February 17th, 2023

February 17th, 2023

PENSACOLA, FL - NOVEMBER 03: U.S. President Donald Trump welcomes Florida gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis to the stage at a campaign rally at the Pensacola International Airport on November 3, 2018 in Pensacola, Florida. President Trump is campaigning in support of Republican candidates in the upcoming midterm elections. (Photo by Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Republicans don’t try to choose who the Democrat nominee for president is, but the Biden Administration, the Democrat media, and even George Soros are trying to push Donald Trump and Governor Ron DeSantis out of the race.  DeSantis is engaged in the battle for the American culture and is one of the few politicians who understands what the Democrats are doing. If we lose the fight over CRT and brainwashing our children, we will lose the fight for liberty. Later, some of the greatest acts of terror against black people in America were supported by Joe Biden’s closest allies in the Senate, and yet today Biden talks like he is Martin Luther King and acts like he’s the next Great Emancipator. Also, John Kerry is a clown spending our tax dollars on the climate crisis, but is staying at 5 star resorts and taking private jets everywhere. This is the kind of behavior that causes revolution. Kerry is a blowhard going on and on about climate change while he is living the life like no other, except maybe Biden. Finally, Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra in a video with a January 6 inmate admits that DC is too biased for these trials, and even laughs at the idea that it was an insurrection.

Biden Claims White People Still Want to Lynch Black People

Hot Air
For God’s sake, Soros did not “endorse” Ron DeSantis

Mitchell Spreads Fake News, Asks Harris Why DeSantis Doesn’t Want To Teach Slavery

MSNBC’s Reid: DeSantis Pushing ‘Literal Government Thought Control’

The Sun
Putin defence official dies falling from window ‘leaving documents on balcony’ in latest mysterious death in Russia

Washington Free Beacon
John Kerry’s Taxpayer-Funded Fight Against the ‘Climate Crisis’ Takes Him to Five-Star Island Resort

Gateway Pundit
Nancy Pelosi’s Filmmaker Daughter Alexandra Pelosi Caught on Tape REFUTING J6 NARRATIVE – Admitting Jan. 6 Protests Not an Insurrection, DC Courts Too Biased

Leftist Kareem Abdul Jabbar Defends CNN’s Don Lemon After Sexist Comment

LA Times
The gas bill is $907.13? Sticker shock for Californians as prices soar

Photo by Mark Wallheiser

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

The ruling class in America is greedy, is narcissistic, and utterly and completely incompetent. That’s what the people in Ohio and on the border, Pennsylvania, are learning probably already knew. Whether it’s balloons in the sky, whether it’s the border, whether it’s a train derailment. But they can’t snap their fingers and fix the toxic fumes and all the rest of it. But is it too much to ask them to be on the job, to be responsive, to move heaven and earth and to get there and do something? Too little, too late. That’s the phraseology I would use when it comes to the federal government. And so the federal government gets bigger and bigger, more and more bloated, seizes more and more resources from the private sector. And is increasingly incompetent because it takes on responsibilities that don’t belong in the federal government. And that’s the problem. And it’s demonstrated day in and day out, day in and day out. It’s the truth. I mean, it has responsibilities. It’s it’s taken over 25% of the of the landmass of the United States. How’s that going? Very poorly. It has the responsibility to secure the southern border as the northern border as well. How is that going? It is the constitutional duty. The constitutional duty. To ensure that our currency is sound. How’s that going? And of course, it has an obligation to protect us in so many ways, which is going very poorly as well. So there you have it. So when we have these tragedies or these accidents or terrorist attacks and so forth and so on. We have brave men and women who do everything they can to help. But we have a ruling class. That is ideological. That is narcissistic. And that sees every opportunity to to seize power. I want you to listen to something that Joe Biden said yesterday after the telemovie, the Emmett Till movie. Of course, the history there is horrific. What happened to that kid? Absolutely horrific. But I want you to listen to what Joe Biden says. You have to listen all the way through to the last comment. Cut one, Go. He’s one of the great honors of my career. The until and unless you enact making lynching a federal hate crime. You know, folks, lynching is pure terror, actually. Federal hate crime, anti-lynching. Actually, the first bill was passed under Harry Truman. It was blocked with the four terms of Franklin Roosevelt blocked. And I want you to know that even Eleanor Roosevelt kept pushing it. And Franklin said no. What harm his election efforts, even in his his last race for president. His fourth term, sick as he was, another push was made and he said no. So let’s be abundantly clear. That will be left out of everything Biden has to say. Go ahead, homes in America and not everyone is created equal. Pure terror to systematically undermine hard fought civil rights. Innocent men, women, children hung by a noose from trees. Bodies burned. Drowned. Castrated. Their crimes. Trying to vote. Trying to go to school. Trying to own a business. Trying to preach the gospel. Foster. False accusations of murder. Arson. Robbery. Lynched for simply being black. Nothing more. With white crowds, white families gathered to celebrate the spectacle. Taking pictures of the bodies. Mainly most postcards. Hard to believe, but that’s what was done. Some people still want to do that. Some people still want to do that. Some people still want to do that. These things he talks about. We’re done by Democrats under the auspices. The Democrats. Sheriffs, Democrat. Police chiefs. Democrat. Mayors. Democrats. City Councils. Democrat Governors. Some of the greatest. Acts of terror done to black people were supported. By some of Joe Biden’s closest friends in the Senate. John Stennis. James easily. Robert Byrd. Al Gore, senior William Fulbright. Bill Clinton’s mentor. He doesn’t mention any of that. Joe Biden. Talks today like he’s Martin Luther King. Joe Biden. Said that Robert Byrd was his mentor. Joe Biden. Was taken under the wing of James Eastland when he entered the Senate, considered him a dear friend. There are letters between them, almost like love letters. Joe Biden opposed school integration. Tell me. Which Republican state. Which Republicans stood in the schoolhouse door to block little black kids from going to school with little white kids. Which Republicans sent German shepherds. And used water hoses against black protesters. Which Republicans led efforts to lynch black people, which Republicans supported. Jim Crow. There weren’t any. Why did Joe Biden, who was old enough to know better throw in with the racists and segregationists when he was elected from Delaware to the United States Senate? Why did he do that? He’s never had to explain himself. He’s never been confronted. Why is that? Many claims that he was responsible for the anti-lynching. Federal hate crime. He’s delusional. And a serial liar. The vast majority of quote unquote, systemic racism experienced in this country. Found a home in the Democrat Party. And that last sentence. And that statement that Joe Biden just put out and some people still want to do that. Still want to do what? Lynch people for simply being black. White crowds, white families gathered. There are a number of white people in the south and in the north who went to the south. To fight anti-black racism and some of them died, gave their lives. Some of them died and gave their lives. You need to ask yourselves, why does Joe Biden talk like this? Why does Joe Biden. Not only twist. Events to make sure he and his Democrat friends are not affected. For political reasons. But why doesn’t he talk about America in a positive light? I think of the Civil War battles that took place. I think of the Civil War battles that took place one after another after another, the carnage from those battles. Has never been experienced again by the American people, ever. Even in World War Two. Even in Vietnam. Even in Korea. You had one battle after another, 35,000 casualties, 38,000 casualties, 23,000 casualties. In a nation of 24 to 25 million people. And the vast majority of those casualties. And talking of the people fighting on the union side. Or white men? Not exclusively. But the vast majority. Lincoln. Insisted on a complete defeat. The Confederacy and an end to slavery cost him his life. Ulysses S Grant. Sent the army into the south to wipe out the clan. And for a period of time, the Klan. Was put to a stop. The clan that became an appendage of the Democrat Party. And then in his second race for president, he won. But they lost the House so he couldn’t send the army down again. Plessy versus Ferguson. It was the private sector that wanted to do away with segregation on that train in Louisiana. The massive march of the Klan. Tens of thousands. Where Madison Square Garden is the 1924 Democrat convention. Where they refused our law. Lynching. The filibuster is on the floor of the Senate. Led by Democrats. To prevent the passage of their 1964 Civil Rights Act. The 1965 Civil Rights Act, more commonly known as the Voting Rights Act. And men that were involved in that filibuster. We’re mentors to Joe Biden. The Democrat Party. Which put Robert Byrd. Robert Byrd was a son of West Virginia. West Virginia is a state because it was part of Virginia. It broke off from Virginia because largely it supported the union, the North. And yet here we have Robert Byrd, who as a young man and a child. A young man. Was motivated to create a movement with the clan and became the grand clique of. And Robert Byrd, who is signing up as many members as he possibly could. The first nominee Franklin Roosevelt, put on the U.S. Supreme Court. Was a man by the name of black. He was white. From Alabama. He was a lawyer for the Klan in Alabama. Never quite got over it, as his son put it. That he had a hate on for the Catholics in particular, his son said. And there’s Joe Biden. Mr. Unity. White people. We’re watching. White people took photographs. Racists and bigots took photographs. Racists and bigots. Of which he was one for a good period of time in his career. What was done to this young man is disgusting. Absolutely horrific. But what Joe Biden is doing to this country is an abomination. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

President Trump is under a vicious multiple front attack by Democrats dressed up as prosecutors in New York and Georgia and, of course, Washington, D.C. Nobody speaks to this more often, I think, and more substantively than I do. And I do it because it’s the right thing to fight. But I think it’s also apparent right now that Ron DeSantis is coming under a relentless attack by the media and also by some Republicans and Democrats. Because I think they figure if Trump can get indicted and if they can knock DeSantis off as a top potential Republican nominee, then the field is open to moderates. So I want to address this when we return. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

When I argued that we should freeze federal spending, I meant Social Security as well. I meant Medicare and Medicaid. I meant veterans. But I meant every single solitary thing in the government. And I not only tried it once, I tried it twice, I tried to the third time and I tried it a fourth time. Joe Biden, 1995. And yet his spokesman here today said there’s a red wave. That has been followed. Joe Biden’s State of the Confusion speech. Where all these Republicans changed their mind and now support Biden’s position against cutting Social Security, Medicare. The the demagoguery and propaganda that comes out of this White House is matched by nothing we’ve ever seen before. It is just a series of fundamental lies that can be fact checked and are known to be fundamental lies. And they don’t care. Now, let me ask you a question. Do we even seek to choose the Democrat nominees? For president. I don’t. Do we try to do that much to reduce her? Now we’ll criticize. And that’s. But do we try to choose their nominees by unleashing law enforcement against certain Democrats that might be running or. Or unleashing the press. We don’t even have the press, but unleashing the press against. One, two or three Republicans who they’re most worried about. No, we don’t do that either. And yet the Democrats and their media do exactly that. They don’t want Trump running and they don’t want to say it’s this running this much we know. That’s not to say there aren’t other good candidates out there. I’m just saying they don’t want those two guys. Now I’m going to show you the Casa de Santos. And it’s not just Democrats and the media. It’s also some hack Republicans. And phonies dressed up as journalists. This is what George Soros said. That that he thinks could happen. Cut 20. Go! My hope for 2024 is that in the governors and some piece of Florida will slug it out for the Republican nomination. Trump has turned into a pitiful figure, continually moaning his loss in 2020. Maker of Brooklyn donors are abandoning him in droves. DeSantis is shrewd, ruthless and ambitious. Is likely to be a Republican candidate, excluding youth whose narcissism is turned into a disease to run as a third party candidate that would lead to a Democratic landslide and forced Republican Party to reform itself. But perhaps I may be just a little bit biased. Why doesn’t he sound like the voice of evil and the voice of death? Those to me. So some people have seized on that, like Kari Lake. To say that Soros just in there and endorsed DeSantis. Did Soros endorse to sentence Mr. Producer? Really? America. So why would Kerry like say that? Why would others say that? What is with this, this lying that takes place here? Can we duke it out based on substance? And the truth. Soros will back any Democrat, and the more left wing, the better. He tried to say it to. Is there any trash Trump there? What he said is. That DeSantis is shrewd, ruthless and ambitious. He’s likely to be the Republican candidate. Trump won’t like it because of his narcissism, he says, which has turned into a disease her run as an independent. The Democrats will win in a landslide, and maybe the Republicans will reform themselves. That’s what he said. That is what he said. So this lie is being pushed. But that’s not all. Andrea mitchell who is a complete, unvarnished hack. Just. Just a total rogue. She has Kamala Harris on her show on NBC News. And listen to this exchange. Cut to go. What does Governor Ron DeSantis not know a black about black history and the black experience when he says that slavery and the aftermath of slavery should not be taught to Florida schoolchildren? He never said that. He said the opposite of that. She is a liar. And it’s okay because nobody. Nobody will reprimand her and nobody will care. Over at MSNBC and NBC and Comcast. He didn’t say slavery in the aftermath of slavery should not be taught to Florida schoolchildren. He said critical race theory should not be taught to Florida children because it is a racist ideology. It’s not a history. As have many Pulitzer Prize winning historians who are not right wingers have said. As anybody who really knows what CRT is, has said. And so look how they twist what he said, just as they twisted. What he was doing with Disney and these other outfits. When it came to sexualizing kindergarteners. And young elementary school students. That is pushing an anti-gay law. It had nothing to do. Nothing. With homosexuality. Heterosexuality or any other kind of sexuality, he said. That young children should not be exposed to sexuality, period, let alone. Transitioning. And all the rest of it. This used to be basic stuff. But just like Biden with his racism. They don’t want to debate the issues. They want to smear and character assassinate. So were that set up by Andrea mitchell, who is a complete fraud and phony? What do the dimwitted Kamala Harris have to say? Go. What he knows and what he doesn’t know. But I know this. Any push to censor America’s teachers and tell them what they should be teaching in the best interests of our children in in partnership with the parents of America is, I think, wrongheaded. Is that what he’s supposed to? Good Lord. So here is a completely fraudulent and phony discussion. Completely fraudulent and phony. Then we have one of America’s. Most infamous racists. Joy Reid on MSNBC. And she is a foil guy by the name of David Jolly. He was a congressman for about 2 minutes. He worked on Capitol Hill for a long time. He set up a lobbying outfit. He’s a lawyer. He’s a sleazeball. He lost his seat to Charlie Crist many years ago, but he’s a sleazeball. In my humble opinion. So here is David Jolly. Enjoy. Read Cat three Go. Kids are being exposed to diversity for the first time in modern America, and that’s a good thing. And for people who say Ron DeSantis, Marjorie Taylor GREENE and others, that somehow society has this outsized influence on their kids, maybe they need to focus on their parenting and not on society. Think about that. They are they believe that their parenting skills are being overshadowed by society. Focus on what starts at home. Let society provide the diversity that enriches culture and enriches your children. Now, this guy is low IQ, in my humble opinion. He has totally unencumbered with reality. This is why Sunday show, by the way, is so damn important. They’re not teaching diversity. They’re teaching perversity. They’re not teaching diversity. They’re teaching racism. And when you give your children up to a public school system. That beach line enter their brains. With coursework. With lectures. What terminology? And behind the back of the parents. Apparently. Mr. Jolly, I don’t know if he has children’s or not. It’s another weird one. Jolly guy. Sounds like a schmuck. His name ought to be David Schmuck. Then there’s something wrong with you parents. You’re not doing a good job. Now listen to that. You know how insane that is. And then Joy Reid says this go. It’s ironic about all of this, David, is that they think the solution to what they see as societal ills is big, big government. No, they don’t think the solution is big government. You see, Joy, we’re already paying for big government. We’re already paying for big government. The school system and so forth. The teachers unions. The educational bureaucrats, the Departments of Education. What we’re trying to do here is protect our children and grandchildren. From perversion. From pornography. From destroying them. So they don’t become children of the state. So in your twisted logic, when people stand up and say the very same government, that’s destroying education. Needs to reverse course. Then they support big government. How stupid. How superficial. Go ahead, Florida. Telling you specifically what books you can read. It’s the government not telling you specifically what books you can read. So who decides what books are in these school libraries? America. The government, the school district. That’s who decides what books you can read. It’s always been that way because you can have an infinite number of books in a finite area that we call the library. So of course, who decides what textbooks you’re going to read in college? Who decides what textbooks you’re going to have in law school? The schools. The public. Government schools belong to the state. Now, Joy Reid has no problem with the fact that state employees. To earn state income and have state pensions and state medical plans. She has no problem with them telling your kids what to read. She is no problem. Well, what they say to your kids. It’s when parents who pay the bill, not the government, say, wait a minute. Wait a minute. What kind of book is that? And how many times have we seen? Where parents take those books at a library and go in front of school boards and start reading from them and they’re cut off. They’re so disgusting and graphic. But Joy Reid doesn’t have a problem with that. It’s okay. It’s okay. She has no comprehension of what federalism means. She has no comprehensive what’s meant by big government. She has no comprehension of what censorship means. Nobody. Least of whom. Ron DeSantis are saying don’t read controversial books. Nobody’s saying that. But people are saying there’s a line over which the government, the school district and teachers must not and may not cross. And for joy. Reid that’s a problematic. Well, maybe she can expose her children to pornography. And sexualization. Maybe that’s no big deal to her. Or drag dancers or whatever they call them. What do they call Mr. Medusa? Drag queens. Maybe that’s okay for her kids. And for David Jolly Kitsch because that’s how he gets his jollies. Go ahead. Specifically, what teachers can teach. It’s literal government thought control, and that’s what they accuse the left of. But they’re the ones saying, No, no, no, it’s not government side control you usually, yet the opposition me, people like me. DeSantis the parents, we reject brainwashing. We want competition of ideas. What we do not want. Is indoctrination. You jerk. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Of what passes as news and even opinion on television are nothing but lies. It’s not even an honest debate. It’s not even an honest debate of what’s taking place. Um. These attacks on DeSantis are going to get worse. I warned you about this. You can tell who they fear the most by the way they attack them. They don’t attack. Chris Sununu. He’s an oddball. They don’t attack Larry Hogan. They don’t attack Chris Christie. Not yet, unless they’re trying to have a good time. As I say, you can tell who they fear by who they attack. I notice none of the putative candidates on the Democrat side are under attack ever. Joe Biden hasn’t announced yet. Democrat Party is the the. It is the it’s protected by the media. The Praetorian Guard. For the Democrat Party. So even though Buttigieg should have resigned a long time ago, given all the disasters. Related to transportation and safety. The latest one in Ohio. Not that he’s a magician, but he’s not even around. He’s lazy. He should have been given the boot. But they still talk about him as a possible candidate. They the way they used to with this guy, O’Rourke, who was a joke. And we could go on and on about it. I’ll be right back.