April 18th, 2023

April 18th, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - APRIL 18: U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas speaks during a hearing with the Senate Homeland Security Committee in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on April 18, 2023 in Washington, DC. Mayorkas testified on the Department of Homeland Security's Fiscal Year 2024 budget request and took questions on a range of topics including the U.S. northern and southern borders. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the Southern border is still wide open with thousands of illegal immigrants pouring in every day, and today there was a Senate hearing to address it. Many Republican Senators have had enough, even Mitt Romney, and they held DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to account for the disastrous border situation. The Democrat party is doing this intentionally because they are taking a page out of the Marxist playbook to quickly take down the country through open borders. People are pouring in by the millions from different cultures and not assimilating, which destroys the American culture. Also, Gov Ron DeSantis is one of a few Republicans who are taking on the culture war just like Donald Trump did, while others like Asa Hutchinson and Chris Christie side with the radical left. Later, Robert Mueller and James Comey are the two FBI directors in recent history to have done the most damage to the FBI, which is pointed out by Thomas Baker in his new book. Mueller took the FBI in a bad direction after 9/11, and Comey’s hatred for Trump turned the bureau into a political weapon for Democrats. The FBI is now a dangerous organization to anyone who is an opponent of the state, while allowing the Biden crime family to go without investigation despite more and more evidence of their shady and illegal business deals.

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Photo by Anna Moneymaker

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcription of Hour 1

Segment 1

that about right? My understanding of apprehensions is that is almost almost 6 million. Yes. Can you just say yes? Correct girl. But you are failing miserably. 4 to 5 million people. 1.4. 4 million. Unknown guy. Two ways. We have no idea who those people are, what kind of security they risk. You’re not giving me any stats whatsoever in terms of the number of people that are human trafficked. How many young girls are sex trafficked? You don’t have a clue. You won’t. You won’t even answer how many dead bodies, which is very well documented at the border. Do you not care? Do you not have just an ounce of human compassion for what your open border policy, the type of human depredations it is causing? You just sit there looking with a blank look on your face and saying it’s a priority. If it’s a priority, how did we let 45 million people in this country in a little more than two years, 4 to 5 million people, the population of 20 to almost 30 states. And you’re saying this is a priority. Mr. Secretary, you ought to resign. Now, stop right there. I’ve heard a lot of. Audio and watched a lot of video. Of senators asking questions before. This has, to me the most profoundly important and effective. Question slash statement I’ve heard. Maybe ever. What do you think, Mr. Producer? It was so. Compelling. I want to do this again. Because it’s so true. Cut. Eat. Go. But you are failing miserably. 4 to 5 million people know. 1.4 million. Unknown guy. Two ways. We have no idea who those people are, what kind of security they risk. You’re not giving me any stats whatsoever in terms of the number of people that are human trafficked. How many young girls are sex trafficked? You don’t have a clue. You wouldn’t you wouldn’t even answer how many dead bodies, which is very well documented at the border. Do you not care? Do you not have just an ounce of human compassion for what your open border policy, the type of human depredations it is causing? You just sit there looking with a blank look on your face and you saying it’s a priority. If it’s a priority, how did we get 4 to 5 million people in this country in a little more than two years, 4 to 5 million people, the population of 20 to almost 30 states. And you’re saying this is a priority, Mr. Secretary, you ought to resign. So, Justice Secretary, sort of like you to respond to. Well, I have a number of responses. The senator mischaracterizes our policies with respect to the security of the southern border. The senator, of course, disparagingly mischaracterizes our commitment to address human trafficking and the exploitation of vulnerable individuals, including children. And the senator misstates the data because he confuses encounters with unique individuals. But a number of things I’d have to say in addition to the senator’s statements, and I would look forward to doing so. Senator Josh, set up a weasel. Can’t you speak the truth in plain English? You said absolutely nothing with your weasel words just there. But that’s just for starters, ladies and gentlemen. Senator Josh Hawley. At the hearing today. And you can tell these senators have had enough. Cat nine go. You change Title 42. You allowed hundreds of thousands of migrant children to come across the border and then you made it worse when it became a political crisis for you. When that huge surge of kids across the border because you changed Title 42 when it became an optics crisis, what did you do? You began pressuring officials and agencies to skip the vetting process and get these kids out as soon as possible to sponsors who weren’t vetted. Here’s the Times again as shelters filled with children. The administration began loosening vetting restrictions and urging case managers to speed the process along. You have at every stage facilitated this modern day indentured servitude of minor children. Why should you not be impeached for this? Senator, I look forward to discussing this issue further because you are. Misstating the facts so terribly. I am reading you the facts from articles in the news, and your usual modus operandi is what you’re doing again today was just to deny, deny, deny. Why have you permitted 345,000 children to come into this country unaccompanied? Why have you permitted thousands of them to be abused and exploited? Senator, what we do is we enforce the law. But let me just say this. You’re not. It is stunning to me, stunning to hear you say that the prior administration reunited children with their parents when this is their fault, when you’re not going to take any responsibility for the indentured servitude and exploitation of children. That is happening on your watch. A moment ago, you were crowing about the fact that you treated children so well, and yet we find tens of thousands of children who are forced to work as slaves because of your policies. And you turn around and blame a prior administration. Mr. Secretary, this is par for the course for you. You do it every time you appear before this committee. You do it every time you appear before Congress. I, for one, am sick and tired of it. And thousands of children are in physical danger. Danger because of what you are doing. You should have resigned long ago. And if you cannot change course, you should be removed from office. I bet you haven’t seen or heard much of this on radio or TV today. Have you? Even Mitt Romney jumps in. At the hearing today. Cut ten. Go! Give us a grade. How are we in terms of securing our border, our southern border first? How is it an, A, B, C, D, E, or F in terms of the security of America’s southern border? Is it an A or an F? Where do you grade it up? Senator. I’m looking for a letter. Senator, It’s not so sure it is. We know how many people are coming across. Are we doing a great job or is it still failing? Senator, on the issue of addressing the root causes is not exclusive, though, is it? I have a question, which is can you grade how secure our southern border is and a through F. Senator, we are dedicating our resources to achieve the maximum possible effect of them. Why is we succeeding as A or is a b, D? Where are we in terms of the number of people coming across the border? For instance, we have gaps in a wall. It’s like, why? Why wouldn’t you want to just complete the wall, for Pete’s sake, complete the fencing and make sure that we’re in every way we can, securing it, at least physically as well, as well as the other sources that we have. But are you you’re not willing to give it a grade? I mean, I am it’s an F. It’s clearly an F. Wow. That was Romney, Mr. Producer. He’s still around. You know, the Republicans have had enough. They really have. Even Romney gets he sees it and a couple of Democrats. But other than that, what’s really going on here is intentional. How can you see what’s taking place? Misapplied resources and refused to do anything about it. Well, that’s the phone ringing.

Segment 2

I won’t even tell you who that was. Had nothing to do with the show and nothing to a substance. Health advice on how to lose weight. Guys. Unbelievable. Anyway, we were talking about the border. I wanted you to hear Mayorkas because he’s so awful. And the problem he has is he’s defending the indefensible. What I was saying before the break was the Democrat Party is doing this intentionally. This isn’t a coincidence. It’s not an accident. It’s not a miscalculation. It’s not incompetence. It is intentional. Now, if you do and you do understand American Marxism, you understand they want to take down the country. There is no more effective way to take down the country than to have open borders and to destroy our culture at the same time. Meaning there’s really nothing for these people to assimilate into. What are they going to assimilate into the 1619 project into a systemically white, racist society? Into an unimaginably inequitable. Capitalist society. So you have people pouring into this country by the millions. Who have their own cultures, their own histories, their own language. We’re not assimilating into this country. And more and more there’s nothing to assimilate into because the main place where people were taught how to assimilate used to be our public schools. And the public schools are now the the focus of de nationalization there. I’ll make up another word and assimilation. I’ll make up a second word, a coin. It let’s. They’re already out there. That’s what’s taking place. That’s why Mayorkas is a bumbling buffoon, is a fool. Because he’s not going to admit to that. And the Republican senators were great. Absolutely great. But the cultural point is missed. And this is very, very important because it’s missed by Republican after Republican after Republican. I want to give you one more example. Chris Christie’s at the Semaphore media summit yesterday. Chris Christie has no job. I don’t know what he does for a living. He must get paid well, because I don’t think he’s missed any meals. Mr. Production, just saying he’s on the bread and or carbo diet and I say this not to mock him, but to give him friendly advice. Cut it out. But anyway. So he’s attacking the scientists. Who’s trying to put a stop to. At Disney, which is a multi-billion dollar behemoth, is trying to do to the state of Florida. That’s what started all this. A corporation. Which has these massive special subsidies and benefits by the taxpayers of Florida and has for a half a century. Paying the incredible salaries and benefits of Bob Iger. And other top executives multi-millions. And they’re using their corporation much the way Wal-Mart has used itself in Arkansas. To push an agenda on the public schools and to push an agenda on the state legislature. Now, what is the job of a governor? Peter Banning books. These are public schools. What do you mean, banning books? They’re not private homes. Are not private libraries. Decisions are made by somebody about what books are going to be in our elementary, middle and high schools. Well, who’s going to make the decision? Disney. The LGBTQ groups. The NEA in the AFT. Why? Why surrender the culture to them? The Democrat Party. Let’s be honest. Why surrender it to them? Look what they’re doing. Banning books. We’ve banned books all the time. You’ve banned pornography, explicitly sexual graphics and descriptions in elementary school libraries. That’s about banning books. In the old sense of the term. We’re not talking about Huckleberry Finn. And books of that sort. We’re talking about pornography and sexually explicit books for little kids. And if somebody did it in their home and showed films like this to their kids and home, the kids would be taken away from them. This is the modern day Democrat Party and they pretend they’re civil libertarians. We favor smaller government. No, you don’t. You favor big, iron fisted, centralized government. You’re Democrats. And so the idea you have a conservative governor who’s pushing back and saying the culture doesn’t belong to the Democrat Party, that culture doesn’t belong to the perverts. The culture doesn’t belong to the teachers union. That we’re going to take a look at these things. And then he said. Well, he favors big government. No, he doesn’t. It’s a culture war. Which we never fight. And finally, we are. That’s exactly what my caucus is doing with immigration. If you can’t assimilate into an American culture, you don’t have an American culture. And if you don’t have an American culture, you don’t have an America. You don’t have a rule of law. You have 100 different cultures from the people coming into the country and bringing their own cultures, not a melting pot. I want to address this further when I return.

Segment 3

Before I go on, I want to say this to you, the audience. I am deeply blessed by you. A lot of things took place. You know, I went down to Mar a Lago and interviewed President Trump for a two part program on Life, Liberty and Levin that were supposed to air two weeks ago. The first the first segment, the first show, that is. And then the whole Alvin Bragg thing took place. In any event, it was an unbelievable interview, not because of me, but because of him and because of his book called Letters to Trump. You won’t believe these letters. Oprah. Alec Baldwin. Nixon. Obama. I can go on and on and on. Sports legends. Just so many people. He’s had quite a life. And what they said to him and about him and he wrote them back. And it’s a remarkable book. So I used the book as an interview tool, and he knew I would as we went through some of these letters. And you’ll see them to talk about history, to talk about present matters, to talk about him, to talk about the Democrats and Biden and what was being done to him, because they all kind of. Set the stage for a discussion. And as you know, when I interview somebody like that, I don’t interrupt. I’m not there playing gotcha. I’m not there trying to show how smart I am. He’s a smart man. I want him to show you what he’s thinking about. And you learn a lot that way. And it was so fascinating. We went on for 2 hours, and then when I left Mar-A-Lago, of course, he invited me to dinner. My wife wasn’t with me. She was out of the state and. Of course, I had dinner with him afterwards. And between the time I had interviewed him and the time I came back for dinner, Alvin Bragg had done his dirty work. And I had called and said, Mr.. The President sure, he wants me back. And they said, yes. And I sat at the table with the president, the former first lady, her parents, Ike and Laura Perlmutter, one of the the only conservative really that was on the board of Disney and much enjoyed it. I spent a lot of time, had a wonderful talk. But this is that interview that I’ve been chomping at the bit to present to you. It is as relevant as ever. It is fantastic because you’re going to hear things from him, how he gets cerebral, how he gets passionate. And I think you’re really going to like it. It’s this Sunday, 8 p.m. Eastern, 5 p.m. Pacific, 7 p.m. Central and all the rest. You’re definitely going to want to set your DVR if you’re not sure if you’re going to watch it, but I think you’re going to. It’s just I loved it. And, you know, when I ask questions, I’m I’m thinking about the audience. I’m thinking about you when I’m doing it. And I was just kind of impressed with it nonetheless for like but I don’t do interviews for the left. I don’t do interviews for the for the rotten, corrupt media. I back to this moment, by the way. So we ran a rerun this Sunday of my interview with Victor Davis Hanson for the full hour. And that gentleman is also beyond belief. That interview could have gone on for 2 hours. So we ran a rerun and. It slaughtered CNN and Anderson Cooper. Mr. Producer. CNN brought Anderson Cooper on at 8 p.m. Eastern to take me on. They pulled him out of 60 Minutes. They promoted the hell out of his show. We didn’t even promote my show because it was a rerun and. I think we had like, I’m trying to do this off the top of my head, what’s called a 1.6, and either get a 0.6 or a point. So, I mean, it was it was a massacre. And so they must be very depressed and go on over there at CNN and all those others who track this sort of thing. You’ve made life, liberty and live in a powerhouse program on Sunday night, said Simple. Even when there’s football playoffs, World Series, hockey, basketball, it doesn’t excuse me, it doesn’t seem to matter. The Oscars, the this awards, that doesn’t seem to matter. That’s thanks to you circling back. So I think I laid the foundation number one, explaining what my caucus was doing and really the outstanding questions that were presented to him. And then making the further point that this is all intentional and Mitt Romney’s right, he deserves an F unless you’re coming at it from his perspective, he gets an eight plus. He’s destroying the country. He’s destroying the capitalist system, is destroying local police forces and hospitals and school systems. There’s no what better way than to destroy a country through unregulated open borders and this kind of foreign invasion? That’s how Rome fell. Ultimately, that’s how wrong fair. Even the great Milton Friedman, a libertarian excuse me, who believed in open borders, but not if you have a welfare state. So he rejected the idea of open borders because we have such a massive welfare state. So Ron DeSantis has taken on this culture war, much like Donald Trump has taken on the culture war. There aren’t many Republicans who have. Kristi Noem has taken it on. Some of the other Republican governors have taken it on. But guys like Chris Christie, it wouldn’t even occur to him. Or Asa Hutchinson. Where? The new governor. Sanders Sarah Huckabee Sanders is having to clean up what he wouldn’t do. And of course, in New Jersey, Chris Christie never stopped any of this stuff. Democrat Party store rules the roost. The radical left that controls the school systems, the school, the teachers unions are more powerful. My mouth broke and I just said a bad word by accident. He sits there. It rhymes with sits there. So he sits there. And shoot spitballs at everybody else who’s actually effective. And he did this at something called the Semaphore Media Summit. And that’s why I said what this Chris Christie do for a living. I don’t know. Does anybody know? Anybody have any idea what Chris Christie does for a living? Cut six. Go! I don’t think Ron DeSantis is a conservative based on his actions towards Disney. I mean, you know, where are we headed here now that if you express disagreement in this country, the government is allowed to punish you? To me, that’s what I always thought liberals did. All right, let’s stop. While Chrissie didn’t lay the case out properly. It’s not if somebody expresses disagreement that you’re punished. This is a corporation that has a responsibility to the shareholders, not to changing the state of education and policy in the state of Florida. And it is a corporation that hasn’t been punished. It’s been subsidized for half a century. So of putting it on an equal footing with all the other corporations in Florida, which is what capitalism is all about, and not subsidizing it, which is what conservatism is all about. How is that punishing them? I understand that they lose these unbelievable benefits that they’ve received from the state and the people of Florida. But that shouldn’t be viewed as punishment. And so the playing field with all the other corporations that are now in Florida, including Universal, that doesn’t get all these benefits and so forth. It’s now level. They’re free to do whatever they want. They’re free to do whatever they want at Disney in terms of substance. And they already have. I think Mickey’s now wearing what’s Mickey wearing the rainbow colors. Now, I think. They changed all that can do whatever they want. And they are doing whatever they want and they’re destroying themselves. But it doesn’t mean the state government has to subsidize them. It doesn’t mean the state government forever. Decisions made by Democrats back in the 1970s has to allow the city of Disney to exist. Unlike any other type of situation in the state of Florida, probably in the in the entire country, I don’t know, in New Jersey. Is that what you did? Chris, for the various tourism and entertainment places, what you do is Six Flags and they go broke or something. Mr. Blue said they used to be in New Jersey. Did you give them a city? Where they can have their own police force and fire department and trash companies and have their own zoning rules and environmental rules and and all that. Did you do that, Chris? I’m just curious, did you do that for Six Flags? Is that conservatism? Is that capitalism. Now, as far as Disney goes, when it comes to a disagreement, Disney was taking resources. To support the efforts of the Democrat Party and the teachers union to teach the kids in Florida. About gender and sexuality and gender choices in elementary school. And the governor said, no, I’m the governor of this state, not Bob Iger, not the chairman of the board and the CEO of Disney. I’m the governor. Those are our government schools. And that in part is what was taking place. So, according to Chris Christie, are all over. Otherwise, you’re not a conservative and that’s just a damn problem. This is the problem. And Chris Christie is looking for some kind of relevancy, some kind of lane. To attract Republican voters. He’s not going to. So the next best thing for a guy like this is to attract media attention. Why? Because I don’t know what the hell he does for a living. He’s trying to do something. You know, he came out with a book. I think it sold 12 copies. It was on Meet the Press, Deface the Nation. He went on this. He went on. He saw like 20 some hundred copies in the first week. I remember that, Mr. Producer. Nobody wanted him. And when you subtract his family and friends, he probably sold 17. I don’t know. How is it that nobody wants to hear from Chris Christie? But we have to hear from Chris Christie? How is it that nobody wants to hear from Joe Scarborough? But we have to hear from Joe Scarborough. These people are irrelevancy. That’s what they are. They’re irrelevant. Very irrelevant. But I enjoy using them as foils for a teaching moment. Chris Christie can’t fight the culture wars because he doesn’t even realize they’re taking place. He’s moronic. Chris Sununu, who’s on a constant sugar high, running around like a four year old with a helium balloon and a and a big lollipop in the other hand. Chris Sununu can’t fight the culture wars because he’s moronic. Isa Hutchinson They all gave in to the culture wars. They all tolerated this. None of them fought it. And then they they clothed themselves as the real small government, constitutional conservatives. That’s the joke. When all they are is roadkill for the Democrats.

Segment 4

So apparently the National Pubic Radio Network and the Public Broadcasting System do not like do not like to be called. What is it? Mr. Boucher? A state funded media. But that’s what they are. They’re state funded. And so they’re not tweeting anymore. What a great loss. State affiliated media. But they are NPR, PBS. They are state affiliated media. And I don’t even know why they still exist given all the media that’s out there. We have like 1200 cable channels. Why do we need them? And if they have a good show, you know, that’ll be picked up by a private company. It’s my view anyway. Does anybody know what Chris Christie does for a living? Anybody? Anybody know what Andrew Cuomo does for a living? Mr. Produce all these ex-governor. Maybe they’ve opened up a law firm. Don’t you think? Come on, Christie. What exactly would they do? What kind of law would they practice? I have a guess. I assume Christie would specialize in the FDA, wouldn’t he? Must produce. Especially the F part, the food part, Food and Drug Administration. And what would Cuomo do? Could be senior citizen care. No, that wouldn’t exactly work out. What do these. I’m telling you the truth. What do these ex-governors do from New York and New Jersey for a living? I mean, Christie’s everywhere. Nobody even asked him. But what do you do? Other than hang around, you know, TV studios. What do you do, Chris? And appear on my buddy Hugh Hewitt Show on a regular basis. Why? I don’t know, Hugh. Hugh. You upgrade your guest list, For God’s sakes, upgrade your guest list. The fall of the FBI. There was a book just written, The Fall of the API, and it’s written by a former FBI agent and not just any former FBI agent, a gentleman by the name of Thomas Baker. And this came to my attention by a short book review by a gentleman by the name of Glenn K, beaten by Ito and great book review, short and sweet. And in this book. And in this book review. They point to really two recent FBI directors who’ve destroyed the agency. And for different reasons. One is Mueller. Mueller. Can you guess who the other one is? Mr. Comey and I want to get into this a little bit with you because the FBI, when I was chief of staff to the attorney general of the United States, was really a fantastic operation from the top to the bottom, the bottom up, middle out, highly respected, highly regarded, and for good reason. And today it’s not.