it. And I got them all done. We made great trade deals. That’s why we did so well. And then you watch what Joe Biden is doing to the country, unraveling pretty much everything you put in place. What does how does that make you feel? Obviously, you want to run for president and stop them. Well, we had the safest border in history and he unraveled it. We had fewer people coming in than ever. I had Mexico give us free of charge, 2000, 28,000 soldiers. We had 28,000 Mexican soldiers for no charge. Now, I said, if you don’t do that, I’m going to charge you 25% tariffs. But we don’t have to discuss that. But they gave us soldiers. We had we had very few people. We had record low people coming in. You know that You reported it all the time. We had the safest border. We had to stay in Mexico. Policy. How about that one? You get to stay in the United States. You had to stay in Mexico until they had their papers to come out. I had built hundreds of miles of wall and the wall worked so well. And it was so incredible that I was doing an extra 200 miles beyond what I said. And we had the election result. I won’t go into it because you’re associated with Fox, so we’re not allowed to talk about that stuff. But but we had the election result. And what happened, Mark, is that of three weeks he could have finished it and he chose not to. And that’s what I said. They really want an open border. It’s incredible. And they actually and now we have millions of people flowing in from prisons, from mental institutions, insane asylums. And it’s not even believable that somebody could want this. Nobody should want this. Now, this book about these letters that people wrote to you and you wrote them back and so forth, I mean, we can barely even touch the surface. I mean, there’s scores and scores of people in here. Yeah. Letters to Trump. What? Caused you to write this book? What were you thinking? I was with a group of people, and they saw some of these old letters, like Andrew Lloyd Webber, inviting me to a new musical that he was going to open in New York and London. And would you please come? I’m opening up a new musical. It’s called The Phantom of the Opera. I was there at opening night with him, and he lived in Trump Tower with Sarah Brightman, and she was starring in it. But I said, Yeah, I’ll go. And then I watched Phantom of the Opera. I said, This thing is unbelievable, you know? It was great. One of the all time most successful, I guess, you know. So I have the letter and he’s writing about end of the opera, like nobody had ever heard of it. But he said, I’d love to have you come to the new musicals called The Phantom of the Opera. And I said, All right. And I have the little note I wrote back to him. Okay, good. Sounds good. And I went to see opening night at Phantom of the Opera, you know, And I thought it was great, but who would have known it was going to be for many, many years? It one of the most successful. There’s so many Richard Nixon writing letters that were really fascinating because he was a fascinating person. Some people don’t like him much, but he was a fascinating, very smart, tough person. And we just have Oprah writing me incredible letters, Lady Di writing me incredible letters. And so we have many of them in here. I have thousands of letters from people. Yes. And it’s pretty fascinating to see. Actually, it is. I mean, you go back and forth with all of North Korea. You’ve got Putin in there. You’ve got you got good guys, too. But I want to tell you, this is a fascinating book, America. You can get it at Amazon.com, 45 books dot com. And the book is Letters to Trump. And again, it really is insightful about your whole life, really, including your presidency but long before that, how people thought of you, the kind of life you led and so forth and so on. It really is a fascinating a fascinating book. Again, you can get it at Amazon.com or 45 books dot com. Mr. President, God bless you and be safe by all means I well thank you, Mark, and God bless you and congratulations on Sunday night. That was a great thing for to be number one on Sunday night is a big deal. So congratulations and I’ll see you again. Well, it helped having you as the guest. All right. Take care. We’ll be right back.

Segment 4

I only have 40 seconds. A lot more next hour. So I think I’ll call this No Labels group, the No pants group. I don’t need to start mocking. Well, you heard President Trump now tell you what’s fascinating, what the left media hate, how intelligent, substantive, cogent he is. Oh, look, he’s slobbering and not slobbering at all. Here he comes. That’s the bottom line. I’ll be right back.