February 20th, 2023

February 20th, 2023

KYIV, UKRAINE - FEBRUARY 20: (----EDITORIAL USE ONLY â MANDATORY CREDIT - 'UKRAINIAN PRESIDENCY / HANDOUT' - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS----) U.S. President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy meet in Kyiv, Ukraine on February 20, 2023. (Photo by Presidency of Ukraine/Handout/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, it’s amazing that people complain about how much money the U.S is spending in Ukraine, but it’s nothing close to the amount of money government wastes on redistribution of wealth and pursing Marxist’s agendas. Some say, why is Ukraine our business? Was it our business when Germany invaded Poland in 1939? Ukrainians want their liberty. We should be proud that we are helping to arm Ukraine with weapons. They are what stands between Russia invading Eastern Europe.  Later, unless you’re a minority Marxist, the Democrats don’t see you as an actual minority. How can you unite a country when MSNBC has guests on like Wajahat Ali, who claims that Nikki Haley uses ‘brown skin to launder’ white supremacy? The left uses race to drive ideology, to drive Marxism. Also, the federal government was shut down for Presidents Day today but checks still went out. The world didn’t come to an end and your life was unaffected. Finally, what exactly does the EPA do? How many failures do they have?  They say we can’t cut the EPA because it will affect water and the air. No, it won’t. They exist to control your life. EPA is the biggest scam of the whole bureaucracy.

NY Post
Wajahat Ali claims Nikki Haley uses ‘brown skin to launder’ white supremacy

Post Millennial
Fetterman to remain institutionalized for LENGTHY stay

Biden’s Labor Market: 1.9M Fewer Americans Working, 2M Foreign Workers Funneled into U.S. Jobs

Photo by Presidency of Ukraine/Handout

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

I’m fascinated. I really am. My hearing 25, 30, 32 year olds. We know very little about even recent European military history. Very little about World War Two. Very little about 150 years ago. And European history, all of which involves Russia and Ukraine and Poland and Romania, the Balkan states. And on and on and on. Telling us what our foreign policy should be. And they all say the same thing. Like the like the Marxist left. They repeat the same thing. How long is this going to go on? I hate to tell these millennials. We don’t know. It’s not a video game. How much money are we going to spend? Whatever money we spend, we need to make sure it goes where it’s supposed to go so it’s not abused and frivolously used. But these wars do involve military equipment. And why is it any of our business? I don’t know. Was it any of our business when Italy invaded North Africa? When Japan invaded China, when the Third Reich invaded the Sudeten land and Austrian part of the Czechoslovak Baqir Republic and so forth. Well, back then we decided it wasn’t any of our business. That it wasn’t any of our business. Well, we write. So these military machines build up all three the axis powers. They built these alliances. Hitler was a big fan of muzzle leaning. Tojo was a big fan of himself. And the rest is history. But do we know the history? I think that’s an important question. One man who says he knows history and has spent a lot of time studying it is Vladimir Putin. And I’ve mentioned this before. Even though it’s a heavy read. He put out an opinion piece. In the Russian media picked up by the European media. On July 12, 2021, a year and a half ago, and he laid out what he thought would be his persuasive. Case for Greater Russia is a big fan. He admires Peter the Great. He admires the early czars, talks about greater Russia. But in this piece, if you take your time and unravel it. He’s talking about. Russia. That Ukraine and Russia are the same thing. That there are lands. In Romania. Territory that a Russian. There are lands her territory in Poland. That are Russian. He mentions Lithuania, a Balkan state. That our Russian. And he says there have been endless efforts by the West to detach Russia from its historic territories. And he said during the high period of the Soviet Union. He said there were republics within the Soviet Union. But the Soviet Union was a single country. So while there were these borders, they were never considered separate state or a separate country borders. Just various republics within the Soviet Union, like states. The problem is most of those republics consider themselves captive nations and that Putin’s history is bogus. Cute was not going to stop at Ukraine. He tells us this. Poland is probably the most aggressive country, Poland and Romania and the Balkan states. They are the most aggressive countries trying to provide whatever military support they have, whatever military they have to the Ukrainians because they believe their next. And they do not believe that Nito in the United States will protect them or defend them. We know this from the prime minister of Poland himself. Other countries like Sweden want to join NATO’s. Why? Because Putin says. Even parts of Sweden really belong to Ukraine and Ukraine belongs to Russia, to greater Russia. Finland. Which was a neutral country during World War Two, is scared to death. Why are these countries so worried? Because they know their history and they know their experience with the Russians. And Putin keeps bringing it up. So people who say this is very important to understand. This isn’t about globalism or neoconservatism or whatever that is, or warmonger. So people are saying, here’s Ukraine, which had 44 million people and has 25% less now. That is fighting. The people are fighting. They’re not surrendering. It’s not Afghanistan. They are fighting. They are not surrendering. They’re saying we just need the arms to fight them because their arms, their most sophisticated weapons were drained out of the country by the Russians in 1994 and beyond. And so they. They barely had their own army. Barely had their own air force. They don’t have any nuclear weapons, so they can’t make threats the way Russia does. And so these are people who are fighting and dying because they want to be free of Russia. And Putin has written. It’s all out there in the public record. But this isn’t really a war against the Ukrainian people. It’s a war against, you know, Zelensky and the Nazis and all the rest of it. But the public record also shows that he wants to destroy the Ukrainian people, much the way Stalin starved out the Ukrainian people and killed 3 to 6 million of them in one year. The Ukrainians aren’t stupid. They know what’s on their border. They know what they’re dealing with. This war has been going on for what will be one year. On February 24th, I believe Russia invaded Ukraine, not the other way around. Ukraine is not attacking Russian cities. Ukraine is not capturing Russian civilians and moving him into concentration camps and slave labor. Ukraine has not destroyed. Russian, Russia’s ability to create energy and on and on and on. Ukraine is the victim. And yet the Ukrainians are fighting back in ways that nobody expected they would or could with or without weapons. These are people with a long history. The Poles are doing everything they can to back the Ukrainians because they know the Ukrainians are effectively fighting for them. The Romanians know the same thing. The Baltic states know the same thing. As do most of the other countries in Eastern Europe, particularly the ones that ring Ukraine. Moldavia, scared to death. Tiny little country with a police force could be gobbled up in an afternoon. When people say, how do you know Putin will do this? They’re the same people who say, Putin keeps threatening us with nukes, but how do they know he’ll do that? Well, what if he does? He won’t. But he will, if he can cut through Ukraine, continue, in my opinion, because Joe Biden demonstrated to him in his surrender in Ukraine. That he will not confront Putin at the naval line. He will not do it. I find most of the people who play stupid when it comes to Russia and Ukraine, or who cherry pick the information to make Ukraine look bad and Russia look like the victim that most of these people don’t believe in Naito either. That, though most of these people don’t believe that we should be helping South Korea either. That most of these people don’t believe that we should be helping the state of Israel either. Which is understandable. It is a consistent illogic, if you will, a consistent illogic. Now you say China’s now going to be helping Russia. China has always been helping Russia. The Biden administration has been covering it up. But China’s also working with Iran. China is also in our hemisphere. China’s also has a navy that’s bigger than ours. China is also trying to take over the South China Sea, where 5 to $6 trillion in economic activity take place. China is threatening Japan. China is threatening the Philippines, China is threatening. Even Vietnam is coming to us. And of course, they’re threatening Taiwan. China will help Russia. China thinks it’s in its own strategic best interests, period. And I think it does think so. Much the way Japan and Italy and Germany made an alliance. We’re not responsible for it. We didn’t cause it. We didn’t provoke it. The people of Ukraine. Deserve our thanks rather than the other way around. It’s amazing to me how much people say we’re spending in Ukraine, which is a lot. By the way. But it’s nothing close. To the amount of money we spend in this country and waste and redistribution of wealth, pursuing Marxist agendas, left wing groups, destroying our own economy, destroying our own energy independence, and on and on and on. And it amazes me when they say we should be spending this money in our own country now we should be slashing. The money we spend in our own country slashing it because the vast majority of you don’t see a dime of it. It’s not for you. And the idea that if we get out of Ukraine, we’re suddenly going to build a southern border. It’s just stupid. It’s a lot. It’s insane. Nothing stops us from doing it today. It is the Ukrainians who are preventing World War three right now. The Ukrainians who are standing up to the Russians and preventing their t tanks, their tiger tanks from rolling through Ukraine into Poland, rolling through Ukraine, into Romania, rolling through Ukraine, into the Balkan states. It is the Ukrainians who are preventing it. What evidence do I have? I have my number one witness, Vladimir Putin. That’s the evidence I have. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Maybe it’s important to remind ourselves. That only about a third of the country wanted to fight the Revolutionary War. And yet there we had the Declaration of Independence where delegates from every state signed on. You could understand the South. Many states in the south, especially South Carolina and Georgia, there is over. What is what is what is Boston? What does that have to do with us? We’re making a fortune off the British. We’re selling all this cotton to them. Why the hell should we get involved in a revolution? Against the strongest nation on the face of the earth. Does anybody know how long the Revolutionary War was? So for eight years. Washington lost and his generals virtually every battle, Virtually every battle. The regular army was falling apart, the militia. Many were going home. What happened? More when I return.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Let’s talk about our Revolutionary War for a moment. We lost the vast majority of battles, and yet George Washington’s considered a tremendous general like great general. He who rewrote the. The Book of Tactics. It was a regular army, of course, but they had a wreath laying heavily on volunteers militia. But the end of their contracts or their volunteer period. They were free to go home and often they. They were threatened to an often they did. Look what happened at Valley Forge. The suffering, the disease, the death. Now they listen to people on TV. How much more do we have to do for these Ukrainians? The fact is we would not have won the Revolutionary War. But for the help of the French. And after the Revolutionary War. The French monarchy had no money left. It’s not something I recommend, but they were broke. In supporting us and why were they supporting us? Because the two greatest powers on the face of the earth were the British and the French. And they were obviously at each other’s throats. At the Battle of Yorktown or the Siege of Yorktown, if you prefer. The Battle of Yorktown. That was the battle that ended the effectively the Revolutionary War. The British general was a brilliant man. General Cornwallis. It’s a brilliant man. No. What happened? Well, to make a long story short, this stuff always interests me. I don’t know how much it interests everybody else. The Battle of Yorktown. There were literally more French soldiers and they and sailors than there were American soldiers. Did you know that? There were about I’m doing this by recollection. There are about 9000, 10,000 American soldiers and almost 30,000 French when you include their naval power. The French. Came in through the rivers. Coordinating with Washington and his forces. And bombarded. The British forces. From their ships, as well as our men fighting. And just as an aside, any slave who would fight. In the Revolutionary War was given his freedom. He and his family people might find that interesting. And there were several black heroes on the Revolutionary War. In any event. The siege of Yorktown. The Battle of Yorktown. It went from September 28 to October 19, a land and sea campaign the British forces were in trapped. Cornwallis tried an escape. It didn’t work. They were encircled. And they sued for truce, peace, and that’s what they got. And in the end, it ended the Revolutionary War. By the way, half of the. American soldiers and militia during the Revolutionary War died on the prison boats that the British put them in in these horrendous conditions. But they got dysentery. They were fed rancid meat if they were fed anything. They were given no medical treatment. Dysentery. Other diseases spread throughout the bowels of these big, big, big ships. About 20,000, give or take, died in Asia and which really had a very small population. I spoke earlier to South Carolina and Georgia. About half the people of South Carolina, about half the people of Georgia sympathized and sided with the British. And fought American. Fighting American. They raise their own militia. And fought against their fellow countrymen. Because they figured this wasn’t our battle. It’s not our battle. Imagine if the French. It literally sent troops and sailors into this war way off, thousands and thousands of miles away in this. North American continent. This country of colonists who didn’t have a whole lot in common with them. Imagine. If they cut off our support. Resources. Their ships. Everything. There wouldn’t be a United States of America. And the men who most of us now revere. The Founding Fathers. All would have been hanged, tortured and then hanged. You saw the movie The Patriot. I assume the British were brutal. The British were had an empire. They were all over the world like the Romans. Thousands of years earlier. And they knew how to fight. In every corner of the world. In every corner of the world. But given support. Given ammunition. We want. He used to have a letter. I gave it to Hillsdale College. It was one of the earliest battles of the Revolutionary War. It’s called the Battle of Bunker Hill. But actually, Courtenay on a hill within Bunker Hill called Breed’s Hill. In the letter was signed by three men. On the Massachusetts side against the British begging the New York legislature for gunpowder nine days before the battle of Bunker Hill. They were short on gunpowder. It’s not clear. History’s not clear if they ever got their gunpowder. It’s unlikely because New York needed gunpowder, too. They were they were being subjected to harassment, were likely to get into this war. It was a war that began before 1776, before the Declaration of Independence was made by the colonists and signed. Started earlier, really, the Revolutionary War. And one of the great patriots I told you about before is Dr. Joseph Warren. The most important doctor in the whole city of Boston, maybe the state of Massachusetts, fairly well-to-do man. In his mid-thirties. And. A a revolutionary. And he worked closely with John Hancock. Paul Revere. Sam Adams. John Adams. And had he lived, he would have been more famous, I think, than George Washington. The letter I just mentioned to you was signed by, among others, Joseph Warren. And when this battle took place. The Redcoats are the British charged up the hill? These were very brave men to. And took heavy casualties. They charged up the whole again. Took more casualties. Then they charged up the hill the third time. The American colonists ran out of gunpowder. So they pulled back. Except for a handful. And one man who wouldn’t pull back was Dr. Joseph Warren. He pulled out his sword. But before he could use it. Not too far standing from him. The British commander pulled out his pistol aimed at between Warren’s eyes and shot him between the eyes. Kill on. They cut up his body. They urinated on it. They set it on fire. And they left. Him. Because they knew. That they killed somebody who was crucially important to the American uprising. It took Paul Revere to identify him. Paul Revere, as you know, was a Smith. And he had given Dr. Warren a tooth. Fake tooth and metal tooth. And that’s how he identified probably the first case of such that the body or the remains of the body. That was Joseph Warren. Very, very, very brave men. So terribly outnumbered. And so many others brutally killed. Fighting for liberty. For their freedom, for their country, for their family. That’s what the Ukrainians are doing. They didn’t invade Russia. Russia invaded them. Their population is being slaughtered. The Russian population is not being slaughtered. Any slaughter that’s going on is being done by Putin. Their women are being raped. Their children are being taken to concentration camps in the interior Russia. Poor re-education to be raised as Russians. The meanwhile. They’re using these people for slave labor in Russia. None of that’s going on in Ukraine, despite the best efforts of the Putin wing of the media. And the Republican Party and the pseudo conservative movement. To spread their propaganda. Ukrainians want their liberty. They suffered genocide in 1932. They know what it is at the hands of the Russians. Installing. And they will fight to the death. Because they know what they’re up against. And the fact that we’re providing them with arms and money. Should make you proud. Because it is they that stand between the Russians and the Poles. The Russians. The Romanians. The Russians. In other countries in Eastern Europe. And people who say there’s no evidence of this are not listening to Vladimir Putin.

Hour 1 Segment 4

How much time do I have, Rick? I want to tell you about another war. It’s called the Yom Kippur War, and it lasted from October six to October 25, 1973. Little state of Israel was attacked by the Arab countries surrounding and led by Egypt and Syria. Egypt and Syria had very significant militaries thanks to the old Soviet Union. And in many respects they had more planes and more tanks and certainly more people. And it was a surprise attack in the Israelis for a period of time, were on their heels. These countries had gobbled up big chunks of Israeli territory. Then the Israelis started to push back and ultimately they repelled the attack and regain the land that they lost. But only after. They received a massive infusion. Of military weaponry from the United States. These are people who wanted to fight, who wanted to be free, who wanted to live. And they needed the means by which to do it. Richard Nixon was president. He ordered his secretary of state and national security adviser. Henry Kissinger wore two hats. To open up the spigots and get as much weapons to the Israelis as possible. So the Israelis not only pushed back. They started to take additional territory and they went on the offensive. They went on the offensive. They almost took Cairo. And then Brezhnev called Nixon. And so we’re sending our troops in. And Nixon said, No, you’re not. Nixon put our military in the highest nuclear alert. The highest nuclear alert. The Israelis pulled back. The Soviets never sent their military in. The Arab countries lost. The Israelis could win. They wanted to live. They wanted to be free. They needed our help. As the Arabs got helps from the from the Soviets. The Russians. How will this war end? How long will it go on? What shall we do? I’m very concerned about what I hear the Republican Party among conservatives. We’re not John McCain, but we got to use prudence.