February 10th, 2023

February 10th, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - NOVEMBER 29: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) listens as Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) speaks during a news conference following a weekly policy luncheon on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2022 in Washington, DC. (Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Sen Mitch McConnell has decided to try and destroy Sen Rick Scott because he challenges him and his leadership. McConnell wants to be the decider of who will be the Republican nominee for president in 2024, not Trump or Ron DeSantis or Scott. Democrats do not do this to their own members; Pelosi or Schumer or Hakeem Jeffries wouldn’t attack their own party like McConnell does. Meanwhile, Sen John Fetterman has permanent severe neurological damage from his stroke and everyone knew it during his Senate run, and now has had medical issues trying to adjust to life in Congress. It is very sad for Fetterman and appalling what the Democrat party and the media did to him because they knew he was not up to the job just like President Biden isn’t up to his job.  Also, a second object was shot down today off the shore of Alaska, but the Department of Defense won’t describe what the object is or where it came from other than it was shot at 40,000 feet. In addition to spy ships, green lasers are being seen over Hawaii coming from the Chinese. The communist Chinese are on the move in the skies and in our hemisphere, and they are testing Biden and his Chiefs of Staff and their incompetency. We’re in a Cold War with China whether we like it or not, and they’re preparing for a real war while we are disarming our military. Later, aggressive special prosecutor Jack Smith is still going after Trump for doing what all presidents before him have done, but this time they want to criminalize it. We know Biden is a corrupt crook and has classified documents all over the place, and this latest document discovery will be covered up just like the others. Finally, Mark is joined by Washington Examiner Investigative Reporter Gabe Kaminsky to discuss his 3-part series on defunding and de-platforming media companies viewed as spreading disinformation.

Fox 29
Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman released from D.C. hospital after clear test results

Fox News
Fetterman hears voices like the teachers in ‘Peanuts’ after stroke, struggles to adjust to Senate life: report

Right Scoop
Mitch McConnell throws Rick Scott under the Biden bus HARD

NY Post
US shoots down another high-altitude ‘object’ that was the size of a small car over Alaska

Zero Hedge
Experts Believe Chinese Satellite Fired Green Lasers Over Hawaii

FBI searches and finds one additional classified record in Pence’s home

ABC News
Trump team turns over item marked classified to DOJ, sources say

Daily Mail
Biden lawyers handed over boxes of documents in BOSTON: Latest twist in classified files saga reveals they were handled in another location before they arrived at the Penn Biden Center

Fox News
DOJ, FBI targeting Catholics as ‘violent extremists’ under scrutiny by state AGs: ‘Bigotry’ is ‘festering’

Washington Examiner
Disinformation Inc: State Department bankrolls group secretly blacklisting conservative media

Washington Examiner
Disinformation Inc: Read one of the ‘blacklists’ used secretly to defund conservative news

Washington Examiner
DeSantis calls the bureaucrats’ bluff

Photo by Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

Before we get to this second thing in our sovereign skies, that was shot down because this is a very serious matter. John Fetterman was released from the hospital today. John Fetterman has permanent severe. Neuron neurological damage from his stroke. Everybody knew it when he was running for the Senate. Everybody. Including the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Pittsburgh Papers and all the other papers, including all the national press, and including Chuck Schumer, who poured millions into that campaign, as well as the unions and Biden and the rest of them supporting and campaigning for Fetterman. But they didn’t care. They don’t care. Fetterman can’t represent the people of Pennsylvania. He’s a man who is handicapped now. Newly elected Senator John Fetterman has described his severe hearing disability as causing him to hear the voice of the teacher from the Peanuts cartoon. When he hears people speaking, you know, like hanging, hanging. So reported The New York Times. He experienced lightheadedness on Wednesday, struggled to adjust life in the Senate. Given the challenges of recovering the need for technical tools to help them conduct conversations with staff and with staff and colleagues. Yes. To carry around various devices. So he can interact as a general matter. There are now wired screens in the Senate chamber where closed captions typed out for him by professional broadcast captions. I. I’m just saying that this is really very sad for him. And very appalling for the Democrat Party and very appalling. What the media have done here really is it really is disgusting because they knew. That Fetterman was not up to this job. And we know it today. It’s like we know Biden’s not up to the job. He muscles through, but he’s not up to it. This is a great country. And for this sort of thing to go on. And, you know, we knew that Thad Cochran out of Mississippi. Had fairly severe dementia when he was supported by Mitch McConnell and the Republicans. In the Republican primary. But Mitch McConnell never cared about Thad Cochran. He wanted his vote. Schumer didn’t care about Fetterman. He didn’t mean anything. Damn, He wanted the vote. Basically, the wife runs the office now. And Thad Cochran, basically his chief of staff and other staffers were running the office. Is this the way we want our government to be conducted? Really, folks? I’m going to start with something that’s going to surprise you that has nothing to do with this latest airborne device that I’m sure the communist Chinese shot up there again. Maybe it was the North Koreans. Who knows? But I’m very concerned about our lack of ability to act even quicker than we do. I mean, if you have missiles coming at us at supersonic speed, they’re not going to be floating based on the air stream. It’s just very troubling to me. But before we do. I want to demonstrate to the problems that we have in the Republican Party. Specifically in the Senate. You know, there’s been a ton of focus on the House and the election for the speaker and so forth. But Mitch McConnell doesn’t get that that kind of an examination. Not in talk radio, not on television, not in the conservative press. And he should. Because he’s diabolical. He’s evil. And he does more to undermine the conservative agenda than anybody else I can think of on the Republican side. But he’s been in Washington for decades and decades, like his buddy Biden and these other guys. So they have built up alliances and friendships within the Republican establishment, within the Democrat establishment, even within the media. This is the ruling class. So he hates Rick Scott because Rick Scott dared to run against him, even though Rick Scott knew he couldn’t win. He got ten votes, including his own vote. And he should have gotten more because I think the Republicans in that Senate Republican conference, some of whom ran as conservatives for their current seats. But have not revealed who they voted for. We haven’t heard from Ted Budd. We haven’t heard from J.D. Vance. We haven’t heard from any of these guys. I don’t know who they voted for to this day. But Mitch McConnell is out to destroy now. Rick Scott. Because Rick Scott has been a governor twice of a huge state like Florida. Who is an incredibly successful businessman and a multi-billion dollar company. He challenges Mitch McConnell and you’re not allowed to do that. Like Ron Johnson has. You’re not allowed to do that like Mike Lee has. You’re not allowed to do that. Sir Mitch McConnell is petty. Mitch McConnell is power hungry. Mitch McConnell’s all about himself. So is his staff. Ex-staff and current staff. Rick Scott put out a plan without the approval of Mitch McConnell. And the plan was how to basically reform Washington in the federal government from the bottom up in the middle out as they had case, Biden likes to say. And one of the things he said is that programs should be sunset every five years. So Congress is forced to review them and look at them and so forth. So the Democrats and Biden have seized on that to say. That the Republicans want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare. Mitch McConnell’s been in the Senate a very, very long time. He’s been in leadership for 20 years. He’s also the longest serving Republican leader in the Senate in history, fact is the longest serving leader of either party in history. And why is he that good? Mitch McConnell hasn’t done a thing to help Social Security, Medicare, because the trustees have said they’re going under. Both of them. And that if something isn’t done. Then in ten or 12 or 13 years, there’ll be massive tax increases on on individuals who pay into it, and there’ll be massive benefit reductions to Social Security recipients and Medicare recipients. I touch this for about 14 seconds the other day, and the George Soros Marxist operation called Media Matters attacked me. You see that? Mr.. Essentially saying I favor getting rid of Social Security. So that’s why it’s difficult to even raise it. But something is going to happen because. Washington has already stolen the funds out of the trust funds. There are no funds in the trust funds. You get a letter from the Social Security Administration telling you how much is in there. You don’t have anything in there. Washington took the money out of the Social Security trust funds. Both of them took the money out of the Medicare trust fund, took the money out of the highway trust fund. They don’t have any trust funds in Washington, D.C., because they’ve all stolen the money. And if they were in the private sector, every one of these bastards would go to prison for the rest of their lives. Every one of. So what their mouthpieces have to say to try and politicize all this is beside the point. But Rick Scott was not proposing anything to Social Security and Medicare. Anything. He was making statements about how the government should work. Right. So Mitch McConnell seizes opportunity to try and destroy Rick Scott. He knows Rick Scott’s from a state that has many, many, many seniors, Florida. He knows Rick Scott has presidential ambitions and Mitch McConnell considers himself the power player. He doesn’t want Trump. He doesn’t want Scott. He’ll decide who the Republican nominee will be. He’ll decide who the Republican nominees will be in all the Senate races, because Mitch McConnell’s really smart. He’s got his buddy, you know, Karl Rove. They’re telling him what to do. Karl Rove was wrong all the time. And we lost the Senate in 2006, guys like Santorum and so forth. When he was deputy chief of staff to George Bush. So here it goes. Cut now and go. Well, unfortunately, that was the Scott plan. That’s not a Republican plan. And that was a Rick Scott one on the Republican plan. As I pointed out last fall, if we were to come the majority, there were no plans to raise taxes on that. All right. Stop, stop, stop. There were no plans, period. He ran on nothing and we lost the Senate. And he blames Trump and he bully and he blames MAGA Republicans. And now he’s blaming Rick Scott. This is Mitch McConnell. This is how he stays in power. They only want to listen to me. I might have trouble. They didn’t run on no taxes. They didn’t run on anything. It was every man and woman for him or herself. This guy is not some kind of political genius. He’s a sleazeball, is evil, you know, spend millions of millions of dollars to trash conservative Republicans in order to elect people like Murkowski. Who will endorse him for his current spot. So he’s trying to make an example of Rick Scott. Don’t ever challenge me. How do I know this? Because senators have told me he’s like a mobster. He’ll call you into his office. He’ll tell you that he knows exactly what you’re up to, that he has. He has ways of hearing what you’re talking about and saying about him. And he threatens them on committee assignments, on not giving them any money in the Republican primaries and so forth. That’s what he does. He can’t communicate with the American people. The guy has a an outrageously bad. Ability to speak. He’s not strategic. He can throw our wrench here in there, but any Republican leader can. Bob Dole was a great Republican leader in the House, and because he agreed with everything Bob Dole said, but he knew how to run the place in the Senate. Excuse me. Go ahead. Medicare or Social Security. So it’s clearly the Rick Scott plan. It is not the Republican plan. So he said Rick Scott’s name three times. Three times. Cut, turn, go. And it’s just a bad idea. I think it will be a challenge for him to deal with this and his reelection in Florida, say, with more elderly people than any other state in America. There you go. He wants to take out Rick Scott, a conservative. That’s what he wants to do. The Democrats don’t do this to their own members. You would never hear Schumer saying that about anybody. You would never have heard Pelosi or Hakeem Jeffries saying that about anybody. Mitch McConnell votes frequently on major bills where he’s in the minority with a handful of Republicans who will follow him off the cliff. Mitch McConnell voted for inflation to. Mitch McConnell voted for inflation to a massive spending. Game for Shrek where, where and fresh rapture where the vast majority of that money wasn’t for infrastructure. It funded left wing organizations and left wing programs. He voted for that member. Mitch McConnell voted for the omnibus bill. 18 of them did. He led the way. Our bridge behind our bridge here. What a jerk. So we can’t just blame the Democrats for inflation, unfortunately. There’s at least 18 Republicans who voted for massive inflation and who voted to put the Republican majority in the House. In a true bind when it comes to this debt ceiling issue. That’s McConnell. And so he’s going to try and take out Rick Scott. He will leak stuff to major papers in Florida, major papers in Washington, D.C., because that’s how the man operates in the shadows. He’s very evil and sleazy. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

A couple of things. Aren’t you sick and tired of being lied to by Biden, the secretary of defense, the spokespeople at the White House, the spokespeople at the Pentagon? Are you sick of being lied to? So what is this thing they shut down today? All the toys. It’s as big as a car, Hussein. It. They won’t tell you who sent it. They don’t know who launched it. They don’t know who launched it. Are you kidding me? Of course they know who launched it. The fact that we knew about the first one is because somebody saw it in Montana with their own two eyes. So they shoot this thing down. They shoot it off the shore of Alaska. Good idea. And they won’t describe what this object is.

Hour 1 Segment 3

I want you to hear this from John Kirby. The White House press briefing today. He sounded a lot like the the nitwit who follows him in the afternoons. And what’s interesting is he didn’t bring this issue up. A reporter had to bring this issue up with this this object in the sky, as they call it, Cut, forego. Really briefly, can you speak to rumors that there is another Chinese balloon above Alaska or any other price of U.S. territory that the U.S. shut down? So I can confirm that the Department of Defense was tracking a high altitude object over Alaska airspace in the last 24 hours. Stop right there. So. She, this reporter, whoever she is, deserves some credit. She brings it up. Nobody knew about this. She wants to speak to him about rumors. So he didn’t come there to talk about this. And you have to assume if she hadn’t brought it up, he wasn’t going to talk about it. The hell is going on here? Go ahead and get an altitude of 40,000 feet and pose a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight. Out of an abundance of caution and at the recommendation of the Pentagon, President Biden ordered the military to down the object. And they did. And it came in inside our territorial waters. And those waters right now are frozen, but inside territorial airspace and over territorial waters. Fighter aircraft assigned to U.S. Northern Command took down the object within the last hour. That’s it. Look who launched it. We don’t know. What was it doing? We don’t know. What are we going to do when it’s supersonic missile as opposed to something that is basically relying on the air stream? Who’s going to make decisions and quickly. That’s what the communist Chinese are checking out, folks. Brigadier general, meaning one star General Patrick Ryder, Pentagon spokesman. Cut five. Go at the direction of the president of the United States fighter aircraft assigned to us. Oh, wow. That Joe Biden, man, he is decisive and he is tough at the direction of the president of the United States. Fighters went up there and they took this damn thing out of the sky, was traveling at the speed of a Volvo. So why didn’t he do that? Why didn’t he do that on Wednesday? Well, we weren’t sure. We didn’t know. We didn’t Look. Who was it? What was it, man? Oh, okay. Got it. Go ahead. That’s. Well, he took down a high altitude airborne object off the northern coast of Alaska. At one point, he successfully took down The president ordered it. An object. What was the object? We’re not telling. What was it, bigger than a breadbasket? Oh, yes, it was a big as a car. Old car. And we sent a jet up there to shoot it down. Yes. Aircraft. Multiple aircraft. And they succeeded in shooting it? Yes. At the direction of the president. Okay. Anything else? No, not really. Go on with your business. Move along. I feel better, don’t you, America? Go ahead. Eastern Standard Time today within U.S. sovereign airspace over U.S. territorial water. On February nine, North American Aerospace Defense Command detected an object on ground radar and further investigated and identified the object using fighter aircraft. Okay. And where did it come from? Which I’ll keep asking. We have very sophisticated satellite systems and radar systems and all kinds of systems. If Vladimir Putin is picking his nose, we can see that. But this thing is launched. It’s just released into the air. Where’d it come from? We don’t know. We’re still investigating that. Go ahead. An altitude of 40,000 feet and posed a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight. U.S. Northern Command is beginning recovery operations now. They say the same thing. So they put out. Amongst themselves, paragraph four two, that they were going to regurgitate time and again. Cut six. Go. I will give credit to our pilots that they’re very capable in terms of looking at an object, assessing whether or not this had the potential to be manned at that altitude. Something that small. Very, very unlikely that it was manned. And so, again, no indication that it was manned, presented, presented a potential reasonable threat to civilian air traffic and we took it down. Hmm. The answer should be it’s in our airspace, it’s unauthorized, and we shot it down like we’ll do every damn time anything comes into our airspace launched by the Communist Chinese, the North Koreans, the Iranians, or anybody else. But they don’t talk like that. Well, you know, it’s unbelievable. But there’s more than this. There have been laser. These shots are something over Hawaii. She met Mr. Producer. Green lasers. Over Hawaii. Well, what’s happening over Hawaii, ladies and gentlemen? Green lasers. So we have to turn to ZeroHedge. Late last month, mysterious green laser beams were spotted from Hawaii’s tallest peak. Experts initially said the burst of laser beams was emitted by a NASA spacecraft, though that was proven incorrect this week with evidence pointing to a Chinese satellite. Space experts at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. Initially tweeted on January 30 that the Subaru Oshie star camera call captured green laser lights in the cloudy sky over. I don’t know how to pronounce it, but in Hawaii, the lights are thought to be from a remote sensing altimeter satellite. But on February six, one week later, they issued a correction on YouTube that specified the laser beams weren’t from a US spacecraft, but the most likely candidate was a Chinese key satellite. According to Dr. Martino Anthony, NASA scientists working on the satellite. It is not. By their instrument, but by others. A correction note on the YouTube video explains his colleagues did a simulation of the trajectory of satellites that have a similar instrument and found a most likely candidate as the instrument of the Chinese communist Chinese satellite. We really appreciate their efforts in the identification of the light. We’re sorry for any confusion, they said in the videos provided. Even though the donkey won the communist Chinese satellite, supposedly an atmospheric environment monitoring spacecraft. There are many concerns after the spy balloon incident last week of space, space and even a high altitude surveillance equipment monitoring the United States and its allies. So that’s the communist Chinese to. Now. Why the cover up? Why the silence? Now I want to say this. Not just the Democrats, but the Republicans in Congress, too. You are not protecting this country. With all the talk about slashing defense, the communist Chinese are on the move. They’re on the move in space. They’re in the movement, on the the skies, the sovereign skies of the United States. They’re on the move geographically in our hemisphere. In Western Africa. Which faces eastern United States. They’re on the move with their phony islands and the weaponizing of these islands. They now have more nuke launchers than we do. They have modernized their nuclear forces. We have not. Of course, we can all talk about waste, fraud and abuse and the wokeism that’s being pushed at the Pentagon, which is a disgusting disgrace. But that doesn’t get us where we need to be. And for men and women in harm’s way, those men and women need to be the best prepared, the best armed and the best protected of all. And I’m deeply concerned about this, that we are not ready for war with communist China. And what the hell do you think they’re doing? They’re trying to figure out how to sabotage our launching systems, as I said the other day. That’s why they sent that derringer where they sent it with that communication equipment on there to find out how to sabotage us should we have to counter them. That’s what they’re doing. God knows what this latest one is. And they’re also testing Biden and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Milley is a disgrace, is he’s an incompetent. We saw that in Afghanistan. He’s a disgrace and an incompetent. And he ought to resign. With all his medals and all his honors. He’s over his head. He ought to resign. And how humiliating. How humiliating that Secretary Austin calls his counterpart in communist China and they don’t answer the phone. How humiliating is that? They violate our airspace. And they act like they’re the victims and we’re calling them. What the hell are we calling them for? To apologize. This administration’s policy is we want to compete with. Then. But that’s not a Cold War. Well, to get to decide that, and they’ve decided it is a Cold War, as I’ve said, for years. It’s a Cold War. That’s exactly what it is. Like it or not. And they’re arming up for a real war. Now here, people come on this program and they say, I would never bet against the United States military. And I’m not interested in that kind of talk. I’m not betting against the United States military. It is the job of its civilians, civilian politicians, the civilian electorate, the population us to make sure our military is the strongest on the face of the earth. And with the leadership it has right now from the commander in chief to the brass. It’s a huge problem. Nobody denies. The courage and the strength of red blooded Americans. That’s not what we’re challenging here of a failed and incompetent ruling class. That’s what we’re challenging. At least I am. And these Republicans, these preposterous. What are they? I don’t even know these Republicans who keep talking about how we provoke our enemies. We’re not provoking China. China’s provoking us. Unbelievable. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

I don’t know who’s going to win someday. I know who I think is going to win Sunday, but football, like all these other sports and so forth, you know, things happen. If a team suddenly is plagued by mistakes, they’ll lose no matter how good the roster is and a good their season has been, the quarterback gets hurt they’re likely to lose if a key offensive player defensive player gets hurt. It’s going to be tougher if they if the Wrap makes a bonehead call. Well, a team can lose based on that. So there’s a lot of factors that are built into. But too many people have a hate for my home city of Philadelphia and the Eagles. I grew up in Philadelphia. It’s a tough city. It’s an ethnic city, at least mostly was. And. It was a capital for a while of the United States. And we have stations everywhere, including in Kansas City. But I’m not a political. A sports unique here. I’m from Philadelphia. So if my team is in the Super Bowl, I’m rooting for it. It’s in the World Series. I’m rooting for and so forth and so on. So I’ll be rooting for the Eagles. Mahomes everybody says Mahomes is the greatest. Mr. P He’s damn good. There’s no question about that. But we’ll see about the greatest.