February 14th, 2023

February 14th, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 14: U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks at the National Association of Counties legislative conference at the Washington Hilton Hotel on February 14, 2023 in Washington, DC. Biden spoke on his administration's recent legislative actions to rebuild American infrastructure and to help strengthen the middle class. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, there’s a reason why President Biden and his administration are silent on inflation today – because it’s a disaster.  New inflation numbers are up and we are only going to see it get worse. Biden’s inflation reduction act increased inflation. People are now going into their personal saving accounts and their 401K’s for basic commodities as they try to just get by.  Also, Senators got an intelligence briefing on the objects shot out of the sky and they didn’t learn anything they didn’t already know from the press. But Rep. Mike Turner is warning that the U.S doesn’t have an adequate radar system to determine what is in America’s skies.  Meanwhile, the rest of the country sees what is happening at the southern border but for some reason Biden and leadership refuses to do anything about it. This is having an effect however now in Democratic cities where illegals are being shipped to. Later, the Biden administration has declared war on the suburbs in the name of equity. This administration announced they will cut off funding if towns across the U.S. don’t submit an equity plan. This will allow them to have complete control.

Inflation rose 0.5% in January, more than expected and up 6.4% from a year ago

The Blaze
Top military commander confirms alarming report: First missile missed target over Lake Huron

Epoch Times
Top Lawmaker Warns US Doesn’t Have an ‘Adequate Radar System’ After Flying Objects Shot Down

PJ Media
Pentagon’s Anti-White Diversity Chief Comes up With a Novel Way to Excuse Her Own Racism

Daily Signal
‘Conservatives Need Not Apply’ Under Biden Administration’s Proposed Hiring Rules

Nolte: Democrats Pass Laws to Destroy Suburbs

Fox News
Mike Pence to fight DOJ special counsel subpoena on Trump’s efforts to overturn 2020 election results

Photo by Alex Wong

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

We’re going to do this virtually every night for the next few weeks, just to remind people who come and go where Joe Biden stands on Social Security and Medicare, I wouldn’t normally do this. But since he’s a pathological liar and the corrupt media collectively are pathological liars along with him. And they keep trying to scare you seniors there. I guess I’m one now that they’re going to cut Social Security and Medicare, which does need an overhaul, but that’s for another day cut, he said. Mitch McConnell took the opportunity to try and take out Rick Scott. His buddy Biden goes without without an attack by McConnell, of course. Just a reminder, 1995 Senator Joe Biden go I when I argued that we should freeze federal spending, I meant Social Security as well. I meant Medicare and Medicaid. I meant veterans. But I meant every single solitary thing in the government. And I not only tried it once, I tried it twice. I tried in the third time. And I tried to the fourth time. Yeah, Joe’s a little slow. So the question is this, then. Why is he going out there and accusing the Republican Party of doing what he did? And then. Trying to condemn them. Because he’s a chameleon. He’s sleazy. He is a straight politician with a very low IQ. That’s what he is. And he’s in constant cover up mode. Whether it’s these things in the sky or you won’t give a speech to the American people. Can you think of another president? Well, we’ve now shut down four objects. Who goes? Mum. He goes, Mom, can you think of a of a president who is essentially mum when it comes to this massive derailment in Ohio and the. And the environmental disaster that that has caused. Oh, now they’re starting to speak, but they’re always too little, too late. They had to be dragged into these arguments or fennel. You think a president who won’t even talk much about fentanyl, which he in so many respects is responsible for all 50 states now have have ties to drug cartels from Mexico in their states, every major metropolitan area. That wasn’t the case two years ago. Pretty amazing, don’t you think? And let’s look at inflation. There’s a reason why Biden didn’t talk about inflation today. This blog said it didn’t talk about inflation today. The other spoke said he didn’t talk about inflation today. There’s a reason why the media really haven’t covered this today. Because it’s a disaster. CNBC inflation rose half a percent in January, more than expected and up 6.4% from a year ago. Jeff Cox. The CPI Consumer Price Index was up 6.4% from the same period in 2020 to both numbers. The consumer Price index higher than expected across the board increases in shelter, food and energy. How many of you need shelter, food and energy? They boosted the index after inflation. It showed signs of receding in recent months. Yeah, you know, if you include food and energy and your house. But your apartment, You know, other than that, we’re doing okay. Super core services inflation, which is key for the Fed and excludes food, energy and shot 2.2% for the month and was 4% higher than a year ago. Inflation turned higher to start 2023. Rising shelter, gas and fuel prices took their toll on consumers, the late Department of Labor Department reported. The Consumer Price Index measures a broad basket of common goods and services half a percent. It rose in January. Annual rate of 6.4% inflation. I remember when we had no inflation. None. Rising shelter costs accounted for about half the monthly increase. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported. That component accounts for more than one third of the index and rose 0.7% on the month, up 7.9% from a year ago and 0.7% on the month. Point 7% on a month means almost 10% for the year. Energy also was a significant contributor. Gee, I wonder why. Who’s destroying our energy independence up 2% and 8.7% Same time last year. Food costs rose. 10.1% compared to last year. Rising prices means a loss and real pay for workers. Average hourly earnings fell 0.2% for the month and were down 1.8% from a year ago. So the point of that is even if you’re getting a salary increase, even if you’re in areas where the minimum wage is going up, inflation is outpacing your increase. Inflation is still a force in the U.S. economy in danger of slipping into recession this year, they say. That has come despite the Federal Reserve’s efforts to quell the problem. The central bank has hiked its benchmark interest rate eight times since March 2022 as inflation rose to its highest level in 41 years last summer. So Biden inherits an economy with the lowest inflation in history, probably certainly in modern times, and then increases it to the highest level in over four decades. And of course, he’s not talking about it. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell has talked about disinflationary forces at play, but January’s numbers show the central bank probably still has work to do. And so forth. The next big data point will be retail sales, which hits. Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning at 830 Eastern. Economists surveyed by the Dow expect the figure, which is not adjusted for inflation, will show that sales rose 1.9% in January from the prior month. That’s certainly what they’re hoping. Widespread belief the economy could tip into at least a shallow recession later this year or early 2023. And it goes on. So that’s what the Inflation Reduction Act did. It increased inflation. That’s what the Infrastructure Act. It by the way, is anybody saying any infrastructure building. That wasn’t already going on prior to the passage of the infrastructure bill. I haven’t seen any. Have you seen any where you live, Mr. Producer? I haven’t seen a new shovel go into the ground. Mr. Producer hasn’t. He’s in New York. How about Mr. Call screener? He’s in New Jersey. Has he seen anything new? Nothing. I haven’t seen anything new in Virginia and I haven’t seen anything new in Florida. But don’t worry, they may spend $1,000,000,000,000 in infrastructure with the help of Mitch McConnell and. Lindsey Graham and Lindsey Graham’s out there working with the Democrats for amnesty for 2 million people about had it with that guy, to be honest with you. It’s enough already with the rhinos. So the truth is, the economy sucks. That’s the truth. Regardless of what anybody else tells you, that’s the truth. I want to get into a few other issues here. Like. Not only does Biden not talk about these things that violated our own sovereignty, our airspace, as well as Canada’s. But apparently there was a briefing of the senators, maybe some House members as well today. Tom Cotton came out of there and said, I was told basically everything I read in the newspaper, everything we already knew. Even a Democrat came out of their. Denying debt from. From Connecticut. And he looked more befuddled than usually. And he usually looks befuddled. And even he was saying, well, we didn’t learn a hell of a lot. But unfortunately we are learning a lot and so is the enemy. With the most sophisticated. Jet fighters on the face of the earth. With the most sophisticated technology honing systems radar systems. The F-16 fighter jet set to shoot down the aerial object over Lake Huron in Michigan this week and missed with its first missile. Excuse me. The damn thing is floating. I get hit her with a B.B. rifle. He missed it or she missed it with the first shot. The first missile confirms the head of the Joint Chiefs, Mark Milley. He missed it. It’s whether the missile miss changes how the US may go about downing the next aerial object over its territory. Milley said officials go to great lengths to make sure that the airspace is clear in the backdrop, as clear to maximum effective range of the missile. He added that the missile landed harmlessly in the water of Lake Huron. It was later tracked. That’s not the issue. If I can’t hit a friggin derringer, whatever the hell it is, how am I going to hit another Jack, you idiot? First of the three newer objects, which was shot down from 40,000 feet over Alaska on Friday, was hit after President Biden gave the order. Oh, yeah, he’s given orders. He gave the order on a Wednesday. They shot it down on a Friday. What did they. They sent a haunting pigeon. What did he do? Send up a regular first class mail, please shoot down. The second was brought down on Saturday in northern Canada after Prime Minister Trudeau greenlit the mission of Biden, authorized fighter jets to fly into Canada. Guess they don’t have any jets left in Canada. The third object initially labeled an unidentified aircraft, was downed Sunday over Lake Huron after initially being spotted Saturday in Montana. Look at that, fellas. Look in the sky. Now we got all these radar systems. And it takes Frank and fellas to see that damn thing. We don’t know where it came from. What do you mean, you don’t know where it came from? Don’t you have eyes on the enemy? The White House said the uncertainty of the surveillance capabilities of the three objects led Biden’s orders for the military to shoot them all down. Those. Are you planning to take air balloons over the week? I don’t recommend it right now. In other words. Apparently because we can’t track or shoot down spy balloons or these other objects, we can’t figure out where they’re coming from. The order is just shoot everything down. And that the administration will establish an interagency team to look into unidentified objects in U.S. airspace. Now, the objects are identified just too late. While the US government is currently pulling parts of the Chinese Bible Island from the Atlantic Ocean, Billy said it will be difficult to recover the three recently downed objects as they have all fallen into very difficult terrain. The second one off the coast of Alaska. Really, really difficult terrain in the Arctic Circle. So a very, very low temperatures in the minus forties. The second one is in the Canadian Rockies and the Yukon. Very difficult to get that one. And the third one is in Lake Huron at probably a couple hundred feet deep. We’ll get them eventually, but it’s going to take some time to recover those really here, as has fired. And it’s a big ask here if you’re a big ass. I had only. Now, where did they come from? What were they like? It’s just. It’s just. We are being let down, as I say over and over again by this ruling class. It is incompetent. It is a radical left wing ruling class. These agencies in these departments are used to power these agencies and departments. They’re used to power the Democrat Party and their radical agenda. They’re used to leak information to a corrupt media that in turn embraces, celebrates, emboldens the radical left. But we have things in the sky that they can’t even describe, that they don’t even know where they come from. With the most sophisticated equipment on the face of the earth. There’s only one positive thing I can think of coming out of this, Mr. Producer. Maybe that Chinese won’t steal as much because they’re going to change if they can’t figure out it’s a balloon. Maybe we don’t need that particular technology. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

I want to put this marker down again. I am not one of these. I’m not one of these people or conservatives, constitutional conservative who says we should be cutting our defense budget. These people don’t represent conservatism. They don’t represent the vast majority of conservatives at all. I don’t even think they represent the vast majority of MAGA. You see what communist China is doing? The Soviets never did what Communist China’s doing. Ever. If we don’t muscle up our military, if we don’t start walking straight on this stuff, we don’t start producing the supplies that we need to back up the forces that we support. And the men and women in uniform will have their lives on the line. We are going to have a world war because we’re going to provoke these bastards to attack us.

Hour 1 Segment 3

You know it’s the job and uniquely and solely the job of the federal government to protect us from foreign threats. States can’t do it. Individuals can’t do it. And so we build up a Defense Department and we expect them to do it needs to be a focus of Congress. That’s one of Congress’s key responsibilities. We call the president the commander in chief for a reason. But they’ve been so busy and distracting themselves and us from what they’re supposed to do that we have a problem now. They’re busy redistributing wealth. They’re busy rearranging our culture and our society. They’re busy attacking the productive and delivering poor people on the dole. They’re busy trying to change the citizenry and the demographics of the country. They’re busy trying to replace capitalism with socialism. Our culture with Marxism. Busy brainwashing Archer busy doing everything but what they’re supposed to do. And I suppose if you believe America is a failed experiment in liberty, I suppose if you believe in the 1619 project and tearing down our monuments. I suppose if you believe all of that, then why defend the country? We’re really two countries in one, maybe more. People who volunteer to defend this country, to fight for this country, people who volunteered to defend the country in our streets. The cops and so forth. And then we. The takers. Who just make demands. I want student loan forgiveness. I want reparations. That guy shouldn’t have that. I should have that. Redistribution of wealth. Privileges turn into rights. Somebody else’s income belongs to strangers, not their family. Now give you another example. One of the great news sites at peak times. Jack Phillips writing. Top lawmaker warns U.S. doesn’t have an adequate radar System After flying objects shut down. What? The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. This is I believe his name is Mike Rogers, where the U.S. does not have an adequate radar system after multiple incidents involving flying objects in recent days. It’s Mike Turner, rather. We don’t really have adequate radar system and we certainly don’t have an integrated missile defense system. We’re going to have to begin to look at the United States airspace is one that we need to defend, said Representative Mike Turner, the new chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, told CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday. This shows some of the problems and gaps that we have. Did you know we had problems and gaps? In our air defense system over our own continental United States, for God’s sakes. This is amazing to me. Maybe we can learn something from the Israelis. They know in 2 seconds time if something’s been shot into their skies, the sirens go off. Their Iron Dome system is at the ready. What the hell is going on here? Lawmakers have sounded the alarm after a suspected Chinese spy balloon was spotted over U.S. territory February four. Some in the military called the shoot it down. The aircraft traveled over much of the continental United States before it was down by an F-22 Raptor on the coast of South Carolina days later. And then, of course, we have all the rest of it going on, including one shot at one object that missed. That missed. Top Republican. This guy, Turner, said that he hasn’t been briefed on the latest developments around unknown objects being shot down. I think he was today. But he described the lack of intelligence and details particularly annoying, claiming there needs to be more engagement within the administration in Congress while they’re in cover up mode. That is what Biden does. That’s what he does. Probably they’re a little hesitant after the Chinese balloon fiasco, he said. But they let it go across the country to great criticism, bipartisan, bicameral criticism from Congress. I think it’s certainly a new recent development. They have China being so aggressive in entering our country’s airspace. Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told a separate news program Sunday that U.S. officials have indicated to him that they believe the recently shutdown objects are balloons, although they’re not as large as the want. How can that be? Well, one of the pilots said that one of them was not a balloon. That’s just Chuck Schumer on TV. Why doesn’t Chuck Schumer remind you that’s Adam Schiff to complete sleaze balls who will say and do anything? Who will say and do anything. Schumer said teams were recovering debris, while Schumer reads the same news that the rest of us read it no matter what. He will defend Biden, and no matter what, he will attack Republicans. Bottom line is, until a few months ago, we didn’t know about these balloons, Schumer said. Is wild that we didn’t know. Now they are learning a lot more in the military, and the intelligence are focused like a laser on first gathering and accumulating the information that coming up with a comprehensive analysis. I don’t even know what that means. Does anybody know what that means? Canadian Defence Minister Anita Anand. Total news conference in Ottawa. One of the objects flying at around 40,000 feet had been shut down. Hours later in the U.S., the FAA said Saturday night it had closed some airspace in Montana and all the rest of it. I don’t blame the men and women of the Air Force. I don’t blame the men and women who do all the grunt work in the military. I blame the politicians. I blame the bloated bureaucracy at the Pentagon starting at the very top with this formally. I blame the Manchurian President, Joe Biden. I blame them. All these tough guys signing letters about the laptop, the Hunter Biden Laptop 51. It’s obviously a Russian, you know, stunt. They were responsible for making sure that Nora died and our skies were safe. They did it. They did it. They did a very poor job. Didn’t they? But what gets me is that first. Communist Chinese balloon, the Derringer. And it was. Because from one nuclear missile site to another to another, all three, including the most important of the bunch. And they let them gather information and they pretend they haven’t. Then they shoot it down when it’s done. But don’t worry, America. They blocked their ability to communicate with the mothership, I guess. And I don’t believe that for a minute. Not for a minute. That all of a sudden we had the capability to do that. But we didn’t have the capability to even figure out what the hell it was for so long. But Joe Biden ordered it shut down. And they expect us to believe that. After all the time that went by. So we do not have a an adequate. Air radar system to cover the United States. We’re talking about drinkers. These are the sort of things that were used during World War One. 100 years ago. We’re not talking about satellites and space. We’re not talking about supersonic jets gathering information. At 100,000. Ft. We’re not talking about. High tech, cutting edge technology. And we don’t even have the capability when it comes to balloons. Are you kidding me? Like I said, the Israelis would have shot that out of the sky in 2 seconds. That doesn’t make me happy. And how how is it we don’t we don’t have any you know, we developed these these strategic defense initiative, SDI. They mocked it a Star Wars. And the goal was to be able to not their missiles out of the sky. We’ve gone a long way in developing that. But we can knock missiles out of the sky, but not balloons. I mean, something is going on here and Congress isn’t being told the truth. Congress is not being told the truth. I do not trust the head of the Joint Chiefs. I do not trust the secretary of defense. In fact, virtually all the other secretaries of defense and heads of the Joint Chiefs, including under Donald Trump, except perhaps the last defense secretary. But he wasn’t there long enough. They’re all responsible for this. All of them. Mad Dog. What the hell was Mad Dog doing? What are our what are any of them doing? I mean, I even look at this thing in Ukraine. Okay. Many of you disagree with me. I think we need to continue to support Ukraine. If you oppose World War three at the support Ukraine, because Putin’s already told us his goal is to cut through Ukraine and attack Poland. So let’s not pretend it’s all begins and ends with this. And the Ukrainians have done a masterful job. They’re one fourth the size population wise of the of the Russians. They do not have the industrial capability of the Russians. All their nukes were given back to Russia and they were promised geographic security. And of course they violated at the Russians the way the Chinese did with the the island of Hong Kong. But my point is, when I hear we’re running out of munitions. Now, let me ask you a question. We were running out of munitions in Vietnam. No. In Korea, which was a surprise attack. No. Can you think of any war? Short of the Civil War. But since the Civil War, where we were running out of munitions. What is that all about? Supply chain problems. So whether it’s bullets and missiles or artillery shells. Or baby formula or whatever it is. Eggs. We’re running out of these things. He’s. I don’t ever remember this happening. Ever, ever. But then. PJ Media, Pentagon’s anti-white diversity chief, comes up with a novel way to excuse her own racism. I don’t ever remember this either. The Democrat Party’s racist roots. But with a twist, of course, being imposed on our culture, being imposed on the bureaucracy, being imposed on the military. More when I return.

Hour 1 Segment 4

I’m going to continue some of this after the top of the hour because you need to know. The Pentagon’s anti-white diversity chief comes up with a novel way to excuse her own racism. By Robert Spencer at PJ Media. The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chief, this D.I. For the Defense Department’s schools is in hot water over what are being termed racially disparaging remarks by Alyssa Wing. That’s her name is no Bull Connor. When you actually describes herself as a woke administrator, has indulged in today’s most culturally acceptable form of racism, hatred of white people. She’s belatedly drawn the attention of lawmakers for remarks she made back in 2020 and 2021 and is fighting back with an interview published Friday in Military Times. Her defense She made her hate filled and racist remarks as a private citizen, not as an employee. The Department of Defence there now. Don’t you feel better? Wing said flatly, quote, No, I did not make disparaging comments against white people. I would never categorize an entire group of people to disparage them. Really? Well, let’s see. According to a September 2022 Fox News report, Wing, who has since deleted her rants at Twitter feed. You know, remember Joy Reid poll that tweeted in June 2020, quote, I’m so exhausted at these white folk for folks rather spelled f. O. L x. These white folks in these professional development sessions, this lady actually had the capacity, meaning Caucasian, to say that black people can be racist, too. I had to stop the session and give Karen the business. We’re not the majority. We don’t have power. So they have redefined what racism is. The only people who can be racist are white people. Blacks and other minorities cannot. That’s not the definition, but it’s the new definition. Wing was misusing the left in the same lexicon here for Fox, for, well, acts as Merriam-Webster, which is now as woke as everyone else tells us, as a spelling that quote used especially to explicitly signal the inclusion of groups commonly marginalized. This marginalized stuff. You live in a free country. You can pursue whatever you want. This is one of the great things about Stephenie Smith’s book. Everybody isn’t born rich. Everybody isn’t born an athlete. You’re free. And Shelby, she still likes to say you’re free. Go. Go do it. Free people should do. Be motivated, get informed, gain knowledge. Do something. Wing frequently expressed exasperation with how insistently white people dare to behave in her presence. She said if another Karen tells me about her feelings, I might lose it. When a critic took issue with Wing’s claim that racism is ingrained in the very fabric of our country, the diversity, equity and inclusion chief’s response was to sync by Karen. Now, however, Wing has tried to explain all this away by insisting she wasn’t speaking in her official capacity. Quote, I’m now speaking as a not as a private individual about my private free speech from July 2020. She also attempted to justify her remarks by claiming privileged victimhood status. There’s more on this. I really think you would hear this because this is part of the problem with the Defence Department. This is the diversity equity and inclusion chief chief for the Pentagon. I’ve got more when I return. I’ll be right back.