March 28th, 2023

March 28th, 2023

Police cars damaged during a shooting are removed from the Covenant School campus, in Nashville, Tennessee, March 28, 2023. - A heavily armed former student killed three young children and three staff in what appeared to be a carefully planned attack at a private elementary school in Nashville on Monday, before being shot dead by police. Chief of Police John Drake named the suspect as Audrey Hale, 28, who the officer later said identified as transgender. (Photo by Brendan SMIALOWSKI / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, the immediate response of the Nashville police department is exactly how we would hope the police would respond to a horrific tragedy, and their swift intervention undoubtedly saved many lives. Democrats always talk about policies that will achieve a certain outcome because in the future certain things will happen – promises that get them a lot of support and power. The only way to actually know if what Democrats say is happening is to pass their legislation and wait, and their answer when it doesn’t work is that we need to do more, which is always more government, more centralization, more redistribution, and more interference of liberty. Also, what’s happening now politically in the state of Israel is the same thing happening in America, and will only getting worse. We are facing this Marxist movement that is customized towards democracies and our Republic, and we are in a soft tyranny right now. President Biden is trying to topple the elected Prime Minister of Israel because of his hatred for Benjamin Netanyahu, who is facing an internal coup which will sink the entire nation. What is happening now in Israel is a preview of what may happen in 2024 if Donald Trump is re-elected. Later, Mark speaks with Congressman Dan Crenshaw about the supporting Ukraine against Russia, and the devastation on our southern border from the policies of the Biden administration.

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Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Well, if you’re like me, you’ve watched the video that was released by the Nashville Police Department. On the on the mass killings. Of the three nine year olds and the three other individuals. And. These police are really. Families, human beings. They didn’t know what was behind which door and what door, and they were searching out the killer. And Officer Rex Englebert. And Officer Michael Collazo. Fired at the 28 year old Audrey Elizabeth Hill, and they killed her. And you could see one of the individuals taking charge was this gentleman, Engelbert. Now, these are not SWAT team police. They pulled up in their cruisers and they got out. And you can hear Engelbert saying, Let’s go, let’s go. There’s three of us. It’s forever. Let’s go. And they went. Engelbert is a four year veteran of the force. Collazo is a nine year veteran of the force. And I would just say on behalf of this country, we want to thank them because they are illustrative of police. All over this country. And. Conor, the police chief Hale, fired at the officers who were arriving at the scene from Windows on the second floor before they swept the building and found her in a common room. You could see it on the video. I also want to tell you about somebody else. And that is. One of the nine year olds. One of the nine year olds. Was murdered while she was trying to pull the fire alarm. To alert everybody in the school and the police. And her name was Evelyn Dick House. And as reported here in the Daily Mail. She tried bravely to save her classmates by pulling the fire alarm at the Covenant Elementary School. She would describe her family as a shining light. And of course, they have been left, quote, completely broken. Completely broken. And. She’d been desperately trying to pull the fire alarm to get help when the shooting unfolded. And there’s a photo of her. On the Internet at the Daily Mail. This was in fact. The nine year old my daughter played basketball with. A sweetheart. And. She and two other kids didn’t make it, of course. And then there was headmaster, mistress Dr. and Katherine Koonce. She was 60. Substitute teacher Cynthia Peek, 61, and Chef Mike Hill, 61, who was also killed. And the daughter of Mike Hill, who had worked at the school for more than a decade, writes The Daily Mail, said that she never thought he would be killed in a mass shooting. Brittany Hill. Daughter of Mike Hill posted saying, I’ve watched school shootings, happened over the years and never thought I would lose a loved one over a person trying to solve a temporary problem with a permanent solution. I will not say her name because I will not glorify her actions. I wish the media would not say her name ever again. You got it. I agree. She said, I’m so sorry for the loss of those children. Saying their names not called out safe was devastating. As well as the chaplain telling me and my siblings and family this god awful news. His niece, Michael’s niece, added that three other family members also worked at the school. They were not harmed. The killer had attended the school. She was suffering from an emotional disorder. And it goes on. And when you look at the video, these. These cops. These are very young men, you know. Or just fantastic. And they could hear the shooting upstairs and they rushed upstairs fast as they could. It’s a picture of Haley Scruggs with her family, family and her father, who was a pastor. At the Presbyterian Church affiliated with the school. And. Let’s begin the. The press conference, Mr. Producer, we won’t be able to play at all, but let’s begin. Go ahead. All right. Good afternoon. I’m Don Aaron with the National Police Department. We want to give you a brief update this afternoon as to what we know about the covenant murders on yesterday. There’s one rumor going on throughout the community that we want to take a moment to clear up. There are those who think that specific individuals were targeted by the shooter who entered the building on Monday. We have no evidence that individuals were specifically targeted. This school, this church building was a target of the shooter. But we have no information at present to indicate that the shooter was specifically targeting any one of the six individuals who were murdered. Chief John Drake, we’ll now update you on the progress of the investigation overnight and this morning, including what we know about the individual’s purchases of firearms over the past couple of years. Again, this will be a brief briefing today. Chief John Drake. Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you again for being here. Just a brief update of what we know right now. We’ve interviewed the parents of Audrey Hale, and we’ve determined that Audrey about seven firearms from five different local gun stores here. Legally, they were legally purchased. Three of those weapons were used yesterday during this horrific tragedy that happened. We know that they felt that she had one weapon and that she sold it. She was under care, doctor’s care for an emotional disorder. Law enforcement knew nothing about the treatment she was receiving, but her parents felt that she should not own weapons. They were under the impression that was when she sold that one weapon that she did not own anymore. As it turned out, she had been hiding several weapons within the house. We also don’t have a motive at this time. We feel that the students that were targeted were randomly targeted. There was not any particular student that they were that she was looking for at the time of the incident. And that’s what we know as I speak. And we’ll take any questions about that manifest on what was going on. So in the manifesto, there’s several different writings about other locations. There were locations of there was talks about the school. There was a map of the school, a drawing of how potentially she would enter and the assaults that would take place. There’s been quite a bit of writing to it. I have not read the whole the entire manifesto. Our team and the FBI has been working on this evening to find where exactly the victims were lucky. As you mentioned, the common area moving on together in this in. Where were they then? So they were spread out in different locations. When I went into the actual church, the kids had already been transported to the hospital. Also, the two of the adults, I did see the head school person and she was in the hallway by the office and so on. And when they were spread out, wasn’t in one common area, but they were spread out in other ones in terms of targeting other buildings, other places. There was some writings in the manifesto about other locations, but as far as it being an actual target, I can’t confirm that at this time. Talk about your body. Why? I’m curious. Do you feel like you’re clinically one at a time. I never lie with CNN, just about the six victims who were killed. Where exactly? Were they Were they walking through the hallways when this happened? And I also heard peripherally that perhaps the head of the school may have ran toward the the gardener, the shooter. It’s very possible the head of the school could have done that. I can’t confirm it one way or the other. I do know she was in the hallway by herself. There was a confrontation. I’m sure you can tell the way she was laying in the hallway, there was the custodian, African-American, that she shot through the door to enter. She sprayed rounds through the glass, striking him. You could see where where he came to rest. As far as the others, they were just spread out in different locations. Him and I can’t say it was a confrontation, but they were met. She met the head person in the hallway. This man right here? Yeah. Thank you, Chief. You mentioned the guns, the multiple guns, and that the shooter was under the care of a doctor. Is there any law in this state that would have allowed police to take those guns away from this person had it been reported? If it had been reported? There’s not a law for that. But had it been reported that she was suicidal or that she was going to kill someone and had been made known to us, then we would have tried to to get those weapons. But as it stands, we had absolutely no idea actually who this person was, if she even existed. So can you talk a little bit about the time? What else do the parents say? They expect anything like this happened. So we know yesterday the Ms.. Hill was leaving out of the residence. She had a red bag. They asked her what was in the red bag. And I think she gets dismissed because it was a motherly thing. And I didn’t look in the bag because at the time she didn’t know that her daughter had any weapons and didn’t think any differently. Again, they lost a child. So it was very traumatic for them. So keep watching the body Cam. I think you were first. Could you talk about the police response? I know they engaged the shooter pretty quickly once they got to the school. But when we talk about the events that led up from when they got the call. What time did they arrive at the school? And could you talk about that that that time? Because it seemed to be about maybe like 40 minutes or so. Yeah. So they got the call at 1013, about 1024. They had engaged the suspect as they arrived on the property. There were police cars been hit by gunfire. The suspect was in an upper level. We believe there has been some training of being able to shoot from a higher level and heard gunfire. From the video I’ve seen, she stood away from the glass so she wouldn’t be an easy target to be shot. But as officers were approaching the building, there was gunfire going on. They went in. They went through door by door. As we clear buildings, they heard gunfire and immediately ran to that and and then took care of the this horrible situation. And how long did it take officers to actually get to the school? Initially from when the first call came in, from the time they went out from 1013 to 1024. It was over. The exact time, arrival time. I’m not sure I know that myself. I ran emergency and as I got there, they were coming out bloody and all kind of things were happening, so I barely missed being able or being there to go in as well. So it was really quick, the response and I think you wouldn’t next. So yeah, she’s always just going to ask you about the two officers body camera things Tony had they had been placed in a situation like that before, To my knowledge, I do not remember if those two in particular have been in that situation. Also, Collazo has worked as a paramedic with the SWAT team, so I’m sure he’s had some type of weapons training. I was really impressed that with all that was going on, the danger that somebody took control and said, Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go and went in and took care of and just try to end this situation. But as far as being in this before, I’m not sure you, sir, you know, this is a very impressive chief, a very impressive police force. And those young men, it’s exactly right. They took control, lay in wait, weren’t worried about perimeters and all the rest. Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. And they pointed. Let’s go this way. Do their check that they were fantastic. And unfortunately, six people are still dead. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

It’s not hyperbole. As a nation, we owe these families more than our prayers. We owe them action. You know, we have to do more to stop this gun violence that ripping communities apart, ripping apart the soul of this nation. Protect our children so they learn how to read rights that are duck and cover in a classroom. You know, we need to act. These are weapons of war. I’m a Second Amendment, a guy. All right. That’s that’s that’s enough. He always talks about himself like Obama did. He’s in a Second Amendment guy. What he is not as. And let’s look at all issues, gay issues in areas like the building needed to be secured. That’s how you protect the children. That’s how you protect a president. That’s how you protect members of the House of Representatives and members of the Senate. That’s how you protect the Supreme Court. That’s how you protect your own home and your own family. These buildings needed to be secured. I’ll be back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

One of the things that happens in totalitarian regimes, whether it’s communist or fascist or something in between and I might add, one of the things that happens in this country with Democrats. Is they always talk about policies that will do X, Y, Z. Whether it’s nationalizing health care, whether it’s climate change. That in the future this will happen in the future. That will happen in the future. This will happen. Promises. It’s a pretty good shtick. Gets them a lot of votes, a lot of support, and a lot of power. But the only way to actually know. If what they’re saying is to occur. Mr. Producers. What? Is to get it done and then wait. And if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. And their answer that that always is because the vast majority time it doesn’t work is we need to do more. More government, more centralisation, more redistribution, more rules, regulations, laws, more taxes, more interference in liberty. And so everybody should be on Medicare. Well, that’ll destroy there, isn’t it? No, it won’t, says Bernie Sanders. Joe Biden says we need to outlaw. Assault weapons. There’s literally no definition for an assault weapon because anything could be an assault weapon. Even a musket can be an assault weapon. Even a stapler can be an assault weapon. An automobile can be an assault. There’s really no definition. So the Democrats have succeeded in controlling, once again, as we talk about here, the language. What law exactly would we pass? And I’ve been saying this for 21 years on the radio. What law exactly would we pass to prevent what just took place in Nashville? What? The law. I notice some backbenchers have picked up this point. It’s a smart point. They ought to repeat it. What law would have prevented this? No law would have prevented it in 1994. Joe Biden likes to talk about how he passed the federal assault weapon ban. That was the name given to it. It was actually the brainchild of Dianne Feinstein. In 1994, he was a co-sponsor. And they took a bunch of weapons. They call them assault weapons. Semi-automatic weapons is what they are. But nonetheless, some of them look like military weapons. A whole list of them. And the Congress passed it and Bill Clinton signed it. Joe Biden goes around saying, and it worked. In the study he cites I actually looked into this today. Is one that was touted by Mother Jones, a radical left wing magazine. With radical left wing eniola. The RAND Corporation would later do a study. They’re a very highly respected research organization. And they said. It had no effect. The Department of Justice conducted its own investigation. It it said. No effect to minimal effect. There were other studies that were done that found the same thing. So they cherry pick their studies. And they tell you that had this enormous effect, promise it didn’t. What was happening is when they banned all these weapons on the list, a match producer people used weapons on the list be. That weren’t banned. They weren’t banned. So that’s just not an answer to this. So if we want to protect our children. It didn’t protect them after 1994 and when that law lapsed ten years later. My recollection, it was a ten year law with a lapse. It didn’t protect them then. Now, Joe Biden’s there in North Carolina and he knows nothing about weapons or bullets. He knows nothing about security. And he says in part, this cut three go overwhelmingly. A majority of gun owners agree we have to do something. But I agree. We have to do something. The question is, what are we agreeing that needs to be done? Go ahead. Gun owners agree this there’s a moral price to pay for inaction. Last year, we came together to pass more significant gun safety legislation in 30 years. So why didn’t it stop? This mass murder. If it was that significant. Go ahead. First you got it done. And don’t tell me we can’t do more together. So I again call on Congress to pass the assault weapons ban. So you see, past the assault weapon, we just passed some kind of gun control, right? But now we need to pass the assault weapons ban. And what are assault weapons? We don’t know. Semiautomatic weapons. You can’t buy automatic weapons. That’s been outlawed for over a half a century. That said that if you can go to the Treasury Department and try and get one, but it’s very, very unlikely. So people aren’t running around with machine guns and that sort of thing when they talk about, oh, military weapons and most people don’t have military weapons. Go ahead. It should not be a partisan issue. It’s a common sense issue. What is a common sense issue? That the White House should be protected, the Congress should be protected, that every federal building should be protected. Every state building should be protected. But our schools shouldn’t be protected. Just think about this. Think about this. Go ahead. Why do I keep saying this if we’re not happening? Because I want you to know who isn’t doing it, who isn’t helping to put pressure on. You know, I know you see, on television, it’s not just really, though, the weapon in terms of it’s that it’s semi-automatic in effect, but the velocity with which it comes out of that muzzle, what it does when it hits the body. Most bullets would go just straight through and out, leaving off, but it blows up once it’s inside your body. All right, all right, all right, all right, all right. Hold on a sec. There are different kinds of bullets. There are bullets. They just go through the body and there are bullets that expand as they go through the body. We call them hollow point bullets. And you might say, well, that’s horrific. Those of you who don’t understand, do you know why police officers use mostly hollow point bullets? Not simply because they’re deadly. They do not want a bullet to pass through one person and hit another person. That’s one of the main reasons hollow point bullets were developed in the first place. Because you can hit the target, but you might also hit other people. That’s why I’m assuming the police in Nashville who killed the mass murderer would have preferred to have the hollow points, not just for the bullets to be deadly, But what if she were standing there with children behind her? The bullet could pass through the person, which it easily does, because your body is mostly water. The bullet could pass through the person and into 1 to 3 little kids. He has no idea what he’s talking about. None. He’s got shotguns. Great. He never has any idea what he’s talking about. So we banned all these weapons. And they’re still not going to be happy. You want to know why? Because there’s hundreds of millions of weapons out there. And people will sell them and other people will buy them, and then they’re going to want to step in and put an end to that. Then they’re going to want to put an end to the grandfathering of weapons. It’s always ratcheted up, up, up, up, because it’s not going to work. It didn’t work in 1994. The 2004. And it’s not going to work now. Secure the buildings. As we know from this latest horrific episode, one of the buildings was more secure than another. So the killer chose the building that was less secure. How many of you have alarm systems and you put the signs out or you put the stickers on your windows and your doors? We have lights that go on. If somebody’s motion lights approaches your home, floodlights, what have you. Because of a would be burglar or rapist or killer. He sees that in a house. He goes to the next house. That’s what the studies show. That’s why you do those things. Or you leave a light on the house for several when you’re not around. Or radio. Or TV. Same thing. If they think people are in the house more times than not, they’ll go to the next house. Although it’s not perfect, the same thing applies. Two facilities. This school was in a gun free zone. A gun free zone. So the killer knew. And flooded. It’s not the fault of the school. It’s a private Christian school. To the zone that’s created by audience. Gun free zone. Except for the killer. She had guns. Anyway, I hope you better understand now why Bullets. Are different. And then finally, David Rausch, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, as at press conference. Cut sex. Go again. I want to echo what chief has said in reference to the great support and the great teamwork that has been taking place here, and as well as sending our heartfelt prayers to the to the families, to this community of these victims now. I know there will be people who want to criticize us for prayers, but that’s the way we do that in the south, right? We believe in prayer and we believe in the power of prayer. And so our prayers go out to these families. Amen to that. And may God look over these children and those three adults. Then there’s suffering families. Then. John Pierre. On the Morning Joe today. This is just appalling. MSNBC, NBC, Comcast. That whole lineup is just a disgusting disgrace. Cut seven, Go. Here’s the thing. What we will say, what I will say to Republicans in Congress is what are you going to say to these parents? You see? You see, it’s the fault of the Republicans. This is the way totalitarian propaganda works. If they just would have done what we told them needs to be done. If they would just do what we want them to do. Those children would be alive today. Really? And how about all the children and others who’ve been murdered from illegal aliens coming across the border on your watch? And raped and molested. And the children. Sold into sex slavery. Is that on you? Jean-Pierre? Is that on Biden? How about all the fentanyl that’s come over the border and slaughtered? Give or take 100,000 Americans, most of them young people. Is that on you? Yeah, that is on you. For not following the law. But the idea that congressional Republicans are to blame every time somebody is murdered. Because they won’t pass a law that the Democrats insist on of the sort that they passed. 30 years ago and didn’t work. You should despise these people. For how they conduct themselves and how exploitive they are, because God knows I do. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

 I want the police to know out there how grateful most of the nation is for you. I just want you to know that, you know, and I used to go in the cities, particularly New York City, the NYPD folks, they’d come up to me left and right. Because, you know, I started out there. And these are fantastic. Men and women absolutely fantastic. Put their lives on the line all across the country. I’ve told you before, a number of relatives who served on the Philadelphia police force. Under a. Police commissioner. You may have heard of him. Frank Rizzo. The tough man became mayor 1.2. But the city was mostly. That piece, unlike today, which is a disaster there, like most cities due to the radical left wing kooks that run them. Nearly $300 billion of your Medicare funds were diverted to fund electric vehicle credits and Obamacare subsidies. Just so you know. Absolutely unrelated to Medicare. Unrelated. To Medicare. So think about that, too. You know. When we come back, I want to talk to you somewhat about what’s taking place in the state of Israel. I’ll tell you why. Because Joel Pollak at Breitbart has a there’s a brilliant piece there. And he says, you see what’s happening in Israel. With the elitists and the protesters and the radical left. And the opposition party. And parties and the courts are desperately trying to hold on to power against the voters. And you see, they’ve almost come to a civil war. Netanyahu himself has acknowledged this. They’re lucky to have that man in that position right now. I can tell you that. Pollack says. You can imagine the same thing is awaiting a Donald Trump victory. And I think he’s 100% correct. These people who preach democracy. Who preached that their anti-violence anti insurrection. They’re the opposite of all those things. They are violent. The radical left has always been violent. They do not want to give up power, even temporarily through the course of an election. And I want to get into this with you because I think it’s very, very relevant to what’s going on in our country right now. I’ll be right back.