February 23rd, 2023

February 23rd, 2023

EAST PALESTINE, OH - FEBRUARY 23: U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg delivers remarks to the press as he visited the site of the Norfolk Southern train derailment on February 23, 2023 in East Palestine, Ohio. On February 3rd, a Norfolk Southern Railways train carrying toxic chemicals derailed causing an environmental disaster. Thousands of residents were ordered to evacuate after the area was placed under a state of emergency and temporary evacuation orders. (Photo by Michael Swensen/Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Railroad companies like Norfolk Southern can be sued into bankruptcy through civil lawsuits, but the government is completely protected, and nobody in the EPA or any government agency will be fired after the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio. Democrat department heads and secretaries like Pete Buttigieg are not experienced or competent people, just like their leader President Biden. Buttigieg took so long to visit East Palestine because he’s lazy and incompetent with no experience. Everything is a mess because of Buttigieg, but he is blaming Trump and deregulation for the accident, when the real reason was due to a faulty ball bearing on the train. Also, Democrats are treating the COVID relief funds as a slush fund for their social justice programs, even after tens of billions of dollars were lost due to fraud. Closing the wealth gap by redistributing wealth through Marxist programs doesn’t make poor people richer, but only makes rich people poorer – especially when Democrats use programs like this for reparations. This is COVID pandemic relief money being used by Democrats; an absolute misuse of tax dollars now being used for leftist causes. Later, Jack Smith is not looking to do justice, but trying to destroy Donald Trump no matter what with a phony Special Counsel. Smith has subpoenaed Mike Pence, and now Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner to testify and get info about Trump and ensure he will never get a fair trial. Trump is not the sitting president, but that is not stopping Merrick Garland from using a special council to destroy Trump for political reasons only. This is how Putin and Stalin destroy their political opponents.

Photo by Michael Swensen

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Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

You know, this COVID money, it’s just unbelievable. First of all, tens of billions of dollars in fraud. Just out the window. And then there in this battle, the Democrats saying they can’t cut one penny, not one penny. From the ominous omnibus, monstrous bill that they passed in November with the help of Mitch McConnell and the other rhinos. And so now they say we’re going to shut down the government by June and we’ll go broke and it’ll be the fault of the Republicans. It will be the fault of McConnell because these Republicans in the House are trying to do the right thing. They’re trying to save our country from a complete, utter financial breakdown. But what do they mean? There’s nothing we can cut. Chuck Schumer says we want your budget. Okay, here’s my budget. Take the COVID monies out of the baseline. It’s been used for everything but covert. I want you to listen to this. And try not to get angry. I’ll get angry for us. From Fox Business, a growing list of municipalities across the United States. Are looking to set up reparations programs for black residents, and some of them are considering using COVID 19 relief funds to pay the initiatives. It’s a slush fund for everything Democrat and everything Marxist. Critics argue using funds from the American Rescue Plan to bankroll social justice initiatives are a misuse of federal taxpayer dollars. But proponents are defending the use of pandemic money as a way to reduce disparities when it comes to housing and narrowing the wealth gap. Okay. Attention, America. It’s not up to the government. To, quote unquote, narrow the wealth gap. It’s none of the damn government’s business. Why is there a wealth gap? There could be a thousand reasons why there’s a wealth gap. Number one, the word freedom. People are motivated by different things. Some people are motivated by making a fortune. Some people aren’t motivated by money at all. Some people are lazy as hell and they’re on the public dole. Some people are on the public dole because they’re they’ve got issues that they are trying to address, whether it’s they’ve recently been fired or whatever it is. In other words, what do you mean you’re trying to close the wealth gap? And how do you close the wealth gap? Well, they don’t make poor people richer. They make rich people poorer. That’s what they’re talking about. This is Mark Phillips, Marxist pablum. Vernon Amy Church, Pastor Robert Turner holds a sign after leading a protest from City Hall back to his church in the Greenwood neighborhood. Now, whatever that misreading that’s in there. A photo. Here we go. Fox Business identified at least ten cities, states and counties that have recently considered using some sort of reparations program. Why are we paying reparations at all? You know, we passed the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments at the end of the 1860s, while after the Civil War, the Civil War was fought, 700,000 casualties. How are we going to determine who gets money? I’m quite serious about this. How do we know? Just if we even wanted to do it. How do we know? Who came here when we have illegal immigrants in the country over the past 50 years. People who’ve come from all corners of the world, some of whom are black and brown and white. You know, the whole Rainbow coalition is Jesse Jackson calls it fine. What kind of proof are they going to need? I guess Ancestry.com will be very busy. But this is ridiculous. Paying reparations. This is just more Marxist Democrat pablum. And I’ll tell you what, I’ve said it before and I’m going to say it again so the backbenchers can remember the regurgitated. If we’re going to pay reparations. It’s not we. It’s the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party should be paying reparations. The Democrat Party supported slavery. The Democrat Party fought for slavery. The Democrat Party after the Civil War. Help foster the Ku Klux Klan. The Democrat Party, the party of Woodrow Wilson. Promoted segregation. The Democrat Party opposed federal anti-lynching laws, including the great FDR. Those were Democrat governors who stood in the in the doorways of schools to prevent little black kids from going to school with little white kids. It was Joe Biden who opposed little black kids going to school with little white kids. It’s the Democrat Party that filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act and opposed the 1965 Civil Rights Act. So the Democrat Party. That promoted Jim Crow and including. Literacy tests and poll taxes and all the rest of it. Was Democrats with Democrats on the Supreme Court. It upheld slavery. Taney, the chief justice at the time. Democrats on the Supreme Court. They ruled in the Plessy versus Ferguson case that separate. Separate, but equal is equal. And I could go on and on and on. So if anyone wants to pay reparations, it’s the Democrat Party. Not everybody. And I’m quite serious about this. But let’s go on. This is your covered money Covered. You got here. Ten cities, states, counties. I want to use some sort of covert funds for reparations. That’s just unbelievable. Officials in Shelby County, Tennessee, that includes Memphis. They’re going to vote on whether to spend $5 million in pandemic relief money to study the possibility of longer term reparations. There was some guy on radio. African-American show, but a big one. I think the guys Charlamagne tha God or whatever his name is, anybody guest on there? Who said $5 trillion. That’s the number. $5 trillion. So it’s shakedown time. Remember when I interviewed Shelby Steele? Great man. And his message was, We are free. He’s African-American. He said, We’re free. Go do whatever you want. We’re free. But the Democrat Party needs racism. The Democrat Party more and more needs anti-Semitism. The Democrat Party needs an anti Asian ism, is that what we call it? I don’t know. Commissioner Edmund Ford Jr who’s co-sponsoring the proposal. Defended the use of these funds for the program, told Fox Business in a statement that the negative impacts of the pandemic include assistance to households and communities while promoting affordable housing assistance to small businesses and non-profits. This is not going to be a process that is issuing checks to black people in Shelby County, Adding the process of community reparations provides an ecosystem to intentionally track and promote black wealth while providing access to and shut the hell up. I’m sick of this. This is money. You know, here’s the thing. We’ve got a government that prosecutes people for Ponzi schemes. For misallocation of funds for maladministration. We’ve got regulations, we’ve got agencies, we’ve got investigators, we have agents. They’re all over the damn place trying to find private businesses that are doing what the federal government does every damn day and does it righteously, right, at least self-righteously. They raised all this tax money. Apply it towards COVID pandemic. And now they’re using it for leftist causes. Left wing causes. This is an absolute misuse of taxpayer dollars. Our buddy Byron Donalds. His also African-American is outrageous. That cities would use pandemic relief funds to pay for reparations programs. There are wide disagreements on the topic, he said. To use pandemic spending on something that Congress did not vote for or approve. For localities to say they’re going to basically repurpose the funds for this. This is outrageous and should not occur. That’s right. There’s no statute that was passed for this. Our representatives didn’t have an opportunity to vote on it. We did have an opportunity to comment on it to our representatives. It’s like Biden with his damn executive orders. Like Benito Mussolini, except Benito Mussolini had the trains running on time. Biden can’t even keep them on the tracks. By the way. Mr. Environment. Mr. Joe Biden. It’s an amazing even environmental disaster part of the country. And this guy Biden is as far away from it as possible. He’s barely talked about it. And to the extent that the Democrat propagandists and demagogues talk about it, they blame it on Donald Trump. Surprised? They haven’t blamed it on Donald Duck. Donald Trump. That’s how sick these people are. They take responsibility for nothing. Nothing. The view. Joy Reid, bigot, racist, and the rest of them. Isn’t it amazing that the Marxists among us are all Democrats in the media? There are Democrats. The tenured professor. They’re all Democrats. They all vote Democrat. Because this is what the Democrat Party has become. Turns out one of the ball bearings overheated, if I understand it correctly. On the train and the. And the engineer tried to slow the train down right before the accident. And the National Transportation Safety Board chair. Has said this was absolutely preventable. Absolutely preventable. Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn’t. But it wasn’t the tracks. Was the train. Was a ball bearing. That overheated. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

The government can never function well because the the pressures and the rewards are just not natural. They’re not normal the way they are in the private sector. Who’s going to be held responsible and the government at the EPA for not acting quick. Nobody. How about the railroad Administration here? That’s been around for a long time? Nobody. Any inspectors? Nobody. Now, the companies are going to be probably sued in a bankruptcy. So there are civil suits, but the federal government’s protected. It’s immune from these suits. So protects itself. The people responsible, they just become part of a mass. And so there’s no accountability and you know what’s going to happen as a result. There’ll be more money spent by the federal government to create more offices, hire more people. So this doesn’t happen again. But it doesn’t work that way. That’s number one. Number two, the people who run these agencies have no experience at all under Democrats. Pete Buttigieg doesn’t even know how to change the oil on his car. So when you load up in administration at the highest levels, the first, second, third, fourth levels with ideologues. Whose goal is to use the the tools of government, the instrumentalities of government to advance their ideology. And not to do their damn jobs. This is what you get. They’re not experience competent people. Just like their boss, Joe Biden. They run on platitudes, they make impossible promises. If something goes wrong, it’s the private sectors fought. Government is not big enough, It’s not fat enough. There’s not enough money. I mean, look at these covert funds. They’re going to go to reparations. You know, it’s amazing. Hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars go to left wing causes. Planned Parenthood. Reparations. Radical left wing groups, whatever it is. They never go to conservatives, ever. I’m not saying they should. But I’m saying this is a one way trek that’s a one way street. Well, we have to subsidize the people who hate us and seek to destroy it. There’s COVID funds left over. Why is that going toward the debt? Or why isn’t it going back to the people who actually pay taxes in this country? Or if you want to help save the Social Security system or the Medicare system, why is it going through the left wing agenda in this country? Reparations is not a joke. Yes, it is. But it’s the next big thing. It’s the next big way to separate you from your money. It’s the next big way to redistribute wealth. It’s the next big way to subsidize Democrat Party voters. I’m just telling you the truth. It’s the way it is. It’s the truth. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

IP bridge in any log with no experience even filling potholes. Here he is. He’s in East Palestine, Ohio. Cut to go. In retrospect, should you have come a little sooner? So again, in terms of the timing of the visit, I’m trying to strike the right balance, allowing NTSB to play its role, but making sure we’re here in that show of support. What the hell does that mean? Does anybody know what that means? If he shows up, the NTSB won’t do its job. Does anybody believe that for 2 seconds. Let me educate this moron. When I worked in the Reagan administration. The good old days. Yes, the good old days. You may recall, a plane went down in the Potomac River on one terrible snowy day. The wings at the plane at Reagan National Airport. National Airport at the time. They froze over even though they had been sprayed with the chemical over and over again the last time around. They needed another spring and they didn’t get it. The plane couldn’t take off. A belly flopped at full speed into the Potomac and it sank. And people are still entombed in that plane. Some got out. And you remember the famous case. Of the gentlemen who jumped into the water to save a woman. Who couldn’t hold on any longer to a. Life vest or something that was thrown to her. A good friend of mine was a man by the name of Drew Lewis. He was a great patriot. Been a business man for many years. Competent. He ran the Department of Transportation. He was secretary. And he didn’t wait days and weeks and everything. He walked onto the bridge. I think it was the bridge over 395, if I recall, towards 395. As it was sleeting and snowing. Everybody was doing their job. The National Transportation Safety Board had its people there. Coast Guard had its people there. He wasn’t weighing the balance between showing up and the NTSB doing its job. It is a ridiculous comment. The reason Bush wasn’t there is because he’s lazy. He doesn’t want to be secretary of transportation. He has bigger ideas in mind. And because he’s an incompetent, he’s never run anything other than a small town. He was chosen for ideological and demographic reasons. That is the only reason he was chosen to run the Department of Transportation. He doesn’t even have a resumé. They were qualified for any low level position at the Department of Transportation. Period. And these are the kinds of people Biden has surrounded himself with. Given the fact that Joe Biden has never done anything in his life. Let’s continue. Cut. Three ago. You mentioned the national political figure who decided to get involved. It sounds like you’re talking about Trump. And then you said, I need your help. How can he help? Well, one thing he could do is express support for reversing the deregulation that happened on his watch. Now, where you say he has nothing, nothing to do with any deregulation. It was a ball bearing. So why do they immediately look for. Other people in administrations to attack because they’re incompetent and they’re lazy. So what regulation exactly did Donald Trump eliminate that would have affected? The heating of a ball bearing. In the wheel of a train. None. But the media are not going to help us unravel this to get to the truth. In fact, the media were slow to pay attention to what was taking place. And this is the same Pete Buttigieg, which I want to remind you, as I did the other day. Who promotes this idea of environmental justice. But apparently all bridges and roads and tunnels. All transportation hubs were purposely put in minority neighborhoods. Even though many of these neighborhoods weren’t minority at the time that they were put there, doesn’t matter to him. He’s got his narrative and he’s going to stick to it. There’s no civil rights movement. Calling out what took place in East Palestine. No civil rights movement concerned about those people. Because most of them. Are fairly not poor, but, you know, lower middle class. Some are poor. And of course, they’re part of the white dominant culture. Does it look like these people dominate anything? There are hard working Americans. But that’s why the media have not been there. We’re not there. That’s why Biden wasn’t there. Politically, There’s nothing in it for him. I’m being. Honest. Absolutely. 100% unvarnished honesty. And of course, there’s no civil rights issue because these are mostly white people who vote Republican. So screw them. So it’s Trump’s job to say Trump made a mistake when he was president. That’s Bush. His answer? So this guy has a. A bizarre way of putting things he’s learned well at the hand of Democrats. He’s a serial liar. Takes responsibility for nothing. He wasn’t balancing anything. You get off your ass, you get on a plane and you check out what’s going on. She blames Trump and deregulation before he even knows what took place. It’s incredible. Cut for. Please, people to charge. Go. The country should be wrapping their arms around the people of East Palestine, not as a political football, not as an ideological flat flash point. What are you rambling musing about, moron? What is your problem? Stop telling us what we should be doing. We’re telling you what you should be doing. In in other countries that have parliamentary systems, you would have been fired already. You would have resigned in disgrace and never, never be seen in public again. And this isn’t your first problem, pal. The airline industry is a mess. Look, the supply chain is a mess. Everything’s a mess because you, you jerk. And you don’t know how to fix anything. And you report to a jerk to. You know why all those freighters were sitting off the west coast of America? I’ll tell you why. Because the populist nationalist Republicans aren’t going to tell you why. No, no, no, no. I’m a constitutional conservative. I’ll tell you why. Because the labor rules in California. On the two biggest ports that we have on the West Coast. And the union there is incredibly powerful. Make it virtually impossible to work 24 seven to fix the problem. Make it impossible for independent truckers to barely even get into the damn state. And they get stuff out of the ports. On top of that, you have the most asinine and so-called environmental rules, state and federal. That’s why we have a problem. That’s why Biden won’t fix it. That’s why. But it won’t fix it either. It’s their base. It’s their people. And if you. Have to go without tampons. Some of you. And if you have to go out without baby food for your children to bad. If automobile companies have to go without computer chips and so today and ban. That’s just the way it is. That’s the way it rolls, baby. But they’re never going to mention that. Never going to mention that. Give me another example of this. We talked about COVID funds and how they’ve been used politically. I just told you about the supply chain problems. This is why Peter Rice shared in The Federalist. Biden shoveled $36 billion in taxpayer funds to bail out the Teamsters for mismanaged pensions. Did you know that? Did somebody vote on this? Were. The people asked their opinion so they could at least lobby their representatives? No, it was done under the cover of Dark. Because as I said before, Biden fancies himself sort of a muzzled any type. The largest private pension bailout in American history gave each beneficiary the Central State’s pension fund nearly $100,000. Everybody’s getting money. But you have you noticed that students there’s another voter base. Hey, you took out a loan. Yeah, well, a schmuck. And a straight should pay for it. No, I shouldn’t. Yes, he should. We have an executive order. Uh. You have to pass a law. No, I know. I’ll do what I want. But I’m up middle out. What are you talking about now? Bottom up. Middle out. Then he goes on, talks about autocracies. He’s an autocrat. Can Americans be bribed with their own money? The powers that be are certainly putting that question to test. In recent years, we’ve seen inflation inducing cash giveaways associated with COVID relief. We’ve seen the ongoing attempts of profoundly inequitable student loan forgiveness. And in December, we saw a $1.7 trillion pork pie omnibus appropriations bill passed by every Democrat in Congress. And. The Mitch McConnell Rhino Brigade. Lost in all of this has been one spectacular giveaway. $100,000 per beneficiary of the Central State’s pension fund or the CSP. If, as they say in Washington, the fund provides pension benefits. To nearly 360,000 private sector workers and retirees, mostly Teamster union members. I have nothing against the Teamster unions, but it’s not up to me to bail out their pension fund. More on this when I return.

Hour 1 Segment 4

That Teamsters pension fund, by the way, $36 billion is a drop in the bucket. A drop in the bucket. It is unsustainable in the mid term. Unsustainable. And this particular pension fund has been projected to reach insolvency by 2025. By my calculation, that’s two years away. Now the 36 billion may help. Push it off briefly. But when you have too much going on and not enough coming in, that’s a problem. And. They’re going to continue to rely on. The likes of Joe Biden and his party to take care of them. The problem is. Lots of people have pension funds with their unions. But this is the one union that’s been singled out. And this benefits one group of roughly 360,000 people, 3% of the 11 million participants in multi-employer plans. 3%. And that’s 36 billion. So I want you to imagine what’s going on here. We’re talking about. Pension obligations in the trillions of dollars. Joe Biden will be long gone. Many of us will be long gone by the time this hits the fan. Now, can you imagine your children and grandchildren dealing with these pension plans? When they sink. When Social Security, Medicare sink. When the country’s bankrupt, what they’re going to have to deal with. They’re going to be dealing with a violent police state because that’s what follows. The niceties of the Constitution are not going to be applied. Look what happened during the pandemic. First of all, they raid the Treasury for reparations and so forth. They take over the private sector. They arrest people who don’t wear masks inside. I mean, you saw the face of tyranny right there. And then And for what? The reports now coming out saying none of this mattered. None of it. What mattered? Natural immunity. I didn’t do the reports. All these experts from these universities are now looking back, looking at the analysis. That’s not to say certain vulnerable people shouldn’t get vaccines. I’m all for that. But they weren’t the end all and the be all. And I’m not an anti-vaxxer, by the way. If they work great. They don’t. They don’t. But we all know natural immunity does work. I’ll be right back.