April 10th, 2023

April 10th, 2023

LOUISVILLE, KY - APRIL 10: Crime scene tape cordons off a street as law enforcement officers respond to an active shooter near the Old National Bank building on April 10, 2023 in Louisville, Kentucky. According to initial reports, there are multiple casualties but the shooter is no longer a threat. (Photo by Luke Sharrett/Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Chuck Todd, the media and the Democrat party act like they want a race war in this country. Shootings are exploited and politicized by the left just like with the latest shooting in Louisville, Kentucky. Virtually every scientific study including one from the Department of Justice show that the 1994 assault weapons ban was ineffective, and that is the one Democrats keep citing. Even worse, the Biden administration is openly attacking Catholics and it was being covered by FBI director Christopher Wray. This is shocking how the FBI has inserted itself into lives, this time through the Richmond document allowing the FBI to monitor Catholic houses of worship as domestic terrorism.  Also, French President Emmanuel Macron is calling for Europe to be less dependent on the USA, which Chinese President Xi Jinping absolutely loves and just made war with China over Taiwan 10 times more likely. The Biden administration and Democrats have sent our nation into decline, which is exactly what they want, and as a result we are losing allies around the world. Macron would never do this with Trump or DeSantis as president but has no problem walking all over Biden.  Later, Gavin Newsom is the governor of a failed state and yet is still a viable Democrat candidate for president and will be propped up by the Democrat media. Newsom is already going on the Sunday shows to prop himself up and take shots at Trump and DeSantis.

Fox News
Louisville bank shooting: Who is injured Officer Nickolas Wilt?

Documents Reveal FBI Sought to Develop Sources in Local Catholic Churches

Europe must resist pressure to become ‘America’s followers,’ says Macron

THREAD — records obtained from our investigation into the circumstances surrounding the Mar-a-Lago raid further confirm that the FBI obtained access to these records through a “special access request

DeSantis Pushes Toughest Immigration Crackdown in the Nation

Photo by Luke Sharrett

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Does Chuck Todd want a race war in this country? If the media want a race war in this country. Does the Democrat Party want a race war in this country? They act like they do. They put people on their networks who are openly racist. But beside that, you have two men elected to the Tennessee House of Representatives. Young men. They go on the floor of the House of Representatives with bullhorns. Demonstrating for gun control. Upending, upending that Tennessee House of Representatives. I don’t know. Would it be okay to go into Chuck Todd broadcast with bullhorns and upend his broadcast? Would it be okay to do this at the White House? The vice president’s quarters. Would that be okay? You can be sure if it were Marjorie Taylor GREENE or somebody like that. Who conducted herself this way. She’d be expelled. She’d be condemned. She and others had been removed from committees by the Democrats for the things they said and said in the past. This isn’t some great civil rights event. This is to elected. Members of the Tennessee House of Representatives who violated the rules. And you can believe it. Republicans took to the floor on January six. Were bullhorns disrupted. Events of that day prevented the house from actually meeting that they would be charged with crimes. But the Democrats who are dressed up as phony journalists and hosts of news shows. They obviously want some kind of civil war in this country because of the way they conduct themselves. Which is appalling. I just watched one story of this. And they don’t even tell you the facts. Why were these two members expelled? They don’t tell you the facts. Every Republican has voted to expel them. Obviously is a racist. You see. But they’re not. Now we have this mass murder in Louisville, Kentucky, and the White House in Washington is talking again about gun control. And yet. The locals there are not there saying this isn’t the time for this. And we’ve talked about this over and over and over again, and they have their fallback position on on rifles and so forth. They have nothing else. Nothing. Jacqueline Gwynn Valero is the interim police chief. Louisville, Kentucky. 3 p.m. today, Eastern cut, one go. Officers were on scene. Within 3 minutes, the suspect shot at officers. We then return fire and stop that threat. The suspect is deceased. This is the only time that I will mention the suspect name in this case. The suspect has been identified as Connor Sturgeon. White male, 23 years of age who was employed at National Bank. His weapon of choice was a rifle. We have five total deceased, which includes him. But I want to acknowledge with heartfelt condolences. Prayers to the families of those who lost their life today. Tommy Elliott, 63 years of age. Jim Tutt 64 years of age. Josh Barrett 40 years of age, and Juliana Farmer 57. We have a total of nine victims who were treated and are being treated at University of Louisville Hospital, three which are in critical condition. Including our officer three who are listed in non critical condition and three who have been treated and released. The two officer who struck an exchange of gunfire, one of the officers. He was grazed to the left side and the other officer suffer minor injuries to the elbow. I just want to let everyone know that the officer who is in critical condition today, Officer Nicholas Welt, 26 years of age, just graduated from the police academy on March 31st. I just saw him in and his family was there to witness his journey to become a police officer. He was struck in the head, engage in this incident. Nick has come out of brain surgery and is in critical but stable condition as we speak. I’ve been down there with the family and given my love and support, been with all the families today to show our love and support for them and have anything else that they need from LAPD, we will provide that. The next few days are important and very critical for Nicholas’s recovery. This will be a long, complex investigation involving local, state and federal partners. I’d be remiss if I did not acknowledge our federal partners who have just been just outstanding our local partners, ATF, FBI. I thank you. Our local partners, University of Louisville Police, EMS, Emergency Management Services. Thank you. Thank you for everything and for my LAPD officers who took it upon themselves to not wait to assess everything, but just went in to stop the threat so that more lives would not be lost. Thank you. Thank you for showing up, even when sometimes you are just felt like you’re not appreciated. But I asked my officers when I addressed them today, If we don’t do it, who will? And so they’re very committed, committed and their resiliency show today and their professionalism show today. I want to thank the governor. I want to thank the mayor who has been with us every step of the way through this trying and critical time. But I want to encourage the public, if you have any additional information, please call five, seven, four MPD and assist us. This should not continue to happen. Evil should not try to prevail and take over our city and we let it happen. So I’m encouraging everybody that we unite and that we continue to do the good work. And LAPD will continue to keep this community and this city safe. Very well said and very, very sad and very, very upsetting. And there’s simply no easy answer to these things. Guns, guns, guns. You know, that’s not going to solve a damn thing. But it doesn’t matter. This is the mindset. It’s exploited. It’s politicized. Here’s Andrea mitchell today on MSNBC. Cut three. Go. Not to be too graphic, but if it does turn out to be that kind of weapon, the damage to your bodily organs, as we’ve seen with children and with people, are identifiable. It’s meant for war. It’s not meant for hunting. And it’s not meant for, you know, I mean, not that anything is for this kind of violence, but the damage is just horrific. And that’s why we see so many deaths and critical people critically. Let us stop right there. AK was a rifle. Rifles are used in a very, very few circumstances. That doesn’t help the dead doesn’t help their families. It doesn’t help this situation at all. At all. But if you ban rifles, people will use pistols. And you’re not going to ban rifles. We can’t even secure our border to keep drugs out of the country, to keep em as 13 out of the country. To keep millions and millions of people out of the country want to come into the country. We can’t keep drug cartels and smugglers and kidnappers from moving in and out of our country. What makes them think we can keep guns out of our country? Isn’t it interesting? We never get statistics on the amount of illegal guns and ammunition that come across that southern border? Mr. Producer, isn’t that interesting? How many guns come across that southern border? I look today, I couldn’t find any answers. I found opinions. I found speculation. I found no hard statistical data. Why? Wouldn’t that be important to know? How many people were murdered in Chicago this week? And does Andrea mitchell know she hasn’t the foggiest idea. How about Atlanta? How about in the safest city in the world? According to. Alvin Bragg. New York. Philadelphia. L.A.. MSNBC has no idea. They didn’t report anything. And most of these people are murdered with handguns, illegal handguns illegally obtained. But just to show you what I’m talking about here is the spokes idiot for the idiot in the White House. Cut to go. Once again today, the president has called on Republicans in Congress to work together with Democrats to take action to ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines, to require safe storage of firearms, to require background checks for all. What does this have to do with safe storage of firearms? And I don’t even know the background check issue because anytime I’ve bought a weapon and I have five of them, I had to have a background check. She’s talking about father to son guns or one generation hands, guns to another. Those aren’t. In any way significant in terms of murders that take place in this country. So I’m not sure what she’s talking about. Neither is she. I have no idea what they’re talking about. Go ahead. To eliminate gun manufacturers immunity from liability. If we eliminate gun manufacturers immunity from liability, there will be no more guns manufactured. They know this and they will set their trial lawyers friend who are the biggest contributors to the Democrat Party next to the teachers unions. They will set lose their trial lawyers on one manufacturer after another and those companies will be shut down. The reason they have immunity is because of the trial lawyers. So this is not a serious debate. This is not even a serious proposal. Go ahead. Common sense actions. We can we can measure common sense actions. Even when it comes to schools. You don’t support having armed, trained personnel there to protect those kids. You don’t even support that. And yet you have exactly that at the White House where you’re working. And in Congress. And at the Supreme Court and every federal court. And every state legislature, every governor’s mansion. But our children don’t deserve it. That it. Go ahead. Right now. And it’s what Americans want. We know that majority of the American people support this instead of the majority of the American people oppose these mass murder events. And it depends how you explain to the American people what it is that you want to do. And so I get sick and tired of this. The 1994 so-called federal assault weapons ban, they keep referring to that virtually every single objective scientific study, including from the Department of Justice and the RAND Corporation, said it had almost no effect or no effect. They point to one survey where the statistics are. Manipulated. That was put out by among others and pushed by Mother Jones, which is a radical left. And that’s the one they keep citing. That’s the one they keep saying. I’m going to move on from this, but I wanted you to know there’s another position. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Ladies and gentlemen, I want to read something to you. And this is from let’s see who it’s from. This is very important. This is from Jim Jordan to the director of the FBI who has now been subpoenaed. It says, Dear Director Wray, the Committee on the Judiciary is conducting oversight of the FBI, its handling of domestic violent extremism investigations against Catholic Americans. And it’s a fact on protected First Amendment activity based on the limited information produced by the FBI to the committee. We now know that the FBI relied on at least one undercover agent to produce its analysis and that the FBI proposed that its agents engage in outreach to Catholic parishes to develop sources among the clergy and church leadership to inform on Americans practicing their faith. This shocking information reinforces our need for all responsive documents, and the committee is issuing a subpoena to you to compel your full cooperation. I want to get deep on this. I want to dig down on this. For some reason now, the Biden administration and the Catholic Church, I don’t care if he’s Catholic or not, is targeting Catholics.

Hour 1 Segment 3

So you’re driving your car and mob surrounds your car and Black lives matter. A man shows up with a rifle. At your window on the driver’s side and you fear for your life and you have a carry permit. You fear for your life. And you shoot the individual through the window, I guess. Then you’re convicted of murder in Austin, another left wing city. Another left wing said. And Governor Abbott’s looking. To pardon the individual, it has to go through the pardon board. There are certain things that have to happen in Texas before he can actually pardon somebody. And this man served in the armed forces. I believe he was police officer at one point. And the cities. It’s very difficult. Very difficult to get a jury of your peers. And then the question is. If that’s not self-defense, what is? Someone’s coming at you with a rifle and they’re at your car window and you’re surrounded by a mob. And it’s not like you’re a moron. You know, the mob is very violent. You’ve seen it taking place all summer long. You’re not shooting indiscriminately like the guy at the Capitol did when he murdered the. When he murdered the veteran. The only person who died that day, I would tell the media. He didn’t shoot indiscriminately into the crowd. He shot at the person who had the rifle. Now, this doesn’t just go one way where we should ban rifles, but on the other hand, if a person who has a rifle was capable of using it and is part of a mob and he’s standing at your window, you’re supposed to sit there and do what? Become a victim, apparently. Now, as I was discussing, and this is a big deal. This is a letter. Today from Amman, Jordan, of the. House Judiciary Committee to the director of the FBI, who really is a disaster. There’s something about him that really turns me off. Really turns me off. His dishonesty, his sanctimony. Give Director Wray, the Committee on the Judiciary is conducting oversight of the FBI, the handling of domestic violent extremism investigations against Catholic Americans. Now, first of all, I didn’t finish the sentence. Doesn’t that disgust you right there? And it’s a effect on protected First Amendment activity. Based on the limited information produced by the FBI to the committee. And this is the other thing he’s going to he runs a cover up operation. We now know that the FBI relying on at least one undercover agent to produce its analysis and that the FBI proposed that its agents engage in outreach to Catholic parishes. To develop sources among the clergy and church leadership to inform on Americans practicing their faith. This shocking information reinforces our need for all responsive documents and the committees issuing a subpoena to you to compel your full cooperation. And. We have repeatedly sought information. From the FBI relating to a January 23, 2023 document generated by the Richmond Field Office entitled Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated violent extremists in radical, traditionalist Catholic ideology almost certainly presents new migration opportunities. Quote unquote. Well, call it the FBI Richmond document. And in this document, the FBI purported to categorize Catholic Americans based on theological distinctions and relied on the Southern Poverty Law Center to suggest that certain kinds of Catholic Americans may be domestic terrorists. On February 16, 2023, we first wrote to you requesting documents and information to inform our oversight. After receiving no response. We reiterated our outstanding request in a subsequent letter dated March 2023, on March 23, 2023. We received a substandard and partial response consisting of only 18 pages, many with significant redactions. I’ve called personally identifiable information, unquote, or quote, specific non-public information about FBI investigation sources and methods, unquote. That’s the line they always use that prevents the committee from fully assessing the content and context of the documents and obtaining information requested from the bureau. Now you see the cover up. You see the censorship easily gives the middle finger. To the Republicans in the House. This is why I detest this FBI director. He doesn’t even show them any respect. He’s got enormous power, enormous authority. The limited information that was provided to the committee makes clear that we must possess all responsive material without redactions. From this selective production. We know that the API, relying on information derived from at least one undercover employee, sought to use local religious organizations as, quote, new avenues for trip, trip wire and source development, unquote. For example, in a section of the document entitled Opportunities, the FBI wrote and I quote, in addition to redaction. Engage in our outreach to the leadership of other. Society of St Pius, the 10th Chapels to the FBI Richmond area of responsibility to sensitise these congregations that are warning signs of radicalisation and to enlist their assistance to service suspicious activity trip wires. So they want priests and other parishioners to spy on parishioners. On behalf of the FBI. The API similarly noted two other opportunities to engage in outreach with religious institutions in the Richmond area. Citing a desire, quote, to sensitise the congregation to the warning signs of radicalisation and enlist their assistance to serve as suspicious activity, tripwires, unquote. Now, this outreach plan even included contacting so-called, quote, mainline Catholic parishes, unquote, and the local quote. I can’t see that leadership. The FBI also expressed an interest in, quote, leveraging existing sources and or initiating type five assessments to develop new sources with the placement and access to report on suspicious activity. This is unbelievable. So you better damn well believe the FBI had a big presence on January six, that they were all over the place. And here they are now trying to secrete themselves into Catholic churches. I want you to think about this. On top of the Internet, where the FBI inserted itself on top of several elections where the FBI inserted itself. Spying on the Trump campaign. This is shocking. I call it the American Stasi. It’s changed since I was working at the Department of Justice. It’s simply not the same. Jordan goes on. This information is. Have you heard this today, by the way? Anywhere. Has anybody taken the time to go through this letter with you? No, they haven’t. This information is outrageous and only reinforces the committee’s need for all API material responsive to our request. The documents produced a date showing how the FBI sought to enlist Catholic houses of worship as potential sources to monitor and report on their parishioners. Americans attend church to worship and congregate for their spiritual and personal betterment. They must be free to exercise their fundamental First Amendment rights without worrying that the FBI may have planted so-called trip wire sources or other information in their houses of worship. Although the FBI claims to have numerous and rigorous policies to protect First Amendment rights, the FBI’s. Richmond document plainly undercuts these assertions. The document itself shows that its contents, including its proposal to develop sources in Catholic churches, were reviewed and approved by two senior intelligence analysts and even the local chief division counsel. And we know from whistleblowers that the FBI distributed this document to field offices across the country. It’s unclear, however, how many FBI employees exploited, quote, new avenues of trip wire and source development, unquote, in Catholic houses of worship across the country as a result of the FBI’s Richmond document. Accordingly. And in light of your disregard of our earlier voluntary requests, please find attached a subpoena for the requested documents and information. Sign Chairman Jim Jordan. This is a crucially important constitutional battle now. If the FBI flips off. Chairman Jordan and his committee in flips off the House of Representatives. What then? Surely they must have some kind of plan to deal with. This becomes very difficult because the FBI director walks across the street, goes up the elevator a few steps. And meets with the attorney general, his boss. Their buddies in the attorney general has. No intent. A punishing his FBI director. None. So the Catholic Church and you parishioners are being targeted. I told you before, if they can do all these things to Trump, they can do all these things. They’re only going to get more aggressive and they’re only going to get worse. Parents under attack. Pro-lifer is under attack. Now, the Catholic Church. This is no joke. I read you the letter and hold. It’s not Mark making things up. It’s a fact. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

How much time do I have? All right. I won’t have time for that. It’s important. Let me put it this way. When we come back, Jim Trusty is one of Donald Trump’s lawyers. He’s a great lawyer. He is sharp as hell. He’s a former federal prosecutor. When former federal prosecutors were respected and he’s handling the so-called documents case, the idea that we had to have a warrant and a SWAT team go after Donald Trump’s home and search his home, and then we have orders obstruction, because all the documents weren’t found and all the documents weren’t turned over. And the lawyers are having to lose attorney client privilege. The privilege belongs to the client, of course. And as they try and make this the case of the century. Same with January six, which is preposterous. And that matter belongs in Congress. It doesn’t belong on a court. And I’ll deal with Bill Barr’s appearance on ABC’s This Week. Bill Barr is desperate to see Donald Trump indicted. Desperate to see Donald Trump indicted. He was on ABC’s This Week. Who the hell goes on ABC’s This Week? Notice I’m not invited on ABC’s This Week, Mr. Producer. I’d love to have a national debate. Notice I’m not invited on MSNBC. Or meet the depressed. I’d love to have a national debate. I’ll take on to me versus to me versus one of these genius hosts and the best law professor that they can find. What do you think, Mr. Producer? Two of them against one. To me, the offer stands out there, boys and girls in the media, in the networks. You know, I do a hell of a Sunday show where, number one, on Sundays, Sunday nights, we can we can make it work on one of your boring, monotonous Sunday shows. I’ll be right back.