April 24th, 2023

April 24th, 2023

DES MOINES, IOWA - OCTOBER 09: Former President Donald Trump smiles as Sen Chuck Grassley (R-IA) speaks during a rally at the Iowa State Fairgrounds on October 09, 2021 in Des Moines, Iowa. Trump endorsed Grassley for reelection at the event. This is Trump's first rally in Iowa since the 2020 election. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Mark’s role in interviews isn’t to attack the guest – that’s what journalism has become and that’s why you hate it. Sen Chuck Grassley puts out a tweet and the media get excited over it. Grassley asks, why didn’t Levin ask Donald Trump about what he’ll do in the future? Trump puts out a video almost every day where he speaks on subject after subject and what he plans to do if elected president. Grassley should do his research before tweeting.  Later, the Biden administration always seems a day late and a dollar short, this time on Sudan.  A civil war breaks out in Sudan and the U.S. sends special forces in at night to get people out of the embassy. But there’s still 16,000 Americans who are still in Sudan. Afterward, Democrats are proposing legislation to codify murder, not to codify Roe V Wade.  These Democrats are radicals and if you don’t embrace their views, they say you’re against women. Also, the Biden administration is at war with you. They want to sabotage and cripple the energy industry. Fossil fuel is the liquid that makes the engine of this society function. If someone was trying to destroy the middle class – they would drive up the cost of oil and natural gas. Finally, Biden and his administration have no comprehension of how a pencil is made or anything else, for that matter. I Pencil will remind you how truly complex it is to make.

Chuck Grassley Unimpressed By Fox’s Latest Softball Interviews With Trump: ‘All I Hear Is History’

Fox News
Journalist Matt Taibbi threatened with prison time for perjury by top Democrat over Twitter Files testimony

NBC News
Clarence Thomas’ gifts from a wealthy GOP donor show a ‘conflict of interest,’ says Sen. Dick Durbin

Right Scoop
SUDAN LATEST: One American dead as Biden abandons 16k ‘fellow citizens’ by DESIGN, and just GUESS where he is

Epoch Times
Nashville Official Says School Shooter’s Manifesto Is ‘Astronomically Dangerous’

Chuck Schumer on CNN explaining why he thinks Washington, D.C. can and should dictate to Fox News and Tucker Carlson what they can and cannot say

Report: Merrick Garland Identified as Official Misleading Congress in Hunter Biden Tax Probe

Fox News
Biden admin preparing major crackdown on power plants that fuel nation’s grid

Mark Levin Show
I, Pencil: The Movie

Photo by Scott Olson

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

Hello, America. Mark Levin here. Hold on. Let me look. Yes, I’m here. Our number 87738138118773813811. I have no information whatsoever. Inside. Outside. Public or anything else. On what happened with Tucker Carlson. Zero. So there’s nothing for me to discuss. We’re not going to take any questions when we. No more will be here. But I don’t know anything, which is understandable. I’m a host. I’m not part of management. So there is that. What else is there on that front? I don’t think there’s anything else. I think my brother, Dan Bongino, who is a very good and close friend, I think he’s explained his situation at great length. He did it, I believe it was Thursday. And he and that speaks for itself. You don’t need an interpreter. That’s where we are. As far as I know, I’m not going anywhere. But you never know, do you? With a brand new three year contract with the Blaze. Chase signed, I guess, six weeks ago. We have a brand new four year extension with Fox. But who knows about these things? Now, as for the interview with President Trump, I hope you liked the radical kook Marxists. Media did not like it and they didn’t watch it. They regurgitated what Senator Grassley had to say about HANNITY, Tucker, and me interviewing Trump. But they didn’t watch him. And these sites are really pathetic. Anyway. I was gushing over Trump. Here’s the thing. Whether it’s my TV show or wherever it is, I’ve said a thousand times. I do not view my role as attacking the guest. That’s what journalism has become and that’s why you hate it. And that’s why my show Sunday night is the number one show Sunday night, because I’m respectful. We have long form interviews. And you can draw your own conclusions. Now, what really upsets them is what I said at the end of the interview, and I mean it. I spent 2 hours with President Trump. You can’t tell that from the show because the show is substantively 40 minutes. And we went from subject to subject to subject, a subject. He was, as you could tell, very presidential, very relaxed. None of this stuff you see on True Social and that sort of thing, attacking DeSantis or anyone else for that matter, very, very substantive. Joe Biden could never sit down for an interview like that and never would. He hides from the very press. That keeps promoting him. I don’t do this show for reprobates. For low IQ Democrats. For the corrupt Marxist media. I don’t do my show for them and they didn’t watch it. So Senator Grassley puts out a tweet and they get all excited. What is with these guys at Fox? I’m interpreting HANNITY, Tucker and Levin. Why don’t they ask Trump about his future ideas rather than the history of his presidency? Something to that effect. And, you know, and I thought, Mr. Producer, Trump puts out a video, if not every day, every other day, every third day. I think it’s from Mar a Lago where he speaks on subject after subject subject and what he plans to do should he be re-elected president. There are. All over the Internet. Everywhere. I even linked to some of them. Now Senator Grassley has a taxpayer financed staff. I assume he has people in his office who know how computers work, who go on the Internet. Some he does. He was on Twitter, guys on Twitter. If he’s so concerned about what Trump has to say about what he wants to do in the future, why isn’t he linking to Trump’s clips? There must be 15 or 20 of them out there by now on every subject you can imagine. And more to come. So, Senator Grassley. Senator Grassley. First, I want to congratulate you. I didn’t even know you were awake at 8 p.m. Eastern time on Sunday. That’s a that’s a major achievement. That’s number one. Number two. Why don’t you know something about what you decide to tweet about before you tweet and humiliate herself? If you give me your e-mail address, Senator Grassley, I will send you a score or more of Donald Trump’s positions on his videos. Which actually reaches more people than my show. On Fox, if you’re really interested in that, Senator, but you’re not really interested in that, and I don’t view it as my job. You’ve been in Washington a long time as a politician. You know I’m not a politician, Senator Grassley. But I don’t view it as my job to tell the guest what to say. No, no. I only want to know about their future. Hannah, you can watch, meet the depressed, deface the nation and all the other shows that you might like. I’ll ask the questions. I’ll wait for the answer and the guests will answer as they wish. Now, a better question would have been Senator Grassley. Why doesn’t Mark have liberals on his show? Because they won’t come on the show. We’ve tried AOC, we’ve tried Bernie Sanders, we’ve tried Elizabeth Warren. We’ve tried. Bob Iger. We’ve tried. Raskin We’ve I mean, I can go down the list over and over and over. We can’t get them. Why don’t you tweet about that? That might be interesting. Actually, it’s not interesting at all. Not interesting at all. There is a delegate. Not a full blown Congress person, woman, person, person. There is a delegate by the name of Stacey Plaskett from the Virgin Islands Democrat. And she is, of course, a disgrace. She has attempted. To sabotage one hearing after another. And she has in some ways succeeded. In trashing. One hearing after another because she seems to think what she stands for and what she says is so damn important. She’s a thug. She’s the thug with the mindset of a tyrant. From Joseph Wolfson at Fox News. Journalist Matt Taibbi threatened with prison time for for perjury by top Democrat over Twitter false testimony. So he gets one of these alphabet soup agencies confuse with another. It’s so Stacey Plaskett, if that is her name. The ranking member on the House Judiciary Select Committee Subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government, sent a letter to Taibbi regarding a comment he told lawmakers, which she alleged included an error that was previously propped up by MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan. Mehdi Hasan, I believe is on at 8 p.m. on Sunday, isn’t he? Mr. Producing? And I kick his ass. Kick is there has no ratings. There was a specific reference to CIA, say they government cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency when he meant to refer to CIS, the Center for Internet Security. Now you can see he correct the error later in his reporting. But she wants to throw him in prison. Plaskett does. And she claims he committed perjury under 18 U.S.C. 1621. She claims he made a false statement under 18 U.S.C. 1001. I’ve had to explain this before about false statements and perjury. They not only have to be material, they have to be intentional. They have to be purposeful. That’s what the statute says. So I don’t know if this thug has a law degree or not, but that’s the rule. Toby didn’t lie under oath about anything. And now we have Democrats in the House threatening him. And we have many over there. Matty. What’s his name? Matty. Eddie. Matty. I don’t know what the hell his name is. What is it? METI Mithun Mohan Hassan. All right. Maggie Hassan. Excuse me. Pushing the. The perjury and the false statement crap. Fox News sought a comment. Neither Taibbi nor Laschet’s office immediately responded, but Taibbi was on TV discussing it. But this is where we are now, folks, and of course, the media that circled the wagons. For CNN. And that big mouse over there who was disrupting the. President Trump’s press conferences. They say nothing about this. Not a word. Why is that? We have a non-voting moron from the Virgin Islands. I can remember it was a very vicious assault on Tibi by her trying to shut him down. A so-called journalist. Remember, she called him that and she insisted that he reveal his sources for his Twitter files reporting. This is a person that does not respect freedom of the press, the First Amendment. Is perfectly happy. With Twitter under the old ownership. Monitoring many of you monitoring people with whom they disagreed. And of course, putting this scarlet letter on them. So we’re going to keep an eye on Plaskett because she appears to be a very terminal cancer in the body politic of this country when she’s calling for the imprisonment. Of a journalist because he confused one agency with the other CSA with CIS. And even though he corrected it shortly thereafter. I’ll be right back.

Segment 2

Is it me or does this administration always seem a day late and a dollar short? So a civil war breaks out in Sudan, and this has been going on for a long time. A long time. With the Spanish and the Special Forces in at night to get our people out of our embassy. But there’s 16,000 Americans, some with dual citizenship. Some not. Who are still in the Sudan. There are hundreds, if not thousands of Americans in Afghanistan and we don’t have the muscle. To set the rules. We don’t have the muscle. To make the threats, to create fear, to get our people home. Now, I’m glad that we got our embassy staff out. And other diplomatic bureaucrats. That’s good. But what about American citizens who are not working for the federal government, who are not diplomats? Maybe even not dual citizens, just American citizens? What are we going to do about them? I’ll tell you what we’re going to do about them. Next to nothing. Here’s Tony. While we don’t have time for this, after this, I want you to listen to these people, Tony Blinken and then John Kirby. There’s a real propagandists. And at the same time, we want to thank Mr. Cohen. I really want to thank Mr. Jordan. They are getting to the bottom of a lot of these scandals. People say, what are they going to do? Well, unfortunately, the criminal side of the house is controlled by the people who are involved in the scandals. They’re the people they work for. That’s why you have special counsel. And that’s precisely why they will not appoint a special counsel to investigate Joe Biden because they know where that leads. We all know where that leads. I watched these attacks on Clarence Thomas. They’re the billionaire bought property from this one or that one. And they vacation together. They do this, they do that. Then you have that little runt bastard, little Dick Durbin from Illinois, the land of little Dick Durbin used to be the land of Lincoln. They’ve destroyed that state, like to destroy everything else they touch. Well, Dick Durbin doesn’t demand answers from Joe Biden. Well, that’s separation of powers, Mark. He’s the president. Well, guess what? Clarence Thomas is a Supreme Court justice. That separation of powers still. But isn’t it interesting Dick Durbin doesn’t ask a damn thing about Joe Biden. Whether he’s been bought and paid for by the communist Chinese, yet whether he’s been bought and paid for by the previous corrupt Ukrainian government. Yes. Bought and paid for by the previous Moscow mayor’s wife. Yes.

Segment 3

Anthony Blinken you know Mr. Producer just came to me. Nancy Pelosi should be called Pelosi. Blinken Should she? Anyway, Anthony Blinken at the press conference today regarding Sudan, go a decision to suspend operations at the embassy, remove our personnel from their signpost, is among the most difficult that any secretary has to make. Why? My first. Why, why, why, why, Why? If we’re under attack, you moron, why is it difficult? Go ahead. Is the safety of our people. And I determined that the deteriorating security conditions in Khartoum pose an unacceptable risk to keeping our team there at this time. I want to be clear that. Does he always talk with these affectations? I want to be clear in words imitating sort of William F Buckley in imitating Elon Musk. I notice they sound what those two he might have said. And as you know, I’m a big Elon Musk fan. And but anyway, go ahead. Even as we have temporarily suspended operations on the ground in Khartoum. Go ahead. Well, American consular work in Sudan continues. Yes, indeed. In just the last 36 hours since the embassy evacuation operation was completed, we continue to be in close communication with U.S. citizens and individuals affiliated with the U.S. government. Now, again, we heard this before it and we heard this crap before. As American citizens, God knows what’s happened to them in Afghanistan. Can you imagine particularly the women and children? Oh, my God. What has happened to them. And secondarily, the people who assisted us there. Oh, my Lord. We never have a story from the Constipated News Network or the Crap News Network or. I meant LSD or anybody else about what’s taking place. It’s unbelievable. And the inspector general remember what he said, that the State Department and others are not working with him, so he doesn’t know what’s going on. In terms of the money. We’re still sending hundreds of millions of dollars to these. Mass murders. It’s it’s unbelievable. And I went I looked at Mediate to see if there’s any story on this. There’s none. So why do they call themselves media? I that’s why I call them mediocre, right? They’re even worse than mediocre. There’s nothing there. There’s no story there. Go ahead. I’d assistance and facilitate available departure routes. Shut up, you idiot. We heard your crap before. Thank God they didn’t stick that Austin and Mellie up there, for God’s sakes. Now we get this guy, John Kirby. Admiral. Admiral for what? Hammer because he has a big mouth. He was on CNN today. Oh, guess what? He was on with Don Lemon and then they fired Don Lemon. He said he was shocked. CNN said he shouldn’t have been. We asked to meet with him. But whatever he cut to go. Sudan’s military chief said on Saturday morning, John, that his troops would help evacuate US diplomats and citizens, he said, and citizens. But the US embassy said that it was too dangerous. Do you think that there was a missed opportunity to get private citizens? So let’s stop right there. First of all, it’s too bad. This is the best question Don Lemon has ever asked in his entire career, such as it is. And then they give him the old boot. But it was the best questions he’s ever asked. And then he’s removed. Go ahead. Out. No, sir. In fact, we are doing everything we can to help guide them. If there is a safe way to get out. Okay, so let’s just pretend we’re over there in that hellhole. Yes, it is. And you hear Kirby saying we’re trying to guide them out safely. How do you get a hold of these people? You have Kirby’s phone number, Blinken’s phone. Who are they getting a hold of? Who are they talking to? I mean, we already learned this, we Americans, that this is all bullcrap. Again, we saw what happened in Afghanistan. This is the worst administration when it comes to everything and anything. Everything and anything. So they’re in touch with the American citizens there, right? They’re showing them are trying to communicate with them about safe ways to get out and so forth. So, Don Lemon, as a follow up question, his second best question ever. I mean, it’s stunning. Maybe he’ll wind up at MSNBC. You never know. Or maybe media eight. Cat three Go. Okay. So you said that you were in touch with hundreds, but there are about 16,000 or so people who have to get out of this country. Are you able to you’re not able to get in touch with all of them, Right. Well, Don, I want to push back on this idea that there are 16,000 Americans who want to get out. We don’t have firm estimates of the exact number of Americans citizens who are in Sudan. They don’t have to register with us. Why did you say you’re in touch with them and and you’re showing them a safe way to get out? And so you’re obviously not in touch with everybody because you don’t know who everybody is. You just said that. You just said that flimflam artist. Give this guy the hook. Go ahead. There, there. We think the vast majority of these American citizens in Sudan and they’re not all in Khartoum are dual nationals. These are pan. They probably want to stay there and continue to do what they’re doing, enjoying themselves while they gunfire is taking place. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Go ahead. Sudan, who have families there, work their businesses there who don’t want to leave. So I think we need to be careful about that number. There’s a much smaller population of American citizens who don’t work for the government, but work with partner agencies like the American School, their Fulbright Scholar program that we are in touch with, and we’re trying to get them the best information we can to get out. And as I said, several think we got the Fulbright Scholarship program. What does that 17 people? Now, if you are in the Fulbright Scholarship program, may I ask a question? What are you doing in a war torn country? How smart can you actually be to have a Fulbright scholarship? If that’s where you went. No joke. I’m being serious. I get paid for my my Fulbright scholarship. Yes, I did. We’d be going to London. London? No. Geneva. No, no, no. I won’t be going to Geneva. Will he be going to Harvard Square? No. No, no. Not going to Harvard Square. No, no. Where are you going? Khartoum. Oh. You’re not a Rhodes Scholar and a Fulbright scholarship. I mean, obviously you’re confused. No, no. They have no idea how many Americans are there. I guess they didn’t have to use passports to get in there. Of course they did. They have no idea. And go ahead. They are in that U.N. convoy heading to Port Sudan. Mm hmm. They’re in a uncoupling. Okay. Well, they have it firmly under control, as they always do over there at the White House. And what was Biden doing today, meeting with the Tennessee three? The Tennessee three? What’s the Tennessee three? Well, three big mouths. Who? One of whom had a bullhorn on the floor. The. The state house in Tennessee. On gun control. He’s now a a fantastic civil rights leader as a result of his individual insurrection. Oh, did you say insurrection? I sure did. He literally shut down the the Tennessee house. Isn’t that the definition of insurrection? I think it is. And then we find out later that during one of the Black Lives Matter riots, one of these guys actually assaulted somebody. Oh, no problem. Joe Biden still meeting with them. But Joe Biden has never been to Palestine, Ohio. I’ll keep mentioning it. No, he’s never talked to the mayor there. Because the mayor is a Republican, a mr. United. Mr. Unity doesn’t want to talk to Republicans. He does want to talk to the mayor of Palestine. Palestine. He doesn’t want to talk to the Republican speaker of the House. No, no, no. Mr. Unity. Mega Make it my mega magic. The Tennessee three. Oh, okay. And what about? The families that lost loved ones at the Christian school know. Jill was already there, as you know, sir. And, of course, he sent Kamala, who screamed at the top of her lungs in Nashville about gun control. Very appropriate. Very appropriate. Yes. Incidentally, are they never going to release the manifesto that was written? By the murder. And apparently she had extensive journals and notes. This is a cover up. Pure and simple. Have you ever heard of something like this before? Even the Unabomber. His notebook was released. Once he was brought to court. This person was killed. And so there is no court and there’s no reason that this stuff should be hidden. So why won’t they release it? I will tell you why. Because some of the material is controversial and provocative. It promotes a narrative that they don’t want to see the light of day. That’s why. And I challenge the corrupt Democrat Party media to take all legal steps necessary. To get those materials because I know they’re itching over there at The New York Times and the Washington Compost. To do a story on this. I know they’re itching to do it. And I’m waiting for the human rights group. What do they call themselves? The Human Rights Foundation, whatever, to demand the release of the information. I’m waiting for the LGBTQ plus community to demand the release of the information. I’m waiting for the ACLU to demand the release of the information. Where is it? Why? Is everything a secret? I think the people have a right to know. Other families have a right to know. Isn’t that what a free press is all about? Isn’t that what freedom of speech is all about? Not censoring or conversely promoting to accommodate the Democrat Party in their Marxist agenda. I don’t believe that’s fair, do you, America? Where is this information? I’d like to read it. And discuss it with you. I’ll be right back.

Segment 4

Everybody while not everybody want to see something here in America and looking well live at national never forget it. Here we go. Let’s see. Okay. Very good. By the way, the president’s book, Letters to Trump is really fantastic. It’s a fantastic book. It’s very, very intriguing. It’s on Amazon.com or 45 Bookscan. But it really is. And that’s what’s driving the media nuts, actually, the success of his books. And when you actually keep your mouth shut and let him speak, I felt the same way with DeSantis when I interviewed him. Oh, you gave us right now. You on the left. You’re the slavers. You’re the slobber. I’m not interested in sabotaging people who might help save the country. From you bastards. Aoki’s in the news a lot because she was on my O’Shea and I despise both. But I want you to listen to this because she’s not the only one. I want you to listen to the totalitarians out there. Cut, forego. We have very real issues with what is permissible on the air. And we saw that with January six, and we saw that in the lead up to January 6th and how we navigate questions not just of freedom of speech, but also accountability for incitement of violence. These are really, really, really So all that George Floyd stuff. That’s okay. There was understandable. All those Black Lives Matter riots. Antifa. I’ve never heard you say any of this about any of that. You nitwit. Go ahead. I think that we have to really explore through law as well. And do you think media organizations or social media platforms should be accountable for the role for being? How comes how come? How come the the. The prepubescent mouthpieces over there mediate and elsewhere. Don’t talk about Jen Psaki, his gushing, slobbering spittle covering interviews over air. And do you think many organizations or social media platforms should be accountable for the roles, for their platforms, for incitement? Wow. That’s a killer. That’s a hell of a question. But she is a marxist. So of course her answer is yes. Go ahead. Statement. I believe that when it comes to broadcast television, like Fox News, these are subject to to federal law, federal regulation in terms of what’s allowed on air and what isn’t. And when you look at what Tucker Carlson and some of these other folks on FOX do, it is very, very clearly incitement of violence. Very clearly incitement of violence. And that is the line that I think we have to be willing to use inciting violence. What the hell are you talking about, moron? And how many times rich have we invited her on the program? Seriously? Three or four times. We don’t even get a response. We don’t even get a response. I would love to debate this with her. Come believable that this clown gets so much airtime, even on MSNBC. So she wants government to regulate FOX. You’re going to hear next hour. Schumer wants government to regulate Fox. You heard the delegate from the Virgin Islands say that she wants Matt Taibbi put in prison. Are you Democrats happy with your party? I’ll be right back.