April 13th, 2023

April 13th, 2023

This photo illustration created on April 13, 2023, shows the suspect, national guardsman Jack Teixeira, reflected in an image of the Pentagon in Washington, DC. - FBI agents on Thursday arrested a young national guardsman suspected of being behind a major leak of sensitive US government secrets -- including about the Ukraine war. US Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the arrest made "in connection with an investigation into alleged unauthorized removal, retention and transmission of classified national defense information." (Photo by Stefani REYNOLDS / AFP) (Photo by STEFANI REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Pentagon classified document leaker story doesn’t smell right. This doesn’t mean that Jack Teixeira didn’t do it or wasn’t involved, it means we should wait a few days and not rush to judgement on this case.  Sometimes it pays to wait and watch the story develop more. How did a 21 year old National Guardsman get access to the information? It’s hard to trust the same instiututions who are going after Donald Trump – they have a habit of misleading the American people. When all the information comes out and if he is guilty, its treasonious. Meanwhile, President Biden has been busy, working to destroy our country. Offering healthcare for illegal immigrants, extending funds without legislation and no one blinks an eye from the Democrat party – because the ends justify the means. Also, is Sen Micth McConnell finally going to retire? He’s said he will show up to work on Monday but there’s a big difference between showing up and doing actually work. Then, there’s the issue of when Sen Dianne Feinstein will resign? Democrats want Feinstein to resign because they have radical leftsists ready to take her seat. Just as Republcians have RINO’s ready to take McConnell’s seat.

Daily Mail
FBI arrests suspected Pentagon leaker

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PJ Media
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Daily Mail
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The Blaze
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PJ Media
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Agenda47: Firing the Radical Marxist Prosecutors Destroying America

Trump Special Counsel Reportedly Probing Potential Wire Fraud Related to Fundraising Off Election Lies


The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

While Merrick Garland announced at a press conference today that they’ve arrested the documents leaker Jack Tajiri. The last name is the name of a UFC fighter, by the way, but no relation. So I want to play what he said in full. It was 42 seconds long. I’m starting to think Merrick Garland has Joe Biden disease. Then we get to hear from Brigadier General one star General Patrick Ryder, and then I will give you my thoughts. Here is meritless. Garland, cut one. Go. Today, the Justice Department arrested Jack Douglas Teixeira in connection with an investigation into alleged unauthorized removal, retention and transmission of classified national defense information. To share is an employee of the United States Air Force National Guard. FBI agents took Tachira into custody earlier this afternoon without incident. He will have an initial appearance at the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts. I want to thank the FBI, Justice Department, prosecutors and our colleagues at the Department of Defense for their diligent work on this case. This investigation is ongoing. We will share more information at the appropriate time. Thanks, everyone. That’s it. 42 seconds. Brigadier General Patrick Ryder at a press conference today. Cut to go. In the days after the leaks came to light. What steps has D.O.D. taken to reduce the number of people who have access to not only these classified briefings, but the classified material in general? Sure. So we continue to review a variety of factors as it relates to safeguarding classified material. This includes examining and updating distribution lists, assessing how and where intelligence products are shared, and a variety of other steps. I would say, though, that it is it is important to understand that we do have stringent guidelines in place for safeguarding classified and sensitive information. This was a deliberate criminal act, a violation of those guidelines. And so, again, I think that’s important to understand. And we will continue to do everything we can to ensure that the people who have a need to know when it comes to this kind of information have access to that. Okay. So you didn’t say anything. Same hand cut, three, go. What is your message to anyone who might be thinking of leaking these kind of documents in the future? Look, again, we have procedures. We have protocols in place. We receive regular training on the proper handling of classified information. It’s not what she’s asking. Somebody broke into your system and stole the information and released it. That’s what she’s talking about. Not your protocols, not your nondisclosure agreements, not all that. Joe Biden doesn’t think this is a big deal anyway. Not a big deal. Nothing that happens in the Biden administration that harms the country is a big deal with its military or immigration, whether it’s economic or leaks like this. Cut, Forego. Are you concerned about the length of time to go? Well, we’ve got to move now. You see, they’re trying to they’re trying to bring them out of there as fast as they can. Are you concerned about the leaks? And you’ll remember Jean Pierre at the White House said that Joe Biden takes more shot at questions in any president in history. They don’t even want him to take shouted questions. And by the way, the question is asked often and should be. Why won’t Joe Biden have a full fledged press conference? You know, like we had an evening the night before with other real presidents. And she won’t answer. I can answer. And the answer is he’s a blithering idiot. All right, cut for go. Are you concerned about the length of time to go? Oh, we got to go. I’m not concerned about the way he. I’m concerned it will happen. But there’s nothing contemporaneous that I’m aware of. And it’s all pretty. There’s nothing contemporaneous that I’m aware of that is of great consequence. Now, this is really quite remarkable, America, because a couple of days ago, word from the Pentagon and the Department of Justice leaked again to the media was that, Well, the fact of the matter is that this is the greatest leak of intelligence in modern history. Isn’t that what they said, Mr. Producer? All kinds of information pouring out, and it was all over the newspaper. We even cited some of it. Couldn’t hide it. Couldn’t hide it. And now Joe Biden downplays it. So this is hugely problematic now. They got this 21 year old. Apparently is in the National Guard, also I.T. for a contractor or something like that. We don’t have all the details. According to meritless Garland in his 42 second statement that he and we’re looking here he’s the United States Air Force National Guard he’s involved in classified national defense information, that sort of thing. I. I’m not ready to bite on this yet, Mr. Producer. Others have said it, and I agree with them. I’m not saying he wasn’t involved. I’m not saying he wasn’t the only guy involved. I’m not saying he didn’t do it. I’m just not ready to bite down hard on this. It just doesn’t smell 100% right to me. And I could be wrong. I have a pretty good speller, though. And I really do. I think we need to see if there’s more. And I would strongly encourage. Strongly encourage the media to dig a little bit more deeply than just transcribe the ambiguous statements that they have received from the Department of Defense and the Department of Justice. That’s my view. I’m just not ready to jump in here. Again, I’m not saying he wasn’t involved. I’m not saying he wasn’t the chief person involved, the only person involved. But I’m not going to rush to judgment either. As you know, I rarely do. I rarely do. Sometimes it pays to wait 24, 48 hours, sometimes it pays to wait a little bit longer. Again, I’m not soft on this guy. If he was involved in any of this, it’s treasonous act. But that said. They spoke to one of his friends anonymously and they didn’t show his face. He said This is a 21 year old and he’s a little younger. Then Tachira. He said he believes in God loves his country. He’s sort of an outdoorsman. Very charismatic. Once again, It doesn’t mean he didn’t do it. Wouldn’t be the first time somebody like that has done something terrible. And maybe ten or 20 years ago, the government puts out information like this. I would have been 100% in. I do not trust Merrick Garland in the least when after parents still does goes after pro-lifers going after our former president. He says things that are flat out lies misleads the American people. I do not trust the people who run the Department of Defense, whether it’s Millie or Austin. I simply don’t. I do not trust Christopher Wray at the Federal Bureau of Investigations. I just don’t. Now, they might be 100% right about this. Seriously? They may well be. And that’s certainly the likelihood. But it’s the likelihood. And time will tell. I’m not pushing any conspiracies. I don’t know of any conspiracies. All we know of is this guy so far. But it’s like the way they set up Trump in Manhattan. Or Georgia or what they’re doing to him now with wire fraud they’re looking at in Washington. Raising campaign funds. Wire fraud now. So I don’t trust the same institutions that are doing things of that sort. We’ll have to wait and see.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Joe Biden’s been very busy, among other things, destroying our country. And in a video message yesterday, he announced his plan to expand health coverage for illegal aliens. No legislation. No input from your representatives. We now have government by fiat and this blithering idiot. This blithering idiot. Goes around talking about democracy and freedom versus tyranny and autocracy. Well, he should know because he’s on the tyranny or autocracy side. Cut eight go. When President Obama and I created the dot com program, we knew it was illegal. Whether you support it or not, it just is illegal. You don’t get to create the DOCA program out of the executive branch. And this has been an issue. Let’s start from the top down. When President Obama and I created the dot com program, we knew it would transform lives and it has. Bringing stability and possibility to hundreds of thousands of young people known as Dreamers, brought to America’s children. This country is the only home they’ve ever known. It is they brought to America’s children. Can even read is cue cards, this idiot. Go ahead. Coworkers. They study. They work hard. They start businesses. Many have served in the military. And unlike the white supremacists in America and the white dominated society who are bigots and racists, unlike MAGA Republicans, of course they can build anything. No, no, no, no, no. Illegal aliens have built everything. Everything. Don’t you know that they do jobs Americans won’t do? Go ahead and show workers on the front lines of the pandemic. They’re American in every way except on paper. It’s past time for Congress to give Dreamers a pathway to citizenship. It’s amazing. Just amazing. The the the lack of willingness to enforce the law on the Constitution here. This is a guy who should be impeached and found guilty and removed. Go ahead. Work toward that goal. Alongside Dreamers, advocates, members of Congress, we need to give Dreamers the opportunities and support they deserve so they look at what language is affected. You’re here illegally. You’re a dreamer. You’re here illegally, maybe through several generations. You’re a white supremacist. See how it works. Go ahead. Trace is mounting our plan to expand health coverage for doctor recipients by allowing them to roll the plan through the Affordable Care Act or through Medicaid. So through Medicaid, which is going broke, there’s no statutory law that’s been passed to allow this. He’s expanding funds without approval from Congress, and he just doesn’t. He just does it and everybody’s okay with it because they like the ends. The ends justify the means, you know, like good commies. Go ahead. It should be a right, not a privilege. My administration has worked hard to be a right, not a privilege. Health care should be a right, not a privilege. You understand that, folks? So as I’ve said a thousand times, you folks who go to the Veterans Administration, you go in there and you tell them I have a right to whatever medicine I need and want. Period. Period. Because the VA is run by the federal government, is it not? And you focus on Medicare. Same thing. Medicare is run by the federal government. Health care is a right. So you go in and you say, I want this. I want that. It’s a right. I want what I want. It’s a right. And your doctors. You’re no longer free to do what you want. If health care is a right, then you’re an indentured servant because you will do what must be done for the rights of the people you nurses to you, hospitals to. It’s a right. And you had people working in labs trying to invent new drugs and develop new. Alternatives technologies. You work and you work hard. Because it’s a right. It’s all right that people have these things. And you must you must do these jobs so people can have these things. You understand? It’s a right. And it’s a right for illegal aliens to apparently. Go ahead. Care. And today, more Americans have health insurance than ever. Today’s announcement is about giving more Americans have health insurance than ever. No country. Is there more health insurance than North Korea and Cuba? Everybody has health insurance provided by the government. Everybody’s equal. No private alternative. How’s that working out? They don’t care that everybody has health insurance. We care that people get quality medical care, quality medicines when they need them. That’s what the United States produces.

Hour 1 Segment 3

I like Mike Pence. I do very much. I’ve known him a long time now. That’s sad, but it’s a great question. How the hell would a 21 year old National Guardsman get access to this information, Mr. Peterson? He doesn’t have a need to know situation. He’s in Massachusetts. How did he have access to this? And so there does need to be a major investigation into this to figure it out. How the hell did it happen? That is a major investigation into the Pentagon. We do need some slick talk and one star to come out and tell us what to think. Most of these people who speak on behalf of the Pentagon and I don’t know this particular brigadier general, they get most of their stripes and stars as a result of working in communications for decades, not necessarily battle hardened. And some of that information that was leaked is critically important, including the fact that the Chinese are providing a lot more assistance to Russia than our government let on. Then our government let on and these leaks hurt Ukraine. They hurt the United States, they hurt our allies. Our allies have to wonder what the hell is going on and they benefit our enemy. I should say enemies, plural. All right. Who’s Mike McCormack? Mike McCormack. Years and years ago was the coach of the Philadelphia Eagles. But not that Mike McCormack. Pretty good. Coached her pretty good, man. I don’t know if he’s even with us anymore, but the Mike McCormack I’m talking about who will be ignored by the New York Times, the Washington Compost because censorship is the name of their game. Mike McCormick You know, before I get to this, I’ve something to say. Before I get to this, Something’s bugging me and I will get to this. It’s a big deal. That’s this judge in the Dominion lawsuit in Delaware. I’m looking here at Media eight who is obsessed with this case along with media matters, because there are left wing goons and pre-pubescent. Nonetheless, they’re headlined by Ken Meyer. We’ve dealt with him before a judge in Fox Dominion Trail roasts Maria BARTIROMO. She’s clearly neutral, he says. Snarkily. The judge presiding over the upcoming trial and Dominion Voting Systems $1.6 billion suit against Fox News made several outspoken comments about the cable news giant during pretrial hearings this week, including a snarky remark taking aim at Fox Business anchor Maria BARTIROMO. Delaware Superior Court Judge Eric Davis sanctioned the network, which was outrageous, and announced an investigation into Fox’s alleged withholding of evidence and information relevant to the case of pretrial hearings on Wednesday and Thursday. I guess this man, this judge, the superior court judge in Delaware, hasn’t heard about New York versus Sulla and maybe hasn’t even heard about freedom of the press. Now. The hearing dealt in part with recordings provided by former Fox News producer Abby Grossberg, who is suing Fox News at two lawsuits separate from Dominion’s claims. The recordings show BARTIROMO spoke with Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani or put her in person as fast as you can, the latter of whom admitted to being unable to prove that Dominion software rigged the election. Dominion’s lawyers charged Fox with failing to present this evidence when they were supposed to. And during the hearing on Wednesday, Judge Davis, Eric Davis took a shot at BARTIROMO as he questioned Fox News lawyer Michael Sokhna about records that show the Fox hosts entertaining the idea of sharing information on defense of Donald Trump. I mean, I think we also just learned about this and produced it. And we believe that the full recordings provide relevant evidence to actual malice. And Miss BARTIROMO what she knew, the question she was asking and what she was saying off air versus on air, so argued before the judge, the following exchange occurred. Judge Davis, She’s clearly neutral. Excuse me, Your Honor, says the lawyer. Oh, she’s clearly neutral. I’m being sarcastic. I just heard the tape where she’s going to put a defense fund thing. Does the judge know how to speak? Is even literate? She wanted to override their director to put a campaign thing clearly not neutral. Laura Schopenhauer I believe the evidence will show that didn’t appear on the actual Kiran. Judge Davis, thank goodness. So here’s the judge is supposed to be impartial, who clearly is not by his own words. And I would argue by his rulings. According to Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple. Who was in the courtroom for the hearing. The judge’s delivery was deadpan and confused. The Fox attorney. That was not the only time Judge Davis spoke out in colorful terms about Fox’s coverage and the aftermath of the election, which is described in scathing terms throughout this case. Judge, why don’t you step aside? This is the big legs. You may not be able to handle this. It’s going to go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. I haven’t talked to any of the Fox lawyers or the Fox executives on this one. I’m just saying as a lawyer. This is your small potatoes. This is in your courtroom. You’re making a clown show of the thing. You’re obviously biased and partisan the way that you’re ruling. Davis said at one point during a discussion of Dominion’s opportunity to cross-examine Fox witnesses. I could have a lot of fun with this case. Dominion has sought to put BARTIROMO on the witness stand. She was one of the most prominent Fox personalities fueling Trump’s unsubstantiated claims about the election. Even after a forced fact check on the conspiracy theory she gave air to. BARTIROMO has continued to promote election denialism. Gee, you would have thought they were talking about Jamie Raskin in 2016. Or dozens of Democrats in 2016. I wonder what the judge would think about that. I wonder if the judge is aware that NBC News raised questions about voting machines. As did many cyber experts and the connection to the Internet. I didn’t raise these questions. They did. I wonder if he’s aware of letters that went out under the signatures of Elizabeth Warren and Ron Widen. And I did all this research today from my Sunday show on Fox. So you’ll want to see it. Maybe I’m telling too much right now. Let’s wait. Even though I know I know the enemy media are hanging on my every syllable because the corrupt Democrat Party media and those funded by Democrat donors like Media Matters and Media and the others, they desperately, desperately want this case to be won by by the plaintiffs. They don’t care about free speech or freedom of the press. I’m whispering like Biden does. Oh, you’re not going to want to miss my Sunday show. I got Dershowitz for half the show. I’ve got the former acting attorney general of the United States, Matt Whitaker. I think you’re going to love the show. Back to Mike McCormack, former Obama stenographer. Former Obama stenographer. Hello. Former Obama stenographer. He’s on Fox and Friends today. And he’s talking about April. 2014, Biden enriched Burisma and his own family. Go ahead. In in April 2014 hours in Air Force Two with Joe Biden and Jake Sullivan. At the time, no one knew that Hunter Biden was already on the board of Burisma Holdings, the natural gas conglomerate from Ukraine. Joe Biden is directing Jake Sullivan in the front of the plane. What to say to the press. My job as a stenographer on the plane is to record what the vice president or a senior administration official says to the press. So I’m sitting back there with a tape recorder. Jake Sullivan comes back and somebody asks about fracking. His answer is, well, we’re bringing a lot of American assistance over for fracking. Burisma was the direct beneficiary of that fracking, and that’s what I recorded. And that’s in a White House transcript. In the transcript. You don’t know who Jake Sullivan is. It’s a senior administration official. I’m the witness that says Jake Sullivan is the guy who said it and he should be investigated because at the time Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma and Joe Biden is bringing American taxpayer money to enrich that company and himself and his family. Got that? That’s on the record. So over there, immediate. I notice you don’t have it yet, do they? Most of it is. Let’s see here. No. How about media matters? They didn’t pick up. It either. Is it in the front page of The New York Times or The Washington Post? No censorship. Hunter Biden’s laptop censorship. More. Cut, Tango. You know, Mike, my biggest question is you said the FBI has been ignoring you. It’s no secret right now that people don’t have a lot of faith in the FBI. Would you tell them? And wouldn’t they say back to you? Well, that’s that’s a great question. Actually, I came across this story back in October. I published in my substack My Substack is midnight in the laptop of Good and Evil. I didn’t hear much about it. In February, I went to the FBI and filed one of their tips on their Web site. If you do that and you’re lying to them, you go to jail. I’m not lying. I’m telling untruths, truth, and I’m not going to jail. Joe Biden is a criminal. He was conducting malfeasance in office to enrich his family. Jake Sullivan is a conspirator in that. And there’s more. There’s more Obama officials involved in it, I believe. Wow. So the FBI doesn’t want to hear from Bobulinski, even though he spoke to them for four or 5 hours about the corruption of the Biden family, specifically the putative president of the United States. They don’t want to hear from Mr. McCormack, Mike McCormack, the former official Obama stenographer who’s an eyewitness. What Biden was up to with respect to getting our tax dollars to Burisma and Ukraine. In order to help them with fracking. While his son was on the board. Now, that’s a serious connection. There are endless connections between the Biden family and these corrupt regimes and how the Biden family is looking for ways to make millions of millions of dollars from them. Just this last night I went through in excruciating detail endless connections about how Biden and the Democrats set up Trump in Manhattan, how Biden and the Democrats set up Trump with the documents case. And we only know the tip of the iceberg here, only the surface. Because we’re not in charge, we can’t pull out the information. And now we have Obama’s stenographer, the former official stenographer. Pointing out. That Joe Biden. Pushed money. To Burisma. They help them with fracking. When his son sat on the board. And then there is the current National Security Council assistant to the President, Jake Sherman, BOBULINSKI McCormick. Two tremendous eyewitnesses. And no special counsel. No special counsel because the Department of Justice is the Praetorian Guard. For Joe Biden, just as the media are the Praetorian Guard for Joe Biden. Maggie Haberman, did you hear this? Make it germane as Peter’s? Did you and your Peter’s hear this Jeremy Philip bump, Are you going to write one of your. One of your columns about this, Philip. Everybody’s waiting with bated breath. How about the rest of the miscreants? Malcontents and frauds in the media? No, I don’t think they will. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

I hear some music, which means I have to take a break. We’ve got two great hours left. I’ll be right back.