December 2nd, 2022

December 2nd, 2022

The dome of the US Capitol is seen in Washington on January 4, 2011, one day before before the Republican-led 112th Congress covenes for the first time. AFP PHOTO/Nicholas KAMM (Photo credit should read NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images)

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, House Republicans don’t like being called boneheads, but working with Democrats simply to defeat Kevin McCarthy’s election as Speaker will effectively give all power to a handful of liberal Republicans and the Democrats that support them. Then, while Americans are facing increased costs for everything, President Biden hosted a state dinner for the French President and served lobster. The same lobster industry which Biden wants to shut down. Later, in a bombshell revelation, Elon Musk released the facts on Twitter’s role in blocking the Hunter Biden laptop story, which included blocking the White House Press Secretary’s account, and the New York Post. It’s also been reported that the FBI was meeting weekly with big tech companies in the weeks prior to the 2020 election and was deleting tweets directly at the request of the Biden Administration which has disproportionate influence inside Twitter. Afterward, with days to go before the Georgia runoff election for the U.S Senate, more information about Raphael Warnock’s insidious anti-American past surfaces. Georgians have an opportunity to choose Herschel Walker and hopefully, they take advantage of it.

With Kevin McCarthy’s quest for the speaker’s gavel in turbulent waters, lawmakers are publicly and privately floating alternatives.

Biden: ‘Silence is complicity.’

Why Won’t Joe Biden Repudiate Anti-Semitic Democrats? | Opinion (October 2020)

Political Insider
Flashback: Kanye Performs at DNC Fundraiser, Obama Jokes About Him Becoming House Speaker

Full guest list: Colbert, others at Biden’s first state dinner


Fox News
FBI met weekly with Big Tech ahead of the 2020 election, agent testifies

Here is Raphael Warnock in 2013 praising the Nation of Islam — led by proud antisemite Louis Farrakhan — as “needed” and “important.”

Photo by Nicholas Kamm/AFP

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

We are monitoring our Twitter feed. Elon Musk has promised to put out information related to the Hunter Biden laptop and how the Twitter oligarchs in the past concealed it to affect the outcome of the election. So we’re monitoring that for you. As you know, ladies and gentlemen, I’ve been pretty disgusted, in particular with five members of the House of Representatives, Republicans. I’ve called them boneheads and I’ve called them saboteurs. I was called by one former member of the House today, an old friend who said they don’t like being called boneheads. Well, I could call them other things, but we’d have to say that for the podcast. What we missed our producer and why did I tell you there they’re boneheads and saboteurs? Because the house has the slimmest of Republican majority in the next House of Representatives, the slimmest. And these five members are not all that conservative. When I take a close look at them, some are more conservative than others. But they’re not very effective. Now, that said, I keep warning about what could take place. That they need to make whatever deal they’re going to make the conservatives and move on. We’ve got an out of control FBI going after private citizens, pro-lifers, parents trying to destroy a former president. We’ve got a wide open border. We’ve got Mitch McConnell typically, again, going rogue, working with the Democrats in the lame duck session to create another massive multitrillion dollar spending bill. They call it an omnibus bill. So you don’t know what’s in it. Violating regular order in the Senate, that is committee hearings where we, the people, get to know what’s going on so we could talk to our representatives. We’re always held in the dark, as are the vast majority of the Republicans, by the way. And there’s no Republican leaders in the House to fight them because they haven’t voted on it yet. So things are happening in this void. Things are happening. And I also have been concerned, as we’ve discussed here and now apparently it’s happening, that if you let this play out, as they say, you can’t be sure where this is going to end. You have utterly disloyal Republicans who claim to be moderates, but they tend to be liberal Republicans. Rip on society Republicans. And what do I mean by that? What do I mean by that? Well, here it is in Politico right now, 2 hours ago. If I can find the damn thing. Well, let me just tell you what’s happening right now. A so-called bipartisan group of moderates. Are talking quietly behind the scenes about making Fred Upton the speaker of the House. Fred Upton is a liberal Republican from Michigan who, of course, voted for Trump’s impeachment. Exactly what I’d been concerned about. Now the boneheads can’t control what’s going to happen, even if they’re joined by ten or 20 of their friends. They can’t control what’s going to happen, even if they’re joined by one of my buddies, Chip Roy. They can’t control what’s going to happen. As I told you yesterday, the moderate Republicans, really the liberal Republicans, they’re not going to roll over and play dead while all this is going on. They’re watching this drama and they’re trying to exploit it. Exploit it. Now you can always remove a speaker. John Boehner was removed in part due to us right here behind this microphone and this audience. But that’s not the point. The point is McCarthy’s not Boehner. He wants Jim Jordan to head the House Judiciary Committee. He wants Comber, who we’ve not met yet. Maybe we will at some point to run the House Oversight Committee. And these guys have to hit the ground running because they only have two years effectively. We don’t know what’s going to happen two years from now. Meanwhile, the FBI and the Justice Department under the corrupt, meritless Garland and that administration, they’re plowing ahead. Meanwhile, we have tens of thousands of illegal immigrants coming into this country every single week. And it goes on and on and on what’s happening in our classrooms. And I’m sitting here thinking that the Republicans want to do something. Don’t they want to get something done? And I don’t mean in a bipartisan way and all the rest. Mitch McConnell is off to the races, off on his own. Joe Biden’s pushing his agenda. Now the so-called moderate Republicans, the bipartisan moderate Republicans and Democrats. Yeah, right. They’re coming up with their own plan. I want you to think about this. If you’re a Democrat and you can get ten or 15 Republicans to go along with you to elect a guy like Fred Upton. Let me do it differently. If you’re a Democrat and all the Democrats vote not for Hakeem Jeffries to be speaker because they know that won’t happen. But if a big chunk of them vote for Fred Upton to be speaker and they pour, say, ten or 20 of the liberal Republicans, then Fred Upton is the speaker. And then we just blew the whole thing. You see my point, Mr. Minister? He’ll decide who the chairman are. He’ll decide what legislation gets to the floor or amendments, for that matter. He’ll decide who’s the chairman of this committee or that committee. This is a this is a a drama that’s unnecessary at this point. And by the way, stop calling me. You jerks on Capitol Hill? Stop. I’m not taking your calls. And stop texting me with your justifications. We’re not idiots. Here on the Mark Levin show where millions of people agree with me. You don’t even have a candidate to run against anybody. But the liberal Republicans are the so-called moderate Democrats. They’ve got one. You’re not that clever. You’re just not. And I don’t trust these Democrats or the liberal Republicans. We are monitoring Twitter, correct? Correct. Mr. Producer. Let me do this now. Joe Biden put out a statement. I don’t believe he wrote it. I don’t believe he can even read it. But it’s getting a lot of attention, as you might imagine, because that’s why he put it out. I just want to make a few things clear. What’s that, Joe? The Holocaust happened. Wow. Hitler was a demonic figure. Okay. And instead of giving it a platform, our political leaders should be calling out and rejecting anti-Semitism wherever it hides. Silence is complicity. Silence is complicity. Wonder who he’s talking about there. Silence is complicity. And so the media are having a field day with this because he’s not speaking from the heart or is conscious from morality. You want to know why? Because Joe Biden doesn’t give a damn about anti-Semitism. It’s all about exploited exploitation in politics. I’ll prove it to you again, as I have over and over again. October 14, 20, 22 years ago, Bruce Abraham, Abramson and Jeff Balaban. Why won’t Joe Biden repudiate anti-Semitic Democrats? The first debate, Joe Biden took ownership of today’s Democrats with an uncharacteristically clear proclamation. He said, I am the Democratic Party. And with that, Biden assumed responsibility for repudiating and distance himself from the anti-Semitism surging through his party’s ranks. And, you know, we’ve talked about this for years here. anti-Semitism has been on full display among Democratic leaders and left wing protest groups alike in recent years. Leaders of the Women’s March, for example, proved so undeniably anti-Semitic that even former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz felt compelled to distance herself. Yeah, what about the DNC deputy chairman? Remember him, Keith? Keith Ellison and his ties. Yet those same anti-Semites, Linda Sarsour, listen to this, and Tamika Mallory were featured speakers at this summer’s Democratic Convention. Mr. 2020 the Biden Convention, the Women’s March since recruited new leaders who proved to be just as anti-Semitic. Black Lives Matter, a group that Mitt Romney supported. You can’t get any lower than Mitt Romney. Black Lives Matter protests have likewise featured antisemitic slogans from the beginning. BLM’s official platform accuses the Jewish state of Israel of genocide, endorses BDS and expresses such blinding antisemitism that even many desperate to support the organization have dissented. Liberal Alan Dershowitz, who lauded BLM for having done so much good, nonetheless concluded that until and unless BLM removes their blood libel from its platform and renounces it, no decent person should have anything to do with it. The staunchly left leaning Anti-Defamation League labeled BLM’s platform repellent. Radical leftist Jews with their own histories of antisemitism, extol Bloom’s virtues while labeling its attacks on Jews stupid and dismaying. Still, BLM remains immensely popular among Democrats who flooded with money. Democratic politicians from Joe Biden on down have adopted the mantra. I hope you’re listening at media. Isn’t it time that you boys pull up your pants and get this done and act like real men? Even if you’re a woman, you can act like a man. It’s in these days. BLM featured prominently at the Democrats 2016 and 2020 convention. BLM is horrifyingly horrifying. anti-Semitism no longer concerns Democrats leadership. Anyone who noticed it is demonized as racist. Avowedly anarchic antifa which helped spread and act upon blood libels against Israel, has become the most foremost practitioner of mob violence in the United States, a phenomenon always deadly to Jews and Jewish communities. Some answering Biden. While some Democrats have belatedly begun to distance himself and almost violent Antifa tactics, none have called out antifa’s the threat to Jewish life that it is. These groups from the new base of Biden’s Democratic Party. But the strain of anti-Semitism runs deep. Biden was only the most recent Democrat leader to embrace Al Sharpton, whose anti-Semitic rhetoric led to the 1991 Crown Heights program. In a 1995 Freddy’s fashion massacre, Louis Farrakhan is rapidly becoming acceptable among the Democratic mainstream in 2008. The Obama campaign paid to bury a then recent photo of their candidate with Farrakhan. Today, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker expresses a willingness to meet with them. Last month, Biden and vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris ran to meet and praise known Farrakhan supporter Jacob Blake. Senior. Silence Rate Biden. You’re worse than silent. You’re a participant. The danger is hardly restricted to outside activist Keith Ellison, despite his documented support of Farrakhan, was elected a DNC vice chair before becoming Minnesota’s attorney general. A crash long recognized as antagonistic towards Jews in Israel, including MAXINE Waters and Barbara Lee, have assumed leadership roles. Majority Whip James Clyburn, the kingmaker whose endorsement secured Biden’s nomination, explained why anti-Semitism is acceptable from, quote unquote, women of color. The radical progressive squad arrived in Congress and immediately moved the needle. After Nancy Pelosi refused to censure Ilan Ilana Omar’s anti-Semitism, any effort to restrain squad behavior collapsed. Their radicalism, including the radical anti-Semitism, shaped the Democratic congressional agenda and Biden’s 2020 platform in 2020, with Omar and Rashida Tlaib facing credible primary challenges. Pelosi endorsed both of the Antisemites squad backed upstarts who challenged incumbents like Eliot Engel for being too pro-Israel won decisively. Biden’s anti-Israel 2020 platform earned high praise from the pro-Iran National Iranian American Council and pro PLO James Zogby. Congressional Democrats have reportedly told Jewish leaders are their plans to redefine antisemitism, to exclude the defamation most common among their progressive base. Precisely the ploy. Jeremy Corbyn. Jeremy Corbyn tried in the UK. David Duke Klansman is praised all more Alt-Right Poster boy Richard Spencer Endorse Joe Biden and I can go on and on and on. Joe Biden silent. Every damn step of the way. And yet he’s praised today for four sentences. He’s a piece of S. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

From the Political Insider flashback. Kanye West performs at Democrat National Committee Fundraiser. Obama jokes about him becoming House speaker. He also performed at one of Obama’s inaugural balls. And so they just thought that’s important to point out, because I haven’t heard Obama condemn Kanye West, have you, Mr. Producer? I haven’t heard Obama condemn Kanye West. I just hope Mediate and Drudge and all these phony aggregators. I hope they go ahead and link to these things. I’m pointing out I’m doing research free for them. Free research. The year before Donald Trump won the presidency, he was performing at a DNC fundraiser. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Well, the first presidential state dinner was last night. And I understand Joe Biden did not fall asleep. That’s a good thing. Now, among those present caught my attention, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski. Now you know why they have their head so up Biden’s ass. Mike Barnicle. He was there. Julia Louis-Dreyfus was there because she was the entertainment. John Legend was there. Jeffrey Katzenberg was there. Jeffrey. Stephen Colbert was there. Jennifer Garner was there. Tim Cook of Apple was there. And interesting. Yes. Weingarten was there, too. Mr. Producer, with her. Her date, I don’t know the lady’s name, but she was there. And so they had a grand old time now. Obama tried to put the fishing industry out of business, you might recall. I don’t know how these people plan to eat, how they plan to keep themselves warm. They’re at war with every single industry in America. And Biden’s trying to put the lobster industry out of business. These are all hardworking people, middle class people. And yet they had lobster last night. I guess they didn’t have any Orthodox Jews with kosher requirements that they must produce. Just pointing this out, since, you know, this seems to be front of mind with the Democrats. But not really. Not really, No. I don’t eat lobster, not because of kosher and so forth. It’s because I don’t like it. I think I’m the only person on the face of the earth that doesn’t like lobster, Mr. Produce. I know, but don’t you really eat it for the butter? I mean, if you eat it for the body, you might as well have bread and butter. I like that. But I’m not allowed to eat that anymore. So says the wifey. It’s a weird thing. My wife wants me to live. That’s a good thing, right? And so they had this this fantastic dinner. And of course, today Joe Biden wants you to know that the economy is going swimmingly. Now, I’m not allowed to go to McDonald’s anymore, but I do go to Chick-Fil-A. So the other day, I went to Chick-Fil-A. I got one of these grilled sandwiches, you know, the grilled chicken breast on two pieces of bread, piece of lettuce, pickle. And then they have these waffle fries. I didn’t get them, but I was looking at the board how much all this would cost and then say a large Diet Coke. It’s almost ten bucks, mister, But it actually was 11 bucks for one person. Now, I’m not complaining about them. They have costs. They have overhead, They have regulations. They have tax. I mean, it’s an enormous it’s an enormous undertaking to run any kind of restaurant. I don’t care if it’s a franchise or a standalone, whatever it is, which is why so many of them don’t survive, particularly under an economic environment like this. But I’m saying, how do people make ends meet? If you’re just, you know, getting by? How do people make ends meet? I’m serious. If you’re if you’re a family for and you’re making 40, 45, 50, 75, 80,000. How do you make ends meet? And yet that’s what most people make. Now you don’t work for the government. If you and your wife or you and your husband are you and your whatever, if two of you are working for the federal government, you’re doing okay. You’re earning 150, maybe 200,000, maybe 250,000. If he the fourth, he’s you know, you’re making a fortune. But you get my point. Plus, you have health care coverage, your pension coverage, you got all kinds of stuff. But if you’re in the private sector and I’m quite serious about this, it is hard to make ends meet when you’re making that kind of money. Now, I just talked about a fast food drive through. Many of you go through fast food drive thrus. They’re always under attack. I don’t attack them. They’re able to feed the people this country. Let’s look at that. Look at the inflation related to that. So you have a family of four. You go to the same Chick-Fil-A, or maybe you go to McDonald’s or Burger King. Go wherever you want. Wendy’s. Roy Right. It’s the same situation. $8, $9, $10, $11. And there’s four of you. Okay. You’re spending even with the kids meal. 35, 40 bucks every time. Then you get to fill up your car or maybe a pickup truck or a SUV, whatever it is, you got to fill it up. And Joe Biden’s talking about how the prices are coming down. They’re not coming down. They went up very, very high and they kind of pop a little and then drop a little and pop a little and drop a little. They’re not coming down. They’re not coming down to where they were. And we’re only going to go up. They’re going to go way up. After he’s done sucking all the oil out of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. They have these temporary Band-Aids. They’re putting on things to try and muscle through one election cycle after another as they’re destroying our our economy and our system. I’m talking about. How do people make ends meet? I’m quite serious. Then you look at your electricity bill. Have you looked at your electricity bill, Mr. Producer? It’s got to be up 30, 40%, 30, 40%. But where’s all this new electricity going to come from with all these vehicles? It’s not going to come from anywhere. There isn’t any new electricity. Electricity is produced. It doesn’t come from the sky. It’s produced. It doesn’t come from solar or wind. It’s produced hydroelectric plants, which they’re knocking down coal mines, which they’re shutting down oil, which they’re closing down. Nuclear, which they’re not expanding. Where are you going to get your electricity from? Nowhere. That’s why they have brownouts and blackouts in California. California has made itself a guinea pig. The biggest what was the most economically vibrant state in the country has made itself a guinea pig as it works its way towards a sort of North Korean type of a blackout. Lack of energy situation, not to mention its laws, by the way. You know, in France, they had, you know, let them eat cake. There was a famous line by Marie Antoinette. Her life didn’t end very well and it caused a revolution. Among other reasons. Because the monarchy was splurging. It was splurging and the people were suffering. Thomas Jefferson talked about the tyranny of the legislature. He spoke about the tyranny of democracy. And so when somebody’s smart enough to respond to a Biden or a reporter, signs that who were not a democracy like Mike Lee was there under attack. Well, we’re not a democracy. We’re not a mob. We’re republic. There’s a big difference. A representative republic, a constitutional republic, even though that’s less and less the case. But that’s what we are. We’re different from a parliament. We’re different from a so-called democracy. And thank God, because we have unalienable rights that don’t come at the ballot box. Because you would lose most of your Bill of Rights, rights and most of your unalienable rights if we had plebiscites in this country. There’s no question about it. Just look at the votes. Look at the media. They’d be affecting the votes. Look how they have corrupted the voting system and we wouldn’t win. We wouldn’t win. So the let them eat lobster crowd last night. The let them eat lobster crowd was at the White House. Media Hollywood. The honorable this the honorable that while he’s trying to. The lobster business. And while the price of food at the grocery store is going through the roof and more and more when I go there, there’s really two I go to in our area. One is a very large sort of supermarket. The other is a moderately large, but more of a grocery store type place. And more and more of the shelves are empty or an empty or I’m noticing if you haven’t look, go. Look, I do this on purpose. Look more and more, you’ll see the shelves are starting to be less and less full. The options are less and less. You go to the pharmacy at one of these grocery stores or supermarkets. Well, I have your prescription tomorrow, assuming we can get the drug is now what I’m hearing. There’s now what I’m hearing. None of the people at that dinner last night have a problem getting their medicine or food. I don’t know of anybody in the media at MSNBC or CNN, anybody at CBS or ABC or NBC or any of these places who have difficulty getting anything. They’re part of the let them eat lobster crowd. And there really are different classes in this country now. And what was to be a classless society with freedom and capitalism and property rights and all the rest. The more centralized the government becomes, the more centralized decision making has become, the more the government controls the private sector and the more the government controls what you can and cannot do. The more classes, the more class like we become. And the ruling class in America is a class unto itself. I let them eat lobster crown. And just as a footnote, this is why when you have a politician or politicians who are trying to break through this and really trying to represent the people, whether it’s Trump or DeSantis or somebody else, they not only want to defeat them, they want to destroy them. They want to imprison them, because these politicians are very atypical and the let them eat lobster crowd does not want to lose their wealth. They don’t want to lose their fame and they don’t want to lose their power. And they’ll keep doing it in the name of democracy, just like U.S. and China and all the other thugs out there. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

The beginning in a series of tweets has now been released. And the way Elon Musk is doing this is he is providing them to a fellow named Matt Taibbi, who is then tweeting them out, I suppose, and they call this the Twitter files. What you’re about to read is the first installment in a series based upon thousands of internal documents obtained by sources at Twitter. It seems like Elon Musk and his team have been very busy. Good. The so-called Twitter files tell an incredible story from inside one of the world’s largest and most influential social media platforms. It is a Frankensteinian tale of human built mechanism grown out of the control of its designer. Twitter, in its conception, was a brilliant tool for enabling instant mass communication, making a true real time global conversation possible for the first time. In an early conception, Twitter more than lived up to its mission statement, giving people, quote, the power to create and share ideas and information instantly without barriers, unquote. As time progressed, however, the company was slowly forced to add those barriers. Some of the first tools for controlling speech were designed to combat the likes of spam and financial fraudsters. Slowly, over time, Twitter staff and executives began to find more and more uses for these tools. Outsiders began petitioning the company to manipulate speech as well. First a little, then more often, then constantly. So that’s the predicate or the preface or so forth of what’s to come. And we’ll be monitoring Twitter throughout the night. I’m not going to be played by these guys like, Oh, no, we’re just monitoring it as information comes up. I will pass it along to you. But we’re now going to find out and you’re going to see why the Biden administration is, quote unquote, keeping an eye on Elon Musk or why they want to investigate, quote unquote, his foreign connections. Of course, they don’t want to investigate the Biden crime family’s foreign connections or Apple’s foreign connections. Tim Cook, of course, was at the Let them Eat lobster dinner last night. We know how it works. We know how corrupt these bastards are. Now we know why the left and the Democrat Party on Capitol Hill want to investigate Twitter. Of course, they don’t want to investigate Zuckerberg and the 417 million he poured in basically into the Democrat precincts and the 2020 election. No, that they don’t want to do. He’s one of them. But I just wanted to point this out. We will continue to monitor it, our monitor it. So Joe Biden is extremely thrilled with the way the economy is going. It’s going exactly as he expected. And, of course, he’s praised by Joe Scarborough. Mr. Deliverance Boy and Mr. Deliverance Banjo Boy had this to say today. Cut six. Go. This guy knows how to win, even when it hurts. Even when it hurts him. There is a lot of union representation. Last night at the state dinner was his base and he had to go against his bass. But you know what? When you’ve been around long enough, people trust you that you’ll go back and make things right. And here’s another example of how, you know, he said he can make things right. The guy think it’s very nauseating, his whole affectation, the way he speaks. But that said, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski can be can be bought pretty cheap, don’t you think, Mr. Producer? A lobster. They love their lobsters and they love their shrimp. And I bet they love their crabs, too.