February 15th, 2023

February 15th, 2023

This is the Preamble to the US Constitution, It starts with the phrase We The People and shows only some of the writing from the upper left hand corner of the document of the Constitution, It is written on parchment paper that is now faded, showing its age. (Photo by: Joe Sohm/Visions of America/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, there’s a lot going on in this country but above all else our civil liberties are being destroyed and it’s already out of control. Meanwhile the federal government is trying to disbar and ruin lawyers like Rudy Giuliani, Joe DiGenova, and John Eastman who stand up for civil liberties. The Constitution protects the circle of liberty around us that the government cannot penetrate, and Declaration of Independence is the most concise statement to protect the individual and unalienable rights. The Government has thousands of federal lawyers and prosecutors with enormous power and endless resources, and the investigatory process can destroy somebody even if they are innocent. If this can be done to powerful, famous, law-abiding citizens it can happen to anyone, and it is getting worse. Also, the Michigan State University gunman had felony gun charges dismissed by a progressive prosecutor, but Democrats refuse to take responsibility and instead are calling for more gun control. The system failed the victims, not the second amendment, because we are not prosecuting criminals who are using guns. George Soros is the man behind the curtain who has unleashed murder and crime, but he gets away every time because he is the sugar daddy for progressive liberals. Later, we knew where the Chinese spy balloon came from because we have eyes on Communist China. The excuses from the Biden Administration about the other objects shot down and not yet recovered are pathetic. There is no president other than Joe Biden who would have something like this happen and not make an address to the American people. Finally, Mark speaks with Florida Senator Rick Scott about his time in Congress and being challenged by Mitch McConnell.

American Thinker
Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing need your help

The Federalist
POLL: Mitch McConnell Has Worse Unfavorability Rating Than George Santos

FBI searched University of Delaware for Biden documents, source says

Red State
MSU Shooter Had Felony Gun Charge Dismissed by Progressive DA, Was ‘Known’ to Police

Nets Ignore Michigan State Shooter Had Gun Charge Dropped by Soros-Backed DA

CBS News
U.S. tracked spy balloon after it lifted off from China, officials say

Photo by: Joe Sohm/Visions of America

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

I will be on HANNITY tonight 9:35 p.m. Eastern time. On the Fox News Channel. Let’s step back a second. Let’s step back. There’s a lot going on in the country. There’s a lot going on with the economy. There’s a lot going on in the border. There’s a lot going on with our foreign enemies. There’s a lot going on with the undermining of our allies. There’s a lot going on with critical race theory and the sexualizing of our children. There’s a lot going on in this country. But above all else. Step by step by step. Your civil liberties are being destroyed. You may not feel it today, but you can see it. You can see it. And the media are ignoring it. Professors and law schools are ignoring it. Commentators are ignoring it. Because it requires it requires some focused. Attention and analysis. But it is out of control already. What a Joe diGenova. Victoria Toensing. John Eastman. Rudy Giuliani. Another lawyer by the name of Corcoran. What are they all have in common? There are conservatives. There are Republicans. They’re all people of high integrity and ethics. There are individuals with remarkable careers and reputations. And the federal government is trying to destroy them. And they’re not alone. The federal government is trying to destroy all these lawyers. They’re trying to disbar some of the. They’re trying to ruin them. What’s the purpose of a lawyer? What’s the purpose of having a lawyer? Does anybody know? So you can be represented? Particularly when the case involves the constitution, you can be represented and protected. Your unalienable rights. What are the Bill of Rights about? They’re about your own animal rights. The Constitution doesn’t place limitations on you. It places limitations on them. The government. And the power of the government. The framers of the Constitution wanted an orderly society. But they wanted to contain the power of government because they were abused by government. They fought. A hostile government. So they created separation of powers. So they created under each article very specific powers that each branch would have. And the government generally they were specific about the federal powers and all the rest of the powers were to be left to the states. There’s not a single word in there about the massive administrative state that exists today. Not a word in there about U.S. attorneys and a Federal Bureau of Investigation in the Department of Justice. Nothing. Zero. Nothing. The Constitution is trying to protect your liberty, your sovereignty, the circle of liberty around you, as Tocqueville put it, that the government may not penetrate in order to prevent the government from molesting you. The Declaration of Independence is the most concise statement of why we we have this country. To protect the individual. Your unalienable rights. But no government. No government can take their God given. Their God given rights. You’ve come a far away, haven’t we? From the declaration and a far away from respecting the Constitution. The Bill of Rights, which reflects so much of what’s in the Declaration, particularly the Ninth Amendment. First Amendment under constant attack. Your free speech, your freedom of association, your freedom to exercise your faith. Second Amendment is under constant attack. Your right to have arms to protect yourself, including from a. An illegitimate government, if necessary. Your Fourth Amendment rights due process. Your Fifth Amendment rights. Sixth, seventh, eighth, which we never talk about your Ninth Amendment rights. And the Ninth Amendment recognizes you’re born with unalienable rights and, of course, the 10th Amendment. Which underscores the point that the government, the central government that they created, that the states created, is limited. The power belongs to the states. Well, obviously, that’s been turned on its head. This issue with lawyers. Is very, very important. The government has thousands and thousands of lawyers, including prosecutors, prosecutors and 93 offices of United States attorneys. Prosecutors and officers at the main Justice Department in Washington, D.C.. They’re everywhere. And that’s just the feds not even talking about state and county. They have enormous power because they have unlimited resources. The investigative and prosecutorial process alone can destroy somebody even if they’re 100% innocent. It can destroy somebodies reputation. It can destroy somebody’s life. It can destroy their family. Could force them to sell their homes, can destroy their businesses. Just the fact the existence of an investigation. Awful lot of authority is placed in these these prosecutors and their officers to uphold the Constitution, even though they are not constitutionally created. So if you get prosecutors who are rogue, who are out of control and yet self-righteous. You get prosecutors who hide behind the curtain when they do their work or leaked to the media about what they’re doing. When you get prosecutors who are looking to twist the rules of evidence, to twist courtroom proceedings, to twist the law, and to do so in a jurisdiction, yes, I should say venue. Accurate where they know that the people they’re investigating and the people that they’re targeting have no chance at a free, fair trial like Washington, D.C. or any major city when it comes to most Republicans and certainly Trump supporters or Trump himself. And the Constitution’s filing. So where do you go to fix this? Well, that’s what judges are for. But what if the judges are of the same mindset? And they have no intention of putting a prosecutor in his or her place. Or they won’t allow for the changing of venue. What do you do then? You have no recourse. There is no recourse. It’s over. Your life is over. That’s why this is so important. If this can be done to powerful people. If this can be done to famous people, if this can be done to people with fantastic reputations in the law, it can be done to anybody. And it is. And it’s getting worse and worse and worse. What’s the purpose of due process? Why all the things the framers of the Constitution after the Constitution was adopted and ratified, they go back and they add the Bill of Rights. Why? Of all the things that they include, due process rights. Of all things. Why is it so crucially important? Do you have a right to counsel? Because you need to have somebody with some kind of expertise in the law, particularly the criminal law, and how the courts work and the grand juries work and all the rest. So you can confide in that person. So you have a shot at defending yourself against an all powerful federal government. What’s the purpose of attorney client privilege? Well, if you can’t talk to your lawyer. And be honest with your lawyer about your situation. Be honest with your lawyer about what you may have done or may not have done. Be honest with your lawyer about what you think should be done in his representation of you and on and on and on. Then you cannot possibly have the effective representation of counsel. When’s the last time a federal prosecutor had to reveal? Discussions. Work product confidentiality created. During the course of their prosecutions. I can’t think of a single time. They are. They’re extremely rare. Now if you’re a prosecutor. And you don’t have a case. What is the job of a prosecutor? It’s the job of the prosecutor to seek and destroy. Is that the job of a prosecutor? No. Prosecutor on behalf of the people of the United States is supposed to do justice. Seems weird, but that’s what they’re supposed to do. Do justice. Not seek and destroy. Do justice. We have a special counsel now in Washington, D.C., specifically appointed by Merrick Garland, who did not do justice in a major case involving a former Republican governor of Virginia. Who read the ethics and gifts laws so broadly in the state of Virginia that it was impossible. For the former Republican governor to have a fair trial. It was impossible. And yet the federal district judge went along with the prosecutor. And so he was convicted. His reputation was destroyed. He had no money left. He took the law. Did this prosecutor. And he expanded its meaning. To the point where the defendant never had a shot. The case went all the way to the United States Supreme Court, all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. There were eight justices at the time. Leftists and constitutionalists. And every single one of them, that court voted unanimously one majority opinion to overturn the conviction. The bottom line is they felt that what the prosecutor did was absurd and preposterous. Way out of proportion with what the the former governor and his wife had done. Now, why would you appoint that man to be the special counsel if Donald Trump’s case? Now, why am I even bringing this up? I want to continue with this when I return. I’ll be right back.

Hour1 Segment 2

Evan Corcoran is one of President Trump’s lead lawyers on this document case. He’s a former federal prosecutor in a practice in Baltimore. He has a stellar reputation. I’ve talked to him. I’ve never met him. I’ve never communicated with him, but I’ve looked up his background. He was yanked in front of this grand jury a little bit ago. I touched on it the other day. He asserted attorney client privilege. And when the prosecutor. Jack Smith kept trying to pierce the attorney client privilege veil. Smith has now gone to a federal judge in the District of Columbia, a federal judge who was appointed by Barack Obama. And a federal judge who oversaw the Mueller investigation and their various motions. To get her to agree to what’s called the crime fraud exception, which would quote unquote, allow the government to go behind the attorney client privilege principle and get notes and information and testimony from President Trump’s lawyer. More on this when I return.

Hour 1 Segment 3

The federal judge, the district judge in Washington, D.C. on this case, hearing her name as Judge Beryl. How she’s the chief judge. She’s handling all the grand jury questions and every single instance we’re privileged has been raised by the president lawyers in any case. She’s ruled for the government. Every single instance. The government claims nobody is above the law. We’re protecting the Constitution. Really? Is due process important? That’s in the Constitution. There’s steamroller in it. Attorney client privilege. They’re steamrolling it. The right to effective representation. They’re steamrolling it. I would ask you folks whether it’s a divorce case or a tax case. Whether it’s it’s litigation on a zoning matter, whatever it is, if you can’t confide in your lawyer. And the prosecution could say we we have reason to believe, Your Honor, that. But this lawyer has participated in or been used to pursue the furtherance of a crime. Therefore, we assert the crime fraud exception to attorney client privilege. What do you think about that? The crime fraud exception. In most cases like you, when you’re dealing with the mob where a bank robber, a killer, something like that. Something like that. Not a documents case. And you have to ask yourselves what’s more important here? The Bill of Rights. The right of an individual to be effectively represented. Or the pursuit of a documents case by the federal government. We’ve talked about this so many times and blue in the face over there trying to make an abstraction case. But obviously they don’t have one yet. Because they wouldn’t need to do this. And so you would hope that this judge, although I have little hope for her, but you would hope that a judge. Will not permit the all powerful prosecutor. To stop all over. All over the rights of a defendant or potential defendant, Let me put it that way. That target. So the prosecutor can get information to see whether he can use the information that’s been confided into by a lawyer. Against his client. Because obviously. It makes the whole point, the whole exercise of an investigation, the right to counsel, a filing motions and getting rulings. Having a grand jury, eventually having a court makes that whole process irrelevant. Irrelevant? If I get to know what my arguments are, plus I get to know what your side has to say. Or what your client shared with you. Well, that’s that’s like three card monte, isn’t it. Where it’s heads high win tells you lose. The question is, is that about to take place in a federal courthouse in Washington, D.C.? I fear it is with this judge, this Obama judge who’s driven by ideology. Who’s ruled against the president over and over again on privileged matters. Every time. That’s what’s going on. That’s not getting the attention it deserves. I’ll tell you another one. Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing. We’ve talked about John Eastman, lawyer for the president during the campaign. They’re trying to rip his. His law degree from excuse me, his his law license from. And this guy was the dean of a law school. The dean of Alaska. He was a clerk to Clarence Thomas. While he conspired with Trump. The overthrowing interfere with an election. Excuse me. There were no electoral results, as I said the other day. Under our Electoral College process, until the Congress counts the electors and accepts them or not. Not before. And I need to do and spend a lot of time on this issue on another day and soon. About why federal prosecutors and the Department of Justice. Should be nowhere near a matter like this. But it’s to be handled by Congress, and only Congress and Congress can hold hearings. So they could have committee hearings. They can refer matters. But you can’t use a grand jury to investigate challenges to elections in various states. And overall, that you’re now handling the election process over to the incumbent president and his people. But that for another day. Thomas Lifson, The American Thinker is a very good man. He’s a friend of mine, a scholar. He founded the American Thinker. And he points to a case here, a piece written by Mark Fitzgibbons, who’s another great guy. Conservative, formerly Reagan appointed super lawyers Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing, husband and wife, need to raise half a million dollars to cover legal fees and costs they’ve spent so far fighting the corrupt Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, Deep State. They also need funds to pursue federal legal actions against multiple law breaking government officials and corrupt left wing private parties such as the 65 project. This is the group of leftists who’s been filing ethics complaints against lawyers involved in the last election. He says, a uniquely sinister element seeking to ruin the lives of conservative lawyers. This. Popular husband and wife team. Our law partners, the firm they found, are widely known for their insightful, no holds barred TV radio written commentary against corruption and lawbreaking in government and the private sector. Most of all, they’re known as outstanding lawyers. Joe was a US attorney. Victoria Toensing worked for Barry Goldwater on his committee and was a high ranking deputy assistant attorney general at the Department of Justice when I was there. These are no slouches. During the Reagan presidency. He points out who Joe was and Victoria. And they’ve represented high profile whistleblowers through their careers as well. Joe and Victoria, now part of a group of constitutional conservatives, trump friendly lawyers whose communications with state election officials were subpoenaed by this same Jack Smith. Subpoenaed by the special counsel Jack Smith, who’s investigating challenges. By former President Trump and his allies in the 2020 election process. But Joan Victoria, I’ve already spent over a half a million in legal fees and costs as targets of the FBI and the Department of Justice and their weaponization against constitutional conservative lawyers. Began with the DOJ covertly accessing Victoria’s Apple and iCloud information in 2019, which included attorney client privileged information unrelated to the investigation at hand without her having an opportunity to challenge this baseless, scurrilous, overly broad search and seizure. That I think is what was done to me when they grabbed 13 emails. Totally harmless, but that’s not the point. Then in 2021, the DOJ got openly hostile. As Victoria wrote in November 2020 to a Newsmax. At dawn on April 28, 2021, four FBI agents rang my Chevy Chase, Maryland, doorbell armed with a search warrant from the Southern District of New York seeking evidence of a Foreign Agents Registration Act. Fara That’s FARA violation during the year 2019. Not coincidentally, in 2019, I was talking to a Ukrainian whistleblower, Prosecutor General Yuri led Center for Legal Representation to bring evidence to the Department of Justice of the Biden family corruption in that country. The FBI raid on their home was another egregious violation of the constitutional rights of Victoria, her firm and her clients. The FBI seized her cell phone and iPad containing a personal and attorney client privileged information far exceeding what a legitimate investigation would seek. The warrant was obtained in violation of DOJ guidelines using the intrusive and intimidating method of an FBI raid that resulted in violation of. Attorney client privilege unrelated to the DOJ investigation make this all the more disgraceful. The DOJ was seeking evidence of a FARA violation, as Victoria explains in her Newsmax article. Rudy Giuliani asked if if she would represent Ukrainian whistleblower prosecutor led Sanco and Shokin, who was investigating Hunter Biden’s employer, Burisma. Rudy was going to represent them but thought he had a conflict of interests since he was one of President Trump’s lawyers at the time. Victoria never signed the whistleblower as his clients never represented them. She said I was not a target of far investigation. I had no client who would have required fire registration in 2019. Other words, she had nothing to do with FARA. But she needed to litigate and get a special mass to review the seized materials and attempt to protect the privileged material of her actual clients that the Department of Justice fought her and her firm nearly every step of the way, knowing she was not representing the two whistleblowers. Further abuse of the investigative process. Plus, as with other Trump friendly conservatives who have been raided by the FBI, the raid was improperly leaked to the press. Finally, November 2022, Just a few months ago at the Victorian, Joe spent hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting to protect their rights. The DOJ closed the matter, telling the court no charges will be filed and a special master would no longer be needed. But the damage was already done. The damage was already done. They were served with an illegal warrant for documents that she never possessed. After spending over half a million dollars to defend herself, she wrote in my client’s privilege information. And while fully aware that the Southern District of New York achieved its goal for me as one FBI whistleblower agent told Congress, the process is the punishment. And they’re trying to raise money, by the way. I have not talked to them. You go to give and go. Give, send, go. Give, send. Go and look up their names when I help them out. How the hell? Does this information not get reported in a big way? I don’t I understand Maggie Haberman at The New York Times. I understand what her mission is to seek and destroy. I understand what The Washington Post mission is to seek and destroy. But what about the rest of the media? Oh, I don’t mean the corrupt media. Shouldn’t everybody be talking about this? Who you know and I know. This event with this Jack Smith who was behind what happened. The diGenova and Toensing who’s behind what’s going on now with Trump. It shouldn’t matter that it’s diGenova and Toensing. It shouldn’t matter that it’s Trump. These are the tactics that Joseph Stalin would use. These are the tactics of Vladimir Putin would use. These are the tactics that he would would use. These are the tactics that are used in Cuba and Venezuela and all the rest, not in the United States as they’re not supposed to be. We have a written constitution. We have a history. We have a disaster on our hands, an absolute, unmitigated disaster. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Was announced today that Matt Gaetz Congressman Matt Gaetz, the case, they were there investigating him and leaking all over the place. A sex trafficking case has been dropped. With no charges. But they smeared the hell out of the guy. You’ll notice I have never brought this up, even when I’ve criticized Mr. Gaetz. Never used it in any posting. So they’ve dropped the sex trafficking investigation and Mr. Gaetz and anybody ever think that Congressman Gaetz was involved in sex trafficking? Any more than Brett Kavanaugh would have weekly rape parties. Does it sound like America? Sir. Matt Gaetz is an innocent man. God knows what he spent. But he had to defend himself publicly. He had to defend himself during the course of the investigation. So you’re guilty until proven innocent in many of these cases, aren’t you? That investigation should never have taken place. It was preposterous on its face. But the fact of the investigation can destroy you. You’ve heard me tell you about. And I want to say this. When the January six committee got 13 of my emails, which had nothing to do with the violence or anything they were investigating. I was advised not to talk about it on the air. And you know what I did? I talked about it on the air. And again, I want to find out who did that, you know, crime fraud, exception and all that. I’m not trying to put my hand on the scale, the political scale here, but if you’re going to run for president in the Republican primary. Platitudes, ambiguous phrases. Poll tested stuff ain’t going to cut it. It’s not going to cut it here, and I don’t think it’s going to cut it. Would you? We’re not interested in bumper stickers and we’re interested in saving the country, and we’re going to want evidence from anybody who wants to be president, evidence that they have fought the good fight and that they have what it takes to fight the good fight. I’m just saying no moderates, no rhinos, constitutional conservatives. That’s what we need and we need them now. Real statesmen have the guts to speak out. I’ll be right back.