March 1st, 2023

March 1st, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 01: U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland (C) walks past Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) (L) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) as he arrives to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee in the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill on March 01, 2023 in Washington, DC. Garland was asked about a wide spectrum of topics, from protests outside the homes of Supreme Court justices to rules made by the Office of Legal Counsel and even quoting Taylor Swift lyrics when referencing anti-trust discussions following Ticketmaster drama. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, it’s a federal crime to harass and threaten Supreme Court justices and judges, yet AG Merrick Garland has yet to prosecute anyone because they are harassing conservatives. The Department of Justice refuses to prosecute people who firebomb pregnancy centers, but pro-life activists like Mark Houck are raided by the FBI and January 6th protesters have the book thrown at them. It’s time to expose the corruption of Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray, who use the DOJ and FBI to attack political enemies and do the bidding of the Biden Administration. Also, Iran is now capable of creating fissile nuclear material in 12 days according to a new report from Reuters, down from old reports of taking a year, meaning Iran is that much closer to nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, we are killing our coal and fossil fuel industry in America, while China is opening new coal facilities at breakneck speed. This is how you go from being a superpower country to a country that is left begging for help. Later, the IRS examined Joe Biden’s taxes and raised no red flags in his returns, despite Joe and Jill Biden using loopholes to funnel their money through an S corporation and avoid paying millions in taxes. Biden wants us to pay for Obamacare and Medicare and but cheats the system, so he doesn’t have to. Democrats investigate Trump and Republicans at the drop of a hat with no proof, but with the Biden crime family they ignore obvious evidence.

Right Scoop
Ted Cruz GRILLS Merrick Garland on excessive show of force to arrest pro-lifer but not left-wing terrorist firebombing pregnancy centers

Sen Hawley to AG: Does DOJ Have An Anti-Catholic Bias?

Right Scoop
“Ripping the arms off of an unborn baby” – Rep. Ken Buck calls out baby murdering Democrats [VIDEO]

Iran can make fissile material for a bomb ‘in about 12 days’ – U.S. official

Daily Caller
China Is Approving New Coal Plants At Break-Neck Speed As The Biden Admin Pushes To Shut US Generators Down

PJ Media
The Day Your Doctor Won’t Treat You If You Aren’t the Right Kind of Patient Is Closer Than You Might Think

Washington Post
Skepticism before a search: Inside the Trump Mar-a-Lago documents investigation (December 21, 2022)

USA Today
Emotional meeting ends with DeSantis’ New College of Florida board abolishing diversity office

The Federalist
Why Did The IRS Let Biden Off The Hook For His Sketchy Tax Filings? Republicans Should Investigate

Ron Johnson
Sen. Johnson Leads Colleagues in Effort to Protect American Sovereignty Against World Health Organization

Photo by Chip Somodevilla

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

There were some fireworks at the Senate Judiciary Committee today, a hearing involving the most political and I believe, intellectually corrupt attorney general in modern American history. Meritless Garland. And there were some questions. I thought Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley and Mike Lee. Lindsey Graham was good. And I want you to hear this because the truth is, most of you are working or you’re out and you’re now watching these hearings. But this guy is so bad. So bad. And so we will start with this. We’ve got a lot of other things going on here. Iran is 12 days away, according to a top U.S. official. 12 days away. From having the ability to make a nuclear weapon, a bomb. 12 days away. And this is a Defense Department, a top Defense Department official, undersecretary of Defense for policy, Colin Kahl. So we’ll get into that. I don’t believe I’ve heard this on any major network. It’s a shocking thing that this gets such little play. But let’s take a look at this. Merrick Meritless Garland at a hearing today, United States Senate. Ted Cruz cut one. Go. Has the Department of Justice brought even a single case under the statute? So, yes, no question. It’s not a give a speech on the other things you did. The job of the United States marshals is to defend the lives. The answer is no. It’s to defend the lives of the justices. And that’s their number one priority. They have you unwilling to say no? The answer is no. You know it’s no. I know it’s no. Everyone in this in this hearing room knows it’s. No, you’re not willing to answer a question. Have you brought a case under the statute, yes or no? I know we haven’t. And what we have done is defended to the lies of the justices, as well as the U.S. Marshals. How do you decide which criminal statutes the DOJ enforces and which one it doesn’t? The United States Marshals know that they have full of recognize. You want to give a separate speech? Oh, I don’t want to go to you decide which statute you enforce and which ones you don’t. But marshals on scene make that determination in light of the priority of the marshals. Do not make a determination over whether to prosecute you, the attorney general, make a determination. And you spent 20 years as a judge and you’re perfectly content with justices being afraid for their children’s lives and you did nothing to prosecute it. Let’s do it. Can I answer the question? No, you can’t. You have refused to answer. I am answering your question. The Attorney-General does not decide whether to or you choose not to or not to enforce this statute. The marshals on scene don’t make that decision. They do make the decision of whether to make an arrest due to someone. No, they don’t. If they make if they make marshals, do not have prosecute if they make an arrest. So the more topics. He’s such a liar, This attorney general. Ted knows. I know as a former chief of staff to an attorney general, a marshall does not make prosecutorial decisions. They can make recommendations. The marshal doesn’t have control over the process. And this attorney general knows it. And of course, what Ted’s talking about, what Senator Cruz has talked about there is the. The lack of a single prosecution of anybody for threatening justices, threatening and trying to influence their decision making with these endless protests and loud bullhorns and all the rest, which is a violation of federal law. There’s a federal statute and not a single person has been prosecuted. Meanwhile, they’ve so far rounded up a thousand people from January six, including hundreds and hundreds, the vast majority who didn’t do anything violent. And so. Garland has no answer because what he’s done here is. Outrageous. Political. Got to go. We’ve also seen across the country violent attacks this pregnancy centers by similar left wing terrorist groups, including one one graffiti of a firebomb building, said Jane was here. There have been attacks all over the country and yet. The two talk, Bartman of Justice has not brought these violent criminals to justice. You contrast that. If you’re a violent criminal and you attack a crisis pregnancy center, that is not a priority in the Biden Department of Justice. Contrast that to Marc Houck, who is a pro-life activist. He’s a sidewalk counselor, and he had an altercation with someone who allegedly interfered, interfered with his son’s personal space and threatened his son and he pushed him. Now, in an ordinary world, pushing someone would be maybe a simple misdemeanor assault, but not under the Biden Department of Justice. If you’re a pro-life activist, what can you expect? Well, in this instance, according to Mr. Houck’s wife. Two dozen agents clad in body armor and ballistic helmets and shields and a battering ram showed up at his house, pointing rifles at his family. Why do you send two dozen agents in body armor to arrest a sidewalk counselor who happens to be pro-life? But you don’t devote resources to count people to to prosecute people who are violently firebombing crisis pregnancy. It is a priority of the department to prosecute and investigate and find the people who are doing those fire bombings. They are doing it at night and secret. So and we have found we have found one group which we did prosecute. We are in one. How many of their been how many attacks have been a lot. And if you have any information specifically as to who those people are, we ask, we would be glad to have authorized 20 agents, go into Mr. Houck’s house and offer to turn himself in through counsel. But you didn’t want that. The Department of Justice wanted to make a show of it. Did you personally authorize it? And do you want to apologize to Mr. or Mrs. Houk and her seven children for being terrorized to decisions about how to do that are made at the level of the FBI agents on scene. You know about it? I did not know about it until the way you’re describing it. And my understanding is the FBI disagrees with that description. Well, the next time Christopher Wray is before this committee, he needs to get a real anal exam. This guy, Christopher Wray, he plays that dummy. He’s always talking into his loafers. His chin is always on his chest. He’s always looking down or looking askance. And then he hides behind. Those are tactics and practices I can’t repeat. I can’t speak. It’s Congress, you jerk. They have oversight responsibility. What do you mean? You can’t tell Congress what you’re doing? Then Congress needs to slash their budget. Until they squeal like pigs. Because it’s time to get to the bottom of this. And to expose it. All of it. We’re not going to have a country anymore. And good for Ted Cruz. That was fantastic. Now, Josh Hawley. Cut. Three, go. Attorney General Garland, let me just ask you. Does your department have a problem with anti-Catholic bias? And our department, as protects all religions and all ideologies, does not have any a bias against any religion of any kind. Well, you could have surprised me because given the resources that you are expending and the apparently intelligence assets that you are deploying against Catholics, it appears, and other people of faith while simultaneously turning a blind eye, while people are executed gang style on the streets of our cities, including in my home state. Your answer, frankly, surprises me. Let’s talk about the MARC case. For example, you’ve been asked about this already today, and frankly, your answers really astound me. This is a case where a Catholic pro-life demonstrator, father, was accused of disorderly conduct in front of an abortion center. The local prosecutor, the Philadelphia district attorney who is a Democrat, a liberal, very progressive, declined to prosecute. There was a private suit that got dismissed. And then after all of that, your Justice Department sent between 20 and 30 armed agents in the early morning hours to the house private residence to arrest this guy after he had offered to turn himself in voluntarily. Here’s the photo. Once again, you can see belong guns. You can see the ballistic shields. You can see that they’re wearing bulletproof vests. Why did the Justice Department do this? Why did you send 20 to 30 SWAT style agents and a SWAT style team to this guy’s house when everybody else had declined to prosecute and he’d offered to turn himself in? Determinations of how to make arrests under arrest warrants are made based by the tactical operators in the district. But you surely looked into it by this point, right? You know the answer. Surely they. All I know is what the FBI has said, which is that they made the decisions on the ground as to what was safest and easiest. So you do not agree with your description of what happened on this? You don’t agree with my description? I’m pointing out what the photo is. There are agents here who have long guns and ballistic shields. In agreement and agree now with your description. And the man was found innocent, by the way. Even in federal court. Even in federal court. Federal court? So the district attorney in Philly who’s a loathsome PC, You know what? Wouldn’t take the case. The case brought before a judge. A civil case was dismissed by the judge right at the top. And then. He wins a jury trial in federal court. I don’t agree with the description and I don’t agree. Unbelievable. Cut, forego. I notice a pattern, though. The FBI field office in Richmond on the 23rd of January of this year issued a memorandum in which they advocated for, and I quote, the exploration of new avenues for trip wire and source development against traditionalist Catholics, their language, including those who favor the Latin mass. Attorney General, are you cultivating sources and spies in Latin mass parishes and other Catholic parishes around the country? The Justice Department does not do that. It does not do investigations based on religion. I saw the document. You have got hauling. It’s appalling. I’m in complete agreement with you. I understand that the FBI has withdrawn it. How did it happen? That’s what they’re looking into. But I’m totally in agreement with you. That document is appalling. I’ll tell you how it happened. The this memorandum, which is supposed to be intelligence, cites extensively the Southern Poverty Law Center, which goes on to identify all of these different Catholics as being part of hate groups. Is this how the FBI, under your direction of leadership, is this how they do their intelligence work? They look they look at left wing advocacy groups to target Catholics. Is this what’s going on? I mean, clearly it is. How is this happening? The FBI is not targeting Catholics. And as I’ve said, this is an inappropriate memorandum and it doesn’t reflect the methods that the FBI is supposed to be using. Should not be relying on any single organization without doing its own work. And yet, as Senator Hollis pointed out, there’s a whole pattern here. And great job by Senator Hawley. Great job. Now it’s Mike Lee’s turn, senator from Utah. Do we have any time, Rick? Cut five go in 2022 and for the first couple of months of 2023, DOJ has announced charges against 34 individuals for blocking access to or vandalizing abortion clinics, and there have been over 81. Reported attacks on pregnancy centers, clinics, whether pregnant resource, whether they are Pregnancy resource center or whether they are an abortion center applies equally in both cases, and we apply the law equally. I will say you are quite right. There are many more prosecutions with respect to the blocking of the of the abortion centers, but that is generally because they are those actions are taken with photography at the time during the daylight. And seeing the person who did it is quite easy. The those who are attacking the pregnancy resources centers, which is a hard thing to do, are doing this at night in the dark. We have put full resources on this. We have put our rewards out for this. We’ve done a crappy job somehow there. Mr. Garland. But you’re able to track everybody on January six, all over the country. I got more. We’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

You’re getting a sense through his own words and through fantastic questioning by the senators, quite frankly, of who Merrick Garland is. And how he’s a lifetime bureaucrat dodging and weaving, whether a judge or prosecutor or whatever. He knows how to prosecute. He was involved in the Oklahoma City bombing prosecution. They haven’t prosecuted a single person. People have been trying to influence the outcome of decisions by harassing Supreme Court justices at their home and their families, some of them having to leave and getting additional protection. The idea that he’s blaming the U.S. Marshals, he’s literally blaming the U.S. Marshals is unbelievable. And Christopher Wray has a lot to answer for with that stupid look on his face. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Let’s get back to this. The unbelievably appalling attorney general meritless Garland at a Senate hearing today. And I just hope this FBI director gets grilled and grilled hot when his day comes. Graham wants to know, why are you sending biological males into female prisons? Cut seven go. When it comes to federal prisons, are you aware that 1200 prisoners are requesting to be sent from a male prison to a female prison? I’m not. No. Okay. What is our policy when it comes to allowing a male prisoner to be transitioned into a female prison? I think if you’re generally asking the question of how trans people are dealt with in the Bureau of Prisons, my understanding is that these are determinations about where they’re placed or where people are placed in general have to do with individualized determinations regarding the security of that individual and the management of the prison. These are done on a case by case basis. That’s my understanding. Are you aware of any policy guidelines that they use to make that determination? I think there is a policy guideline along the lines that I just said that they I would like for the Bureau of Prisons to send it to us. Are you concerned that if a biological male is sent to a female prison, that could be a risk to female prisoners? I think every person in prison has to be dealt with with dignity and respect. That determinations of the safety questions you’re talking about have to be made on an individualized basis and not categorically. Here’s a question for you, dimwit. Isn’t it more likely if you send biological males into female prisons that females will be molested to the point of rape, otherwise brutalized? Isn’t it more likely that that will happen than less likely? I don’t know. We have it correct. Go. Mexican drug cartels. Should they be? Designated foreign terrorist organizations under U.S. law. I think it’s the same answer I gave before. They are already designated in any number of ways and sanctioned by the Treasury. Would you oppose some of those trying to make them foreign terrorist organizations? I wouldn’t oppose it. But again, I want to point out there are diplomatic concerns. We need the assistance of Mexico in this and designating is Mexico helping us effectively with our fentanyl? They are helping us, but they could do much more. There’s no question about that. Well, if this is helping, I would hate to see what not helping looks like. So the bottom line for me is they’re not helping and we need to up our game when it comes to fentanyl. I don’t know. We’re going to look at the diplomatic issues here. I know it’s costing us 100,000 lives a year. And I know the drug cartels are working with the communist Chinese, and I know that it’s destroying a young generation of people. And I know all these things are happening. But we have to concern ourselves with our diplomatic situation. Our diplomatic situation with the government of Mexico. Are you an idiot? Our diplomatic situation is resulting in the death of 100,000 Americans every year. Do you hear this guy? And it’s like they’re on the wrong side of every issue, whether it’s fentanyl, whether it’s sending men into women’s prisons, the refusal to prosecute anybody who’s violated a federal statute, restricting the protesting and harassing and trying to influence justices and their decisions. This guy was an appellate judge. It was a chief judge in Washington, D.C.. Yeah, well, you know, I really know. And. What about it? Diplomacy. So is there should these cartels be designated terrorist organizations? That same question was asked by Bret Baer to Christopher Wray on Fox News yesterday. If they’re not terrorist organizations. Ladies and gentlemen, what is? They don’t have a problem calling domestic terrorists. Using that phrase over and over and over again. I mean, they even applied it to Catholics. Well, that was inappropriate. Yes, it was a very inappropriate cut. Nine Christopher Wray and Brett Beyer go on immigration. Do you believe the cartels should be designated as terrorist organizations? Well, I do believe that the cartels represent a significant threat. And we have hundreds the FBI has how they all look, how they all won’t answer a direct question. You had a direct question. Should they be designated or not? Go ahead. Go into cartel leadership. And I’m interested in all appropriate legal tools that will help us go after them. We are going after them. Obviously, we’re not responsible for the physical security at the border, but we recognize that the threats emanating from the border are serious and we’re determined to do our part as a team effort to combat those threats. Team effort. Well, the quarterback of the team, Dizzy. Dizzy Biden. They’re dizzy. Joe Biden. He’s not interested in doing a damn thing. That’s effective. Not doing anything that’s effective. Wow. All right. I want you to hear this, too, from a hearing today. You’ve heard me talk about it, but it was very good to hear Ken Buck talk about it. And they’re at a hearing today. And he brings up this issue of abortion until birth, abortion tober. The Democrats oppose legislation that would put an end to abortion after birth, An end to abortion. That’s right there. At the birth canal. We use this phrase late term abortion. As you know, I use the phrase infanticide as well. But I want you to listen to Congressman Bach of Colorado. Cut sex girl. Every state has legalized abortion. Some states. Unbelievably. In my state is one of them. And I’m thoroughly embarrassed that my state is one of them. Has abortion up until the time of birth. Now, let’s just make sure we understand something, because we use terms like late term abortion. And it’s in it’s so polite and it’s in. You know, you could go to a cocktail party and you could talk about late term abortion and not really offend anybody. You’re talking about ripping the arms off of a unborn baby and then the legs and then the head, a beating heart, a central nervous system that is fully functional. And all of you sit on that side and suggest that we are in favor of a ban on abortion. I’ll tell you something the American people aren’t in favor of. They are in favor of ripping the arms off of a baby and the legs and the head and pulling that baby out as if it was some group of cells. That baby is a living human being. It just happens to be inside of its mother at the time. That’s disgusting. That’s not what America stands for. What what is the Democrat Party become, ladies and gentlemen. They don’t even say abortion should be rare. They say abortion on demand. What does it become in the Democrat Party? It’s a short step from eugenics. Two partial birth abortion. He’s just described you something you will never see on TV that’s happening all over this country. You’ll never see a documentary on PBS. You’ll never hear discussed by the comedian so-called on late night. They’ll never provide pictures of this. There’ll never be a documentary on this. I’ve talked about this before. It’s the biggest cover up there ever was. The biggest cover up there ever was. And the Democrat Party supports this. They don’t believe in any limits on abortion. It’s a woman’s right. Woman’s right. What about the female babies? Right. What about human life? We don’t treat animals this way. Nor should we. Nor should we. How about a humane society for human beings? Wouldn’t that be nice? A humane society for humans. I don’t care what your face is or if you have faith. But the idea that you have an entire political party. Lined up behind this. This horrific. Mengele like practice. Of late term abortion or after birth abortion. It’s just unbelievable. And then we’re told if you don’t get on the right side of this, if you don’t join the Democrats and there’s you can’t win an election. Well, then screw the elections. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

You see Ron DeSantis, his book is staying up at number one on That is very, very good. Very, very good. As far as I’m concerned, you remember folks I talked about at length yesterday, this child labor issue, the child labor issue that has resulted from the immigration policies such as they are of this administration in The New York Times, no friend of Republicans in the House or the Senate or Donald Trump, the reporter who deserves a Pulitzer. The reporter even said. The 2021 saw aim a huge projection upwards of child labour. And this administration has lost track of a third. Of these children, tens of thousands of them. Has no idea where they are, what’s being done to them. The prior administration. President Trump. They were accused of separating children from their parents. And the Trump administration said over and over and over again, we don’t even know if they are their parents. We’ve got to try and vet this and figure it out. You know, it’s not so easy. They’re not in our computer systems. They don’t have Social Security card. So it takes a little bit. No, no, no, no. You’re putting them in cages. AOC went down there and she was her normal, stupid Marxist self. The media tried to peg Trump for putting kids in cages, which is so pathetic. And yet these little kids are housed in horrific conditions on the border as a result of this administration and those who are processed now, while many of them are released. And they’re just released and they’re doing these horrific jobs 12 hours a day, plus going to school. Many of them are dropping out, the working till two, three in the morning. They’re being abused by corporatists. We have child labor laws in this country. In this administration doesn’t give a crap the median America other than that one story, they don’t give a crap either. Where’s Maggie Haberman? Busy chasing Donald Trump. That’s her. Her true love. I think she’s obsessed with him. Was Jeremy and is Peter’s. He’s busy fostering a revolt over there with the union at the at the New York Times Where’s Philip bump where usually is sitting on his fat butt eating doughnuts, I guess. We don’t know. But Joy Reid on MSNBC, she is the answer. You see, they’re never going to fire Joy Reid despite the. Despite the early stories that were out about six months ago, that she’d be gone in March. She’s not going anywhere. Because they got rid of this Tiffany cross. Who’s a racist, radical leftist. That’s just my opinion. And. You know all the noise makers in the. In the front groups and all the rest came to her defense, as you would expect. Same thing. What happened with Joy Reid. Joy Reid should never have been hired in the first place, given her long trail of racism and bigotry. And. Homophobic posts, homophobic posts. And there she is. On Marcellus D. So when we return, of course, she blames the rise of child labor on Donald Trump for deregulating child labor laws. Next thing you know, she’ll say that the reason the train had an accident or one of its overheating ball bearings in Palestine, Ohio, is because of Donald Trump. But that’s not possible. We’ve already looked at that. And Joe Scarborough has egg on his face, although he doesn’t know it.