March 27th, 2023

March 27th, 2023

NASHVILLE, TN - MARCH 27: School buses with children arrive at Woodmont Baptist Church to be reunited with their families after a mass shooting at The Covenant School on March 27, 2023 in Nashville, Tennessee. According to initial reports, three students and three adults were killed by the shooter, a 28-year-old woman. The shooter was killed by police responding to the scene. (Photo by Seth Herald/Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, a 28 year old transgender woman attacked a private Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee, leaving 6 people dead including 3 children. It is disgusting and unbelievable how in the immediate aftermath President Biden joked about chocolate chip ice cream, and how the reaction by the left was to blame guns without knowing any of the facts. Biden doesn’t want to protect our children by any means possible, because to him adding any kind of defense to a school turns it into a prison. Instead of fixing the issue, Biden and the left politicize it and turn it into a call for an assault weapons ban because this is what the radical left does. Also, the Manhattan case against Donald Trump is a disgusting politicization of the legal process, and Chuck Todd has turned Meet the Press into a clown show by continuing to push it for ratings. Trump and his family have been dragged through multiple special counsels and Democrat witch hunts, and it seems it will never end. There needs to be a thorough housecleaning in the Department of Justice, especially the FBI, because Trump is a victim of the Democrat system. Later, Mark speaks with author and Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean who lost her in-laws because of Andrew Cuomo’s COVID nursing home policy and her new book, I Am the Storm: Inspiring Stories of People Who Fight Against Overwhelming Odds.

Fox News
Nashville school shooting: 6 killed including 3 students, shooter dead

Right Scoop
Biden jokes about ICE CREAM when he was supposed to discuss children being killed during mass shooting

Chuck Todd Grills Trump’s Lawyer About the Ex-President’s ‘Dehumanizing’ Attacks on DA Bragg in Heated ‘Meet the Press’ Clash

Post Millennial
Rand Paul staffer stabbed in brutal attack in Washington, DC

Hot Air
The FBI had more people in the Proud Boys than the Proud Boys

Gateway Pundit
John Kerry Says More Climate Mandates Coming From Biden Regime, Including Executive Orders and “Changes on Automobile, On Light Truck, Heavy Truck…” (VIDEO)

Photo by Seth Herald

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

You know, two of our kids and their spouses live in Nashville. My daughter and her husband have two children, our grandchildren. Our granddaughter’s nine years old. And she played basketball with one of the nine year olds who was murdered today. At this private Christian school. And they were murdered by a 28 year old woman. As has been reported. Andre Hale, who identifies as a woman who has transgendered. This private Christian school goes from preschool to sixth grade. She had maps and tactics that she had been preparing for one of two schools, such as the school that seemed the easiest to penetrate. The police did a fantastic job, but they still lost six people. Three nine year olds were murdered. Three adults, including a substitute teacher. So these third graders were murdered. What should they hear? What was the latest press conference for the information? Uh, from the chief of police in the Metropolitan Police Department and the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department. Public Affairs Officer. So you don’t have to hear this interpreted by the media. Cut 26. Go. Just an update from today’s press conference. We’ve identified the shooter as Audrey Hale, 28 year old female that lived in the Nashville area. We have. Investigations are ongoing now at the residence on Bright Wood Avenue. And we have made contact with the father that lived at that residence and are putting together more information, information. We’ve also determined that there were maps drawn at the school and detail of surveillance, entry points, etc.. We know and believe that entry was gained through shooting through one of the doors is how they actually got into the school. I want to take the time to at least say and I won’t say the victim’s names, I’ll let John say that. But out of the six victims, three adults, three of those were children. Two of them weighs nine, one was eight, about to be nine. All the families have been contacted. The victims families have been contacted as well. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family when we send our kids to school or to any place of safety, we expect them to live, learn and have fun and come back. From that day days experience. We don’t anticipate things like this. And I want to say thank you to our partners, to Chief Swan, to Glenn Ford, to our mayor for his support, to our federal partners. But also, I want to say thank you to our first responders who got there and immediately went in and address the threat of someone that had multiple rounds of ammunition prepared for a confrontation with law enforcement, prepared to do more harm than was actually done. And we were able. To stop the threat. And unfortunately, six victims. So my thoughts and prayers again. But the praise go to the men and women. As I’ve said before, we will not wait. I was hoping this day would never, ever come here in this city. But we would never wait to make entry and to go in and to stop a threat, especially when it deals with our children. So thank you. I’m going to go over the victims names with you now. The three nine year old who were killed. Avalon. Dick House. William Kinney. Haley Scruggs. Three adults. Mike Hill, a custodian, age 61. Cynthia Peak to my understanding, a substitute teacher, age 61. And Katherine could. Age 60. As Chief Drake said, we have identified the active shooter as Audrey Elizabeth Hale, age 28. We’ll take just a few questions if you have any time. Do you believe that she was a former hostage? Yes, we do, too, if you want to address that. Yes, Our investigations tell us that she was a former student at the school. I don’t know what grade she’s attended, a grades, but we do firmly believe she was a student there. Did she identify as. She does identify as Trenton? Yes. Is there any reason to believe the shooter first went to the church before going to this school? I can’t give you that information, Alan So we know that the minute the calls came in, we responded to the church and so to the school. Yeah. You have to all. So it was five officers immediately went in and address. We have video that we’re going to release. But you can see in the video, you can hear gunfire going on as they’re in the school. They address the threat and take that threat down and see what we do. So we know there were two air style weapons, one a rifle. Another was an air style pistol and another was a handgun. We believe two of those may have been obtained legally, locally here. Did you confirm that one of the adult victims. It was when there was some I don’t know her exact capacity within the school, but it was to power up in echelon that you. Unsure. I believe one may have been, but I can’t confirm that shooter have any criminal. I have no history at all and no motive at this point to actually be discovered in the part. No, we have a manifesto. We have some writings that we’re going over that pertain to this day, the actual incident. We have a map drawn out of how this was all going to take place. There’s right now a theory of that that we may be able to talk about later, but it’s not confirmed. And so we’ll we’ll put that out as soon as we can. Chief, is there any reason. To believe that how she identifies. I’m sorry. I’m not someone’s my go. I didn’t hear you say that again, sir. Is there any reason to believe that how she identifies is as any motive for targeting? We can give you that at a later time. There is some theory to that. We’re investigating all the leads, and once we know exactly, we’ll let you know. So what’s known as a targeted attack? It was, you know, in the street. And the man or woman don’t know any history of mental illness at this time. But we are looking at that as the investigation is ongoing. And I’m sorry, she identifies as a transgender man or woman. We always told. That was target. It was the only school that was targeted. There was another location that was mentioned, but because of a threat assessment by the suspect is too much security. They decided not to and that area was here in Nashville. So we’re continuing with that investigation as well. Right now, we believe it’s a lone assailant and we don’t anticipate any further damage at this time. But we’re still investigating what a dress you have there with your parents. Yes. Yes. Okay. Thank you. So the scene is going to be processed throughout right here where you have it. Those are all the details we have from the chief himself. And by all reports, the police got on the scene and they went in the building immediately. We’ll know more details later into the first floor. They heard shooting on the second floor. They immediately went to the second floor and they confronted this person and killed her. And she would have killed many, many more. I don’t know how you kill a nine year old kid. And of course, the gun control advocates are right on it. They don’t have all the facts. They don’t know exactly what took place. But it doesn’t matter. All I know is if you surrender all your weapons, this wouldn’t have happened. This is not the time or place for that. It’s absolute B.S. and we’ll deal with it another day. I can tell you that even my daughter is shaken up. This was a mile from their house. And as I said, my granddaughter, who’s nine in third grade. Played on a basketball team with one of the young girls who was murdered. And I cannot imagine what those parents are going through. And what about a substitute teacher? What a day to be a substitute teacher. Unbelievable. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Since we’ve gotten an enormous number of inquiries, I feel obligated to talk to you. About a matter that occurred on Friday. You know, Rush Limbaugh, as I’ve told me before, he said, never abuse or underestimate your audience. And you were abused and underestimated in New York. In our story of the Markle adventure. And I was totally blindsided. Andrew Cuomo did the show. Now. There’s a lot to be said about Andrew Cuomo. Many of you out there have had families who suffered at the hands of former Governor Cuomo who had to resign in disgrace. Many. You have parents and grandparents who died in nursing homes because your families were exposed to COVID. In the nursing homes, despite the fact that the science said that the elderly. And those with certain morbidity and morbidities. Where most. Unlikely to be become at all or die from this virus. He was highly criticized for that. Highly criticized. This is a three hour program. And some of you asked me why I had him on. I did not have him on. I would never have him on. He’s never apologized to the people of New York. He never apologized to the families that suffered. Ever. He’s never even admitted his wrongdoing. Ever. I would never treat you this audience that way, and neither would Westwood One, my syndication company. I’ve been on the air over 20 years. I’ve been in New York 21 years. And in no time to where my career. Have I ever pulled a stunt like that on you? And I never will. Period. You have complained loudly to us, and I want you to know I had nothing to do with this. Moreover, if I had known about it, it would not have happened. Which is probably why I didn’t know about. When there’s news breaking, that’s understandable. So I just want you to understand. I respect you. I want you to understand. But I do not take your listenership for granted. I want you to understand that I do not abuse the airwaves. And that, again, this is not something I decided it was not something I even knew about. Within the 3 hours of the Mark Levin show. So let’s set that record straight. And. I don’t expect that to ever happen again. We’ll see. But I am so pissed off. You have no idea. The people who lost family members are treated this way. That my audience is treated this way. I am so ticked off. You have no idea. But we will continue to proceed. The purpose of this show is to help save America. The purpose of the show. Is to have a national town hall meeting where all of you and I. Can talk together, can share information. We have sponsors, we have affiliates. We have responsibilities. And I want to thank you all. Thank you all. I am blessed to have you out there and do understand that I would never make a decision that is abusive or that underestimates your intelligence. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Thank the president of the United States to at least conduct himself with some level of class and sincerity. Joe Biden goes to the microphone. He’s talking at the Women’s Business Summit. They keep throwing around this word woman except when they don’t want to. He’s got remarks prepared also to talk about the mass shooting in Nashville at the private Christian school. He knows it’s a solemn moment. You can hear of Solomon It’s very depressing. It’s very upsetting. And yet he comes out and this is how he conducts himself. Hat tip, right. Scoop. Cut. Salmon. Go. My name is Joe Biden. I’m Dr. Joe Biden’s husband and I choose ice cream chocolate chip. I came down because here there was chocolate chip ice cream, by the way. I have a whole refrigerator full upstairs. I think I’m kidding. No, no, I’m not. Ben, How are you, pal? One of the best guys in the United States Congress, Ben Cardin. Folks, welcome. It’s so nice to have you all here. Who are those good looking kids back there? Your kids, All four of them yet? Well, stand up, guys. John, we’ll jump back in here. Yeah, considering the moment like you were told, the shooting that just happened left three children dead, three adults dead, shooters dead. And we were told you would be addressing this stuff off the top. She refused to be true. Yeah, it’s rather surprising. I thought that a somber President Biden would have come to the podium here and addressed the school shooting. This is really disgusting. It is really unbelievable. And then, of course, his spokesperson attacks Republicans. Every time there’s an event like this or any event where there’s a gun used, it’s the the fault of the Republican Party. The Democrat Party doesn’t seem to want to solve this. There were two schools that the killer looked at. One was too well-protected, so she picked the other one. Which tells you something. We had an assault weapons ban, quote unquote, in the mid 1990s. John lots pioneer, he’s explained. We looked at the stats, but it had no. No real impact. Period. Period. But to come out and talk about ice cream and whose kids are back there and stand up and all the rest of it like nothing going on. What do you have? Ice water in your veins? Now, if Donald Trump had done this, this would be a story for the next 25 days. If Ron DeSantis did this, this be a story for another 25 days. But even apart from that. You know, you have the photo of Donald Trump with the baseball bat, Mr. Biden. So that story is still going on. On Twitter if a president of the United States. Three third graders were murdered. Three adults were murdered. How much chocolate chip ice cream we have up? So. I’m not kidding you. I’m not kidding you. And the crowd’s laughing and all this stuff’s going on. Do you think that’s appropriate, American? I don’t. But we’re going to hear the same stuff over and over and over again, over and over and over again. But it was very interesting when I played for you the comments of the chief of police, who seems like he’s based on what I can see, incredibly competent and big hearted. I could see his eyes are all red, They look terribly bloodshot and so forth, because this is a shock. It’s a shock to any neighborhood, any community. The families around there. Obviously, the families of the deceased are suffering horrifically. And we’ll get into a gun debate. But it was interesting as part of his comments, Mr. Pitt is here in America. He did mention that this is a transgender person who identifies as a woman and they had a theory or theories. A reporter asked him if that was related to one of the theories, and he started to think to say they’re looking at it. She had attended this school. It’s a private Christian school. So they’re looking at it. So right now, we don’t even know what the theories are. Just unbelievable. And I will deal with the politics of it as it comes up in the next day or two or three. But right now, Mr. Call’s crew and I don’t want any calls on the politics of it, none of it, because I don’t need people just making suggestions or surmises and all the rest. That’s not right. It’s not what should be done. Certainly not right now. We’ll leave that to the politicians and the media. This is what they do and they cannot help themselves. And this is how they. They dragged the nation into this stuff. You know, it’s amazing to me the way children are abused in this country in their public school classrooms by the media. We have here for Media matters. George Soros has media matters and they are essentially campaigning for pornography, pornographic books and so forth in. The kids classrooms or the kids library. So I said to you the other day. How does a parental bill of Rights become controversial? America, The Democrats call it racist, call it book banning. Yes, some books need to be banned. You know, books with explicit sexual photographs, books with explicit discussion about sexuality and gender and gender changing and transitioning. Those books shouldn’t see a shelf in a public school system, period. And for the Democrats, this is an attack on free speech calling myself. And for the Democrats, this is book, Bernie. They don’t tell you what kind of books or books they claim that white people are racists. Those books need to be on the shelves, too, you know, or books that push critical race theory, a marxist ideology. Those books need to be on the shelves to think about that. What does this bill do effectively in response to your concerns? Response to what we’ve been going through in this country? And I want to salute the Republicans in the House that voted for it and so forth. Their headline is as follows. Is Mark Levin. Keep in mind, I say this on radio, they don’t say Westwood One’s Mark Levin because they exist to try and destroy Fox, but they’re destroying themselves. That’s the irony. Fox is Mark Levin. Some books need to be banned. That’s the headline. Yeah, they do. Levin quote. There’s the subtitle books with explicit sexual photographs, books with explicit discussion about sexuality and gender and gender changing and transitioning. Those books shouldn’t see a shelf in a public school system, period. Media Matters. Staff written by Media Matters Staff. This morning at 11:56 a.m.. They are insisting promoting relentlessly campaigning for sexually explicit pornographic books and photographs. Gender changing and transitioning to be on the shelves of the public school systems in our country. Otherwise, why post this? Sick, perverted. And every single Democrat in the House of Representatives agrees with them. Every single one. Agrees with them. That’s amazing. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

The Daily Wire’s investigative reporter. Luke Rosie, Zach has tweeted out the shooting of a Christian school by a transgender who comes the same week that activists scheduled a trans day of vengeance, unquote, with the group also raising money for firearms training. I don’t know if there’s any connection at all, but I can assure you, if this were the NRA, there’d be a connection made and insisted upon. I wonder what the morning show Joe Scarborough will say. He is a gutless wonder. Read The New York Times in order to come up with his opinions. Or schmuck? Todd, a low I.Q. impersonator of a of a journalist. What would he say if he saw something like this? Maybe that is one of the theories they’re looking at. We’ll find out. But it won’t matter to Joe Biden. Cut aid today again. No, it’s just sick. You know, we’re still gathering the facts of what happened and why. And we do know that as of now, there are a number of people who are not going to not make it, including children. It’s heartbreaking. A family’s worst nightmare. And I want to commend the police who responded, responded incredibly swiftly within minutes. And the danger for monitoring the situation really closely, Ben, as you know, and we have to do more to stop gun violence is reviewing our communities apart, ripping a soul. This nation, which is a very soul, the nation. And we we have to do more to protect our schools so they aren’t turned into prisons. You know, a shooter. I don’t even understand that comment more to protect our schools so they’re not turned into prisons from distributors. Now those words conflict with each other. More to protect our schools so they’re not turned into prisons as shouldn’t be more to protect our schools, to protect our children. There were no resource personnel there. I’m not attacking this private school. I’m just saying. This is incomprehensible to me. I don’t get it. We have incredible protection now on Capitol Hill. We have incredible protection at the White House to protect all these politicians. With incredible protection. At federal buildings. In other facilities. Is the White House a prison? Is the Capitol building a prison. Is the FBI building a prison? Is the Department of Justice a prison? I mean, it’s perplexing to me. But if you want to protect your children. We don’t want to turn it into a prison. See, this is driven by ideology. He doesn’t say we need to protect our children by any and all means possible. He’s already told you. That banning weapons, is it? It’s the only way. And we’ve done that and it doesn’t work. If you really want to save the lives of children, shouldn’t you at least say if you’re him? Any and every proposal of substance that might be reasonable or a sensible I want to look at. But he doesn’t say that. He doesn’t say it. And it’s always the Republicans for. It’s the Republicans fault that we have a debt. It’s the Republicans fault that the borders open. It’s the Republicans fault that Democrats say these defunded police. It’s incredible. It’s the Republicans fault that we don’t have enough oil and gasoline. It’s the Republicans fault that there is inflation and prices are going up and up and up. Go ahead. Two assault weapons and a pistol. Two AK 47. So I call on Congress again to pass my assault weapons ban. And this is all he’s going to do. Politicize it the way does Social Security and Medicare. He’s not going to fix a damn thing. And so it will happen again. Do you remember? They just voted on a bipartisan gun control bill. And I told you then. What’s the point? They’re not going to accept that that’s enough. They’re going to just go incrementally because that’s what the radical left does. What’s the point? This is all they do. And this is their issue. It’s like abortion. Abortion was supposed to be limited and rare. Now it’s abortion on demand right up to the point of birth and even after birth. They voted against saving the life of an abortion that’s failed. That is a human being that’s born. They voted against it. Every single Democrat. In the Senate, said one Manchin. Step one mansion. That’s no Roe v Wade. Roe v Wade is very strict about the first trimester, second trimester, it’s ambiguous third trimester. No, there’s no constitutional right. It’s not rational. It doesn’t matter what it is. Now the media know this has been tried before in 1994. The statistics are available. I’m not talking about left wing groups and how they spin it. The statistics are available. Tell us what they show. I want to know also if the FBI has been monitoring the group that put out Trans Day of violence, stop trans genocide, Trans Day of violence. That’s the that’s the website. Put up by TSU QR are you non-binary? And they talk about. Vengeance and all the rest of it. I just want to know. I’ll be back.