December 1st, 2022

December 1st, 2022

PALM BEACH, FLORIDA - NOVEMBER 08: Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during an election night event at Mar-a-Lago on November 08, 2022 in Palm Beach, Florida. Trump addressed his supporters as the nation awaits the results of the midterm elections. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, an appeals court panel shut down the special master review of the Mar-A-Lago documents. This underscores this program’s suspicion that the Biden administration is testing how far district judges will go because they are committed, not to justice, but to indicting Donald Trump. They have used the power and instrumentality of our government for their own purpose. Then, Kanye West’s pro-Hitler and pro-Nazi comments in an interview are reprehensible. Both Kanye and NBA’s Kyrie Irving are grown men and are accountable for what they say. Later, is the government spying on Americans by obtaining information from brokers selling your social media information? The FBI has used a general warrant to obtain the information on 5,500 cell phone users that were merely in the vicinity of the Capitol on January 6th.  Afterward, Bill O’Reilly calls in to discuss the very real dangers of being famous. In particular, O’Reilly discusses the subjects of his new book, “Killing the Legends: The Lethal Danger of Celebrity.”

U.S. appeals court rules against Trump in documents fight, ends special master appointment

New Democratic Leader Questions The 2016 Election: FLASHBACK

Leonard Jeffries

Fox News
Warnock’s former church repeatedly hosted antisemitic, Black supremacist professor

Kanye West Praises Hitler on Alex Jones Show: ‘We Gotta Stop Dissing the Nazis All the Time’

The Daily Signal
Documents Reveal Senate Democrat Pressured IRS, DOJ to Target Conservative Groups

Daily Caller
Tara Reade Calls GOP-Majority House To Investigate Alleged Sexual Assault By Joe Biden

Photo by Joe Raedle

The podcast for this show can be streamed or downloaded from the Audio Rewind page.

Rough transcript of Hour 1

Hour 1 Segment 1

I wasn’t going to start with this, but there’s quote unquote, breaking news that the appeals court panel has ruled that the special master, who was appointed by the district court judge in South Florida is to stop his work and that the special master is no longer to participate in the process. Now, let me tell you what’s going on here. I want you to listen to this, because, ladies and gentlemen, I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news. I’m just the messenger here. But this administration is moving headlong into uncharted territory. And it is committed, I believe, to indicting Donald Trump on the most specious of grounds. On areas of the law which are preposterous. That’s why they brought Stephen Miller in to the grand jury. That’s why they’ve brought White House counsel that work for Trump into the grand jury. That’s why they’re bringing other people into the grand jury. He’s their target. They have two ongoing federal grand juries in Washington, both aimed at Trump. You’ve got grand jurors from the Washington, D.C. population. That’s where they pull them from. And eventually, you would have a trial jury from the Washington, D.C. population. And so all these cases that they’re bringing and they’re testing out different legal theory is against Proud Boys or Oath Keepers or this guy or that gal or whatever. This is all lead up to Trump. They’re testing what the district court judges in Washington, D.C. will do, how far they’ll go, and they’re willing to go very far. This is the same Department of Justice, of course, that that asked a court in New York to go soft. On a Laura to a molotov cocktail into a police vehicle, not knowing whether the police there or not and talking about burning the place down. She gets 15 months. The head of the Proud Boys effort there on Capitol Hill. They’re hoping they can put him away for 20 years. And so this isn’t about politics to me. This isn’t about these Never Trumpers over at National Review and Wall Street Journal and other places. This is about justice and a rogue Department of Justice. Joe Biden has not hidden his feelings. He wants Donald Trump charged and he wants Donald Trump sent to prison. The entire Democrat Party has and does. So did the media. So do the Never Trumpers. But you don’t you don’t use instrumentalities, have law enforcement this way. And what’s amazing to me is truly amazing to me is that it was Donald Trump who was the victim of the FBI, the Department of Justice, the White House under Obama and Biden, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democrats, certain law firms in Washington and the media. He was the one victimized by them. Really quite remarkable. Not a single one of those people involved is going to prison. Hillary Clinton with the documents. She was never charged. There was no special counsel investigating Hillary Clinton. With her emails. They just dropped them. And that was that. I am deeply concerned by this. When you have guys like Chris Christie or Asa Hutchison or others. Or piling on issues and ways that they don’t on other issues. They want Donald Trump charged. Because what’s happening is the Department of Justice and their special counsel, they’re looking at the media. And they’re making a gamble. That even Republicans won’t come to Donald Trump’s defense if he’s indicted because they’ll be so disgusted with him by then. It’s not a matter of being disgusted or angry or happy or supporting or opposing. Just strip the bark off of this and look at it. Donald Trump has documents or did at Mar a Lago. Okay. So the dispute is whether or not they were his or his to take. And so now we’re dancing on the head of a pin at best for the government. They asked him for the documents over and over again. They asked if he had all the documents over and over again. He wasn’t responsive. So there. So you’re going to indict a former president. Really? January six. You have this committee in Congress. And I’m not going to bore you and keep going after it. And explaining why it is so such a grotesque miscarriage of legislative purpose that’s going to put out a report. The way the Stasi would put out a report, the way you would go after any political enemy, the way you would go after Dreyfus. And that’s what they’re going to do. If there is evidence today. That Donald Trump called for the insurrection of the of our government. We know it already. You would need years of investigations and a thousand witnesses and endless subpoenas. You’d know. So they’re going to put together a circumstantial case, a dishonest case. But they know they control the jury. They know they control the outcome. If you’re a Republican. Facing a grand jury charge in Washington, D.C., or facing a jury at court. In Washington, D.C.. You don’t have a chance. You have no chance. If Washington, D.C., was a 93% Republican city. In a Barack Obama vote. Joe Biden. Hillary Clinton had been brought up on charges on these novel ideas like we’re hearing now. You know, you’d never hear the end of it. You would never hear the end of it. You’re going to have to brace yourselves for this. It’s disgusting. And there will be push back. Political, legal, governmental. This is why I’m so frustrated with these five boneheads in the House of Representatives. The Republicans need to get their act together. The Judiciary Committee needs to hold hearings as soon as January 3rd comes and goes with its chairman, Jim Jordan. And they need to be focused like a laser. And what they need to deal with. And number one out of the box is not Hunter Biden. Number one out of the box has to be the FBI. Because the FBI now is an institutionalized danger to all of us. To all of us. And to any Republican nominee, whether it’s DeSantis or somebody else, a Ted Cruz. Want to give you an example. Jen Psaki is all over MSNBC, all over TV. She did her time and now she’s a grifter. 100%. And she’s on with the Morning Schmo. Who is a complete unprincipled fraud, both in his personal life and his governmental life. That’s right. If everything’s on the table and everything’s on the table. I want you to listen to her this morning on this show. Hat tip media eight. Cut. Seven, go. Yeah. I mean, look, I think you have on one hand you have the Republican Party on every level, the battle for the RNC chair. Whatever Kevin McCarthy strategy is, which I don’t think it’s three dimensional chess. I think he doesn’t know, you know, and Marjorie Taylor Green’s participation in policy committees, there’s an identity crisis playing out here. Who are they for? What are they for? What are they fighting for? And then on the other hand, to David’s point, you have Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice, and I think he deserves and they deserve some credit here. I was speaking with a Department of Justice official a couple of weeks ago who described Merrick Garland as a quiet storm, somebody who believes that is what he is doing. They went big with Stewart Rhodes. There are more sedition is they are going to continue to prosecute. He’s obviously has Jack Smith in charge, who is a guy who is prosecuting war criminals. This is a complete badass guy who’s doing this and they are doing serious work here. Well, there’s an identity crisis going. See that? She’s bragging about it. Her sources at the Department of Justice, Stuart Rhodes. They dusted off a statute that hasn’t been used since post-Civil War and civil war against Confederates. We’re at war, obviously, with the country, with the union. That’s what they use to prosecute this guy. Can you believe that? That’s what they used to prosecute this guy on sedition. And imagine that they got him and the lawyer for this group convicted with a Washington, D.C. jury. And what she’s saying is what I was just saying. They’re testing the statutes, they’re testing the judges. They’re testing what they can get away with and the Department of Justice and they know they can get away with a lot. Then you have these judges today, these appellate judges led by Bill Pryor. Circuit court judge whose mentor was Jeff Sessions, an Alabama man I’ve known well over the years, but not lately. He’s also very close to J. Michael Ludic. Game like a ludic. And one of the things he said at oral argument when the Department of Justice and Trump’s lawyers were in that courtroom was we wouldn’t be having a we wouldn’t be having a special master. His accent. If if he were a regular citizen. Here we’re talking about a former. Former president. Yeah, exactly. And that 15 what light bulbs should have gone off at that point? And said, Hey, wait a minute, we are talking about a former president. We should make sure this is meticulously done. And a special master in this case makes a lot of sense. But now. No. A lot of these prim and proper your honors, conservative or otherwise. Here’s the dirty little secret. They don’t like Trump either. They don’t like them. They come out of the McConnell wing of the Republican Party. They don’t like him either. He’s just. They don’t talk that way at the Federalist Society, you know. We don’t do things that way. Well, maybe if Bill Pryor. Faced the kind of onslaught that Trump did. Maybe we shouldn’t think that way, and Bill Pryor did over time. But. He was nominated. Which is why he really could never get on the Supreme Court. But you just heard Psaki People don’t care about the country. They don’t care about the rule of law. They don’t care about any of these things. Attorney general of the United States. You’re sitting there and you have people coming to you who are highly political. And these positions, your deputy attorney general, the head of the civil rights division, they’re coming to you and saying, hey, we have it on good authority from the National Archives that Trump that Trump took documents he shouldn’t take. Okay. Well, time to give him back. Okay. He only gave some back. Well, time to give the other ones back, too. Well, he really won’t give the other ones back. All right, let’s send the FBI in. Would you do that? Would you do that, Mr. Producer? And on this January six staff, you bring in a staff. Now they want to talk to the vice president of the United States, Pence. In front of the federal grand jury. And what they’ll put out is some kind of a PR statement in the form of an indictment. At some point, I’m guessing. I want to pursue this further for you and with you, because it’s a big deal. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 2

So there are all kinds of write ups of Hakeem Jeffries, Paul Cézanne’s write ups by the media. He’s a historic first overall. That changes everything. And of course, he’s not as radical as the radical kooks. He’s a pragmatic, radical kook. Oh, okay. Did a whole thing on his lovely parents, how he grew up. Went to school, got his law degree, was a corporate lawyer for a time, decided to get into politics. Very earnest, young man, but they left out a lot. And so I’ll fill in the gaps. We’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 3

Hakeem Jeffries is probably the number one election denier in America. And the media know this. They have access to the same tweets that I do. They have access to the same audio from MSNBC in 2017 that I do. But the media are corrupt. The media are. Are unconscionable in the narratives that they push because they’re loaded with Democrat left wing hacks. Here’s Hakeem Jeffries on MSNBC in 2017 at nine Go. I don’t think not attending the inauguration, for instance, would be disrespecting that principle in this particular situation, because John Lewis is completely right. There is a cloud of illegitimacy around the election of Donald Trump. The Russians interfered with his election. James Comey and the FBI interfered with his election. The fake news industry interfered with his election. Oh. The fake news industry. I guess he’s against the press. Remember what they used to say. Like Hitler. What they said about Trump and the Russians interfered with the election. So he’s a crackpot. He’s a radical leftists, and they know it, and his family is, too. And I’ll get to that in a moment. Here we are, thanks to The Blaze. Some of Hakeem’s tweets February 2018 quote, The more we learn about 2016 election, the more illegitimate he writes and caps it becomes. America deserves to know whether we have a fake president in the Oval Office. Russian interference. Hashtag Russian Interference. September 2018 lie capitalized LIE more than any administration the history The Republic cheat capitalized 2016 election Russian interference still capitalized one or two Supreme Court seats. One more Republicans put country ahead of party. February 2022 Court The Supreme Court majority has zero legitimacy. So he’s going after the president. He’s going after the court. If you disagree with him, it’s a legitimate. I’m waiting for all the headlines. I’m waiting for all the editorials. I’m waiting for the commentary. I guess I’ll just keep waiting. Said the Supreme Court majority has zero legitimacy. Ghosts of the Confederacy are alive and well. Wow. This wasn’t in the kiss ass piece in the major media. September 2021. Republicans hijacked the judiciary by stealing two Supreme Court seats, and now they want us to respect illegitimate decisions from these people. Get lost, he says. He’s pragmatic. November 2021 The right wing majority on the Supreme Court is completely illegitimate. Wow. And he was elected by a unanimous vote. But he’s a historic selection, ladies and gentlemen. There’s Hakeem Jeffries. Well, Hakeem Jeffries. His uncle is Leonard Jeffries. I touched on this very briefly. You remember Leonard Jeffries, don’t you? We talked about it at the time. Rush spoke about it at length as well. He’s the uncle of Hakeem Jeffries. He’s the uncle of the Democrat Party leader in the House. Now, can you imagine if Trump had an uncle like this? Wow. We’d never hear the end of it. Can you imagine if Trump sat in a church for 20 years where the reverend was railing against black people and Jews? Obama sat in the pews for 20 years with his lovely wife, Michelle, while Reverend Jeremiah Wright was railing against white people and Jews didn’t seem to slow him down. Why? Because there’s two standards. You all know. This is the standard the media agree with, and then their efforts to destroy the so-called deplorables. Jessica Chaz Maher at Fox News. That a hell of a job Warnock’s former church repeatedly hosted anti-Semitic black supremacist professor. This is Warnock, Raphael Warnock, who’s running against Herschel Walker now. Today, the news is covering a story that they spoke to five former executives who work with with Herschel Walker and said he had a temper. Hit a temper. Boy, can you imagine if they would have spoken to people who worked for LBJ back in the day? He had more than a temper. You also walked around with his pants off when the girls were around. Leonard Jeffries, uncle of Democrat Rep. Hakeem Jeffries spout espoused black nationalist views popularized by Louis Farrakhan. And so I looked this up and Hakeem Jeffries was confronted on this at least once, and he said he’s very close to his uncle, but doesn’t agree with his views. Now, if I had a an uncle who was a racist. I wouldn’t say I’m very close to him, but I don’t agree with his views. I would have nothing to do with him. But that’s not how the Jefferies family works. And with all the media attention this man has received in all the so-called press conferences he’s had, he’s never really been pressed on this and he never will be. Senator Raphael Warnock worked as a youth, an assistant pastor of a church for a decade while it repeatedly hosted a former New York City professor who was ousted over anti-Semitic and black supremacist teachings. From 1991 to 2001, Warnock served as youth pastor for six years and then assistant pastor for four years under Reverend Calvin Butts. An Abyssinian Baptist church in New York City several years before he went on to lead the same Atlanta church where Dr. Martin Luther King Junior was a pastor. The way how the standards have changed from 1991 to 1998. Butler’s Abyssinian Church hosted Leonard Jeffries as a speaker at least three times. Leonard Jeffries is the uncle of Democratic Representative Hakeem Jeffries, now the Democrat leader in the House. The congressman said in 2013 that he remained close with his uncle but disagreed with his theories. At the time of his first appearance at the Abyssinian Church in 1991, Leonard Jeffries was embroiled in a legal battle to retain his position as the Black Studies Department chair at the City University of New York, CUNY. It was ultimately removed from his position after a yearslong dispute over racist and anti-Semitic remarks, including blaming Jewish people for the transatlantic slave trade and supporting black supremacist ideals, like the theory that higher melanin levels make black people inherently superior to white people. It’s all right. Hakim’s close to his uncle, but, you know, doesn’t agree with his theories. Leonard spoke about the Bitcoin controversy during an October 1991 speech at the Baptist Church after a student reporter with the Harvard Crimson alleged the professor had slammed the outlet as a Jewish newspaper. During their interview, threatened the reporter’s life and had a bodyguard physically seized. The audio recording of the interview, The New York Times reported at the time. Leonard reportedly told the church congregation he sat down with a student reporter with the intention to discuss multicultural educational issues, not the anti-Semitism controversy. He didn’t deny the reporter’s accusations, however. Now, while Raphael Warnock began working at the Abyssinian in 1991 after graduating from Morehouse College earlier the same year, it’s unclear if he was working at the church at the time of Leonard’s October speech. And I’ll never get a straight answer out of him anyway. Also, in 1991, the American Jewish Committee released a report on Leonard quote, and the anti-Semitic branch of the Afro centrism movement, unquote, highlighting several of the now former professor’s comments on white people and Jews. The report said Leonard preaches Jew hatred like a religion. And claimed he organized a 1990 conference for black teachers that featured black nationalists and anti-Semitic rhetoric in reading materials. I wonder if Hakim has ever had dinner or a lunch with his uncle. Mr. Producer. What do you think? That they spent Thanksgiving together. In July 1991. I mean, they aren’t close after all. Three months before his first Abyssinian speech, Leonard claimed the portrayal of black people in movies was a conspiracy plan and plotted and programmed at a Hollywood where he where people called Greenberg and Weisberg and Treadwell and any and whatnot, quote unquote. The report said. The report also noted Leonard’s racially charged rhetoric, teaching that blacks are racially superior to whites. That’s critical race theory and his references to black people as some people due to more melanin in their skin than whites whom he calls ICE people. Jeffries appeared at the Abyssinian Church again in February 1992, giving a speech about systemic racism and white on black crime after a white police officer was acquitted in the shooting death of a black teenager, Phillip Parnell. Newsday reported at the time. Black people are under siege, Geoffrey said. Abyssinian hosted Jeffries for a third time. Couldn’t get enough of them. July 1998, when he and his wife Rosalynn, performed a libation marking the passing of black historian John Hendrick Clarke, the New York Beacon reported at the time. In 2017, the left leaning group, the Anti-Defamation League left wing. Dub Jeffries an anti-Semitic speaker in a report covering anti-Semitism on college campuses. This is before this guy Greenblatt headed the ADL. I’m sure Leonard Jeffries, the former head of the Black Studies Department at the City College of. Of CUNY and professor there since 1972 has espoused racist and anti-Semitic views and theories since at least the early eighties, when his comments made while he was department head began to attract public attention. And Leonard Jeffries rhetoric about Jewish people continued after his Harvard appearance as well. In 1994, he was quoted in the New York Times as comparing Jewish people to skunks who stunk up everything. Prior to a February 2012 keynote speech in Chicago from notorious anti-Semitic preacher Louis Farrakhan. Leonard was quoted as saying during a discussion panel, The evil genius of the Jewish community was to put together their powers to make business their religion and make it part of their culture. See, this is why BLM and this whole critical race theory is anti-white and anti Jew. An anti-American, pro Marxist. That’s who led the Abyssinian Church. While Warnock work there, defended Leonard and Slam Cooney in 1992 for removing the professor’s chairman. We don’t need an ivory tower, academician, he said. We need a scholar. Activists like Dr. Jeffries. Now, this guy Butts is under whom Warnock was trained. Warnock has said Butts was his mentor. You understand, folks? And none of this with all the media. None of this apparently is worthy of their attention. You’ve got Warnock, you’ve got the Jeffreys family, nothing. And yet the media says they’re concerned about anti-Semitism. No, they’re not. They’re not concerned about it in the least. But Slater came under fire in 1995 after his church hosted Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Again, this guy was mentor to Warnock as a speaker, and Batts appeared to praise him, prompting chants of Fidel, Fidel, Fidel from the audience. I hear more. But who died in October of this year at the age of 73, once described Warnock’s as one of the brightest and most intelligent and academically prepared young clergymen in the country. After his death, Warnock described, but says his mentor, Calvin Butts, taught me so many things, Warnock said last month. Calvin Buch taught me how to take my ministry to the streets. The work of the Lord doesn’t stop at the church door. That’s where it starts. His pulpit was the public square. His problem was also the antisemite racist square. Now Warnock has come under fire for his own praise of Farrakhan, who has called Jews wicked satanic, compared them to termites. And during a 2013 speech, Warnock praised Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam as an important voice for black Americans. The voice has been important for the development of black theology, he said at the time. It was the black Muslims who challenged black preachers and said, You’re promulgating the white man’s religion. That’s a slave religion. You’re telling people to focus on heaven. Meanwhile, they’re catching hell. Warnock said. And. What do you think, folks? And Warnock is leading in Georgia. Now, Hakeem Jeffries is the new leader of the Democrat Party in the House. But it’s Trump. Who could never be president again. Return. To compare Trump’s record with Jews and Israel. To Warnock’s. To Hakeem Jeffries and his close uncle Leonard Jeffries. And to Raphael Warnock. Wouldn’t you? Sickening. I’ll be right back.

Hour 1 Segment 4

Next hour, I want to ask and Sir LeBron James at his press conference yesterday. I want you to hear some of what Kanye West had to say. And I’ve never met Alex Jones. I don’t know a damn thing about Alex Jones. I don’t need to know or meet Alex Jones. But it’s not like he was agreeing with Kanye West, although he did give him a platform. That’s for sure. And and it’s worth condemning this. There’s Kanye West. There’s no question about it. A lot of people liked him, supported him. They didn’t know this side of him. Apparently, they didn’t know this side of him. I’m skeptical of people like Kanye West on the left on. All of a sudden we embrace them. I’m skeptical of other people for different reasons, like Bill Marr. And we don’t really know who he is. He’s just been kind of a weirdo most of his life or most of his career anyway. I don’t know why we feel and I’ve said this to you before, that we have to cling on to it, people on the left to try and give us some kind of legitimacy. We don’t need them for legitimacy. We don’t need them for legitimacy. We only have a minute. But this is why. In my view, if people want to have these discussions, we need to have these discussions. I can’t do it in 5 minutes or 3 minutes. It’s something that’s necessary. Maybe I’ll do a life, liberty and living on this at some point in the near future. I did do an entire program on the New York Times, an entire program on The New York Times and what they did or failed to do during World War Two and when it came to the Holocaust. And what they did in 1932 when it came to Stalin murdering the Ukrainians and what they did and in the 1950s, to build up Castro in the eyes of the world. And of course, what they do today in hiring unvetted anti-Semites. Nonetheless, we’ll listen to some of what Kanye West had to say. It’s repulsive. And I want to respond to LeBron James.