April 14th, 2023

April 14th, 2023

SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA - DECEMBER 8: Supporters of Calvary Chapel San Jose wave to cars outside of Santa Clara Superior Court in downtown San Jose, Calif., on Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2020. (Photo by Nhat V. Meyer/MediaNews Group/The Mercury News via Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, there’s news happening that’s not being covered by the media, and people should be outraged about it. San Jose CA’s Calvary church thanks to a Democrat judge is required to pay a $1.2m fine for violating health orders during COVID – which will put the church out of business. This lawsuit was to disrupt nature of constitutional order.  It’s amazing how people twist our laws to accomidate the left and government.  People push faith out of the public square and yet when it comes to wearing masks the government goes into the Church to force people to wear them. Meanwhile, society today only goes one way and that direction is hard left. It very rarely slows down or turns around. Elected officials like Rep Nancy Mace aren’t helping our cause – saying that Republicans can’t win if the issue is abortion. Ronald Reagan was pro-life and he won the two greatest landslides in election history because he knew how to communicate and connect with voters.  Roe v Wade looks like a conservative decision compared to what’s going on today. Democrats don’t want to codify Roe v Wade, they want to codify killing a baby right up to birth. Finally, Americans who use payment apps should watch – President Biden wants to tax Venmo transactions now! But it’s not just Venmo – it’s PayPal, Cash App too, and the list goes on. Everyone uses them. Anyone who conducts $600 worth of transactions will be required to submit form 1099 to Biden’s rogue IRS.

San Jose’s Calvary church ordered to pay $1.2 million in fines for violating health orders during COVID

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Biden Lied to Your Face, and Now We’ll All Pay the Price

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China’s Xi Jinping, Brazil’s Lula Take United Stance Against U.S.

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Banking Turmoil Caused by SVB Mismanagement, Not Trump-Era Rollbacks: FDIC Official

Photo by Nhat V. Meyer/The Mercury News

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of hour 1

Segment 1

There’s nothing our nations can achieve if we do it together. I really mean it. So thank you all. God bless you all. Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s look at the world. Let’s get it done. Say what? Let’s go look at the world. Well, I think that’s pretty much what he’s doing, as far as I can tell. I actually want to start with a story I bet hasn’t received any attention in talk radio or any attention on cable TV four years ago or would have. And it demonstrates, in my view, the great decline of the country. San Jose’s Calvary Church. San Jose’s Calvary Church ordered to pay $1.2 million in fines for violating health orders during COVID. Here’s a church ordered to pay $1.2 million in fine for violating health orders during COVID, which caused it to go out of business. I thought the Democrats believed in separation of church and state, even though it doesn’t say that in the Constitution. A Superior Court of California judge these superior court judges, just so you know, they’re trial judges at a fairly low level, their state judges. There’s thousands of them, not all, but most of them have to run for office and they represent their parties. San Jose, Democrat in Wilmington, Delaware, Democrat. So the judge rules that the Calvary Chapel, San Jose must pay 1.2 million in fines, including interest for violating public health orders during the COVID 19 pandemic emergency. Judge Yvette Pennypacker made the ruling last Friday, citing the church’s, quote, egregious conduct, unquote. The judge rejected the church’s argument that the public health officer’s orders prevented it from exercising its religious freedom or violated the Constitution. The church routinely held large indoor unmasked services. During the coronavirus pandemic, despite the health orders that applied to every entity in the county, they received support from KTVU. The Office of County Council on Monday issued a statement on the ruling that it should appear clear to all, regardless of religious affiliation. They’re wearing a mask while worshipping one’s God and communing with one other congregants is a simple, unobtrusive, giving way to protect others while still exercising a right to religious freedom. Unfortunately, defendants, the church repeatedly refused a model, much less enforce this gesture. Instead, they repeatedly flouted their refusal to comply with the public health orders and urged others to do so. Who cares what they cost, including death? Now we now know that the mask mandate did nothing. That’s the science. In it. They still punish this church. The superior court’s order comes after a federal court largely dismissed Calvary’s claims against the county. The remainder of the case was stayed, allowing the state court to rule. County Council said. The county said its priority was to take care of its residents during the public health emergency, and their lawsuit against the church was to seek accountability. Their lawsuit against the church, ladies and gentlemen, was to disrupt the the nature of our constitutional order and the fact that a federal court would not take it up. I guess a panel on the ninth Circuit perhaps is a disgrace. Is disgusting. So here’s now another civil liberty. Another aspect of the Bill of Rights. That’s eliminated. That’s eliminated, by the way. I’m a little frustrated today. You know, I went to Mar a Lago and I interviewed President Trump. What is it now, Mr. Producer? Almost two weeks ago. For a special on life, liberty and livin. What happened after I interviewed him? You know, he was charged so that Sunday we couldn’t very well just run with the interview given the hot news that have been taking place. And so that was to air this Sunday. This Sunday, another program was to air that I’ve been talking about, but it will not air. And so the Trump interview that I did won’t air Part one until next Sunday. Now, luckily, the things he and I talked about are still relevant. They’re still pertinent. It was a fantastic interview, not thanks to me, but thanked him. Thanks to him. And that will run next Sunday. We call that the Sunday after this Sunday. So I just wanted to make you aware. But. All right. Circling back. It’s amazing to me how we twist our laws and constitutions and how the Constitution and the judges do this constantly to accommodate the left, to accommodate government. The Bill of Rights exists to protect us from government, religious liberties, and the First Amendment. As you well know, it is under constant assault, whether it’s the FBI secreting itself into Catholic churches. Or what have you. It’s an amazing thing how we push faith out of the public square. We push it out of the public square under separation of church and state. And yet when it comes to wearing masks. The government goes into the church to force people to wear masks, which turns out to be a scientific myth. A myth. And no court will take it up and rule on behalf of the church. The church is going to have to pay 1.2 million. I don’t know where they’re going to get it from. No big deal. Not even worthy of news coverage in this country. Certainly not national news coverage, not even worthy of conservative talk radio to talk about an alien worthy of conservative websites to mention. It’s really appalling. It’s disgusting. That we’ve reached this point in our country where it’s to be expected. One liberty, one civil right here, and they’re peeled away one after another. It’s incredible. And it’s also obvious that we’re willing to put up with an awful lot. Some guy today, and I don’t know all the facts, but I read it in the in a news site on the Internet. The facts that I read again, I didn’t read the trial transcripts, but some guy who attacked a police officer on January six with a shield just received seven years prison sentence in Washington, D.C.. Okay, fine. But then you read about all these cases. About people attacking cops, shooting cops, and they’re out like the next day. It’s it’s appalling. So this guy gets seven years. And so my question is, does everyone get seven years who attacks a cop? I’ll bet the cops at the NYPD. They’re gone. What? The guy got seven years. Good. But nobody who hits us gets seven years. I bet cops all over the country are now saying that right now a lot of them listen to us in their cruisers and so forth. Seven years. I don’t even know what to say anymore. I don’t even know what to say anymore. I didn’t say the man didn’t deserve seven years. I said. What about the other people who attack cops? Do they get seven years? Does Antifa get seven years? Black Lives Matter. I don’t remember people getting seven years that they did. Where were the news stories about? I just don’t remember it. Do you? You’ve got cop killers walking the streets. They go off on some technicality. These judges are appalling. They’re shocking how politicized they have become. It’s just I read that and I said, Is that what the average guy gets for attacking a cup? No, it’s not. All right. I’ve got a lot more.

Segment 2

Well, on the issue of this church that’s under attack with the abortion pill, I know I’m out of it, out of the culture. I didn’t even know there was an abortion pill. A few months ago. Did you, Mr. Producer? You’ve heard of it. And so now the fight is over the abortion pill that to limit it or prevent access to it, or to require the FDA to go through the usual processes before it approves it is again, an attack on a woman’s freedom. And they come up with these names, these groups, you know, the Freedom Alliance Group and Women for Free Choice and all the rest of it. It’s a strange term to apply to the killing of a baby. I guess it depends what person we’re talking about when it comes to freedom, isn’t it? Doesn’t it? But I’m old enough to remember when people opposed abortion as birth control. Abortion was never supposed to be a form of birth control. And now, in addition to a birth control pill, you have an abortion pill. So you don’t necessarily have to take a birth control pill. Right. Three months in, you find out you’re pregnant, you go ahead and you take an abortion pill. So no big deal. We’re not dealing with a human being. We’re not dealing with the life cycle. We’re not dealing with life at all. What’s the big deal? I’m telling you, this country’s gone to hell. And then I read, I mean, the people who ought to be defending these babies the most are the women. Not me. And what’s interesting further is the Democrats say and Schumer says we’re going to have a vote on codifying Roe. They have no intention of codifying Roe. If you cut off I Roe, there’s no abortion pill. There’s no abortion pill after six months for sure. And after three months, possibly there’s no abortion pill. So they’re not going to codify Roe. You know, it’s amazing. Right now, Roe looks like a fairly conservative decision compared to what’s going on today. It’s not. But it looks like it because the Democrats don’t want to codify Roe. They want to codify killing, that is. Right before birth. The so-called aborting of a of a child and after birth, if an abortion is abolished. Every single Democrat voted against against saving the baby. It’s a baby You can’t even disputed at that point, can you? Now, what’s interesting is you hear these these lows, some political commentators and others on TV and they say things like this is a losing issue for Republicans, abortion. The vast majority of the American people oppose abortion in the last trimester. The overwhelming majority of Americans oppose abortion up to birth. And every American except for the worst among us, that is Democrats in Congress and the idiot in the Oval Office. Supports saving a baby’s life once the baby is born. Is this too hard for Republicans to say? Or do we have to listen to Nancy Mace all the time? And her ilk. And I love it when they say the courts have no say on this issue. Oh, really? So we found an issue with the courts have no say. Isn’t that amazing? Now the courts over say if the left agrees with them, the courts have a say. If the anti baby lobbyists. Are upheld by the courts, then they have a say. But if the courts don’t do what they want. Well, then the justices need to be harassed without any protection from the Department of Justice. It’s an amazing thing, the extent to which the Democrat Party and others. And others. Embrace death like this. Abortion. It used to be said, should be rare. For the life of the mother. The health safety of the mother. That debate isn’t even held anymore. It’s not even discussed anymore. The old slippery slope, isn’t it? That’s the problem. This society only goes one way. Hard left. It very rarely even slows down or turns around. If it turns around or slows down, it’s for a very short period of time. You know who noticed that? Franklin Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt wrote many, many, many years before he became president that we had to figure out a way to make permanent and institutionalize our ideology in government rather than just exercise it during election cycles. And they figured out how to do it. It’s called Marxism.

Segment 3

Nancy Mace was on MSNBC today. She’s a congressperson from South Carolina. I use her as a foil, basically. And she says the Republicans can’t win if the issue is abortion. You know, it’s amazing thing. Ronald Reagan was pro-life. You know, the two greatest landslides. Certainly. Of any Republican president in history. I believe both in terms of the popular vote in the Electoral College. No. Why is that? Because Reagan knew how to communicate. He knew how to speak to you. He knew how to connect with you. Even though he was literally one of our smartest presidents who did an enormous amount of reading and studying of philosophy and so forth. Of course, every Republican supposed to be stupid, According to the Democrats, only Joe Biden’s a genius. But he was pro-life. And he was strategic about it. He understood politics that, you know, if you’re going to. If you’re going to charge the enemy in a forward position. And the enemy can outgun you with the media, you’re going to lose. So there are ways to do this. But that said, you don’t completely give up on the subject because you claim you’re going to lose the vote of women. Do women support abortion at the last minute at birth? Do they support sticking a large syringe in the soft top of a baby’s head and sucking their brains out? The enormous pain that causes that baby. Their baby who’s literally centimeters away from birth. Because Democrats want to codify that. That is what they want to codify. That is what they want to codify. Now, Nancy Mace goes on MSNBC, CNN, and she’s very comfortable on these networks. Because she’s a gadfly. She’s a contrarian. She is, as I said, Mitt Romney in address. We can have this discussion about what? About rape and incest and so forth. That’s fine. I don’t mean it’s fine. It’s fine to have that discussion and those kinds of exceptions to the kind of exceptions that many people will agree on. That said. We’re not even talking about that. We’re not even talking about that. The left wants to drag us into that debate, and yet we’re well, well, well beyond that. Listen to her. Cut! 14. Go. I’m in a bellwether district, and I see the pulse of everyday Americans. Ronald Reagan won your district. You better believe he did. Did he have a pulse of your district? Yeah. You better believe he did. When Reagan ran for re-election. His views on. Abortion were well known and he won 49 out of 50 states and he almost won Minnesota. Walter Mondale, his opponent’s state, had 15 votes. Excuse me, 1500 votes, which stands. He would have won all 50 states. Now, I understand the demographics have changed and so forth, but even for that time and place, that was enormous. Again, it’s the way you discuss these things. If you play defense and you allow the Democrats the lie to poison the well. The spin you lose. And it’s not just on abortion, it’s on everything. Nancy Mace does not have the guts to stand up to this. So she surrenders. And as for if we run on this issue, the Democrats are running on this issue. So you’re going to have to respond. The Democrats are trying to tie all Republicans into one position. So you’re going to have to have an answer. So it’s not a matter of even running on this issue. It’s a matter of coherently addressing and confronting the issue. Go ahead. I’m in a bellwether district and I see the pulse of everyday Americans on both sides of the aisle, men and women alike. And they are not with us. They’re not with the extreme, far right crazy nutjobs that want to take this. That’s their. There you go. She’s a big help. That’s why she’s on MSNBC. She’s in a bellwether state, excuse me, a bellwether district, she says, and she gives the hard left propaganda. You must be a far right, extreme, crazy nutjob. That’s it. Are you persuaded by her? She’s a real ass. She really is. It’s very cocky. She’s got a fairly safe district. She says it’s a bellwether district. It’s not that bellwether, but that’s who she is and that’s the way she wants to be. And that’s why she gets invited on these television shows. She’s a backbencher. She’s accomplished literally nothing in the few years that she’s been in the House of Representatives. She hasn’t made a profound statement ever. She hasn’t taken taken a lead and anything that matters to you. She’s a pundit who’s elected to the House of Representatives. That’s it. MSNBC would never had me on to discuss this or anything else. But they’ll have her on because she’s exactly the kind of republic she want. They want. So this isn’t the best face of the Republican Party. This isn’t how this is to be discussed. You’re not a guru of me. You’re an extreme fire, a crazy nutjob. And you know what? The producers at Maslow still are saying We love her. What other shows can we put her on? Maybe Al Sharpton. Joe Scarborough Yeah, she’d be great. CNN said, Hey, we need to have her on more often. She’s our kind of Republican. And she likes to say we can find solutions. You know, we can meet in the middle, we can be bipartisan, except, of course, we extreme far right crazy nutjobs. And we don’t really want anything to do with you. She’s an idiot. A low IQ moron. Nancy Mace. Then there are real leaders like Ron DeSantis. Who’s been an executive, who is an executive, and this is why he draws so much attention and support. And I wish those ads that are running against him. I wish they cut it out. Stop twisting his position on Social Security and Medicare and all the rest of it. You want to duke it out, baby? Duke it out. I have no problem with it. But let’s talk about what’s going to happen to Social Security and Medicare within the next decade. They’re not going to exist the way they do today if somebody doesn’t do something about it. That doesn’t mean you want them to die on the vine. And DeSantis has never said that. Here he is yesterday in Ohio. Cut tango. And in times like these, there is no substitute for victory. Winners get to make policy. The losers go home. And I think we need to end it. Not so much in Ohio or Florida, but I think nationwide the Republican Party has developed the culture of losing. I think that needs to end. No more excuses. Just get it done so we can save our country. There you go. I wonder if he’s an extreme Far-Right crazy nutjob. Nancy. More Carl Levin go. You guys know Florida’s history as being a swing state. We had one point race as governor president for the previous decade 2010, 14, 12, 16, 18. And so people told me, you know, it’s a closely divided state. You barely got in. It’s a bellwether state. Don’t do anything to. Yeah, I’ll rock the boat and it’s a bellwether state. See, Nancy May Mace is not a leader. She’s not a statesman. Leaders and statesmen, they change. The topography of the politics. That’s what they do. They fundamentally alter what is the expected when it comes to politics? And that’s what the center has done in Florida. Enormously, hugely has changed it. You know, Florida hasn’t had a an income tax since forever. People weren’t flocking to Florida before DeSantis was governor. They’re flocking to Florida because he’s governor, because the way he handled the pandemic and so forth. That’s why they’re flocking to Florida. Go ahead. You don’t want to do anything that’s going to upset this very delicate political balance. Just kind of keep your head down and not try to make too many waves. Well, I rejected that advice. My view was I may have received 50% of the vote, but I earned 100% of the executive power. And I intended to use that aggressively to pursue a conservative agenda. That’s why I love this guy. That’s why I do. And that’s why I just play that In comparison to Nancy Mace. He’s right wing nut jobs. We can’t win this way. And what is she what does she do to change the the electorate or change the map or change the thinking or to persuade people? Nothing. She goes on MSNBC and trashes conservatives. She’s an idiot. But they love idiots over. They like Chris Christie on ABC. He’s an idiot. They’re Chris Sununu. He’s an idiot. DeSantis is a transformative figure when it comes to politics. Florida has been changed fundamentally. Really in less than four years, it’s been changed fundamentally, politically and in every other way and for the better. DeSantis has demonstrated that principled, traditional conservatism works. It’s not just theoretical, it actually works. And despite what some punks out there try to project on to him their language about populism, nationalism, he’s a governor saying populism, Nationalism has everything to do with basic. Fundamental conservative principles applied to economics, applied to social issues in the culture. He’s fighting critical race theory, not because he’s a populist, but because he’s a man of faith who believes in American history and telling the truth. He’s fighting the sexualizing of little kids because he’s a moral man. Not because he’s a populist. He just said there. You know what? Let’s play it again so I can explain it in more detail. Cut 11 again. Go, please. You guys know Florida’s history as being a swing state. We had one point race as governor president for the previous decade 2010, 14, 12, 16, 18. And so people told me, you know, it’s a closely divided state. You barely got in. Don’t rock the boat. You don’t want to do anything that’s going to upset this very delicate political balance. Just kind of keep your head down and not try to make too many waves. Well, I rejected that advice. My view was I may have received 50% of the vote, but I earned 100% of the executive power. So does that sound like a populist? They got 50% of the vote of 100% of the executive power. It’s not a populist. It’s a conservative. I’m a populist. I worked my finger and I put it in the air and I became Nancy Mace. What the Santa sustain as he’s been persuasive. He’s used policy and media to be effective. He’s advanced core principles. Whether people agree with him or not. That’s what he’s done. During COVID. He didn’t take polls. How do I know? He told me that. I don’t take polls. I do what I think is right. There you go.

Segment 4

I think she’s got so much more to do. Liz Cheney spoke out. Of course, she got a lot of attention. You notice who the media regurgitate or put the spotlight on the Nancy Maces of the world, but also the the Disney Lizzie Cheney’s former representative, Liz Cheney, criticized Representative Marjorie Taylor GREENE for her tweets, defending the alleged leaker of hundreds of pages. Oh, darn. I’m almost done. Of classified U.S. intelligence. She cannot be trusted. Liz has spoken.