February 16th, 2023

February 16th, 2023

BEIJING, CHINA - DECEMBER 04: Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) shake hands with U.S Vice President Joe Biden (L) inside the Great Hall of the People on December 4, 2013 in Beijing, China. U.S Vice President Joe Biden will pay an official visit to China from December 4 to 5. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Chinese Communist Party under Xi Jinping is now cracking down on Christianity in China, devouring the Christian faith and forcing Xi’s thoughts into the Church as if he is a God. Christian churches are being converted into propaganda centers, and Christians are brutalized as a matter of systemic policy.  Also, Sen John Fetterman checked into Walter Reed hospital for clinical depression. We all knew he wasn’t well. This shows how heartless the Democrat party and the media is and how low they will go for power. It’s the same with President Biden, who is doing tremendous damage to this country and the entire world while obvious health issues are ignored. Next, Biden through an Executive Order has directed his radicals to promote more reverse discrimination, demanding equitable outcomes through things like housing initiatives, grants, and government aid. This isn’t about equality or fairness for Democrat Marxists, but discrimination. This is a permeating ideology that will affect every piece of our culture and society, and they are moving as fast as they can to make it happen. The goal of the democrat Marxist is to subvert the dominant language and replace it with different language, which is what they are doing to the word equity. Later, Special Counsel Jack Smith is a dangerous rogue prosecutor not only pushing the edge of the envelope, but way beyond it to get around attorney-client privilege and take down President Trump. The problem is if Smith gets his way, there is no attorney-client privilege anymore because if you are pre-emptively trying to get information you can never tell your lawyer anything. Radical Democrats like Smith are stomping on the bill of rights in order to get to Trump and his inner circle.

Daily Caller
Communist China Cracked Down On Christians In 2022, Report Says

Washington Examiner
Fetterman checks himself into Walter Reed for ‘clinical depression’

White House
Executive Order on Further Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through The Federal Government

Fox Business
US national debt to rise by $20 trillion over the next 10 years: CBO

Special counsel is locked in at least 8 secret court battles in Trump investigations

Protecting Their Investment? Nets Run Cover for Leftist ESG Giants Tied to Ohio Train Disaster

Epoch Times
Climate Change ‘Irony’: Restricting American Oil and Gas Output Ultimately Harms Environment, Report Says

Photo by Lintao Zhang

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

You know, Mr. Producer’s not going to like this. We have at least six audio clips of Joe Biden’s comments today. And he says nothing, nothing useful. So I play them in Mad about that, Mr. Producer. You still get paid. That’s true. But I’m looking at this and I’m thinking. He says Here, let’s see. We shot down objects out of the sky because we couldn’t rule out surveillance. We don’t know what the objects were over the US, but nothing suggests China. No evidence of an increase in objects in the sky. We put restrictions on six firms that support China Aerospace program. We’re not looking for a new Cold War. There is one, you idiot, whether you’re looking for it or not. I make no apologies for taking that balloon. You should make apologies. You waited too long. And let’s see. It’s pretty much it. Except for this one. Let’s cut nine already. Go ahead. Kind of compromise by your family’s business. Really, sir? Mr. President. Mr. President, there is to be criticism that you overreacted. Mr. President, there has been criticism that this was an overreaction that was done because of political pressure. Why? My office ask the question when you have more polite people. And more polite people. You mean like you calling half the country names constantly? Is your relationship with China compromised by your family’s business relationships in China? And then you can hear another reporter shouting over that reporter because, you know, I’m sure that with The New York Times or The Washington Post, they don’t want they don’t want an answer to that quote. Give me a break, man. Give me a break. Give me a break, man. Many times, Peter Alexander, one of the phony journalists. You can come by my office and ask that question when we have more polite people. I guess he’s not used to. Jim Acosta, who’s not there yelling in his face like he was with Donald Trump. How rude the media were with him or for Reagan, that matter. Scott has in no way rude is he can give it, but he can’t take it much like the rest of the left. Was it nothing else worthwhile? But I do have some information for you, and this is thanks to our friends at the Daily CALLER. The Communist Chinese are not only cracking down on the Tibetans as they have for decades, and they’re sending Chinese into the Tibetan areas to intermarriage, for intermarriage, to have children to destroy their culture in that race together. They’re not only rounding up wiggers 2 million so far and putting them in concentration camps, raping them, forced abortions, murder, torture, re-education camps. But now it’s the turn of the Christian faith. Christian. They’re turning up the boiling water on them. The Chinese government cracked down on Christians in 2022 in the run up to the 20th party Congress, a report from China aid reveals. You haven’t heard this on a single program this evening. I’ll bet not one news program, none in. What we monitor here is when they do cover these and when they do finally cover them, it’s usually a day or two after this program because they’re almost embarrassed those they can be embarrassed. The Chinese Communist Party now requires. Listen to this. For Chinese churches to actively promote the party’s ideology from the pulpit and censors fines and even imprisons Christians who fail to toe the line, according to the report, not only should they submit to the party’s demands, but they must also actively support socialism. Jonathan Dingler, a spokesman for a China aide who worked on the report, told the Daily CALLER News Foundation. But do you think they reportedly employed a range of new methods to persecute Chinese Christians last year, including fabricating charges of fraud, as well as criminalising the legal international travel of church leaders? The report states China’s crackdown on Christianity reportedly intensified in the run up to the CCP 20th party Congress in October 2020, during which time Xi Jinping secured a third term as the commander of the Communist nation supreme leader. According to China, aide Gigi Peng and the Communist Party did all they could to silence Christians leading up to the 20th National Congress. Christians account for approximately 5% of China’s religious community, according to CIA World Facebook. Excuse me. Factbook Catholics Number About 10 million Protestants account for the majority of China’s Christian community. Approximately 38 million followers as of 2020, reports The Economist. The CCP cracked down leading up to the 20th party Congress. The tone shifted within the state sanctioned churches, which then began treating Xi as if he were the leader of the church, in other words, as if he were Jesus Christ. China eight identified a March 2022 paper entitled adhering to the sign A zation of Religion in China, published by the United Front Work Department as the political motivation behind the crackdown on Christianity. It is a Chinese government entity charged with extending the CCP influence and control over non-party organisations, both domestically and abroad, to advance the Communist Party’s policy objectives. March 2022. The paper reportedly emphasized promoting the since the senescence ation of religion, in other words, incorporating into the Communist Chinese ideology, adhering to the orientation of the core socialist values, submerging all religious beliefs in Chinese culture to better adapt religion, the China socialist society, Marxist society, and what they call the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. So basically they’re devouring the Christian faith. They’re devouring the Christian faith in China and China. State sanctioned churches must now actively promote Xi’s thoughts. Quote, from the pulpit. Unquote. So now G. G is to be treated as a god. And practice means the churches which don’t flat out follow his feet and worship him, are considered inciting subversion of state power. Churches were reportedly even converted into political propaganda centers in order to broadcast speech during the 20th party Congress in October 2022. Likewise, churches in Giessen and other provinces were also reportedly repurposed to hold study sessions on the Communist Chinese Party and their policies, such as, quote, reinforcing management of religion on all fronts. Ten prohibitions and ten must not do’s. The Chinese government also increasingly persecuted Christians online in 2022, censoring words like Jesus, Savior and our men on the Chinese social media platform WeChat. At the same time, the Chinese government also shut down church websites and Christian social media accounts. Congregants can’t even give to their churches online anymore, thanks to new regulations, Dengler said. They want to break down house churches even further, hoping they will finally give in and submit. But they don’t even know the full extent of communist China’s crackdown on these Christian churches. China does not have a truly accurate sense of how many Christians are affected by persecution, whether that be imprisonment or forced disappearance, he said. Throughout the years, it’s been harder and harder to get a clear number because so many churches are afraid to share their their life, their lived persecution experience with us due to the Communist Chinese Party. Seeing the cases, they come in day by day. I can’t say I blame them, he said. The Chinese embassy didn’t respond. So there you have it. The questions are being brutalized and I mean brutalized now in China as a matter of systemic policy. You’ve heard nothing from the White House. Who knows more than we do. I’ve seen nothing in The New York Times for The Washington Post. I haven’t heard this reported at all today. And this is right there in The Daily CALLER. It’s there for everyone to see. That’s why people despise these news platforms, because you don’t get news, you get propaganda. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

To me, the media, the Democrat Party, the millions and millions of dollars that were spent to elect John Fetterman. First of all, they did that man no favor. Is a very sick man. He has not recovered well from his stroke. His stroke was very, very serious. It impacted him physically, impacted him mentally. He just got out of the hospital after not feeling well, and now he’s checked himself into Walter Reed Hospital to receive treatment for clinical depression. And you have to feel for this man. You really do. But I get very angry with the people around and make it very angry with the rumors of the world and the barbed cases of the world. Joe Biden and the DNC and all the rest to get behind this man the want to get him into the United States Senate where he can’t possibly effectively represent the people of Pennsylvania. Where he should be under constant medical care rather than a member of the United States Senate. But it just shows you how heartless. The Democrat Party as it shows you how heartless their media are. Whether it’s the media types or whether it’s big media, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the other newspapers and media in Pennsylvania, it’s just disgusting. They don’t care what happens to this guy. They don’t care that he should have 100% attention. On his health. Who knows if this man can even survive? I don’t know. It’s like Joe Biden Joe Biden is doing tremendous damage to. This country and so many countries throughout the world. Tremendous damage to families in this country. But Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Biden’s not in charge. It’s not possible with a doctor today that comes out and says he’s fully fit, though He’s not fully fit. You can see that he’s not fully fit. He can see he can’t talk like a president. But he ducks and bobs and weaves and rope dope. You can see it. We don’t need a doctor to tell us that the politicization of medicine and science in this country is disgusting. But John Fetterman can’t represent the people of Pennsylvania and they need representation in the United States Senate. But the Democrats don’t care. It’s power, baby. That’s all it is. And you should keep this in mind because they don’t give a damn about you either. When they get up there and say, inflation’s reducing. No, it’s not. Food prices are going down. No, they’re not. Gasoline prices are going down. No, they’re not. That the border is secure. No, it’s not. There are streets are safe now. They’re not. And I could go on and on and on. They want power, power, power. A centralization of authority in Washington, D.C.. They don’t want debate. They don’t want competition of ideas. The wallet to through the back door, take over these massive social media platforms. They have all their buddies in the big media spewing their ridiculous nonsense. They just don’t give a damn and they certainly don’t give a damn about you. But here we have a man who cannot function. I mean, seriously, I think of myself. I think of you. If I were this way, would I still be behind the microphone here? No, I wouldn’t. Maybe you can come back after you feel better inside. But it’s not possible to do what you need to do. And in his case, to represent several millions of people in a very large state. So Pennsylvania today has no senator. Bob Casey had surgery for prostate cancer. He’s still out. Fetterman obviously just checked himself or his family into a hospital. Walter Reed. He’s clinically depressed. And they suggested he stay in the hospital. That’s how bad it is. And it can get horrifically bad. So what do you make of yourselves? The New York Times and Washington Post and Philadelphia Inquirer and all the rest? You’re proud of yourselves. You proud of yourselves. DNC and Schumer for spending tens of millions of dollars to elect a man who should be home convalescing. Seriously? And the people who voted for Fetterman, they knew they knew he wasn’t well, but it didn’t matter. And now they have no representation in the Senate. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Well, folks, we have a killer Sunday show. I know it’s Thursday, and I would remind you if all of you would put your DVR to record at 8 p.m. Eastern time on Sunday, check the Times in your own community. Obviously, you’d be able to watch the Sunday show or of course, live is the best way to do it. If. But if you all go ahead and set it, you can set it now. Then you don’t have to set it in the future because I am. And returning to a format that is very important to me. I’m not just bringing on the flavor of the day. Politicians left and right. There will be some from time to time, of course. But this Sunday show is very, very important. And I cannot tell you what my opening statement will be. It’ll be what it’ll be. But it’s very, very important. We’re trying to reach as many people as we can. And the two guests are very important because what we’re going to talk about, I am with them affects each and every one of you. What affects your children and your grandchildren. It affects what’s going on in the federal government. It affects what’s going on in the H.R. departments of every business. It affects what’s going on in every business. Every workplace affects what’s going on in every classroom. In the media. And so what I try and do with this program is bring to you the very best guess I can. We have substantive and deep discussions. I do not bring on a conga line of guests just to sometimes one. And I do enjoy comedy, don’t get me wrong. But this isn’t a comedy show. It’s none of that. So I don’t put my finger in the wind. You know, lick it and see which way the wind’s going on, who to bring on. I just think sometimes there are big issues that are not properly addressed, and this is one of those times. So I hope you will join us on Sunday. I know it’s a long weekend. Presidents Day is Monday, I believe, Mr. Producer. So with that in mind, you’re taking off or whatever? I would just say yes. Go ahead and set your DVR now. Simple to do with your remote. 8 p.m. Eastern time and I think you’ll get your hour’s worth. Truth is, it’s 40 minutes. There’s 10 minutes of commercials. I think you’ll get your 40 minutes worth. And I think it’s very, very important. What’s happening now is going to affect the public school system. It’s going to affect your neighborhoods and communities, the street you live on. It’s going to affect whether or not you have public parks in your community, whether or not you have tall public housing and high skyscrapers in your community. It’s going to determine whether you have public pools and where they’re going to be and all the rest of it. And so I would encourage you strongly to watch this show on Sunday and to encourage as many people as you know, to watch it. Because these things are happening. They’re happening now not, as Biden would say, from the bottom up in the middle out. This is top down stuff. In fact, I have in front of me another executive order that was just signed by Joe Biden. Hold on one second. At a switch over to another table. Again, it is executive order on further advancing racial equity and support for underserved communities through the federal government. So there’s no end to this. He signed his first 20, he points out when he came into office on January 20, 2021. He signed this today without any fanfare whatsoever. And so what he’s telling the federal government to do, what he’s directing, his radical said he’s put it in these federal departments to do. Is to promote more reverse discrimination. Is to promote equitable outcomes. That’s the phraseology. Equitable outcomes. And he says he wants to do this in his housing initiatives, his economic initiatives. He wants to do this in just trying to cut to the chase here in the provision of grants and contracts and government aid says are delivering equitable outcomes through government policies, programs and activities. Equitable outcomes is all Marxist bullcrap. Starting with the formulation of the 2025 budget. And for each subsequent year, the director of OMB should consider how the President’s budget can support the equity action plans described in Section eight. He wants equity action plans in every department. He wants a group of people and every department responsible for them in permanent positions, and he wants these imposed imposed. He wants them prioritized. He wants them incorporated into strategies to advance equity. He just looking through it. And so this is where we are headed. He wants it imposed in law and regulations, acquisitions, other activities. They have a section here called Embedding Equity into Government Wide Processes. The director of OMB will be overseeing the entire operation. Office of Management and Budget, delivering equitable outcomes in partnership with underserved communities, creating economic opportunity and equitable development. Advancing equitable procurement. That word equitable is in there. Not equality, not opportunity, not fairness, equitable outcomes. So what equitable means when it comes to Biden and the Marxist is not equitable. It means discrimination. Discrimination. Affirmatively advancing civil rights. How Equity. Further advancing equitable data practices through the Office of Science and Technology. So this is a an ideology that is going to be permeating top down through the government, through the ruling class and every corner of the country and every aspect of the private sector and public sector and to every piece of the society and culture. And they are moving as fast as they possibly can. And I think you need to know about it. And this is what we’re going to be talking about on Sunday, among other very, very important things. Very, very important. Thanks. Now, if you’re watching MSNBC or CNN, like some do, or NBC and ABC, or if you are reading The New York Times, like you see people from time to time on a subway or train or The Washington Post, you’re not going to hear any of this. Or if you hear it, it’s all going to be candy coated, sugar coated. The extent of the anti-American, you know, policies. The damage that’s going to be done is is unbelievable. It’s on every front. And it’s being done in every conceivable way. And what it comes down is a complete change in our economic system. The enshrining of racism and bigotry favored groups and disfavored groups. We saw this earlier with the Biden administration when it came to farm subsidies. Our white farmers were at the back of the line as a matter of regulation. A court threw it out. Even the judge said, you can’t do this. They didn’t care. And as a matter of fact, when it comes to Medicare, the Biden administration has said that they’re going to monitor doctors to do one to make sure that they’re providing equitable services. Well, that sounds all right. You know, we don’t want people discriminated against, but people are going to be discriminated against because the feds want to measure the extent to which doctors are providing care, first and foremost, to underserved individuals. So if you’re 92 years old and you’re white and your lower middle or and middle class, you’re an underserved individual. So when it comes to your health care, you will go to the back of the line. Did you know this? So this racism, which is coming top down, which is embraced fully by the Democrat Party, is being instituted. The war on the suburbs, the war on the experts, we’re all communities was launched two weeks ago. Where your local governments are going to have to provide the federal government, Housing and urban development with economic equity plans. Economic equity plants that if. Everybody can have a single family home. Nobody can. And this will supersede all local and state zoning rules. You will have to accede to whatever the feds tell you. Or all federal funds will be pooled. And in some states, as Betsy McCoy has written, former lieutenant governor of New York. Like New York. Like Connecticut, like California. In some states, they’re imposing it themselves. So this isn’t government of the people, for the people and by the people. This isn’t we, the people. This is a government by for and of the Democrat Party for some people. For some people and a political party that’s doing this, which is totally unnecessary, absolutely absurd. The Democrat Party that’s doing this. You then can understand why they have a completely open border. They don’t want you to talk about the fact that people are pouring into this country from all corners of the world that they are getting defacto. Listen to me. De facto amnesty because they’re not being deported. It’s the greatest amnesty on the face of the earth, and it’s a daily amnesty without any legislation in violation of federal immigration laws. And then on top of that, you have these executive orders. You have the teachers unions. You have these radical left governors all pushing the radical left agenda. We can’t survive it as a free people. We just can’t. And so I have to keep banging the pots and pans. So I hope that you will watch the show Sunday. I consider it incredibly important. 8 p.m. Eastern Life, Liberty and Levin on Fox. Because we have got to be the Thomas Paine’s the pamphleteers of our time for the sake of our children and our grandchildren, for the sake of the men and women who defend this country, and the men and women who died for this country, for its principles, for its values, its beliefs, which are all being trampled. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

You know, when you look at MSNBC and you see folks like Joe Scarborough, Nicolle Wallace and Michael Steele. They become left wing Democrats, they spew very, very hateful propaganda. And in my view, they lie flat up. What did you hear Michael Steele on the Morning Joe Show today? Cut 15 go. And he’s talking about Nikki Haley. Go ahead. From any of the other candidates in how you stand on principle, how you reaffirm constitutional principles opposed to civil war, how you re-engage the country on matters like race, which has always been a problem for the Republican Party. But you can’t go there. You can’t be in that space. You cannot have that conversation if you cannot deal with the racist attributes of a party under Trump where it’s embraced white nationalism with things that they’re fine Nazis and fine Klux Klan members do. So this is this is this is the problem. There’s nobody there to challenge Michael Steele. These are disgraceful statements. The man who shot up that synagogue in Pittsburgh hated Donald Trump. Donald Trump’s daughter is an Orthodox Jew. Her son in law, his three grandchildren, the Orthodox Jews. He’s done more for the state of Israel than any president in the history of presidents, as well as executive orders that he signed. Hate crimes against Jews under Biden, like under Obama, are through the roof. Does Michael Steele condemn Black Lives Matter? Does Michael Steele spend any part of his day on television condemning Al Sharpton, condemning the the brutality that’s taking place against Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn, New York, and other areas, mostly by the black community just telling you the truth? No, he doesn’t. Why is that? It’s the Republican Party. Talks about Klansman. Does he know how the Klan began? He says post-Civil War. The Democrat Party under Franklin Roosevelt refused to pass a federal anti-lynching law. Does he know that? Donald Trump doesn’t embrace neo-Nazis. Donald Trump doesn’t embrace the Klan. But this is this is something you can say on MSNBC all you want. There is no governor on any of their mouths over there. None. Barack Obama, his treatment of Israel and what he did at the United Nations that no president had done before his treatment of Benjamin Netanyahu. He’s probably the most anti-Semitic president we’ve ever had, probably the most anti-Semitic. The Republican Party doesn’t have to apologize for racism. The Republican Party has never embraced racism, not right before the Civil War, not right after the Civil War, and not in the forties and fifties and not today. Michael Steele is drunk with his own stupidity. He drunk with the attention he gets from the left. Man’s got no heart. And in my view, he’s got no soul. He’s a complete sellout like the man he’s talking to there. Joe Scarborough. Shame on you, you jerk. I’ll be right back.