January 10th, 2022

January 10th, 2022

US President Joe Biden gestures next to his Mexican counterpart Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (out of frame) during a welcome ceremony at Palacio Nacional (National Palace) in Mexico City, on January 9, 2023. - A regional migration and drug smuggling crisis is expected to dominate talks between US President Joe Biden and his Mexican counterpart Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Monday. (Photo by NICOLAS ASFOURI / AFP) / The erroneous mention[s] appearing in the metadata of this photo by NICOLAS ASFOURI has been modified in AFP systems in the following manner: [correcting date to January 9] instead of [December 9]. Please immediately remove the erroneous mention[s] from all your online services and delete it (them) from your servers. If you have been authorized by AFP to distribute it (them) to third parties, please ensure that the same actions are carried out by them. Failure to promptly comply with these instructions will entail liability on your part for any continued or post notification usage. Therefore we thank you very much for all your attention and prompt action. We are sorry for the inconvenience this notification may cause and remain at your disposal for any further information you may require. (Photo by NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP via Getty Images)

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, U.S intelligence memos and briefing materials related to Ukraine, Iran, and UK were found in Biden’s office, and the democrat media mouthpieces have already received their talking points from the White House to cover it up.  This is a battle between liberty and tyranny, and the democrats and their media mouthpieces have made it clear in their treatment of Biden that they support tyranny.  AG Merrick Garland hasn’t had a press event about this yet, and has covered it up since before the midterm elections and beyond. Biden has had these documents since between 2013 and 2016, documents he took while he was vice president, and this information has not been reviewed by a special council or independent authority. Even now the treatment of Biden is completely opposite of how Donald Trump was; the unconstitutional treatment of Trump is being exposed by how lightly Biden is being handled now. We finally have a Republican Majority in the House to have people like James Comer and Jim Jordan finally investigate Biden.  Also, Mark is joined by James Trusty and Fred Fleitz to discuss the Biden documents and how terribly Trump was treated in comparison. Then, the Fairfax, VA school district changed their system from merit-based to one that discriminates based on race without the parents or students knowing, and most importantly without the state attorney knowing either. Hundreds of Chicago public school teachers assaulted, groomed, or raped students last year, and received over 600 misconduct allegations. This is what they’re doing to your kids with your tax dollars.

US intelligence materials related to Ukraine, Iran and UK found in Biden’s private office, source tells CNN

Rep Byron Donalds Has A LOT Of Questions About Biden’s Classified Docs

GOP requests intel ‘damage assessment’ of Biden documents

Fox News
House Republican files articles of impeachment against DHS Sec. Mayorkas

Hot Air
Payback: McCarthy confirms that these three Dems will get stripped of committee assignments

Trump ally Rudy Giuliani subpoenaed by federal prosecutors -source

NY Post
Ex-Trump Org CFO Allen Weisselberg sent to Rikers Island for tax fraud

Washington Examiner
Virginia AG expands civil rights investigation into Fairfax County Public Schools

Hot Air
Groomers everywhere

Photo by Nicolas Asfouri/AFP

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Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

I want to thank you folks again. Number one prime time at night on fox News, life, liberty and livin. Thank you. Thank you always. We very much appreciate it. We do our very best on that program as we do on all our programs. But we have quite a string there. And I want to thank each and every one of you. One guy out there ought to thank our buddy Chip Roy, I can tell you that. Chip Roy is a good man and he’s a great friend to a number of people. And this gentleman is very lucky. What am I talking about? He knows what I’m talking about. Exclusive CNN. U.S. intelligence materials related to Ukraine, Iran and U.K. found in Biden’s private office. Source tells CNN. Now, I’m going to stay on this since it broke last night during the course of this program. And I want to really dive deep into this. You can see the media circling the wagons to protect Biden. Whenever you hear the Morning Schmo and Mrs. Schmo on MSL as they make their stupid comments and arguments all the time, you know, the talking points have gone out. You know, they receive their talking points from the White House. Joe Scarborough’s just too stupid to think for himself. CNN Among the items from Joe Biden’s time as vice president discovered in a private office. Last fall are ten classified documents, including U.S. intelligence memos, U.S. intelligence memos and briefing materials. U.S. intelligence memos and briefing materials that cover topics including Ukraine, Iran and the U.K., according to a source familiar with the matter. Now, notice the attorney general of the United States meritless. Garland hasn’t had a press event yet. Notice he covered this up for more than two months. Notice that everybody in the Biden administration covered this up for more than two months right through the midterm elections and beyond. Now, why did this leak? Well, many, many of you watched Life, Liberty and Levine on Sunday night. Rather than football. Rather than Yellowstone. And. I was interviewing James Colmer, the head of the House Oversight Committee, and one of the things he and I discussed was the National Archives and these document issues with respect to Trump and how phony they were. And. And I said. That, you know, other presidents and so forth have documents. I’ve said this all along. Having served in an administration, I know that they had two former attorneys general, former secretaries of state, former vice presidents and former presidents. And what did I say even when they were attacking Trump a few months back? Has anybody investigated any of these other people to determine if they have documents or not? Mark? You know, I’m an astronomer. I can’t prove a negative. But how much you want to bet they all have some. Obama, George W and the rest of them. But I mentioned Biden by name. Of course, they won over most people’s heads in the media. And so this is a big deal. Why is it a big deal? Because the Biden administration made it a big deal and meritless. Garland sat on this for two months. He’s had no press event. We’ve heard nothing. He handed it to the U.S. attorney in Chicago. But we’re told it’s okay because he was nominated by or appointed by Trump. Well, what does that have to do with anything? The special counsel provision says if there’s an appearance of a conflict of interest. And there are more and more appearances of conflicts of interest when it comes to Joe Biden and this administration. So they have a special counsel investigating Trump. Who is the Republican candidate who is announced for president of the United States. And there will be others, somebody who’s a private citizen, an outsider, the opposite party. That’s not when you unleash a special counsel. There’s has nothing to do with the rule on special counsels. So, yes, U.S. intel memos and briefing materials that cover Ukraine, Iran and U.K. And as I said yesterday, remember how they leaked that Trump had information about nuclear codes and he did not. Notice there’s been no leaks from the FBI. It’s amazing. They can zippered things up when they want to. Tony General meritless. Garland has received a preliminary report on the documents inquiry. A law enforcement source said I am back to my earlier point. This stuff was leaked on Monday because on Sunday Chairman Comar told me they’re going to look into communications between the National Archives and other administrations and other presidents and other people, because I indicated to him that they really ought to look at text messages and emails and other communications, because I’m sure that in Trump’s case, he’s not alone. They saw it, they heard it, they’re aware of it. And so they tried to get in front of it. I see. Aren’t we righteous? Soon as we found out about it. We contacted. The archives. No, they didn’t. Soon as they found out about it, they contacted the special counsel to the president over at the White House. He contacted the archives. They contacted the Department of Justice. Sir Galan has received a preliminary report on the documents, and Korea law enforcement source said, and now faces the critical decision on how to proceed, including whether they’re opened a full blown criminal investigation. Well, it seems to me it would be the right thing to do. How about you, America? Joe Biden has had these documents from between 2013 and 2016. He’s had these documents for nine years. Eight years, seven years, six years. That’s a long time. And these are documents he took when he was vice president. And so what are we to do? Rely on his private attorneys to tell us that they’ve turned over everything? Did the Department of Justice rely on private attorneys ultimately when it came to Trump’s materials? Now. What they should have done is had a. A federal FBI SWAT team go in. To where Biden once had his office to his drunk tank, a.k.a. think tank, to his various homes to find out exactly what he had. So even already. Even now, the treatment is completely different. And the. The tool that prosecutors and investigators use of surprise has gone. It’s gone. So somebody is going to destroy something or move something they know to have done it. They know they’ve have done it already. Now what? You shouldn’t have to rely on Biden’s private lawyers, many of whom probably don’t even have a classified clearance to look at this stuff. This stuff was found in a folder in a folder that was not marked classified in any respect, according to reports. Well, that means anybody could have opened the folder. We’ve heard a couple of stories about where they were maintained, including in a locked closet. Remember all the attacks on Trump and his lawyers and his people because they they locked it in a storage area, I believe, in the basement at Mar a Lago, which is protected by Secret Service personnel. And so, remember, lying. You don’t hear that today about this stuff. Instead, you hear that it was among the Biden’s family documents, including materials about Beau Biden’s funeral arrangements and condolence letters and so forth. But how do we know these are it? How do we know there’s not other government documents that aren’t even related? But CNN just wants to make sure you understand they have a they’ve a chart of classified documents found. Joe Biden, ten total documents, some top secret cooperating laws found and alerted archives. That’s not true. They alerted the White House, at least according to one report, and they say report is wrong. Donald Trump, at least 325 total documents, 60 Top secret. Under investigation for obstruction. Archives first reached out to Trump lawyers. Now let’s slow down. Just look how even lie about their statistics. They say ten total documents. They don’t have the foggiest idea how many total documents they are. They just know what the source leaked in them. And the source, according to their own reports, they didn’t ask. And there’s nothing in here that this is the sum total of it. We have no idea. There hasn’t been a law enforcement independent investigation to go and get these materials unless they’re holding that information back. And it occurred and we just don’t know. They say ten total documents, some top secret. No. Ten of the documents were classified. Some of them at the highest level. He’s cooperating. Well, Trump raised a lot of objections to what they wanted and what they’re doing. But that doesn’t mean ultimately wasn’t cooperating. No, no, no. We needed to get a warrant. No, you didn’t. We had to send out a subpoena. Well, why didn’t you send out a subpoena for Biden’s documents? Because he’s cooperating. He’s cooperating. They found the documents in his office after 6 to 9 years. Archives first reached out to Trump lawyers, lawyers, phone and alerted archives. So there they are, trying to make all these clever little distinctions. But that’s not the law. They’re trying to make an obstruction case against Trump. The law on the Espionage Act, which was first passed by Woodrow Wilson to go after anybody who opposed his views on World War One. And he used it and it was amended thereafter. And a lot of people have had some issues with aspects of it Rand Paul, me, others. The question is whether even applies to Donald Trump because he was president. Joe Biden was vice president, The president of the United States and only the president of the United States is the head of the executive branch has the power to declassify anything he wants or declassify anything he wants, regardless of what any bureaucrat bureaucrat says or or a cabinet regulation says. He’s the head of the executive branch. Joe Biden is the vice president. He doesn’t have any of those powers. None. And this was brought up by our friend Byron Donalds on CNN today. Cut to Mr. Producer. Go. Oh, well, my reaction is pretty simple. I’m wondering why the vice president of the United States had classified documents outside of the hands of the intelligence community. Listen, it’s been pretty clear that presidents do have some classified documents. But the difference between a president and everybody else is the president has the ability to declassify information. The vice president has no ability to declassify information. So, number one, what was he doing with classified information in his possession? Number two, why did it take six years? And I want to stress this for the American people. Joe Biden left the vice presidency in 2017. So it’s taken six years for these documents to surface. That is incredibly concerning. And point number three, and this is the one that’s most important. Everybody can go back to the Hillary Clinton email saga. We know other presidents have had classified information. But why was there a raid on Mar a Lago? But now this story just kind of seeps out and everybody’s saying, oh, we just want to get down to the bottom of it. And everybody is giving the benefit of the doubt. A vice president of the United States or a secretary of state or anybody else should not be having classified information. Period. Superb. And now we have this guy, Adam Kinzinger, who is as dumb as Iraq. Listen to this. Cut three. Go. Fortunately, our justice system does nuance, and that’s. Really important when it comes to justice. Unfortunately, our political system doesn’t do nuance. And what you heard from Representative Donalds, he made, I think, a compelling case for the facts that he has to go on. But first off, it’s ludicrous to say a vice president can’t have access to classified material or. All right, stop, stop, stop, stop. That’s not what he’s saying. He’s saying after he leaves office, what is the vice president doing with documents? A president has the power to declassify. So this debate has been going on about declassification. The vice president does not does not have the power to declassify. That’s Donald’s point. And he makes it as plain as can be. It’s just that Kinzinger has such a hate for Trump and such a love for Biden that he’s moronic. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

By the way, next time we’re going to have James Trusty on the program. James is one of President Trump’s lawyers. He’s handling the document case, among others, for President Trump will want to hear from him. And in the third hour, Fred Fleitz, who says I know why in his opinion, Biden had these documents and it wasn’t a mistake. Now the Republicans, it turns out, by the way, folks, to update you, that this U.S. attorney in Chicago’s done with his review. So we learn about it one day. And then the very next day, we’re told that his review is done and it’s now with the attorney general of the United States. Meritless Garland. They were hoping they could sweep this entire thing. Entire thing under the bed. But because the Republicans have control of the House, because they have a chairman of the House Oversight Committee who’s been told go for it, because we had our program Sunday night talking about this very subject and the extent to which he plans to get into it

Hour 1 Segment 3

 The top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee. AP as requested that the U.S. intelligence community conduct a damage assessment of potentially classified documents found in the Washington office space of President Biden’s former institute. Representative Mike Turner sent the request today to Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, saying that Biden’s retention of the documents put him and potential violation of laws protecting national security, including the Espionage Act and Presidential Records Act, irrespective of a federal review. The revelation that Biden potentially mishandled classified or presidential records, writes AP, could prove to be a political headache for the president, who called former President Trump’s decision to keep hundreds of such records and his private club in Florida irresponsible, keep hundreds of what such records classified information worth hundreds of classified documents. Let’s see here. Biden ignored shouted questions earlier, but he answered them just now and he made no news. He basically said his lawyers did what they should have done. Then when they were cleaning out his office. When he was elected president, I suppose. But last time I checked, that’s two years ago, right, Mr. Producer? At least putatively. He had his private attorneys look at everything as they were shutting down that office, moving it somewhere else, I guess, And they found the information. And he said they alerted the National Archives and he doesn’t know what’s in the documents. His lawyers said he shouldn’t ask what’s in the documents and it’s under review and he hopes the review will be completed soon. That’s it. So move along. Nothing to be seen here. Move along. Nothing to be seen here. And I might add, as a footnote, he was asked about immigration and so forth. And he’s definitely going to now reposition himself as a centrist and a moderate, having been the most radical president in my lifetime and in many lifetimes trying to even outdo Obama and FDR. And I think he has succeeded. And he says, you know, the critics on the far left and the far right are wrong. Get my drift. About his reform plan for immigration is a plan. He always has a plan. No action or at least no effective action on behalf of the American people. He’s got a plan. Those entrusted with access to classified information have a duty and an obligation to protect it, said Turner. The issue demands a full and thorough review of the documents were found on November two in a locked closet in the office. They alerted the White House. See, we’re getting two things and this is important. Biden just said, as attorneys alerted the National Archives, one article said they alerted the National Archives. Another article said they alerted the White House counsel’s office. So in this AP article, it says that his White House counsel said the attorneys immediately alerted the White House counsel’s office. They, in turn, notified the National Archives. They in turn notified the Department of Justice. And of course, they’re cooperating. Okay, so what? These are strict liability statutes, the Espionage Act and the Presidential Procurement Records Act. So either you do what’s in the law or you don’t. The issue with Trump, of course, was whether he declassified these documents or not, but also. If they’re going to take it to the issue of obstruction, which is what they keep talking about, that is a crime that requires intent. That’s not a strict liability crime. I don’t want to get into the weeds, but we’ll talk more about these things with James Trusty and Fred Fleitz. James Trusty From the legal perspective, Flights from a National Security. Representative James Colmer, the new GOP chair of the House Oversight Committee, said Monday that this raised questions about the Justice Department’s handling of the Trump probe. So the White House is going to be raided tonight. Are they going to raid the Bidens? This is further concern that there’s a two tier justice system within the DOJ with how they treat Republicans versus Democrats, certainly how they treat the former president versus the current president, of course. And they prop up Jamie Raskin, who’s a red I understand it, quite sick, but he still economy. I have confidence the attorney general took the appropriate steps to ensure the careful review of the circumstances surrounding the possession and discovery of these documents, he said, and make an impartial decision about any further action that may be needed. And he says that Biden’s attorneys appear to have taken immediate and proper action. Yeah. Medium proper action. I don’t care about Biden’s attorneys to take care of. Biden did. Biden had these documents for years and years, and he didn’t know it. Okay, let’s reverse this. There’s only ten of them, they say. Right. Not hundreds and hundreds that they accused Trump. Ten of them. He didn’t know he had them, but he locked him in a closet. With funeral information and arrangements involving Beau Biden. And he never looked he didn’t know what was in it. He doesn’t know what’s in the documents. That’s a little hard to stomach, don’t you think? They knew this a week before the election. Something the American people should have known, as I pointed out yesterday. The raid on Mar a Lago. A Jim Jordan points out three months before this election. Would have been nice if we knew about the Biden situation on November 2nd. They had the information. They sat on it. So why is the White House disclosing information? And why aren’t these questions being posed to the White House now? It’s a good question and it’s also very important. And who made these decisions? And then you can hear the the talking points that went out to the Democrats as they march in line and click their heels. Here we have Pete Aguilar. Boy, this guy is particularly loathsome. This is the guy, I think, who kept nominating a Hakeem Jeffries for speaker of the House. This guy is loathsome. Cut one. Go. This is Republican hypocrisy in its finest. When the former president had 320 documents found in his personal residence. They said that, quote, That will not be a priority. What President Biden did. Well, that will not be a it’s under criminal investigation. What do you want them to do? You want him to work for the Democrat Party? Is that it? The only good investigation is the Democrat Party investigation. This clown shown on the January six committee to keep that in mind. Go ahead. Archives. Let law enforcement know. That is exactly the way they did. Let law enforcement know. I just read you the AP. They let the White House now. But folks, it’s not a matter of letting law enforcement know. It’s not a matter of of letting even the White House know, although that does show their mindset the fact of those documents. In the former vice president’s office before he was president without any declassification authority. This is what I talked about Monday. This is Rabbi Byron Donalds reiterated today. That’s the issue. That’s the issue under the Espionage Act and under the construct of the Constitution. The vice president doesn’t have any power whatsoever with respect to this. Unless a president dies and he’s acting, then he becomes president. But that’s beside the point. That’s not relevant here. Go ahead. This. So we’re going to support the fact that the president is following this established protocol that he did the right thing. So it’s over for them and they’re all out there saying the same thing. They’re media hacks are out there saying the same thing. They’re legal analysts. And former federal prosecutors are out there saying the same thing. They’re phony national security experts who remember them with the with the Hunter Biden laptop. They’re out there saying the same thing. This is what they do. It’s a conga line. It’s a conga line of fools, freaks and phonies. And this information has already been reviewed it not by a special counsel, not by an independent authority, not by a special master. This information is now. With the attorney general of the United States, Apparently some kind of report or conclusion by the U.S. attorney in Chicago. I don’t care who appointed him. I don’t care if Moses appointed him. It’s an. The appearance of a conflict because that guy reports to the attorney general. He handed his report to the attorney general. And now Garland is going to sit there and make a decision. Well, he already made decisions. He made decisions made in the case of Biden when he was vice president and after he was vice president, before he was president, that he’s going to rely on his private lawyers to tell them that this is it. They don’t have anything else. That’s it. No subpoena. Certainly no warrant. No FBI SWAT team. I mean, they were sitting on the information wittingly or unwittingly, but at least initially, it has to be winning. Right? For years and years and years now with Trump. They said there were more documents. That is irrelevant under the law. No law is talking about the number of documents. Could be one document. If you apply it the way the Democrats are talking about. Pretty incredible. But they’re already with the defense. They’re already. Mike. Normally if I mispronounce your name, so what? NBC News White House correspondent. I got to say, the guy’s acting like a reporter, at least briefly. Cut five. Go. Clearly, there’s going to be some political concern here. The president gearing up for a potential launch of his re-election campaign. And now you have hanging over them this legal cloud. But it was interesting and I think important to note that White House advisers at the highest levels would have known that this issue was ongoing for at least two months. Given the timeline we were given from the White House yesterday. And so I think one of the questions is about why they’ve waited for this story to sort of break in the news on its own versus being fully transparent, disclosing this as soon as it happened two months ago. Oh, my goodness. That guy better watch his back. Oh, yes. Over there at the NBC. And that’s the question because it’s political. Because Merrick Garland is political through and through the whole damn bunch of them. They didn’t want you to at least know anything about this prior to the midterm election, which could have affected a number of these tiny, tiny majority losses that we had. They were not going to allow that. This Department of Justice is so politicized. It’s unbelievable. It’s unbelievable. It just I’m glad Mr. Comber and Mr. Jordan are in the positions they’re in, and they’re going to exercise their power to look into these things. And yes, I’m glad that the Speaker has told them to go for it. Go for it. You told them to go for two months ago. Go for it. Having trouble picking a New Year’s resolution car. Shawn has you covered. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

A couple of years back. Our buddy Ted Cruz asked me to meet with a number of individuals who were running for the house. Ted and I go back a long ways. Good man. And my wife Julie, and I went out to forget the town. It’s in Colorado somewhere. And this is where we met Rosendale and and Boebert and Miller. I’d say a whole bunch of the 20, by the way, and some of the six. And of course, we endorsed them all on this program. Some had tougher races than others. And one of the gentleman was from Fort Worth. His name was Pat Fallon. Very good man. And Pat Fallon has introduced articles of impeachment. He’s from Fort Worth, Texas. Against my orcas that his name is Producer. The secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Which we discuss with our buddy Chip on Life Liberty Levin as well, because. To be honest about it. The impeachment should be a Biden. Because these are Biden’s decisions. But in the case of Mayorkas, he’s carrying out these decisions. He is a serial liar under oath and not under oath. Whether it’s the two Border Patrol individuals on the horses or the entire macro situation that’s going on on the southern border. He’s a liar. And so he should be impeached regardless of what the Senate does. And everybody should be on the line and we should know how they all stand. And this is what I mean by action. Acti own action. And things are happening today in the House, which look pretty good, if you ask me. Back to Joe Biden before we run out of time here in on MSNBC in 2018, one of his favorite reporters, Andrea mitchell, who covered Philadelphia in Delaware in those areas when she was a cub reporter, got seven go. In 2018, Joe Biden addressed his access to classified information in an interview with me. This was in the context of Russia’s interference in U.S. elections, and it was in that office. But then Biden Center. I don’t have access to classified information anymore. I don’t get briefed every morning by the agency as I did for eight years. So either he’s an ignoramus, could be or he’s lying. And why should he get the benefit of the doubt when this issue is so hot? I mean, it’s nuclear hot and it’s being used to try and take Trump out. Before you make a comment like that, shouldn’t you have some knowledge or you make it in 2018? Right. Shouldn’t you go back and figure out if you have any? Anyway, I’ll be right back.