February 9th, 2023

February 9th, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 09: Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) responds to a question by Ivan Raiklin, before the start of a House Judiciary Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing at the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill on Thursday, Feb. 9, 2023 in Washington, DC. (Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the Democrat party and their media surrogates have made it abundantly clear that they believe in totalitarian government as long as it’s unleashed against people they don’t agree with. The Democrat party was founded in hatred of American principles and has continued in that way ever since, today embracing Marxism and anti-white racism and attacking the family.  They continue to undermine efforts to investigate corruption in our government, taking no interest in hearings about Twitter censorship or the weaponization of the Department of Justice and the FBI.  The Chinese spy balloon is another massive coverup by the Biden Administration, just like with the classified documents and the Hunter Biden laptop. It’s why Democrats are sabotaging and undermining House committees that are trying to investigate these issues. AG Merrick Garland has assisted in the obstruction and coverup of Joe Biden’s possession of classified documents, while at the same time subpoenaing and pressuring Republicans to turn on Trump for having documents. Later, Mark speaks with columnist Miranda Devine about the media’s willingness to cover up the Hunter Biden laptop and the Biden Crime family, and Democrat politicians who turn it into a discussion about January 6th. Mark is also joined by Eric Bolling to discuss the censorship of conservative voices in America and cable networks dropping conservative news stations.

NBC News
A second N.J. council member is fatally shot in a week

Washington Examiner
Hakeem Jeffries needs to come clean on his support for a notorious antisemite

NY Post
The Democratic litany of Hunter Biden’s laptop lies

ABC News
Mike Pence subpoenaed by special counsel overseeing Trump probes: Sources

Washington Examiner
Disinformation Inc: Meet the groups hauling in cash to secretly blacklist conservative news

Lawmakers to Cable Providers: Why Are You Letting News Channels Say These Things? (February 22, 2021)

Photo by Kent Nishimura/Los Angeles Times

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

There was a hearing today and at this hearing, the Republicans are trying to get to the bottom of the politicization of the FBI and the Department of Justice and other elements of federal law enforcement in the White House. The Democrats on the committee were running interference. The Democrats on the committee were attacking the Republicans. Not a single Democrat on the committee asked a single question about what the FBI, the Department of Justice and the others had been doing. Not one. Just as they didn’t care about what Twitter had done. They didn’t care at all. In yesterday’s hearing. So the Democrat Party has made it abundantly clear, as have their Democrat media surrogates, the incredibly dopey and stupid Joe Scarborough and his ilk, that they believe in totalitarian government. As long as it’s unleashed against people who they do not agree with. So the media believe in totalitarian government. The Democrat Party believes in totalitarian government. Clearly, Biden and his spokes idiots believe in totalitarian government. And why wouldn’t they? They’re the ones in charge of the government, even when they don’t win elections. It’s really quite amazing. Joe Biden is out there today saying the Republicans still want to destroy Social Security and Medicare. What do the Republicans have to do to demonstrate otherwise? It doesn’t matter. It’s the big lie. The Democrat Party was founded in hate for America, founded in hate for American principles, and it has continued in that vein ever since, pushing anti-black racism. Coddling the Klan. Coddling its own bigots and racists and segregationists today, embracing Marxism, attacking the family and parents, anti-white racism and anti-Semitism. That’s the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party has no problem with radical leftists at Twitter or Facebook or Google or the rest, conspiring with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and or other entities and or political operatives. To censor information. To advance the cause of the of the government and the Democrat Party and to interfere in our elections. And so the reporting. Is really quite bizarre, watching the cackling and the slobbering and the idiocy that is the corrupt American media. When serious issues are being dealt with. Serious issues are being dealt with by these committees and who would expect anything but this given the participation of the Democrat Party, corrupt media, and some of the greatest interferences in the American system in American elections known to a free people. Well, it was 2016. Whether it was the initiation of a criminal investigation of an innocent president. Whether it was the celebration of a corrupt speaker of the House. It was destroying all the traditions and institutions of that organization. And whether they sit there blithely. And worse, happily. As somewhere near a thousand American citizens have been rounded up. And if served time in our horrendous jail system in Washington. The vast majority of whom committed no acts of violence. We’re charged with our plea to parading and trespassing. On government property. Notice how they ran the January six committee. There was no effective minority. And here we have the kamikaze Democrats. Doing everything they can to disrupt. To derail. The degrade efforts. By the Republican majority to get to the bottom of the corruption that is our federal government. This will not end well. This will not end well for our culture, for our society, for the people in this country if the Democrat Party continue. To undermine efforts. To get to the bottom of the corruption. And the abuses of power. By the most powerful entities in our government. When people are frustrated. Well, people have nowhere to turn. When people feel their lives are out of their control, their freedoms are under assault, Their ability to speak and learn and gather information is being censored. They don’t take it well, particularly if they’re red blooded Americans. Not a single Democrat today on this committee. Was interested in any answers. Not a single Democrat yesterday. When that committee was looking into the Twitter files had any interest. And what was uncovered? Not one. Not one. The Democrat Party. It’s a kamikaze party. Wants to take down this country. It is the party of the American Marxist. It is the party of the mob. It is the party of unlawfulness. It is the party that despises our founding. And embraces critical race theory. Embraces the criminalization of parental protests. Embrace is charging people who disagree with them on issues like life. Versus abortion. It is a party that would be more than happy. Let’s see what conservative voices are left in this country and media platforms, the fear that there are. To be shut down and destroyed. And it’s the party that seeks to put Donald Trump in prison. It is the party that seeks to destroy Ron DeSantis, his reputation. It is the party that treats Republicans. Even you moderate rhinos out there as if you’re part of some neo-Nazi movement. That MAGA moment. Extreme MAGA. Super Maga. Using the language and the demagoguery of the most vile and heinous, fascistic and Marxist regimes in world history. Bachelor tactic. Republicans want to destroy. That country. Don’t elect them. They’re out to destroy democracy. They’re out to destroy. Social Security and Medicare. They’re out to destroy the middle class. They exist to to get money into the pockets of big oil. And Big Pharma. That’s what the Democrat Party has to say. Sir Chuck Grassley gives testimony today. This is a man who’s 89 years old. He’s been around a long time. He’s a man of enormous integrity. And none of it’s been covered. None of it. If he was a 27 year old former staffer to Donald Trump. Who gave testimony with the assistance and direction of Liz Cheney. Much of the testimony being false. He would be paraded around as a great patriot. Here in part is what he said today. Cut three. Go further. Allegations to my office involved FBI personnel at the Washington field office who improperly ordered information to be closed by the FBI related to Hunter Biden’s potential criminal conduct in October 2020, just before the election, even though it was verified or it was verifiable. Other whistleblower disclosures to my office make clear that the FBI has within its possession very significant, impactful and voluminous evidence with respect to potential criminal conduct by Hunter and James Biden. These disclosures also allege that Joe Biden was aware of Hunter Biden’s business arrangements and may have been involved in some of them. We still aren’t sure what’s been done with this information. That should be an earth shaking bit of testimony. From the longest serving, I think, Senator, now in the United States Senate. But it’s met with yawns. Crickets. And even worse, denunciation by so-called news organizations. Then there’s Ron Johnson, who, when he appears on Meet the Press or other shows, is viciously attacked. Because frauds phonies and false like Chuck Todd Democrat front people. They’re not interested in facts. Cut, forego. Throughout my testimony, I am not talking about the men and women in government who conduct themselves with integrity and patriotism. But at the outset, it is important to recognize corrupt individuals within federal agencies that I am talking about are not acting alone. They operate as vital partners of the left wing political movement that includes most members of the mainstream media. Big tech, social media giants, global institutions and foundations, Democrat Party operatives and elected officials. As a Twitter files reveal, these actors work in concert to defeat their political opponents and promote left wing ideology and government control over our lives. Mm hmm. And they said a lot more, as did other people. And all they were was dismissed in a some witnesses were attacked. As the Republicans tried to get the information out to a corrupt media that’s participated in the whole thing, whether it’s Hunter Biden’s laptop, whether it’s the classified information subsequently found that Joe Biden had, whether it’s Hunter Biden, period. Whether it was the lies the Democrat Party and their operatives in the FBI and the Department of Justice have spread. The vile, vicious attacks on parents in this country who are protesting at school board meetings. I still hear people’s lives were threatened by these people. Which one? But that still doesn’t give the FBI and the Department of Justice jurisdiction to go after them. It’s a local police matter. Somebody knows about that or to contact the local sheriff or the local police chief, not the anti-terrorism task force. Or the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department. Plus, we know it was an inside game. We all know this. Parents filed Freedom of Information requests with the federal government. The manner in which you do that is right in the back of American Marxism. And I just want to say this. I want to thank those who’ve read these books and have followed the recommendations in these books when the Tea Party rose simultaneous with the Tea Party. Liberty and tyranny came out. The number one conservative book of our generation. In terms of straight non-fiction. The number one and number two book was the one that came out most recently American Marxism, where in the back it’s laid out how you file Freedom of Information requests, how to go after school boards, how to go after teachers unions, legal organizations to contact, how to file complaints with the Internal Revenue Service and so forth and so on. And you’ve been doing this more when I return.

Hour 1 Segment 2

Tell me about a minute here. You know, folks. As much as I can. I share things with you. And that’s after I told you a couple of weeks ago I’ve been having trouble breathing with minimal exertion. And, you know, last year had a couple of standards, and we did a thorough review of my heart, given my past with heart disease and so forth. And the heart’s doing fine. And so now we’re looking at the lungs. There’s something going on with the lungs. So I had a CAT scan of that and we’ll know it a day or two. But I’m starting to think if there’s nothing there, that it was the. Vaccine booster. If they can’t find it in their heart. And we’ll see what happens with the lungs. And I’ve had real specialists looking and looking, and I believe it had to be something with that booster. I don’t think I’m surmising. I just think it’s a matter of logic. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Before we unravel some of this Twitter stuff as I posted on my various social sites you have to Republican. City councilman who’ve now been murdered in New Jersey within a week. One was a black woman, the Republican. Have you heard much about this? Does there seem to be much concern about this? I just tell you, because certain lives seem to me more than others. They seem to mean more than others. It’s like Jan six versus all the other riots that took place. The only person killed on January six was a peaceful protester. But you wouldn’t know it. He’d been asleep for ten years, and you woke up and you listened to the reporting. You know the Democrat Party in the media, He’d been hiding a lot about Hakeem Jeffries. Do you know a lot about Hakeem Jeffries, Mr. Producer? No. Does The New York Times know a lot about Hakeem Jeffries? Yes. New York Daily News. Yes. The Democrats know a lot about Hakeem Jeffries when they made him their leader. One day they want him to be speaker. Mark Paoletta. Has done a dive into the background of Hakeem Jeffries. And he wrote about it. My question is, why isn’t this covered by the Morning Schmo and Mrs. Schmo? Or the bigot. Joy Reid. Our Andrea mitchell. Or Jake TAPPER or sour Lemon or any of them. He writes. Last week, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries attacked the Republican Party for removing Representative Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee for her blatantly anti-Semitic public comments. But before attacking Republicans on this matter, Jeffries needs to own up to his own past, his past support for a notorious anti-Semite and why he lied about this past support when he was a newly elected member of Congress. Isn’t this a big deal? I mean, we heard for days about Trump and his dinners and so forth. Why isn’t this a big deal? You want to find the real. Racists and bigots and anti-Semites. You look at the Democrat Party. There’s a college seniors serving on the Black Student Union Executive Committee at Binghamton University. Jeffrey strongly defended in a Taurus artisan made his uncle, Professor Leonard Jeffries, who spews hatred, racism and bigotry. After Hakeem Jeffries was elected to Congress, he was dishonest about his previous support for his uncle’s anti-Semitic comments. Nor does it appear he has ever repudiated his support of his uncle’s views. Remember when I talked about this in an infamous July 1991 speech, Leonard Jeffries claimed there was a conspiracy, I’m quoting, planned and plotted and programmed out of Hollywood, where people called. Greenberg and Weisberg put together a system of destruction for black people. Professor Jeffries also claimed that rich Jews financed the slave trade. He also reportedly said in a classroom that Jews are dogs. According to one report, Professor Jeffries teaches as contribute controversial hypotheses that African-Americans are warm, humanistic sun people and that European-Americans are called materialistic ice people. People of African descent. Jeffries States have core spiritual values that people of European descent lack. And I quote. In an August 1991 article by Kenneth Stern reviewing Professor Jeffrey’s record, Stern wrote, Dr. Jeffrey preaches Jew hatred like a religion in order that Jeffrey’s July 1991 speech demonstrated the centrality of antisemitism to his teachings. Shortly after this racist and anti-Semitic speech in 1991, which attracted national attention and eventually led to the City College of New York to fire him. Binghamton University’s Black Student Union invited Professor Jeffries to speak at the university in February 1992 in response to the uproar that followed Bso’s board, including Hakeem Jeffries. His nephew held a press conference on campus to defend its invitation and rebut charges that Jeffries is anti-Semitic. Hakeem Jeffries stated, quote, We have no intention of canceling a presentation that contains factual information proven through scholarly documents and texts. The Black Student Union also lauded Professor Jeffries as a renowned historian and well-versed intellectual. According to a news report, Leonard Jeffries speech at Binghamton again placed the blame for the denigration of the blacks in the movies on anti-black Jewish movie moguls, and reiterated his claim that rich Jews played a significant role in African slave trade. Leonard Jeffries. anti-Semitism continued well after his speech in Binghamton. 1994, the Associated Press quoted the professor saying that Jews are like skunks and stunk up everything. When asked about his comment, Professor Jeffrey said that he didn’t remember it. Is it their free speech in America? 2012, the Anti-Defamation League quoted Jeffries saying that year the evil genius of the Jewish community was to put together their powers to make business the religion and make it part of their culture. Leaders of several universities, African-American studies have been critical of Professor Jeffries. Professor Henry Louis Gates at Harvard calls him the fringe. Professor Michele Wallace at City College said he’s not rational. It’s not possible to absorb some people and ice people into a rational view. My view of Leonard Jeffries is that he’s a maniac. When Hakeem Jeffries was elected to Congress in 2012, he tried to erase from his history his support for his uncle’s virulent anti-Semitic teachings. In a 2013 profile of Hakeem Jeffries in the Wall Street Journal. Jeffries dodged questions about his uncle’s views, claiming, according to the reporter, that he disagreed with many of his uncle’s theories, though he did not specify which ones. And in the same interview, Hakeem Jeffries claimed that as of 2013, he has looked at his uncle’s controversial speeches. It seems almost impossible to square with his statements in 1992 press conference that Professor Jeffries views are based on factual information proven through scholarly documents and tax, and especially rejecting charges. His uncle is an air Semite. Jeffries Dissembling on this topic permeates the 2013 interview. For example, he claims that he had a vague recollection of the controversy surrounding his uncle and that his mother made a very deliberate, concerted effort to shield us from a lot of the controversy that took place. On the controversy surrounding Jeffries 1991 speech, Hakeem Jeffries claimed My brother and I were away at school. There was no internet during the era, and I can’t even recall a daily newspaper in the Binghamton, New York area. But I wasn’t covering the things that the New York Post and Daily News were at the time. No, really? Well, we know better daily. Now that he is the leader of the House Democrats, it’s time for Congressman Jeffries to level with the public. About where he stood in 1992, why he tried to paper over his past support, where he stands now and didn’t announce his past views of his own uncle. That’ll never happen. The Democrat Party is rife with people who have this mindset. Extensive. Extensive. And Hakeem Jeffries has never had to answer for it as he’s cheered and promoted to the leading Democrat in the House. And that really is not that surprising to me because this is what the Democrat Party has become. I want to move on to another issue and then I want to get to Twitter after the break. You see, President Trump has been personally attacking Ron DeSantis. As only Donald Trump can. But he’s not alone. Larry Hogan’s been trying to do his best at it. Others? Eisa Hutchison. Chris Christie. Same thing in a different way. They all fear. Ron DeSantis Apparently. Isn’t that interesting? Do they think he’s got the lead? Do they think he’s the greatest threat? We have this guy, Chris Sununu. Who looks like a child who’s consumed too much sugar as he bounce around in his seat. We. Also seen Governor Noem’s staff trashed DeSantis as well. Why is that? 1976. I was among some young Turks in the state of Pennsylvania who who endorsed a candidate that we were told cannot win. He cannot win Pennsylvania. He cannot win the East. It was Reagan that was attracted to his views. My older brother Doug and I, we when we heard him speak, he was introduced by the great late Senator Paul Laxalt in Philadelphia. We watched him speak again at a Republican event in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, in Montgomery County. I said, That’s the man. I’d read about him already. I was studying a lot back then as a kid, reading around me seasoned high-iq and free men and regularly The National Review, the one magazine I subscribed to, I would watch Firing Line when I could. In other things and other things. Reagan was the man. And Reagan had an 11th Amendment. You don’t have to have an 11th Amendment, but he had an 11th Amendment that he was going to run his campaigns aboveboard, that he was going to fight on the issues and the substance. He was going to promote ideas. Thou shalt not attack another Republican. Now, I’ll attack them all I want, but I’m not running for president. And that’s where he stood. Unless he was in a debate and was viciously attacked, he would respond. But he had a strong agenda that he wanted to run on a strong record eight years as governor of California. He had ideas he wanted to promote. He wanted to persuade the American people. First, Republicans, he already had the core base and then others. And I want to explain to Larry Hogan and Chris Sununu and others and my advice to the president, we are not going to win the general election this way. We simply will not. They might win primaries this way. They are not going to win the general election this way. We must. We must win. We have to win. Persuade the American people. Why we’re better than those who seek to destroy the country. Persuade the American people of our principles. Our values, our beliefs. And then maybe, yes, maybe we will win the kind of landslide that Ronald Reagan won. Landslide. Landslide. Just the thought. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

We will have you on the program in about 20 minutes. Miranda Devine, she also watched some of this nonsense involving the Bidens and how the Democrats were lying about everything. And, of course, they’re working with the media to try and cover up much of what’s going on. Here’s Biden in Tampa, Florida, today about Social Security. Cut ten. Go. I know that a lot of Republicans, their dream is to cut Social Security, Medicare. Well, let me say this. If that’s your dream, I’m your nightmare. By the way, that may be redundant, but I think they already think I am. But if anyone tries to cut Social Security, going to stop it. Everyone tries to kind of. I think you are the sleaziest person to ever serve in the Oval Office. That’s what I think. You live by the lie. You live by the plagiarism. You don’t give a damn who you hurt. You don’t give a damn how you deceive and what you plunder. In my view, you’re a very sick man. You have ripped off the American people your entire life. You’ve been on the dole effectively welfare. You and your family have used the connections to get filthy rich. You knew that going through the Democrat Party you would have a level of immunity you could never have as a Republican. You were a racist and a segregationist. You were an anti-black racist. Now you’re an anti white racist. Really a desperate and peculiar man. And unfortunately, the most powerful man in the country to the detriment of the American people. That’s what I think. And when you have a media filled with cover up artists and propagandists and demagogues, a media filled with low IQ Democrats and would be Democrats, a media filled with radical left ideologues and grifters. Like Scarborough, among others. The American people are not just ill served there undermined. They’re undermined. We have an FBI that’s out of control, the Department of Justice that’s out of control, a Department of Homeland Security that won’t control the border. We are people who are not safe. From enemies, foreign and domestic. And you, sir, are the sleaziest, sleaziest man to ever be in the Oval Office with your constant lies. You are a coward and you are a fool. I’ll be right back.