April 3rd, 2023

April 3rd, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 20: President Donald Trump greets former President Bill Clinton at the Inaugural Luncheon in the US Capitol January 20, 2017 in Washington, DC. President Donald Trump is attending the luncheon along with other dignitaries after being sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. (Photo by Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, what’s happening to Donald Trump is a disgusting disgrace. Bill Clinton and others lied in front of a Grand Jury, committed perjury and obstructed justice, but the independent counsel chose not to indict him because of the damage it would have caused the country. DA Alvin Bragg has chosen to do the opposite despite no perjury or obstruction by Trump because this is part of the Democrat plan to bog Trump down in cases while the Democrat media piles on nonstop. They hope this will help President Biden by not having to defend his disastrous record on everything, taking the focus off the sitting president entirely. We need Republican District Attorneys and Attorneys General to do to Democrats what they are doing to Republicans now, scour state statutes and think of new ways to approach them in order to go after Biden.  Also, you’re not allowed to criticize George Soros without being called an anti-Semite by Democrats and the media, which is what Adam Schiff did to Governor Ron DeSantis. George Soros has a more anti-Semitic history than anyone, but Republicans aren’t allowed to talk about it.  We need the establishment RINOs like Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson to fight back against what the Democrats are doing, but instead they shoot arrows into the backs of their own people. There’s a culture war and a revolution being waged by the Democrats in this country, and the RINOs don’t get the big picture and would rather gang up on Trump. Later, The Chinese spy balloon that traveled over the U.S collected data from sensitive military and nuclear sites and sent it back to Beijing in real-time. Biden and Gen. Mark Milley lied to us and played down the balloon, covering for the Communist Chinese and allowed them to collect all of this intel while refusing to shoot it out of the sky.

Report: Chinese Spy Balloon Collected Intelligence from Sensitive Military Sites, Sent Back to China in Real-Time

Report: Manhattan Judge to Put ‘Gag Order’ on Donald Trump

Chris Christie: Trump Camp’s ‘Bravado’ over Indictment ‘Baloney’ 

NYC Mayor To ‘Rable Rouser’ Rep MTG: Behave Yourself In NYC

NBC News
Chinese spy balloon gathered intelligence from sensitive U.S. military sites, despite U.S. efforts to block it

Bragg Confirms Federal Funds Used in Trump Probe, Bolstering GOP Investigation

NY Post
Judge shields Hunter Biden’s finances from public in child-support case

Fox Business
Social Security faces insolvency in 2033, one year sooner than previously expected

Joe Biden Moves to Cut Medicare Advantage

Israel’s Deep State Fights Back, Forces Delay in Firing of Defense Minister

Photo by Aaron P. Bernstein

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

I’ve got a little cold as you can hear, but we don’t allow that to stop us. The president supposed to speak at 815 tomorrow night. We will cover it live right here. And we’re working with the powers that be at Westwood One to clear out the bottom of the hour as well. So we’ll get that done and I hope you will join us. That’s our three. Tomorrow. And it’s sad that it has to happen. Because what’s going on here is a disgusting disgrace. Absolute disgrace. You know, I went back and I looked America that Bill Clinton situation where he lied in front of a grand jury. We had others lie in front of the grand jury, namely Presidential Secretary Betty Carey, who I had personally known, because when I first came to Washington in the Reagan administration. She was a executive secretary at an agency where I began working, and she’d been a bureaucrat for decades and decades and a leftist. And no wonder they brought her over to the Clinton White House and she became sort of a do it all for for Clinton. And so he committed perjury. He persuaded others to do the same and or tried to persuade others to do the same and obstructed justice. He obstructed the grand jury. He also obstructed a federal judge, Susan Wright, who came to Washington to oversee the deposition of Bill Clinton. And yet the independent counsel in my case, the last one being Robert Ray, very good guy, chose not to indict Clint. As the end of his presidency, he was leaving and right before he literally left office. Robert Ray had announced a deal that he had made with Clinton. It was a pretty good deal for Clinton. Because he and he avoided being charged. And Roberts say he would have been indicted and probably would have been convicted. And so it ended. And. That’s how that was handled. And Robert Ray said it. He tried to avoid indicting Clinton over the Lewinsky affair because it would put the country through hell. And it would be a horrific. A horrific mark on our politics would hurt us internationally and it would divide the country perhaps forever. So he chose not to do it. Not so with Mr. Bragg in Manhattan now. Totally different circumstances. Donald Trump doesn’t lie to anybody, hasn’t committed perjury, has an obstructed God knows what this this rogue Soros prosecutors capable of flopping into his his charges with a Democrat grand jury. But those are the facts. That it has not occurred under Trump or by Trump. Period. Then we have let me let me step back. Let me tell you something. This is part of the entire Democrat plan here. Where Trump will be bogged down in these cases. With the propaganda media. The American Pravda will be focused. On every district attorney and the special counsel who’s involved in these cases. That I’ll bring all the legal analysts to discuss these cases. Meanwhile, Biden, his numbers, they hope, will improve in comparison because he’s not having to deal with any of this. He’s not having to defend his economic record. He’s not having to defend his immigration record. He’s not having to defend his national security record and military record. He’s not having to defend any of. The complete focus is off the sitting president. It’s an amazing thing. He’s taken our country and to hell, his party is a disgusting disgrace. And. He’s not questioned by anybody. China. China is on the rise preparing for. And the border. We can’t put up with how many and how much more can we put up with millions of people coming across the border illegally? How many more years of this? So this is the Democrat plan bogged down. The Republican, the leading Republican contender for the nomination warned him as badly as you can. It won’t affect most of you, but it will affect other people who are sort of on the fence. You need every vote you can get these days if you’re going to win these elections. Joe Biden goes without investigation, without a special counsel, without a prosecutor of any kind investigating his corruption and criminality. The millions that he took squirreled away somehow from the communist Chinese regime and his entire damn family. That goes. You know, without serious investigation or review. So it’s going to be Trump 24 seven. So this is part of it, too. This is part of it, too. And they figure that he gets the nomination because his poll numbers go up among Republicans. They’re still weakening him for the general election, which is likely true. Which is likely true. This isn’t just happening. These things aren’t a coincidence. It’s not that there’s a single Svengali sitting there plotting all this stuff either. They hear Joe Biden when he talks about democracy at stake, when he says the most horrendous things about you and the most horrendous things about Trump. And he’s also sharpened his knives with DeSantis and others. This is intended he has sent messages. He doesn’t have to speak specifically and directly to brag to the prosecutor in Atlanta. Clearly, the special counsel in Washington, D.C., under under Merrick Garland. And. Our country is never going to be the same again. It is never going to be the same again. And you can see the giddiness. Of the radical left media. They’ve been exposing themselves for years now. You can see the giddiness of the phony historians like Michael Beschloss. You can see the giddiness. Of these former federal prosecutors. It tells you how they conducted themselves when they were active federal prosecutors. And even some of the disgruntled individuals who worked in the Trump administration, you can see they completely lack character. Completely. I mean, they’re actually rooting for the Marxists. They’re actually rooting for the Democrats. In the end, the only way to resolve this, folks, is what I said on Fox last night. It’s for Republican district attorneys and Republican attorneys general in the States. To do to the Democrats what they’re doing to us. The Republican prosecutors on the border states in particular need to be scouring. State statutes. Need to be thinking about. New ways to approach those statutes. In order to go after Biden. It is said that you cannot indict a sitting president. I have always argued that to. But it’s never been resolved. By the Supreme Court. I don’t think you can. But you can make a spectacle of the situation just as they are doing now. And let that work itself out through the courts. What is it that Pelosi likes to say and the rest of the Democrats? Nobody’s above the law. So indict him if he can look for reasons to indict Joe Biden. God knows there’s plenty of mouth there. He’s violated our immigration laws, among other things. He’s violated the Constitution, separation of powers with executive orders. Spending money without authority. Trying to. Eliminate college debt without authority. Clearly, under Article one, that all belongs to the House and the Senate. But he doesn’t care. He doesn’t care. So we need some really smart, courageous. Prosecutors, Republican prosecutors. In Republican parts of the country with Republican grand juries and Republican judges. Who will take it to Biden and the Democrats again, who will do to them what they’re doing to us, because otherwise this isn’t going to stop. They create these horrific precedents on impeachment, on criminal investigation, like the Mueller investigation. They create these precedents when it comes to filibustering judicial nominees, when it’s done to them. They squeal like stuck pigs. They’re trying to destroy the independence of the Supreme Court. They’re trying to pack the Senate. They’re trying to get rid of the filibuster rule so they can impose their will forevermore. They’re trying to institute an election system like they have in California so we can never win. Why do we put up with this? Why aren’t we using the same tactics against them that they use against us? If we don’t do that, there is no future for the Republican Party, let alone the Republic. There’s also a war on the Republican Party. The Democrats, as I wrote in American Marxism, seek to make the Republican Party so weak and so insignificant as it just doesn’t matter. So it won’t matter. They want one party rule right there and one the first chapter one party rule. That’s what they’re trying to do. And they want to select who the nominee of the Republican Party should be. I mean, if the Republicans had 1/10. 1/10 of what the Democrats have in terms of fighting for their agenda. Man, we’d be a hell of a lot better off. The Democrats are vicious, they’re violent. They’re lawless. They’re rogue. And yet they preach about democracy. I don’t know of any genocidal maniac who runs one of these countries who doesn’t talk about democracy, whether G or Castro or you name it. In Venezuela. They all talk about democracy. Because nobody ever defines democracy. It’s an ambiguous word, democracy. Is Marxism democracy. Bernie Sanders would say, yes, he’s a democratic socialist. What does that mean? It means nothing. Absolutely nothing. So this effort is to destroy the. The guts of the Republican Party to destroy the constitutional construct. Ultimately to devour the nation and obviously to destroy Donald Trump. And just remember this. It is you who they call over and over and over again, white supremacists. Even if you’re not even white, it is you who they call racists. It is you who they hate. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

We’re going to cover this a little bit more and then I want to get on to a few other things like this Chinese Bible on. It gobbled up a ton of sensitive information. Now a whole bunch. And Joe Biden lied to us. As did Millie. As did Austin. And they lie to us all the time. And they didn’t shoot it down when they could have shot it down. They could have shot it down over Montana. The senator from Montana that matters said they could have and it wouldn’t hit anything as it traveled across the continental United States, gobbling up technology and information. We all knew this to be the case. But it’s the lying that’s unbelievable. And gathered intel from several sensitive American military sites. This is from NBC News. No friend of ours. More when I return.

Hour 1 Segment 3

We must not allow the idea that you can criminalize politics, whether it’s January six. Documents, phone calls. Or. What’s going on in Manhattan, that that is acceptable. I want you to step back and think about this. We have a former president of the United States. Who is running for re-election. And his leading in the polls. For the Republican nomination. I don’t know if that’ll last, but that’s beside the point. Think about that. You’re a local prosecutor. Not only don’t you care about the national implications because you’re you’re living in a rather small world. But if you do think about the national implications, it’s pretty cool, right? You can bog down a candidate, you can bog down a candidate in a frivolous case in which he could be convicted of a count, given the nature of what goes on. In these Democrat cities and in help get your your man elected president of the United States, so does Biden or whomever. That is what’s going on here, America. That is exactly what’s going on here. This is a war on all Republicans, all conservatives. Let me put it differently on all people who are not embracing the Democrat Party and the radicalization and destruction of this country. That is what’s taking place. Now people in your vehicles listening to me, people at home over dinner listening to me. People who will be listening to me over the podcast. You have to let this sink in. That this is what’s taking place. Four separate grand juries. Everything is criminalized. The phone call that President Trump had. In Georgia, a nondisclosure agreement that was signed. I don’t even know how long ago was signed now. Long time ago. Documents. January 6th. Do you know the. The prosecutor in Washington has pulled in Secret Service agents now to interview them. So he’s violated attorney client privilege because a an Obama judge said he could. He’s gotten waitstaff. Other service personnel at Mar a Lago, which is a huge facility. Other lawyers and so forth. It’s unbelievable. And. To do what? To try and build an obstruction case. None of this is going on with with Biden. I mean, I don’t even know if the independent examination of his situation has even started yet. There’s no leaks from this guy. We don’t even remember his name. Mr. Peters, who’s the special counsel, theoretically investigating Joe Biden and his documents? I don’t remember his name. I mean, I can Google it and I’ll know it in 2 seconds, but that’s not the point. It’s not the point. Here is Dana Bash on CNN yesterday with Joe Tacopina about whether or not they’re going to ask for another judge. Cut three, go. I want to ask about the judge that we believe is going to preside over. This judge in the case in Manhattan is a disgrace. He’s usually pro defendant. But when it comes to Trump, he’s pro-prosecution. And so, of course, the Democrats call him a no nonsense judge. And they’re all demanding cameras in the courtroom, but they don’t have cameras in the courtroom there. Well, they want to make an exception for Trump, and they’re all saying that he’s going to have a gag order on Trump. Here’s a man running for president of the United States. They’re going to have a gag order on him while he’s under constant attack by the Democrats. That’ll tell you everything you need to know tomorrow, if that’s what this judge rules. And by the way, there is nobody better at unraveling this stuff than me, period. I’ve been involved with independent counsel’s. I’ve been involved in litigation. I’ve been involved with U.S. attorneys and district attorneys. I sat as chief of staff to an attorney general of the United States. Any damn fool who preempts my show tomorrow. Well, then you know they’re a damn fool just pointing it out. They do so at their own. Stupidity. Go ahead, Mr. Producer. I want to ask about the judge that we believe is going to preside over the arraignment. The former president, your client, was lashing out against him. His name is Juan Mershon. And the former president said that the judge hates him and was handpicked by the D.A. for this case for that reason. Are you going to ask for a different judge? We are going to take the indictment, evaluate all our legal and tell you why she’s asking him that. She’s trying to put him on the spot. I assume they might ask for a different judge, but more wisely, they might ask for a different venue, which would wind up a different judge. And this was the way the media played these things. When I do interview, I don’t do this, but this is what they’re doing. They’re trying to catch them because they’re on the side of the Democrat Party and the prosecution. You’re going to ask for a different judge. When in fact, what they need to do is ask for a different venue. But that’s something you don’t announce the Sunday before the Tuesday on television. That’s something you deal with with the judge in the court, because no judge wants to hear that outside the courtroom. Dana Bash knows this, but she’s not there to report the news. She’s there to create controversy and. To hurt Donald Trump. Go ahead and pursue everyone most vigorously. This is a case of political persecution. Had he not been running for office right now, the office of the presidency, which by the way, the polls have shown since this has been announced, his numbers have gone up significantly. Had he not been running for presidency, he would not have been indicted. Well, but let’s talk about that. There’s no scenario where he’d be indicted. No, no. Let’s talk about the judge, because I want to create a controversy. I want I want you to answer my question before Tuesday in front of the court, where such motions are to be made in a proper fashion. And why else is she doing this, America? Because she wants to create. A gag order on Trump. That’s why a gag order for Trump, because the judge will say what he discussing all this on TV for. Go ahead, Judge. Will you ask Judge, will you ask for a different. Well, I just said we have to get the indictment and then we will evaluate every single legal maneuver. You know, I have no issue with this judge whatsoever. Well, your client does. He says that he’s good reputation. Well, what my my client has a right to finish with everything. He’s been politically persecuted. Make no mistake about that. That what you said in the right or the left or your supporter or the tract of Donald Trump, this should really bother you. This this should really shake the core of what we believe our justice system should be about. It should not be weaponized whoever the political opponent. So that you don’t believe this is lashing out because he’s the victim. I have no reason to believe this. I’ve not been before him on this matter. So we have to let this process play out. Mm hmm. But she doesn’t want to. She wants to influence the outcome. And this is why this is so disgusting. Now they bring Lanny Davis on CNN. Lanny Davis has been a lawyer for a long time in and around Washington. Those days when he used to represent Clinton. Remember him? It’s nice enough, guy, but he’s a hack, a Democrat Party hack, and he is been Michael Cohen’s lawyer. So of course, they bring him on CNN and they’re not going to tell you his background as a Democrat Party hack. Cut five. Go. You just heard. I did what he said. That Michael Cohen cannot be trusted. You have said, quote, Everything that Michael Cohen has testified to is surrounded by documentation and corroboration. And so I want to be clear. Do you have and have you submitted to this D.A. documentation evidence beyond Michael Cohen’s testimony that Donald Trump director or at least caused Michael Cohen to conduct that? That shouldn’t be the question. The question should be, is Tacopina right? You asked Tacopina He told you that Michael Cohen is incapable of telling the truth. And he is incapable of telling the truth. And he’s now going to have a civil lawsuit from Dershowitz. Alan Dershowitz and I will be rooting for Dershowitz in that case because the woman who accused Dershowitz of all kinds of nasty things related to the Epstein matter. You can tell when somebody is innocent by the way they respond. He brought a case. He’s been loud about it. He’s been upset about it. And she pulled back, said it. She could have misidentified him. And Dershowitz was not going to be shaken down, period. And that’s how you react. That’s how I would react. And in the case of Cohen. He was on TV. He said that about Dershowitz. He regurgitated it even though he knew the facts didn’t matter. There is contemporary written information from from Cohen that this money came from him, not from Donald Trump, and that he did it because he was trying to. Protect his client and so forth. He was trying to ingratiate himself with the guy talks. He can see what an idiot he is. He’s that dumb guy, that dumb guy who weaseled his way into power. Bully bring Lanny Davis on a let’s see how much we learn from Lanny Davis here. But five go in this business. Yes. Do you mind if I answer your direct question and then make a comment about Mr. Tacopina? First of all, the answer is yes. Michael Cohen submitted a lot of documentation not only to this group of prosecutors, but earlier. So what? It’s met a lot of documentation. All you want documentation of what? Did you submit the documentation about? His other lawyer. Making it abundantly clear that Michael Cohen was responsible and not Donald Trump. Did he submit that documentation? I’m just curious. Go ahead. And there are other documents from other people and other testimony from other people, some of it direct, involving conversations with the. How does Lanny Davis know this? He’s not part of the prosecution. He has one client, Michael Cohen. And if this was discussed in the grand jury, why is Lanny Davis discussing it now? Meaning his client may well have told him about it, or the prosecution may well have told him about it. So why is Lanny Davis out there repeating it? Lanny, can you answer my question, please? You can call in if you want. Are you regurgitating information that was shared in the grand jury room? Because you don’t have that right. People who testify do because you weren’t there. So somebody must have shared it with you. And now you’re sharing it on CNN. I’m just curious. The leaks coming out of this, this prosecutor are constant. They’re relentless. And there’s been barely a public statement. It’s all anonymous leaks. Just like in Washington. Just like in Atlanta. This is the game and it needs to be exposed. My question to Lanny Davis is you’re telling us about what other people said. Apparently to the grand jury. Other documents from other people, excuse me, were presented during the grand jury. Did your client tell you these things? Okay. So why are you repeating them on TV? What about that, Mr. Producer? I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Chris Christie is on ABC’s This Week. Now he’s a blowhard of the worst sort. He’s the Hindenburg of Republican politics. He is the author of Cape May, New Jersey. Nobody gives a damn what he has to say. At least no Republicans or conservatives. But he’s there as a foil for ABC to say they have a Republican excuse me, Republican. He must be a menace in the green room before the show, Mr. Producer, where they have the cookies and the doughnuts and the biscuits and the. Oh, my God. Have the double and triple down with him. Cut sex. Go, George. You’ve got limited resources as a prosecutor and you’ve got prosecutorial discretion. Unlike the European system, where they say if there’s a crime, you must charge it here. Prosecutors are allowed to use their discretion that I don’t think this is an appropriate use of my resources, given everything I have in front of me. On the other hand, all this bravado from the Trump camp is baloney. He’s going to be charged a lot of from the Trump camp there. Big boy. What are you talking about? All this bravado from the front helps. I wonder, as a kid, was he Spanky and our gang? Mr. Do you remember Spanky? Go ahead. He’s going to have to be mug shot and fingerprinted and he’s going to face a criminal trial. Did he see a mug shot ID? Most of it is. Mug shot ID. All right. Did such a great job for New Jersey, their big guy. You can’t run on your record, can you? I’ll be right back.